HumanRights Povertyreduction
HumanRights Povertyreduction
HumanRights Povertyreduction
Human Rights
and Poverty Reduction
A Conceptual Framework
United Nations
New York and Geneva, 2004
* *
Material contained in this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted,
provided credit is given and a copy of the publication containing the
reprinted material is sent to the Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland.
Human rights may seem distant ideals if your family is starving, if you can-
not protect yourself or them from preventable illnesses or provide your
children with basic education. Yet it is in circumstances of crisis and ex-
treme deprivation that human rights assume their greatest importance.
The recognition that the way poor people are forced to live often vio-
lates their human rights – or that promoting human rights could alleviate
poverty – was a long time in coming. Now a human rights approach to
poverty reduction is increasingly being recognized internationally and is
gradually being implemented. This essay is intended to lay out the basic
parameters of such an approach. It is my privilege to introduce it both
to general readers and to those whose own work towards eliminating
poverty might benefit.
The challenge for all of us is to ensure that this vision is brought down to
those who decide on law and policy, and also to the grass roots, where
the realities of exclusion and discrimination are experienced most acutely.
For those of us within the United Nations system, the challenge of imple-
mentation must be seen in the light of the Secretary-General’s 2002 pro-
gramme of reform, strengthening human rights at country level through
the work of United Nations Country Teams.
I thank Professors Paul Hunt, Manfred Nowak and Siddiq Osmani for
their excellent work, and share their hope that its practical effect will meet
their ambitions.
Bertrand Ramcharan
United Nations Acting High Commissioner for Human Rights
December 2003
Table of Contents
See annex.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, preamble.
The global legitimacy of international human rights norms was reaffirmed by the Vienna
Declaration and Programme of Action adopted unanimously by representatives of all
171 States attending the World Conference on Human Rights (14-25 June 1993).
Whether explicit or implicit, norms and values shape policies and institu-
tions. A human rights approach is explicit about its normative framework:
international human rights. Underpinned by universally recognized moral
values and reinforced by legal obligations, international human rights
provide a compelling normative
framework for the formulation of
“Underpinned by universally recognized national and international poli-
moral values and reinforced by legal cies, including poverty reduction
obligations, international human rights strategies (PRSs).
provide a compelling normative frame- Many existing PRSs already have
work for the formulation of national and features that reflect international
international policies, including poverty human rights norms.4 The em-
reduction strategies.” phasis placed on civil society
participation reflects the right of
individuals to take part in the
conduct of public affairs, as well as the related rights of association, as-
sembly and expression. The introduction of social safety nets resonates
with the rights to a reasonable standard of living, food, housing, health
protection, education and social security. Anti-poverty strategies that
demand transparent budgetary and other governmental processes are
consistent with the right to information, while the insistence that strate-
gies be “country-owned” corresponds with the right of peoples to self-
For an overall view of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) process, see
International Monetary Fund and International Development Association, Poverty Reduction
Strategy Papers – Progress in Implementation, September 2003, 67 p., available at
Poverty and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: statement
adopted on 4 May 2001 by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(E/C.12/2001/10), para. 13.
There is a perception in some quarters that the inclusion of too many is-
sues in PRSs will serve only to overload the process, cause priorities to
become diffuse and render the exercise ineffective. This may be a prob-
lem where there is not a close nexus between a particular issue and pov-
erty. But this is not a difficulty in the context of human rights and poverty
because of the striking congruence between the concerns of the poor
and key features of international human rights - an issue that is explored
further in chapter 2. Indeed, one of the central themes of this paper is that
poverty reduction and human
rights are not two projects,
but two mutually reinforc- “...[P]overty reduction and human rights
ing approaches to the same are not two projects, but two mutually
project. reinforcing approaches to the same
Poverty is a specific, local,
contextual experience. As
Voices of the Poor: Can Anyone Hear Us?, the compelling World Bank
study, puts it: “Poverty is experienced at the local level, in a specific
context, in a specific place, in a specific interaction.” 6 Mindful of this, in-
ternational human rights law provides a framework within which detailed
national and community-level PRSs can be constructed. The application
of this normative framework helps to ensure that essential elements of
PRSs, such as accountability, equality and non-discrimination, participa-
tion and empowerment, receive the sustained attention they deserve.
