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Brake Design Machine Design 2

Brake Design S

maximum stress in the band, Pa
width of the band, m
t – thickness of the band, m

Brakes are machine elements that absorb either Calculation note: if the stress is given in MPa, the
kinetic or potential energy in the process of slowing down width and the thickness in millimeters could be directly
or stopping a moving part. The absorbed energy is dissi- substituted in the equation without having to multiply the
pated as heat. Brake capacity depends upon the unit stress by 10^6 as MPa is also equivalent to N/mm 2. In
pressure between the braking surfaces, the coefficient of general, for satisfactory results, the width of the band
friction and the ability of the brake to dissipate heat should be made approximately one-seventh of the brake
equivalent to the energy being absorbed. drum diameter.

Types of Brakes Simple Band Brake

Among the varieties of mechanical brakes are
band, block, shoe, disc and spot brakes. The hydro-

dynamic brake is the major type of fluid brake although
additional sorts of fluid agitator brake exist. Electric Figure 1
generators and eddy-current brakes are the more r
important types of electrical brakes.

F2 B
Mechanical brakes are capable of stopping the
motion of a machine member as well as retarding its F1
motion; fluid and electrical brakes are incapable of
bringing a machine member to rest, and hence are useful a
only in controlling the motion of an element through L
absorption of energy. There are many applications where
the latter is satisfactory such as controlling the downhill Braking force required using moments about F 1,
travel of a loaded truck or the travel of a mine skip. clockwise rotation.
F2 a
Band Brakes BL – F2a = 0 L

The simplest of all brakes are the band brakes. If the direction of rotation is reversed, F 1 and F2
They consist of a rope, belt or flexible steel band (lined are interchanged.
with frictional material) wrapped partly around the F1 a
external surface of a cylindrical drum. They are actuated BL – F1a = 0 B=
by pulling the band tightly against the drum. The brake
capacity depends upon the angle or wrap, the coefficient B – braking force, N
of friction and the band tensions.
This type of band brake does not have a self-
actuating property.
Ratio of Tension
F 1 μθ F1 = F2 e μθ Differential Band Brake
F2 In a differential band brake, neither end of the
F1 – tension on the tight side, N band goes through the fulcrum of the actuating arm. F 1
F2 – tension on the slack side, N applies a torque onto the arm in the same direction as the
μ – coefficient of friction actuating force B, and hence the friction assists in applying
θ – angle of wrap, rad the braking torque.

F1 is always designated as the tight side.

Brake Torque Developed 

Figure 2
In wrapping band brakes, the torque exerted on r
the drum by friction is equal to the algebraic sum of the
moments of the external loads applied to the band. The B
resultant load, represented by the difference between the a F2
tensions on the tight side and the tension on the slack F1 b
side, multiplied by the radius of the drum, gives the torque
or braking capacity. L
T = (F1 – F2) r The differential band brake is one that has self-
actuating properties and may be designed to be self-
T = F2 (e – 1) r locking. The differential band brake is usually designed so
that the direction of the drum rotation permits the tight
T – torque, N-m side of the band to aid in applying the brake.
r – radius of brake drum, m
Braking force required using moment about the
F1 – F2 is the tangential force on the rim of the pivot and the drum rotating clockwise:
brake wheel. BL – F2a + F1b = 0; BL = F2a – F1b
F2 a−F 1 b
Stress in the Band B=
The cross sectional area of the band is found by For a reversal in the direction of drum rotation, F 1
designing for the tight side (F1) of the band. and F2 becomes interchanged and the required actuating
force becomes

1 Patrick D. Sta. Maria / June 16, 2017

Brake Design Machine Design 2

F1 a−F 2 b F2 will increase, but the ratio of F 1 to F2 will no longer

B= equal e^μθ since this relationship prevails only when the
brake is slipping or when slip is pending.
Note that for the same braking torque, the magni-
tude of the required braking force, B, is affected by the
direction of drum rotation.
Block Brakes
Another form of brake is the block brake com-
In applying the actuating force, the following rules
monly used for railway car wheels, and in some form of
apply (see figure above): if a is greater than b, the
hoisting engines. In the car wheel brake the resistance is
brake is actuated by applying a downward force. If b is
not only that of sliding friction but also the resistance of
greater than a, the brake is actuated by applying an
cutting or grinding away the surface of the metals in
upward force.

Self-Locking Band Brakes External shoe or block brakes consists of shoes or

blocks pressed against the surface of a rotating cylinder
From the equations called the brake drum. The shoe may be rigidly mounted
F2 a−F 1 b to a pivoted lever or the shoe may be pivoted to the lever.
B= and F1 = F2 e μθ
The single block brake tends to bend the shaft. In a
double block brake reactions of the two blocks are equal
The actuating force becomes and opposite and the tendency to bend the shaft is
B = F2 (a – be μθ) / L
Force Analysis
Should the quantity be^μθ be larger than a, B will
be negative. The requirement for self-locking brakes,
The following analysis can be made if it is
therefore, is
assumed that the pressure between the braking sufaces is
uniformly distributed and that the angle θ, is reasonably
a / b ≤ e^μθ
small (60° or less). It is unlikely that the distribution of
pressure is entirely uniform; thus the following analysis is
From a practical standpoint, should this be true,
not always correct.
once the friction band came into contact with the drum,
the brake would grab or be self-locking, and no applied
In other books, the symbols F T for tangential force
force B would be required. The more nearly a brake
(represented here by μN) and FR for radial force
approaches the self-locking condition, the smaller is the
(represented here by N) are used instead.
required applied force B, and hence many brakes are
designed with self energyzation below that required to
Pivot point below the line of action of the brake
make the brake self-locking.
 B
FT   N
r Figure 3
FR  N Figure 6
F1 Counterclockwise rotation: moment about the pivot
B point.
BL = Na + μNh
a b c N (a+μ h )
BL = N(a + μh) B=
The turning force in the above equation is F = μN
and, when multiplied by the radius of the drum, r,
becomes the torque, T, or

