Seital SE501 Manual

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SE 501 EV

36014 SANTORSO (VI)  Via delle prese n. 14

Tel. ++39/(0)445/540232 r.a.
Telefax ++39/(0)445/540214
Chapter 1
Rev. 1 of 05/03/99 SEITAL S.r.l.


Self-cleaning Centrifugal Separator

SE 501 EV


1.1. How to read the Manual

This manual give informations for the installation, use and maintenance of centrifugal
separator, model SE 501, for bilogical broth clarification.
The machine must be used in accordance with the Manual specification: it is recommended to
read it with great attention before installing and setting at work the machine, without leaving
out anyone of the prescriptions reported and paying particular attention to the messages in the
“text squares”. The respect of the reported rules and recommendations permit a safe use and
appropriate service.
The use and maintenance Manual is an integrant part of the machine: it’s necessary to
conserve it complete and in a safe place during all the machine life, also when changing the
machine user.

1.2. How to bring up-to-date the Manual

It is recommended to bring constantly up-to-date this Manual, integrating with eventual other
amendments, additions or modifications coming from the manufacturer.
It’s better that eventual annotations and remarks are inserted only in the space intentionally
predisposed at the end of this Manual.

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Chapter 1
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1.3. Manual index


1.1. HOW TO READ THE MANUAL ..................................................................................................1-1
1.2. HOW TO BRING UP-TO-DATE THE MANUAL ...........................................................................1-1
1.3. MANUAL INDEX ........................................................................................................................1-2
2.1. MANUFACTURER AND MACHINE DATA ...................................................................................2-1
2.2. TECHNICAL SERVICE ...............................................................................................................2-1
2.3. GLOBAL ASPECTS OF SAFETY ..................................................................................................2-1
2.3.1. INSTALLATION....................................................................................................................2-1
2.3.2. WARNINGS FOR THE OPERATORS .......................................................................................2-1
2.3.3. MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS ................................................................................................2-2
2.3.4. INVOLVED OPERATORS AND TECHNICIANS ........................................................................2-2
2.3.5. MAIN WORKING MODES .....................................................................................................2-2
2.3.6. FORESEEABLE ERRORS AND INCORRECT BEHAVIOURS ......................................................2-3
2.3.7. LIST OF USED SYMBOLS AND WARNINGS ...........................................................................2-3
2.3.8. SAFETY PRESCRIPTIONS .....................................................................................................2-3
2.4. USED TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................2-5
2.5. RESPONSABILITY......................................................................................................................2-6
3.1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1. OPERATING PRINCIPLES .....................................................................................................3-1
3.1.2. BOWL DISCHARGE ..............................................................................................................3-1
3.1.3. AUTOMATIC CONTROL .......................................................................................................3-2
3.1.4. INLET-OUTLET FLOW UNIT .................................................................................................3-2
3.1.5. DRIVE .................................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.6. MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................3-2
3.2. TECHNICAL CARD ....................................................................................................................3-4
3.3. NOISE LEVEL ............................................................................................................................3-5
3.4. DESTINATION AND FORESEEN PLACE OF USE. ........................................................................3-5
3.5. IMPROPER USES AND CONTRA-INDICATIONS ..........................................................................3-5
4.1. MACHINE DELIVERY ................................................................................................................4-1
4.2. PACKING AND UNPACKING ......................................................................................................4-1
4.3. LIFTING AND TRANSPORT OF THE PACKED MACHINE ...........................................................4-1
4.4. LIFTING AND TRANSPORT OF THE MACHINE WITHOUT PACKING ........................................4-2
4.5. WAREHOUSE STORAGE ............................................................................................................4-4
5.1. ENVIRONMENT .........................................................................................................................5-1
5.2. WORKING NECESSARY SPACE .................................................................................................5-2
5.3. EQUIPMENT ..............................................................................................................................5-2
5.4. LOCATION AND ASSEMBLY ON PLACE ....................................................................................5-2
5.5. LUBRICATION ...........................................................................................................................5-3
5.5.1. BEARINGS AND GEARS LUBRICATION ................................................................................5-3
5.6. SYSTEMS CONNECTION ............................................................................................................5-5
5.6.1. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CONNECTION ...................................................................................5-5
5.6.2. HYDRAULIC CONNECTION FOR OPERATING WATER ...........................................................5-6
5.6.3. SEPARATOR HYDRAULIC CONNECTION ..............................................................................5-7
5.6.4.PNEUMATIC SYSTEM CONNECTION .....................................................................................5-8

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6.1. BOWL ASSEMBLY ..................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2. INLET-OUTLET FLOW UNIT ASSEMBLY ................................................................................... 6-8
6.3. ADJUSTMENT OF PUMP POSITION ......................................................................................... 6-10
6.4. INLET-OUTLET FLOW UNIT DISASSEMBLY ........................................................................... 6-10
6.5. BOWL DISASSEMBLY .............................................................................................................. 6-11
6.6. BOWL VALVES ........................................................................................................................ 6-12
6.7. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FOR OPENING-CLOSING THE BOWL. .................................................. 6-14
7.1. WARNINGS................................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2. SAFETY SISTEMS DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.1. PROJECT DEVICES .............................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2.2. SHIELDS ............................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2.3. WARNING BILL-STICKINGS ................................................................................................ 7-1
7.3. CONTROL, REGULATION AND WARNING DEVICES ................................................................. 7-3
7.3.1. CONTROLS AND SIGNALS ................................................................................................... 7-3
7.3.2. REGULATION DEVICES ....................................................................................................... 7-6
7.3.3. ALARMS ............................................................................................................................. 7-7
7.4. FUNCTIONAL STOP OF SEPARATOR......................................................................................... 7-8
7.5. EMERGENCY STOP ................................................................................................................... 7-9
7.6. ENERGY SOURCES DISCONNECTION ....................................................................................... 7-9
7.7. PRELIMINARY CHECKS ............................................................................................................ 7-9
7.8. STARTING UP INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................. 7-9
8.1. PERSONNEL TASKS ................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2. SET-UP AND ADJUSTMENTS ..................................................................................................... 8-1
8.3. DISCHARGE CYCLES ................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.4. DISCHARGE CYCLE TIMES ....................................................................................................... 8-4
8.5. ORDINARY MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................... 8-6
9. GEAR 9-1
9.1. VERTICAL SHAFT DISASSEMBLY (TAB. 07) ............................................................................ 9-1
9.2. ASSEMBLY OF THE VERTICAL SHAFT (TAB. 07) ..................................................................... 9-3
9.3. DISASSEMBLING THE VERTICAL SHAFT OF THE MOTOR (TAB. 06) ...................................... 9-7
9.4. HORIZONTAL SHAFT ASSEMBLY (TAB. 07)............................................................................. 9-8
10.1. REMARKS ............................................................................................................................. 10-1
10.2. CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ................................................................ 10-1
10.3. TROUBLESHOOTING: CAUSES AND REMEDIES ................................................................... 10-3
11.1. DISASSEMBLY/SCRAPPING .................................................................................................. 11-1
11.2. COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS ELIMINATION .................................................................. 11-1
11.3. RESALE ................................................................................................................................. 11-1
12. SPARE PARTS 12-1


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Chapter 2
Rev. 1 of 05/03/99 SEITAL S.r.l.


2.1. Manufacturer and machine data

Manufacturer: SEITAL S.r.l.
Via delle Prese, 14
36014 Santorso (VI) - ITALY
tel. 0039 - 445 - 540232
fax 0039 - 445 - 540214
Machine: Model SE 501
Description: Machine for bilogical broth clarification.
Machine type: Self-cleaning
Manufacturing year:
Manufacturing N°:

2.2. Technical service

The routine and extraordinary maintenance must be performed in accordance with the
instructions of this Manual. For the cases not considered and for every kind of assistance, it’s
recommended to directly contact the manufacturer with reference to the data reported on the
plate fixed on the machine frame:
• Machine model
• Manufacturing N.
• Manufacturing year
The correct reference guarantee fast and precise answers.
In case the machine maintenance has been made not in conformity with the provided
instructions, with not original spare parts or without written authorization of the
manufacturer, or in a manner that compromise the integrity or modify the characteristics of
the machine, SEITAL will consider itself exempted from every responsability regarding
people safety and the defective working of the machine. Every unauthorized intervention
invalidate the guarantee contractually defined.

2.3. Global aspects of safety

This chapter describe the safety and prevention measures due to the user.

2.3.1. Installation
For the installation and environmental cautions refer to Chapter 5.

2.3.2. Warnings for the operators

The user has the responsability of the diffusion to every operator of this Manual contents.
Besides, it’s to the user provide to the necessary training of the technicians employed in
machine operation and maintenance, verifying their fitness to the required job.

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2.3.3. Maintenance programs

For a machine correct working it’s necessary to follow the use, cleaning and routine
maintenance prescriptions, as well as the indications regarding preventive and corrective
maintenance reported at the § 10.2 of this Manual.

2.3.4. Involved operators and technicians

List of the qualifications of employed personnel.
Simple operator
Perform the functions needed for the normal working of the machine:
- working efficiency control and adjusting by manual valves, good operation check;
- execution of cleaning cycle, with detergent fluid inlet;
- routine interventions on electric panel;
- interventions that involve small disassemblies, as filter change, gaskets
replacements of external ducts, etc.;
- Lubricant oil change and check.
Mechanical technician
He operate when relevant machine disassemblies are necessary or in case of an evident
trouble. He perform every mechanical repair/regulation, but don’t operate on electrical
systems under voltage.
He operate in every working conditions and at every protection level. He perform every
repair/regulation of electrical systems, also when voltage is present, respecting the specific
safety standards.

2.3.5. Main working modes

Normal operation
Prescribed state: Mounted shields, all safety devices connected.
Forbidden state: Safety devices disconnected, supplies sectioned.
Type and number of employers: one, operator.
Residual risks: none
Extraordinary maintenance (mechanical intervention)
Prescribed state: electrical supply sectioned and blocked, hydraulic and
pneumatic supply sectioned.
Forbidden state: supplies not sectioned.
Type and number of employers: max. two, qualified mechanical technician.
Residual risks: none.
Extraordinary maintenance (electrical intervention)
Prescribed state: supplies not sectioned
Forbidden state: electrician not qualified, removed shields, two operators
Type and number of employers: one, qualified electrician.
Residual risks: danger of electrocution due to terminals voltage inside the
electric panel.

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2.3.6. Foreseeable errors and incorrect behaviours

To avoid eventual errors and/or mistakes, it’s necessary that operating procedures and danger
warnings reported in this Manual, are well known from the whole personnel.

2.3.7. List of used symbols and warnings

The symbols used as stickers on the machine, to point out the dangers during use and
maintenance are described at § 7.2.3.
In the following pages of the Manual the relevants informations regarding safety are shown
into suitable square with the notice “ATTENTION”.

This notice want to recall the attention of the reader on danger zones or movements.

2.3.8. Safety prescriptions

In the following pages are indicated the important safety precautions to observe in machine

General prescriptions:
a) Cure the operating space around the machine, which must be free from obstacles, clean
and adequately lighted.
b) Every machine intervention must be performed by authorized personnel and with the
prescribed operators number.
c) Eliminate every dangerous condition for safety before using the machine and always
inform the maintenance responsible about any eventual working trouble.
d) It is forbidden productive operation with safety devices disconnected or fixed shields
e) Do not let the machine with disassembled shields.
f) It is forbidden any modification for adjustment of objects/devices not provided by the
manufacturer. Use only SEITAL spare parts.
g) Do not execute weldings and flame heating on the bowl parts.
h) Never use the machine if damaged.
i) The separator must be only connected with power and control panel specifically delivered
by SEITAL for the separator.
j) In case power and control panel has not been supplied with separator, and electrical
connection has been made not in conformity with the instructions reported on enclosed
wiring diagram, SEITAL will consider itself exempted from every responsability
regarding people safety and the defective working of the machine.
k) The electric panel must always be closed.
l) The key to open electric panel must be entrusted to a specialized and learned person or to
a responsible of the department in which the machine works.
m) Before initial start-up perform every check reported in § 7.7.
n) The maximum operating speed allowed for the bowl is 5.050 r.p.m.
o) Never transport or lift the separator with its bowl installed.
p) Never mount the machine.
q) Always carry out chemical cleaning at the working end and, in case of long dwell, clean
bowl carefully (see § 5.5.1).

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r) If unusual vibration occurs:

- increase immediately the liquid feed (product or water) to a maximum;
- switch off the motor, but leave the program control on;
- apply the brake;
- after the bowl has stopped completely, dismantle, clean and check all parts carefully;
- evaluate all the possibiles causes of troubles reported in § 10.3.6;
- do not operate until the cause of vibration has been located and eliminated.

Do not disassemble any part of the separator or of the inlet-outlet flow unit before
the bowl is completely standstill.

Figure 2.1

Safety prescriptions for mechanical technician

a) To prevent unbalances that can lead to serious damages, the user must follow the
assembly with the most care and avoid shocks and stresses on the separator parts.
b) After every maintenance intervention or regulation be sure that tools or other extraneous
bodies are not present in the machine moving parts, to avoid damages to the machine
and/or troubles to the personnel.
c) Do not allow to unauthorized personnel to work on the machine.
d) Never insert the body, limbs or fingers in the articulated or sharp opening of machine
parts without shields.
e) Do not use gasoline or inflammable solvents like detergent, but always use authorized,
not inflammable and not toxic commercial solvents.

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f) Periodically check the erosion/corrosion of ther bowl and particularly of the following
- upper edge of moving ram,
- nylon gasket in the bowl hood,
- bowl wall portions near the product discharge holes in the bowl body.
Consult SEITAL SERVICE if one or more of the following observations are made after a
deep check:
max. 1 mm.
- the largest depth of the trace exceeds 1
- the bottom radius of the erosion trace is
less than 1 mm in the narrowest point, or
coarse scratches are present,
- defects presumably caused by corrosion
are present.
Radius < 1 mm.

Figure 2.2
Safety prescriptions for the electrician

The parameters set in INVERTER cannot be modified.
If a modification is necessary, consult SEITAL SERVICE to state the opportunity
of it and to know the access key code.

a) Check efficiency of earthing connections and be sure they are realized in accordance with
local regulations.
b) Before every intervention on electrical components, verify the supply mains are
c) After every intervention on electric panel, close and block it with the door lock of the
main switch, before connecting the mains supply and start the machine.
d) In case of accident due to electric current immediately disjoin the injured (usually he lose
consciousness) from the parts under voltage. Cut the supply to electric mains. If this need
an excessive time, drive away the injured using insulating material as a wood or pvc stick,
cloth. leather.

Electrocution danger
This procedure is dangerous: touch the injured means to be struck by lightning.

2.4. Used terms and abbreviations

The measurament units adopted in this Manual are in conformity with the International
System of measurament units SI.
Terms not used currently and present in this Manual.
 Sludges: solid residuals obtained from separation process. They accumulate in the external
part of the bowl called sludge chamber.

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 Operating water: water that fulfill the chamber under the moving ram and that,
appropriately discharged by valves placed in the bowl body, permit the opening of the
bowl and the sludge discharge.

2.5. Responsability
The non conformity to the instructions of this use and maintenance Manual exempt the
manufacturer from every responsability.
For every date not included or deducible from the following pages, it’s recommended to
directly consult the manufacturer.

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Chapter 3
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3.1. General description

The SE 501 is a self-cleaning centrifugal separator for biological broth clarification. The
machine creates a centrifugal force field inside a rotating bowl to separate liquid and solid
particles having different specific gravity. Mechanical gears and shafts placed inside a cast
iron frame allow power drive between an electric motor and the bowl.
The frame is constitued by a steel structure externally coated by a stainless steel liner. On the
frame is flanged, by one side the three-phase electric drive motor (cast iron frame with IP 55
protection) and by the other side the support of bowl vertical shaft unit. The motor is provided
with thermistor thermal detectors for thermal overload protection. The motion driving is
realized by means of a flat belt without transverse stress on vertical shaft of the bowl. The oil
pan is fixed to the frame beneath the vertical shaft and the rotation of this one produce an
automatic lubrication of ball bearings. A sight glass is fixed to the pan; this allows to check
the oil level and oil circulation during operation. The frame is complete with a manual brake,
a sight glass to check the machine is standstill, two flanges with air gratings and the solenoid
valves unit with metering device for the injection of operating water in the bowl. The frame is
fixed to the floor by foundation plate with interposition of special shock absorbers. On the
frame upper part, bowl side, is fixed the anular cyclone for the solids collection and discharge
and over it, the protection cover equipped with the inlet-outlet flow unit. The anular cyclone
and protection cover are in special soundproof execution: double wall with cavity filled by
deadening material.
The supply include also the electric panel, the operating water system (surge tank, filter,
pressure reducer and pressure switch) and a set of special spanners for the bowl.

3.1.1. Operating principles

The product flows into the bowl through feed pipe (1) and into the distributor (2) it undergoes
acceleration until it reaches the bowl rotating speed. The distributor (2) conveys the product to
the disks stack (3) where the separation between solods and broth takes place. The great
number of disks divide the internal space of the bowl into many thin layers which make more
efficient the separation.
The broth flows to the centre of the bowl and solids flows to the bowl outer diameter. They
rise in the disks stack and reach the two upper chambers of the bowl. Here two fixed
centripetal pumps (4-5) convey them under pressure to the outlet pipe lines (6-7).

3.1.2. Bowl discharge

The separated solids are collected in the peripheral part of the bowl (8) and are periodically
discharged through the discharge holes (9) to maintain the required separation efficiency. The
discharge of solids collected in the bowl (partial discharge) does not involve the stopping of
the separation process; actually it takes place at the rated revolving speed and without
interrupting the product flow (the discharge causes only a slight slow-down).
The solids discharge of total type, with bowl complete emptying, requires a prolonged bowl
opening and involves the stop of product feeding for a time sufficient to the pickup of the
nominal speed; the total discharge produces a bowl slowing down not negligible.
The discharged solids are collected into an outer anular chamber connected to a damping
sludge tank where they are drained away by gravity through a pipe.

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The pressure produced by water in chamber (11) keeps the sliding piston (10) in closed
position. By feeding with water the pipe line (13), the opening valve (12) let the water in
chamber (11) to flow away; the product pressure push down the sliding piston and the solids
are immediately ejected through the discharge holes (9). By stopping the water feed (13) and
filling the closing water line (14) into chamber (11), the hydraulic operated ram goes back to
the closed position.

3.1.3. Automatic control

The periodical solids discharge is carried out automatically by means of a programmer unit
regulate by a PLC controlling the opening and closing water solenoid valves and the solenoid
valves of metering device.
Various automatic, independent working cycles may be selected to perform partial and/or
total discharges during separation and cleaning in place. By setting the PLC it is possible to
regulate the discharge quantity, the time between two following discharges and the
combination between partial and total discharges. The programmer unit can also realize the
following functions: automatic bowl closing during the starting-up phase; stop feeding during
total discharges; rinsing of the bowl external surface and of the protection cover internal
surface, before and after the discharge; semiautomatic realization of partial and total
discharges and of bowl overflow (during cleaning in place).
The ejected sediments are collected into an outer anular chamber, connected to a damping
sludge tank, where they are drained away by gravity through a pipe.
The electric control panel is equipped with a mimic with optical signals of the separator
working main phases, a digital ammeter and an electronic tachometer, with digital display,
measuring the bowl speed.

