VI - Members Guide (January 2022)
VI - Members Guide (January 2022)
VI - Members Guide (January 2022)
Updated 20/12/2021
Welcome to APRIL
This practical guide gives you an overview of your insurance cover and the procedures to follow
to make a claim under the plan. You will find more detailed information on your benefits in the
information booklet available in your Easy Claim app.
This booklet contains information on the scope of your insurance cover. It describes the benefits
to which you are entitled, how to claim them and what is not covered under your plan.
To take full advantage of your international cover, please take the time to read this booklet
Good to know:
Your dependants may also be covered under certain conditions (see page 20, Practical
Information). Remember to declare them within 30 days of the start date of your assignment!
Repatriation Legal
assistance protection
Table of benefits
Cover of COVID-19
How to claim the reimbursement of your medical expenses
What to do if you are hospitalised
1 Your services
Supporting you throughout your stay abroad
+33 (0)1 55 92 14 44
1 Your services
Your Easy Claim mobile app
Download the
Easy Claim mobile
Please contact us at least 10 days before your expected date of admission to hospital
Medical and surgical fees 100% of actual costs 200% of the SS reimbursement basis
Transport (supporting documents required) 100% of actual costs 100% of the SS reimbursement basis
Private room 100% of actual costs, up to €150/night 100% of actual costs, up to €50/night
Technical medical procedures** 90% of actual costs 100% of the SS reimbursement basis
X-rays (other than dental) 100% of actual costs 100% of the SS reimbursement basis
* Treatments and procedures requiring prior agreement. If you fail to comply with the prior approval procedure, a penalty of 20% will be applied (limited to €5,000 for
hospitalisation). Further information can be found on page 11.
** In the case of long-term conditions or accident, these treatments and procedures are covered at 100% of actual costs abroad and at 100% of the Social Security rate in
*** Social Security reimburses up to the cost of the generic version.
**** Reimbursements of expenses incurred prior to and in connection with the assignment (original statement of fees and copy of medical certificate of fitness required). This
visit is not an expatriation medical check-up.
There’s no question about it, whether it’s a generic version or an original branded drug, it
makes no difference to your health. They are both high-quality, safe and effective.
The active substance is the same and it’s just as effective as the original. The indications,
contra-indications, dosage and side effects are similar and it is manufactured to the same
exacting standards as any other drug.
Your healthcare benefits (continued)
Pre and post-natal visits 100% of actual costs 100% of the SS reimbursement basis
100% of actual costs
Childbirth 100% of the SS reimbursement basis
up to €3,000 per birth
* Treatments and procedures requiring prior agreement. If you fail to comply with the prior approval procedure, a penalty of 20% will be applied (limited to €5,000 for
hospitalisation). Further information can be found on page 11.
** In the case of long-term conditions or accident, these treatments and procedures are covered at 100% of actual costs abroad and at 100% of the Social Security rate in France.
*** Social Security reimburses up to the cost of the generic version.
**** Reimbursements of expenses incurred prior to and in connection with the assignment (original statement of fees and copy of medical certificate of fitness required). This
visit is not an expatriation medical check-up.
***** : Maximum selling price – Amount reimbursed by Social Security.
! Medical expenses are covered up to the level of actual costs and reasonable and customary costs
for the area in which they are incurred.
If the costs are unreasonable and unusual, we reserve the right to limit the amount we will pay.
To avoid out-of-pocket expenses, we ask you to call us before you’re admitted to hospital (other than in
an emergency) so that we can refer you to approved healthcare providers.
This cover is individual and you are responsible for paying the premium.
It tops up your Business France international insurance and provides higher
levels of reimbursement for you and your dependants, both in France and
Convenient: you can enrol in the plan online in just a few click from your
Customer Zone. You can pay your premium all at once or by monthly direct
All the information you need about the V.I. Top-up plan can be found in your
Easy Claim app.
2 Your healthcare cover
Healthcare benefits for your dependants
Veuillez nous contacter 10 jours minimum avant votre date prévisionnelle d’admission à l’hôpital
Medical and surgical fees 100% of actual costs 200% of the SS reimbursement basis
Transport (supporting documents required) 100% of actual costs 100% of the SS reimbursement basis
Private room 100% of actual costs, up to €150/night not covered
Double room 100% of actual costs 100% of actual costs
Hospital charge - 100% of actual costs
100% of actual costs,
Fees in psychiatric facilities 100% of the SS reimbursement basis
up to a maximum of €50,000 per assignment
DAY HOSPITALISATION* 100% of actual costs 100% of the SS reimbursement basis
Pre and post-natal visits 100% of actual costs 100% of the SS reimbursement basis
100% of actual costs
Childbirth 100% of the SS reimbursement basis
up to €2,000 per birth
* Treatments and procedures requiring prior agreement. If you fail to comply with the prior approval procedure, a penalty of 20% will be applied (limited to €5,000 for
** In the case of long-term conditions or accident, these treatments and procedures are covered at 100% of actual costs abroad and at 100% of the Social Security rate in France.
