Detailed Estimate

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Detailed Estimate
Name of Work : Laying of UGSS Main Line in Thirumullaivoyal Anbethkar statue Opposite Zone II in Avadi City
Municipa Corporation
Estimate Amount: Rs. 6.83 Lakhs
Description of Items No Length Breadth Depth Qty
1 Barrication work along one side of the trench for laying the
pipe line with casurina post at 1.52m centre to centre (8 to
10cm dia and 1.52m height) verticals, painting the vertival
posts in different colours, tieing with coir rope, fixing danger
flags, danger lights, reflectors including watching during night 1 x 4 8.00 - - 32.00
etc., Complete as per standard Specifications (CMWSSB SOR
2022-23Pg No.63)

32.00 Rm
2 Cutting asphalitc concrete road

Hire charges for deploying earth moving machinery

(JCB/Poclain) for earthwork including diesel, oil and labour
charges etc., complete TWADSOR 2022-23 Pg No.322. Sch.41 1 x 1 24.00 24.00 Hrs

3 Construction of circular RCC machineholes at various depths

to invert including earthwork excavation as per
SS20B,Reinforced cement concrete M30 using S.R cement
and 20mm size hard blue granite stone (Machine crushed)
excluding cost of reinforcement,fabrication ab=nd placing the
grills in position and excluding cost of shoring and strutting
but including curing, finishing and mixing concrete using
mechanical mixer machine and compaction by mechanical
vibrator etc.., complete and as directed by site Engineer

At 2.5m deep 1 x 1 - - - 1.00 Nos

At 4.5m deep 1 x 1 - - - 1.00 Nos
At 4.5m deep 1 x 1 - - - 1.00 Nos
4 Cost of Timbering for use in construction of Machineholes

At 2.5m deep 1 x 1
At 4m deep 1 x 1
At 4m deep 1 x 1
Shoring, and strutting with sheet piles of size width 400 mm x
of 3m x thickness of 9mm as per IS 2314-1986 by driving on
sides of the trench from Ground Level up to the required
depth and
connecting the above sheet piles by horizontal strutting with
piles at an interval of 1.0m, fixing the sheet piles by
connecting the
horizontal strutting with casurina poles of 8cm to 10cm dia. at
At 2.5m deep 1 x 2 3.00 6.00 RM
At 4m deep 1 x 2 3.00 6.00 RM
At 4m deep 1 x 2 3.00 6.00 RM
6 Supply and delivery of C.I. SPUN PIPES class B AS PER IS
1536/2001 Amendment No.3.July 2008 (TWAD Sor pg no.38
schedule III )

350 mm dia Class B C I Pipe 1 x 1 9.00 9.00 M

7 Lowering of C.I Pipes and specials in the
350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 2.5m Depth 1 x 1 3.00 3.00 M
350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 4.5m Depth 1 x 1 3.00 3.00 M
350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 4.5m Depth 1 x 1 3.00 3.00 M
8 Jointing the C.I/ D.I - S/S pipes and specials with
molten lead and Yarn including caulking the

350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 2.5m Depth 1 x 1 1.00 JOINT

350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 4.5m Depth 1 x 1 1.00 JOINT

350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 4.5m Depth 1 x 1 1.00 JOINT
TYPE, IS 12592, PART 1 & 2
60 cm dia extra heavy duty (TWAD SOR 2022-23Pg 1 x 3 - - - 3.00 Nos
No.85)Schedule no 15
10 Dewatering using 10HP to 70HP diesel engine pumpset
including Hire charges, cost of Diesel, Engine oil, pump
operator, labour charges, conveyance of pumpset and fuel to
site and back, loading, unloading and any other incidental 1 x 4 (12HRS for 1day) 48.00 Hrs
charges etc., complete. (TWAD SOR 2022-23 Pg No.309)

Description of Items No Length Breadth Depth Qty
11 Hire charges for portable Genset 1.00 KVA with 2 Nos. of
150W flood light including all incidental charges,
transportation, crew charges and fuel charges etc., complete. 1 x 4 (8 HRS for 1day) 4.00 Days
(TWAD SOR 2022-23 Pg.301 S.No.40)

Provision for GST @ 18% - - - LS

Provision for Labour Welfare Fund @ 1.00% - - - LS
Provision for Centage Charges @ 1.50% - - - LS
Provision for Rectification of leaks/damages in existing utilities
- - - LS
during execution of work 2.5%
Contingencies and Unforeseen Items 2.5% - - - LS

Assistant Engineer Engineer

Avadi City Municipal Corporation Avadi City Municipal Corporation


Name of Work : Laying of UGSS Main Line in Thirumullaivoyal Anbethkar statue Opposite Zone II in Avadi City
Municipa Corporation

Description of works No. of Rate Amount

Sl. No. Unit Per
Qty Rs. P. Rs. P.
Barrication work along one side of the trench for
laying the pipe line with casurina post at 1.52m
centre to centre (8 to 10cm dia and 1.52m height)
verticals, painting the vertival posts in different
1 colours, tieing with coir rope, fixing danger flags, 32.00 Meter 83.00 M 2,656.00
danger lights, reflectors including watching during
night etc., Complete as per standard Specifications
(CMWSSB SOR 2022-23Pg No.63)