T = μNr

Figure 4 Clockwise rotation: when the rotation of the drum is

B reversed, the direction of the tangen-tial force is also
BL = Na – μNh N (a−μ h)
a b c BL = N(a – μh)
B= N
Pivot point above the line ofy action of the brake

Figure 5
h a
FT   N
It should be noted that the differential band brake
may be made self-locking for one direction of rotation Figure 7
only. A self-locking brake of this type is used to allow FR  N
motion in one direction only and to prevent a reversed N (a−μ h)
motion, as might occur when a conveyor or hoist is acted Counterclockwise rotation: B=
upon by gravity. If a brake is self-locking, it requires a BL + μNh = Na L
force in the opposite direction of applying the brake in
order to have it released. Also, after the brake has locked N (a+μ h )
Clockwise rotation: B=
and additional torque is applied, the band tensions F 1 and BL = Na + μNh L

2 Patrick D. Sta. Maria / June 16, 2017

Brake Design Machine Design 2

at 1800 rpm. The band is made of materials which

can withstand a maximum stress of 12 MPa. Calculate
Self-Locking Block Brakes the required angle of wrap in degrees if the
coefficient of friction between the drum and the band
Block brakes can be made to be self-locking. In is 0.15. Assuming that the force F 1 acts on the pivot
the equations above, the equations where the expressions point and that F2 acts perpendicularly to the brake
a – μh exists are brakes which can be made self-locking lever at a distance of 200 mm from the pivot point,
by making this expression equal to zero or negative. The what length of lever would be enough to stop the
more nearly a brake approaches the self-locking condition, drum when a force of 200 N is applied at the other
the smaller is the required braking force. end?

After the forces acting are determined, the

individual members of the brake may be considered 2. Band. A band brake is installed on a drum rotating at
separately to determine the required size of each. The 250 rpm and a diameter of 900 mm. The angle of
arms carrying the brake shoes are treated as simple contact is 1.5π radians and one end of the brake
beams, the operating arm as two cantilever beams, and band is fastened to a fixed pin while the other end to
the pins at the various joints as oscillating high-pressure a brake arm, 150 mm from the fixed pin. The
bearings. coefficient of friction is 0.25 and a straight brake arm,
1 m long is placed perpendicular to the diameter
bisecting the angle of contact.
Effective Moment Arm of
Friction Force a. Sketch a diagram of the system
b. Determine the minimum force applied to the end
The net drum force acting on the block can be of the brake arm necessary to stop the drum if
transformed into radial force, N, and a tangential force, 50 kW is being absorbed.
μN, acting through point P a distance h from the center of c. A steel band with a maximum tensile stress of
the drum. h is given by 55 MPa and 3 mm thick will be used. What
rθ should be its width in mm?
2 sin θ2
3. Band. A simple band-brake has an 800-mm drum
r – radius of brake drum, m fitted with a steel band 4 mm thick lined with brake
θ – angle subtended by the block, lining having a coefficient of friction of 0.25 when not
radians sliding. The angle of contact is 245°. This brake drum
y – effective moment arm of friction is attached to a 600-mm hoisting drum that sustains
force, m a rope load of 8 kN. The operating force has a
moment arm of 1.50 m and the band is attached 120
The effective moment arm of friction force is a mm from the pivot point. (a) Find the force required
correction factor whose value varies from 1.0013 to just to support the load. (b) What force will be
1.1107 depending on the angle. It may be disregarded on required if the direction of rotation is reversed? (c)
non-critical computation. What width of the steel band is required if the tensile
stress is limited to 50 MPa?
angle factor angle factor
10 1.0013 60 1.0472
30 1.0115 90 1.1107 4. A 1600 kg car moving on level ground at 95 km/h is
to be stopped in a distance of 80 m. Tire diameter is
Braking Torque 80 cm; all frictional energy except for the brake is to
be neglected. (a) What is the total averaging braking
T=μ N y torque must be applied? (b) What must be the
minimum coefficient of friction between the tires and
T – braking torque, N-m
the road in order for the wheels not to skid if it is
μ – coefficient of friction
assumed that weight is equally distributed among the
N – normal force between the drum and the
four wheels (not true.)?
brake shoe, N

This equation is used if the angle subtended by 5. Block. In Figure 6, let a = 0.3 m, L = 0.7 m and h =
the block on the center of the drum is not more than 60°. 0.075 m. The coefficient of friction is 0.25. The drum
In this case, it is often assumed that the radial pressure is is 0.5 m in diameter, rotates 200 rpm clockwise and
uniformly distributed over the contact area. transmits 4 hp. What is the breaking force required to
stop the drum.
For a large angle of contact, the pressure between
the block and the drum varies and the tangential force is
given by 6. Block. In figure 2, let a = 0.15 m, b = 0.04 m and L
= 0.40 m. Find the force required to stop rotation if
( )
4 r sin θ
T=μ N y T =μ N
2 the drum is 500 mm in diameter and transmits 4 kW
θ+sin θ of power. The angle of wrap is 210° and the
coefficient of friction is 0.3. Calculate F for both
clockwise and counter clockwise rotation.
Conversion Factors
lb = 4.448 221 615 N
psi = 6 894.757 293 Pa
hp = 745.6997 W
in-lb = 0.112 984 829 N-m
ft-lb = 1.355 817 948 N-m

1. Band. The band on a break measures 8 mm in
thickness and is 20 mm in width. It is used to stop a
400-mm break drum which transmits 25 kW of power

3 Patrick D. Sta. Maria / June 16, 2017

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