*** Social Security reimburses up to the cost of the generic version.
**** Reimbursements of expenses incurred prior to and in connection with the assignment (original statement of fees and copy of medical certificate of fitness required). This
visit is not an expatriation medical check-up.
***** : Maximum selling price – Amount reimbursed by Social Security.
2 Your healthcare cover
Cover of COVID-19
The plan has no exclusions in respect of COVID-19.
Only medically justified tests performed by a health professional will be covered. A prescription will
be required for reimbursement, regardless of your country of assignment.
100% of actual costs
Authorised by the local authorities
without a prescription
in the country of assignment
*For information on reasonable and customary costs in your area, contact your dedicated team.
Tests carried out for business or personal trips are not reimbursable.
2 Your healthcare cover
How to claim the reimbursement of your medical expenses.
To submit your claim for reimbursement from your Easy Claim app:
1 Download your app,
2 Log in using your ID,
3 To claim your reimbursement:
a. enter the name of the beneficiary and the cost of the medical care,
b. add photos of your medical bills and prescriptions,
c. send us everything with just one click!
4 Track the processing of your claim in the “Track my reimbursements” section.
Please keep the original medical bills (and other supporting documents) for a period of 2
years from the date on which you made your claim. They may be required in the event of an
2 Your healthcare cover
How to claim your reimbursement
You can be reimbursed by transfer to the bank account of your choice. You
can enter/update your bank details from your Easy Claim app at any time.
Some medical treatments and procedures are subject to the prior approval of our Medical
Examiner (valid for 6 months). Before the treatment or procedure begins, please submit your
request for prior approval from your Easy Claim app: we ask you to attach an itemised estimate
and a prescription.
! If this procedure is not followed, an excess of 20% will be applied to the reimbursement of
your bill (other than in case of accident or emergency).
Your will receive a response within 72 hours.
A quick look at what to do if you are hospitalised
We can arrange for your hospital expenses (including day hospitalisation) to be paid directly to the hospital
where you are staying. In this case we will contact the hospital directly.
To request the direct payment of your hospital expenses, or for any additional information before your
hospitalisation, call the APRIL International number on your Easy Claim app or Insurance Card.
1 2
Contact us at least 10 days before your admission. Contact us as soon as possible so that we can
Prepare your request including: assist you with the admission formalities:
all the medical documents related to your We will contact the hospital for information about
hospitalisation* your admission and the cost of the hospitalisation.
the estimate of costs provided by the hospital
including the doctors' fees and the amount of
excess fees
the hospital’s estimate of hospital charges
showing the cost of the private room
send them via the Easy Claim app.
We check in with you regularly throughout your After your hospitalisation, you will need to send us
hospitalisation and when you are discharged. the hospital report.
* Your Confidential Medical Certificate completed by your doctor, or any equivalent document, your doctor's prescription, if you have one, your medical report, if you
have one, and the results of scans, diagnostic tests, X-rays etc. in connection with the hospitalisation.
3 Where to have treatment
Talk to a doctor 24/7 via teleconsultation
With this service, you can consult a doctor remotely, in accordance with medical confidentiality.
Submit your request from your Easy Claim app and a health professional will call you back within 3
hours, 24/7, anywhere in the world, in the language of your choice.
Convenient and easy to use, wherever you are, you no longer need to travel to consult a doctor!
And there’s no cash advance required.
3 Where to have treatment
Medical referral service
You are free to choose your doctor or hospital. With your agreement, we will implement the most
appropriate solution for your situation. We call
But because it’s sometimes difficult to know who
you regularly throughout your stay and when you
to consult, and because medicine is sometimes
leave hospital, to ensure the best possible follow-
commercially driven to the detriment of quality of
up care.
care, we offer a medical referral service.
For any consultations, hospitalisation or outpatient services in the U.S., we recommend using the
care networks provided by our partner Global Excel.
3 Where to have treatment
Your direct billing services
In the United States: You can also browse the “Common Searches”
sections to carry out your search.
