Bertram and Rehdanz - 2014 - The Role of Urban Green Space On WB
Bertram and Rehdanz - 2014 - The Role of Urban Green Space On WB
Bertram and Rehdanz - 2014 - The Role of Urban Green Space On WB
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Working Paper
The role of urban green space for human well-being
Suggested Citation: Bertram, Christine; Rehdanz, Katrin (2014) : The role of urban green space
for human well-being, Kiel Working Paper, No. 1911
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Most people in Europe live in urban environments. For these people, urban green space is an
important element of well-being, but it is often in short supply. We use self-reported information on
life satisfaction and different individual green space measures to explore how urban green space
affects the well-being of the residents of Berlin, the capital city of Germany. We combine spatially
explicit survey data with spatially highly disaggregated GIS data on urban green spaces. We
observe a significant, inverted U-shaped effect of the amount of and distance to urban green space
on life satisfaction. According to our results, the optimal amount of green space in a 1 km buffer is
36 ha, or 11.5% of the buffer area, and 75% of the respondents have less green space available. Our
results are robust to a number of robustness checks.
Keywords: life satisfaction, urban ecosystem services, urban green space, well-being
* We thank Tim Hartmann and Swantje Sundt for their excellent research assistance. The German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research provided welcome financial support through the project
"Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services" (URBES; 01LC1101A), funded within the European
BiodivERsA framework.
The responsibility for the contents of the working papers rests with the author, not the
Institute. Since working papers are of a preliminary nature, it may be useful to contact
the author of a particular working paper about results or caveats before referring to, or
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1 Introduction
Approximately 75% of Europeans live in urban areas (World Bank, 2013). One important element
for their well-being and quality of life is the availability of urban green space. There are different
ways in which urban green space can positively influence well-being and health (see Tzoulas et al.
(2007) for an overview). Benefits can accrue from increased activity levels as a result of being in
contact with nature (see Bowler et al. (2010) for a review). In addition, Kaplan (2001) shows that
natural elements in the view from a window can have positive effects. Further benefits are brought
about by the moderation of adverse environmental conditions such as air pollution, high
temperatures, or noise (e.g. Gidlöf-Gunnarsson and Öhrström, 2007). However, in most urban
areas, and particularly in inner-city areas, green spaces are in insufficient supply (Kabisch and
Haase, 2011).
Individual countries and/or cities have begun to take an increasing responsibility in developing
urban green space and improving the services provided by different forms of urban green.
Following the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD; UN, 1992), these countries and cities
have formulated national, regional, or local action plans to integrate urban biodiversity and
ecosystem services (ES) provided by urban green space, among others, into management.1 The
German National Strategy on Biological Diversity, for example, calls for an increase in green space
in settlement areas (BMU, 2007).2 At the city level, some German cities have defined minimum
targets for per capita supply of urban green space.3
City development, however, always has to address trade-offs and conflicting interests between inner
development, e.g., for housing, and the development or preservation of green and open spaces
(Schetke et al., 2012). Information on the benefits and costs of alternative land uses can therefore be
valuable in supporting decision-making and ensuring that land is used sustainably, meeting the
needs of the inhabitants.4 Information on the benefits of ES, which are mostly not traded on
markets, however, is often not available. Despite the relevance of urban ES for a large share of the
population, environmental valuation studies have so far focused on ES in rural contexts. Existing
studies on the economic valuation of urban green space have mostly used traditional techniques
such as stated or revealed preference approaches (see Brander and Koetse (2011) and Perino et al.
(2013) for recent meta-analyses).
See TEEB (2011) for an overview of the ES concept and its application in an urban context.
This objective is integrated into federal law by requiring that open spaces in urban and peri-urban areas have to be
preserved and developed where they are not sufficiently available (§ 1 Abs. 6 BNatSchG, 2009).
The City of Berlin, e.g., has the goal to provide 6m2 of public green space per inhabitant (SSUB, 2013).
The EU Biodiversity Strategy (EC, 2011), for example, requires all member states to assess their ecosystems and the
economic value of those systems by 2020.
A recent alternative in the field of environmental valuation is the life satisfaction approach (LSA).5
The two existing economic studies analyzing the effect of urban green on life satisfaction cover
cities in Australia (Ambrey and Fleming, 2013) and China (Smyth et al., 2008). Unlike Ambrey and
Fleming (2013) and Smyth et al. (2008), we use an individual green space measure that captures the
area of green space surrounding a respondent’s home. We further add to this literature by exploring
and comparing different ways in which urban green might affect the well-being of city inhabitants.
