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MODULE: Module 3: Managing of Instruction

Roi Aaron S. Visitacion BSND3A


Begin with The End in Mind

Learning Should Involve the Mind, the Heart and the Self

Anderson’s Taxonomy
RESEARCH TITLE: Study of Analysis about Learning Objectives of
Informatics Textbooks in Middle School using Anderson's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

In order to construct effective teaching and learning in the
classroom, learning objectives are used as appropriate advice for class
evaluation and activity design. In recent years, Anderson's taxonomy of
Educational Objectives, which was a refinement of Bloom's taxonomy, has
been utilized as a better framework for examining learning objectives in
textbooks and performance levels in exams. This study used various
questionnaires to see whether Anderson's taxonomy is appropriate as a
framework for presenting learning objectives in the field of informatics, and
it then used Anderson's taxonomy to assess the learning objectives in six
informatics textbooks.


It has been suggested that Anderson's taxonomy is appropriate for

expressing the learning objectives of the informatics material covered in
class, and that some dimensions—such as conceptual and procedural
knowledge, understand, and apply—are used significantly more frequently
in the learning objectives of six informatics textbooks. This outcome will
serve as a useful case study in studies on the taxonomy of educational
goals and the creation of informatics textbooks.


Choe, H. J. (2014, January 30). Study of Analysis about Learning Objectives of Informatics
Textbooks in Middle School using Anderson’s Taxonomy of Educational
Objectives. The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education,
17(1), 51–63.
RESEARCH TITLE: Association of Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor
and Intuitive Domains in Education, Sönmez Model


Problem: Educational objectives are taxonomically categorized as

cognitive, emotional, cognitive, motor, and intuitive. Can these
categories be associated? Sönmez's model is an effort in this direction.
Study's objective: Does the model for the relationship between
Four Sönmez-developed domains provided significant support
using actual data? What are the participants' opinions on this problem?
Methods: Quantitative and qualitative informatio were combined in this
Findings and Results: There was a strong association between the
learning outcomes for cognitive, psychomotor, affective, and intuitive
learning. These results indicate that the student learning are not
disconnected. In other words, when a person learns a cognitive activity,
he or she also learns related psychomotor, affective, and intuitive
behaviors. Leaning is divided into a total of four domains.


Conclusion and suggestions: The findings of this study provided

evidence in favor of Sönmez's proposed model for the relationship of four
domains. These findings support the idea that the brain encodes and
learns behaviors from all domains collectively. It is possible to conduct
additional in-depth experimental and qualitative research on this problem.


Sonmez, V. (2017). Association of Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor and Intuitive Domains in

Education, Sönmez Model. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(3),
(Attached your photos here while doing your journals)

Reflection: (Write your thoughts about your learning in this

module. Be sure to mention how are you going to use or apply this in your chosen profession)
What I have learned in this module is how important it is to set the objectives clearly by
beginning at the end. It means that we should state our aim or what are the things we are
expecting from the lesson and the learners at the very end. It is also important that these
objectives are clearly stated following the S.M.A.R.T.E.R rule. This would give us a clear sight of
what to achieve while preventing it to be derailed. Objectives promotes efficiency and and can
also be used as a criterion for progress and development.

Moreover, involving the Mind, Heart and the Self of a person greatly helps on their ability to
absorb or comprehend something. If the cognitive, affective, and kinesthetic domains are all
included the better the learning can be. Involving the 3 domains gives a three-way stimulus
that could be much effective in teaching because it can both easily capture and retain
knowledge and skills.

Lastly, as said on my researched article found in the web Anderson's taxonomy is

appropriate for expressing the learning objectives. As this gives a much clearer focus on
what to expect from the lesson and the learner’s knowledge and skills outcomes. It
specifically focused on class evaluation and design of activities to keep it inline with the
educator’s intent and goal at the end.
All the ideas I’ve mentioned can be useful for me and my future endeavor as nutrition
educator. For example if I have a client, setting objectives that are S.M.A.R.T

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