But, for the most part, international human rights law does not – and can-
not – provide detailed prescriptions for action. Building on the normative
foundation established by international human rights, detailed anti-pov-
erty programmes must be developed, through participatory processes,
at the national and local levels.
D. Narayan with R. Patel, K. Schafft, A. Rademacher and S. Koch-Schulte, Voices of the
Poor. Volume 1 - Can Anyone Hear Us?, New York, published for the World Bank by Oxford
University Press, 2000, p. 230.
Of course, in our day-to-day life, we tend to use the word “poor” in many
diverse ways. For example, we might refer to the “poor chap” who has
narrowly missed a lottery jackpot, or to the “poor old man” who has no
heir to whom to bequeath his vast wealth, and so on. The common
element in all these cases is some kind of deprivation that evokes the
That is why Amartya Sen, who has done more than anyone else to broaden the concept
of poverty, insists that “there are some clear associations that constrain the nature of the
concept, and we are not entirely free to characterize poverty in any way we like.” See,
A. Sen, Inequality Re-examined, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1992, p. 107.
description “poor”. However, when poverty is discussed as a social
problem, the concept has a much more restricted domain because of its
well-established link with deprivation caused by economic constraints.
We cannot deny this link. 8
The implications of this link are explored more fully below.
To see the relevance of capability for understanding poverty, we may
begin by noting that the defining feature of a poor person is that she has
very restricted opportunities to pursue her well-being. Poverty can thus
be seen as low levels of capability, or, as Sen puts it, “the failure of basic
capabilities to reach certain
minimally acceptable levels”.9
A couple of properties of this “Poverty can ... be seen as low levels of
concept of poverty are worth capability, or, as Sen puts it, ‘the failure
noting. of basic capabilities to reach certain
minimally acceptable levels’.”
First, not all kinds of capabil-
ity failure would count as pov-
erty. Since poverty denotes an extreme form of deprivation, only those
capability failures would count as poverty that are deemed to be basic in
some order of priority. Different communities may of course have differ-
ent orders of priority and hence a different listing of what would qualify as
‘basic’ capabilities. To that extent, there is some degree of relativity in the
concept of poverty. But from empirical observation it is possible to iden-
tify certain basic capabilities that would be common to all – for example,
being adequately nourished, being adequately clothed and sheltered,
avoiding preventable morbidity, taking part in the life of a community, and
being able to appear in public with dignity.
A. Sen, op. cit., p. 109.
genetic disorder (for which no remedy currently exists) will not in itself be
recognized as poverty;10 whereas ill-health caused by lack of access to
basic health-care resources will be. In general, for poverty to exist, lack of
command over economic resources must play a role in the causal chain
leading to a low level of well-being.
Third, it is important to emphasize that even though the link with eco-
nomic resources must be maintained, this does not render the capability-
based concept of poverty equivalent to a uniformly low level of command
over economic resources. The two would be equivalent only if everyone
had the same capacity to convert resources into capabilities, but that is
not the case. For instance, people with different biological characteristics
may require different amounts of food and health care in order to acquire
Once ill-health has been caused by a genetic disorder, this may of course lead to a state
of poverty, for example by preventing the afflicted person from taking up any productive
activity, but the point is that ill-health in this case will have played an instrumental role in
causing poverty rather than constituting a dimension of poverty in its own right.
the same degree of freedom to live a healthy life. Similarly, people liv-
ing in different cultural environments might feel that they need different
amounts of clothing in order to have the capability to be clothed at a
minimally acceptable level. In other words, the degree of command over
resources that may be adequate for one person may not be adequate for
another. It would, therefore, be a mistake to define and measure poverty
in terms of a uniformly low level of command over economic resources,
when the fundamental concern is with a person’s capabilities.
