Preterite Irregular Verbs Classwork

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Nombre Clase Fecha

Did You Get It? Presentación de gramática

Level 2 p. 70

¡AVANZA! Goal: Learn the irregular preterite forms of hacer, ser, ir, dar, and ver.

Preterite Tense of Irregular Verbs

• Preterite of ir and ser.
Study the preterite forms of the verbs ir (to go) and ser (to be).
Singular Plural
yo fui I went / was nosotros(as) fuimos we went / were
tú fuiste you (informal) went / were vosotras(as) fuisteis you went / were
usted fue you (formal) went / were ustedes fueron you went / were
él (ella) fue he (she) went, was ellos(as) fueron they went / were

UNIDAD 1 Lección 2
EXPLANATION: The preterite forms of ir and ser are the same.

• Preterite of hacer.
Study the preterite forms of hacer (to do, to make).
Singular Plural
yo hice I did, made nosotros(as) hicimos we did, made

Reteaching and Practice

tú hiciste you (informal) did, made vosotros(as) hicisteis you did, made
usted hizo ustedes hicieron
Copyright © by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company.

you (formal) did, made you did, made

él (ella) hizo he (she) did, made ellos(as) hicieron they did, made

EXPLANATION: Hacer has its own preterite forms. In the usted/él/ella form, the c becomes a z.
• Preterite of ver and dar.
Study the preterite forms of the verbs ver (to see) and dar (to give).
yo vi, di I saw, gave nosotros(as) vimos, dimos we saw, gave
tú viste, diste you (informal) saw, gave vosotros(as) visteis, disteis you saw, gave
usted vio, dio you (formal) saw, gave ustedes vieron, dieron you saw, gave
él (ella) vio, dio he (she) saw, gave ellos(as) vieron, dieron they saw, gave
EXPLANATION: The preterite endings of ver and dar are the same.

¡Avancemos! 2 Unidad 1, Lección 2

Unit Resource Book Reteaching and Practice 47
Nombre Clase Fecha

Did You Get It? Práctica de gramática

Level 2 pp. 71–72

¡AVANZA! Goal: Learn the irregular preterite forms of hacer, ser, ir, dar, and ver.

Choose the correct English translation.

1. Ayer fuimos al museo. 4. Les di las llaves a ustedes.
a. Yesterday I was at the museum. a. I saw your keys.
b. Yesterday she went to the museum. b. I gave you the keys.
c. Yesterday we went to the museum. c. They made the keys.
2. ¿No vieron la película? 5. Ya hicieron la reservación.
a. Didn’t you see the movie? a. I already made the reservation.
Didn’t he see the movie? We already made the reservation.
UNIDAD 1 Lección 21

b. b.

c. Didn’t we see the movie? c. They already made the reservation.

3. No hice la tarea. 6. El viaje fue muy divertido.
a. You didn’t do the homework. a. He went on a trip and he had a lot of fun.
b. I didn’t do the homework. b. The trip was a lot of fun.
c. They didn’t do the homework. c. We went on a trip and we had a lot of fun.
Reteaching and Practice

Complete each sentence with the correct preterite form of the verb.

Copyright © by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company.

1. Nosotros un viaje durante las vacaciones. (hacer)
2. Gerardo al mercado para comprar comida. (ir)
3. Camila me un recuerdo de su viaje. (dar)
4. Yo no a la excursión a la ciudad. (ir)
5. Ellas no la caminata anoche. (dar)
6. ¿Qué ustedes anteayer? (hacer)
7. ¿No nos usted en la recepción? (ver)
8. Anoche Paco y tú una buena película. (ver)
9. Mi amigo una fiesta la semana pasada. (hacer)
10. El maestro de español nos mucha tarea ayer. (dar)

Unidad 1, Lección 2 ¡Avancemos! 2

48 Reteaching and Practice Unit Resource Book

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