3.1.4. Inlet-outlet flow unit

Bowl feeding is carried out through a closed pipe line with skim milk (or whey) and cream
outlets under pressure and without foam; skim milk and cream are conveyed outside the bowl
by means of two centripetal pumps and without seal gaskets between fixed parts and rotating
A sanitary pressure gauge is installed on skim milk outlet. Two micrometric valves, allow the
regulation of skim pressure and cream density.

3.1.5. Drive
The three-phase electric drive motor is controlled by INVERTER (electronic frequency
converter). This system allows to use an absolutely standard electric motor with cage rotor, to
eliminate centrifugal clutches and hydraulic couplings, to realize a gradual separator starting-
up with a strong limitation of the electric current absorption, to obtain a power factor (cosfi)
near to unit in every operating condition and to permit a fast pickup of the nominal speed after
the solids discharge.

3.1.6. Materials
All parts in contact with the product and with the discharged solids are made of stainless steel.

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Figure 3.1
1 Feed 8 Moving ram
2 Distributor 9 Skirt protection moving ram
3 Disks stack 10 Solids discharge
4 Centripetal pump 11 Closing chamber
5 Product outlet 12 Opening valve
6 Solids chamber 13 Opening water line
7 Discharge holes 14 Closing water line

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3.2. Technical card

Overall dimensions (ref. Tab. 20):
Width: 2.020 mm.
Length: 1.850 mm.
Height: 2.550 mm.
Bowl weight: 730 kg.
Separator net weight: 2.850 kg.
Operating features:
* Milk skimming capacity: 15.000 l/h
* Whey skimming, standardiziaton, milk cleaning capacities: 22.500 l/h
Bowl capacity: 45 l
Solids chamber capacity: 14 l
Bowl speed: 5.050 r.p.m.
Motor speed: 1.450 r.p.m.
Product and process features:
Maximum product density: 1,1 kg/dm3
Maximum sludge density: 1,35 kg/dm3
Maximum product temperature: 95 °C
Minimum product temperature: 3 °C
* Milk process temperature: 20  60 °C
Electrical system features:
Motor power: 37 kW
Voltage: 3 x 380 V
Auxiliary components voltage: 24 Ac
Frequency: 50 Hz
System: three-phase+earth
Motor and Electric panel protection level: IP 55
Operation: electro-mechanical controlled by PLC
Hydraulic system features:
* Required feeding pressure necessary for a machine working
at maximum capacity: 2 bar
* Maximum outlet pressure (cream and skim): 5 bar
Minimum feeding pressure for operating water: 2 bar
Operating water consumption for each discharge: ~ 10 l
Pneumatic system features:
Maximum feeding pressure: 10 bar
Operating pressure: 68 bar
Minimum feeding pressure: 4 bar
Compressed air consumption 200 l/h

Spacers of inlet-outlet flow unit (§ 6.3):

 n° x thickness mm.
 n° x thickness mm.
 n° x thickness mm.
Total thickness mm.

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(*) These data depend on the specific application (milk skimming, standardization, cleaning
and whey skimming). The skimming capacities given above has been obtained with
normal milk and whey at a temperature of 3050 °C with 0,03% maximum residual fat
content (Gerber system).

3.3. Noise level

The machine has been subjected to a noise emission test with reference to the noise test
code included in Annexe A of the standard prEN 12505.
The determination of noise emission values (sound pressure level) has been done with
empty machine, rotating at the operating speed. Care has been taken to ensure that the
any electrical conduits, piping or air ducts which are connected to the machine do not
radiate significant amount of sound energy.
The measurement has been done at 1,0 m. in front of the machine and 1,6 m. above the

A-weighted time-averaged emission sound pressure level: dBA

3.4. Destination and foreseen place of use.

The machine must exclusively operate inside a closed place, which must possess features in
conformity with the prescription of this Manual (see § 5.1).
The floor must be plane, without asperities, sufficiently solid to avoid sinkings.

3.5. Improper uses and contra-indications

• Never use the machine to separate liquids which have different characteristics (density,
temperature, corrosion, etc.) from those specified.
• The bowl has not to rotate at a higher speed than the maximum operating speed (5.050
• The bowl has not to rotate empty. It is allowed to put into rotation the empty bowl for a
period of 15 min. only in starting phase.
• Never elude or disactivate the safety shields.
• Never use the machine if it is damaged.
• Do not connect the machine to an electric panel that is not spefically supplied by SEITAL.
• Use only SEITAL spare parts.

Avoid water jets on control panel and on the motor.

Every use different from the specified, not included o deducible from this manual, it is
considered “NOT ALLOWED”.

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4.1. Machine delivery

The whole material is accurately checked from the manufacturer before the forwarding.
For transport and lifting operation the bowl is separated from the rest of the machine; this to
preserve the integrity of the rotating parts of the machine.
When receiving the goods check the machine has not been damaged during transport or that
the eventual package has not been tampered with subsequent removal of internal parts. Verify
therefore that data desumed from the accompanying documents correspond to forwarding
When disassembling it is advised to accurately sieve the packing, to avoid that parts, missing
at first sight, are not remained in the packing material.
If damages or missing parts are noticed, immediately inform the carrier and the manufacturer
showing photographic documentation.

4.2. Packing and unpacking

The packing conditions are defined with the customer in relation with the distance and the
chosen mean of transport. The machine can be transported without packing.
In case of packing this is constitued by a wood box.
The machine parts must be assured to the level ground (by brackets or other) to prevent every
horizontal and vertical movement.
The sheets affixed outside the packing contain the following informations:

• Manufacturer
• Address
• Gross weight
• Case dimensions
• Means of lifting
• Lifting points

Carry the packed machine closest the place selected for installation.
Remove the plastic protection to free the machine.
Conditions of packing elimination (if present):
Wood: not pollutant material, to correctly ricycle.
Plastic: pollutant material to not burn (toxic fumes) neither waste in the environment;
eliminate in accordance with the law in force in the user country.

4.3. Lifting and transport of the packed machine

To lift the packing can be used the following means:

• lift truck;
• bridge crane, crane or hoist with sling.

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Use a lift truck with:
• capacity higher than the weight of the machine+packing (reported outside the
• fork with length higher than 1500 mm.
Insert the forks under the level ground in central position, where signed by the suitable
triangles on the case (fig. 4.1), and keep them at the maximum distance one from the other.

Must be used ropes or bands in good conditions (neither damaged nor deteriorated) having
guaranteed capacity higher than the weight of the machine+packing (reported outside the
Pass the two ropes outside the “case feet” to avoid the sliding of the ropes towards the centre
of the case (fig. 4.2).

Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2

4.4. Lifting and transport of the machine without packing

Danger of damaging the machine during transport
The machine transport on the road must be performed without the bowl to avoid
damaging of the vertical shaft and/or ball bearings.

To lift the separator use two hemp ropes and a bridge crane, crane or hoist having guaranteed
capacity higher than the weight of the machine (ab. 2.850 kg.).
Pass the two ropes under the frame, and adjust their length in order to have the lifting point on
the center-of-gravity vertical line (one rope must be placed inside the frame foot on motor
side, the other one on the opposite side); then lift the whole.

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Figure 4.3

To lift the bowl (fig. 4.3) a particular

procedure must be followed:
- screw on the bowl (2) the threaded rod
with nut (1), used for disks compression;
- apply on the nut (provided with handles)
the lifting ropes having guaranteed
capacity higher than the weight of the
bowl (ab. 730 kg)
- lift the whole with a bridge crane, crane
or hoist.

Figure 4.4

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Danger of machine turnover
Danger of impact and squashing for people
During lifting and transport must be used great caution to avoid injury to people and things.
This operation must be performed by expert personnel.
Verify that nobody is exposed to a risk in danger zone.

Until the groups (bowl, separator) are not completely lifted it’s better to verify the correct
balancing of them. The lifting must be performed with continuity (without impulses).
Keep the load lower than possible during movements, both for a better load stability, and for a
higher visibility.
The manufacturer do not answer about breakages due to the transport of the machine after the
All the elements that are potentially moveable or not resistent to his weight must be securely
fixed to the machine to prevent dangerous disjunctions or unbalancings.
For the machine not packed is prescribed a covered transport.

4.5. Warehouse storage

The machine storage, with or without packing, must be done in a place which has the
humidity and temperature conditions reported in § 5.1.
If the machine remain unused for a long time (more than 3 months), after it has already
worked al least once, perform the following operations:
- accurately clean the separator;
- dry with clothes and greased all the bowl parts and the unpainted parts of the machine, to
avoid corrosions;
- keep the bowl in a dry place;
- to avoid the gaskets become brittle, preserve them in a cool, dry, dark and dust-sheltered
- discharge lubricant oil and accurately clean the gear chamber;
- disconnect the inlet-outlet pipes of the product and plug them;
- close the operating water cocks and check that losses are not present.
When starting the machine follow the instructions reported in § 7.

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5.1. Environment
The machine work inside a covered factory, with steady temperature, limitedly esposed to
dust and humidity.
Except for different specification in order established, the machine has been designed and
tested to regularly work in the enviromental conditions reported below.
If the conditions are very unsteady, the means and characteristics of air-conditioning will
have to be fixed.

The altitude of the place where the machine will be installed have not to be higher than 1000
m from sea level.

Minimum room temperature: +10°C
Maximum room temperature: +40°C

The electric equipment can correctly work in atmospheric conditions with relative humidity
not higher than 50% and temperature of 40°C, and at 90% with temperature not higher than
20°C (without condensate).

The factory lighting system is considered very important for the safety of people and of work
quality. It is for the customer to know the standards regarding accident prevention and work
health in force in his country. These standards define the responsabilities of the work place
manager, who must guarantee a good efficiency of plants and consequently of machines.
In Italy this argument is regulated by a ministerial decree which clearly fix the average level
of prescribed lighting.
The lighting is measured in lux (1lux = 1lumen/mq).
Minimum necessary lighting: it has to guarantee the correct perception of symbols and marks
(from 300 to 500 lux).
Maximum lighting: it has to avoid the operator dazzling.


When machinery used in atmosphere with explosion and/or fire risk are is requested, the
necessary procedures must be previously agreed between the parties, in compliance with
regulations (CEI 62.2, CEE n° 89/392 + subsequent amendments).
The standard machine SE 501 is not arranged to work in environments with atmosphere with
explosion and/or fire risk.
The customer/user must absolutely specify, during negotiation, if the risk is present.
An environment different from the prescribed one can cause dangerous situation for people.

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5.2. Working necessary space

The choice of the place or space suitable for the laying of the machine is important for the
quality of the work (maintenance, safety, etc.).
Fix the boundaries of the area for the operator, foreseing areas sufficient for normal operation,
maintenance and release.
The free space will be the space indicated in Tab. 22.
This area must be good-lighted and ventilate.
The environment and operating conditions have not to be a hindrance for the access to the
machine controls. The machine operation must be guaranteed, including also the maintenance

5.3. Equipment
The machine normal equipment include:
• Set of special spanners for the bowl.
• Set of spare parts
- n° 1 set of bowl gaskets
- n° 1 set of bowl valve gaskets
- n° 1 set of inlet-outlet flow unit gaskets
- n° 5 intermediate disks
- n° 1 cartridge for filter
- n° 1set of fuses for electrical panel.
• Operating water system, constitued of:
- ball and solenoid valves unit
- metering device
- surge tank, filter, pressure reducer with manometer

5.4. Location and assembly on place

Move the machine without bowl to avoid damaging vertical shaft and/or ball bearings.
Fix the foundation plate to the floor with its eight anchor bolts by means of a concrete casting,
making sure that the plane (A) of the four supports is horizontal (fig. 5.2).
Put the four shock absorbers on the foundation plate supports. Lift the frame and put it over
the shock absorbers. Check the correct resting of all shock absorbers.

1 - Anchor bolt
2 - Nut
3 - Foundation plate
4 - Shock absorber
5 - Frame foot
6 - Nylon washer
7 - Screw
8 - Shock absorber spacer
A - Foundation plate plane

Figure 5.1

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The frame plane (B) must be horizontal (fig. 5.1). In order to obtain this, adjust the screwing
of screws (7 - fig. 5.2), which must be screwed without tightening, to have always a good
working of the shock absorbers and to avoid to loose their damping effects.

Figure 5.2
5.5. Lubrication

5.5.1. Bearings and gears lubrication

All the separator bearings and gears are splash lubricated.

The separator is delivered without lubricating oil. Before the first starting it is necessary to fill
the gear housing with the lubricant of separator equipment. After the filling, the oil must be at
a level just over the mark on the sight glass (4 - fig. 5.3). During operation, the oil level has
never to fall below the mark situated just below (5 - fig.5.3).
Check the oil level every week and check presence of water from time to time loosening oil
drain plug (2 - fig. 5.3) and drawing a sample. If this is “white coffee coloured” (emulsion
symptom), change immediately the oil.

Danger of injury or burning
It is peremptorily forbidden to perform the oil change or supply
when the machine is still rotating.

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1 - Oil supply plug

2 - Oil drain plug
3 - Sight glass
4 - Oil level with standstill machine
5 - Oil level with working machine
6 - Oil temperature probe PT100

Figure 5.3

Always use mineral, non-corrosive oil EP type with the following characteristics:
Viscosity: - 220 cSt at 40°C, corresponding to ISO VG 220.
- 18,7 cSt at 100°C.
Viscosity index: 95.
Density: 0.895 kg/l, at 15°C.

Danger of gears and ball bearings damaging.
It is peremptorily forbidden the use of syntetic oil.

Oil satisfying the previous qualifications:

BP Energol HLP 68 ESSO Nuto H 68
CASTROL Hyspin AWS 68 SHELL Tellus 68

The first time change the oil after 300 operating hours and then once every 1500 operating
hours; however never let pass a period longer than six months (check the effective working
time of the machine, reading the value reported in the hour counter placed inside the electric
panel). In seasonal operation the oil change must be performed before every operating period.
The used oil must be collected in a suitable tank and eliminate as specified by the local
Whenever changing oil, accurately clean gear housing and remove all metal particles fouled
in the internal walls and corners of gear chamber. Do not use downy rags or cotton waste.
Clean sight glass.

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After visually checking the condition of gears inside gear housing, it is advisable to change
oil and lubricate the upper ball bearing spraying some oil from below.

5.5.2. Lubrication of threads and contact surfaces of the bowl parts

When assembling the bowl it is advised to apply a thin lubricant layer on threads and contact
surfaces of bowl components such as: bowl body, bowl hood, lock rings, etc.
It is recommended the use of the following lubricants:
for food industry
- Molykote D (white paste)
- Molykote DX (white paste)
- Kluber Grease KSB 8
for chemical industry
- Molykote G
- Molykote G Rapid
In addition, other pastes or greases with the same properties may be used.

5.6. Systems connection

5.6.1. Electrical system connection

Electrocution danger
The electrical connection must be performed by the electrician (that is informed
about the risks connected to the intervention and knows as avoid them).

The wiring diagram is put inside the electric panel. If this is not, immediately contact the
The user have to predispose a suitable isolating switch of the electric line upstream the
machine, in addition to effective protection advices against overcurrents/indirect contacts.
When connecting, verify that:
• the supply mains correspond to the voltage and frequency indicated in the wiring diagram
supplied with the machine; a wrong voltage supply could damage the electric panel
• the supply mains is provided with suitable earth connecting system;
• the electrical power supply of the separator motor is designed relating to starting current
(approximately 1,5  2 times the nominal current of the motor).
Instructions for electrical system connection:
- Perform the connection to the electric mains with great caution, without voltage in the
mains and respecting the safety prescription and local regulations.
- It is advisable to install the control panel near the machine, to assure a fast intervention in
case of danger.
- When connecting the phases to the isolating switch terminals, inside the electric panel, put
in the suitable seat the yellow-coloured protection cover.
- Always use waterproof conduits on motor terminal board inlet.
- It’s absolutely forbidden the mains connection without grounding.

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Generic danger
In case power and control panel has not been supplied with separator, the electrical
connection has to be made in conformity with the instructions reported on enclosed
wiring diagram and respecting the safety prescriptions and local regulations.

5.6.2. Hydraulic connection for operating water

Place a cock upstream the hydraulic connection for operating water. The opening/closing of
the bowl requires clean, low hardness water (see below) at a pressure ranging between 2,5 and
6 bar, and with a minimum flow rate of 15  20 l/min.
Cleaned water
Hardness  6 dH
Chlorine ions  100 mg/l
pH = 6,5  7,5
The connection must be carried out according to Fig. 5.4 and Tab. 05.
The pressure reducer, separated from the machine, must be 2 metres from solenoid valve set
at most. It reduces and stabilzes pressure of operating water to ensure evenness of partial
discharges. Pressure reducer must be regulated at 2  2,5.

Figure 5.4

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1 Flexible pipe YV1 Opening water solenoid valve (bowl

2 Compressed air pipe discharge)
CF1 Cartridge filter YV31 Solenoid valve - metering device air
PCV1 Pressure reducer inlet (in column that substain
PCV2 Pressure reducer - compressed air electrical box)
MN1 Manometer YV32 Solenoid valve - metering device
MN2 Manometer water inlet
MD Electropneumatic metering device BV0 Closing and rinsing water ball valve
PSC1 Pressure switch with limit for (emergency)
minimum water pressure BV1 Opening water ball valve (emergency)
CV1 Check valve - metering device inlet A Water from surge tank
YV0 Closing and rinsing water solenoid B Compressed air (5  6 bar)
Before assembling bowl, check correct electrohydraulic connection by simulating a discharge.
First of all, turn on the opening/closing ball valves until having a regular water flow from the
holes of the operating water injector (07.030.0 - § 13, Tab. 07). Then turn them off and press
the discharge button on electric panel. A spray of water get out from the upper part of the
operating water injector and after a few seconds a short splash of water get out from the lower
part of it. After 10  15 seconds the upper spray of water stops. Repeat this procedure two or
three times and if this doesn’t happen, check electrical connection.
During discharge the minimum pressure must be higher than 1,5 bar.

5.6.3. Separator hydraulic connection

The separator must be connected to the plant predisposed by the user following the
indications of the scheme of Tab. 21. All the the pipe unions must be well fastened. It is
advisible to connect the separator to the plant by pipes which length is not more than 1 m. to
facilitate the disassembly of the connections when dismantling the bowl. Therefore, avoid
connections (to another machine, to the wall, ecc.) that rigidly constrain the inlet-outlet unit of
the machine; this could increase vibrations level.

The solids discharge, if totally connected by a pipe, must have a sight glass that allow to see
eventual leakages. The sludge elimination plant must be realized in such a way that a
counterpressure is avoided inside it, preventing the sludge draining (fig. 5.5). These are the
features that it must have:
1) sufficiently large pipes without sharp bends and shrinkages;
2) horizontal length absence;
3) sludges must be able to freely drain into the collecting tank.

