Part 5 Lesson 1,2,3,4 Introduction To Work Measurement
Part 5 Lesson 1,2,3,4 Introduction To Work Measurement
Part 5 Lesson 1,2,3,4 Introduction To Work Measurement
Learning Objectives:
Learning Materials:
1. Laptop/Personal Computer/Cellphone/Tablet
4. Calculator
By: MJOR2021
Work measurement – evaluation of a task in terms of the time that should be allowed by an
average worker to perform the task
• 4 techniques
• Focus on human work
Standard time (allowed time) – amount of time that should be allowed for an average
worker to process one work unit using the standard method and working at normal pace
• It includes some additional time is called allowance to provides for the
- To provides for the workers personal needs
- To reduce fatigue
- Unavoidable delay during the shift
Time study – all the ways in which time is analyzed in work situations
How much time it should take to accomplish a given task
Both terms (work measurement and time study) can be used interchangeably
They provide a basis for wage incentives and evaluation of worker performance
They provide time data for:
o Production planning and scheduling
o Cost estimating
PART 5 Work Study and Measurement
o Material requirements planning
Vary in terms of
accuracy and reliability of the values derived from the method
amount of time required to apply the corresponding method
Historical records
Records on the actual times and production quantities for previous identical
or similar job orders - “Time card”
Average time per part
Improvement over estimates
Limitation: No indication of efficiency measures
PART 5 Work Study and Measurement
Direct observation of a task using a stopwatch to record the time taken to accomplish
a task.
The task is usually divided into work elements and each work element is timed
During the observation, the analyst evaluates the worker’s pace - performance
PART 5 Work Study and Measurement
Example: normal time for object reach
Distance moved
Weight of the object being moved
The analyst list all of the basic motion elements that comprise the task; then
normal times for basic motion elements are summed up to obtain the normal
time for the task
No need for performance rating
Can be applied before production starts
4. Work Sampling
A random sampling technique to estimate the proportions of time spent in
different activities
Identify activities clearly.
o Example: machine setup, production, idleness
Random: minimize bias
By: MJOR2021
PART 5 Work Study and Measurement
Determining an allowance factors
By: MJOR2021
PART 5 Work Study and Measurement
A typical policy is to define standard performance so that an average worker
is able to work at a pace that is 130% of that pace
o Thus, most workers are able to easily achieve standard performance
Standard Method
Determining the optimum method for processing a work unit
“One best method”: the safest, quickest, most productive, and least stressful to the
Must include all of the details on how the task is performed, including:
o Procedure - hand and body motions
o Equipment
o Irregular work
PART 5 Work Study and Measurement
Purpose of allowance factor (Apfd) is to compensate for lost time due to work
interruptions and other reasons during the shift.
PART 5 Work Study and Measurement
This allows the worker to take a break on his/her own time
PFD is called Relaxation Allowances represent in % value
Relaxation allowance OR PFD are calculated to allow the worker to
recover from fatigue
PFD Allowance
Personal time
Rest room breaks, phone calls, water fountain stops, cigarette breaks (5%
For example: A larger value will be appropriate if the work environment is hot
Fatigue (Physical fatigue OR Mental fatigue)
Rest allowance to overcome fatigue due to work-related low or medium
stresses and conditions (5% or more)
For example: If the work is physiologically very demanding (heavy workload),
then relaxation time should be allowed periodically for the body to recover (in
this case use 20% allowance)
Random, unavoidable interruptions
Machine breakdowns, foreman instructions (5% typical)
Usually management is responsible for these delays.
PART 5 Work Study and Measurement
• Poor lighting, Noise, Fumes, Heat, Atmospheric conditions (Ventilation), Dusts, Dirt,
PART 5 Work Study and Measurement
Contingency Allowances
By: MJOR2021