Moreover, we offer the first application of the LSA to value urban green in a European city, namely
Berlin, the capital city of Germany.
Berlin, located in the Eastern part of Germany with an area of 892 km2 (SSUB, 2012a) and a
population of 3.4 million (ASBB, 2013a), is particularly interesting. The expected population
growth and the trend toward smaller household sizes will exert strong pressure on existing green
spaces in the inner-city districts, particularly if a densification strategy is to be followed and urban
sprawl is to be avoided. Such a conflict can currently be observed in the case of the Tempelhofer
Feld.6 On the other hand, there are still many open spaces such as brownfields that might be turned
into residential or commercial areas (Simons et al., 2012).
The objective of this article is to answer the following research questions: (1) In which ways, if any,
does urban green space affect the well-being of people? (2) Is more green space always better, or is
there an optimal level of urban green? (3) What is the monetary equivalent of a change in the
availability of urban green space?
To address these questions, we use spatially explicit survey data of Berlin residents together with
spatially highly disaggregated GIS data on urban green spaces. We use several indicators for our
analyses. Based on land cover data from the Urban Atlas (EEA, 2012), we calculate the amount of
green space available in the living environment of each respondent as well as the distance to the
nearest green space. Based on our survey data, we analyze the frequency of park visits and a
dummy variable indicating whether the respondent has a view of a park from his/her home.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides a review of the literature on the economic
valuation of urban green and the literature on economics and subjective well-being. Section 3
presents the empirical approach and the data. Section 4 reports the results of the main regressions
and sensitivity analyses. Section 5 discusses the results and presents the conclusions.
Self-reported life satisfaction is used as a proxy for subjective well-being. Please note that we use the terms life
satisfaction and well-being interchangeably throughout the paper.
The so-called Tempelhofer Feld is located on the area of the former airport Berlin Tempelhof. The associated free
areas including the former airfield have a size of 303 ha. Currently, it can be used by the public, e.g., for recreational
purposes and is left more or less in its original state (GrünBerlin GmbH, 2013). There are conflicting interests
concerning the future development of the area.
The results of a range of CV and HP studies are analyzed in two recent meta-analyses that focus on
different types of urban ecosystems and have different regional foci. Brander and Koetse (2011)
provide a meta-analysis of 32 international CV and HP studies valuing urban open spaces with a
focus on the USA. They find that most of the CV studies refer to urban forests and urban agriculture
and much fewer studies investigate urban green spaces and parks. HP studies, in contrast, mostly
investigate the role of urban parks and green spaces for property prices. A more recent meta-
analysis for the UK is provided by Perino et al. (2013). It is based on five studies analyzing the
effect of increased distance to formal recreation sites and city-edge green space on property prices
using HP, CV, and expert interviews.
With respect to CE, there are even fewer examples of studies analyzing preferences for urban ES.
The only study that values urban green spaces or parks that we are aware of is an application for
Dublin, Ireland, by Bullock (2006).7 Two examples of TC studies are Fleischer and Tsur (2003),
who use the individual TC method to estimate the economic value of urban parks in Israeli cities,
and Chaudhry and Tewary (2006), who use zonal TC to assess the recreational value of urban
forests in Chandigarh, India.
Examples of CE used in other urban contexts are studies by Lanz and Provins (2013), who focus on local
environmental improvements in the UK, or Bae (2011), who analyzes preferences for urban stream restoration in Korea.
Unlike stated preference methods, this method does not ask people to place a monetary value on a
complex environmental good in a hypothetical situation. Compared to CV, this may reduce biases
resulting from the hypothetical nature of the decision and from potentially strategic behavior. In
comparison to the HP method, the LSA does not rely on decisions being reflected in actual market
transactions. Thus, it is not affected by biases resulting from the assumption that the housing market
is in equilibrium, which it often is not. Moreover, biases from distorted risk perceptions may play a
lesser role. There are, however, also limitations to the LSA. One precondition is that life satisfaction
data, which are used as a proxy for well-being or utility, satisfy appropriate quality requirements
(being ordinal in character, consistent, valid, and reliable).8 For a discussion of the underlying
assumptions and implications of the LSA in comparison with CV and HP, see Frey et al. (2010).