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Figure 5.5

The eventually present drain traps (cover discharge,

operating water discharge, etc.) have not to be totally
connected by pipes, to check eventual leakages (fig. 5.6).
These precautions must be adopted to avoid that some
liquid (water, product or sludges) could flow in the upper
part of the frame braking the rotating bowl and/or drain in
the gear chamber damaging the bearings.

5.6.4. Pneumatic system connection Figure 5.6

If the machine has pneumatic components the connection to the pneumatic system must be
predisposed. The system features are reported in § 3.3 and Tav. 23.
The user have to predispose a suitable cock upstream the machine pneumatic system, that
guarantee the cut out of the compressed air in case of emergency.
When connecting, verify that:
• air pressure is in the limits reported in § 3.3;
• connecting pipes are constrained to supports near the pipe unions; this to avoid injuries
due to unexpected disjunction of the pipe from the union.

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The bowl is supplied separately from the rest of the machine, so before setting at work it must
be dismantled and assembled on vertical shaft in the frame. The bowl, rotating at high speed,
is subjected at high stress that could compromise the operating safety of clarifier in case the
bowl has been improperly assembled and cleaned. In Figure 6.1 are shown all the main
pieces of the bowl.

1 - Bowl body
2 - OR gasket - bowl body
3 - Bowl body nut
4 - Gasket - moving ram
5 - Moving ram
6 - Skirt protection moving ram
7 - Ring nut for fixing skirt protection
8 - OR gasket ring nut - internal
9 - OR gasket ring nut - external
10 - Distributor
11 - Bottom disk
12 - Intermediate disks
13 - Bowl hood
14 - Nylon gasket - bowl hood
15 - OR gasket - bowl hood
16 - OR gasket - head hood
17 - Big lock ring
18 - Small lock ring
19 - Finned cover
* 20 - Distributor ring
21 - OR gasket distributor ring - internal
22 - OR gasket distributor ring - external

(*) Dismantle only according with SEITAL authorizzation. Figure 6.1

6.1. Bowl assembly

In bowl assembly follow in detail the procedure indicated below and pay particular attention
to the following warnings:

Generic danger
The bowl has not to be started before it has been completely assembled.

- Carefully clean coupling surfaces and gaskets groove.

- Smear antiscuff grease on threads and surfaces subject to rub.
- Check presence of all gaskets on new bowl too.

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- Every part must be correctly positioned; almost all bowl parts have an angular position
fixed by pins or feather keys - except for threaded parts and gaskets (Figure 6.1 - parts 2,
3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22).
- During assembly verify that shear rags are not present on various pieces and that foreign
objects do not remain inside the bowl.
- Bowl body nut and bowl lock rings have left-handed threads.
- Always use our special spanners and particularly the spanner for disks compression.
- After screwing big lock ring, check the disks compression.
It’s possible that disk set is insufficiently compressed and this may cause anomalous
vibration of the bowl. In this case add some disks.

1) Clean and wipe dry the conical part of

the vertical shaft and carefully clean
also the inside of the bowl hub to
assure proper fitting.
By the spanner (09.110.0), insert the
bowl body (Fig. 6.2). Follow these

- Fasten the spanner body on the

bowl body.
- Screw the eyebolt on spanner body.
Acting on the eyebolt, lift the bowl
body by hoist and slowly place it
down on the conical part of the Figure 6.2
vertical shaft. Use great caution to
not damage the coupling surfaces.

2) Carefully clean the groove of bowl hub

and insert the OR gaskets (Fig. 6.1 -
part 2).

3) Carefully clean the groove on the

sliding piston and apply the rubber
gasket (Fig. 6.3 - part 1) using a plastic
hammer. Inserting the gasket, pay
attention that the surface in contact
with bowl body have not shear rags.
Be sure that the external surface of the
gasket do not protrude from the

4) Smear antiscuff grease on the coupling

surfaces of the bowl hub and the
sliding piston (Fig. 6.3 - part 2).

Figure 6.3

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5) By the spanner (09.050.0), insert the moving ram. Proceed as explained below.
- Fasten spanner body on the sliding
- Slightly screw threaded rod until the
threaded part length outside the
spanner body is 4  5 mm.
- Lift the moving ram by hand or by
hoist and place it down on the bowl
- Take care that the “0” marks of the
two pieces are aligned, so that the
three guide pins of the bowl body
enter correctly into the correspond-
ing holes in sliding piston.
- Slightly unscrew the threaded rod Figure 6.4
until the piston is completely placed
on his seat. Could be necessary give
some plastic hammer blows on the
upper edge of the threaded rod
and/or on the upper edge of the
piston to make swinging the piece.
- The sliding piston should be now
resting on the internal edge of the
bowl body, in position indicated in
Fig. 6.5. The most internal part of
the piston must be at about 3 mm.
under the hub of bowl body. This
position will be easily reached if the
steps from 3) to 5) have been
correctly made.

Figure 6.5

6) With the suitable spanner (09.380.0)

screw as more as possible the bowl
body nut (left handed thread). By the
hammer (09.010.0) give some blows to
the spanner to be sure that the nut is
well fixed (1 - Fig. 6.6).
Then insert the nut cover (2 - Fig. 6.6)
paying attention that the piece fit
correctly the small key in the bowl
body as shown in Fig. 6.6.

Figure 6.6

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7) By the spanner (09.060.0  09.070.0),

screwed in the threaded hole present on
the upper edge of the distributor, lift
the piece and place it down on his seat
(Fig. 6.7). Check the guide pin on the
bowl body correctly rest on the suitable
seat under the distributor so that the
whole piece is uniformly resting on the
bowl body.

Figure 6.7

8) Insert the disks. The disks can be

inserted in the distributor only in one
way. As shown in Fig. 6.8, over the
distributor is marked a “O” that must Distributor
be aligned with “O” marks of the bowl
body andsliding piston. The disk must
be inserted in such a way that the small
slot (1) made on the internal upper
edge glides at the right of the
distributor fin marked with the “O”.
- bottom disk (11 - Fig. 6.1) that
distinguishes itself by having
spacers on both surfaces.
- the intermediate disks (12 - Fig.

Take care to not change the sequence

of the disks.

Figure 6.8

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9) After carefully cleaning the grooves,

insert the nylon gasket and the OR
gasket on the bowl hood (14, 15 - Fig.
6.1). To apply the nylon gasket, turn
the bowl hood upside down and fit the
gasket over the groove; then start
inserting it slightly giving blows with a
plastic hammer. This operation must
be made striking, uniformly on the
circumference, the gasket in one point Figure 6.9
and after in the opposite one (180°).
When gasket has been uniformly inserted, take a small piece of the older gasket and, after
placing it over the new one, give on it some plastic hammer blows until it enter of about 1
mm. under the bowl hood surface (see Fig. 6.9).

10) Carefully clean the conical coupling surfaces of bowl body and bowl hood.

11) By the spanner (09.100.0), place down the bowl hood. Proceed as explained below.

- Fasten spanner body on the bowl hood (Fig. 6.10).

- Slightly screw threaded rod.
- Lift the piece by hand or by hoist and place it down into the bowl body; take care that
the “0”marks of the two pieces are aligne; in this way the key (1) forced in the bowl
body glides in the corresponding groove of the bowl hood.
- At the edge of the threaded rod is fixed a disk, that will rest on the distributor.
- If necessary, unscrew the threaded rod until the bowl hood is in contact with the disks.

Figure 6.10

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12) By the suitable spanner (09.060.0 

09.090.0), compress the disks stack
(Fig. 6.11). To make this, perform the
operations mentioned below.

- Lay flange (1) on bowl hood.

- Screw tight threaded rod (4) on the
distributor. Do not forget bronze
washer (2) under nut with handles
- By using extension pipe (09.020.0)
screw nut (3) as much as possible
and anyhow until the bowl hood
completely lay on the corresponding
seat of the bowl body.

Figure 6.11
13) Smear antiscuff grease on threads of
bowl body and big lock ring (Fig. 6.12
- part 1) and on contact surfaces
between bowl hood and big lock ring
(Fig. 6.12 - part 2). 1

Figure 6.12

14) By the spanner (09.150.0) screw the big lock ring (Fig. 6.13) that has left-handed thread.
This operation must be performed with the disks stack compressed by the suitable
spanner. It must be possible screw by hands the ring until the “0” mark is at least 1 cm.
before the “0” mark of the bowl body (if this does not happen, it means that the assembly
is not correct or the number of disks is wrong). Then fasten it down as much as possible
by striking with mallet (09.010.0) the spanner handle. Now the “0” marks must be
aligned. In case the bowl is not new and the parts start being worn, the “0” mark of the
ring will go beyond the “0” mark of the bowl body. The distance between the two
references must not exceed 3 cm.

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Figure 6.13

15) Remove the spanner for disks set compression. This spanner also allows to check if disks
compression is correct. Infact one manual turn of nut (3 - Fig. 6.11), by means of
extension pipe, must cause a “sensation of toil”. If after one turn it is still hard to loosen
the spanner it means that one or two more disks are still necessary.

16) After carefully cleaning the grooves,

insert the OR gaskets with a little bit
of grease on feeding pipe and on the
centripetal pump (1, 2, 3, 4 - Fig. 6.14).

17) Insert the feeding pipe of product (6 -

Fig. 6.14).

18) Insert the centripetal pump (5 - Fig.


Figure 6.14

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19) Place the finned cover (7 - Fig. 6.15),

and take care that the one guide pin (8)
of the head hood enter correctly into
the corresponding hole (9) in finned

20) By the spanner (09.140.0), screw (left-

handed thread) the small lock ring (10
- Fig. 6.15).

21) Verify that the bowl is free to rotate,

before assembling the cover.

Figure 6.15
6.2. Inlet-outlet flow unit assembly
Before assembling, check all gaskets and grooves: they must be in good conditions and
accurately cleaned. The spanners necessary for assembly are reported in Tab. 09/A and 09/B.
Do not use other tools or use them with caution.
The feeding pipe and the centripetal pump must be assembled in sequence with the last parts
of the bowl (see § 6.1), then fix the cover on cyclone and finally the remainings parts of inlet-
outlet flow unit.
Proceed according with the following procedure (see Fig. 6.16 - next page):

1) Lift up the bowl protection cover and put it on cyclone, making attention to not damage
the thread of the feeding pipe.

2) Screw the eight screws M12x35 (08.280.0 - Tab. 08/B) on anular collecting cyclone.

3) If necessary mount the spacer/s (7) and insert the pump fixing flange fastening it by the
screws (9) TCCEI M8x16.

4) Place on the cover the inlet-outlet body (12) gliding the feeding pipe in the central hole,
then fix it by screws TE M10x20 with washer Ø10 (13, 14).

5) Insert nylon washer (17) and feeding pipe nut (15).

6) Screw the feeding pipe placing the spanner (09.030.0) in the grooves present in the upper
part of the feeding pipe and, blocking the spanner, screw the feeding pipe nut by the
spanner (09.390.0).

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Figure 6.16

1 - Feeding pipe 10 - Flange centering pump

2 - OR gasket - feeding pipe 11 - Screw TCCEI M6x25 - flange centering
3 - OR gasket - feeding pipe pump
4 - OR gasket - feeding pipe 12 - Inlet-outlet body
5 - Centripetal pump 13 - Screw TE M10x20 - inlet-outlet body
6 - OR gasket - centripetal pump 14 - Washer Ø10
7 - Spacers 15 - Feeding pipe nut
8 - Flange fixing pump 16 - Gasket feeding pipe nut
9 - Screw TCCEI M8x16 - flange 17 - Nylon washer
fixing pump 18 - Spacer flange

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Check that:
- spacers thickness and number is the prescribed one (see § 3.3 and 6.3).
- locking nut of feedind pipe (left hand thread), fixing screws of cover to frame (Tab. 08/B)
and of inlet-outlet flow unit to cover are hardly screwed.

6.3. Adjustment of centripetal pump position

The correct position of pumps is shown by Fig. 6.17; the pump is in the middle of the
corresponding chamber of the bowl. This position id obtained by inserting a few spacers (7 -
Fig. 6.16) between the pump fixing flange (8) and the cover upper flange. The number and
thickness of spacers may vary only after the replacement of some parts of the vertical shaft
unit (Tab. 07/A and 07/B) and/or of the bowl (Tab. 03) and/or of the inlet-outlet flow unit
(Tab. 04). In this case it is advisable to vary corresponding number and thickness of spacers
indicated on technical card § 3.3. The total thickness of spacers is determined by the
following relation:
Total thickness of spacers = 4 - A

To find "A" push down the pump to the

bottom of the corresponding bowl
chamber and measure the distance
between the upper edge of the pump and a
selected reference. Lift the feeding pipe
till the pump touch the upper wall of the
chamber and repeat the measurement from
the same reference. The difference (in
mm.) between the two measures gives the
value of "A" (Fig. 6.17).
NB: Extract all existing spacers before
doing this measure. Figure 6.17

6.4. Inlet-outlet flow unit disassembly

Generic danger
Only with bowl completely standstill is possible to start disassembly.

Generic danger
Before disassembly, always perform machine chemical cleaning, that finish with
cold water rinsing for about 5 minutes.
In case it is not possible to perform the cleaning, cool the bowl passing through it
cold water or other cooling fluid, before starting disassembly.

During dismantling it is suggested to put in a suitable area the disassembled
components to find them out easier and to verify the completeness of the assembly
at the end of it.

Proceed in inverse order than assembly (see Fig. 6.16).

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1) Disconnect feeding pipe and outlet pipes.

2) Insert spanner (09.030.0 - Tab. 09/A) into the split of the fedding pipe and unscrew
feeding pipe nut (15) - left-handed thread - using spanner (09.390.0 - Tab. 09/B).
3) Extract the nylon washer (17).
4) Unscrew the two screws (13) TE M10x20 and washers Ø10 (14), that fix the inlet-outlet
flow unit to the cover.
5) Lift up the inlet-outlet body (12).
6) Unscrew the screws (9) TCCEI M8x16 and remove the pump fixing flange (8).
7) Take out spacer/s (7).
8) DO NOT REMOVE the centering flange under the spacers that must remain fixed to the
machine cover.
9) Lift up cover by hoist, paying attention to not damage the thread of feeding pipe.

6.5. Bowl disassembly

1) By the spanner (09.140.0), unscrew (left-handed thread) the small lock ring.
2) Remove the finned cover.
3) Take out the centripetal pump.
4) Extract the feeding pipe.
5) By the spanners (09.060.0  09.090.0), compress the disks stack (Fig. 6.11). To make
this, perform the following operations:
- Lay flange (1) on bowl hood.
- Screw tight threaded rod (4) on the distributor. Do not forget bronze washer (2) under
nut with handles (3).
- By using extension pipe (09.020.0) screw nut (3) as much as possible.
- When the nut (3) lay on the flange (1), one turn is enough to slightly lift the distributor
from bowl body.
The spanner for compression disks stack also allows to check if disks compression is
correct. Infact one manual turn of nut (3 - Fig. 6.11), by means of extension pipe, must
cause a “sensation of toil”. If after one turn it is still hard to loosen the spanner it means
that one or two more disks are still necessary.
6) Strike with the mallet (09.010.0) the spanner handle (09.150.0), to unscrew the big lock
ring (Fig. 6.13), until loosen it (left-handed thread). Then take it out.
7) Remove the spanner for disks set compression.
8) By the spanner (09.100.0), extract the bowl hood (Fig. 6.10). Proceed in this way:
- Fasten spanner body on the bowl hood.
- Slightly screw threaded rod.

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- The piece start lifting until a complete release.

- Lift the piece by hand or by hoist.
9) Extract the disks and take care to not change the sequence of them.
10) By the spanner (09.060.0  09.070.0), screwed in the threaded hole present on the upper
edge of the distributor, lift the piece.
11) By the spanner (09.050.0), take out the sliding piston (Fig. 6.3). Proceed in this way:
- Fasten spanner body on the sliding piston.
- Slightly screw threaded rod (2).
- If the piston raises with difficulty and the threaded rod is hard to screw, loosen it a
little bit.
- Give some blows with plastic hammer (not rubber) on the conical part of the sliding
piston and at the same time start again screwing the rod until a complete release of the
- Lift the sliding piston by hoist.
12) Remove the bowl body nut cover and by the suitable spanner (09.380.0), using the mallet
(09.010.0), unscrew the bowl body nut (left handed thread).
13) By the spanner (09.110.0), extract the bowl body (Fig. 6.2).
- Fasten the spanner bell on the bowl body hub.
- Slightly screw the eyeboltto lift the piece.
- If the piece raises with difficulty and the threaded rod is hard to screw, give some
blows with plastic hammer (not rubber) on the eyebolt.
- Start again screwing the rod until a complete release of the piece.
- Acting on the eyebolt, lift the bowl body by hoist.

6.6. Bowl valves

On the bowl there are two valves (Fig. 6.18), placed at 180° one from the other.
The assembly/disassembly of bowl valves can be carried out without dismantling cover and
bowl. To reach valves (with our special spanners), there is an opening, usually bunged, on the
front of cyclone.

1 - Valve body
2 - Valve ram
3 - OR gasket - valve body and ram
4 - OR gasket - valve ram
5 - OR gasket - valve ram
6 - Nylon gasket

Figure 6.18

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- Remove the port plug for bowl valve (08.290.0 - Tab. 08/B)
- By using a screwdriver, make turning the bowl until the valve doesn’t appear at your
- Insert spanner body (1 - Fig. 6.19) so that the two fore pins fit the corresponding holes of
valve body (2).
- Tighten screw (3) in valve body and then tighten nut (4) to fasten spanner to valve body.
- By wheeling spanner body (1), the valve (2) is unscrewed (right-handed thread) from
bowl body.
- The small ram (6 - Fig. 6.20) will probably get out with the valve body; if this not, extract
it (Fig. 6.20) by pulling spanner (5 - 09.130.0) after screwing its threaded end on small

Figure 6.19

Figure 6.20

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Before assembly verify the gaskets are in good conditions.
- Insert the small ram (6 - Fig. 6.20) into the valve body.
- Apply the valve body (2 - Fig. 6.19) on the spanner body (1 - Fig. 6.19), so that the two
fore pins fit the corresponding holes on the valve.
- Tighten screw (3 - Fig. 6.19) in valve body and then tighten nut (4 - Fig. 6.19) to fasten the
spanner to the valve.
- Add by finger a little bit of grease on the external valve gaskets, to avoid tearings when
- Insert with caution the spanner with valve into the hole on the bowl. Then, slowly screw
the valve (to avoid damaging the OR gaskets with the thread), screwing for half a round
and unscrewing a little bit until the valve is completely inserted.

6.7. Hydraulic system for opening-closing the bowl

The bowl (Fig. 6.21) is provided with a sliding piston (1) which periodically opens discharge
holes (3) on the periphery of bowl, draining off the solids (2) accumulated during the
separation. This piston is driven downward by the pressure of processed product and upward
by operating water. When chamber (4) is filled with water, the piston is in closed position
(up); when chamber is partly empty, the piston goes to position of opening (down). The
filling and emptying of chamber (4) is obtained through two water pipes intercepted by
solenoid valves:
- pipe (5) (solenoid valve YV0) for closing water, through which water fills sliding piston
chamber (4);
- pipe (6) (solenoid valve YV32 and YV1) for opening water, through which the partial
emptying of chamber (4) takes place. Opening water acts on bowl valve (7) causing the
opening of drain hole of chamber (4).
The solenoid valves are controlled by the PLC that permit to realize the desired working
Both closing and opening water pipes are provided with manual emergency control consisting
in a ball valve in parallel with the corresponding solenoid valve.
To obtain a discharge by acting manually on ball valves proceed as follows:
1) open BV0 (pre-rinsing) and wait 5 seconds approx.;
2) open/close BV1 (discharge); a partial discharge requires ab. 0,1 - 0,2 seconds of valve
opening time;
3) wait ab. 10 - 15 seconds (after-rinsing) and then close BV0.

