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Master thesis

Master thesis. General information February 6th of 2019 for Master in Business Engineering & Master in Management. Choices. Thesis (18c) Internship (10c). Research Thesis + Internship. Project Thesis 28c). Thesis. Thesis AND Internship. Internship.

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Master thesis

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  1. Master thesis General information February 6th of 2019 for Master in Business Engineering & Master in Management

  2. Choices Thesis (18c) Internship (10c) ResearchThesis + Internship Project Thesis 28c) Thesis ThesisANDInternship Internship 28 credits / 120 = ¼ of yourdegree!!!!1 credit = 30h of work Thesis + Internship + prepa= 900h

  3. Whatis a projectthesis? Based on the analysis of a complex management problemarising in a company or organization and linked to the area of specializationchosen by the student: • Diagnosis. • Detailedanalysis. • Identification and possible implementation of concrete solutions. • Relies on: scientificapproach, theoreticalresearch, criticalanalysis

  4. Whatis a researchthesis ? It is a scientifictext/work • based on an original research topic linkedwith the area of specializationchosen by the student  clearlyidentifiedtopic and question(s)  gathering and processing of relevant information following an appropriatemethod  personalanswers to the questions • writtenfollowing the standards of a scientific document

  5. Whatis a researchthesis? Students must provetheircapacity to : • conceptualise, model a question in relation with the stakes of a problem; • elaboratehypotheses; • develop original answers and scientific arguments; • write and defend a substantial document. • Remark: the researchmaybeillustrated and tested on a real life case studywith real data

  6. Internship • If youopt for a researchthesis… • 10 weeks of block 2 are devoted to an internship in an organization (private, public, NGO) • In Belgium or elsewhere • On a topic related to your area of specialization • Linked or not to the thesis topic… • Limited scope, focused on practice

  7. ResearchThesis (18c)+ Internship (10c) Project Thesis (28c) Driven by company Under (academic) scientific control Thesis ThesisANDInternship Internship Driven by academic staff (with or without a case study) + independantcompanyexposure Driven by academic staff Withcompany application • In each case, • you'llbeexposed to practice and to scientificapproaches • 28 credits / 120 = ¼ of yourdegree!!!!1 credit = 30h of work Thesis + Internship = 900h

  8. SomeRules • Thesis & Internship in your program if and only if: • "Cohorte diplomante" – "last year"(max 60 creditsremaining) • NO remaining course in Bachelor (FWB decree = law)Reminder for Master Bloc 0: mark <10/20  failure • Takenintoaccount to beaccepted in "last year" • Failure in one of these courses = failure of the Master • Deadline 2019fulfilled! (if not automaticfailure for June) • New course "prepa" is a prerequisite • ZERO TOLERANCE

  9. Project Thesis: Key-moments • 1st year: • As of today, access to the « Project thesis » platform on Lol@ • In February (22) a list of projectthesis topics proposed by the schoolwillbeavailable • Studentsresearch a possible topic • Speed meeting on February 27, 2019 • CV on the career center • Finalchoice of a topic by May 7, 2019 • [Validation by program comity in May + jury No subjectbefore deadline  no jury  no defense ] • START TO WORK (1/4 of yourdegree)

  10. Project Thesis: Key-moments • Last year: • [START TO] WORK (1/4 of yourdegree) • Course "Master ThesisMethodology" • <= November 2019: first short report (research question, agenda, methodo…) • Max 1 monthlater: meeting withsupervisor & mentor • Q1: one day per week in the company • Q2: January 2020 May 2020: internship • <=February 2020: second short report • Max 1 monthlater meeting withsupervisor & mentor • May, 2020: thesis document • June 2020: defense (29 credits)

  11. ResearchThesis: Key Moments • This year (bloc 1): • Fromnow on, access to the « Researchthesis » platform on Lol@ (MEM RECH 2017-2018 and 2018-2019) • Subjectsprovided by profs on Lol@ + Internships on JobTeaser • Studentsresearch a possible topic • Speed meeting on February 27, 2019 • CV on the career center • Finalchoice of a topic by May 7, 2019 • [Validation by program comity in May + jury No subjectbefore deadline  no jury  no defense ] • START TO WORK (1/4 of yourdegree)

  12. ResearchThesis: Key Moments • Last year: • [START TO] WORK (1/4 of yourdegree) • Course "Master ThesisMethodology" • <= November 2019: first short report (research question, agenda, methodo…) • Max 1 monthlater: meeting withsupervisor • [Q1: no internship] • Q2: 10 weeksinternship (exam in January -no course during Q2) • <=February 2020: second short report • Max 1 monthlater meeting withsupervisor • [April, 2020]: Internship report and defense (10 credits) • May, 2020: thesis document • June, 2020: defense (19 credits)

  13. Pilots of specialization areas For information, suggestions and final validation : • Banking and Asset Management : M. LAMBERT • International Strategic Marketing : C. DELCOURT • Financial Analysis and Audit : D. SOUGNE • Management des entreprises sociales et durables : V. XHAUFLAIR • Droit: S. GARROY • Intrapreneurship: O. LISEIN • Financial Engineering : G. HÜBNER • Sustainable Performance Management : D. VAN CAILLIE • Supply Chain Management & Business Analytics: Y. ARDA • Digital Business : M. SCHYNS • Sciences et Technologies : P. DENEYE

  14. For more information Rules, forms and procedures on Lol@!!! The Internship & Theses teams willansweryour questions on: - 14 Februaryfrom 12:00 (noon) to 1:00 pm (local 130) - 15 Februaryfrom 12:00 (noon) to 1:00 pm (local 130) Mr Mathieu UYTTEBROUCK (Uliege Library): How to find (scientific) documents13 Februaryfrom 4:00pm to 6:00pm (in French)20 Februaryfrom 4:00pm to 6:00pm (in English) CV on the career centerSpeed meeting on February 27, 2019Career Night: 14 March

  15. Contacts • Researchthesis • Marie-Gabrielle Boxus office 157 (N1) Françoise Dubois Apparitorat(N1) • [email protected] [email protected] •  04 232 73 07  04 232 73 65 Project thesis : • Sophie Leruth office 105 (N1) • [email protected]  04. 232 73 13 Internships: • Caroline Michotte office 026 (N1) • caroline.michotte@uliege •  04 232 73 92

  16. Somepastexamples of research and projecttheses

  17. Banking and Asset Management • Examples of research theses : theoretical analysis & validation through a case study • Fine wine as an alternative asset class for portfolio diversification • Les produitshybridescomme les obligations convertibles en action ont-ils un impact sur la volatilité de l’action sous-jacente ? • Introduction d’une variable àresponsabilitésocialedans le risque-rendementdans le Bel 20 en vue de les incorporerdans un fonds RSI • How does differences in business models explain the gap between the cost and the expected rate of return of systemic european banks ? • The progression of the banks balance sheets ensuing the establishment of the e-banking • Impact de la politiquesur les marchés financiers : le cas de la Frnace entre 2007 et 2012 • …

  18. Banking and Asset Management • Examples of projecttheses: detailed analysis of a problem in a specific organizational context • Calibration of the “mapping” process in a factor based Risk Management platform • Satisfaction Analysis of Luxembourg based Investment Fund Management Companies regarding contracted Asset Servicer for the completion of necessary Fund administration activities • How does the current regulations impact the role and business model of depositary banks : implications to analyze should be on : a) business models (especially pricing strategies, new activites, ...) b) Operation model c) IT • Evaluation de l'importance des différents types de risquesprésents au sein d’uneentreprise et proposition de solutions • …

  19. Financial Analysis and Audit • Examples of research theses: theoretical analysis & validation through a case study • Rentabilité des sociétés de titres-services : évolution et perspectives d’avenir • Utilisersavoiture de sociétédans le cadre des activités de Uber : quel impact sur la déduction de frais de voiture ? • Comment valorise-t-on (financièrement) un club de football ? • L’effectivité de la peine de confiscation des avantagespatrimoniaux, tirés des infractions • Audit d’acquisition : quelsrisques et quelsintérêts pour l’acquéreur ? • Transformation d’un hôtel familial en résidence service au moyen d’une société immobilière • …

  20. Financial Analysis and Audit • Examples of projecttheses: detailed analysis of a problem in a specific organizational context • La gestion des risques sous Orsa : cas d'un produitd'assurance-vie branche 23 • Improvement of the existing tools to analyze profitability per client • Etude de faisabilité et de rentabilité d’un outil de gestion logistiquecommun aux entitésd’uneentreprise • Financial communication for a midcap company listed on Euronext, in a changing environment • …

  21. Marketing • Examples of research theses: theoretical analysis & validation through a case study • Consideration of moral or religious values in advertising • How does new and traditional marketing activities work together to influence consumer perceptions, preferences and behaviors ? • Nouveloutil de marketing : les collaborations avec les “blogueuses” • How to overcome consumer contamination concerns in access-based services ? • Bad news encounters : a dyodic perspective • How is reputation created and managed through strategic intelligence ? An examination of mechanism and strategy

  22. Marketing • Examples of projecttheses: detailed analysis of a problem in a specific organizational context • *Track “Marketing and Strategic Intelligence” • Competitive benchmarking of four industry leaders in confectionary (success factors) and develop a strategy for the company • Positionnementcompétitifd’uneentreprise X sur le segment de marché des évènementsd'entreprises • Quel nouveau business & quelle communication BtoB pour unecompagnied’assurances X ? • *Track “Digital Marketing and Sales Management” • Proposition for multiple-channel strategy as part of the plan for business development • Digital Marketing for the Hair Fashion Industry : Analysis of the new Trends for Market Positioning and Market Visibility

  23. Management des entreprisessociales • Examples of research theses : theoretical analysis & validation through a case study • L'utilité d'un réseauprofessionnel pour des petits entrepreneurs. Application au cas de la fédération des Vigneronsindépendants de l'Hérault • Conséquences du passage d'ASBLàcelui de SFS pour les entreprises de travail adapté • Approvisionnement en circuits courts alimentaires et restauration grand public : freins et verrouillages. Etude de cas : la plateforme Li-terroir (Durbuy) • Structures, features and processes fot long-lasting self-management : the case study of Cecosesola • …

  24. Management des entreprises sociales • Examples of projecttheses: detailed analysis of a problem in a specific organizational context • Perspectives de lancement d’un Fond de Prêt d’Honneur pour les bénéficiaires d’un microcrédit • Etude sur les plus-values des entreprises d'économie sociale actives dans la récupération de textile usagé • Comment définir l'empreinte sociale d'une entreprise et mesurer son acceptabilité sociale ? • …

  25. Performance Management • Examples of research theses : theoretical analysis & validation through a case study • Data analysis : révolutiondans le domaine de l’audit • Etude de la prise en compte du facteurhumaindans la gestion de la sécurité : étudecomparée • Etude comparative des perceptions et des attitudes face au risque : le cas des middle managers, hommes et femmes, actifsdans les entitésspécialisées de l’Université de Liège • L’influence du TTIP sur la performanced’unemultinationale et d’une PME • …

  26. Performance Management • Examples of projecttheses: detailed analysis of a problem in a specific organizational context • Conception et optimisation d'un processusintégré de gestion des flux des patients : Comment désaturerl'hospitalisationprogrammée ? • Mise en place de tableaux de bordstratégiques et opérationnels au seind'uneentreprisefamiliale • …

  27. Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics • Examples of research theses : theoretical analysis & validation through a case study • L’analyse de la supply chain management d’organismeshumanitaireslors de désastresnaturels • An analysis of the impact of connection time on air passenger demand (internship at GeorgiaTech) • Etude de l’évolution des business models dans les chaînes logistiques durables: opportunités et/ou freins, création et/ou destruction de valeur en Région wallonne • Positive or negative impact of comments and ratings (e.g., on Amazon) on sales andrevenues (with a case studyusing real data) • Management of returnable transport items • …

  28. Digital Business • Examples of researchtheses: • 2016+ : Optimizing Air Cargo load planning (internship at Liege Airport) • Impact of Virtual Reality on the Supply Chain Virtual Reality: best practices and rules to create professional environments • Optimization of cargo load planning with Virtual Reality • Examples of projecttheses: • The blockchain in an industrial environment • Virtual reality to train operators • Implementation of a SAP ERP module • Development of a predictive tool based on machine learning

  29. Industrial & Business Engineering • Examples of projecttheses: detailed analysis of a problem in a specific organizational context • - Business plan / études de faisabilité pour le développement d’activités techniques ou technologiques (secteur industriel)

  30. Financial Engineering • Examples of research theses : theoretical analysis & validation through a case study • Strategies and techniques of investment to cope with uncertainties in start-up deals • Factors influencing survival of banks • What is the Fama and French model missing when trying to explain mutual funds? • Les matrices de transition des agences de rating • …

  31. Financial Engineering • Examples of projecttheses: detailed analysis of a problem in a specific organizational context • Amélioration et mise en place d'un système de gestion des risques des portefeuillesgérés au sein des fondsd'investissement (principalement UCITS) • Expliquer et développer la fonction de gestion des risques de marché sous la directive AIFM (Alternative Investments Funds Management). Proposition d’outils de gestion des risques • Développer le module actueld'analyse de la performance de la suite logicielle G. en y incorporant les effetsspécifiques à la gestion obligataire • …

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