For more on the concept of freedom, see, among others, Isaiah Berlin, Four Essays on
Liberty, (2nd ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1969, and Amartya Sen, Development
as Freedom, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1999.
someone has failed to acquire these freedoms, then obviously her rights
to these freedoms have not been realized. Therefore, poverty can be
defined equivalently as either the failure of basic freedoms – from the per-
spective of capabilities, or the non-fulfilment of rights to those freedoms
– from the perspective of human rights.
The idea that non-fulfilment of only certain kinds of human rights and not
others will count as poverty may seem to militate against the principle of
indivisibility of rights, which states that all human rights are equally impor-
tant. However, it does not.
The principle of the indivisibility of human rights does not mean that all
social phenomena must be defined by reference to all rights. The princi-
ple does not mean that torture, sexual stereotyping, or unfair trials must
be defined by reference to all the rights enumerated in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. On the contrary, a human rights definition
of these phenomena would certainly be confined to a limited range of
international human rights. However, a strategy to combat torture, sexual
stereotyping or unfair trials would have to address a much wider range of
rights than those by which these phenomena are defined. Thus, a human
rights definition of unfair trials would include article 14 of the ICCPR, but
it may exclude just and favourable conditions of work for judges (article 7
of the ICESCR). On the other hand, an effective strategy for tackling the
problem of unfair trials would not only include issues relating to ICCPR,
article 14, such as the presumption of innocence, but also the terms and
conditions of judges’ employment (ICESCR, article 7).
The same argument applies to poverty. The principle of the indivisibility of
human rights does not demand that poverty be defined by reference to
all the rights set out in the International Bill of Rights, but it does demand
an inclusive strategy for addressing poverty. The approach adopted in
this paper is perfectly consistent with this principle. While poverty may
be defined by reference to a limited range of human rights – which will
vary from one society to another, although empirical evidence suggests
some rights will be common to all – an effective anti-poverty strategy will
certainly have to address a much wider range of human rights. This is
because human rights can be relevant to poverty in multiple ways.
The idea of evaluative relevance stems from the observation that the
analysis of poverty requires social evaluation of various kinds. Recall,
for instance, the point made earlier that the characterization of poverty
calls for a prior judgement as to which capabilities are to count as
basic. In order to be ethically defensible, this judgement must be arrived
at through a process of social consultation in which people from all walks
of life are able to participate fully. But such participation is only possible
when a wide range of human rights, including civil and political rights, is
respected. The fulfilment of these rights is, therefore, an essential precon-
dition for an ethically defensible evaluation of poverty. As such, all these
rights have evaluative relevance to poverty, even if they do not form part
of the definition of poverty.
The final way in which human rights can be relevant to poverty, even if
they are not part of the definition of poverty, is to act as a constraint on
the types of action that are permissible in the quest for reducing poverty.
For instance, while it is entirely
sensible that a highly populous
“[Human rights] act as a constraint on but resource-poor country
the types of action that are permissible would want to adopt measures
in the quest for reducing poverty.” for population control as part
of a strategy for poverty reduc-
tion, it would not be permissible
to adopt draconian measures such as forced sterilization that violate
people’s personal integrity and privacy. The general point is that the human
rights whose non-fulfilment is not in itself constitutive of poverty, and
whose promotion may not have instrumental value for reducing poverty
either, may still have a bearing on the nature and contents of a PRS by
ruling out certain types of action as impermissible.
To conclude, although only some human rights may form part of a human
rights definition of poverty, a much wider range of rights will be vital in
any discourse on poverty and indispensable in the formulation of PRSs.
It is on the basis of this fundamental proposition that the following sec-
tion delineates the main features of a rights-based approach to poverty
In the words of the Human Development Report 2000, “human rights and
human development are close enough in motivation and concern to be
congruous and compatible, and they are different enough in strategy and
design to supplement each other fruitfully”.12 While there is now a strong
consensus on the complementarities between human rights and pov-
erty, the consequences of such recognition are less understood. Does
the human rights regime bring something new to our effort to achieve
the overarching goal of poverty reduction? And what is the contribution
of human rights to the current worldwide endeavour to overcome the
scourge of poverty?
The following paragraphs make some remarks about the main features of
a human rights approach to poverty reduction.13 The features are identi-
fied separately; however, in practice, they are closely interrelated.
