Bahasa Inggris Kls 4 SMTR 1
Bahasa Inggris Kls 4 SMTR 1
Bahasa Inggris Kls 4 SMTR 1
I. Choose by crossing ( X ) A, B, C, or D that is the most correct answer on the answer sheet!
(Beritah tanda silang ( X ) pada huruf A, B, C, atau D yang merupakan iawaban yang paling benar pada
lembar iawab!)
4. My phonr number is zero eight two two five seven four nine nine one six three. The correct number
is ....
A. 082245499163
B. 082257599163
C. 082257499163
D. 082254799163
There is a ... beside the dining room.
A. living room
B. bedroom 1
C, bedroom 3
D. dirty kitchen
Malika : "How is the living room?"
Rafael : "lt is ....."
A. large and clean
B. large and dirty
C. small and tidy
D. small and dirty
A. watches television
B. reads newspaper
C. mops the floor
D. listens to the radio
What does Faqih do in the bathroom?
A. takes a bath
B. brushes his teeth
C. washes his teeth
D. plays the water
Nabika : "Where do you put the books?"
Malika : "l put them in the ...."
A. wardrobe
B. cupboard
C. shelf
D. box
Look at the picture bellowl
There are two ... on the bed.
A. bolsterd
B. pillow
C. blanket
D. pencils
We can find it in the living room. lt ls made of glass.
We put fish in it. lt is ....
A. a television
B. a telephone
C. a cupboard
D. an aquarium
Oky : "l need a .:. to put salt."
Bisma : "Yes, this is it."
A. spoon
B. fork
C. plate
D. bowl
Kitty plays the ball in the yard. He ... play in the living room.
A. do
B. does
C. do not
D. does not
Naufal : "What can your little brother do in the bedroom?"
Bisma : "He can ... in the bedroom."
A. do his homework
B. play with his cat
C. read a book
D. take a nap
19. There is a toothpaste in it. There is atso a toothbrush we can take a bath ln this room. lt is a ....
A. Dining room
B. Living room
C. Bathroom
D. Bedroom
ll. Fill in the blank below with the correct answers on the answer sheet!
(silah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar pada lembar jawab!)
30. We can find it in the bathroom. lt usually made of plastic. We can use it to take
water from the bathtub. lt is a …
For questions number 31 and 32, complete the following text with the correct answer.
Itake a bath in my bathroom. I use (31) … to clean my body and shampoo to wash my hair. I never
forget to brush my teeth using tooth paste and tooth brush. After all I dry my body using (32) …
36. Niko has thirty marbles. His father bought him forty five marbles. How many marbles does Niko
have now?
37. What do you do in the dining'room?
38. Things we can find in the living room are clock, picture, shelf, television, cupboard, lamp, sofa,
vase, and table.
Give the names of the things below!
39. Things we can flnd in the bathroom are soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, dipper, towel,
bathup and water.
Give the names of the things below!