Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
English Composition II
Professor Freeland
21 March 2021
Literature Review
What are the best ways to fuel your body in order to train to the best of your ability?
There are many different things that athletes can do that will allow them to stay healthy and get
the most out of their performance. An important way for an athlete to be able to do this is to fuel
their body correctly. Athletes constantly need to be fueling and refueling their bodies so that they
are maintaining their strength, and training to the best of their ability.
From the very first sight of sports, athletes have always needed to maintain their
nutrition. Athletes have always been under the watchful eye of many different people to ensure
that they are eating the foods that will benefit them the most. In the article, Sports Nutrition; a
Historical Perspective, by Bryan Andati, he states, “Dunford notes that in the 1930’s, Swedish
scientists embarked on carbohydrate and fat metabolism research. This study gave way to the
study of glucose and glycogen. During these early periods, the initial priority of such research
was to increase athletes’ energy and to understand how muscles stores energy in form of
glycogen” (Sports Nutrition; a Historical Perspective). Even from the beginning of sports, people
were trying to learn how to keep athletes fueled, in order for them to perform at their very best.
In the article, 15 Simple Ways To Improve Your Athletic Performance Right Now, by
Steve Born, he talks about different ways that athletes must do in order to fuel their body the
right way. One important thing that athletes can do is to make sure that they replenish their body
with carbohydrates and protein as soon as they can after each exercise session. The article talks
about how equally important refueling your body is as your workout. “Give your body what it
needs immediately after exercise, when it’s most receptive to replenishment, and it will respond
wonderfully-recovering faster, efficiently adapting to physical stress, and “learning” how to store
more and more readily available fuel in the muscles” (15 Simple Ways To Improve Your
The article named, 6 Tips for Refueling During Exercise, by Memorial Hermann, the
article talks about six different things that athletes can do while they are training to make sure
that they are refueling their body, and performing to the best of their ability. The main point of
the article is to eat or drink carbohydrates during competitions or training. “During competitions,
you should eat or drink primarily carbohydrates. The amount of carbohydrate ranges between 30
and 60 grams depending on the length of the competition and how long you are playing” (6 Tips
for Refueling During Exercise). It is important to refuel your body while you train as well as
after. Refueling your body while you train will set you up for success.
An article called, Nutrition for the Active Athlete in All of Us, by Nationwide Children’s
talks about things that athletes can do and eat to enhance their performance. The article gives a
few suggestions of carbohydrates that athletes can eat to refuel their body. Carbohydrates are
very important because they are the main source of energy for an athletes working muscles.
“Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy for working muscles. That’s why carbohydrate-
containing foods should comprise around 60% of the calories in an athletes eating plan. Muscles
replenish stored carbohydrates within the first two hours after exercise” (Nutrition for the Active
Athlete in All of Us). It is important for athletes to refuel their bodies at certain times once they
are finished training. “Your recovery nutrition plan should include lots of fluid, that contain salt
as well, and approximately 200-400 carbohydrate calories as soon as tolerable after exercise, and
then again two hours later” (Nutrition for the Active Athlete in All of Us). If athletes do not
refuel their bodies properly, they will not get the most out of their training sessions.
Medline Plus has an article named, Nutrition and athletic performance, that talks about
different ways that nutrition can enhance athletic performance. There are different
recommendations in the article about what foods an athlete should eat in order to refuel their
body. It also talks about the importance of carbohydrates, protein, water, and other fluids.
“Protein is important for muscle growth and to repair body tissues. Protein can also be used by
the body for energy, but only after carbohydrate stores have been used up” (Nutrition and athletic
performance). Water is also a very important nutrient for athletes. “Water is the most important,
yet overlooked, nutrient for athletes. Water and fluids are essential to keep the body hydrated and
at the right temperature” (Nutrition and athletic performance). These elements will ensure that an
athlete is refueling their body the correct way and benefitting the best that they can from their
It is important for athletes to refuel their bodies so that they can perform to the best of
their ability. There are many different ways that athletes can fuel and refuel their body. Athletes
need to constantly be doing everything that they can in order to keep their body fueled so that
they can get the most out of their training. These things will help to keep an athlete healthy and
make sure that they are performing to the best of their ability.
Works Cited
Andati, Bryan. “Sports Nutrition; a Historical Perspective.” Global Food Health and Society, 28
Born, Steve. “15 Simple Ways To Improve Your Athletic Performance Right Now.” Sports
Waple, Kerry. “Nutrition for the Active Athlete in All of Us.” Nationwide Children's Hospital,