Heri,+6 +Putu+Artha+848+1458-1466
Heri,+6 +Putu+Artha+848+1458-1466
Heri,+6 +Putu+Artha+848+1458-1466
DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v10i2.848
ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.10 No.2 November 2021 Page. 1458-1466
I Putu Artha Wijaya*, Alfiery Leda Kio, Sang Ayu Komang Gangga Dewi
STIKes Bina Usada Bali, Indonesia
* Correspondent Author: [email protected]
Rheumatoid arthritis pain is pain that indicates the presence of swollen joints,
inflammation, or damage that often causes pain resulted in damaged joints and tense
muscles. Elderly who experience rheumatoid arthritis will experience disruption of activity
therefore administering clove compresses can be done to reduce rheumatoid arthritis pain.
This study aimed at determine the effect of clove compress on rheumatoid arthritis pain in
Banjar Uma Anyar, Desa Pejeng Kaja Tampaksiring. This study was quantitative research
that used Quasi-Experimental Designs with the Non-Equivalent Control Group type.
Samples in this study were taken using nonprobability sampling technique namely
purposive sampling, with a sample size of 30 respondents. This research instrument used
an observation sheet. The results of the Mann Whitney U test analysis on the post-test of
rheumatoid arthritis pain showed a probability value (sig) <0.05 (0,000 <0.05) therefore it
could be concluded that in outline there was a difference in rheumatoid arthritis pain after
providing clove compression to the intervention group. Based on the results of this study,
it is expected that patients with rheumatoid arthritis pain can apply clove compress if
rheumatoid arthritis appears in the morning and interfere with the elderly’s activities.
Received September 5, 2021; Revised October 6, 2021; Accepted October 18, 2021
STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, its website, and the articles published there in are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License.
The Elderly is someone who has entered the age of 60 years and over. The World
Health Organization (2017) said that the number of the elderly population in Indonesia in
2017 was 9.03% or 23.66 million elderly people in Indonesia. In the next few years, the
elderly population will continue to grow until in 2035 it will be 48.19 million people. The
province of Bali is ranked fourth with the largest elderly population in Indonesia with a
total of 9.78% people (Indonesian Central Statistics Agency, 2017). The elderly population
in Gianyar Regency is 61,876 people (Bali Provincial Health Office)
The elderly will experience the aging process due to a decrease in physical,
psychological, and social conditions. So that the elderly experience in decrease hearing
function, decreased muscle ability, memory, and the elderly will experience changes in
social roles in society. The elderly will also experience a decrease in musculoskeletal
function which causes joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis which is characterized by
chronic inflammation in the joints of the hands and feet (Nurhayati, 2018).
According to the World Health Organization in 2016, as many as 335 million people
in the world have rheumatoid arthritis (Nurhayati, 2018). Meanwhile, according to the
Arthritis Foundation in 2015, as many as 22% or more than 50 million adults in the United
States were diagnosed with arthritis. The highest prevalence based on arthritis diagnosis
were Bali 19.3%, Aceh 18.3%, West Java 17.5% and Papua 15.4% (Gitaswari, 2019).
According to Bali Province health data (2016), the incidence of RA was 427,605 cases.
According to data from the Gianyar District Health Office, the number of RA diseases in
2019 was 4,256 cases (Gianyar Health Office, 2019). Based on data from Pustu Pejeng
Kaja, the number of elderly people suffering from RA is 246 cases.
RA disease if not treated immediately will cause disability such as joint damage and
paralysis (Ferawati et al., 2017). According to (Nurhayati, 2018) rheumatoid arthritis
therapy consists of pharmacological therapy and non-pharmacological therapy. Clove
compress therapy is one of the non-pharmacological actions by giving warm compresses to
reduce pain. Where in cloves there are active compounds that can reduce pain intensity
(Anggitasari & Sc, 2016).
In a previous study conducted by Sri Margowati (2017) with the title The Effect of
Using Cinnamon Compress (Cinnamomum Burmani) on Reducing Pain in Gout Arthritis
Patients, the results showed that there was a difference between before and after the
cinnamon compress was 1.36 with p = 0.000. This means that the p-value <0.05 indicates
that there is a significant difference between before and after being implementing a
cinnamon compress.
Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted by researchers in the work
area of Pustu Pejeng Kaja on June 26, 2020, data on rheumatism in Pejeng Kaja village
was obtained as many as 246 cases, this research was conducted in the Uma Anyar Banjar
where the Uma Anyar Banjar is one of the banjar is located in Pejeng Kaja Village,
,patients with rheumatism in Banjar Uma Anyar as many as 32 people. The results of
interviews with 15 elderly people who experienced in RA in Banjar Uma Anyar, Pejeng
kaja Village, said the intensity of pain ranged (3-9) with complaints of pain such as
stabbing so that the elderly experienced activity disorders and the elderly also experienced
sleep disorder as a result of the pain felt. To reduce pain, massage is carried out on the pain
body part. The results of interviews related to the benefits of clove compresses for
rheumatoid arthritis pain said that they did not know about the therapy. Based on the above
problems, researchers are interested in conducting research about the effect of clove
compresses on rheumatoid arthritis pain in the elderly in Banjar Uma Anyar, Pejeng Kaja
This study used quantitative research methods with Quasi-Experimental Designs
with the type of Non-Equivalent Control Group. The design of this study was an
experimental study that allow for comparing the results of health program interventions in
a control group that was similar but did not need to be exactly the same group (Imas
Masturoh, 2018). In this study, there were 2 groups, namely the control group with 15
respondents and the treatment group with 15 respondents. In this study, the data normality
test used was the Shapiro Wilk test because the sample from this study was <50. After
conducting the data normality test, the data obtained were not normally distributed. After
obtaining the results of the data normality test, the Mean Whitney U Test was carried out,
namely a statistical test of the comparison of two independent samples using a significant
degree of p < 0.05 which was used to determine the value of the comparison between the
two groups. The results of the analysis of this study obtained a value of <0.05, which
means Ha was acceptable and there was a difference between the groups receiving
treatment and those not receiving treatment.
a. Univariate Analysis
Frequency Distribution of Respondents Characteristics
Characteristics of Respondents by Gender
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Respondents' Characteristics by Gender in the
Control and Intervention Group in Banjar Uma Anyar
Gender Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
Male 9 30.0
Female 21 70.0
Total 30 100.0
Table 1 shows that most of the respondents' gender, namely women, amounted to 21
respondents (70.0%).
Characteristics of Respondents by Age
Table 2. Frequency Distribution of Respondents Characteristics by Age in the
Intervention Group and Control Group
Intervention Group and Control Group
Intervention Group Control Group
Frequency (n) Percenta Frequency Percentage
ge (n)
80 6 40.0 8 53.3
85 9 60.0 7 46.7
Total 15 100.0 15 100.0
Table 2 shows that the majority of respondents in the intervention group,
namely the age of 85 years, amounted to 9 respondents (60.0%), while the majority
of respondents in the control group, namely the age of 80 years, amounted to 8
respondents (53.3%).
Table 4 shows that the results of the average value of rheumatoid arthritis pain
in the control group at the posttest are 6.13 with a standard deviation of 0.516, a
minimum value of 5, and a maximum value of 7. Based on the interval estimation
above, it can be concluded that 95% are convinced that the average value of
rheumatoid arthritis pain in the posttest group is the control between 0.258 to 0.704.
While the average value of rheumatoid arthritis pain in the intervention group in the
posttest was 3.47 with a standard deviation of 0.834, a minimum value of 3, and a
maximum value
b. Bivariate Analysis
Analyzing the Differences between the Effect of Clove Compresses and
Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain after being implemented a clove compress in the
intervention group and the control group
Tables 5. The Effect of Clove Compress on Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain After
Clove Compress was implemented in the Intervention Group and the Control
N = 30
Kategori Mean Min- SD P-value
Pain Pre 6.27 5–8 0.799
Rheumatoid Arthritis Post 3.47 3–5 0.834 0.000
Pain Pre Control 6.13 5–7 0.516
Rheumatoid Arthritis Pre Control 6.13 5–7 0.516
Table 5 shows that the average value of pre-intervention rheumatoid arthritis
pain is 6.27 and post-intervention rheumatoid arthritis pain is 3.47, while pre-control
and post-control rheumatoid arthritis pain is 6.13. Based on the results in the table
above, it is known that there is a decrease in the average value of rheumatoid arthritis
pain in the intervention group, while in the control group there is no decrease in the
average value of rheumatoid arthritis pain.