Research on SWB has identified a number of personal, demographic and socio-economic factors
that explain differences in SWB (see, e.g., Dolan et al. (2008) for an overview). With regard to
environmental (dis)amenities, most of the studies have looked at air pollution. The most recent
examples are studies by Levinson (2012), Ferreira and Moro (2010), Luechinger (2009, 2010),
MacKerron and Mourato (2009), and Rehdanz and Maddison (2008). Other environmental issues
investigated include climate (Ferreira and Moro, 2010; Brereton et al., 2008; Rehdanz and
Maddison, 2005; Frijters and van Praag, 1998), noise (Rehdanz and Maddison, 2008; van Praag and
Baarsma, 2005), scenic amenities (Ambrey and Fleming, 2011), protected areas (Ambrey and
Fleming, 2012), land cover (Kopmann and Rehdanz, 2013), droughts (Carroll et al., 2009), and
floods (Luechinger and Raschky, 2009).
Many of the earlier environmental studies look at nationwide or cross-country data sets and suffer
from a lack of more disaggregated environmental data (e.g., Welsch, 2006 or Rehdanz and
Maddison, 2005) and are thus not able to take more disaggregated spatial controls into account.
Some studies do include spatial controls, e.g., accounting for the fact of whether people live in
urban, rural or peri-urban areas (e.g., Ferreira and Moro, 2010). Few studies explicitly address
urban environments or data sets customized to urban environments. One exception is MacKerron
and Mourato (2009), who look at air quality in London using spatially disaggregated data.
Two studies investigate the amenity value of urban green spaces. Using wave 5 of the HILDA
survey, Ambrey and Fleming (2013) investigate the role of public green space for the well-being of
people in major Australian cities. The green space measure they use is the percentage of public
See Welsch and Kühling (2009) for a discussion of conceptual and methodological issues. In Section 5, we address
additional issues potentially relevant to this analysis.
green space in the resident’s collection district.9 The estimated implicit MRS for a 1% (equivalent
to 143 m2) increase in public green space is AUD 1,168 in terms of annual household income.
Smyth et al. (2008) use survey data gathered from the inhabitants of 30 Chinese cities to estimate
the effects of pollution, disasters, congestion and green space on human well-being. The green
space measure they use is the area of green space per capita on city-level. They find a statistically
significantly positive effect of green space on life satisfaction for the model specification with city
dummy variables. However, MRS estimates are not reported and cannot be derived.
β β ln β β β S β ε 1
The dependent variable, LSij, is the stated life satisfaction of respondent i living in district j.
Explanatory variables include Yi, which is the individual net monthly income of respondent i.10
Income enters the regression equation in its natural logarithm to account for the declining marginal
utility of income. Further explanatory variables are captured in the vectors Xi and Zi, which contain
other demographic and socio-economic characteristics of respondent i and of her household,
respectively (see Table A-1 in Appendix A for a description and summary statistics of all variables).
The variable Sj contains dummy variables for each district j to control for district-specific effects,
and ɛij is the error term.
We estimate a set of different specifications that differ by the way the environmental variable Ai is
measured. We analyze i.) the amount of urban green space available in the living environment of
respondent i, ii.) the distance to the nearest urban green space bigger than 5 ha, iii.) the frequency of
visits to urban parks, and iv.) whether respondent i has a view of a park from his/her home. The
indicators for a park view and the number of park visits are based on self-reports derived from our
The collection district is the smallest spatial unit in the Australian Standard Geographical Classification. Assuming
each collection district takes the shape of a circle, the median radius from the centroid is approximately 750m (Ambrey
and Fleming, 2013).
Total net monthly individual income was calculated by dividing the corresponding household income by the weighted
number of household members according to the OECD-modified equivalence scale (OECD, 2009). Because there was
no information about children under the age of 14 in the household in the survey, this was adapted to children under the
age of 12. Household income was indicated in ranges. We used the midpoint of the indicated range to calculate the
corresponding individual income. The use of midpoints is common in life satisfaction studies if income is given in
ranges (Carroll et al., 2009; MacKerron and Mourato, 2009).
survey. The amount of urban green space and the distance to the nearest urban green space are
calculated based on the residential address of the respondents and land cover data from the Urban
Atlas (EEA, 2012).11
In addition to the linear regression model described in equation (1), we also estimate a non-linear
form in which the amount of and distance to green spaces enter the regression in their linear and in
their squared form. In the non-linear case, the estimation equation changes to
β β ln β β β S β β ε 2
This functional form presumes that the effect of urban green may also depend on its current
allocation. The parameter is expected to be positive, while is expected to be negative.
