Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Advanced DBMS L P C
3 3
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1st) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub‐parts / sub‐questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log‐tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To do database programming.
2. To learn various advance concepts of relational model.
3. To learn the need and concepts of object relational model.
4. To know about emerging databases.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 Able to perform database programming.
CO 2 Able to understand the various advance concepts of databases such as transaction processing
CO 3 Able to differentiate between relational model and object relational model.
CO 4 Able to identify the emerging developments in the field of database technologies
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 3 2 2 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 2 3 3 2 2 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 3 3 3 2 3 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 4 3 3 2 3 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
Concept of advanced database techniques, Impact of emerging database standards, Study of DDBMS
architecture, New developments in database technology
Database Programming: Introduction, Database Objects, Procedures, Functions, Packages, Triggers,
Programmatic SQL, Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL, and ODBC Standard. Parallel Database Architecture, Data
base System Structure, Storage Manager, Query Processor.
Introduction to the Relational Model, Advanced Transaction Processing, Relational model conformity and
Integrity, Data Replication, Security considerations, Querying relational data and relational Algebra, Query
processing & optimization, Integrity Constraints.
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Object Oriented database concepts, Object relational database concepts, Temporal database concepts, Mobile
Databases, Object based databases Complex data types, structured types and inheritance in SQL, object
identity and reference types in SQL
Structure of XML, Document Schema, Querying and Transformation, API in XML, XML applications. Postgre SQL,
Oracle, SQL standards, SQL1999, SQL: 2003, Standards for interoperability and integration, XML related
specifications, X‐Query, X‐Path, Web Services, SOAP
1. Elmasri, Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, India.
2. Data base System Concepts, Silberschatz, Korth, McGraw hill, V edition.
1. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, McGraw‐ Hill
2. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmasri Navrate Pearson Education
3. S.R. Prabhu, “Object‐Oriented Database Systems: Approaches and Architectures”, Prentice‐Hall of India,
Pvt. Ltd., Second edition, 2005.
4. SQL/ PL/SQL, The programming language of Oracle, Ivan Bayross, 4th Edition BPB Publications.
5. Rajesh Narang, “Object Oriented Interfaces and Databases”, Prentice‐Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 40 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 60 marks
1. The course objectives and course outcomes are identical to that of (Advanced DBMS) as this is the practical
component of the corresponding theory paper.
2. The practical list shall be notified by the teacher in the first week of the class commencement under
intimation to the office of the Head of Department / Institution in which the paper is being offered from
the list of practicals below. Atleast 10 experiments must be performed by the students, they may be asked
to do more. Atleast 5 experiments must be from the given list.
Applicable from Batch Admitted in Academic Session 2021-22 Onwards Page 483
Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1st) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub‐parts / sub‐questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log‐tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To learn the ability to design console based, GUI based and web based applications
2. To learn how to create dynamic web pages, using Servlets and JSP.
3. To learn Designing applications using pre‐built framework.
4. To learn how to do distributed programming in Java using RMI, CORBA.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 Able to Understand advanced programming concepts.
CO 2 Able to Develop server side programs using JSP and Servlets
CO 3 Able to Develop component‐based java software using java beans.
CO 4 Able to develop advanced projects based on java.
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 2 2 3 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 2 3 2 2 3 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 3 3 2 2 3 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 4 3 2 2 3 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
Preparing a Class to be a Java Bean, Creating a Java Bean, Java Bean Properties, Types of beans, Stateful Session
bean, Stateless Session bean, Entity bean Servlet Overview and Architecture, Interface Servlet and the Servlet
Life Cycle, Handling, HTTP GET Requests, Handling HTTP POST Requests, Session Tracking, Cookies.
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
JSP‐ Introduction, Java Server Pages Overview, Implicit Objects, Scripting, Standard Actions, Directives, Custom
Tag Libraries.
The Roles of Client and Server, Remote Method Invocations, Setup for Remote Method Invocation, Parameter
Passing in Remote Methods, Introduction of HB, HB Architecture.
1. Kathy Sierra, Head First Servlets and JSP, O'Reilly Media.
2. Kanika Lakhani, Advance Java Programming, S.K. Kataria & Sons
1. Brett Spell, Professional Java Programming, WROX Publication.
2. Harvey. M. Dietal, Advanced Java 2 Platform, How to Program, Prentice Hall.
3. Gajendra Gupta, Advanced Java, Firewall Media.
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 40 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 60 marks
1. The course objectives and course outcomes are identical to that of (Advanced Java Programming) as this is
the practical component of the corresponding theory paper.
