XHD Skid Mounted CTU
XHD Skid Mounted CTU
XHD Skid Mounted CTU
Presented to:
The package come complete with all electrical, remote start / stop and emergency shut down
through a positive air shut down system.
The HPU skid also has a set of 3 hydraulic hose reels to provide power to the other components.
2 electrical cable reels are also installed in the skid for communications and electrical functions.
The hydraulic reservoir is 200 gallons with high capacity hydraulic cooler, hydraulically driven for
cooling in ambient temperatures of 50°C.
Complete system filtration consists of the following pleated filters:
• (2) high pressure, closed loop rated at 10 Micron - Injector
• (4) high pressure, closed loop rated at 10 Micron - Reel
• (1) high pressure, pressure compensated open loop rated at 10 Micron - Auxiliary
• (2) Charge pressure, rated at 3 Micron - Main pumps
• (4) Magnetic suction screens
• (1) High capacity in tank return filter
• Blind/Shear open/close switch
• Slips open/close switch
• Pipe open/close switch
• Pipe open/close switch
• Pipe open/close switch
• B.O.P Pressure gauge (fluid filled face)
• BOP Activate push button switch
• Nitrogen Backup protected switch
• Solenoid valves on the BOP circuit are controlled from inside the control cabin by
electric lockout switches. Once the switches have been moved to the desired position
and activated, the current activates the solenoid valve(s) that are an integral part of this
manual override controller.
• Pressure to the annular bag is controlled from a pressure reducing valve on the console
• The manual override controller is connected to the zero-leak valve, via a coupler
• An overlay will be provided for use with a Quad or Combination BOP.
• Auxiliary BOP Controls
• Auxiliary B.O.P Control on/off switch
• Auxiliary B.O.P Pressure gauge (fluid filled face) (on BOP Skid)
• (Auxiliary B.O.P pressure control pressure reducing valve on BOP Skid)
• Auxiliary open/close
Stripper Controls
• Stripper 1 pack/retract directional control valve
• Stripper 1 pressure gauge (fluid filled face)
• Stripper 1 Dial control pressure reducing valve
• Stripper 2 pack/retract directional control valve
• Stripper 2 pressure gauge (fluid filled face)
• Stripper 2 Dial control pressure reducing valve
• Remote Station for opening doors on Stripper will be located on the rear console station
Budgetary costing due to customer requirements not defined at time of this proposal.
The spooler carriage assembly travels from side to side on machined rollers, and a hydraulic
motor drives the lead screw to allow the spooler head to travel from side to side on the spooler
arm as the reel drum rotates. An override control is positioned in the control cabin.
The 3” diamond lead screw assembly is complete with hydraulic motor to override in either
direction The suppled counter head is fixed to a counter post allowing adjustment in height.
Tubing rollers inside the counter will be fitted for tubing sizes 2” – 2-5/8”.
FLUID water
FLUID DENSITY 8.3304 lbs/USgal
• Skate rollers are a journal bearing design to spread the load over a larger area.
• Splash lubrication system makes it easier for consistent lubrication and allows for easier
for consistent lubrication and allows for easier lubrication when needed as it can be
done from the control cab. This is safer than climbing up to the injector to grease.
• Skate can be rolled to the outside of the injector to allow for easier repair.
• Drive chain, skate chain move together under load in order to keep wear down to a
minimum. This design allows for the drive and skate system to be on third of the time
loaded and two thirds of the time unloaded which allows for cooling of the components
to reduce stress build up.
• All components are machined to close tolerance to enable a consistent load over the
length of the gripping area.
• We use 5/8” side plates for a stronger main frame, which reduces flexing at higher
skate pressures.
• In the event of a failure with tubing in the well our design allows for a relatively quick
and safe repair of the skate system and drive system by removing a section of outer
drive chain, collapsing the inner skate tension plate and rolling in a new skate roller
system. All of this can be done while the tubing is still in the well.
• CSI designed our injector with a skate roller assembly that does not require greasing
and is under load only one third of the time to allow for cooling and stress relief. If our
injector is operated correctly and is lubricated with the recommended lubricant at the
recommended intervals and sufficient lubrication is being applied our components will
run for 1 to 2 million meters (3 to 5 million feet) plus without failure. We do recommend
periodic inspections at 250 thousand meters (650,000 feet) to ensure that the system is
sound. Replace worn or damaged components at that time, if required.
Ram Configuration:
- Blind Ram
- Slip Ram
- Shear Ram
- Pipe Ram
- Hydraulic Retract System for Ram Service
- Actuator feature internal hydraulics (No bridal hoses)
- Includes Equalizing Valves
- Includes Teflon Coating inside BOP Body
- 10,000 psi W.P. / 15,000 psi T.P.
- H2S Service
ENDURATEX EP 220 Gear Oils are specially formulated to deliver sustained long-life, anti-wear
and extreme pressure protection to industrial gear drives and bearings.