The estimated relationships can then be used to derive the implicit MRS between the environmental
variable, e.g., the individually available amount of urban green space, Ai, and individual income, Yi,
by dividing the absolute value of the derivative of life satisfaction (LSij) with respect to Ai by the
derivative of LSij with respect to Yi. For the linear specification, the MRS, evaluated at the mean of
income, can thus be calculated as follows:
For the non-linear specification, the current allocation of the environmental good has to be taken
into consideration. The implicit MRS between Ai and Yi evaluated at the means of the
environmental variable and income can be calculated as follows:
β 2 β ̅
See section 3.2 for a more detailed description of these data.
3.2 Data
3.2.1 Survey data
Most of the data used for our analysis come from a web survey carried out in Berlin, Germany, in
September 2012.12 The main objective of this survey was to investigate the role of urban green
space, particularly parks, for the well-being of people living in urban environments. For this
purpose, the survey included a number of questions on park use patterns and the perception of the
environment. The survey also included questions on socio-economic and demographic
characteristics of the respondents and their households, including gender, age, marital status,
education, occupation, and household income. To take account of the fact that the housing
environment is very important for personal well-being in urban surroundings, we also included
questions on the housing type and on neighborhood characteristics in the survey (see Table A-1 in
Appendix A for summary statistics).
Survey participants were screened to ensure that they had been living in Berlin for more than one
year. Only residents of the districts of Mitte, Kreuzberg-Friedrichshain, Pankow, Charlottenburg-
Wilmersdorf, Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Neukölln and Lichtenberg were included in the survey (see
Figure 1). These districts were selected because they include densely populated inner-city districts
of Berlin with a relatively homogenous distribution of green space and exclude districts with large
shares of water areas and forests. The districts were also selected to be comparable with the whole
population of Berlin with regard to age and gender. Moreover, a balanced distribution between
formerly Eastern and Western German parts of the city of Berlin has been targeted. The final
sample consists of 485 usable observations.
The question about subjective well-being was phrased as follows: “All things considered, how
satisfied are you with your life these days?” Respondents were asked to answer the question on an
11-point Likert scale ranging from “0” (very dissatisfied) to “10” (very satisfied). This question
mode is in line with many large surveys carried out in different countries and used in the economic
literature on life satisfaction (Welsch and Kühling, 2009). The mean value for life satisfaction in
our sample was 6.8 with a standard deviation of 2.05, which is comparable to other life satisfaction
studies for Germany (e.g., Kopmann and Rehdanz, 2013).
The distribution of gender in our sample is comparable to that in Berlin and in the selected districts
of Berlin. Regarding age, people between 50 and 64 are overrepresented by approximately 15% in
our sample, while people above 64 are underrepresented to the same extent. This, however, seems
More detailed information about the survey is provided in Appendix B.
unavoidable, given that we use a web survey. The distribution of income in our sample is
comparable to that in Berlin and in the selected districts.
Figure 1. Distribution of urban green spaces and other natural and semi-natural areas in the city of
Berlin. Own presentation based on Urban Atlas data (EEA, 2012).
As indicated in section 3.1, two of the environmental indicators we use to analyze the well-being
effects of urban green are derived from the survey, namely the indicators of the “frequency of park
visits” and “park view.” The “frequency of park visits” is an ordinal variable measured on a 6-point
scale, ranging from “never” to “(almost) daily.”13 The dummy variable “park view” is derived from
a question asking respondents whether they have a view of a park from their homes. Approximately
14% of the respondents report having such a view.
We use self-reported information on residential addresses from the survey to locate respondents in
the city of Berlin in a spatially explicit way using ArcGIS. This enables us to link the survey data
with GIS data on urban green spaces. Out of the 485 usable observations, 11% provided their full
address, including street name and number. Table 1 gives an overview of the type of information we
Frequencies were averaged over the stated number of visits in the summer and winter of the 12 months preceding the
gathered from the respondents, the way we located them in ArcGIS, and the location statuses we
assigned to them based on a decreasing level of precision. Given that we are interested in questions
relating very specifically to the living environment of the respondents, we decided to limit the
subsequent analyses to those respondents that indicated at least the name of the street (location
statuses 1 and 2).