2. The practical list shall be notified by the teacher in the first week of the class commencement under
intimation to the office of the Head of Department / Institution in which the paper is being offered from
the list of practicals below. Atleast 10 experiments must be performed by the students, they may be asked
to do more. Atleast 5 experiments must be from the given list.
Applicable from Batch Admitted in Academic Session 2021-22 Onwards Page 491
Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Artificial Intelligence L P C
3 3
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1st) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub‐parts / sub‐questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log‐tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To impart the definition and basic knowledge of Artificial Intelligence.
2. To introduces AI by examining the nature of the difficult problems.
3. To understand with AI demonstration that intelligence requires ability to find reason.
4. To understand the latest techniques and the future scope of the technology.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 Ability to use AI methods and control strategies to solve the problems.
CO 2 Understand the production system and its applications. Also, to understand the properties and
applications for the different search algorithms.
CO 3 Applying the different algorithms and the techniques, also analyse the reason for the results.
CO 4 Study the expert systems and the modern approaches.
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2
CO 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2
CO 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2
CO 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2
AI Definition, Problems, The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Techniques, Models, Defining Problem as a
state space search, production system, Intelligent Agents: Agents and Environments, Characteristics, Search
methods and issues in the design of search problems.
Knowledge representation issues, mapping, frame problem. Predicate logic, facts in logic, representing instance
and Isa relationship, Resolution, procedural and declarative knowledge, matching, control knowledge. Symbolic
reasoning under uncertainty, Non monotonic reasoning, statistical reasoning.
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Game Playing, minimax search, Alfa beta cut‐offs, Natural Language Processing, Learning, Explanation‐based
learning, discovery, analogy, Neural net learning and Genetic Learning.
Fuzzy logic systems, Perception and action, Expert systems, Inference in Bayesian Networks, K‐means
Clustering Algorithm, Machine learning.
1. Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, and Shivashankar B Nair, “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. S. Russel and P. Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Pearson Edu.
1. Deepak Khemani, “A First Choice in Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw Hill.
2. K M Fu, “Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence”, McGraw Hill.
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 40 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 60 marks
1. The course objectives and course outcomes are identical to that of (Artificial Intelligence) as this is the
practical component of the corresponding theory paper.
2. The practical list shall be notified by the teacher in the first week of the class commencement under
intimation to the office of the Head of Department / Institution in which the paper is being offered from
the list of practicals below. Atleast 10 experiments must be performed by the students, they may be asked
to do more. Atleast 5 experiments must be from the given list.
1. Study of PROLOG.
2. Write simple fact for the statements using PROLOG
a. Ram likes mango.
b. Seema is a girl.
c. Bill likes Cindy.
d. Rose is red.
e. John owns gold.
3. Write predicates, one converts centigrade temperatures to Fahrenheit, the other checksif a temperature is
below freezing using PROLOG.
4. Write a program to implement Breath First Search Traversal.
5. Write a program to implement Water Jug Problem.
6. Write a program to remove punctuations from the given string.
7. Write a program to sort the sentence in alphabetical order.
8. Write a program to implement Hangman game using python.
9. Write a program to implement Hangman game.
10. Write a program to implement Tic‐Tac‐Toe game.
11. Write a program to remove stop words for a given passage from a text file using NLTK.
12. Write a program to implement stemming for a given sentence using NLTK.
13. Write a program to POS (part of speech) tagging for the give sentence using NLTK.
14. Write a program to implement Lemmatization using NLTK.
15. Write a program for Text Classification for the given sentence using NLTK.
Applicable from Batch Admitted in Academic Session 2021-22 Onwards Page 539
Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Programming in Python L P C
3 3
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1st) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub‐parts / sub‐questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log‐tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. Learn the syntax and semantics of Python Programming Language.
2. Write Python functions to facilitate code reuse and manipulate strings.
3. Illustrate the process of structuring the data using lists, tuples and dictionaries.
4. Demonstrate the use of built‐in functions to navigate the file system.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 Demonstrate the concepts of control structures in Python.
CO 2 Implement Python programs using functions and strings.
CO 3 Implement methods to create and manipulate lists, tuples and dictionaries
CO 4 Apply the concepts of file handling and regExusing packages.
