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Fibroids, also referred to as leiomyomas, are a very common occurrence in the female population and it is believed that between 40 to 60 percent of women will ultimately have fibroids by the age of 40 and up to 80 percent of women have them by the age of 50. If you are shocked at the prevalence of this disease, the reason for this is because it is a disease that many people will have but they will never have symptoms of the disease. In most cases, women will never notice symptoms of these growths on the uterus and no further treatment would be recommended. If women are with more obvious symptoms like abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding, a surgery in the form of a hysterectomy in order to stop the bleeding and cure the disease. 

If a woman has passed her reproductive years, the management for the disease is a straight path but when a woman still wishes to become pregnant, the road becomes slightly more complicated.

Women who have fibroids are able to conceive as long as the fibroids stay clinically silent. There is an increased risk of complications later on in the pregnancy with conditions like preterm labor, placental abruptions, placental previa and severe abdominal pain being something that has a potential to occur. 

The issue with fibroids when it comes to pregnancy is the fact that sex hormone levels like estrogen and progesterone will increase as the baby develops in the uterus. This increase in hormones can actually lead to the fibroids that are lining the uterus to also grow in up to 33 percent of cases. The period of growth of these fibroids is highest in the first trimester so obstetricians must follow pregnancies closely with an ultrasound in order to make sure the growth is under control. 

All in all, up to 30 percent of women will have some type of complication during their pregnancy due to these fibroids. As you can see, most cases should lead to no additional complications but there is a minority of cases to still watch out for. 

Miscarriages can be possible in these women if the fibroids are concentrated mostly on the body of the uterus. This is the area where the fetus will predominately lie so as a result, the side effects of this could lead to problems. Women can also have more common complications during first like preterm births so it is important for women to consult with their obstetrician to make sure that all the necessary prenatal tests have been conducted to make sure the fetus can be born in the best possible situation. 

There is also a chance that the fibroids can obstruct the positioning of the fetus so a Cesarean delivery may be necessary in order to deliver the child when the women are ready for birth. It is also more likely to have the placenta stick to the lining of the uterus so even after the baby has been delivered, there could be more invasive surgeries necessary to make sure that the placenta is fully removed. [1]

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