How to Install ZED SDK on NVIDIA® Jetson

To use Stereolabs’ cameras on NVIDIA® Jetson platforms, you need to:

Download and Install JetPack #

📌 Note: If you are working with a Stereolabs’ ZED Box, please refer to the relative documentation for the ZED Box or ZED Box Orin NX.

NVIDIA® Jetson boards need to be flashed first with JetPack (their operating system). We recommend using the NVIDIA® SDK Manager to flash your NVIDIA® Jetson with the latest OS image and developer tools.

Go to the JetPack section of NVIDIA’s website, and click on Download SDK Manager. More installation instructions are available on Install Jetson Software with SDK Manager.

Download and Install the ZED SDK #

  • Download the ZED SDK for NVIDIA® Jetson. Multiple versions of JetPack are supported, make sure to select the one that matches your system.

  • Go to the folder where the installer has been downloaded.

    $ cd path/to/download/folder
  • Add execution permission to the installer using the chmod +x command. Make sure to replace the installer name with the version you downloaded.
    $ chmod +x
  • Run the ZED SDK installer.
    $ ./
  • At the beginning of the installation, the Software License will be displayed, hit q after reading it.

  • During the installation, you might have to answer some questions on the installation of dependencies, tools and samples. Type y for yes and n for no and hit Enter. Hit Enter to pick the default option.

On Jetson boards, CUDA is automatically installed with the JetPack so you’re now ready to use the ZED SDK.

Installing in silent mode #

The silent-mode installation allows you to install specific configurations of the ZED SDK. It removes any display or manual configuration options during the installation process.

The installer can be launched in silent mode with the -- silent option (with a space between -- and silent).

$ ./ -- silent

Installing Runtime version only #

To install the ZED SDK without any static library, headers, tools or samples, add the runtime_only option.

$ ./ -- silent runtime_only

Installing SDK without checking CUDA #

To install the ZED SDK without checking that CUDA is installed, add the skip_cuda option.

$ ./ -- silent skip_cuda

Installing SDK without Object Detection #

To install the ZED SDK without the AI module (required for Object Detection, Body Tracking and Neural Depth), add the skip_od_module option.

$ ./ -- silent skip_od_module

Installing SDK without Python Wrapper #

To install the ZED SDK without the Python wrapper, add the skip_python option.

$ ./ -- silent skip_python

Installing SDK without sl_hub #

To install the ZED SDK without sl_hub, add the skip_hub option.

$ ./ -- silent skip_hub

Installing SDK without Tools #

To install the ZED SDK without any tools or samples, add the skip_tools option.

$ ./ -- silent skip_tools