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 2 2 2 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 2 3 2 2 2 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 3 3 2 2 2 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 4 3 2 2 2 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
Introduction, Python Basics: Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Integer, Floating‐Point, and
String Data Types, String Concatenation and Replication, Storing Values in Variables, Dissecting Your Program.
Flow control: Boolean Values, Comparison Operators, Boolean Operators, Mixing Boolean and Comparison
Operators, Elements of Flow Control, Program Execution, Flow Control Statements, Importing Modules, Ending
a Program Early with sys.exit().
Functions: def Statements with Parameters, Return Values and return Statements, The None Value, Keyword
Arguments and print(), Local and Global Scope, The global Statement, Exception Handling. Lists: The List Data
Type, Working with Lists, Augmented Assignment Operators, Methods. Dictionaries and Structuring Data: The
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Dictionary Data Type, Pretty Printing, Using Data Structures to Model Real‐World Things. Manipulating Strings ‐
Working with Strings, Useful String Methods.
Reading and Writing Files: Files and File Paths, The os.path Module, The File Reading/Writing Process, Saving
Variables with the shelve Module, Saving Variables with the pprint.pformat() Function. Organizing Files: The
shutil Module, Walking a Directory Tree, Compressing Files with the zipfile Module.
Web Scraping: Project: MAPIT.PY with the web browser Module, Downloading Files from the Web with the
requests Module, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive, HTML.
1. Al Sweigart, “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python”, William Pollock, 2015, ISBN: 978‐1593275990.
1. Allen B. Downey, "Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist”, 2nd Edition, Green Tea Press,
2015, ISBN: 978‐9352134755.
2. Charles Dierbach, "Introduction to Computer Science Using Python", 1st Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd. ISBN‐13:
3. Wesley J Chun, “Core Python Applications Programming”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education India, 2015. ISBN‐
13: 978‐9332555365.
4. Roberto Tamassia, Michael H Goldwasser, Michael T Goodrich, “Data Structures and Algorithms in Python”,
1st Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2016. ISBN‐13: 978‐8126562176.
5. Reema Thareja, “Python Programming using problem solving approach”, Oxford University press, 2017. ISBN‐
13: 978‐0199480173
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 40 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 60 marks
1. The course objectives and course outcomes are identical to that of (Programming in Python) as this is the
practical component of the corresponding theory paper.
2. The practical list shall be notified by the teacher in the first week of the class commencement under
intimation to the office of the Head of Department / Institution in which the paper is being offered from
the list of practicals below. Atleast 10 experiments must be performed by the students, they may be asked
to do more. Atleast 5 experiments must be from the given list.
1. Basic data types and operators: Create a program that prompts the user for their name and age and prints
a personalized message.
2. Conditional statements: Create a program that prompts the user for their age and tells them if they can
vote in the next election.
3. Loops: Create a program that calculates the factorial of a number entered by the user using a loop.
4. Lists and arrays: Create a program that prompts the user for a list of numbers and then sorts them in
ascending order.
5. Strings and string manipulation: Create a program that prompts the user for a string and then prints out
the string reversed.
6. Functions: Create a program that defines a function to calculate the area of a circle based on the radius
entered by the user.
7. Classes and objects: Create a program that defines a class to represent a car and then creates an object of
that class with specific attributes.
8. File input/output: Create a program that reads data from a file and writes it to another file in a different
9. Regular expressions: Create a program that uses regular expressions to find all instances of a specific
pattern in a text file.
10. Exception handling: Create a program that prompts the user for two numbers and then divides them,
handling any exceptions that may arise.
11. GUI programming: Create a program that uses a graphical user interface (GUI) to allow the user to perform
simple calculations.
12. Web scraping: Create a program that uses a web scraping library to extract data from a website and then
stores it in a database.
13. Data visualization: Create a program that reads data from a file and then creates a visualization of that data
using a data visualization library.
14. Machine learning: Create a program that uses a machine learning library to classify images based on their
15. Networking: Create a program that uses a networking library to communicate with a server and retrieve
data from it.