2 Cutting asphalitc concrete road

Hire charges for deploying earth moving machinery
(JCB/Poclain) for earthwork including diesel, oil and
a charges etc., complete TWADSOR 2022-23 Pg 24.00 Days 784.00 Sqm 18,816.00
No.322. Sch.41 A

Construction of circular RCC machineholes at

various depths to invert including earthwork
excavation as per SS20B,Reinforced cement
concrete M30 using S.R cement and 20mm size
hard blue granite stone (Machine crushed) excluding
cost of reinforcement,fabrication ab=nd placing the
3 grills in position and excluding cost of shoring and
strutting but including curing, finishing and mixing
concrete using mechanical mixer machine and
compaction by mechanical vibrator etc.., complete
and as directed by site Engineer

a At 2.5m deep 1.00 Nos 65,823.00 Nos 65,823.00

b At 4.5m deep 1.00 Nos 114,515.00 Nos 114,515.00
c At 4.5m deep 1.00 Nos 114,515.00 Nos 114,515.00
Cost of Timbering for use in construction of Machineholes
a At 2.5m deep 1.00 Nos 12,251.00 Nos 12,251.00
b At 4.5m deep 1.00 Nos 21,570.00 Nos 21,570.00
c At 4.5m deep 1.00 Nos 21,570.00 Nos 21,570.00
Shoring, and strutting with sheet piles of size width 400 mm
x height
of 3m x thickness of 9mm as per IS 2314-1986 by driving
on both
sides of the trench from Ground Level up to the required
depth and
connecting the above sheet piles by horizontal strutting with
piles at an interval of 1.0m, fixing the sheet piles by
connecting the
horizontal strutting with casurina poles of 8cm to 10cm dia.
at 1.50m
interval and including removing the sheet piles after the
pipelines are
5 laid, jointed, tested, and stacking it safely for other uses. It
the cost of sheet piles and casurina poles including labour
charges for
erecting the sheet piles, driving the sheet piles, removing
the sheet
piles, fixing Casurina poles, etc., complete and all other
charges for the depths (i) 0-3mts.,(ii) 0-4mts.,(iii) 0-5mts.,
(iv) 0-6mts.,(v) 0-7mts. (TWAD SOR PG No .324 sch
no .44)

a At 2.5m deep 6.00 RM 3,010.81 RM 18,064.86

b At 4m deep 6.00 RM 4,076.88 RM 24,461.28
c At 4m deep 6.00 RM 4,076.88 RM 24,461.28
Supply and delivery of C.I. SPUN PIPES class B AS PER
6 IS 1536/2001 Amendment No.3.July 2008 (TWAD Sor pg
no.38 schedule III )
350 mm dia Class B C I Pipe 9.00 Meter 9,544.00 RM 85,896.00
Lowering of C.I Pipes and specials in the
trenches and laying to proper grade and
7 alignment and as directed by the TWAD OFFICER

350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 2.5m Depth 3.00 Meter 60.03 Meter 180.08
350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 4.5m Depth 3.00 Meter 65.48 Meter 196.45
350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 4.5m Depth 3.00 Meter 65.48 Meter 196.45
Jointing the C.I/ D.I - S/S pipes and specials with
molten lead and Yarn including caulking the
8 joints. (Including cost of jointing) TWAD SOR Pg no .262
sch no 8a

350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 2.5m Depth 1.00 JOINT 3,258.18 JOINT 3,258.18
350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 4.5m Depth 1.00 JOINT 3,554.38 JOINT 3,554.38
350 mm dia C.I pipes and specials @ 4.5m Depth 1.00 JOINT 3,554.38 JOINT 3,554.38
AS PER TYPE, IS 12592, PART 1 & 2
9 60 cm dia extra heavy duty (TWAD SOR 2022-23Pg 2,955.00 Nos 8,865.00
No.85)Schedule no 15

Dewatering using 10HP to 70HP diesel engine

pumpset including Hire charges, cost of Diesel,
Engine oil, pump operator, labour charges,
10 conveyance of pumpset and fuel to site and back, 48.00 Hrs 558.28 Hrs 26,797.44
loading, unloading and any other incidental charges
etc., complete. (TWAD SOR 2022-23 Pg No.309)

Hire charges for portable Genset 1.00 KVA with 2

Nos. of 150W flood light including all incidental
charges, transportation, crew charges and fuel
11 charges etc., complete. (TWAD SOR 2022-23 4.00 Days 2050.00 Days 8,200.00
Pg.301 S.No.40)

Sub Total 579,401.78

Provision for GST @ 18% L.S 104,292.32
Provision for Labour Welfare Fund @ 1.00% L.S 5,794.02
Provision for Centage Charges @ 1.50% L.S 8,691.03
Provision for Rectification of leaks/damages in
existing utilities during execution of work 2.5% 14,485.04

Contingencies and Unforeseen Items 2.5% L.S 14485.04

Total 727,149.23
Say 7,27,150.00

Assistant Engineer Engineer

Avadi city Municipal Corporation Avadi city Municipal Corporation

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