UNDP, Human Development Report 2000: Human Rights and Human Development,
p. 19.
See also UNDP, Poverty Reduction and Human Rights. A Practice Note, March 2003, pp. 4
and 5.
In this chapter, we rely upon the Voices of the Poor series because it is a contemporary,
comprehensive and graphic study of the multidimensional nature of poverty. There are other
poverty studies that support its analysis: see, for example, UNDP, Human Development
Report, 1997, and UNDP, Overcoming Human Poverty, 1998 and 2000.
Narayan et. al., Voices of the Poor. Vol. 2 – Crying Out for Change, New York, published for
the World Bank by Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 2.
of their lives.” 16 The third volume, From Many Lands, concludes by raising
an important question: “How can societies be transformed so poor people
feel empowered to create lives of dignity, security, and well-being?” 17
A major contribution of a human
rights approach to poverty reduc-
“A major contribution of a human rights tion is the empowerment of poor
approach to poverty reduction is the people, expanding their freedom
empowerment of poor people, expand- of choice and action to structure
ing their freedom of choice and action their own lives.
to structure their own lives. ...[H]uman While the common theme under-
rights empower individuals and commu- lying poor people’s experiences
nities by granting them entitlements that is one of powerlessness, human
give rise to legal obligations on others.” rights empower individuals and
communities by granting them
entitlements that give rise to legal
obligations on others. Provided the poor are able to access and enjoy
them, human rights can help to equalize the distribution and exercise
of power both within and between societies. In short, human rights can
mitigate the powerlessness of the poor. To use the language from Crying
Out for Change, human rights provide one way of weakening “the web of
powerlessness” and enhancing “the capabilities of poor women and men
so that they can take more control of their lives”.18
Ibid., p. 235. See also D. Narayan (ed.), Empowerment and poverty reduction.
A sourcebook, World Bank, 2002. This book gives the following definition of empowerment:
“Empowerment is the expansion of assets and capabilities of poor people to participate in,
negotiate with, influence, control, and hold accountable institutions that affect their lives”
(p. xviii).
Narayan et al., Voices of the Poor, Vol. 3 – From Many Lands, New York, published for the
World Bank by Oxford University Press, 2002, p. 493.
Ibid., Vol. 2, p. 235.
upon international human rights, such as the Rome Declaration on World
Food Security of 1996 and the Dakar Framework for Action adopted by
the World Education Forum in 2000, as well as the development goals set
out in the United Nations Millennium Declaration of 2000.
There is a growing consensus on the centrality of accountability in pov-
erty reduction and developmental strategies, and the need to broaden
its scope.19 Referring to Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs),
James Wolfensohn recently said: “We now need to broaden this approach
further by including in it measurements of results and accountability for
performance by Governments, the international and bilateral institutions,
civil society, and the private sector so that we can track progress as we
go forward.” 20 Similarly, Mark Malloch Brown recently wrote: “Account-
ability in the use of funds and accountability to people’s needs are also
integral dimensions to pro-poor governance.” 21 While Mary Robinson re-
cently argued: “… [The] defining attribute of human rights in development
is the idea of accountability. … All partners in the development process
– local, national, regional and international – must accept higher levels of
accountability.” 22
S. Fukuda-Parr, C. Lopez and K. Malik (eds.), Capacity For Development. New Solutions to
Old Problems, Earthscan Publication Ltd. and UNDP, 2002, p. 17.
The challenges of globalization: the role of the World Bank, speech by James Wolfensohn,
2 April 2001.
UNDP, Overcoming Human Poverty, 2000, p. 5.
Bridging the gap between human rights and development: from normative principles to
operational relevance, lecture by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
at the World Bank, 3 December 2001. See
supported by a system of accountability, they can become no more than
window-dressing. Accordingly, the human rights approach to poverty re-
duction emphasizes obligations and requires that all duty-holders, includ-
ing States and intergovernmental
organizations, be held to account
“Critically, rights and obligations de- for their conduct in relation to in-
mand accountability: unless supported ternational human rights.
by a system of accountability, they can
become no more than window-dressing.” While duty-holders must de-
termine for themselves which
mechanisms of accountability
are most appropriate in their particular case, all mechanisms must be
accessible, transparent and effective.
