Group 3 CRMProject Section A

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Submitted to
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Prof. Rambalak Yadav

Submitted by
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Aakash Mathur 19A3HP642

Madhav Kothari 19A3HP664
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Utkrisht Mallick 19A3HP674

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Jyoti Munjal 19A3HP111

Aditya Nema 18A3HP643
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Brijesh Nand Diwakar 19A1HP107

Nilanjan Kumar 19A3HP644
Ankur Srivastava 19A3HP672

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HubSpot, a tech company for inbound marketing, distribution, and customer relationship
management (CRM), reported that it had acquired Motion AI, a software framework that
helps businesses quickly create and execute artificial intelligence-driven chatbots to
communicate with their customers. HubSpot first had to create some best practices for the
use of CRM chatbots before unleashing bot-building technologies for its B2B clients.
First, to build, nurture, and handle consumer relationships, the team had to specifically
determine the trade-offs between efficacy and performance involved with the use of bots
versus humans. Second, they had to determine to what degree the chatbots wanted to be
anthropomorphized. How human-like do they have to be? Was a conversational user
interface (UI) the desired answer for B2B CRM, or can the customers who
communicated with the bot yield more performance with a stripped down, more usable

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Historically, HubSpot had ‘practiced what it preached’ to create the organization with its own
goods. The team had to decide whether to use chatbots to nurture and service its own

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customer relationships and to monitor its sales funnel’s efficacy and performance. A
squad of chat members is actively partnering with marketing to apply for HubSpot’s

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distribution team and prime prospects. Can they be replaced with chatbots? Was HubSpot
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ready for bots to make its prospective consumers the face of its brand?
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Q1. Should Hubspot replace its human chat representatives with chatbots? Why or why
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Ans) HubSpot should not replace its human chat representatives with chatbots completely as
chatbots back in 2017 were not human enough to handle customer interaction from start to
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finish. It is evident from the case study that chatbots were able to conduct only less than 20%
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of customer interaction before they had to pass the call to a customer support representative.
Also, sometimes situations arose when bots were unable to act in a more human way, then
people responded in a more revulsive manner rather than being empathetic.
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Thus, HubSpot can go for human like conversational UI rather than fully functional bots,

which can be more efficient in human interaction. A more human interactive conversational
UI would engage with customers more deeply rather than a chatbot that engages in a
streamlined manner.

Q2. Which activities in HubSpot’s marketing and selling process would you turn over
from human to bots? Why? In which phases of funnels (ToFu, MoFu, BoFu) would bots
do better (or worse) than humans?
Ans) Handling activities like taking inquiries from customers at the early stages of the buying
process, helping in providing information about customers and competitors to salespeople

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during the sales process by the chatbots would help to escalate HubSpot’s marketing and
selling process because these activities involve less human interaction and more information
gathering. Also, complex human problems are not easy to comprehend by AI, so chatbots
would not be efficient enough to resolve the issue at the human level. Information gathered
by the AI could give you insights but taking decisions based on that insight should be done by
the company itself because there are many aspects in which we not only have to consider the
customer’s perspective but also the effect of the decision on the company. Like as Coffey
mentioned, “How could we make it work for ourselves?”, So basically, the objective should
be how to utilize bots efficiently from our business perspective.
Using Bots at the top of the funnel (ToFu) and bottom of the funnel (BoFu) would yield
better performance because at the top, we have to attract as many prospective customers as
possible with a different type of company’s contents and at the bottom, we have to provide
guided demonstrations of the products and help prospective customers understand how to
integrate the product into their existing systems.
Using bots in the middle of the funnel (MoFu) would be the worse thing to do because

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explaining and convincing a person is a complex job, each customer has different human

behavior or perspective, so we have to treat individual customers differently, which cannot be

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handled by bots. And also, failing at this level of the funnel would be harmful to the

company; customers should be handled more carefully at this level.
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Q3) How might the customer behavior change if the customer interacted with bots
versus humans? How might this behavioral change affect the type of relationship

formed with the company?

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Ans) Customer behavior changes significantly if customers interact with bots versus humans.
While having an interaction with humans has so many advantages. With the advent of
chatbots, clients plan to connect with the company wherever they are. This means customers
on multiple channels such as Social Media, Emails, App Store, or any other messaging
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service like communicating with the company. They also plan to centralize the discussion,
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which implies that they will lift questions on one platform and proceed on another platform.
Changes in the consumer behavior can be observed-
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 The choice of customers began to move from emails to chatbots due to delays in
email responses.

 Customers do not want to wait in the queues or call during business hours.
 Customers want a more user-friendly and convenient platform to interact that is as
quick as talking to a human being.
 Improved user interface and powerful chat-box recommendations helped clients
quickly acquire data without any hassle.
 Customers also removed physical sales by consuming the commodity with enhanced

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There are various cons as well that customer faces while using bots instead of humans.
 Customers may be more open to engaging with humans instead of bots.
 Customers can get frustrated when their questions are not answered correctly, so
having a human interaction will get their feelings understood more appropriately, and
things get solved faster.
 Humans can improvise as getting the same reply from automatic bots may lead to
frustration and a negative image of the company.
B) “Automation is a funny thing. Too little is the enemy of efficiency. Too much kills
engagement,” claimed Christopher O’Donnell, HubSpot’s Vice President of Product.
A business needs to segregate the activities that must be done. Bots can be used for quick
transactions that do not need any information. In order to make the buying process smooth,
human assisted bots should be used where a touch of the highly qualified salesperson is

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Q4. Was HubSpot’s acquisition of Motion AI a smart move for the company? How
might it affect its relationship with its own customers?