Applicable from Batch Admitted in Academic Session 2021-22 Onwards Page 1288
Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1st) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub‐parts / sub‐questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log‐tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To learn the Web Development, Designing and validations using HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT and
2. To learn and implement the concept of ReactJS
3. To learn and implement the concept of NodeJS and ExpressJS
4. To learn and implement the connectivity of MongoDB with web applications
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 To be able to learn the basic implementation and apply HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT and JavaScript
concepts in web applications
CO 2 To be able to develop a Web application using ReactJS
CO 3 To be able to develop a Web application based on NodeJS and ExpressJS
CO 4 To be able to connect the applications using MongoDB
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 ‐ 1 2 ‐ 3 3
CO 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 ‐ 1 2 ‐ 3 3
CO 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 ‐ 1 2 ‐ 3 3
CO 4 1 2 1 1 3 1 ‐ 1 2 ‐ 3 3
Introduction: Fundamentals of Web Design, Webpage and Website, Web application, Client‐server architecture
Markup languages: Introduction to HTML, basics of XTHML, HTML elements, HTML tags, lists, tables, forms,
defining XHTML’s abstract syntax, XML.
CSS style sheets: Introduction, CSS core syntax, text properties, CSS box model, normal flow box layout, other
properties like list, tables, XSLT
Client Side Programming: JAVA Scripts, basic syntax, variables & data‐types, literals, functions, objects, arrays,
built‐in objects, JAVA Script form programming, Intrinsic event handling, modifying element style, document
trees, ECMAScript5, ECMAScript6
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
ReactJS: Introduction, Templating using JSX, Classes using JSX, Components, State and Props, Lifecycle of
Components, Rendering List and Portals, Error Handling, Routers, Redux and Redux Saga, Immutable.js, Service
Side Rendering, Unit Testing, Webpack
NodeJS: Node js Overview, Node js Basics and Setup, Node js Console, Node js Command Utilities, Node js
Modules, Node js Concepts, Node js Events, Node js Database Access, Node.js with Express.js, Express.js
Request, Express.js Response, Express.js Get, Express.js Post, Express.js Routing, Express.js Cookies, Express.js
File Upload, Express.js Middleware, Express.js Scaffolding, Express.js Template.
MongoDB: SQL and NoSql concepts, Create and manage MongoDB, Migration of data into MongoDB, MongoDB
with NodeJS, Services offered by MongoDB
1. Vasan Subramanian, “Pro MERN Stack”, Apress Publisher, 2 Edition, ISBN: 9781484243916
2. Chris Northwood, “The Full Stack Developer”, Apress Publisher, ISBN: 978‐1484241516
1. Greg Lim, “Beginning MERN Stack Applications”, Independently Published, Third Edition.
2. ”Road for Being MERN STACK Developer”, Independently published, ISBN:9798766684855
3. Shama Hoque, “ Full Stack React Projects”, O'Reilly Media , 2nd Edition.
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 40 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 60 marks
1. The course objectives and course outcomes are identical to that of (Web Development using MERN Stack)
as this is the practical component of the corresponding theory paper.
2. The practical list shall be notified by the teacher in the first week of the class commencement under
intimation to the office of the Head of Department / Institution in which the paper is being offered from
the list of practicals below. Atleast 10 experiments must be performed by the students, they may be asked
to do more. Atleast 5 experiments must be from the given list.
1. Task management tool: Login/Register to the application, add daily tasks, Assign a due date of completion,
Mark them as complete/incomplete and View weekly/monthly statistics of their to‐dos.
2. Blogging platform:
3. Social media platform
4. Weather Forecasting APP.
5. Bookstore Library and Stock keeping APP:
a) User Interface: Browse Books from library, filter them based on category, author, publications, pay
& rent them for a specific duration, like/review them
b) Admin interface: List/manage books, track rented books and their availability and send notifications via
email to users once lease expires.
6. Build a simple CRUD application: create a web application that allows users to create, Read, Update and
Delete data from a MongoDB database.
7. Design a web platform to help small businesses manage their inventory.
8. Create a web‐based system to streamline the process of booking appointments.
9. Develop a web‐based tool for medical professionals to easily store and access patient records.
10. Develop a web application to facilitate collaboration between teachers and students.
Applicable from Batch Admitted in Academic Session 2021-22 Onwards Page 1524
Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1st) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto
5 sub‐parts / sub‐questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log‐tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To understand the database design life cycle and design conceptual model of database system.
2. To design logical model of database system.
3. To physically implement the database.
4. To understand the need of database tuning and security.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 Able to understand the database design life cycle and design conceptual model of database system.
CO 2 Able to design logical model of database system.
CO 3 Able to physically implement the database.