To calculate the individual availability of urban green space, we created buffers with a diameter of
1 km around the respondents’ residential addresses and calculated the amount of green space within
the buffer area for each respondent. This gives us an individual measure of green space availability
on the respondent level. However, we have to be aware of potential measurement errors in the green
space variable due to the uncertainties related to the location of the respondents described in section
3.2.1. Thus, we excluded observations in the 1st and 99th percentile of the variable “green space”
from our sample to mitigate the influence of outliers. This led to an exclusion of 10 observations
from the sample. The total buffer area for the buffer with a 1 km radius is 314.2 ha (or
The land use category “green urban areas” includes public green areas for predominantly recreational use such as
gardens, zoos, parks, or castle parks. Not included are private gardens within housing areas, cemeteries, buildings
within parks, such as castles or museums, patches of natural vegetation or agricultural areas enclosed by built-up areas
without being managed as green urban areas. We also include the lawns belonging to the former Tempelhof airport,
which are now used for recreation, in the measure for urban green space. This was not the case in the original data set
(EU, 2011).
approximately 3.14 km2). Individual green space availability is between 0.5% and 31.2% of this
buffer area, i.e., between 1.1 ha and 98.1 ha.15
Based on the same Urban Atlas data set, we also calculated the distance from each respondent’s
individual residential address to the nearest urban green space greater than 5 ha. The mean distance
is 661 m, ranging from a minimum of 0.5 m to a maximum of 2,495 m.
In addition to land cover data from the Urban Atlas, we use sealing data provided by the City of
Berlin for a sensitivity analysis (SSUB, 2012c; see also section 4.3.4). Sealing data do not only
reflect the supply of public green spaces but also the existence of other types of public green or
private green such as gardens. High degrees of sealing thus often go hand in hand with a mismatch
between the number of inhabitants and the supply of green spaces and imply reduced regulating
services such as local climate regulation. The GIS data set provides average degrees of sealing in
Berlin on the block level for the year 2011.16 We create the variable “sealing” by calculating the
area-weighted average degree of sealing in a buffer area around the respondents’ residential
In addition to environmental data, we use highly disaggregated data on the social status of
neighborhoods for additional robustness checks (see section 4.3.1). The City of Berlin publishes
social indicators such as different measures of unemployment on the level of planning units, which
are considerably smaller than the districts and may thus give a good picture of the local social status
of a neighborhood (SSUB, 2011).17
4 Estimation results
Results of the regressions estimating the effect of several explanatory variables on life satisfaction
using ordered logit models are shown in Table 2.18 We cluster error terms on the district level to
calculate robust estimates as we combine variables on the individual level and on the district level
in our regressions (Moulton, 1990). Model 1 presents the results of a baseline specification focusing
on demographic and socio-economic variables. Models 2 to 7 additionally include environmental
variables to estimate their effect on life satisfaction. We add the environmental indicators to the
regressions one by one because there is a significant correlation between them.
For comparison, the area of the selected districts in Berlin is between 2,034ha in the case of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
and 10,315ha in the case of Pankow. The area share of public green space is between 6.8% in Pankow and 14.8% in
Mitte (SSUB, 2012a).
Blocks have an average size of 3.6 ha.
Planning units have an average size of 2 km2 and are thus approximately two-thirds the size of the 1 km buffers used
to calculate the availability of urban green spaces.
Ordered logit is used because life satisfaction is measured on an ordinal scale. In accordance with the literature (e.g.,
Ferreira and Moro, 2010 or Brereton et al., 2008), we find that OLS yields very similar results compared to ordered
Because respondents had the option to not answer single questions in the survey, the final sample
consists of 316 observations. Most omissions occurred for the income variable, a potential issue we
address in section 4.3.5. For all other variables, the number of omissions was relatively low so that
we can safely exclude selection bias resulting from missing data points.
In addition to using net monthly individual income, we also used net monthly household income in sensitivity
analyses. The results are comparable.
The impact of education is significantly positive for secondary and tertiary education compared to
basic education. The effect of secondary education is slightly bigger than of tertiary education,
which is in line with part of the literature (Stutzer, 2004). Being employed part-time as opposed to
being employed full-time also has a significantly positive effect on life satisfaction. Previous
evidence on the role of part-time and full-time work on life satisfaction is mixed (Dolan et al.,
2008). A negative effect of part-time work as opposed to full-time work has been observed for men
(Schoon, Hansson, & Salmela-Aro, 2005). Estimating Model 1 separately for men and woman
reveals that being employed part-time has a significantly positive effect for women, while there is
no significant effect for men (results not shown). We find a negative effect of being unemployed,
but the coefficient is insignificant (e.g., as in Clark and Oswald, 1994), which might be because
there are only 19 unemployed people in our sample.
