Braintree 15
Braintree 15
Braintree 15
"Name": "braintree $45",
"SuggestedBots": 1,
"MaxCPM": 0,
"LastModified": "2023-08-05T01:28:41.6295182+05:00",
"AdditionalInfo": "",
"RequiredPlugins": [],
"Author": "",
"Version": "1.1.2 [SB]",
"SaveEmptyCaptures": false,
"ContinueOnCustom": false,
"SaveHitsToTextFile": false,
"IgnoreResponseErrors": false,
"MaxRedirects": 8,
"NeedsProxies": false,
"OnlySocks": false,
"OnlySsl": false,
"MaxProxyUses": 0,
"BanProxyAfterGoodStatus": false,
"BanLoopEvasionOverride": -1,
"EncodeData": false,
"AllowedWordlist1": "",
"AllowedWordlist2": "",
"DataRules": [],
"CustomInputs": [],
"CaptchaUrl": "",
"IsBase64": false,
"FilterList": [],
"EvaluateMathOCR": false,
"SecurityProtocol": 0,
"ForceHeadless": false,
"AlwaysOpen": false,
"AlwaysQuit": false,
"QuitOnBanRetry": false,
"AcceptInsecureCertificates": true,
"DisableNotifications": false,
"DisableImageLoading": false,
"DefaultProfileDirectory": false,
"CustomUserAgent": "",
"RandomUA": false,
"CustomCMDArgs": "",
"Title": "braintree $45",
"IconPath": "Icon\\svbfile.ico",
"LicenseSource": null,
"Message": null,
"MessageColor": "#FFFFFFFF",
"HitInfoFormat": "[{hit.Type}][{hit.Proxy}] {hit.Data} - [{hit.CapturedString}]",
"AuthorColor": "#FFFFB266",
"WordlistColor": "#FFB5C2E1",
"BotsColor": "#FFA8FFFF",
"CustomInputColor": "#FFD6C7C7",
"CPMColor": "#FFFFFFFF",
"ProgressColor": "#FFAD93E3",
"HitsColor": "#FF66FF66",
"CustomColor": "#FFFFB266",
"ToCheckColor": "#FF7FFFD4",
"FailsColor": "#FFFF3333",
"RetriesColor": "#FFFFFF99",
"OcrRateColor": "#FF4698FD",
"ProxiesColor": "#FFFFFFFF"
#em FUNCTION RandomString "?n?n?n?n?n?n?n?n?n?n?n?n?n?n?n" -> VAR "em"
PARSE "<SOURCE>" LR "with processor response code " "." -> VAR "code1"
FUNCTION Translate
KEY "2000" VALUE "Do Not Honor"
KEY "2001" VALUE "Insufficient Funds"
KEY "2002" VALUE "Limit Exceeded"
KEY "2003" VALUE "Cardholder's Activity Limit Exceeded"
KEY "2004" VALUE "Expired Card"
KEY "2005" VALUE "Invalid Credit Card Number"
KEY "2006" VALUE "Invalid Expiration Date"
KEY "2007" VALUE "No Account"
KEY "2008" VALUE "Card Account Length Error"
KEY "2009" VALUE "No Such Issuer"
KEY "2010" VALUE "Card Issuer Declined CVV"
KEY "2011" VALUE "Voice Authorization Required"
KEY "2012" VALUE "Processor Declined – Possible Lost Card"
KEY "2013" VALUE "Processor Declined – Possible Stolen Card"
KEY "2014" VALUE "Processor Declined – Fraud Suspected"
KEY "2015" VALUE "Transaction Not Allowed"
KEY "2016" VALUE "Duplicate Transaction"
KEY "2017" VALUE "Cardholder Stopped Billing"
KEY "2018" VALUE "Cardholder Stopped All Billing"
KEY "2019" VALUE "Invalid Transaction"
KEY "2020" VALUE "Violation"
KEY "2021" VALUE "Security Violation"
KEY "2022" VALUE "Declined – Updated Cardholder Available"
KEY "2023" VALUE "Processor Does Not Support This Feature"
KEY "2024" VALUE "Card Type Not Enabled"
KEY "2025" VALUE "Set Up Error – Merchant"
KEY "2026" VALUE "Invalid Merchant ID"
KEY "2027" VALUE "Set Up Error – Amount"
KEY "2028" VALUE "Set Up Error – Hierarchy"
KEY "2029" VALUE "Set Up Error – Card"
KEY "2030" VALUE "Set Up Error – Terminal"
KEY "2031" VALUE "Encryption Error"
KEY "2032" VALUE "Surcharge Not Permitted"
KEY "2033" VALUE "Inconsistent Data"
KEY "2034" VALUE "No Action Taken"
KEY "2035" VALUE "Partial Approval For Amount In Group III Version"
KEY "2036" VALUE "Authorization could not be found"
KEY "2037" VALUE "Already Reversed"
KEY "2038" VALUE "Processor Declined"
KEY "2039" VALUE "Invalid Authorization Code"
KEY "2040" VALUE "Invalid Store"
KEY "2041" VALUE "Declined – Call For Approval"
KEY "2042" VALUE "Invalid Client ID"
KEY "2043" VALUE "Error – Do Not Retry, Call Issuer"
KEY "2044" VALUE "Declined – Call Issuer"
KEY "2045" VALUE "Invalid Merchant Number"