CO 4 Able to perform database tuning.
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 3 2 2 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 2 3 3 2 2 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 3 3 3 2 3 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
CO 4 3 3 2 3 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 2 2 3
Introduction: Overview of database systems architecture and components, database design life cycle
Conceptual data modelling: ER Modeling, EER Modeling, Modeling complex relationships, Design issues in ER &
EER modeling
Logical data modelling: Overview of relational data model, Integrity constraints, Mapping ER Model to a logical
schema, Mapping EER Model to a logical schema, Mapping of higher degree relationships, Mapping of
Aggregation, Mapping complex ER Model Constructs to a logical schema
Normalization: Introduction, Anomalies, Normal forms – 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF & 5NF
Database implementation and physical database design: Database creation using SQL, SQL commands – DDL &
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Database tuning and maintenance: Introduction, Clustering and indexing, guidelines for index selection,
de‐normalization, database tuning
Database security: Introduction, Access control DCL Commands, views
1. Database Modelling and Database Design. Narayan S. Umanath and Richard W. Scamell. Cengage Learning,
2nd Edition.
2. Database Management Systems. Raghu Ramakrishnana and Johannes Gehrke, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition.
1. Database Modelling and Design. Toby Teorey, Sam Lightstone, Tom Nadeau and H. V. Jagadish. Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 5th Edition
2. Elmasri, Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, India.
3. Database System Concepts, Silberschatz, Korth, McGraw hill, V edition.
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Marking Scheme:
4. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
5. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
6. This is an NUES paper, hence all examinations to be conducted by the concerned teacher.
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1st) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub‐parts / sub‐questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper.
Course Objectives :
1. To help the students appreciate the essential complementarily between 'VALUES' and 'SKILLS' to
ensure sustained happiness and prosperity which are the core aspirations of all human beings.
2. To facilitate the development of a Holistic perspective among students towards life and profession as
well as towards happiness and prosperity based on a correct understanding of the Human reality and
the rest of existence. Such a holistic perspective forms the basis of Universal Human Values and
movement towards value‐based living in a natural way.
3. To highlight plausible implications of such a Holistic understanding in terms of ethical human conduct,
trustful and mutually fulfilling human behaviour and mutually enriching interaction with Nature.
4. To analyze the value of harmonious relationship based on trust and respect in their life and profession
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 Evaluate the significance of value inputs in formal education and start applying them in their life and
CO 2 Distinguish between values and skills, happiness and accumulation of physical facilities, the Self and
the Body, Intention and Competence of an individual, etc.
CO 3 Examine the role of a human being in ensuring harmony in society and nature.
CO 4 Apply the understanding of ethical conduct to formulate the strategy for ethical life and profession.
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 ‐ 3 1 1 ‐ 1
CO 2 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 ‐ 3 1 1 ‐ 1
CO 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 ‐ 3 1 1 ‐ 1
CO 4 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 ‐ 3 1 1 ‐ 1
Introduction‐Basic Human Aspiration, its fulfillment through All‐encompassing Resolution: The basic human
aspirations and their fulfillment through Right understanding and Resolution, Right understanding and
Resolution as the activities of the Self, Self being central to Human Existence; All‐encompassing Resolution for a
Human Being, its details and solution of problems in the light of Resolution
Understanding Human Being: Understanding the human being comprehensively as the first step and the core
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
theme of this course; human being as co‐existence of the self and the body; the activities and potentialities of
the self; Basis for harmony/contradiction in the self
Understanding Nature and Existence: A comprehensive understanding (knowledge) about the existence,
Nature being included; the need and process of inner evolution (through self‐exploration, self‐awareness and
self‐evaluation), particularly awakening to activities of the Self: Realization, Understanding and Contemplation
in the Self (Realization of Co‐Existence, Understanding of Harmony in Nature and Contemplation of
Participation of Human in this harmony/ order leading to comprehensive knowledge about the existence).
Understanding Human Conduct, All‐encompassing Resolution & Holistic Way of Living: Understanding Human
Conduct, different aspects of All‐encompassing Resolution (understanding, wisdom, science etc.), Holistic way
of living for Human Being with All‐encompassing Resolution covering all four dimensions of human endeavor
viz., realization, thought, behavior and work (participation in the larger order) leading to harmony at all levels
from Self to Nature and entire Existence
1. R R Gaur, R Asthana, G P Bagaria, 2019 (2nd Revised Edition), A Foundation Course in Human Values and
Professional Ethics. ISBN 978‐93‐87034‐47‐1, Excel Books, New Delhi.