For the assembly/dismantly of "solenoid valve set" refer to Tab. 05/A.

Metering Device operation and regulation

The Metering Device (MD) is constitued by two chambers, one filled with operating water
and the other filled with air, separated by a ram. The air pressure minimum value should be 4
 4,5 bar while the suggested operating value must be 6 bar approximately. The water
pressure minimum value should be 1,8  2 bar while the suggested operating value must be 2
 2,5 bar approximately. The regulations of these pressure values can be executed by the
pressure reducers placed inside the electrical panel and on operating water line.

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Find below the steps, numbered by discharge cycle times (see doc. CD-SE501), of metering
device working procedure during partial and total discharge. As an example, for partial
T0) Water chamber is filled to be sure the water quantity is enough for discharge;
T2) Air chamber is filled, to guarantee the necessary air pressure for discharge;
T3) During this time (discharge time) the air chamber is still filled and air pressure push out
of the metering device the operating water;
T5) Air chamber is filled to guarantee the water is totally evacuated from water chamber;
T6) Air and water chamber are filled;
T7) Water chamber is filled.

Solenoid valves
Partial discharge Total discharge
Times YV1 YV31 YV32 YV1 YV31 YV32
T0 closed closed open closed closed open
T2 closed open closed closed closed closed
T3 open open closed open closed open
T5 closed open closed closed open closed
T6 closed open open closed open open
T7 closed closed open closed closed open

The metering device allow the regulation of discharge volume quantity; this can be made
regulating the ram position by the adjusting screw (8 - Fig. 6.21). The regulation is
practicable only in the 5 seconds after the discharge (partial or total). Proceed as follows:
- apply an adjustable spanner to the adjusting screw (8) placed on the bottom of the
metering device and screw until a certain pressure could be felt;
- at the moment of the discharge the screw suddenly become slack and that’s the time to
regulate the ram position.
To increase the discharge volume the screw must be unscrewed (turned in clockwise
direction) and viceversa.

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Figure 6.21

1 - Moving ram YV0 - Closing and rinsing water solenoid valve

1’ - Skirt protection moving ram YV1 - Opening water solenoid valve
1’’- Ring nut fixing skirt protection YV31 - Solenoid valve - compressed air
2 - Separated solids YV32 - Solenoid valve - opening water
3 - Bowl discharge holes BV0 - Closing and rinsing water ball valve (emergency)
4 - Moving ram chamber BV1 - Opening water ball valve (emergency)
5 - Closing water CV1 - Check valve - metering device inlet
6 - Opening water
7 - Bowl valve
8 - Adjusting screw
A Water from surge tank MD Metering device
B Compressed air (5  6 bar) PR1 Pressure switch - limiting the minimum water pressure
PR2 Pressure switch - limiting the minimum air pressure

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7.1. Warnings
Before machine starting, be sure to have understood the contents of this Manual. For
explanations and deepenings contact the manufacturer.
The normal operation and maintenance personnel have to own the specific expertise required
by this Manual, as well as the psychophysics requisits necessary and sufficient to make an
intervention on the machine.

Generic danger
Only qualified and authorized personnel may perform regulations and interventions
that are not assigned to the simple operator.

7.2. Safety systems description

Generic danger
Never tamper safety devices. Before setting at work the machine check their correct
positioning and always verify their efficiency.
In case of bad working inform the maintenance responsible.

7.2.1. Project devices

To reduce the risks, it has been realized an opening on the frame closed by a sight glass,
which permits to check if bowl is rotating or not.

7.2.2. Shields
The following shields are presents:
• A series of steel shields are fixed with screws that totally prevent the access to the moving
internal parts of the machine:
- n°.3 drilled ports that allow the the access inside the frame to the drive parts (belt,
pulleys, etc.);
- n°.1 bowl protection cover;
- n°.1 plug to mount/remove the bowl valves;
• A motor protection cover.

7.2.3. Warning bill-stickings

In accordance with EEC 89/392 directives and its amendments, the following notice bill-
stickings has been predisposed (Tab. 22):

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• On the electric panel door:


• On the bowl protection cover:





(check gears motion state as indicated in Fig 2.1).

• On the bowl protection cover:


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• On the motor connection box (if electric panel is not present) or under the main
switch of electric panel:


• Up the brake handwheel:




It’s absolutely necessary to recognize the meaning of the warning bill-stickings and maintain
the message readable. In case of deterioration, the stickings must be immediately substitued
avoiding the use of the machine until it’s unprovided with them.
It’s recommended to comply with the remarks referred on the stickings.

The following paragraphs refer to a machine equipped with a standard electric panel. If this is
not supplied with the separator, make electrical connection according to wiring diagram and
the following instructions. The operating procedures, reported below, must be respected too.

7.3. Control, regulation and warning devices

7.3.1. Controls and signals

On power panel, there are the following commands (fig. 7.1):
• padlockly block-door command (BLG) yellow-red coloured;
• selector (SA2) 0-1 black coloured (RESET INVERTER);
• white luminous indicator (HL1A), signalling tension in electric panel;
On control panel, there are the following commands (fig. 7.2):
• white luminous selector (HL1) signalling tension in electric panel;
• green luminous indicator (HL2) signalling activating INVERTER;
• red luminous indicator (HL3) signalling disactivating INVERTER;
• green luminous indicator (HL17) signalling activating pump;
• red luminous indicator (HL18) signalling disactivating pump;
• green luminous indicator (HL20) signalling product inlet;
• green luminous indicator (HL24) signalling washing inlet;
• green luminous selector (SA1) 0-1 (SELECTION CYCLE);
• selector (SA1A) 0-1 black coloured (SEPARATOR START);
• selector (SA2C) 0-1 black coloured (RESET INVERTER);
• selector (SA4) 0-1 black coloured (LAMP SIGHT GLASS);
• selector (SA6) 0-1 black coloured (WASHING INLET);

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• selector (SA7) 1-0-2 black coloured (SLUDGE TANK PUMP) for activating of the pump
in automatic or in manual mode;
• emergency bottom red-yellow (SB0) for emergency situations that disactivating the motor
of the separator;
• green luminous buttom (SB2 - START INVERTER) that activating the INVERTER;
• red luminous buttom (SB3 - STOP INVERTER) that disactivating the INVERTER;
• black buttom (SB4 - RESET ALARM) that zerozite the alarms;
• black buttom (SB5 - ALARM SILENT) that extinguish the alarms;
• green luminous buttom (SB7 - PUMP START) that activating inlet product pump;
• red luminous buttom (SB8 - STOP PUMP) that disactivating the motor pump;
• terminal board PCS;

Figure 7.1 Figure 7.2

In synoptic there are luminous indicators (listed below) permitting a general check of the
machine good working (fig. 7.3):
- HL5 pilot light tension in line
- HL6 pilot light motor on
- HL7 pilot light bowl is rotating
- HL8 pilot light water pressure alarm (optional)
- HL9 pilot light air pressure alarm (optional)
- HL10 pilot light generic alarm
- HL11 pilot light operating water solenoid valve (bowl closing and cover rinsing)
- HL12 pilot light operating water solenoid valve (bowl opening - after metering device)

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- HL13 pilot light product inlet solenoid valve

- HL14 pilot light compressed air solenoid valve (at metering device inlet)
- HL15 pilot light operating water solenoid valve (bowl opening-before metering device)
- HL13 pilot light solenoid valve washing inlet

Figure 7.3

The parameters set in INVERTER cannot be modified.
If a modification is necessary, consult SEITAL SERVICE to state the opportunity
of it and to know the access key code.

On terminal board there are the following commands:

• (F1) push button to access to program n° 1 (cycle with partial discharge) to modify
working parameters;
• (F2) push button to access to program n° 2 (cycle with total discharge) to modify working
• (F6) partial discharge push button CIP1;
• (F7) partial discharge push button CIP2;
• (F8) push button to modify functional parameters;

For detailed instructions on LAUER terminal board operation consult its own instructions
manual and the document MSE-501 enclosed in Electrical System Manual.
The machine is also equipped with the motor and bowl rpm sensors 1GT101DC.

7.3.2. Regulation devices

The machine is equipped with many regulation devices
On operating water line:

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• n° 1 pressure reducer to settle the water pressure;

• n° 1 pressure switch to check the water pressure value and to activate surge tank pump
when this is too low;
• n° 2 emergency ball valves replacing the solenoid valves that control the opening/closing
of the bowl.
• n° 1 metering device (turning an adjusting screw it’s possibile to calibrate the discharges).
On product inlet:
• n°1 adjustory valve to regulate feeding capacity;
• n°1 flowmeter to check product capacity value.
On compressed air line:
• n°1 compressed air pressure reducer.
On electric panel:
• ESA keyboard to control and set working programs.


• n° 1 constant pressure valve, to maintain constant the counter-pressure at the outlet of the
product. The regulation is performed by acting on pressure regulators (RPL, RPT -
fig. 7.4) placed on the back side of electric panel;

Separator equipped with constant pressure valve

The supply is complete of the following pneumatic components (fig. 7.4):
• working pressure regulator (RPL)
• overflow pressure regulator (RPT)
• working pressure manometer (MNL)
• overflow pressure manometer (MNT)

Optional Figure 7.4

7.3.3. Alarms
The PLC can intervent during separator working giving, in keyboard display, some alarm
This is only a warning message and inform you that the separator has reached the nominal
speed and now can be fed with product (default 5.000 r.p.m.).

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Help: Product pump can be started and start cycle with SA1. Push alarms reset.
This is only a warning message to make you know that bowl speed is descended to a value
lower than the nominal one (default 4.900 r.p.m.). This usually happens during total
This message inform you that bowl speed is descended to a unacceptable value (default
4.600 r.p.m.) and some trouble is present. When the bowl reach this low speed the feeding
pump is automatically stopped.
Help: Wait till bowl reaches nominal speed.
This is only a warning message to make you know that bowl speed is upward to a
unacceptable value (default 5.100 r.p.m.) and some trouble is present on the INVERTER.
When the bowl reach this high speed an alarm message is visualizing.
This is only a warning message to make you know that the rpm sensor of driven pulley read a
speed value that is different from the value (suitably converted) read by the rpm sensor of
driving pulley (default 20 r.p.m.). In this case the belt starts slipping and in a short period it
should begin burning.
This message inform you that Inverter frequency has reached the maximum permissible value
(usually 2 Hz. more the motor supply frequency).
This message inform you that the emergency button has been pushed and this caused the
cutting of electrical feeding to separator motor and the activation of the brake.
Help: Turn the mushroom head button anticlockwise and push alarms reset.
This is only a warning message to make you know that water line feeding is wrong. It’s
necessary to check the right working of surge tank unit (surge tank pump, pump pressure
switch, filter, pressure reducer) and that no leakages are present. Check also the right
working of pressure switch and the minimum pressure limit that must be set to 1,0  1,2
bar, not more.
Help: Check: 1) water pressure, 2) surge tank operation, 3) clean filter cartridge, 4) push
alarms reset button.
This is only a warning message to make you know that air line feeding is wrong. It’s
necessary to check that compressed air is fed and that no leakages are present. Check also
the right working of pressure switch and the minimum pressure limit, that must be set to
4,0  4,5 bar, not less.
Help: Check air pressure reading the manometer, then push alarms reset button.

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This message inform you that the separator motor has been surcharged and thermal protection
has cut the electrical feeding to the motor (the yellow indicator HL3 in electrical panel start
lighting). Check electrical connection and current absorption.
Help: Check: 1) motor absorption, 2) thermistor circuit continuity FR1, 3) push alarms reset
button and start motor M1.
This message inform you that the surge tank pump motor has been surcharged and thermal
protection has cut the electrical feeding to the motor. Check electrical connection and
current absorption.
Help: Open electrical box and restore thermal protection FR2 by suitable lever. Push alarms
reset button and check surge tank motor operation.
This message inform you that the feeding pump motor has been surcharged and thermal
protection has cut the electrical feeding to the motor. Check electrical connection and
current absorption.
Help: Open electrical box and restore thermal protection FR3 by suitable lever. Push alarms
reset button and start pump motor.
This message inform you that the sludges tank pump motor has been surcharged and thermal
protection has cut the electrical feeding to the motor. Check electrical connection and
current absorption.
Help: Open electrical box and restore thermal protection FR4 by suitable lever. Push alarms
reset button and start pump motor.
This message inform you that the oil level is too low and must be refilled. Check if dribbles
are present.
This message inform you that the oil temperature inside oil pan is too high and must be
reduced. Stop the machine and check if oil level is OK.
To reset the alarms push the button F18 - ALARM RESET - on keyboard.

7.4. Functional stop of separator

Follow this procedure:
• Perform “chemical cleaning” of the separator (§ 8.4).
• Push the PUMP STOP button (SB8) on the control panel.
• Turn the SA1 (START CYCLE) selector on the panel keyboard in “0” position; in this
way the separator is braked using INVERTER and the motor work as a power generator
dissipating the energy trough the resistance in the box supply on equipment (stop time =
20 min).
• If the push button STOP INVERTER is pushed the bowl gradually slows down without
any braking action (stop time = 1 h approx).
• In emergency case cut electrical supply to electric panel turning the emergency buttom
and rotate counterclockwise the brake hand-wheel (stop time = 12  17 min).

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7.5. Emergency stop

On terminal board (fig. 7.1) there is the typical red-yellow mushroom head emergency button;
pushing it the electrical feeding to separator motor and motor pump is cut; this assures the
machine stop (non in shot time) in every operating condition (hardware and software PCS

7.6. Energy sources disconnection

The main switch on the electric power panel permits disconnection of the electrical supply.
The switch can be lock to be sure of more security. A main switch is not present in the control
panel, but pushing the emergency push-button the electrical energy is cut.

The user must predispose before the plant an on-off valve and must allow the compressed air

7.7. Preliminary checks

• The bowl must be correctly assembled: the locking rings must be screwed right down (left-
hand threaded) and the marks “O” of the corresponding parts must be aligned.
• All the fixed protection (cover, ports, ecc.) must be in right position.
• Verify that inlet-outlet flow unit and cover are well fixed.
• Check oil level (oil must be slightly above the half of oil gauge glass).
• Brake must be released.
• Open the operating water cock and regulate pressure reducer at 2 bar. Check pressure
carring out a discharge (push the proper buttom on control panel). During discharge the
pressure can not fall below 1,5 - 1,7 bar approx.
• Check that valves of product-outlet and cleaning-water are closed.
• If separator doesn’t work for a long time (more than 3 months), it is recommended to:
- check the good conditions of bowl valves;
- oily separator again following the instruction indicated at § 5.5.1;
- start the machine without bowl for about 5 min.

Generic danger
Before start always verify the efficiency of security devices and of stop command.

7.8. Starting up instructions

Generic danger
The machine OPERATOR MUST BE PRESENT at the starting-up phase.

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Starting up of machine:
• Rotate the main switch (BLG) in position “1”, (light up of white luminous indicator means
that tension is present in line).
• Push the button SB4 - ALARM RESET.
• Push the button “START INVERTER” (SB2) and switch on separator motor turning the
selector “START SEPARATOR” (SA1A) in position “1”.
• Check the regular start of separator and wait for reaching nominal speed (after about 8
min. on display should be seen the speed value of about 5.000 r.p.m.). When the separator
reach the speed of 5.000 r.p.m. appears the message “SEPARATOR IS READY TO
PRODUCT”. Pushing the button SB4 - ALARM RESET - the message disappears.
• Check the regular closure of the bowl (the bowl close automatically before reaching
nominal speed).
• Rotate the cycle selector SA1 (START CYCLE) in position “1”.
• Feed separator with hot water (close to process temperature) pressing the feeding pump
start button (START PUMP).
To activate every alarm push the button F18 - alarms reset.
• If the separator has not worked for a long time or it has undergone extraordinary
maintenance operations that required cover and inlet-outlet flow unit removal, the
chemical cleaning cycle must be performed as described in § 8.6.
• Feed separator with product. If necessary regulate the flowrate using micrometric valves of
inlet-outlet unit.

Generic danger
During starting-up the machine has not to rotate with empty bowl for more
than 15 min.

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Chapter 8
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8.1. Personnel tasks

Unmanned automatic machine, starting phase only.
Operator tasks:
• Normal operation control.
• Good operation testing (fluid level, capacity and temperature value, noisy, evident
• Carry out cleaning cycle, with inlet of detergent fluid.
• Routine interventions on electric panel.
• Simple disassembles.
• Lubricant oil change or topping up.
Mechanical technician tasks:
• Corrosion and wears testing.
• Repairs.
• Preventive maintenance with eventual cleaning and/or replacement of some parts.
Electrician tasks:
• Interventions on electric system.

8.2. Set-up and adjustments

To guarantee the machine good operation, control and adjustment operations must be
performed before starting phase (see § 7.7).
To obtain a regular and efficient working of separator it is necessary:

1) Feed the machine with a constant flow of product. Adjust the capacity of the separator
within the limits marked on § 3.3. The flow-rate can be adjusted by operating on the
micrometric valve at product inlet (see Table 20).

2) Treat the product at the highest pressure value allowed by the process. The
counterpressure adjustment must be performed by operating on the “L” micrometric
valve at product outlet (see Table 20).

The regulation must be performed by operating gradually on the valves and awaiting the
stabilization of the process after each modification and before new adjustsments.

To set-up the process perform the following operations:

 Gradually close the outlet micrometric valve to a pressure of 5,5  6,0 bar and verify the
bowl start overflow and some liquid flow out from the overflow pipe.
 Reduce the pressure (by opening the valve) to a value of 5,0  5,5 bar.
 In these conditions the correct working of the machine is guaranteed.

3) Select in PLC the correct operating cycle (par. 8.3) and set a suitable value of separation
and discharge time. In PLC four different operating cycles are set, that can be selected by
pushing the suitable buttons on the electric panel terminal board (see § 7.3);

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 Program n° 1 - separation cycle with partial discharges;

 Program n° 2 - separation cycle with total discharges;
 Program n° 3 - separation cycle with partial discharges and total discharges;

The choice of the operating cycle and the setting of the functional parameters
depend upon the product's characteristics, the physical parameters of the process
and the degree of separation required. Always CONTACT the MANUFACTURER
for a suitable choice.

In presence of external solids of a great size the product to be treated must be prefiltered (we
recommend the use of a static filter or a rotating filter by brushes).
In case of a consistant presence of abrasive solids of a small size (sand) it may be necessary to
treat the product with an hydrocyclone.

Generic danger
The presence of abrasive solids (sand) in the product may cause an abnormal wear
of the parts of the bowl exposed to the discharge of solids.