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Ans) Analyzing all the positive and negative factors, overall, it would be called a smart move
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by HubSpot because the acquisition would provide HubSpot the further power to efficient
and effective conversation for the company’s clients because chatbot could perform tasks like
engaging and closing the deal very efficiently.
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People also want omnichannel communication, where they start a conversation at one
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platform and may end up at some other platform. And also, people expect to remember the
previous context. It would be tough for any human to keep track of all these for many
customers simultaneously.
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The decision to acquire is also backed by the data, as it was estimated that by 2017, 60% of
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customer support issues would be completely solved by the chatbot itself, and this number
was supposed to be increased to 90% by 2020. Moreover, the speed they were providing was
twice faster than any human-provided support. Companies were also able to reduce the costs
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by $20 million per year in 2017, and this reduction was further expected to cut in the coming
years. With the acquisition of Motion AI, HubSpot was going to achieve all this.

Apart from all this, the chatbot could assist HubSpot by gathering more information from
customers at the initial phase of buying, help salespeople during sales, and could provide
convenient service post-purchase. Also, according to the CTO of HubSpot, the chatbot could
speak the voice of brands, making a stronger connection. Since chatbots were very efficient at
dealing with basic questions and every 30 visits ends in a chat, and the company receives
1000 of those visits every day. Hence, the acquisition of Motion AI would definitely give
them an edge as it would provide a new way to reach the prospect, having a better
conversation, which would ultimately lead to the growth of the business.
Acquiring Motion AI would lead to a better customer relationship with its own customer.
Because of digitization, buying behaviors were changing, so it could lead people to make the

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process faster. It is going to provide a better customized approach for its customers, can make
the customer comfortable on the website by asking the question in an informal way, could
redefine the voice based on the conversation in real-time, and customers don’t have to face
hard selling of salespeople. Because of all the things mentioned, it is going to provide many
conveniences to its customers, hence going to make a positive impact with its customers.

Q5) How would you assess the potential for chatbots for managing B2B and B2C
customer relationship in general? Under which conditions do have the most & least
Ans) Chatbots were part of a surge of emerging tools for artificial intelligence that
transformed the way individuals engage with technology. They were less complex than
virtual assistants and appeared to specialize in completing basic tasks instead of offering
ubiquitous and wide-range features.
Nothing can replace a human, and for a while, maybe never, this is unlikely to change. A chat

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bot’s primary aim is to create a conversational relationship with the user.

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As mentioned in the case, a Forrester study in 2017 claimed that 57 percent of companies
worldwide were already using chatbots or planned to start doing so shortly, and 80 percent of

companies wanted to have a chatbot in place by 2020.
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Discussing the potential for chatbots as per the given conditions –
B2B- In the B2B industry, chatbots have great potentiality; businesses may use them to

manage much of their human-employed consumer experiences. A bots-powered

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conversational interface can encourage a response that is as fast as speaking to humans, with
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a complete website depth and a basic text like interface that everyone is already used to
using. The B2B segment was a bit different compared to the B2C segment; they were a little
varied towards adopting the chatbot because queries customers were more demanding over
here compared to another segment. Secondly, effectiveness to be lass due the existence of few
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customers and lastly, the relationship is complicated due to large ticket size and presence of
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demanding customers.
While the B2B market holds great potential, it could be used for simple operations such as
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diagnosing problems, registering customer reviews, moving leads down the funnel, given the
stage of development at which the chatbot is currently in. Bots should be solution-oriented

here. The prospects are high, and the risks are also high.
In order to satisfy a customer, the customer’s needs must be fully researched and delivered.
And understanding the needs is where it comes in handy for chatbots. Thanks to the
successful use of AI and BigData, chatbots promote the correct meaning, from the beginning
of the conversation to the end.
The range of types of queries is broad due to the absence of product awareness, making it
difficult for a bot to respond with an acceptable response. The desired properties of a bot are
 Simplicity

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 Seamless dialogue thread shift to the representative

 Relevant Responses

 Detailed and relevant recommendations

For the user, such a bot will simplify and ease behavior.
The chatbot could be deployed to assist with many different types of customer interaction
common in B2B customer relationships, such as booking meetings, qualifying leads, problem
diagnosis, and customer service to solve them. The chatbot is ideal for B2C engagement,
where the frequency of each client is high.
The assessment of B2C markets where Chatbots have potential is as follows:
1) In view of the traffic a B2C organization will generate, a significant amount of chatbots
could preferably be used to handle such traffic

2) Chatbots would make it easier for companies whose markets are very competitive and

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They quickly embraced chatbots and were considered to be cost-effective in addressing

customer queries since customers posed easy and direct queries, and the value of each
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customer was also much lower. Even as compared to the B2B section, the amount of use is
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also very high. The B2C relationship here can be said to be more transactional or
process-driven in nature. A bot will simplify and ease behavior.
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