On Wednesday, Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas embarked on a cute little adventure around New York in honor of Joe's 29th birthday. Pics published by Just Jared show them riding around on a scooter, holding hands while taking a stroll, and wearing matching gold watches and black nail polish. For the most part, it looks like they had a blast. But one photo, as seen on TMZ, showed Joe comforting Sophie while she appeared to be crying. Thankfully, it's all for a very understandable reason, as Sophie explained on Twitter the next day.
"Lol. Thank god I have a loving fiancé. Periods are a b*tch," she wrote, while quote-tweeting a headline about the pic. Anyone who's ever had to deal with pain from menstrual cramps will probably know what she's talking about. For those that haven't, she spelled it out. When a Twitter user rudely questioned the truthfulness of her tweet, she replied, "Girl.... you’ve never had cramps."
Sophie shouldn't have to explain her crying — if she wants to sob in public, who are we to question her? Let's be real. We've all been there. But weirdly enough, as Cosmo pointed out, Sophie was the third celebrity within two weeks to be spotted crying in New York City while their fiancé(e) comforted them in public. The first was Justin Bieber, who was being consoled by Hailey Baldwin while the two took a bike ride last week, and the second was Hailey, who was being supported by Justin while she cried at a restaurant later that day.
Like Sophie, Justin and Hailey had a pretty understandable reason. When asked about the incident by TMZ, Justin held up a book called The Meaning of Marriage and said, "This. You got good days, and you got bad days. It’s not real if it doesn’t have any bad days."
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Honestly, a good cry in public can be pretty cathartic. Let those tears flow.
Related: Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner's Latest Coordinating Tattoos Have an Important Meaning
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