Inclusive Assignment
Inclusive Assignment
Inclusive Assignment
Legal frameworks are so beneficial for all human beings especially for disabled groups of people, their
are so many legal rules at the time and these legal frameworks let the disables to complete what the
other society scares for them. Like discrimination, obstacle to not use their human rights, as our
handout pointed out for instance, housing employment, transportation, cultural life and access to
public service…
Thus, to overcome this situation there are laws which are legslated internationally and nationally. For
example: In 1971, the general assembly of the United nation in its resolution 2656(XXVI), proclaimed
The declaration on the rights of mentally retarded persons and the declaration established that “
mentally retarded persons “ have the same rights to
A) Proper medical care, physical therapy, education, training, rehabilitation and guidance to develop
their ability and maximum potential;
B) To live with their own families or foster care , and to participate in community life
A qualified guardian when required to protect their personal well being and interest;
Also the 1975 declaration on the rights of disabled person says that people with disability have the right
to liberty and security of person on an equal basis with others . People with disability have the right to
be free from torture and from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) begins: “All human beings are born free and equal in
dignity and rights.” Inalienable: Human rights automatically belong to each human being. Also The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a document that acts like a global road map for
freedom and equality – protecting the rights of every individual, everywhere. ... Its adoption recognised
human rights to be the foundation for freedom, justice and peace.
In short, the Convention aims at a person's “development to the fullest potential to participate
effectively” by introducing an inclusive education system. This goal is also based on the human rights
discourse and pursues equal opportunities in life.
C) World Conference on Education for All, Jomtien, and 1990 World Declaration on
The ultimate goal affirmed by the World Declaration on Education for All is to meet the basic learning
needs of all children, youth, adults and disabled persons without any discrimination of race, color, sex,
religion and
D) The Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
Although not a legally binding instrument, the Standard Rules represent a strong moral and political
commitment of Governments to take action to attain equalization of opportunities for persons with
disabilities. The rules serve as an instrument for policy-making and as a basis for technical and economic
E) Salamanca Statement
The fundamental principle of the inclusive school is that all children should learn together, wherever
possible, regardless of any difficulties or differences they may have.
The Convention seeks to achieve a specific objective: the promotion, protection and full and equal
enjoyment of all human rights by persons with disabilities and respect for their inherent dignity.
The Convention seeks to achieve a specific objective: the promotion, protection and full and equal
enjoyment of all human rights by persons with disabilities and respect for their inherent dignity.
The Forum sought to encourage local, national, and international decision makers to ensure that
inclusive education for learners with disabilities – particularly in humanitarian emergencies – should be a
key focus of education systems, delivery and planning.
K) UNESCO Convention
The UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education is a multilateral treaty which aims to
combat discrimination in the field of education. It was adopted on 14 December 1960 in Paris and came
into effect on 22 May 1962. ... As of December 2020, 106 states were members of the Convention.
The Ethiopian government has signed international legal and policy frameworks related to inclusive
education, such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the World Declaration on Education
For All.
The Ethiopian Growth and Transformation Plan I (2010/11–2014/15) placed an important priority on the
quality, equity and efficiency of education at all levels. The 2016–25 Inclusive Education Master Plan
aimed to strengthen the structures and environment enabling inclusive education by identifying
strategic pillars which form the basis for inclusive education. Accordingly, due consideration has been
given to the expansion of education opportunities for all learners in the education system.