The results of the Mann Whitney U Test on posttest rheumatoid arthritis pain
showed a probability value (sig) < 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) so that in general there were
differences in rheumatoid arthritis pain after being given clove compresses in the
treatment group.
Characteristics of Respondents by Gender
The results of this study indicate that most of the 30 respondents are female, namely
21 respondents (70.0%). The results of this study are similar to research (Elsi, 2018),
which says that there are more female respondents, namely 20 respondents while there are
11 male respondents. Another study also revealed that of the 26 respondents, the number
of female respondents is 14 respondents (53.8%) compared to 12 respondents (46.2%).
Identifying Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain After Clove Compress in the Control and
Intervention Groups in Banjar Uma Anyar, Pejeng Kaja Village, Tampaksiring
Based on research conducted after the clove compress in the control group, it is
found that most respondents experienced Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain which is showed that
the average value of rheumatoid arthritis pain in the control group is 6.13 with a standard
deviation of 0.516, a minimum value of 5, and a maximum value of 7. Based on the
estimated interval, it can be concluded that 95% are convinced that the average value of
posttest rheumatoid arthritis pain in the control group is between 0.258 and 0.704.
Meanwhile, after being implemented clove compresses to the intervention group, it is
known that most of the respondents experienced rheumatoid arthritis pain which shows
that the results of the average value of rheumatoid arthritis pain in the intervention group
in the posttest are 3.47 with a standard deviation of 0.834, a minimum value of 3, and a
maximum value of 5. Based on the estimated interval it can be concluded that 95% are
convinced that the average value of posttest rheumatoid arthritis pain in the treatment
group is between 0.352 to 1.014.
The Effect of Clove Compress on Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain After Clove Compress
was Given in the Intervention Group and the Control Group
Based on the results of the study, the average value of pre-intervention rheumatoid
arthritis pain is 6.27 and post-intervention rheumatoid arthritis pain is 3.47, while pre-
control and post-control rheumatoid arthritis pain is 6.13. Based on these results, there is a
decrease in the average value of rheumatoid arthritis pain in the intervention group, while
in the control group there is no decrease in the average value of rheumatoid arthritis pain.
Based on the results of the Mann Whitney U Test on posttest rheumatoid arthritis
pain, it shows a probability value (sig) < 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) so that in general there are
differences in rheumatoid arthritis pain after being implemented clove compresses in the
intervention group.
Based on the results of research on the effect of Clove Compresses on Rheumatoid
Arthritis Pain in Banjar Uma Anyar, Pejeng Kaja Tampaksiring Village, the following
conclusions can be formulated:
1. Characteristics of respondents based on gender showed that the majority of
respondents are female, namely 21 respondents (70.0%), and based on age showed that
most respondents in the intervention group are 85 years old 9 respondents (60.0%) and
in the control group respondents most of them are 80 years old 8 respondents (53.3%).
2. Rheumatoid arthritis pain before being implemented clove compresses in the
intervention group and control group, showed that the average value of rheumatoid
arthritis pain in the intervention group at the pretest is 6.27, and in the control group
the average value of rheumatoid arthritis pain in the control group was obtained at the
pretest. 6.13. So, the average value of rheumatoid arthritis pain in the intervention
group and the control group is on a moderate pain scale.
3. Rheumatoid arthritis pain after clove compression in the control group, it is known that
most of the respondents experience Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain which shows that the
average value of rheumatoid arthritis pain in the control group is 6.13 (moderate pain
scale). So, the control group showed that there is no change in rheumatoid arthritis pain
because the clove compress intervention is not given to the control group. While
rheumatoid arthritis pain after being implemented clove compresses in the intervention
group, it is known that most of the respondents experienced a decrease in rheumatoid
arthritis pain which shows that the results of the average value of rheumatoid arthritis
pain in the intervention group at the posttest is 3.47 (mild pain scale).
4. There is an effect of giving clove compresses to reducing rheumatoid arthritis pain
seen from the results of the Mann Whitney U Test on posttest rheumatoid arthritis pain
showing a probability value (sig) < 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) so that it can be said that in
general there is a difference rheumatoid arthritis pain after being given clove
compresses in the intervention group.
The author has no conflict of interest to disclose
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