Interestingly, we also find that respondents who have lived in a certain district of Berlin for their
whole lives report significantly higher levels of life satisfaction than others. Regarding the variables
that address the living environment of the respondents, we find weak evidence that the respondents’
housing conditions affect their well-being. Model specifications 3 and 7 show that people living in a
high-rise building are significantly less satisfied with their lives compared to those living in
detached, semi-detached, or terraced houses. Regarding district effects, we find that people living in
Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Neukölln appear to be less satisfied with their lives than people
living in Mitte.
The maximal positive impact of urban green space occurs at an area of 36 ha or 11.5% of the buffer
area. This is well above the sample mean of 24.4 ha or 7.8%. Three quarters of the respondents in
the sample have less urban green space in their living environment. Thus, measured at the means,
increasing the amount of urban green space in the respondents’ living environments increases their
life satisfaction. The two other published studies investigating the effect of urban green space on
The green space coefficients are also jointly significant at the 1% level if self-reported health is excluded from the
life satisfaction find a linear positive effect. However, the possibility of non-linear relationships is
not considered in those papers.
In Models 4 and 5, we include the distance to the nearest urban green space greater than 5 ha as an
alternative measure of the availability of urban green space in the regressions. The Euclidean
distance is found to be statistically significant, with a negative effect of increasing distance (Model
4). Adding the squared distance to the model produces an inverted U-shaped relationship between
distance and life satisfaction (Model 5), similarly to Model 3. The distance coefficients are jointly
significant at the 5% level. Evaluated at the mean distance of 661 m, the impact is negative.21
The optimal distance to an urban green space greater than 5 ha is 612 m; 46.8% of the respondents live further away
from an urban green space of that size.
Results are comparable if the frequencies of summer or winter visits are used.
First, for income, age, gender, and children, we include interaction terms between these four
variables with the green space variable and add them to Model 3 one by one in separate regressions.
Neither of these interaction terms is significant, suggesting that there is no significant difference of
the effect of urban green space on life satisfaction between the respective groups. Second, for
marital status and occupation, we perform separate analyses for subsamples.23 Regarding marital
status, we find that urban green space has a significant effect for those being single and for those
living in a relationship. Regarding occupation, we find that the effect of urban green space is
significant for the subsample of full-time employees.
Overall, there is thus no clear evidence of the systematic preference heterogeneity in our sample.
This is consistent with findings of Ambrey and Fleming (2013), who also find less preference
heterogeneity than anticipated. However, these results have to be treated with care, as differences in
sample sizes may influence the results.
Regarding distance, we tried simple Euclidean, inverse and squared distances to the margin of the
nearest urban green space among urban green spaces of all sizes and among urban green spaces
bigger than 1 ha, 5 ha, and 10 ha, respectively. All distance measures have significant effects if the
distance to the nearest green space greater than 5 ha is considered. No significant effects can be
observed for the distance measures using other size thresholds.
So far, we have looked at the availability of public green space and its effect on life satisfaction.
However, private green such as gardens or other green infrastructure such as street trees may also
influence the life satisfaction of city inhabitants, as they can considerably alter the character of a
neighborhood. Models 8 and 9 show the effects of average sealing in the respondent’s living
environment on life satisfaction. As observed, there is no significant linear effect. This does not
change when trying out areas with different sizes over which sealing degrees are averaged.
Including average sealing in a 300 m buffer and additionally including its squared value, in contrast,
yields an inverted U-shaped effect that is significant at the 10% level. The effect is comparable to
that of “urban green space” but significance levels are lower for sealing. These results suggest that
the optimal average degree of sealing is approximately 60%. This represents a discontinuous but
still quite dense urban fabric. Approximately 54% of the respondents live in areas with higher
average degrees of sealing of up to 91%.
As in section 4.3.2, we use a smaller regression model, only including district dummies and the variable of urban
green space plus its squared value to account for the smaller sample size.
Given that we are faced with 50 missing observations on the income variable, we rerun the main
regressions using imputed data as a robustness check. First, we only impute income data, using
multiple univariate imputation with truncated regression and 50 imputations.24 The results of Model
13 show that there is still a significant effect of urban green space on life satisfaction with increased
effect sizes. The income coefficient also increases and is still highly significant. Second, we impute
income and the area of urban green space together. To do so, we treat all observations with a
location status greater than two as missing and impute also the data on green space area. We use
multiple multivariate sequential imputation with chained equations and, again, 50 imputations. This
increases the sample size to 426 observations. The effects of urban green space are still highly
significant. Both the coefficients of income and urban green space decrease (Model 14).
