Guide For Students - ISE II - Online Edition
Guide For Students - ISE II - Online Edition
Guide For Students - ISE II - Online Edition
What is ISE II? 5
ISE II summary 6
Reading & Writing 6
Speaking & Listening 7
Trinity’s Integrated Skills in English (ISE) exams assess all four language skills — reading,
writing, speaking and listening — in a way that reflects real-life communication in English.
This guide:
gives a summary of both modules of the ISE II exam — Reading & Writing and Speaking & Listening
gives you some ideas on how to prepare for the ISE II exam
tells you what the examiner is looking for
tells you about results and certificates.
Please check for the latest information about Trinity’s ISE exams, and
to make sure you are using the latest version of the related documents.
What is ISE II?
ISE II summary
ISE II summary
Reading & Writing
How long is the Reading & Writing exam? Two hours.
Which skills do the reading tasks test? Reading for gist, reading for details, reading comprehension,
understanding the main ideas of a text and deducing meaning.
Which skills do the writing tasks test? How you organise a text, your range of language functions,
grammar and vocabulary, how well you answer the question, and how you transform reading texts
into a writing text.
ISE II summary
Topic task Collaborative task Conversation task
listening task
(4 minutes) (4 minutes) (2 minutes)
(8 minutes)
What can you say about each topic? Which one demonstrates your English skills the best? Which
one would you like to discuss with the examiner?
It is a good idea to bring some notes or a mind map with you to the exam. You may also bring
a small item such as a picture, an event ticket or medal into the exam room to support the topic
dicussion. However, mobile phones must not be brought into the exam room. During the exam, you
discuss your topic with the examiner. Remember to plan your topic as a discussion, thinking of
questions that you can ask the examiner and also questions that the examiner might ask you.
ISE II summary
Think about each subject area. What can you say about each one? Try to talk about your
opinions, ideas and experiences.
? ? ...
The examiner gives Listen to a recording The examiner gives You report the relevant
you some instructions (twice) you some instructions information
How to prepare for ISE II
Look at the question carefully (How many different ideas are there in the question?
How many ideas do you have to write in your answer?).
Practise writing in a three-stage process:
– plan what you want to write
– write your answer
– check what you have written.
Check your work to see if it is:
– organised (Have you used paragraphs? Does it have a conclusion? Are your ideas clearly
organised and logical?)
– appropriate (Have you answered the question? Have you thought about the intended
– accurate (Is your spelling correct? Have you used capital letters and full stops?)
– legible (Is it easy to read?).
Practise doing sample exams from the Trinity website
Practise writing in English outside study time — for example, write a journal of your ideas and
plans, write your opinions on news items and current affairs, write reviews of films you have
seen or books you have read, take part in discussions on the internet in English, and write
emails or messages to friends in English.
How to prepare for ISE II
Topic task
Spend time choosing and preparing your topic. Choose a topic that interests you and that you
can spend up to four minutes discussing.
Try to think of a topic that includes lots of language of ISE II. For example, a topic in which
you can talk about advantages and disadvantages, speculate or ask for opinions.
Use a range of different language functions from the level (see page 14).
Think of the language you will need and the questions the examiner might ask you.
Use a diagram or mind map to help you plan your topic.
Think of questions you can ask the examiner about your topic.
Practise listening to English as well as speaking it — you are tested on your interactive listening
skills (how well you follow the conversation), so practise having conversations in English.
Don’t choose a technical topic — it’s difficult to remember technical vocabulary in the exam.
Don’t memorise a script — you can plan ideas and phrases for your topic, but remember that
the topic is a discussion and it is important to be natural.
Collaborative task
Practise with a friend or colleague.
Practise asking another person about a problem, a situation that has happened, or a problem or
situation that might happen in the future. Also, try asking them about their opinion on a problem
or situation — ask them for more information and try to work with them to discuss the situation.
Practise listening to English as well as speaking it — you are tested on your interactive listening
skills (how well you follow the conversation), so practise having conversations in English.