Non-discrimination and equality
It is well documented that the poor frequently experience social exclusion,
isolation, alienation, discrimination and inequality.23 This feeling of being
looked down upon often arises from a combination of economic depriva-
tion and sociocultural factors, such as ethnicity, colour, religion, social
hierarchy and gender. Poverty not only arises from a lack of resources – it
may also arise from a lack of access to resources, information, opportuni-
ties, power and mobility. As the United Nations Committee on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights observes: “Sometimes poverty arises when
people have no access to existing resources because of who they are,
what they believe or where they live. Discrimination may cause poverty,
just as poverty may cause discrimination.” 24
See, for example, Narayan et al., Voices of the Poor, Vol. 2 – Crying Out for Change, chap. 7,
“Social Ill-being: Left Out and Pushed Down”.
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, op. cit. at note 5, para. 11.
Because of the special attention it has devoted to these issues over many
years, including the systematic consideration of hundreds of reports from
States on their relevant law and practice, the international human rights
system has considerable experi-
ence regarding policy measures
“[The] international human rights that impact on discrimination and
system has considerable experience inequality. This experience con-
regarding policy measures that impact firms the many forms that discrim-
on discrimination and inequality. This ination and inequality may take.25
experience confirms the many forms They may arise from express legal
that discrimination and inequality may inequalities in status and entitle-
take. They may arise from express legal ments; from policies that are blind
to the needs of particular people;
inequalities in status and entitlements; or from social values that shape
from policies that are blind to the needs relationships within households
of particular people; or from social and communities. The human
values that shape relationships within rights experience also confirms
households and communities. The the importance of looking at ef-
human rights experience also confirms fects, not intentions. For example,
the importance of looking at effects, not if the effect of a policy regime is
intentions.” to impoverish disproportionately
women, indigenous peoples or
any other group that is protected
by one of the internationally prohibited grounds of discrimination, it is prima
facie discriminatory, even if the policy-makers had no intention of discrimi-
nating against the group in question.
A human rights approach to poverty also requires the active and informed
participation of the poor in the formulation, implementation and monitor-
ing of PRSs. The right to participation is a crucial and complex human
right that is inextricably linked to fundamental democratic principles.
Donors’ studies tend to endorse the experience and insights of the United Nations
human rights system: to give just one example, see Realising Human Rights for Poor
People, United Kingdom Department for International Development, 2000, available at
The international human rights normative framework includes the right to
take part in the conduct of public affairs.26 Although free and fair elections
are a crucial component of the right to participate, they are not enough to
ensure that those living in poverty enjoy the right to participate in key de-
cisions affecting their lives. Specific mechanisms and detailed arrange-
ments for the enjoyment of the right to participate will vary greatly from
one context to another: one size does not fit all. It must be recognized
that some traditional elites are likely to resist the active and informed
participation of the poor in decision-making. The active and informed
participation of the poor in the formulation of PRSs cannot be hurried
– inevitably, it will take time.
The Voices of the Poor project highlights the importance to the poor of
the right to participate. As Crying Out for Change observes: “The poor
want desperately to have their voices heard, to make decisions, and not
to always receive the law
handed down from above.
They are tired of being asked “The enjoyment of the right to participate
to participate in government is deeply dependent on the realization of
projects with low or no re- other human rights. For example, if the
turns.” 27 The “right to partici- poor are to participate meaningfully in
pate,” it concludes, “must be PRSs, they must be free to organize without
enshrined in law”.28
restriction (right of association), to meet
The enjoyment of the right without impediment (right of assembly), and
to participate is deeply de- to say what they want without intimidation
pendent on the realization (freedom of expression); they must know
of other human rights. For the relevant facts (right to information)
example, if the poor are to
and they must enjoy an elementary level
participate meaningfully in
PRSs, they must be free to of economic security and well-being (right
organize without restriction to a reasonable standard of living and
(right of association), to meet associated rights).”
without impediment (right of
assembly), and to say what
they want without intimidation (freedom of expression); they must know
the relevant facts (right to information) and they must enjoy an elementary
level of economic security and well-being (right to a reasonable standard
See, for example, article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 25 of
ICCPR and article 13, paragraph 1 of ICESCR.