Transmission Fluid:
HEAVY DUTY SYNTHETIC BLEND Automatic Transmission Fluid is specially formulated to
perform under the demanding severe service operating conditions found in heavy duty
transmission systems. It is designed for use in commercial applications where a Severe Duty and
Extended Drain Interval fluid is specified.
3.5 – 4.5 mils
EP-521 Epoxy Primer Tinted 5:1 mix ratio
2.0 – 3.0 mils
EX-2C Topcoat 1:1 mix ratio
Clear coat:
1.5 – 2.0 mils
EX-2C Clear 100 1:1 mix ratio
Total Film Thickness 7.0 – 9.5 mils
• A deck with fenders will be installed with grip strut to cover in the inside frame area of
the trailer.
• Three LED lights will be mounted in the rear deck area to provide additional light to the
wellhead area.
• Explosion proof lights within the work area will be illuminated
• A flip up style platform will be mounted on one side of the unit to allow easy access to
the tubing reel.
• All sharp edges will be ground smooth.
• All hoses will be protected by well secured rubber sleeves where required to prevent
rubbing by the frame and against other hoses.
• All hoses will be supported with support clamps where required.
• Two access ladders will be provided to access the rear deck area.
• A spool with 50’ of 4ga. cable and ground clamp will be supplied for wellhead grounding
• Reflective tape will be used as per DOT
• Grip tape will be applied to open areas.
• Proper labeling for components and functions will be used.
• A movable hanger will be used to support the hydraulic and electrical hose loop
between the tractor and trailer.
• Hoses to the Injector will be 100’ long with a protective sleeve.
• Jumper hoses for the BOP will be fire resistant from the rear of the unit to the wellhead
• All hoses will be tagged numerically and come with dust plugs and caps
a) TERMS AND CONDITIONS defective product repair and replacement only and does not include transportation or
These terms and conditions shall apply to any and all offers pertaining to sales of labour charges.
products and services by Ranglar Manufacturing (hereinafter Ranglar).
Products not manufactured by Ranglar will be warranted by the original
Any suggested exceptions shall be submitted and shall not be effective unless agreed manufacturer unless damaged, misaligned or an incorrect installation by Ranglar.
to by both parties in writing. Any attempt to substitute or add any additional or
conflicting terms and conditions is hereby expressly rejected, and shall be of no force Ranglar does not guarantee or warranty the performance of any parts supplied
or effect. If a conflict exists between these terms and conditions and a term or by the Purchaser nor can it guarantee used parts, which the Purchaser may
condition set forth in the body of the proposal of which this is a part, the term or acquire to complete an installation or repair
condition in the body of the proposal will control.
b) PRICES AND SPECIFICATIONS Warranty will not apply to any product that is misused, modified, altered, improperly
The prices and specifications shown herein are subject to change without notice, adjusted, has progressive damage or subject to improper or inadequate
except when the specifications are deemed acceptable to both parties as evidenced maintenance.
by this contract being signed by their respective signing officers and accepted by
the management of Ranglar. The foregoing warranties are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties of quality
or performance, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including without
Prices agreed upon will be held for the duration of the signed contract. All orders are limitation any warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose
subject to acceptance by Ranglar, prior to sale and to availability of products. Clerical l) LIMIT OF LIABILITY
errors are subject to corrections. In no event shall Ranglar be liable to the Purchaser for incidental or consequential
c) QUOTATIONS damages whether in contract, tort or otherwise, including but not limited to damages
All quotations made are informational only and do not constitute a contract. related to loss of profits or revenue, loss of business, loss of use of the product or
Quotations are based upon Ranglar’ understanding of Purchaser’s requirements and any associated equipment, cost of substitute goods, downtime costs, or other
specifications. damages or losses to Purchaser or its customers.
Purchaser will be charged and pay for all taxes and government assessments, Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that any and all ideas, discoveries, inventions
charges with respect to the products and services provided herein including but not and improvements, whether patentable or not, made during the performance of this
limited to goods and services tax, provincial sales tax, harmonized sales tax, any Agreement shall be solely owned by Ranglar.
other provincial, federal, or state sales tax, municipal, federal, import or export tax, n) FORCE MAJEURE
type of usage or other similar taxes. Neither Ranglar nor Purchaser shall have any liability to the other or to third parties
e) PAYMENT TERMS for any failure or delay in performing any obligation under this Agreement due to
Purchaser will make all payments when due as agreed to between the parties. circumstances beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, acts of
Payment will be due either upon signing of this contract, when the products are God or nature, act of government or insurrections, fires, floods, hurricanes, strikes
available for pickup or delivery, upon delivery of the products, or at some later time. (including labour trouble or other industrial disturbance), acts of terrorism, war,
If products are not paid for prior to delivery it is required the Purchaser provide a embargoes or blockades, legal restrictions, or power, communication, satellite or
letter of credit in an amount sufficient to cover the amount owing to Ranglar. network failure.