8.3. Discharge cycles

The ejection of the sludges accumulated in the bowl through the partial discharge does not
involve the interruption of the separation process because the opening time of the bowl is
very short (lower than 0.1 sec.); infact, it is made at the nominal speed and without the
interruption of the product’s feeding. The total discharge causes the total emptying of the
bowl because the opening time of the bowl is higher (ab. 2 sec.) and therefore, before the
discharge, product feeding is interrupted (by the PLC) closing the inlet valve and stopping the
feeding pump.

The following instructions have an orientative meaning because the adjust of the working
cycle is extremely conditioned by the characteristics of the products and the physical
parameters of the process (capacity, temperature, viscosity, density, etc.).

A) For a product with a high content of solids (greater than 1  2 % approx.) we recommend a
separation cycle with total discharges (Prog n°2). The separation time may be calculated in
a first rate by following the procedure indicated here below:
Process data Capacity 2.500 l/h
Content of solids in the inlet 7 %
Content of solids desired in the output 2 %
The reduction of the solids content required to the machine is provided by:
Percentage of solids reduction = % solids in the inlet - % solids in the outlet = 7 - 2 = 5 %
The quantity of separated solids in one hour is worth:

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Separated solids = Capacity x Percentage of solids reduction = 2.500 x 5/100 = 125 l/h
The useful volume of the solids chamber (which collects the separated solids) is calculated
by introducing a safety factor being equal to 0,8. If the total volume of the solids chamber
is V = 10 l, then:
Useful volume = Total volume x Coeff. of safety = 10 x 0,8 = 8 l
Now it must be calculated how many times the solids chamber is filled up in one hour:

n = Separated solids / admittable capacity = 125 / 8 = 15,625  16 times *

* always rounded up by excess.

The separation time (time between a discharge and the other) must be then:
Time of separ. = Second in one hour / N° fillings in one hour = 3600 / 16 = 225 sec.
The time must be set by pressing the pushbutton F3 in the keyboard of the PLC.

Danger of motor overheating.
The separation time must never be lower than 3 minutes.

B) For a product with a medium-low solids content (lower than 1 % apx) we recommend a
separation cycle with partial discharges (Prog n°1) or with partial discharges and total
discharges (Prog. n° 3). The separation time may be calculated in first approximation by
following the procedure indicated below, keeping into consideration the fact that with
partial discharges you only have a partial emptying of the bowl. For this reason a correct
setting of the discharge time (opening time of the bowl) which consider the volume of
solids actually discharged must be performed.

The following instructions have an orientative meaning because the adjust of the working
cycle is extremely conditioned by the characteristics of the products and the physical
parameters of the process (capacity, temperature, viscosity, density, etc.).

Process data Capacity 2.500 l/h
Content of solids in the inlet 0,5 %
Content of solids desired in the output 0 %

The reduction of the solids content required to the machine is 0,5 %:

The quantity of separated solids in one hour is:

Separated solids = Capacity x Percentage of solids reduction = 2.500 x 0,5/100 = 12,5 l/h
The useful volume of the solids chamber (which collects the separated solids) is calculated
by introducing a safety factor being equal to 0,8. If the total volume of the solids chamber
is V = 10 l, then:
Useful volume = Total volume x Coeff. of safety = 10 x 0,8 = 8 l

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Now it must be calculated how many times the solids chamber is filled up in one hour:
n = Separated solids / admittable capacity = 12,5 / 8 = 1,5625  2 times *
* always rounded up by excess.

The separation time (time between a discharge and the other) must be then:
Time of separ. = Seconds in one hour / N° fillings in one hour = 3600 / 2 = 1800 sec.
The time must be set by pressing the pushbutton F3 in the keyboard of the PLC.

The quantity of solids evacuated at each discharge is:

Volume of evacuated solids = Separated solids / N° of discharges = 12,5 / 2 = 6,25 l

The volume of the evacuated liquid must be 2  3 l more than the volume of the evacuated
Volume of evacuated liquid = Volume of evacuated solids + 2  3 = 6,25 + 2  3  8  9 l

Now a discharge time must be set (pushbutton F2 in the keyboard of the PLC). At the
beginning try with:
Discharge time = 0,07 sec = 7 c.sec.

Perform a partial discharge, collect in a container all the liquid actually discharged and
verify that the volume corresponds to the calculated one.
If the actual volume is lower than the calculated one, the dicharge time must be increased
(8  9 c.sec); while if the discharged volume is higher than the calculated one the
discharge time must be reduced (5  6 c.sec.).

The choice of program N° 3 (separation cycle with partial discharges and total
discharges) by setting the various times is a consequence of the special features
of the process and it must then be evaluated with the manufacturer.

8.4. Discharge cycle times

The times to set in PLC on electrical panel are scheduled in annexe document CD-SE 501 EV.
Here is explained their function:
This time is fixed and couldn’t be changed by the client. It’s a precaution in case
the water filling time of the metering device is not set as it should be. It avoids a
wrong discharge and a damaging of the metering device.
It’s the time between two following discharges. At the end of this time the
discharge cycle starts. It has not to be lower than 180 seconds.
T2) PRERINSE TIME [seconds]
During this time the solenoid valve for bowl rinsing and closing (YV0) is opened.
Water is passing through the small pipe connecting solenoid valves unit and bowl

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cover. This water wets the external surface of the bowl and the internal one of cover
and cyclone to avoid the sedimentation of crusts and deposits.
T3) SLUDGES DISCHARGE TIME [1/100 seconds]
During this time the solenoid valve for bowl opening (YV1) is opened. Changing
this time it’s possible to regulate the sludges discharge quantity.
During this time the solenoid valve for bowl rinsing and closing (YV0) is opened.
Water starts filling the chamber between sliding piston and bowl body, lifting the
piston and closing the bowl. This time have not to be lower than 8 sec.
During this time the solenoid valve in compressed air line (YV31) is opened and
the metering device air chamber is filled.
During this time both the solenoid valve in compressed air line (YV31) and the
solenoid valve in closing water line (YV32) are opened, so the metering device air
and water chambers are filled at the same time.
During this time the solenoid valve in closing water line (YV32) is opened and the
metering device water chamber is filled.
This time is usually set for total discharges. During this time the separator is not
filled with product and the pneumatic butterfly valve, at the separator inlet, is
This time is usually set for total discharges. During this time the product feeding
pump is off because of the cutting of product feeding line. This time is generally 2
seconds more than T10.
T12) VENT VALVE DELAY [seconds]
This time must be set in separators equipped with mechanical seals and vent
system. In this case, T12 is the time that must be set to obtain the vent pipe opening
at the end of dicharge time (T3).
T13) VENT VALVE TIME [seconds]
This time must be set in separators equipped with mechanical seals and vent
system. During this time the vent pipe is opened by the vent valve (YV30).
This time must be set in separators equipped with recycle line. In this case, T14 is
the time that must be set to obtain the recycle pipe opening by the recycle valve
(YV36) at the end of dicharge time (T3).
This time must be set in separators equipped with recycle line. During this time the
recycle pipe is opened by the recycle valve (YV36).


This time must be set in separators equipped with product flow sensor. In this case,
T16 is the time that must be set to switch off the product flow alarm at the end of
dicharge time (T3).
This time must be set in separators equipped with product flow sensor. During this
time the product flow alarm is off.

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It’s the time between two subsequent injections of closing and rinsing water.


During this time the solenoid valve for bowl rinsing and closing (YV0) is opened.
This action is necessary to mantain the closing of the bowl and the rinsing of the
area between the bowl and the cover.
This time must be set to be sure that the contact that switch on the product pump
(KM3) is mantained. Infact, if electrical impulse is too short, it could happen that
the contact get detached.

8.5. Ordinary maintenance

To guarantee the machine functionality and long-life, the operator must perform cleaning and
ordinary maintenance.

Ordinary maintenance
Before every shift
Oil level check
Brake disconnection check
Operating water pressure control
Compressed air pressure value
Operating machine
General operation check
Control of capacity value and temperature
Control of separation efficiency and regulation by manual valves
Check alarms presence on terminal board
At the end of every shift
Machine chemical cleaning to remove working residuals.

8.6. Separator chemical cleaning

The separator must be chemically cleaned to maintain a high efficiency level and to assure the
hygiene of parts in contact with the product.
The treated product affect the cleaning cycle frequency, that however must be performed at
the end of every working cycle.
The bowl can be cleaned with a solution of caustic soda and/or of detartrate solutions.

Generic danger
Cleaning solutions must NOT contain CHLORINE

The frequency of cleaning cycle depends on the characteristics of treated product. The
following operations are recommended:

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- Rinse the bowl with cold water for about 5  10 min.

- Fill with 2% solution of caustic soda heated up to 75  90 °C (for an efficient cleaning the
solution temperature must never fall below 75°C), or with detartrate solution, for about 30
- Rinse the bowl with cold water for about 5  10 min.

It is suitable to realize two bowl discharges (at least) during each phase of cleaning cycle, that
must finish by a total discharge (push button F7 on terminal board of electric panel).
If you use the cleaning water line, before every discharge it is necessary to close the inlet
valve to interrupt the separator feeding. The valve must be opened when separator has reached
the nominal speed again.
During every cleaning phase the bowl should overflow for about 5  10 seconds, (close the
micrometric valve shutters, at the separator outlets) to wash the external surfaces of the bowl
and the internal surfaces of cover and cyclone.

Burning danger
When cleaning takes place, a solution heated up to 75 °C flows in pipes, so DO
NOT TOUCH the connection pipes, the inlet-outlet flow unit and the bowl cover.

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During the assembly/disassembly of the transmission devices please handle with a great care
any component avoiding shocks and damages and use a suitable equipment.

9.1. Disassembling of the bowl vertical shaft (Tab. 07).

During dismantling it is suggested to put in a suitable area the disassembled
components to find them out easier and to verify the completeness of the assembly
at the end of it.

The disassembly of the vertical shaft must be made after extracting from the machine the
whole group of the drum.
Before proceeding with the disassembling it is necessary to loosen the transmission belt and
then to unlock the engine. To do so:
1) Through the eyebolt (09.260.0) remove motor cover (06.030.0).
2) Loosen the 8 screws (06.160.0) which fix up the flange which supports the engine
(06.150.0) to the frame.
3) Make the motor group slide until the belt is completely released.
4) Let the oil flow out from the suitable draining cap (08.140.0).
5) Unscrew the 8 fixing screws (08.120.0) of the oil pan.
6) It is now possible to extract the whole group (08.030.0÷08.100.0).
7) Unscrew the screws (08.020.0); in this way the upper cover comes down (08.010.0).
8) Remove the support of the sensor (07.470.0) after unscrewing the two screws (07.520.0).
9) Let the belt (07.260.0), which has been previously loosened, slide under the pulley
10) Unscrew the screws (07.010.0), remove the baffle (07.020.0) and the cage-injector cover
(07.030.0). If this last one is difficult to extract, introduce inside the same holes of the
screws previously extracted, some screws M12 which make easy to extract the part. The
gasket (07.040.0) comes out together with the cage cover.
11) Remove the 6 screws (07.180.0).
12) Screw up on the drum support the suitable eyebolts provided (09.270.0) and using the
hoist extract the whole unit from the frame.

13 When the piece is still lifted by the hoist proceed with the extraction of the nozzle
(07.450.0) and the conical body for oil suction (07.440.0) after unscrewing the 2 dowels

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14) Place in an inclined position on a working plan perfectly clean the unit which has right
now been extracted.
15) Through the spanner (09.180.0) extract
the joint (07.420.0) from the shaft
(07.110.0) complete with the pins
(07.410.0) and the rubber joints
(07.400.0) as shown in figure 9.1.

16) By unscrewing the 8 screws (07.370.0)

remove the ring (07.360.0).

17) Rectify the stop wing of the washer

(07.380.0), unscrew the ring nut

18) Remove the 4 screws (07.330.0) and

symmetrically screw up two of them
into the holes obtained on the bush for
the driving pulley (07.320.0). You
obtain thus the extraction of the bush
and of the bearing (07.340.0). Figura 9.1

19) Unscrew the 4 screws (07.090.0) of the

labyrinth baffle (07.100.0) and proceed
then with the extraction of the piece.

20) Extract the elastic ring (07.310.0) and

the spacer (07.315.0).

21) It is now possible to extract the rotating

part (07.060.0) and the fixed one
(07.070.0) of the labyrinth together
with the related gaskets.

22) Extract the shaft (07.10.0) with the

bearings (parts 07.120.0÷07.150.0)
from the support (07.200.0). The
extraction is made by providing some
hits with the plastic hammer on the
lower end of the shaft, taking care to
cover the holes for the oil suction.
During the operation pay attention not
to spoil the shaft thread. Figura 9.2

23) Extract the pulley (07.270.0) with the spanner (09.1900) as in figure 9.2. At the same
time the pieces (07.290.0 and 07.300.0) shall come down with the pulley.

24) Now you must remove by hand the washer (07.290.0) and the bearing (07.300.0).

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25) Unscrew the 9 buffers screws (07.240.0), remove the springs (07.220.0) and then the
buffers (07.210.0).

26) Extract by hands the bush which supports the bearings (07.160.0). The internal part of the
spherical support (07.170.0) remains tied up to the bush and it comes out with it. The
external part remains inside the support; to proceed to its extraction unscrews the dowels
from the lower part of the support and screw up at their place the two M8 screws.

27) With the provided pipes now the bearings (07.140.0 and 07.150.0) can be extracted from
the shaft. Remember to take care not to damage the thread located at the end of the shaft.

9.2. Assembly of the bowl vertical shaft (Tab. 07)

Carefully clean all pieces to be mounted.
If the bearings have been disassembled, replace them.

1) Screw up the dowels into the holes obtained in the lower part of the vertical shaft support
(07.200.0). Apply on the dowels thread a glue type LOCTITE 641.

2) Insert the external part of the spherical support (07.170.0) into the vertical shaft support.

3) Insert the internal part of the spherical support into the hole which support the bearings

4) Insert the piece just assembled into the vertical shaft support.

5) Insert the buffers (07.210.0), the springs (07.220.0) and the gaskets (07.230.0) into the
buffers screws (07.240.0).

6) Measure the distance existing between

the end of the buffer and the head of
the screw (fig. 9.3). Divide the 9 pieces
in groups by 3 with similar measures.
The 3 pieces of each groups must be
introduced into the support at 120° one
from the other.

7) Insert the gasket OR (07.120.0) into the

pump for oil recovery.

8) Insert into the shaft (07.110.0) the

Figura 9.3
pump for oil recovery (07.130.0).

9) Carefully clean the internal part of the bearings (07.140.0 and 07.150.0), spread some
glue type LOCTITE 601 and insert them onto the shaft using the suitable pipes provided.
10) Insert the shaft with the bearings into the vertical shaft support.

11) Apply the gasket OR (07.250.0) on the vertical shaft support.

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12) Mount the pulley (07.270.0) with its gasket (07.280.0) into the vertical shaft support.

13) Insert into the vertical shaft support the washer (07.290.0).

14) Insert the bearing (07.300.0) into the vertical shaft with the suitable pipes provided.

15) Insert the elastic ring (07.310.0) and the ring for bearing compensation (07.315.0) into the

16) Check that, with reference to figure 9.4: A-B = 2÷3 mm.

1 Ball bearing
2 Ring for bearing compensation
3 Driven pulley
4 Bush
5 Screw for bush fixing

Figure 9.4

17) Insert into the pulley the bush for the pipes duct (07.320.0) fixing it with the suitable
screws (07.330.0).

18) Apply through the suitable pipes the bearings (07.340.0) into the vertical shaft support,
then insert the washer (07.380.0) and the ring nut (07.390.0) and pull down on the groove
of the nut a wing of the washer.

19) Apply the gasket OR (07.350.0) on the bush (07.320.0).

20) Fix with the screws (07.370.0) the ring (07.360.0) on the bush.

21) Mount the elastic coupling body (07.420.0) complete with the rods (07.410.0) and the
Rubber elements (07.400.0) on the pulley (07.270.0) paying attention to align the
reference zeroes.

22) Mount the OR gasket (07.430.0) on the elastic coupling body.

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23) Deeply screw up the nozzle (07.450.0) on the conical body for oil suction (07.440.0).
Insert the piece thus obtained on the shaft (07.110.0) then fix it with the two grains

24) Apply the labyrinth baffle (07.100.0) and fix it with the screws (07.090.0).

25) Replace the gasket (07.080.0) and insert the fixed part of the labyrinth (07.070.0).

26) Replace the gasket (07.050.0) and insert the rotating part of the labyrinth (07.060.0).

27) Mount on the vertical shaft support the suitable eyebolts (09.270.0), lift the assembled
unit and paying attention not to damage the nozzle insert it into the frame. The insertion
must be done so that the bushes of the operating water fixed on the frame shall enter into
the holes forecast into the vertical shaft support.

28) Fix the group with the screws (07.180.0).

29) Replace the gaskets (07.190.0).

30) Apply the lip gasket (07.040.0) on the injector/cage-cover (07.030.0).

31) Insert the piece just mounted onto the frame.

32) Insert the baffle (07.020.0) and fix the whole with the screws (07.010.0).

33) Mount the belt (07.260.0) on the pulley (07.270.0).

34) Fix the support of the sensor (07.470.0) with the screws (07.520.0) and mount the sensor

35) Carefully clean the oil pan.


36) Mount from the bottom of the frame the upper cover (08.010.0), fixing it with the screws

37) Mount the filter (08.060.0) with the 3 nuts (08.070.0) located at 120° one from the other.

38) Apply the OR gasket (08.090.0) on the oil pan (08.100.0)

39) Insert the baffle with the cooling section (08.030.0) on the oil pan paying attention to
insert the pipe which comes out into the holed edge of the oil pan. Fix the whole with the
screws (08.040.0).

40) Fix the oil pan with its components on the upper cover (08.010.0) with the screws

41) Screw up the oil drain plug (08.140.0).

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42) Unscrew and remove the brake wheel (08.520.0 - Table 08/C)

43) Unscrew the four screws (08.500.0) and extract the brake flange (08.510.0) which
provides access to the driving pulley under the motor.

44) Screw up again on the brake's pin the wheel before disassembled (08.520.0).

45) Unscrew the four screws (08.560.0) and extract the whole brake unit from the frame.


46) Put the transmission belt on the driving pulley

47) Screw up the nut (1 fig. 9.5) on the threaded rod (2) which is inserted into the support (3)
fixed on the frame. Screw up the nut until the flange for motor support is located on the
point in which its holes are aligned with the corresponding ones of the frame.

48) Fix the motor with its flange to the frame through the screws (06.160.0)

Figura 9.5

49) Insert the assembled brake unit complete with the wheel into the frame, and fix it to the
frame using the four screws (08.560.0).

50) Now it is possible to unscrews the braking wheel (08.520.0).

51) Screw to the frame the brake flange (08.510.0) with the screws (08.500.0).

52) Screw up again the wheel to the brake pin and make sure that the brake is disconnected
before restarting the separator.

9.3. Disassembling the vertical shaft of the motor (Tab. 06)

During dismantling it is suggested to put in a suitable area the disassembled
components to find them out easier and to verify the completeness of the assembly
at the end of it.