4.4 Valuation of urban green space using the life satisfaction approach
Following the methodology described in section 3.1, we calculate the implicit MRS between life
satisfaction and the environmental variables of green space area and distance, respectively. To
account for the non-linear relationships, we calculate the MRS for different combinations of income
and green space availability based on equations (3) or (4), depending on the specification. The
implicit MRS is shown in Table 4.
Regarding green space area, the implicit MRS is EUR 25.03 per person per hectare per month based
on average green space availability and average income. The MRS estimates range from EUR -
30.88 for low income and high green space availability to EUR 110.63 for high income and low
green space availability.
Comparing our results to the one existing study that values urban green space using the life
satisfaction approach, we find that our estimates are significantly smaller. Ambrey and Fleming
(2013) find an average MRS of AUD 1,168 per household per year for a 143 m2 increase in green
space in the respondent’s collection district. This would translate to AUD 81,678 (or EUR 52,64025)
per household per year for a 1 ha increase in green space. Multiplying the MRS for the average
income and average green space availability we calculated by 1.9, which is the average household
We use multiple imputations as implemented in Stata 13.
Converted with an exchange rate of 1.5516 EUR/AUD as of December 31, 2013.
size in our sample, we find a MRS of EUR 571 per household per hectare per year, which is two
orders of magnitude smaller. In the CV studies considered by Brander and Koetse (2011), the mean
WTP is USD 13,210 (EUR 10,200)26 per hectare per annum, while the median WTP is USD 1,124
(EUR 868), reflecting a rather skewed distribution. This is closer to our MRS estimates and
considerably smaller than the estimates of Ambrey and Fleming (2013). This comparison, however,
is limited because the CV studies considered by Brander and Koetse (2011) comprise all types of
urban open space, including agricultural land and forests.
Regarding distance, Perino et al. (2013) report that the mean marginal value of proximity to a
formal recreation site is GBP 150 (EUR 16727) per meter, ranging from a minimum of GBP -41
(EUR -46) to a maximum of GBP 3,348 (EUR 3,720) in the studies considered. The marginal
values in these studies are all derived from one-off payments. Our estimates range from EUR -46.46
per household per meter per year to EUR 58.31 per household per meter per year and are thus
considerably smaller. However, there is still no consensus on what the relationship between WTP
estimated by HP and LSA is (see Ferreira and Moro (2010) for a discussion). Moreover, the studies
considered by Perino et al. (2013) refer to one-off payments, while our estimates refer to the annual
Converted with an exchange rate of 1.2949 EUR/USD as of December 31, 2011.
Converted with an exchange rate of 0.9000 EUR/GBP as of December 31, 2009.
The first measure we analyze is the amount of urban green space in a certain buffer area around a
respondent’s residential address. This objective measure combines the notion of distance with the
notion of the absolute availability of urban green space. Both aspects are significant determinants of
the actual use of urban green space (Schipperijn et al., 2010). This green space measure may thus
reflect the degree to which green spaces are actively used but also the degree to which they are able
to mediate adverse environmental impacts. The impacts of increased outdoor activity levels may
also be captured by the objective indicator “distance to the nearest green space greater than 5 ha”
and in the subjective indicator “frequency of park visits,” which we also analyze. Moreover, park
view is included in a separate regression to see whether we can confirm the positive effects of views
onto natural elements found in the psychological and medical literature.
With respect to the objective indicators, our results suggest that the effects of green space are non-
linear with the marginal utility of green space first increasing and then decreasing. This is supported
by the effects of distance and sealing, which also show significant non-linear, inverted U-shaped
effects. One possible explanation for an inverted U-shaped relationship might be that living very
close to urban green spaces may not only be associated with amenities but also with disamenities
arising, e.g., from noise, congestion or fear of crime (Bixler and Floyd, 1997; Kuo et al., 1998).
This issue has also been discussed in the hedonic pricing literature, suggesting that the positive
effect of parks on the values of nearby properties very much depends on the quality and usage of the
park (Crompton, 2001). In addition, it seems plausible that people living in urban environments not
only have preferences for urban green but also have preferences for living close to infrastructure,
shops, schools, or work. Studies using the LSA to investigate scenic amenities (Ambrey and
Fleming, 2011) or land cover (Kopmann and Rehdanz, 2013) support the existence of non-
Further results suggest that the optimal amount of urban green space in a 1 km buffer around
residential addresses is 36 ha, or 11.5% of the buffer area. Because three-quarters of the respondents
have less than this amount of urban green space available in their living environments, green space
is, overall, in insufficient supply in the case study area in Berlin. This also implies positive MRS
estimates evaluated at the means of green space area and income. Based on mean green space
availability and mean income, the implicit MRS is EUR 25 per person per hectare per month. For
city management, our results imply that policies should aim at increasing the supply of green spaces
in areas where they are particularly scarce. Moreover, a more homogenous supply of urban green
space should be targeted.