KEY "2046" VALUE "Declined"
KEY "2047" VALUE "Call Issuer. Pick Up Card"
KEY "2048" VALUE "Invalid Amount"
KEY "2049" VALUE "Invalid SKU Number"
KEY "2050" VALUE "Invalid Credit Plan"
KEY "2051" VALUE "Credit Card Number does not match method of payment"
KEY "2052" VALUE "Invalid level III Purchase"
KEY "2053" VALUE "Card reported as lost or stolen"
KEY "2054" VALUE "Reversal amount does not match authorization amount"
KEY "2055" VALUE "Invalid Transaction Division Number"
KEY "2056" VALUE "Transaction amount exceeds the transaction division limit"
KEY "2057" VALUE "Issuer or Cardholder has put a restriction on the card"
KEY "2058" VALUE "Merchant not Mastercard SecureCode enabled"
KEY "2059" VALUE "Address Verification Failed"
KEY "2060" VALUE "Address Verification and Card Security Code Failed"
KEY "2061" VALUE "Invalid Transaction Data"
KEY "2062" VALUE "Invalid Tax Amount"
KEY "2063" VALUE "PayPal Business Account preference resulted in the transaction
KEY "2064" VALUE "Invalid Currency Code"
KEY "2065" VALUE "Refund Time Limit Exceeded"
KEY "2066" VALUE "PayPal Business Account Restricted"
KEY "2067" VALUE "Authorization Expired"
KEY "2068" VALUE "PayPal Business Account Locked or Closed"
KEY "2069" VALUE "PayPal Blocking Duplicate Order IDs"
KEY "2070" VALUE "PayPal Buyer Revoked Pre-Approved Payment Authorization"
KEY "2071" VALUE "PayPal Payee Account Invalid Or Does Not Have a Confirmed
KEY "2072" VALUE "PayPal Payee Email Incorrectly Formatted"
KEY "2073" VALUE "PayPal Validation Error"
KEY "2074" VALUE "Funding Instrument In The PayPal Account Was Declined By The
Processor Or Bank, Or It Can't Be Used For This Payment"
KEY "2075" VALUE "Payer Account Is Locked Or Closed"
KEY "2076" VALUE "Payer Cannot Pay For This Transaction With PayPal"
KEY "2077" VALUE "Transaction Refused Due To PayPal Risk Model"
KEY "2078" VALUE "Invalid Secure Payment Data"
KEY "2079" VALUE "PayPal Merchant Account Configuration Error"
KEY "2080" VALUE "Invalid user credentials"
KEY "2081" VALUE "PayPal pending payments are not supported"
KEY "2082" VALUE "PayPal Domestic Transaction Required"
KEY "2083" VALUE "PayPal Phone Number Required"
KEY "2084" VALUE "PayPal Tax Info Required"
KEY "2085" VALUE "PayPal Payee Blocked Transaction"
KEY "2086" VALUE "PayPal Transaction Limit Exceeded"
KEY "2087" VALUE "PayPal reference transactions not enabled for your account"
KEY "2088" VALUE "Currency not enabled for your PayPal seller account"
KEY "2089" VALUE "PayPal payee email permission denied for this request"
KEY "2090" VALUE "PayPal or Venmo account not configured to refund more than
settled amount"
KEY "2091" VALUE "Currency of this transaction must match currency of your PayPal
KEY "2092" VALUE "No Data Found - Try Another Verification Method"
KEY "2093" VALUE "PayPal payment method is invalid"
KEY "2094" VALUE "PayPal payment has already been completed"
KEY "2095" VALUE "PayPal refund is not allowed after partial refund"
KEY "2096" VALUE "PayPal buyer account can't be the same as the seller account"
KEY "2097" VALUE "PayPal authorization amount limit exceeded"
KEY "2098" VALUE "PayPal authorization count limit exceeded"
KEY "2099" VALUE "Cardholder Authentication Required"
KEY "2100" VALUE "PayPal channel initiated billing not enabled for your account"
KEY "2101" VALUE "Additional authorization required"
KEY "2102" VALUE "Incorrect PIN"
KEY "2103" VALUE "PIN try exceeded"
KEY "2104" VALUE "Offline Issuer Declined"
KEY "2105" VALUE "Cannot Authorize at this time (Life cycle)"
KEY "2106" VALUE "Cannot Authorize at this time (Policy)"
KEY "2107" VALUE "Card Not Activated"
KEY "2108" VALUE "Closed Card"
KEY "2999" VALUE "Processor Declined"
KEY "3000" VALUE "Processor Network Unavailable – Try Again"
"<code1>" -> CAP "code"