Narayan et al., Voices of the Poor, Vol. 2 – Crying Out for Change, p. 281.
Ibid., p. 282.
of living and associated rights). Thus, without parallel arrangements to
realize these other rights, the poor cannot participate, in an active and
informed manner, in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of
As its opening words remark, Crying Out for Change “is based on the
realities of poor people”.30 In the following paragraphs, a few of the key
concerns of poor people are identified and reference is made to some of
the international human rights that closely correspond to these concerns.
Crucially, this correspondence confirms that attention to international
human rights will help to ensure that the key concerns – or “realities” – of
poor people become, and remain, the key concerns of PRSs.
It is less often recognized that the poor also suffer from a lack of information:
“Over and over again, poor people mention their isolation from information;
information about programs of assistance, their rights, job contacts, how
banks work; government plans that affect their lives directly – for example,
plans to move people from an embankment; prices; NGO, village govern-
ment and local government activities.” 32 Thus, the right to information of
the poor should constitute an important feature of any PRSs.
This analysis also resonates with Crying Out for Change. As the authors put it, the right
to participate “has to include rules about public disclosure of information; freedom of
association, speech and the press; [and] freedom to form organisations” (p. 282).
Ibid., p. 1.
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, op. cit. at note 5, para. 1.
Narayan et al., Voices of the Poor, Vol. 2 – Crying Out for Change, p. 274.
Poverty studies also show that: “Organizations of poor people at the local
level are critical if they are to influence decision-making at the local, na-
tional or global levels.” 33 Accordingly, the right of association of the poor
is essential to combat poverty.
According to Crying Out for Change: “Perhaps one of the most striking
revelations of the study is the extent to which the police and official justice
systems side with the rich, persecute poor people and make poor people
more insecure, fearful and poorer. Particularly in urban areas, poor people
perceive the police not as upholding justice, peace and fairness, but as
threats and sources of insecurity. Women report feeling vulnerable to
sexual assault by police, and young men say that they have been beaten
up by the police without cause.” 34
Others might be given, but these brief illustrations are sufficient to show
the close correspondence between “the realities of poor people” and the
international human rights normative framework. Not only will attention
to human rights help to ensure that the key concerns of poor people
become, and remain, the key concerns of PRSs, but the integration of
human rights into PRSs introduces the concepts and methods identified
in this paper, such as a preoccupation with:
Ibid., p. 281.
Ibid., p. 163. This raises a number of human rights issues, such as the right to equal access
to justice, the right to privacy and the right to personal security.
“[The] contours and contents of interna- In this context, it should be em-
tional human rights have become clearer in phasized that the contours and
recent years.... [The] various human rights contents of international human
rights have become clearer in
that bear upon the key concerns and ‘reali-
recent years. The international
ties of poor people’ are now understood with community now has a detailed
sufficient normative precision to permit them normative understanding of
to inform, reinforce and enhance PRSs.” many human rights. Of course,
some rights are better under-
stood than others. For instance,
the scope of the right to education is clearer than the right to social secu-
rity. It is not proposed in this paper to enter into a detailed jurisprudential
analysis of specific human rights. It should be understood, however, that
the various human rights that bear upon the key concerns and “realities
of poor people” are now understood with sufficient normative precision
to permit them to inform, reinforce and enhance PRSs.
The recognition of a time dimension and the need for prioritization are
common features of all approaches to policy-making. The distinctiveness
of the human rights approach “The idea of progressive realization has
is that it imposes certain two major strategic implications. First, it
conditions on these features, allows for a time dimension in the strategy
so that the pursuit of human for human rights fulfilment by recognizing
rights is not reduced to mere that full realization of human rights may
rhetoric in the name of pro-
gressive realization.