Don’t talk about yourself — the Collaborative task is about the other person’s situation, not yours.
How to prepare for ISE II
Conversation task
Be prepared to talk about all the conversation subject areas.
Think about what questions the examiner might ask about the different conversation subject
Think about how you can use the language functions of ISE II to talk about the different
conversation subject areas.
Remember to think of questions to ask the examiner about each conversation subject area.
Practise listening to English in addition to speaking it — you are tested on your interactive
listening skills (how well you follow the conversation), so practise having conversations in English.
Don’t try to write down everything you hear — you don’t need 100% of the information.
What happens on the day of the exam?
If you make a mistake, cross out your answer and write a new answer next to it.
Don’t just copy from the texts — always try to use your own words.
What happens on the day of the exam?
The examiner says ‘Hello’ and asks your name.
The examiner uses some simple greetings like
‘How are you?’.
The examiner asks to see your identification.
You are not tested during the introduction part
of the exam.
It is natural to be nervous when taking an exam — but try to think of the Speaking & Listening
exam as an opportunity to talk about things that interest you. It’s a chance to show the examiner
what you can do in English.
If you don’t understand something, ask the examiner to repeat what he or she said.
Topic task
The examiner asks you what you want to talk about and then asks you a question about your topic
to start the discussion. Listen carefully and answer the examiner’s questions. Don’t forget to ask
questions too.
Collaborative task
The examiner reads out a short prompt. You have to ask questions and keep the conversation
going. Listen carefully to what the examiner says and make sure you understand the prompt.
Respond to the prompt and ask questions, offer opinions and ask the examiner what he or she
thinks. Don’t just talk about the subject in general, but interact with the examiner about what he
or she says. Build the conversation together.
Conversation task
The examiner tells you which subject you are going to talk about and then asks you a question to
start the conversation. Listen carefully to what the examiner says and think about what language
you need to answer the question. Don’t forget to ask questions too.
What is the examiner assessing in ISE II?
There are 30 questions in the reading section. Depending on the number of correct answers you
give, your Reading result will be Distinction, Merit, Pass or Fail.
Here are the four skills that the examiner assesses:
Task fulfilment: How well you answer the question.
Organisation and structure: How well you organise your writing, use paragraphs and sentences
and link your ideas together.
Language control: How well you use the language functions at ISE II and the range and accuracy
of the vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and spelling that you use.
Reading for writing (task 3 only): How well you use the reading texts from task 2 to write answers
using your own words, in task 3.
For the writing tasks, your scores in the four scales are combined. Your Writing result will be
Distinction, Merit, Pass or Fail.
If you pass the reading part and the writing part, you will pass the Reading & Writing module. If you fail
either the reading part or the writing part, or both, you will not pass the Reading & Writing module.
Distinction Distinction
Merit Merit = Pass
Pass Pass
What is the examiner assessing in ISE II?
The examiner assesses these four abilities:
Communicative effectiveness: How well you complete each task. For example, discussing your
topic or having a conversation.
How well you respond to the examiner and how you cope with problems. For example, can you ask
the examiner to repeat when you don’t understand.
Interactive listening: How well you follow and build the conversation with the examiner.
Language control: How well you use the language functions of ISE II (see page 14) and the range
and accuracy of the vocabulary and grammar that you use.
Delivery: Can the examiner understand you? How good is your pronunciation and fluency?
Your Speaking result will be Distinction, Merit, Pass or Fail.
In the Independent listening task the examiner awards a score based on how well you have
understood the recording. Your speaking and writing are not assessed in the Independent
listening task.
Your Listening result will be Distinction, Merit, Pass or Fail.
If you pass the speaking part and the listening part, you will pass the Speaking & Listening
module. If you fail either the speaking part or the listening part, or both, you will not pass the
Speaking & Listening module.
Distinction Distinction
Merit Merit = Pass
Pass Pass
You also receive a report showing your strengths and areas for future improvement in each skill.
You get this report if you pass or fail.