2. Premvir Kapoor, Professional Ethics and Human Values, Khanna Book Publishing, New Delhi, 2022.
1. Ivan Illich, 1974, Energy & Equity, The Trinity Press, Worcester, and Harper Collins, USA
2. E.F. Schumacher, 1973, Small is Beautiful: a study of economics as if people mattered, Blond & Briggs,
3. Sussan George, 1976, How the Other Half Dies, Penguin Press. Reprinted 1986.
4. Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, William W. Behrens III, 1972, Limits to Growth –
Club of Rome’s report, Universe Books.
5. A Nagraj, 1998, Jeevan Vidya EkParichay, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak.
6. P L Dhar, RR Gaur, 1990, Science and Humanism, Commonwealth Publishers.
7. A N Tripathy, 2003, Human Values, New Age International Publishers.
8. Subhas Palekar, 2000, How to practice Natural Farming, Pracheen (Vaidik) Krishi Tantra Shodh, Amravati.
9. E G Seebauer& Robert L. Berry, 2000, Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists &Engineers, Oxford University
10. M Govindrajran, S Natrajan& V.S. Senthil Kumar, Engineering Ethics (including Human Values), Eastern
Economy Edition, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.
11. B P Banerjee, 2005, Foundations of Ethics and Management, Excel Books.
12. B L Bajpai, 2004, Indian Ethos and Modern Management, New Royal Book Co., Lucknow. Reprinted 2008.
Applicable from Batch Admitted in Academic Session 2021-22 Onwards Page 1487
Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1st) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto 5
sub‐parts / sub‐questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log‐tables / data – tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To describe the functions, roles and skills of managers and illustrate how the manager’s job is evolving.
2. To evaluate approaches to goal setting, planning and organizing in a variety of circumstances.
3. To evaluate contemporary approaches for staffing and leading in an organization
4. To analyze contemporary issues in controlling for measuring organizational performance.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 Examine the relevance of the political, legal, ethical, economic andcultural environments in global
CO 2 Evaluate approaches to goal setting, planning and organizing in a variety of circumstances.
CO 3 Evaluate contemporary approaches for staffing and leading in an organization
CO 4 Analyze contemporary issues in controlling for measuring organizational performance.
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 2 2 1 2 ‐ 2 ‐ ‐ 1 2 3 2
CO 2 2 2 1 2 ‐ 2 ‐ ‐ 1 2 3 2
CO 3 2 2 1 2 ‐ 2 ‐ ‐ 1 2 3 2
CO 4 2 2 1 2 ‐ 2 ‐ ‐ 1 2 3 2
Planning: Nature & Purpose, Steps involved in Planning, Objectives, Setting Objectives, Process of Managing by
Objectives, Strategies, Policies & Planning Premises, CompetitorIntelligence, Benchmarking, Forecasting,
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Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Directing: Scope, Human Factors, Creativity and Innovation,Harmonizing Objectives, Leadership, Types of
Leadership,Directing, Managers as leaders, Early LeadershipTheories…Trait Theories, Behavioral Theories,
ManagerialGrid, Contingency Theories of Leadership, Directing ...PathGoal Theory, contemporary views of
Leadership, CrossCultural Leadership, Leadership Training, Substitutes ofLeadership
Controlling: Controlling, Introduction to Controlling System and processof Controlling, Requirements for
effective control, Theplanning Contol link, The process of control, types ofcontrol The Budget as Control
Technique, InformationTechnology in Controlling, Productivity, Problems andManagement, Control of Overall
Performance, Direct andPreventive Control, Financial Controls, Tools formeasuring organizational Performance,
Contemporaryissues in control Workplace concerns, employee theft,employee violence
1. Tripathi PC. Principles of management. Tata McGraw‐Hill Education; 6th Edition 2017.
1. Koontz H, Weihrich H. Essentials of management: an international, innovation, and leadershipperspective.
McGraw‐Hill Education; 10th Edition 2018.
2. Principles of Management Text and Cases, Pravin Durai , Pearson ,2015
3. Robbins, S.P. &Decenzo, David A. Fundamentals of Management,7th ed., Pearson, 2010
4. Robbins, S.P. & Coulter, Mary Management; 14 ed.,Pearson , 2009
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