1) Remove from the frame the whole brake unit (as explained on paragraph 9.2).

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2) Pay attention to remove the sensor for speed detection (06.280.0).

3) Unscrew the screws (06.050.0) and using the eyebolt (09.260.0) extract the motor cover.

4) Unscrew the screws (06.160.0) to obtain the belt release. Unscrew the last 2 screws
introduced into the longitudinal holes.

5) Remove the belt (07.260.0) from its seat into the pulley.

6) By using the spanner (09.280.0) extract the motor unit from the frame.

7) Unscrew the screws (06.207.0) and remove the phonic wheel (06.2

8) Unscrew the screws (06.205.0) and remove the brake disk (06.2

9) Unscrew and remove the screw of the driving pulley (06.230.0).

10) By the spanner (09.200.0) release the driving pulley (06.200.0) from the motor shaft
(06.180.0) as shown in figure 9.6.

Figure 9.6
9.4. Assembly of the vertical shaft of the motor (Tab. 06).
Before proceeding with the assembly of the motor shaft carefully clean all pieces.

1) Heat up the driving pulley putting it into an oil bath at approx. 100°C

2) Then insert the driving pulley (06.200.0) on the motor.

3) Screw up the pulley to the motor shaft with the screw (06.230.0)

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4) Mount the brake disk (06.2 ) fixing it with the screws (06.205.0)

5) Mount the phonic wheel (06.2 ) fixing it with the screws (06.207.0)

6) With the key (09.240.0) insert the unit just assembled on the frame.

7) Mount the transmission belt and locate the group following the steps from 46 to 48 of
paragraph 9.2.

8) Mount the speed detection probe (06.290.0).

9) Mount back the assembled brake unit (as explained in paragraph 9.2).

10) Insert the motor cover using the spanner (09.260.0) and fix it with the screws (06.050.0).

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10.1. Remarks

Generic danger
All the preventive and extraordinary maintenance operations must be performed
with machine not operating and with electric, hydraulic and pneumatic feeding

Danger of electrocution
Before performing interventions be sure the tension is disconnected.
It is not sufficient open the general interrupter to completely disconnect the tension
on the control panel because current is still present in the terminals of the block-
door interrupter. Every electrical intervention must be performed by electrician
(qualified and competent person).

Extraordinary maintenance

Oil change and accurately cleaning of gear chamber.

Bowl disassembly and accurately cleaning of each part, holes and valves.
Lubrication of bowl lock rings
Lubrication of guides and sliding surfaces.
Lubrication of motor ball bearings according to manufacturer instructions.
Check of bowl gaskets.
Check of springs and buffers (eventual replacement).
Check of brake lining height.
Check the wear of flat belt.
Check the presence of water in lubrication oil.
Check erosion and corrosion of threads of lock rings.
Replace ball bearings.
Repairs after accidental broken.

10.2. Corrective and preventive maintenance

Periodical maintenance and correct use are indispensable elements to warrant functionality,
safe operation and long life of machine. Extraordinary maintenance interventions, at
prescribed intervals, must be performed by mechanical technician who must operate in
accordance with safety prescriptions reported in this Manual. Check the effective working
time of the machine, reading the value reported in the hour counter placed inside the electric

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Preventive maintenance Plan

Operating hours Maintenance Frequency
300 750 1500 2500 5000 10000 every 1/4 1/2 1 2
week. year year year years

First oil change after initial start-up
and thorough cleaning of gear

Check oil level.

Oil change and thorough cleaning of
oil pan.
Grease bowl big lock ring, guides and
whenever disassembling sliding surfaces. whenever disassembling

Grease motor ball bearings according
to manufacturer’s instructions.
when Clean filter in operating-water line. when
necessary necessary

Clean discharge holes in operating-
water feeding system.

 
Remove bowl and clean interior of
frame and cyclone..
depends on Dismantle the bowl and clean depends on
product thoroughly all the pieces, including product
bores and valves.

Check bowl gaskets.

Check the compression of disks stack
of the bowl.

Check starting time and rated speed.

Check buffer springs and buffers of
vertical shaft support. Check brake

Check the presence of water in
lubrication oil.

After removing the frame sight glass,
check the wear of transmisson belt.
depends on product Check spaces between solids ejection depends on product

Bowl inspection. Check erosion and
corrosion on threads of lock rings.

Replace ball bearings on bowl
vertical shaft.

Replace ball bearings on motor shaft.

Replace buffer springs of vertical
shaft support.

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10.3. Troubleshooting
The following table shows the main problems that may happen during operation. The
probable causes and the remedies to adopt are still mentioned.


1 Revolving speed of bowl Wrong electrical connection. Check voltage of mains and
inferior to the rated one or make electric connection again.
starting time being too long Brake applied. Release brakes by screwing
(more than 10-12 min). hand-wheel.
Some dirty slow down the Disassembly cover and bowl
bowl. and accurately clean them.

2 Display gives “zero” r.p.m. Wrong electrical connection of Check electrical connection and
while bowl is running. r.p.m. pickup. if necessary do it again.
Wrong distance between Adjust distance at 1 mm.
pickup and gear wheel.
Faulty pickup. Replace faulty component.
Faulty component on control Check cause and replace faulty
panel. component.

3 Bowl speed slows down during Dripping from bowl. See at trouble 8), check
working. solenoid valves.
Voltage drop. Check voltage.
Motor slows down during Check motor.

4 Anomalous vibration and Bowl out of balance due to:

excess of noise during working.
- incorrect assembly or with Assemble bowl correctly.
parts from other bowls.
- disks column has not Add some disks (§ 6.1).
adequate compression.
- bad bowl desludging Carefully clean the bowl and
(vibration is higher with increase discharge time or
empty bowl). reduce time between two
following discharges.
- bowl parts damaged during Bowl must be inspected by one
disassembly or assembly. of our technicians.
- big lock ring badly tightened. Disassemble and tighten lock

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 Inefficient support of vertical
shaft owing to:
- broken or fatigued springs Replace whole set of springs.

- buffers seized. Replace all buffers.

Worn-out ball bearings Replace all ball bearings and

use the prescribed ones.

5 The bowl does not close Shortage of water due to:

(Continuous and considerable
flow of product from solids - feeding line cock turned off. Turn it on
discharge pipe).

- filter cartridge obstructed. Replace cartridge

- water pressure reducer (PCV1 Check the component and
- Tab. 21) out of use or out of regulate pressure at 2  2,5 bar.
- water pressure switch (PSC2 - Check correct working of surge
Tab. 21) out of use. tank.
- holes of distributing cover Clear holes and check hardness
(07.030.0) obstructed by of water.
Non opening or inadequate
opening of solenoid valve YV0
(fig. 6.21) due to:
- solenoid valve broken or Clean or replace solenoid valve
obstructed by limestone. and check hardness of water.
- wrong electrical connection to Check the connection.
the solenoid valve
- the PLC has a problem Check the PLC exit Y0. If the
corresponding warning light
doesn’t light during discharge
cycle, contact our technician.
Bowl valves damaged or holes Clean or replace bowl valves
obstructed by limestone. and check hardness of water.
Worn-out gaskets of bowl Replace gaskets.
valves (Tab. 03).

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 Worn-out gasket (4 - fig. 6.1) of Replace gasket.
sliding piston.

6 The bowl does not close Gasket of nylon (14 - fig. 6.1) Replace gasket.
correctly. damaged.
(Continuous and more or less Worn-out gasket (4 - fig. 6.1 of Replace gasket.
considerable flow of product sliding piston.
from solids discharge pipe)
Dirty bowl: sludges prevent Clean bowl.
sliding piston from fully adhere
on nylon gasket of bowl hood.
Worn-out gaskets of bowl valve Replace gaskets.
(Tab. 03).

7 The bowl does not open, even Shortage of water: see at trouble See at trouble 5). Enlarge water
opening by hand the emergency 5) - shortage water line. line inserting a large diameter
ball valve BV1 (fig. 6.21), pipe and/or installing a surge
which by-pass metering device tank.
and solenoid valves YV1,YV32. Worn-out gaskets of bowl Clean bowl valves and replace
valves. gaskets.

8 The bowl does not open, Non opening of solenoid valve

opening takes place only YV1 due to:
opening by hand the emergency
valve BV1 (fig. 6.21), which - cycle disconnected. Activate cycle by rotating
by-pass metering device and selector.
solenoid valves YV1, YV32. - wrong electrical connection to Check the connection.
the solenoid valve
- worn-out cycle selector. Verify cause and replace the
worn-out component.
- the PLC has a problem Check the PLC exit Y1. If the
corresponding warning light
doesn’t light during discharge
cycle, contact our technician.
- not correct calibration of work Regulate timers (see at doc.
and discharge times. MSE-01).

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 - solenoid valve broken or Clean or replace solenoid valve
obstructed by limestone. and check hardness of water.
Adjusting screw of metering Unscrew metering device screw
device screwed too much. carrying out the procedure
reported in § 6.7.
Check valve (CV1 - fig. 6.21) Disassemble the valve, check it
obstructed. and if necessary, replace it.
Air solenoid valve (YV31 - fig. Check the valve and if
6.21) at metering device inlet necessary, replace it.
Insufficient pressure and/or Check air line and regulate air
capacity of air line at metering pressure to 6 bar, minimum 4
device inlet. bar.
Worn-out gaskets of metering Replace gaskets (05.280.0 and
device ram (Tab. 05). 05.300.0 - Tab. 05/A).
Worn-out gaskets of bowl Replace gaskets.
valves (Tab. 03).

9 The bowl does not open Not correct calibration of

correctly. metering device due to:
- Insufficient quantity of water Regulate the necessary water
in operating water line. capacity screwing the regulation
screw (see Tab. 05 - 05.340.0).
- Low air pressure Check (RPD and RPA) and the
3-way solenoid valve (YV31) in
Tab. 23.
Insufficient pressure and/or Check and provide: pressure
capacity of water line. must be higher than 2 bar.
Water pressure reducer out of Regulate pressure at 2  2,5 bar.
Filter cartridge obstructed. Replace cartridge.

Water pressure switch (part Check correct working of

PSC1 in Tab. 21) out of use. component and surge tank.
Worn-out gaskets of bowl Replace gaskets.
valves (Tab. 03).

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10 Leakage of product from solids Excessive pressure.
discharge pipe.
It is worn-out one of the
following gaskets:
- nylon gasket of bowl hood (14 Replace gasket.
- fig. 6.1).

11 Insufficient product Capacity too high. Reduce the capacity.

Solids chamber filled Reduce time between two
consecutive discharges.
Disks column obstructed Disassemble and clean:
attention to the cleaning cycle

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11.1. Disassembly/Scrapping
The user, in accordance with EEC directives or in accordance with laws in force on own
nation, is responsible about dismantling and elimination of every part of the machine.
Before unbilding the machine, the user must communicate to the manufacturer all the data
reported on the identification plate.

11.2. Components and materials elimination

In case of scrapping, the user, in accordance with local laws in force, must pay particular
attention about elimination of materials which cause problems to the environment, as:
Plastic of pneumatic pipelines,
Insulated cables,
Rubber gaskets.
Toxics or corrosives substances are not present.

11.3. Resale
In case of resale as “used machine” the client/user must communicate all installation
indications to the buyer, transferring him the responsibility concerning the informations above

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How to order spare parts

Machine is marked with a manufacturing number and a model that are evident on the
identification plate.

To have a fast delivery of spare parts it is necessary that the following data are
ever indicated:

- Model of the machine

- Manufacturing number
- Component reference, code and description
- Quantity of parts required

The information about the spare parts are presents in the Tables of chapter 13.
In a different way, spare parts could be requested using the forms found at the end of chapter
13, where spare parts, which substitution is more probable and frequent, are reported (gaskets,
clutch shoes, etc.). In this forms it’s sufficient to indicate:
 The model of the centrifugal separator where the parts must be installed;
 The manufacturing n° of the separator;
 The selected spare parts (filling with a X the suitable box);
 The requested quantity.

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Sections and spare parts tables

Tab. 01 Vertical section - Motor side

Tab. 02 Vertical section - Bowl side
Tab. 03 Bowl
Tab. 04 Inlet-Outlet flow unit
Tab. 05/A Operating water unit - Solenoid valves unit
Tab. 05/B Operating water unit - Solenoid valve
Tab. 05/C Operating water unit - Cartridge filter ( )
Tab. 05/D Operating water unit - Pressure reducer ( )
Tab. 05/E Operating water unit - Surge tank pump ( )
Tab. 06 Motor shaft - Driving pulley unit
Tab. 07/A Bowl shaft - Vertical shaft support unit
Tab. 07/B Bowl shaft - Driven pulley unit
Tab. 08/A Frame - Oil pan unit
Tab. 08/B Frame - Cover, cyclone and solids outlet pipe unit
Tab. 08/C Frame - Brake, boxes, sight glass, air gratings and floor fixing
Tab. 08/D Frame - Operating water connections
Tab. 09/A Special spanners
Tab. 09/B Special spanners
Tab. 10 Flowmeter ( )
Tab. 11 Constant pressure valve ( )
Tab. 12 Check valve ( )
Tab. 13 Sight glass - sample cock ( )
Tab. 14 Manual butterfly valve ( )
Tab. 15/A “L” micrometric valve ( )
Tab. 15/B “T” micrometric valve ( )
Tab. 16/A Needle micrometric valve DN40 ( )
Tab. 16/B Ogive micrometric valve DN 50 ( )


Tab. 20 Overall dimensions and installation plan

Tab. 21 Hydraulic system diagram
Tab. 22 Identification plates and alert stickers
Tab. 23 Pneumatic system diagram ( )


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TAB. 01

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TAB. 02

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BOWL - TAB. 03
Reference Code Quantity Description

03.010.0 300020300 1 Distributor ring (DO NOT REMOVE)

03.020.0 529011154 4 Screw TCCEI M6x25 – distributor ring
03.030.0 528020462 1 OR internal gasket - distributor ring
03.040.0 528020495 1 OR external gasket - distributor ring
03.050.0 100274700 1 Bowl body
03.060.0 ** 528020716 1 OR gasket - bowl body
03.070.0 400392400 1 Bowl body nut
03.080.0 ** 400154500 1 Gasket - sliding piston
03.090.0 300362500 1 Sliding piston
03.100.0 200362400 1 Skirt - sliding piston
03.110.0 300362600 1 Skirt nut
03.120.0 ** 528020489 1 OR internal gasket - skirt nut
03.130.0 ** 528020507 1 OR external gasket - skirt nut
03.140.0 300108800 1 Botton disck
03.150.0 * 300108400 ~ Intermediate disck
03.160.0 100363000 1 Distributor
03.170.0 300067900 1 Finned cover
03.180.0 ** 528020495 1 OR gasket - finned cover
03.190.0 300026200 1 Small lock ring
03.200.0 300488800 1 Bowl hood
03.210.0 ** 400150800 1 Nylon gasket - bowl hood
03.220.0 ** 400303404 1 OR gasket - bowl hood
03.230.0 300025800 1 Big lock ring
03.240.0 528020164 2 OR lower gasket - operating water plug
03.250.0 528020125 2 OR upper gasket - operating water plug
03.260.0 529013138 2 Screw TSPCEI M8x20 – operating water plug
03.270.0 400092900 2 Operating water plug

03.280.0 400258200 2 Valve body

03.290.0 400258501 2 Valve ram
03.300.0 *** 528020158 4 OR gasket - valve body and ram
03.310.0 *** 528020170 2 OR gasket - valve body
03.320.0 *** 528020038 4 OR gasket - valve ram
03.330.0 *** 400213900 2 Nylon gasket

03.510.0 832004043 1 Set of disks (5 pieces, *)

03.520.0 832000169 1 Set of bowl gaskets (7 pieces,**)
03.530.0 832000064 1 Set of bowl valves gaskets (12 pieces, ***)

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TAB. 03

03.180.0 03.170.0







03.140.0 03.110.0


03.240.0 03.040.0

03.250.0 03.020.0

03.260.0 03.270.0

03.310.0 03.330.0



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Reference Code Quantity Description

04.010.0 200287500 1 Feeding pipe

04.020.0 * 528020179 1 OR gasket - feeding pipe
04.030.0 * 528020185 1 OR gasket - feeding pipe
04.040.0 * 528020489 1 OR gasket - feeding pipe
04.050.0 400200800 1 Nut - feeding pipe
04.060.0 528151035 1 Gasket DN50 - nut feeding pipe
04.070.0 * 400213200 1 Nylon washer
04.080.0 300081100 1 Inlet-outlet body
04.090.0 529011268 1 Screw TE M10x20 - inlet-outlet body
04.100.0 529056010 1 Washer Ø10
04.110.0 ** 40002400/X 04 Spacers
04.120.0 300195500 1 Centripetal pump
04.130.0 * 528020227 1 OR gasket - centripetal pump
04.140.0 400126900 1 Flange for fixing pump
04.150.0 529011202 1 Screw TCCEI M8x16 - flange fixing pump
04.160.0 400136100 1 Flange for centering pump
04.170.0 529011154 1 Screw TCCEI M6x25 - flange centering pump
04.180.0 400498500 1 Spacer flange

04.510.0 832000168 1 Set of inlet-outlet flow unit gaskets (5 pieces,*)

04.520.0 832004022 1 Set of spacers (3 pieces, ** - Thickness = 1, 2, 3 mm.)

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TAB. 04

04.050.0 04.060.0










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TAB. 05/A

Reference Code Quantity Description

05.050.0 523901333 2 Pipe reduction (1/2”M - 3/8”F)

05.060.0 523901020 2 3-pieces joint (nut, pipe fittings)
05.070.0 523901174 4 Nipple (3/8”)
05.080.0 300059500 1 Outlet body
05.090.0 * 528020119 12 OR gaskets for special nipples
05.100.0 400415100 2 Special nipple for check valve
05.110.0 400415000 6 Special nipple for solenoid valve
05.120.0 400415200 4 Special nipple for ball valve
05.130.0 523508120 3 Solenoid valve (3/4”)
05.140.0 523012020 2 Ball valve (3/8”)
05.150.0 523202040 1 Check valve
05.160.0 300059600 1 Inlet body
05.170.0 520060070 1 Manometer
05.180.0 523903542 1 Elbow M/F (1/2”)
05.190.0 523903615 1 Male hose nipple (1/2” - 20)
05.200.0 523502905 1 Pressure switch
05.210.0 400416600 1 Body fixing plate
05.220.0 400416500 1 Body fixing plate with holes
05.230.0 529013098 4 Screw - plate
05.240.0 529056508 2 Washer - metering device
05.250.0 529006120 2 Screw - metering device
05.260.0 ** 528020137 2 OR gasket - inlet-outlet of metering device
05.270.0 400039700 1 Upper body of metering device
05.280.0 ** 528020579 1 Upper OR gasket - metering device ram
05.290.0 400001500 1 Metering device ram
05.300.0 ** 528020600 1 Lower OR gasket - metering device ram
05.310.0 400039800 1 Lower body of metering device
05.320.0 529056016 1 Washer - regulation screw
05.330.0 529061016 1 Nut - regulation screw
05.340.0 529006288 1 Regulation screw
05.350.0 524901121 1 Air union elbow
05.360.0 529006064 4 Screw - carter
05.370.0 529056006 4 Washer - carter
05.380.0 300414900 1 Carter

05.390.0 832000121 1 Set of OR gaskets for nipples (12 pieces,*)

05.400.0 832000123 1 Set of OR gaskets for metering device (4 pieces,**)

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TAB. 05/A



05.120.0 05.180.0

05.230.0 05.170.0


05.140.0 05.160.0




05.050.0 05.260.0



05.330.0 05.350.0


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TAB. 05/B

Reference Code Quantity Description

1 / 1 Electromagnet
2 / 1 Core unit
3 / 1 Core transmission spring
4 / 1 OR gasket - guide unit
6 / 1 Spring - membrane
7 / 1 Membrane Unit
8 / 1 Guide unit

05.130.0 523508120 1 Solenoid valve

Only the whole solenoid valve (05.150.0) is supplied as spare part. See Tab. 05/A

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TAB. 05/C

Reference Code Quantity Description

05.410.0 * / 1 Head
05.420.0 / 1 OR gasket
05.430.0 523996510 1 Filter cartridge
05.440.0 / 1 Glass
05.450.0 * / 1 Ring nut

05.460.0 523996010 1 Filtering tank (05.410.0 + 05.420.0 + 05.440.0 +


(*) The pieces 05.410.0 and 05.450.0 are supplied together.