The cost of medical care in the US can be
exorbitant. > Make an appointment directly with the
To avoid any nasty surprises, we have doctor, show them your card and you’ll have
negotiated preferential rates for you together nothing to pay!
with a direct billing service from our partner,
Global Excel. Who to contact for your enquiries?
We are available 24/7 to answer all your
This means you benefit from: questions!
• access to one of the largest care networks From the United States, call 1-866-299-2900
in the United States and an advisor will assist you.
> almost 690,000 doctors,
> more than 5,500 hospitals with no cash In Mexico:
advance required, we’ll pay your bill directly.
You will have access to a care network:
This service is available for: Almost 850 doctors and more than 37
> your consultations with general hospitals with no cash advance required, we’ll
practitioners and specialists, pay your bill directly.
> your diagnostic tests and X-rays, This service is available for:
> your medical examinations and treatments, your hospitalisation expenses,
> care provided by medical auxiliaries. your consultations with general
practitioners and specialists,
This service is not available for dental care. your diagnostic tests and x-rays as well as
your rehabilitation sessions.
• Direct billing service at more than 68,000
pharmacies in the United States with no In Canada:
cash advance required for your purchases.
Where can I find my direct billing card? By contacting CanAssistance, you will no
longer have to make a cash advance for:
Your direct billing card is sent to you by email
within 15 days of the start of your assignment. > scheduled or emergency hospitalisation,
regardless of the amount,
It can be downloaded from a link and then
printed out or stored on your phone. > emergency hospital care that does not
require admission when the bill is more than
Where can I find partner hospitals, $800 CAD.
pharmacies and doctors ?
Call 1-833-664-1676 free of charge from
It couldn’t be easier, simply: Canada to reach CanAssistance before your
> Log into Easy Claim and go to the “Find a hospitalisation or as soon as possible in case
Doctor” section of emergency. This number is shown on your
insurance card, available in your welcome
OR pack and from your Wallet.
Go to
Search for the doctor's specialty and
location and click on “Search”.
Select “Passport to Healthcare Primary PPO
Network” and click “Continue”.
4 Your other benefits
Repatriation assistance
Contact the Axa Assistance coordinators on +33 (0) 1 55 92 14 44. This number is available from your Easy
Claim app and on your insurance card in wallet format.
You can reach them 24/7.
The AXA Assistance teams will assess your medical situation, advise you, review your request for
repatriation and arrange for you to be repatriated if necessary.
Accident or illness:
Medical repatriation to the most suitable hospital in the country of
residence or country of origin if no appropriate medical facilities are 100% of actual costs
Return to the country of assignment following stabilisation Return ticket by air in economy class or train in 1st class
Return ticket for the child by air in economy class or train in 1st
Return home and accompaniment of children under 16
Round trip ticket for the accompanying person by air in
economy class or train in 1st class
Return home of other beneficiaries (spouse and children)
Return ticket by air in economy class or train in 1st class
Companion to be with the hospitalised beneficiary Round trip ticket by air in economy class or train in 1st class
max. 2 persons
Accommodation €200 / night / person max 10 nights
Repatriation of the body or ashes from the place of death to the place
100% of actual costs
of burial in the home country
Riots, popular movements and war, leading to the suspension of French cooperation abroad:
Repatriation of luggage to the country of residence or country of origin 150 kg by air or sea
Psychological support
4 Your other benefits (continued)
Special risks (this benefit covers only you personally)
The benefits provided under the programme are managed by AXA Assistance.
To claim the benefits, you must make a request via Easy Claim under "Special risks“ - New claim". You will
then be contacted to assist you with your request.
Legal protection in respect of amicable settlements in a private Intervention only on an amicable basis, with no payment of
capacity your defence costs
Need information?
Got a problem?
Being sued?
If you have any legal questions or difficulties, a legal expert will inform you of your rights and obligations
and advise you on the procedures to follow in a private capacity.
We intervene in disputes in which you are involved in a private capacity in all areas of the law, subject to
the exclusions and limitations listed in the Information booklet.
4 Your other benefits (continued)
Personal liability (private capacity) (this benefit covers you and your
The personal liability (private capacity) benefit covers the financial consequences of damage caused to
another person (third party) for which you are held liable during your assignment (except for the
exclusions under the plan, in particular wilful misconduct, while driving motor vehicles, electric scooters
etc.). If you are the victim of assault, theft, imprisonment etc., financial compensation for the harm
caused to you is not covered under the Personal Liability (private capacity) plan.