The analyses of the subjective green space indicators show that both the frequency of park visits
and park views have positive well-being effects, with the effect of park views being particularly
strong and significant. The strong effect of park views, however, may also be caused by the self-
selection of the residential location. It seems plausible that park views are more prone to bias from
self-selection than the variable of urban green space because the latter captures the character of a
relatively large area, while a park view is an attribute that is very specific to single residences.
Moreover, the effect of park visits may be biased by reverse causation, as life satisfaction itself may
influence the frequency of park visits.
Despite the fact that we can show positive effects of green space on life satisfaction over a broad
range of specifications and robustness checks, some issues arise that may bias the estimated income
coefficients and, therefore, the estimated implicit MRS.
The endogeneity of income may be a potential issue. One reason for this is that the observed
relationship between economic conditions and well-being could be explained by unobserved
heterogeneity if personality traits are not considered as control variables (see, e.g., Boyce, 2010). It
seems likely that on average, happier individuals tend to lose their job less often, to be re-employed
more easily, or to find jobs that are better paid (see Frey and Stutzer (2002) for a discussion). This
might bias the income coefficient upwards and thus bias the MRS downwards. Introducing
character trait controls may reduce the potential upward bias from unobserved heterogeneity.
Unfortunately, it was outside the scope of our survey to include questions about character traits so
that we cannot control for unobserved individual heterogeneity in our cross-sectional data set.
Additional bias may arise from the fact that people compare their income to the incomes of other
individuals (e.g., Clark et al., 2008). Because comparisons to other individuals’ incomes are mostly
made upwards, this effect can bias the income coefficient downwards if no appropriate controls are
included in the regressions. Some studies try to instrument income to avoid potential biases (e.g.,
Powdthavee, 2010). However, instrumenting is not without problems either, and there is no
agreement yet on how to instrument income, particularly in cross-sections.
Overall, the directions of potential biases of our income coefficient are ambiguous. Our income
coefficients are larger than in studies using panel data (e.g., Levinson, 2012) or repeated cross-
sections (e.g., Ferreira et al., 2012) but comparable to other cross-sectional studies (e.g., Ferreira
and Moro, 2010). Given that we report relatively high income coefficients, our MRS estimates are
likely conservative lower bounds for real MRS.
Further limitations to our study arise from the fact that we cannot control for the quality of urban
green spaces, which may influence well-being effects. However, currently available GIS data do not
contain the necessary information, so a refinement of the analysis in this direction has to be deferred
to future research.
Despite these limitations, and even though more research is needed to refine MRS estimates from
studies using the LSA, our study underlines the importance of urban green space for city
inhabitants. Particularly in inner-city areas, green space is often in insufficient supply. This is also
the case for our Berlin case study, where three-quarters of the respondents have less than the
optimal amount of green space available in their living environment. Based on our well-being
analysis, increasing the average supply of urban green space and aiming at a more homogenous
distribution would be preferable to current allocations.
Table A-1. Definitions and summary statistics of demographic, socio-economic, and environmental
The survey was implemented using a pre-selected web panel with approximately 100,000 registered
members throughout Germany and 4,000 members in Berlin aged 18 years or above. It was
implemented and executed via a professional polling agency. Potential survey participants were
invited via email to participate in the survey. In this email, a link to the survey was provided, but the
topic of the survey was not further specified. Having clicked on the link, potential participants were
directed to a standard starting screen, which clarified the expected length of the survey and the
potential reward to be gained. The topic announced on this starting screen was kept very general,
only indicating that the survey was related to city life, to avoid self-selection in terms of interest in
environmental issues. In total, the questionnaire consisted of between 25 and 45 questions,
depending on whether the respondents regularly visited parks or not.
An early version of the questionnaire was pretested with university students. The final version of
the survey was pretested with a set of 50 participants. Responses to the survey were checked
according to several quality criteria, including the time taken to complete the survey and obvious
answer patterns that revealed that respondents had clicked through the survey without paying
attention to questions and answers. Approximately 10% of the observations have thus been
eliminated from the sample. In addition, a thorough validity test was carried out, checking answers
for obvious inconsistencies in content. This led to a further exclusion of 25 observations from the
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