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TAB. 05/D

Reference Code Quantity Description

05.510.0 1 Spring cover

05.520.0 1 Spring
05.530.0 1 Cover ring
05.540.0 1 Guide ring
05.550.0 1 Nut
05.560.0 1 Diaphragm
05.570.0 1 Diaphragm
05.580.0 1 Disk diaphragm
05.590.0 1 Regulating rod
05.600.0 1 Ring
05.610.0 1 OR gasket
05.620.0 1 Shutter
05.630.0 1 Screw
05.640.0 1 OR gasket
05.650.0 1 Seal ring
05.660.0 2 Nipple
05.670.0 2 Nut
05.680.0 2 Body
05.690.0 1 Splined ring
05.700.0 1 Filter
05.710.0 1 OR gasket
05.720.0 1 Brass filter chamber

05.730.0 523800020 1 Pressure reducer

Only the whole pressure reducer (05.730.0) is supplied as spare part.

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TAB. 05/D









05.670.0 05.680.0




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TAB. 05/E

Reference Code Quantity Description

1 / 1 Casing
3 / 1 Motor bracket
4 / 1 Casing cover
6 / 1 Shaft with rotor
7 / 1 Impeller
9 / 1 Diffuser + Venturi tube
11 / 1 Mechanical seal
12 / 1 Motor frame with stator
13 / 1 Motor cover
14 / 1 Fan
15 / 1 Fan cover
16 / 1 Terminal box
17 / 1 Terminal box cover
18 / 1 Splash ring
19 / 1 Pump side ball bearing
20 / 1 Fan side ball bearing
21 / 1 Adjusting ring
22 / 4 Tie road
23 / 1 Capacitor priming
24 / 1 Priming plug / drain plug
26 / 1 OR gasket
28 / 1 OR gasket
31 / 1 Thrust flange
32 / 1 Key
34 / 1 Impeller nut
36 / 1 External motor casing
56 / 1 Box gasket
58 / 1 Cable entry
75 / 1 Washer
77 / 1 OR gasket
79 / 1 Space diffuser
200 / 8 Screw

05.750.0 526502051 1 Surge tank pump

Only the whole surge tank pump (05.750.0) is supplied as spare part.

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TAB. 05/E

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Reference Code Quantity Description

06.010.0 529061116 1 Cap nut - motor cover

06.020.0 529056016 1 Washer
06.030.0 400414000 1 Motor cover
06.040.0 529058006 6 Washer
06.050.0 529006072 6 Screw - motor cover
06.060.0 526096760 1 Motor
06.130.0 529005270 4 Screw - motor fixing
06.140.0 529057016 4 Washer
06.150.0 300420900 1 Flange - motor support
06.160.0 529006276 8 Screw - motor support
06.170.0 529058016 8 Washer
06.180.0 400433600 1 Spacer
06.200.0 200429800 1 Driving pulley
06.210.0 400419300 1 Washer - pulley
06.220.0 529058020 1 Washer
06.230.0 529006370 1 Screw - pulley
06.260.0 529005068 1 Screw - probe
06.270.0 529057006 1 Washer
06.280.0 / 1 Small pipe - probe
06.290.0 525185650 1 Probe - rpm pickup
06.300.0 400419800 1 Probe support
06.310.0 529057006 2 Washer
06.320.0 529005064 2 Screw - probe support
06.330.0 300413600 1 Brake ring
06.340.0 529010282 6 Screw - brake ring
06.350.0 300419700 1 Lower ring sensor
06.360.0 529010274 4 Screw - lower ring

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TAB. 06




06.060.0 06.050.0







06.220.0 06.290.0

06.330.0 06.270.0

06.350.0 06.360.0

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Reference Code Quantity Description

07.010.0 529013174 3 Screw - baffle

07.020.0 300077300 1 Baffle - injector cage cover
07.030.0 100278500 1 Injector cage cover
07.040.0 ** 528150010 1 Gasket - injector cage cover
07.050.0 ** 528026401 1 OR gasket - labyrinth
07.060.0 400171200 1 Rotating part of labyrinth
07.070.0 300132500 1 Fixed part of labyrinth
07.080.0 ** 528026513 1 OR gasket - ball bearings cover
07.090.0 529010146 4 Screw - baffle
07.100.0 400134300 1 Baffle
07.110.0 200000800 1 Vertical shaft
07.120.0 ** 528026426 1 OR gasket - vertical shaft
07.130.0 400210400 1 Pump for oil recovery
07.140.0 * 521075306 1 Couple of thrust ball bearings (2 pieces)
07.150.0 * 521040280 1 Ball bearing
07.160.0 200018800 1 Bush for bearings support
07.170.0 400232600 1 Spherical plain bearing
07.180.0 529010474 6 Screw - vertical shaft support
07.190.0 ** 528026158 2 OR gasket - operating water holes
07.200.0 100279000 1 Vertical shaft support
07.210.0 400031800 9 Buffers
07.220.0 400175800 9 Buffers springs
07.230.0 ** 528026236 9 OR gaskets for buffers
07.240.0 400092400 9 Buffers screws
07.250.0 ** 400303429 1 OR gasket - vertical shaft support
07.255.0 529020196 2 Dowel M8
07.257.0 529022140 16 Dowel M6

07.710.0 832005012 1 Set of bowl shaft ball bearings (3 pieces,*)

07.720.0 832001013 1 Set of bowl shaft gaskets (16 pieces,**)
07.730.0 832012010 1 Set of buffers (9 pieces, 07.210.0)
07.740.0 832012011 1 Set of buffer springs (9 pieces, 07.220.0)
07.750.0 832012012 1 Set of buffer screws (9 pieces, 07.240.0)

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TAB. 07/A





07.040.0 07.070.0


07.100.0 07.140.0








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Reference Code Quantity Description

07.260.0 521200250 1 Flat belt

07.270.0 100351600 1 Driven pulley
07.280.0 528026785 1 OR gasket - driven pulley
07.290.0 400208400 1 Washer
07.300.0 521075305 1 Ball bearing
07.310.0 529099554 1 Ring for bearing compensation
07.320.0 300302700 1 Bush for driven pulley
07.330.0 529011206 4 Screw - bush
07.340.0 400035400 1 Ball bearing
07.350.0 528026489 1 OR gasket - ring
07.360.0 400139300 1 Ring
07.370.0 529012098 8 Screw - ring
07.380.0 529065016 1 Washer
07.390.0 529066016 1 Nut
07.400.0 400120600 12 Rubber element
07.410.0 400180500 12 Elastic coupling rod
07.420.0 100278800 1 Elastic coupling body
07.430.0 528026347 1 OR gasket - conical body for oil suction
07.440.0 400031000 1 Conical body for oil suction
07.450.0 400034900 1 Nozzle
07.460.0 529021086 2 Dowel M5
07.470.0 400432500 1 Probe support
07.480.0 525185650 1 Probe - rpm pickup
07.490.0 529005068 1 Screw - probe
07.500.0 / 1 Small pipe - probe
07.520.0 529005114 2 Screw - probe support
07.530.0 529055008 2 Washer

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TAB. 07/B





07.330.0 07.410.0

07.350.0 07.370.0







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Reference Code Quantity Description

08.010.0 200074900 1 Upper cover

08.020.0 529011268 8 Screw M10x20
08.030.0 300157300 1 Oil pan baffle
08.040.0 529006064 4 Screw - oil pan baffle
08.050.0 529056506 4 Washer
08.060.0 300120400 1 Filter
08.070.0 529061010 3 Nut for filter fixing
08.080.0 529056510 3 Washer
08.090.0 400303422 2 OR gasket
08.100.0 200364400 1 Oil pan
08.110.0 529056510 8 Washer
08.120.0 529006148 8 Screw - oil pan
08.130.0 400211200 1 Washer
08.140.0 400234300 1 Oil drain plug
08.150.0 400418500 1 Oil supply plug
08.160.0 400213700 1 Washer
08.190.0 528026218 1 OR gasket - oil gauge glass
08.200.0 523879055 1 Oil gauge glass
08.210.0 400423100 1 Guarnital washer
08.220.0 400426500 1 External flange
08.230.0 529006008 4 Screw - external flange
08.235.0 529056504 4 Washer

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TAB. 08/A





08.080.0 08.060.0



08.170.0 08.110.0
08.190.0 08.120.0

08.230.0 08.150.0

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TAB. 08/B

Reference Code Quantity Description

08.240.0 000276600 1 Cover

08.243.0 400136100 1 Centering flange
08.247.0 529006064 1 Screw M6x12
08.250.0 400324100 1 Teflon cyclone gasket
08.260.0 400303306 1 Cyclone gasket
08.270.0 529056512 8 Washer
08.280.0 529006192 8 Screw for cover fixing
08.290.0 400234900 1 Plug for bowl valve extraction
08.300.0 528020326 1 OR plug gasket (larger diameter)
08.310.0 528020323 1 OR plug gasket (lower diameter)
08.320.0 529006072 2 Plug screw
08.330.0 529056506 2 Washer
08.340.0 529011458 8 Screw for cyclone fixing
08.350.0 529056516 8 Washer
08.360.0 528150150 1 Plane gasket
08.365.0 100277900 1 Cyclone
08.370.0 528151030 1 Pipe union gasket DN40-DIN11851
08.375.0 523906075 1 Nut DN40
08.380.0 400223000 1 Drain trap

08.390. 528151020 1 Pipe union gasket DN25-DIN11851

08.395.0 523907071 1 Nut DN25
08.400.0 400223100 1 Drain trap

08.410.0 529056006 4 Washer 6

08.420.0 529006078 4 Screw M6x30 - sight glass flange fixing
08.430.0 523880939 1 Circular glass
08.440.0 528100010 1 Plane gasket
08.445.0 528020435 1 OR gasket - sight glass of solids outlet pipe
08.450.0 300257200 1 Solids outlet pipe
08.460.0 529006192 4 Screw for solids outlet pipe fixing
08.470.0 529056512 4 Washer
08.480.0 528020450 1 OR gasket - solids outlet pipe

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TAB. 08/B
08.243.0 08.247.0





08.340.0 08.370.0






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Reference Code Quantity Description

08.490.0 529056010 4 Washer 10

08.500.0 529006152 4 Screw for brake flange fixing
08.510.0 400416200 1 Brake flange
08.520.0 400165300 1 Brake handwheel
08.530.0 400417100 1 Plug - brake body
08.540.0 529099169 58 Belleville washer
08.550.0 400417600 l Brake body
08.560.0 529006202 4 Screw M12x60 - brake support
08.570.0 400417700 1 Anti-rotation screw
08.580.0 400417200 1 Brake rod
08.590.0 400288500 1 Brake shoe
08.600.0 529011274 1 Screw M10x30 for brake shoe fixing
08.610.0 300420000 1 Air labirinth - driving pulley
08.620.0 529056010 8 Washer 10
08.630.0 529006148 8 Screw M10x20

08.640.0 528100010 2 Gasket

08.650.0 529013134 8 Screw - terminal box cover
08.660.0 300121500 2 Terminal box cover

08.670.0 529056010 8 Washer 10

08.680.0 529006152 8 Screw - air grating fixing
08.690.0 400416800 2 Air grating

08.710.0 529011330 16 Screw - foot fixing

08.720.0 529056512 16 Washer
08.725.0 400213300 16 Nylon washer
08.730.0 400121300 1 Set of shock absorbers (4 pieces)
08.740.0 200185200 1 Foundation plate
08.750.0 400242000 4 Anchor bolts
08.760.0 529060016 8 Nut M16
08.770.0 529055016 8 Washer 10

08.810.0 529011140 4 Screw for sight glass fixing M6x10

08.820.0 400320300 2 Gasket - sight glass
08.830.0 400258900 l Circular glass for sight glass
08.840.0 400125700 l External flange for sight glass fixing

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TAB. 08/C
08.820.0 08.830.0 08.840.0

08.550.0 08.600.0
08.530.0 08.590.0



08.560.0 08.630.0


08.640.0 08.670.0




08.650.0 08.730.0




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Reference Code Quantity Description

08.850.0 523922880 4 Pipe union - DIN 2353 (12 - 1/2”)

08.860.0 / 1 Copper pipe (12) - inlet for bowl opening water
08.870.0 / 1 Copper pipe (12) - inlet for bowl closing water
08.880.0 523900542 2 Elbow M/F -1/2” - inlet for bowl opening and closing water
08.890.0 400415500 2 Threaded bush (3/4” - 1/2”)
08.900.0 528020131 2 OR gasket - threaded bush
08.910.0 / - Rubber pipe - compressed air
08.920.0 523922023 3 Pipe union S6510 (1/4”- 8) - compressed air pipe
08.930.0 523922111 1 Elbow pipe union S6520 (1/4”- 8)
08.940.0 524901473 1 Pipe union S6590 (M16- 8)
08.960.0 / 3 Pipe union for gaiter (3/8” - 16/12)

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TAB. 08/D









(TAB. 05/A)
08.920.0 08.920.0

08.910.0 08.910.0

(TAB. 05/A)


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Reference Code Quantity Description

09.010.0 400057600 1 Mallet

09.020.0 400309900 1 Extension pipe
09.030.0 400217100 1 Spanner for feeding pipe locking
09.040.0 400057000 1 Spanner for bowl cover lifting
09.050.0 ***** 400053600 1 Bell of spanner for sliding piston lifting
09.055.0 ***** 400181600 1 Threaded rod for sliding piston lifting spanner
09.060.0 * 400226300 1 Threaded rod for disk compression
09.070.0 * 400093400 1 Nut of disk compression spanner
09.080.0 * 400208000 1 Washer of disk compression spanner
09.090.0 * 400137600 1 Flange of disk compression spanner
09.100.0 ** 400057200 1 Bell of spanner for bowl hood lifting
09.102.0 ** 400181500 1 Threaded rod for bowl hood lifting spanner
09.104.0 ** 400206800 1 Washer
09.106.0 ** 529005110 1 Screw M8x20
09.110.0 **** 400057100 1 Bell of spanner for bowl body lifting
09.115.0 **** 400494300 1 Threaded rod for bowl body lifting spanner
09.120.0 400057300 1 Spanner for valve body extraction
09.130.0 400057400 1 Spanner for valve ram extraction
09.140.0 400057500 1 Spanner for small ring
09.150.0 *** 300050100 1 Body of spanner for big lock ring
09.152.0 *** 529049012 2 Eye-bolt M12
09.155.0 *** 529005194 2 Screw M12x40
09.160.0 *** 529055012 2 Washer

09.500.0 400440200 1 Disks compression spanner (4 pieces, *)

09.510.0 400440300 1 Spanner for bowl hood lifting (4 pieces, **)
09.520.0 400440400 1 Spanner for big lock ring (7 pieces, ***)
09.530.0 400440500 1 Spanner for bowl body lifting (2 pieces, ****)
09.540.0 400440600 1 Spanner for sliding piston lifting (2 pieces, *****)

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TAB. 09/A

09.050.0 09.055.0




09.100.0 09.102.0


09.104.0 09.106.0 09.110.0




09.155.0 09.160.0 09.140.0



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Reference Code Quantity Description

09.170.0 400055600 1 Spanner for skim pump extraction

09.180.0 400056600 1 Spanner for coupling extraction
09.190.0 300049900 1 Spanner for driven pulley extraction
09.200.0 400424700 1 Spanner for driving pulley extraction
09.210.0 400056800 1 Spanner for axial bearing extraction
09.220.0 400055400 1 Spanner for radial bearing assembly
09.230.0 400055500 1 Spanner for spherical plain bearing assembly
09.240.0 400056700 1 Spanner for pulley bearing extraction
09.250.0 400421000 1 Support for flat belt tensioning
09.252.0 400420800 1 Stay bolt for flat belt
09.254.0 529061020 1 Nut M20
09.260.0 529049116 1 Eye-bolt M16 for motor cover lifting
09.270.0 529049010 3 Eye-bolt M10 for vertical shaft support lifting
09.280.0 529049016 1 Spanner for assembling the brake
09.285.0 560000055 1 Spanner AC 55 mm
09.290.0 560000038 1 Spanner AC 38 mm
09.300.0 560000032 1 Spanner AC 32 mm
09.310.0 560000030 1 Spanner AC 30 mm
09.320.0 560000024 1 Spanner AC 24 mm
09.330.0 560000019 1 Spanner AC 19 mm
09.340.0 560000017 1 Spanner AC 17 mm
09.350.0 560000013 1 Spanner AC 13 mm
09.360.0 560000010 1 Spanner AC 10 mm
09.370.0 560040095 1 Union pipe spanner (95/100)
09.380.0 560040570 1 Union pipe spanner (68/75)
09.390.0 560040545 1 Union pipe spanner (45/50)
09.400.0 560060060 1 Socket head spanner S6
09.410.0 564900080 1 Oil supply funnel
09.420.0 517076010 1 Rubber pipe for oil funnel

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TAB. 09/B

09.180.0 09.190.0





09.290.0 09.360.0
09.300.0 09.350.0 09.280.0

09.310.0 09.340.0

09.320.0 09.330.0






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Reference Code Quantity Description

10.010.0 400063600 1 Flowmeter lower body (fitting DN50 - DIN11851/M)

10.020.0 528151035 4 Flowmeter body gasket DN50 - DIN11851
10.030.0 400148100 4 Flow indicating rod
10.040.0 300088900 1 Flowmeter upper body (fitting DN50 - DIN11851/M)
10.055.0 528020023 1 OR gasket
10.060.0 529011146 4 Screw M6x16
10.070.0 * 400212300 2 Glass pipe gasket
10.080.0 * 400211800 2 Nylon washer
10.090.0 400093500 1 Threaded bush
10.100.0 400258601 1 Glass pipe
10.110.0 400241100 2 Spacer rod
10.120.0 400241200 1 Spacer rod scale side
10.130.0 400322700 1 Scale
10.140.0 529011036 2 Screw M4x8 for plate with scale fixing
10.145.0 529056004 2 Washer 4
10.150.0 400127000 1 Glass pipe upper support
10.160.0 529056006 3 Washer 6
10.170.0 529061106 3 Cap nut for spacer rod fixing
10.180.0 400092700 1 Plug

10.200.0 832015000 1 Set of flowmeter glass gaskets (4 pieces,*)

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TAB. 10







10.060.0 10.010.0


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Reference Code Quantity Description

11.010.0 300091600 1 Valve body with union DN65-DIN11851/F

11.020.0 400155000 1 Body teflon gasket
11.030.0 400129000 1 Lower flange with union DN65-DIN11851/F
11.040.0 529056006 8 Washer 6
11.050.0 529006076 8 Screw M6x25
11.060.0 400177800 1 Valve shutter
11.070.0 * 400120800 1 Teflon membrane
11.080.0 400022300 1 Spacer ring
11.090.0 400129000 1 Shutter nut
11.100.0 * 400120700 1 Rubber membrane
11.110.0 400131300 1 Upper flange
11.120.0 529056006 8 Washer 6
11.130.0 529006076 8 Screw M6x25
11.140.0 ** / 1 Nylon washer
11.150.0 524901118 1 Compressed air union rotating elbow 1/8 “G 6
11.160.0 528151040 2 Gasket DN65-DIN11851

11.200.0 832016000 1 Set of membrane (2 pieces,*)

(**) The nylon washer 11.140.0 is not available such as single spare patrs because it is
included in the compressed air union rotating elbow 11.150.0.

