Ameiurus Melas

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Related to Ameiurus Melas: Ameiurus nebulosus
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Noun1.Ameiurus Melas - catfish common in eastern United StatesAmeiurus Melas - catfish common in eastern United States
bullhead catfish, bullhead - any of several common freshwater catfishes of the United States
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References in periodicals archive ?
The river hosts a large population of non-native virile crayfish, in addition to the non-native black bullhead catfish (Ameiurus melas), channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivarus), western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), and American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus; united States Geological Survey, https://nas.
La concentracion promedio de cobalto hallada en este estudio (0,243 [micron]g [g.sup.-1]) es inferior (2,8%) a la reportada por Smith & Carson (1981) en peces, y menor (87,9%) a la encontrada en bagre negro (Ameiurus melas) por Moeller et al.
Three species (black bullhead, Ameiurus melas, tadpole madtom, Noturus gyrinus, and sea catfish, Arius felis) were represented by single individuals.
Three species were each represented by a single specimen: Silver Redhorse (Moxostoma anisurum), Black Bullhead (Ameiurus melas), and Bluntnose Darter (Etheostoma chlorosoma); the latter was the only percid collected.
Eight species were collected before impoundment of Lake Alan Henry and one additional species, Ameiurus melas, probably occurred in this area even though it was not present in pre-impoundment collections.
Axis-1 represents a gradient of green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus), creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus), grass pickerel (Esox americanus), bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), and northern hog sucker (Hypentelium nigricans) ([R.sup.2] = 0.41); Axis-2 represents pirate perch (Aphredoderus sayanus), mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdii), and grass pickerel ([R.sup.2] = 0.09); and Axis-3 represents black bullhead (Ameiurus melas), blackstripe topminnow (Fundulus notatus), and pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) ([R.sup.2] = 0.04).