BUS1012 Research AssignmentInstructions
BUS1012 Research AssignmentInstructions
BUS1012 Research AssignmentInstructions
Research Assignment
Analyze a publicly traded company using the skills you have developed in this course
(the category for this semester will be decided by your instructor)
The company you choose must be in this industry
Visit eConestoga to review the assignment rubric
General Instructions
Step 1: Choose a company.
Step 2: Find the company’s Annual Report. If you cannot find the Annual Report, you
may wish to choose a different company – The annual report will contain much of the
information you will need.
Step 3: Analyze the firm of your choice in your own words, with explanations and
analysis. Use the answers to the questions below as a guideline of factors that should be
identified, but do not forget to analyze with your own thoughts and opinions.
Step 4: Write the assignment in Microsoft Word and upload to this assignment Dropbox
by the deadline.
Formatting Instructions
Add a cover page and a references page to your document.
Use 12 pt. font, 1.5 line spacing, and 1-inch margins.
Add page numbers to the document footer.
Use headings throughout the document, not outline style (a, b, c, etc.)
You must include references and cite all sources appropriate.
The assignments use the Turnitin Dropbox to evaluate for plagiarism so be careful to
write using your own words with proper citation (do not copy and paste).
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BUS1012- Introduction to Business
Research Assignment
Part 3 - Products
Briefly describe the products offered by the company. If there are multiple products, describe
the product line.
What is the brand image of the company?
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BUS1012- Introduction to Business
Research Assignment
Describe who the customers of the company are (target market). Give some
demographics/psychographics/behavioural etc.
What channels does the company use to reach its customers?
Identify the marketing mix (4 Ps).
Describe two to three competitors (size, quality, products, etc.) and the company
competes in the marketplace.
What is the company's competitive advantage?
Part 4 – Conclusion
Briefly (one or two paragraphs) summarize your findings and personal thoughts on the
company you researched.
Did your findings about the company you chose meet/exceed your expectations?
Were you able to find any surprising information?
Do you still have the same opinion about the company after conducting this research?
Why or why not?
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