11.100.0 11.150.0
11.090.0 11.140.0

11.030.0 11.060.0
11.020.0 11.070.0
11.010.0 11.080.0 11.130.0

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Part. Reference Code Quantity Description

1 / / 1 Valve head
2 / / 1 Plane gasket
3 / / 1 Shutter guide
4 / / 1 Spring
5 / / 1 Shutter
6 / / 1 Valve body
7 523202040 / 1 No return valve

9 / / 1 Body
10 / / 1 Flange with holes
11 / / 1 Nut
12 / / 1 Fitting
13 / / 1 Seal ring
14 / / 1 Spring
15 / / 1 Valve head
16 / / 1 OR gasket
17 12.170.0 / 1 No return valve DN40

Only the whole no return valves are supplied as spare parts.

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Reference Code Quantity Description

13.010.0 / 1 Handle
13.020.0 / 1 Butterfly
13.030.0 / 1 Seal ring



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Reference Code Quantity Description

14.010.0 / 2 Screw M6x90

14.020.0 / 2 Screw M6x75
14.030.0 / 2 Circle of glass
14.040.0 / 2 Rubber gasket
14.050.0 / 2 OR gasket
14.060.0 / 1 Drilled flange
14.070.0 / 1 Sight glass body
14.080.0 / 1 Flange with threaded holes
14.090.0 / 1 Lampholder

14.100.0 * / 1 Cock body

14.110.0 / 1 Gasket
14.120.0 * / 1 Flow regulator
14.130.0 / 1 OR gasket
14.140.0 / 1 OR gasket

(*) These parts cannot be required as spare parts.

14.010.0 14.030.0 14.040.0 14.050.0



14.140.0 14.130.0

14.110.0 14.120.0

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TAB. 15/A

Reference Code Quantity Description

15.010.0 / 1 OR gasket - shutter

15.020.0 * / 1 Micrometric valve shutter
15.030.0 / 2 Gasket
15.040.0 * / 1 Micrometric valve body

(*) These parts cannot be required as spare parts.


15.020.0 15.040.0

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TAB. 15/B

Reference Code Quantity Description

15.110.0 * / 1 Shutter
15.120.0 * / 1 Valve body
15.130.0 / 1 OR gasket

(*) These parts cannot be required as spare parts.




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TAB. 16/A

Reference Code Quantity Description

16.010.0 * 400179900 1 Shutter

16.020.0 * 200089500 1 Micrometric valve body
16.030.0 528151030 1 Gasket DN40-DIN11851
16.040.0 ** 400212600 1 Teflon washer
16.050.0 ** 528020137 1 OR gasket - shutter

16.070.0 870000007 1 Complete needle micrometric valve

16.080.0 832010002 1 Set of micrometric valve gaskets (2 pieces,**)

(*) These parts can be required as spare parts.


16.030.0 16.010.0


16.020.0 16.050.0

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TAB. 16/B

Reference Code Quantity Description

16.110.0 * 300178500 1 Shutter

16.120.0 * 200089600 1 Micrometric valve body
16.130.0 528151035 1 Gasket DN50-DIN11851
16.140.0 400212600 1 Teflon washer
16.150.0 528020137 1 OR gasket - shutter

16.080.0 832010002 1 Set of micrometric valve gaskets (2 pieces,**)

16.170.0 * 870000006 1 Complete ogive micrometric valve

(*) These parts can be required as spare parts.



16.120.0 16.150.0

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A Product inlet (DN40 DIN11851)

B Clarified outlet (DN40 DIN11851)
C Operating water inlet (G 3/4”)
D Overflow
E Operating water outlet
F Sludge tank vent
F Solids outlet

Shields and removables parts for maintenance operations

1 Cover protection bowl
2 Cyclone plug for bowl valves
3 Oil supply plug
4 Oil drain plug
5 Flange - brake side support
6 Air grating
7 Carter - motor

Complete unit on foundation plate Product inlet

8 Sight glass - check standstill machine 27 Flowmeter
9 Sight glass - check oil level 28 Sight glass
10 Brake handwheel 29 Sample cock
11 Foundation plate
12 Pipes for motor cables Product outlet
13 Pipe for solenoid valves 30 Manometer
14 Bowl cover drain trap 31 “L” micrometric valve
15 Cyclone drain trap
16 Solids outlet - sludge tank Electric panels
17 Sludge tank vent 32 Electric panel of power
18 Solids sensor sludge tank 33 Electric panel of control
19 Sludge tank pump
20 Rinsing pipe
21 Solenoid valves set
22 Manometer
23 Frame
24 Vibration sensor
25 Box for sensors cables
26 Box for motor cables

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TAB. 20

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A Product inlet (DN40 DIN11851)

B Clarified product outlet (DN40 DIN11851)
C Washing water inlet (DN40 DIN11851)
D Operating water inlet (G 3/4”)
E Operating water outlet
F Overflow
G Solids outlet
H Sludge tank vent
I Cover cooling water inlet
L Cover cooling water outlet
M Compressed air inlet Ø8

Operating water unit

CV1 Check valve
CP1 Surge tank pump
SK1 Tank
PSC1 Pressure switch
CF1 Operating water filter
PCV1 Pressure reducer - water
MN1 Manometer
MD1 Electropneumatic metering device
YV32 Solenoid valve - metering device water inlet
CV1 Check valve - opening water to metering device
YV1 Solenoid valve - opening water
BV1 Ball valve (emergency)
BV0 Ball valve (emergency)
YV0 Solenoid valve - closing water

Inlet product Ingresso aria compressa

PBFV2 Pneumatic buttrfly valve PCV5 Pressure reducer
FM2 Flowmeter MN5 Manometer
SG2 Sight glass YV31 Solenoid valve - inlet air metering device
SC2 Sample cock
Sensori di sicurezza
Outlet product
SG3 Sight glass LSO Oil sensor level
SC3 Sample cock TS Temperature oil sensor PT100
MN3 Manometer VS Vibration sensor
MV3 “L” nicrometric valve

Ingresso liquido di lavaggio

PBFV4 Pneumatic buttrfly valve

LS Solids switch sensor
CP12 Sludge tank pump

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TAB. 21

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1 Plate with technical and identification data of separator

2 Plate with bowl direction of rotation
3 Plate with brake direction of activation
4 Sticker - safety alert
5 Sticker - risk of electrocution
6 Sticker with trade-mark SEITAL

A Free necessary area for normal operation

A+B Free necessary area for maintenance

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A Metering device
B Inlet washing valve
C Inlet product valve
D Compressed air treatment unit

RPA Pressure regulator YV3 3-way solenoid valve

MNA Pressure gauge YV2 3-way solenoid valve
LUA Lubricator SP3 Pressure switch EPMC10
YV31 3-way solenoid valve MND Pressure gauge
RPD Pressure regulator

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Centrifugal separator mod.: SE 50................................... Manufacturing N°: ......................
Mark with a X the requested spare parts and indicate the selected quantity.
Ref. Code Quantity Description
Bowl (Tab. 03)
 03.510.0 832004043 ......... Set of disks (5 pieces)
 03.520.0 832000169 ......... Set of bowl gaskets (12 pieces)
 03.530.0 832000064 ......... Set of bowl valves gaskets (12 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Inlet-outlet flow unit (Tab. 04)
 04.010.0 200287500 ......... Feeding pipe
 04.510.0 832000113 ......... Set of gaskets for inlet-outlet unit (5 pieces)
 04.520.0 832004022 ......... Set of spacers (3 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Solenoid valves unit (Tab. 05)
 05.130.0 523508120 ......... Solenoid valve 3/8”
 05.390.0 832000121 ......... Set of OR gaskets for nipples (12 pieces)
 05.400.0 832000123 ......... Set of OR gaskets for metering device (4 pieces)
 05.430.0 523996510 ......... Filter cartridge
 05.460.0 523996010 ......... Filtering tank (4 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Motor shaft (Tab. 06)
 06.290.0 525185650 ......... Probe - rpm pickup
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Bowl shaft (Tab. 07)
 07.260.0 521200250 ....... Flat belt
 07.480.0 525185650 ....... Probe - rpm pickup
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Frame (Tab. 08)
 08.590.0 400015700 ....... Brake shoe
 08.970.0 832020001 ....... Oil gauge glass with gaskets (3 pieces)
 08.975.0 832001014 ....... Set of frame gaskets (13 pieces)
 08.980.0 832020006 ....... Circular glass for solids outlet pipe with gaskets (3 pieces)
 08.985.0 832020003 ....... Circular glass with gaskets to check standstill machine (3 pieces)
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Flowmeter 5.000  20.000 (Tab. 10)
 10.100.0 400258601 ....... Glass pipe
 10.200.0 832015000 ....... Set of flowmeter gaskets (4 pieces)
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Constant pressure Valve (Tab. 11)
 11.200.0 832016000 ......... Set of membrane (2 pieces)

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Centrifugal separator mod.: SE 50................................... Manufacturing N°: ......................
Mark with a X the requested spare parts and indicate the selected quantity.
Ref. Code Quantity Description
Bowl (Tab. 03)
 03.510.0 832004043 ......... Set of disks (5 pieces)
 03.520.0 832000169 ......... Set of bowl gaskets (12 pieces)
 03.530.0 832000064 ......... Set of bowl valves gaskets (12 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Inlet-outlet flow unit (Tab. 04)
 04.010.0 200287500 ......... Feeding pipe
 04.510.0 832000113 ......... Set of gaskets for inlet-outlet unit (5 pieces)
 04.520.0 832004022 ......... Set of spacers (3 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Solenoid valves unit (Tab. 05)
 05.130.0 523508120 ......... Solenoid valve 3/8”
 05.390.0 832000121 ......... Set of OR gaskets for nipples (12 pieces)
 05.400.0 832000123 ......... Set of OR gaskets for metering device (4 pieces)
 05.430.0 523996510 ......... Filter cartridge
 05.460.0 523996010 ......... Filtering tank (4 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Motor shaft (Tab. 06)
 06.290.0 525185650 ......... Probe - rpm pickup
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Bowl shaft (Tab. 07)
 07.260.0 521200250 ....... Flat belt
 07.480.0 525185650 ....... Probe - rpm pickup
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Frame (Tab. 08)
 08.590.0 400015700 ....... Brake shoe
 08.970.0 832020001 ....... Oil gauge glass with gaskets (3 pieces)
 08.975.0 832001014 ....... Set of frame gaskets (13 pieces)
 08.980.0 832020006 ....... Circular glass for solids outlet pipe with gaskets (3 pieces)
 08.985.0 832020003 ....... Circular glass with gaskets to check standstill machine (3 pieces)
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Flowmeter 5.000  20.000 (Tab. 10)
 10.100.0 400258601 ....... Glass pipe
 10.200.0 832015000 ....... Set of flowmeter gaskets (4 pieces)
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Constant pressure Valve (Tab. 11)
 11.200.0 832016000 ......... Set of membrane (2 pieces)

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Centrifugal separator mod.: SE 50................................... Manufacturing N°: ......................
Mark with a X the requested spare parts and indicate the selected quantity.
Ref. Code Quantity Description
Bowl (Tab. 03)
 03.510.0 832004043 ......... Set of disks (5 pieces)
 03.520.0 832000169 ......... Set of bowl gaskets (12 pieces)
 03.530.0 832000064 ......... Set of bowl valves gaskets (12 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Inlet-outlet flow unit (Tab. 04)
 04.010.0 200287500 ......... Feeding pipe
 04.510.0 832000113 ......... Set of gaskets for inlet-outlet unit (5 pieces)
 04.520.0 832004022 ......... Set of spacers (3 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Solenoid valves unit (Tab. 05)
 05.130.0 523508120 ......... Solenoid valve 3/8”
 05.390.0 832000121 ......... Set of OR gaskets for nipples (12 pieces)
 05.400.0 832000123 ......... Set of OR gaskets for metering device (4 pieces)
 05.430.0 523996510 ......... Filter cartridge
 05.460.0 523996010 ......... Filtering tank (4 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Motor shaft (Tab. 06)
 06.290.0 525185650 ......... Probe - rpm pickup
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Bowl shaft (Tab. 07)
 07.260.0 521200250 ....... Flat belt
 07.480.0 525185650 ....... Probe - rpm pickup
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Frame (Tab. 08)
 08.590.0 400015700 ....... Brake shoe
 08.970.0 832020001 ....... Oil gauge glass with gaskets (3 pieces)
 08.975.0 832001014 ....... Set of frame gaskets (13 pieces)
 08.980.0 832020006 ....... Circular glass for solids outlet pipe with gaskets (3 pieces)
 08.985.0 832020003 ....... Circular glass with gaskets to check standstill machine (3 pieces)
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Flowmeter 5.000  20.000 (Tab. 10)
 10.100.0 400258601 ....... Glass pipe
 10.200.0 832015000 ....... Set of flowmeter gaskets (4 pieces)
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Constant pressure Valve (Tab. 11)
 11.200.0 832016000 ......... Set of membrane (2 pieces)

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SEITAL S.r.l. Rev. 1 of 08/03/99

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Chapter 13
Rev. 1 of 08/03/99 SEITAL S.r.l.


Centrifugal separator mod.: SE 50................................... Manufacturing N°: ......................
Mark with a X the requested spare parts and indicate the selected quantity.
Ref. Code Quantity Description
Bowl (Tab. 03)
 03.510.0 832004043 ......... Set of disks (5 pieces)
 03.520.0 832000169 ......... Set of bowl gaskets (12 pieces)
 03.530.0 832000064 ......... Set of bowl valves gaskets (12 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Inlet-outlet flow unit (Tab. 04)
 04.010.0 200287500 ......... Feeding pipe
 04.510.0 832000113 ......... Set of gaskets for inlet-outlet unit (5 pieces)
 04.520.0 832004022 ......... Set of spacers (3 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Solenoid valves unit (Tab. 05)
 05.130.0 523508120 ......... Solenoid valve 3/8”
 05.390.0 832000121 ......... Set of OR gaskets for nipples (12 pieces)
 05.400.0 832000123 ......... Set of OR gaskets for metering device (4 pieces)
 05.430.0 523996510 ......... Filter cartridge
 05.460.0 523996010 ......... Filtering tank (4 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Motor shaft (Tab. 06)
 06.290.0 525185650 ......... Probe - rpm pickup
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Bowl shaft (Tab. 07)
 07.260.0 521200250 ....... Flat belt
 07.480.0 525185650 ....... Probe - rpm pickup
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Frame (Tab. 08)
 08.590.0 400015700 ....... Brake shoe
 08.970.0 832020001 ....... Oil gauge glass with gaskets (3 pieces)
 08.975.0 832001014 ....... Set of frame gaskets (13 pieces)
 08.980.0 832020006 ....... Circular glass for solids outlet pipe with gaskets (3 pieces)
 08.985.0 832020003 ....... Circular glass with gaskets to check standstill machine (3 pieces)
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Flowmeter 5.000  20.000 (Tab. 10)
 10.100.0 400258601 ....... Glass pipe
 10.200.0 832015000 ....... Set of flowmeter gaskets (4 pieces)
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Constant pressure Valve (Tab. 11)
 11.200.0 832016000 ......... Set of membrane (2 pieces)

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Chapter 13
SEITAL S.r.l. Rev. 1 of 08/03/99

Page 13-58 Use and Maintenance Manual: Centrifugal separator SE 501 EV

Chapter 13
Rev. 1 of 08/03/99 SEITAL S.r.l.


Centrifugal separator mod.: SE 50................................... Manufacturing N°: ......................
Mark with a X the requested spare parts and indicate the selected quantity.
Ref. Code Quantity Description
Bowl (Tab. 03)
 03.510.0 832004043 ......... Set of disks (5 pieces)
 03.520.0 832000169 ......... Set of bowl gaskets (12 pieces)
 03.530.0 832000064 ......... Set of bowl valves gaskets (12 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Inlet-outlet flow unit (Tab. 04)
 04.010.0 200287500 ......... Feeding pipe
 04.510.0 832000113 ......... Set of gaskets for inlet-outlet unit (5 pieces)
 04.520.0 832004022 ......... Set of spacers (3 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Solenoid valves unit (Tab. 05)
 05.130.0 523508120 ......... Solenoid valve 3/8”
 05.390.0 832000121 ......... Set of OR gaskets for nipples (12 pieces)
 05.400.0 832000123 ......... Set of OR gaskets for metering device (4 pieces)
 05.430.0 523996510 ......... Filter cartridge
 05.460.0 523996010 ......... Filtering tank (4 pieces)
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Motor shaft (Tab. 06)
 06.290.0 525185650 ......... Probe - rpm pickup
 .............. ................. ......... ................................................................................
Bowl shaft (Tab. 07)
 07.260.0 521200250 ....... Flat belt
 07.480.0 525185650 ....... Probe - rpm pickup
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Frame (Tab. 08)
 08.590.0 400015700 ....... Brake shoe
 08.970.0 832020001 ....... Oil gauge glass with gaskets (3 pieces)
 08.975.0 832001014 ....... Set of frame gaskets (13 pieces)
 08.980.0 832020006 ....... Circular glass for solids outlet pipe with gaskets (3 pieces)
 08.985.0 832020003 ....... Circular glass with gaskets to check standstill machine (3 pieces)
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Flowmeter 5.000  20.000 (Tab. 10)
 10.100.0 400258601 ....... Glass pipe
 10.200.0 832015000 ....... Set of flowmeter gaskets (4 pieces)
 .............. ................. ....... ................................................................................
Constant pressure Valve (Tab. 11)
 11.200.0 832016000 ......... Set of membrane (2 pieces)

Use and Maintenance Manual: Centrifugal separator SE 501 EV Page 13-59

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