My best friend had an accident last year. He was stuck in his car for a long time and there was no one to help him. When he was rescued, the doctors had to amputate his foot due to gangrene. I would like to know more about it. Thanks
Gangrene is necrosis and decay of body tissue caused by infection or thrombosis. It can also be caused by a lack of blood flow, and I imagine that this was the case with your friend. It is usually the result of critically insufficient blood supply caused by injury and contamination with bacteria. This condition most commonly occurs in the extremities. The best treatment is revascularization of the affected organ. This can reverse some of the effects of necrosis and allow healing, depending on the extent of tissue loss and location. Gangrene caused by a serious bacterial infection is called wet gangrene and one caused by lack of circulation in an injured or diseased area is called dry gangrene. The early signs of dry gangrene are a dull ache and sensation of coldness in the affected area. Also, pallor of the flesh is one of the signs. If it is caught early, the process can be reversed by vascular surgery. But, if necrosis sets in, the affected tissue must be removed just as with wet gangrene.