have to occur in a progressive manner
over a period of time. Second, it allows for
The recognition of a time setting priorities among different rights
dimension is accompanied at any point in time since the constraint
by certain conditions aimed of resources may not permit a strategy
at ensuring that the State
to pursue all rights simultaneously with
does not take it as a licence
either to defer or to relax equal vigour. The recognition of a time
the efforts needed to realize dimension and the need for prioritization
human rights. In particular, are common features of all approaches to
the State is required to do the policy-making. The distinctiveness of the
following. human rights approach is that it imposes
First, the State must acknowl-
certain conditions on these features, so that
edge that, with a serious the pursuit of human rights is not reduced
commitment to poverty to mere rhetoric in the name of progressive
reduction, it may be possible realization.”
to make rapid progress to-
wards the realization of many
human rights even within the existing resource constraints. This will often
be true of “respect” obligations with regard to most rights, which require
political will more than economic resources.35 Even for “protect” and “ful-
fil” obligations, which would typically be more dependent on resources,36
it may be possible to make rapid progress by improving the efficiency of
resource use – for example, by scaling down expenditure on unproduc-
tive activities and by reducing spending on activities whose benefit goes
disproportionately to the rich.
Second, to the extent that the realization of human rights may be con-
tingent on a gradual expansion in the availability of resources, the State
must begin immediately to take steps to fulfil the rights as expeditiously
as possible by developing and implementing a time-bound plan of action.
The plan must spell out when and how the State hopes to arrive at the
realization of rights.
For an explanation of the requirements to ‘respect, protect and fulfil’ human rights
obligations, see note 47 below and accompanying text.
Third, the plan must include a series of intermediate – preferably annual
– targets. As the realization of human rights may take some considerable
time, possibly extending well beyond the immediate term of a Govern-
ment in power, it is with regard to these intermediate targets (or bench-
marks), rather than the final target of full realization, that the State will
have to be held accountable.
Fourth, as a prerequisite for setting targets, the State will have to identify
some indicators in terms of which targets will be set. In practice, a bundle
of indicators will be needed for each human right and they should be
specified separately, and be as disaggregated as possible, for each sub-
group of the poor population. Realistic time-bound targets will have to be
set in relation to each indicator so as to serve as benchmarks.
With regard to prioritization, the human rights approach does not in itself
offer any hard and fast rule, but it does impose certain conditions on the
process and substance of prioritization.
Second, while allocating more resources to the rights that have been ac-
corded priority at any given point in time, care must be taken to ensure that
the level of realization of the rest of the rights is maintained. This restriction
follows from the principle of non-retrogression of rights – no right can be
deliberately allowed to suffer an absolute decline in its level of realization.
tion – and provided it is in conformity with its core obligations – the State
will be in compliance with its obligations under international human rights
law. We briefly consider these issues further in the next paragraphs.
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment no. 14 (right to
health), para. 30.
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment no. 3 (nature of
States parties’ obligations), no. 12 (right to adequate food), no. 13 (right to education) and
no. 14 (right to health).
(e.g. developed States and international organizations) to provide interna-
tional assistance and cooperation to enable developing states to fulfil their
core obligations and reach the international minimum threshold.39
For example, see General Comment no.14 (right to health), para. 45; also the Committee’s
statement on poverty, op. cit. at note 5 above, paras. 15-18.
General Assembly resolution 55/2 of 8 September 2000.
General Assembly resolution 14/128 of 4 December 1986, article 3, para. 3.
Articles 2, para. 1, 11, para. 2, 15, para. 4, 22 and 23 ICESCR, and articles 4, 17(b), 24,
para. 4 and 28, para. 3 CRC.
without stronger international action, especially to support disadvantaged
people and countries to offset growing global inequalities and marginaliza-
tion.” 43 It continues: “Aid, debt relief, access to markets, access to private
financial flows and stability in the global economy are all needed for the full
realization of rights in the poorest and least developed countries.”
UNDP, op. cit. at note 12, p. 12.
World Bank, World Development Report 2000-2001: Attacking Poverty, p. 11.
