Reflection On Webinar About Healthy Living During The Pandemic

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Mambuay, Iris June F.


Reflection on Webinar about Healthy Living During the Pandemic

Today’s topic was very fitting. As I was preparing my laptop and speakers for this webinar,
I was also preparing my food or should I say my “munchies” while listening to this 2-hour
discussion. And it’s the nation’s favorite too - junk food. It’s quite the irony since I am actually
attending a webinar about healthy living whilst eating junk. But I guess this is what the pandemic
has brought upon to the most of us, binge eating and living a sedentary life with longer screen
time. Strangely enough, the objectives are familiar since I am doing quite the opposite of what
they aim to deliver. And for that long two hours, I braced myself listening to the speakers whom
are very accomplished physicians. It was informative and certainly I had takeaways from this

The speakers’ main objective was to educate the audience regarding health issues people
are facing right now during the Covid-19 pandemic other than the disease itself. Issues such as
obesity, smoking, alcohol, screen time and mental fatigue are the focus. They are trying to
influence the listeners to change lifestyle behaviors as early as now to live a more fulfilling life
which is actually agreeable. One doctor mentioned that prevention is so much better than cure
and it’s true. Especially now that the world is actually not fighting with only one global problem but
actually two; obesity which is already existing and Covid-19. And this has become really
problematic due to different factors caused by a number of societal shifts in behavior such as
nutrition, obesity and exercise, screen time usage, vaping and alcohol habits and mental stress.
What’s scarier is, prevalence and incidence rates are changing in a bad way and mortality and
morbidity rates are increasing too due to the factors abovementioned brought upon by the
pandemic. Diseases normally found among older adults are now also present among the young
which is quite alarming. Another topic touched upon was smoking and vaping, I know a lot could
relate. It is said to be the leading global cause of preventable death. It was said to be influenced
by peer pressure and misinformation. Others say they smoke to relieve stress and anxiety but
long-term use could pose a harmful effect on our bodies. Speaking of stress, psychosocial
stressors and Covid-19 results to mental fatigue as mentioned by a physician which is actually
evidenced by people with low productivity and some others falling into the pit of depression. A
physician even discussed what languishing was which means feeling demotivated, aimless, dull
or stuck in life. I have to admit, at some point I did experience this too. This all boils down to
lifestyle and our attitudes and behaviors towards health.
Overall, the webinar was very informative and fresh. It had some eye-catching information
presented that I never knew existed such as health cost of screen time. It is important to note that
health is wealth. I do live by that quote since my elders always told me that ever since. Reaching
your goals and molding your career would be so much easier if you take care of your health. By
the end of the webinar, the speakers stressed out to change lifestyle behaviors as early as now
to prevent diseases, increase productivity and longevity. Decrease screen time and take care of
your eyes. One of my takeaways from this webinar was a quote shared by one of the speakers,
“Avoid using cigarettes, alcohol and drugs as alternatives to being an interesting person.” This
really captivated my thoughts about people engaging in substance abuse for them to be fun and
cool. Certainly, getting sick is not fun nor cool at all. It is taxing to your body, your family and your
finances. I hope people would realize that. We should also engage more on exercising and
improving our eating habits such as knowing proper portions and types of food to eat. And lastly,
another takeaway that I really liked was turning languishing to flourishing. Find time to seek fun
things other than eating junk food and watching Netflix on the weekend, enhance your potential
on something you really liked doing, it could be through painting, drawing, dancing, whatever it is,
cultivate it and turn it into a healthy hobby instead of smoking or vaping, just to be an “interesting
person”. Who knows, the things you developed could increase your productivity and could also
be a source of income in this global pandemic. Now, that’s some flourishing going on right there.

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