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Chapter 6: ER – Entity Relationship Diagram. Major components of ER diagram Practices. ER. 1976 proposed by Peter Chen ER diagram is widely used in database design Represent conceptual level of a database system Describe things and their relationships in high level. Basic Concepts.
Chapter 6: ER – Entity Relationship Diagram • Major components of ER diagram • Practices Yan Huang - ER
ER • 1976 proposed by Peter Chen • ER diagram is widely used in database design • Represent conceptual level of a database system • Describe things and their relationships in high level Yan Huang - ER
Basic Concepts • Entity set – an abstraction of similar things, e.g. cars, students • An entity set contains many entities • Attributes: common properties of the entities in a entity sets • Relationship – specify the relations among entities from two or more entity sets Yan Huang - ER
An Example Yan Huang - ER
Relationship • A relationship may be thought as a set as well • For binary relationship, it enumerates the pairs of entities that relate to each other • For example, entity set M = {Mike, Jack, Tom} entity set F = {Mary, Kate}. The relationship set married between M and F may be {<Mike,Mary>,<Tom, Kate>} Yan Huang - ER
Relationship • A relationship set is a mathematical relation among n 2 entities, each taken from entity sets {(e1, e2, … en) | e1 E1, e2 E2, …, en En}where (e1, e2, …, en) is a relationship • Example: (Hayes, A-102) depositor Yan Huang - ER
Relationship Example Yan Huang - ER
Attribute of A Relationship Set Yan Huang - ER
Relationship • The degree of a relationship = the number of entity sets that participate in the relationship • Mostly binary relationships • Sometimes more • Mapping cardinality of a relationship • 1 –1 • 1 – many • many – 1 • Many-many Yan Huang - ER
One-One and One-Many Yan Huang - ER
Many-one and many-many Yan Huang - ER
1- many Yan Huang - ER
Many - 1 Yan Huang - ER
Many - many Yan Huang - ER
Alternative Cardinality Specification Yan Huang -CSCE4350 - ER
Note on Mapping Cardinality • Both many and 1 include 0 • Meaning some entity may not participate in the relationship Yan Huang - ER
Total Participation • When we require all entities to participate in the relationship (total participation), we use double lines to specify Every loan has to have at least one customer Yan Huang - ER
Self Relationship • Sometimes entities in a entity set may relate to other entities in the same set. Thus self relationship • Here employees mange some other employees • The labels “manger” and “worker” are called roles the self relationship Yan Huang - ER
More examples on self-relationship • People to people • Parent – children • Manager – employee • Husband – wife • Word to word • Root – synonym Yan Huang - ER
Attributes • Both entity sets and relationships can have attributes • Attributes may be • Composite • Multi-valued (double ellipse) • Derive (dashed ellipse) Yan Huang 350 - ER
Another Example Yan Huang - ER
Keys • A super key of an entity set is a set of one or more attributes whose values uniquely determine each entity. • A candidate key of an entity set is a minimal super key • Although several candidate keys may exist, one of the candidate keys is selected to be the primary key. Yan Huang - ER
Key Examples • Suggest super keys for the following entity? • What are the candidate keys? • Primary key? author death name birthday description Yan Huang - ER
Ternary Relationship Yan Huang - - ER
Can We Decompose a Ternary Relationship? Yan Huang - ER • Some relationships that appear to be non-binary may be better represented using binary relationships • E.g. A ternary relationship parents, relating a child to his/her father and mother, is best replaced by two binary relationships, father and mother • Using two binary relationships allows partial information (e.g. only mother being know) • But there are some relationships that are naturally non-binary • E.g. works-on, why?
Converting Ternary to binary • In general, any non-binary relationship can be represented using binary relationships by creating an artificial entity set. • Replace R between entity sets A, B and Cby an entity set E, and three relationship sets: 1. RA, relating E and A 2.RB, relating E and B 3. RC, relating E and C • Create a special identifying attribute for E • Add any attributes of R to E • For each relationship (ai , bi , ci) in R, create 1. a new entity eiin the entity set E 2. add (ei , ai ) to RA 3. add (ei , bi) to RB 4. add (ei , ci ) to RC Yan Huang - ER
Converting Ternary to binary Yan Huang - ER
Design an ER Diagram • Design a database for an on-line reservation system for microscopes in material science lab • There are two types of users: microscope administrators and microscope end users • Each microscope is located in a specific lab • Each request is assigned to an administrator who can authorize or deny the request • Using of some microscope requires the presence of an administrator • Time is divided into 1 hour slots. Each reservation can only take one or more time slots Yan Huang - ER
Weak Entity Set • Some entity sets in real world naturally depend on some other entity set • They can be uniquely identified only if combined with another entity set • Example: • section1, section2, … become unique only if you put them into a context, e.g. csce4350 Yan Huang - ER
Weak Entity Set Notations Double rectangles for weak entity set Double diamond for weak entity relationship Dashed underscore for discriminator Yan Huang - ER
Specialization • A lower-level entity set inherits all the attributes and relationship participation of the higher-level entity set to which it is linked. • A lower-level entity set may have additional attributes and participate in additional relationships Yan Huang - ER
Specification • Disjoint • Completenessconstraint (use double lines) • total: an entity must belong to one of the lower-level entity sets • partial: an entity need not belong to one of the lower-level entity sets Yan Huang - ER
Design Considerations • Use of entity sets vs. attributes • Whether we want to keep additional information • Use of entity sets vs. relationship sets • Actions among entities are usually represented by relationships • Binary versus n-ary relationship sets • N-nary relationships are usually more natural for actions among entity sets • Weak entity set vs. strong entity set • Generalization Yan Huang - ER
Notations Yan Huang - ER
Notations Yan Huang - ER
ER Practice Again • Design an ER diagram for an online music store. The database will contain at least the following concepts: songs, artists, bands, albums, and genres. • State your design assumptions you make to support design decisions. Be sure your assumptions are reasonable. Yan Huang - ER
Best Practice Guide for ER Design • Use of entity sets vs. attributes • Use of entity sets vs. relationship sets • Binary versus n-ary relationship sets • Weak entity set vs. strong entity set • Choose the natural one • Generalization • If specialized entities need to keep additional information and participate in additional relationships Yan Huang CE4350 - ER
ER for Banking Enterprise • Description handhout Yan Huang - ER
Read ER Diagrams • Following are some ER diagrams grabbed from the web • Read to understand/criticize Yan Huang - ER
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