Train Driver Standard
Train Driver Standard
Train Driver Standard
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Crown copyright 2018 You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open
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Crown copyright 2018 You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open
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Commercial Awareness of how the rail industry Manage the speed, braking and driving
Awareness works, such as; franchising of trains to optimise fuel economy,
arrangements, railway organisations, reduce maintenance costs and minimise
rail specific terminology, business financial penalties for late or wrong time
goals, personal impact within the arrivals or departures and fail to call at
company. scheduled stops.
Professional A good understanding of professional Identify and manage individual
Development development planning and development needs, maintain and
responsibilities for maintaining develop skills, knowledge and
personal competency. behaviours, in compliance with the
competency management system.
Health and Understand the risk of ill health and Manage own fitness and lifestyle to
Wellbeing the impact of wellbeing on the safety enable work to be carried out
of an individual, others at work and competently in order to reduce the risk
the public. to health and safety to self and all
Understand strategies for fatigue
management e.g. sleep quality and
environment, healthy lifestyle, diet,
time and stress management.
Customers A good understanding of information Deal with customer enquiries promptly
relating to company products and and politely and in the correct manner.
services. Redirect customer complaints and/or
Understand how to recognise both enquiries using the correct wording and
company internal and external tone to the appropriate personnel when
customers, focusing on the manner in unable to personally deal with them.
which the message is delivered.
• Act professionally, demonstrating dependability, determination, honesty and integrity
• Display a self-disciplined, self-motivated, proactive approach to work and your own health
and wellbeing
• Be risk aware, mitigate risks by checking information, concentrating on the task, maintaining
an awareness of changing circumstances and remaining calm under pressure
• Willing to learn new skills and to adjust to change
• Be approachable, respect others, act ethically and contribute to sustainable development
• Always seeks to support business goals and maintain an awareness of economic challenges
Entry Requirements
Individual employers must meet minimum requirements set by the Train Driving Licences and
Certificates Regulations 2010; due to the nature of the role candidates must meet medical standards of
physical health these are set out within the above regulations. To enter into an apprenticeship scheme
the minimum age of a train driver is 18 years.
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This apprenticeship will require rigorous and substantial training, typically of around 12-18 months,
depending on experience at entry.
Apprentices without Level 2 English, maths and ICT will need to achieve this level prior to taking
the end-point assessment.
For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement the apprenticeships
English and maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3 and British Sign Language qualification
are an alternative to English qualifications for whom this is their primary language.
Link to Professional Registration
The Institution of Railway Operators and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport supports
the development of this apprenticeship standard. Successful completion of the apprenticeship
programme allows them to progress to the Associate or Affiliate level of professional registration.
This is a level 3 apprenticeship
Progression from this apprenticeship is expected to lead to a number of different roles these include;
Train Driver Instructor, progressing to Train Driver Manager, Depot Driver Team Leader, progressing
to Depot Delivery Co-Ordinator.
Review Date
This Standard will be reviewed in 3 years
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