The benefit also covers the financial consequences of damage caused to property entrusted to you by the
company where you are carrying out your assignment
Including material damage to property provided by the company and consequential Up to €30,000 per claim
financial loss €100 excess
Members of the same family are not considered to be third parties with respect to each other
Please note: The excess is increased to €1,500 per claim if the damage is caused to another volunteer or
one of their dependants.
Within 5 days of the event, complete the form “Declaration of personal liability (private capacity)” directly
from your Easy Claim app, and:
detail the circumstances (place, time, date, description of the facts)
describe the damage,
provide contact details for the injured third party.
In the event of total incapacity to work due to illness or accident, which continues beyond your
assignment, you may be paid a daily allowance providing partial income replacement.
4 Your other benefits (continued)
Death, total permanent disability and funeral expenses
(this benefit covers only you personally)
Married or in a civil partnership 200% of the annual French Social Security ceiling
Supplement per dependent child 50% of the annual French Social Security ceiling
In case of death due to an accident at work or occupational illness, these benefits may be
supplemented by a spouse’s pension and an allowance for dependent children and/or
Amount of the annual French Social Security ceiling from 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021: €41,136
Amount of the monthly French Social Security ceiling from 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021: €3,428
Good to know:
Designation of beneficiaries
the spouse of a married volunteer from whom they are not legally separated,
failing which, the volunteer’s civil partner,
failing which, the volunteer’s children born or unborn, in equal parts between them, with the
predeceased’s share being passed to their own children or to their brothers and sisters if they
have no children,
failing which, to the father and mother, in equal parts between them, or to the survivor in the
event of predecease,
failing which, to the heirs.
If you wish, you can replace this standard clause at any time and name the beneficiary or beneficiaries of
your choice.
To make this simpler for you, you can make your declaration online, 100% digital and secure, from the
website: 19
All you need is an email address and a mobile phone.
5 Practical information
Where am I covered?
With your V.I. Business France plan, you are covered for the duration of your assignment, in your host country and
while travelling around the world.
You are also covered in your usual country of residence.
When am I covered?
You are covered 24/7 from the first to the last day of your assignment. If you wish to extend your stay abroad, we
would strongly recommend taking out individual cover. APRIL International Care can provide you with insurance
solutions to cover you before and after your International Volunteer assignment. To find out more, call us on +33 (0)1 73
04 64 25 or send an email to [email protected].
The cover takes effect on the day on which your dependants leave to travel to your country of assignment.
The volunteer’s dependants must travel abroad with the volunteer or join them within a maximum of 3 months
following the start date of the assignment. The volunteer must declare their dependants via the Easy Claim app
within 30 days of the start date of their assignment. If the dependant no longer meets any of these obligations,
the volunteer must inform APRIL International via the Easy Claim app. If there are any changes to the family
situation during the assignment, the dependant must be declared within 30 days of the event and meet the
conditions to qualify as a dependant.
No, your plan covers medical expenses, repatriation assistance, special risks, personal liability (private capacity)
and death & disability. You will need to take out insurance locally to cover your vehicle and your accommodation.
Please note that damage caused to third parties while riding an electric scooter is not covered under the “personal
liability (private capacity)” benefit as it is classed as a motorised vehicle.
5 Practical information (continued)
How can I upgrade my medical expenses cover?
You have the option of joining the V.I. Top-up plan during the first month of your assignment to upgrade your
healthcare benefits and for a minimum period of 12 months. Joining the plan after the first month of your assignment
is subject to a waiting period of 3 months for hospitalisation (excluding emergencies and accidents) and 6 months for
vision and dental care and maternity. You will find all the information in the V.I. Top-up brochure.
What do I have to do regarding statutory health insurance and my supplementary health insurance before I
Your Business France cover replaces Social Security and any supplementary health insurance you may have. You do
not need to take any particular steps with the Social Security of your home country. If you have supplementary health
insurance, you can cancel it by showing your V.I.E. certificate of assignment or letter of engagement.
What is my APRIL insurance card for and where can I find it?
The APRIL insurance card is not a direct billing card. It shows the contact numbers available 24/7 when you need them.
Your insurance card is available from your Easy Claim app and can be downloaded to your Wallet.
For all your conditions of cover, please refer to your Information booklet.
All the APRIL International Care trademarks, logos, graphics and commercial material contained in this document are registered and are the property of APRIL
International Care. France Any reproduction of any kind, either partial or total, of the said elements and texts of any kind, is prohibited and will result in
Key points to remember: