Presentation On Data Communication: By-Aditya, Kopal, Nikhil, Yatin

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What is Data
Communication ?

• Data Communication refers to the exchange of data

between a source and a receiver via form of transmission
media such as a wire cable. Data communication is said to
be local if communicating devices are in the same building
or a similarly restricted geographical area.
Types Of Data
• Data communication is considered
1. Local :- if the communicating device in the same
2. Remote :- if the device are farther apart.
Effectiveness Of Data Communication
 Effectiveness depends upon four fundamental
Components Of Data
Communication System
Transmission Media
• Transmission media is a communication channel that
carries the information from the sender to the receiver.
Data is transmitted through the electromagnetic signals.
• The main functionality of the transmission media is to
carry the information in the form of bits
through LAN(Local Area Network).
• It is a physical path between transmitter and receiver in
data communication.
Classification Of
Transmission Media
• Guided media are the physical links through which signals
are confined to narrow path. These are also called guide
• Three common types of bounded media are used of the
data transmission. These are:
 Coaxial Cable
 Twisted Pairs Cable
 Fiber Optics Cable
• Coaxial Cable :- Coaxial cable is very common & widely used
commutation media. For example TV wire is usually coaxial.
• Fiber Optic Cable :- Fiber optic cable uses electrical signals to
transmit data. It uses light. In fiber optic cable light only moves in
one direction for two way communication to take place a second
connection must be made between the two devices.
• Twisted Pair Cable :- The most popular network cabling is Twisted
pair. It is light weight, easy to install, inexpensive and support many
different types of network. It also supports the speed of 100 mps.
Unguided Media
Unguided media or wireless media doesn't use any physical
connectors between the two devices communicating. Wireless
media is used when a physical obstruction or distance blocks
are used with normal cable media. The three types of wireless
media are:
• Radio waves
• Micro waves
• Infrared waves
Transmission Mode
 A given transmission on a communications channel
between two machines can occur in several different
ways. The transmission is characterized by:
• the direction of the exchanges
• the transmission mode: the number of bits sent
• synchronization between the transmitter and receiver
Types Of Transmission Modes
• A simplex connection is a connection in which the data
flows in only one direction, from the transmitter to the
receiver. This type of connection is useful if the data do
not need to flow in both directions
Half Duplex
• A half-duplex connection is a connection in which the
data flows in one direction or the other, but not both at the
same time. With this type of connection, each end of the
connection transmits in turn.
Full Duplex
• A full-duplex connection is a connection in which the
data flow in both directions simultaneously. Each end of
the line can thus transmit and receive at the same time
• The term “Topology” refers to the way in which the end points or
stations/computer systems, attached to the networks, are interconnected.
• Depending on the requirement there are different Topologies to construct
a network.
(1) Mesh topology
(2) Star topology
(3) Tree (Hierarchical) topology
(4) Bus topology
(5) Ring topology
(6) Hybrid topology
• Bus Topology :- Bus topology is a network type in which every
computer and network device is connected to single cable. When it
has exactly two endpoints, then it is called Bus topology.
• Ring Topology :- It is called ring topology because it forms a ring
as each computer is connected to another computer, with the last
one connected to the first. Exactly two neighbours for each device.
• Star Topology :- In this type of topology all the computers are
connected to a single hub through a cable. This hub is the central
node and all others nodes are connected to the central node.
• Mesh Topology :- It is a point-to-point connection to other nodes or
devices. All the network nodes are connected to each other.
• Tree Topology :- It has a root node and all other nodes are connected to
it forming a hierarchy. It is also called hierarchical topology. It should at
least have three levels to the hierarchy.
• Hynrid Topology:- t is two different types of topologies which is a
mixture of two or more topologies. For example if in an office in one
department ring topology is used and in another star topology is used,
connecting these topologies will result in Hybrid Topology.

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