Developed States
(a) Take into account their international human rights duties to engage
in international assistance and cooperation, their commitments en-
tered into during recent world conferences and the MDGs;
(c) Ensure that, in accordance with the United Nations target, their
development assistance is no less than 0.7 per cent of GDP; they
should also carefully examine the quality of their development assist-
ance, support human rights-related development projects and help
developing States fulfil their core obligations and reach the interna-
tional minimum threshold;
(d) Ensure that the commercial activities for which a State has direct
responsibility, such as Export Credit Agencies (government agen-
cies that give financial guarantees to companies operating abroad),
conform to international human rights standards;
Developing States
Ibid., p. 12.
UNDP, Overcoming Human Poverty, 2000, p. 10.
The need for assistance includes, but is not confined to, the negotiation
of trade and intellectual property agreements. It encompasses all those
areas of multilateral and bilateral negotiation that impact upon the needs
and interests of poor people and poor countries. It also extends to the
capacity of developing States to negotiate, on an equitable basis, with
transnational corporations (TNCs), the resources of which sometimes far
exceed the resources available to a State. Technical assistance should
also be available to help States establish appropriate regulatory frame-
works for the private sector, including TNCs, without compromising their
comparative advantage.
(b) To regulate the private sector, including TNCs, with a view to ensur-
ing conformity with the State’s international human rights obliga-
tions, especially those impacting upon poverty reduction.
First, it is now understood that the obligations deriving from specific rights
may be analysed by reference to the duties to respect, protect and fulfil.
Thus, in relation to the right-to-health guarantee, the duty to respect requires
the State not to interfere directly or indirectly with the enjoyment of the
right to health; the duty to protect requires the State to take measures that
prevent third parties from interfering with the right to health; and the duty to
fulfil requires the State to adopt appropriate legislative, administrative and
other measures towards the full realization of the right to health.47
See, for example, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment
no.14 (right to health), paras. 33-37.
example, the obligation of conduct could involve the adoption and imple-
mentation of a plan of action to reduce maternal mortality. The obligation
of result requires States to achieve specific targets to satisfy a particular
standard. With respect to the right to health, for example, the obligation of
result requires the reduction of maternal mortality to levels agreed at the
Fourth World Conference on Women of 1995 and in the United Nations
Millennium Declaration of 2000.48
Conceptual tools such as these – the duties to respect, protect and fulfil,
and obligations of conduct and result – promote the effective integration
of human rights into PRSs by clarifying the nature and scope of human
rights obligations. Greater clarity about human rights obligations helps
duty-holders identify measures that implement their obligations; it also
permits the enhanced accountability of duty-holders.
See, for example, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment
no.3 (the nature of States parties’ obligations), para. 1.
I. Background
Following a request made to the High Commissioner by the United Na-
tions Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights in August 2001,
OHCHR developed draft guidelines on integrating human rights into
poverty reduction strategies. The short-term objective is to provide
Governments, development agencies and other practitioners involved in
the design, implementation and monitoring of poverty reduction strate-
gies with operational guidelines. The long-term objective is to enhance
the effectiveness and sustainability of poverty reduction strategies. To
carry out this work, OHCHR engaged three consultants, Professors Paul
Hunt, Manfred Nowak and Siddiq Osmani, with specialized knowledge in
economic, social and cultural rights, civil and political rights, and devel-
opment economics, respectively.
II. Process
The project has two phases. The first phase has now been implemented.
The objective of the second phase will be to pilot the draft guidelines.
An important outcome of the piloting phase will be to revise the guide-
lines. The piloting phase will include four components:
• Field testing;
III. Substance
The draft guidelines are divided into three sections. Section I sets out
the basic principles of a human rights approach that should inform the
process of formulating a poverty reduction strategy (e.g., identification
of the poor, participation, empowerment, non-discrimination, national
and international human rights framework). Section II sets out the human
rights approach to determining the content of a poverty reduction
strategy. It identifies, for each right relevant to poverty reduction (food,
health, education, housing, work, personal security, privacy, political
rights and freedoms), the major elements of a strategy for realizing that
right. Here the rights are classified under two broad headings, “national”
and “international “ depending on the level at which action will have to be
taken. Section III explains how the human rights approach can guide the
monitoring and accountability aspects of poverty reduction strategies.
Like the principles discussed in section I, accountability is also one of the
basic principles of a human rights approach to poverty reduction.