Limits of Error For Thermocouples (Ansi MC 96.1)
Limits of Error For Thermocouples (Ansi MC 96.1)
Limits of Error For Thermocouples (Ansi MC 96.1)
Standard SPECIAL
Thermocouples Temperature
(whichever is (whichever is
Types Range °C
greater) greater)
T 0 to 350 ± 1 ° C or ± 0.75 % ± 0.5 ° C or 0.4 %
J 0 to 750 ± 2.2° C or ± 0.75 % ± 1.1 ° C or 0.4 %
E 0 to 900 ± 1.7 ° C or ± 0.5 % ± 1 ° C or 0.4 %
K 0 to 1250 ± 2.2 ° C or ± 0.75 % ± 1.1 ° C or 0.4 %
R or S 0 to 1450 ± 1.5 ° C or ± 0.25 % ± 0.6 ° C or 0.4 %
B 800 to 1700 ± 0.5 % _
N 0 to 1250 ± 2.2 ° C or ± 0.75 % ± 1.1 ° C or 0.4 %
T* - 200 to 0 °C ± 1 ° C or ± 1.5 % **
E* - 200 to 0 °C ± 1.7 ° C or ± 1 % **
K* - 200 to 0 °C ± 2.2 ° C or ± 2 % **
reference junction 0 °C
*Thermocouples and thermocouple materials are normally supplied to meet the limits of error
specified in the table for temperatures above 0° C. The same materials, however, may not fall
within the sub-zero limits of error given in the second section of the table. If materials are required
to meet the sub-zero limits, the purchase order must so state. Selection of materials usually will be
Temperature Range
Extension Wire Type Standard Special
°C 1/2
6/2/2014 Pagina 3 sez 6
KX 0 to 200 °C ± 2.2° C _
JX 0 to 200 °C ± 2.2° C ± 1.1° C
EX 0 to 200 °C ± 1.7° C _
TX - 60 to + 100 °C ± 1.0° C ± 0.5° C
NX 0 to 200 °C ± 2.2° C _
reference junction 0 °C
reference junction 0 °C
* Due to the non-linearity of the Types R, S and B temperature-EMF curves, the error introduced
into a thermocouple system by the compensated wire will be variable when expressed in degrees.
The degree C limits of error given in parentheses are based on the following measuring junction
temperatures: 2/2