If payment is over time, Purchaser is entitled to prepay the full outstanding amount The Purchaser cannot assign this agreement.
owing to Ranglar, plus interest, at any time without a prepayment charge or penalty. p) EVENTS OF DEFAULT
The Purchaser is further entitled to make partial payments on account over and Ranglar may, when and if permitted by law, at its option, without notice or demand
above any regularly scheduled payments at any time without a prepayment charge (unless required by law) declare the Purchaser in default upon the occurrence of
or penalty. In all such cases though regular payments agreed to must still be made. any one of the following events (each as an “Event of Default”): 1) if the Purchaser
f) TITLE & RISK does not comply with any of the terms, conditions, provisions, representations or
Full risk of loss including transportation delays and losses shall pass to the covenants in this Agreement, including without limitation failure to pay any amount
Purchaser upon delivery of the products at the delivery point. Ranglar retains the when due; 2) if there are sums due and the Purchaser is an individual and dies; 3)
right and option to repossess any and all products sold that are in default of payment if there are sums due and the Purchaser is a corporation and is struck, is liquidated,
by the Purchaser. The Purchaser is to provide proof of insurance coverage before is dissolved or proceeding are commenced for any of the foregoing; 4) if there are
moving products from Ranglar’ facility. sums due and the Purchaser becomes insolvent or a bankrupt or proceedings for
g) CANCELLATION same are brought by the Purchaser or a third party; 5) if there are sums due and the
Purchaser’s remorse or orders cancelled after being placed and in the process of Product is seized or becomes subject to enforcement proceedings; 6) if there are
being manufactured are subject to a cancellation charge payable by the Purchaser. sums due and the product becomes encumbered in any way; and 7) if there are
Orders for "Custom Manufacturing" or "Engineered to Order" for the most part may sums due and if anything else occurs which Ranglar reasonably believes put the
be deemed non stock items and cannot be returned to the OEM without a full 100% product at risk or payment for the product at risk.
restocking fee. Components that can be returned to the original manufacturer will be q) RIGHTS AND REMEDIES AFTER DEFAULT
charged a restocking fee as per the original manufacturer’s terms and conditions. If If an Event of default has occurred, Ranglar may do any one or more of the following
components are common items and can be used for other projects there will be a to the extent permitted by applicable law:
25% re-stocking fee charged. All labour expended on the job will be billed at shop 1) take immediate possession of the product and any attachments, and for that
rate. purpose enter upon any premises where the Product is located and remove the
h) SHIPMENTS Product; 2) make any commercially reasonable repairs (including the replacement
Quotations are quoted EXW (Incoterms 2010) Ranglar Manufacturing Inc., Calgary, of parts) and charge that to the Purchaser; 3) dispose of the Product by means of
Alberta unless otherwise stated. public sale, private sale, lease or otherwise, for cash, credit and on such terms as
i) RETURN SHIPMENTS Ranglar in its discretion may determine; 4) declare to be immediately due and
Return shipments for warranty will not be accepted without a Returned payable any and all sums due and owing including the entire purchase price,
Goods Authorization Number from Ranglar. interests and any and all costs incurred by Ranglar in the enforcement of this
j) DAMAGED SHIPMENTS agreement including legal costs and a solicitor client full indemnity basis; 5) declare
For P u rc ha s er’ s p rotec ti o n , before ac c epti ng any shipment, examine it this Agreement to be terminated; 6) pursue any other right or remedy allowed by
carefully. If there is evidence of damage or a shortage, insist that the delivering law. The Purchaser will pay Ranglar on demand any and all amounts owing.
carrier make suitable notation to that effect on the freight bi before signing. If, after r) ENTIRE AGREEMENT
receipt of shipment, concealed damage is discovered, notify the carrier This Agreement is the whole agreement between Ranglar and the Purchaser. There
immediately. Caution: W hen Purchaser gives the delivering carrier a clear receipt are no other representations, warranties, terms, covenants or provisions expect as
for a shipment in which there is damage or shortage, the carrier is relieved of specifically set out in this Agreement.
further responsibility. Any claim for damage, shortage, loss or delay must be filed by s) SEVERABILITY
Purchaser with the delivering carrier within ten days of receipt of shipment. If any provision of this Agreement or the application of this Agreement to any party
Purchaser’s recourse is with the delivering carrier. would be invalid and unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement
k) PRODUCT WARRANTY and the application of those provisions to the parties will not be effected and will be
Ranglar warrants its products to be free from defects in workmanship or material for enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law.
a period of 12 months from the date of Purchaser acceptance. During the warranty t) CHOICE OF LAW
period, only such defects will be repaired, or the defective product will be replaced This Agreement will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of
at the discretion of Ranglar, without charge. Products must be installed and the jurisdiction in which the Product is sold.
maintained according to manufacturer instructions and used under normal workingu) u CONTINUING OBLIGATIONS
conditions. The obligations created by this agreement are continuing obligations and shall
survive the termination of this agreement.
Ranglar reserves the right to reject any claims resulting from lack of Purchaser
maintenance, neglect, user misuse or accidental user damage. This warranty covers
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