Wet and Dry Yarn-on-Yarn Abrasion Resistance: Standard Test Method For

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This standard test method describes how to measure the abrasion resistance of manufactured fiber yarns in dry and wet conditions using a yarn-on-yarn abrasion test.

This test method describes measuring the abrasion resistance properties of manufactured fiber yarns, especially for ropes intended for use in the marine environment. It can be used with yarns having linear densities ranging from 70 to 300 tex.

This test method applies to manufactured yarns used in rope making, especially those intended for use in the marine environment. It has been used with yarns of nylon, polyester, aramid, and UHMWPE.

Designation: D6611 − 16

Standard Test Method for

Wet and Dry Yarn-on-Yarn Abrasion Resistance1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6611; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3.2 For terminology related to industrial fibers and metallic

1.1 This test method describes the measurement of abrasion reinforcements, see Terminology D6477.
resistance properties for manufactured fiber yarns in dry and 3.3 For definitions of other textile terms used in this test
wet conditions. method, refer to Terminology D123.
1.2 This test method applies to manufactured yarns used in
rope making. 4. Summary of Test Method

1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as 4.1 A length of yarn is interwrapped in contact with itself
standard. The values given in parentheses are provided for between three pulleys that are positioned in a defined geometry
information only. to produce a specific intersection angle. A weight is attached to
one end of the yarn to apply a prescribed tension. The other end
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the is drawn back and forth through a defined stroke at a defined
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the speed until the yarn fails due to abrasion upon itself within the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- interwrapped region. The yarn abrasion test can be conducted
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- in either the dry state or the wet state.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
5. Significance and Use
2. Referenced Documents
5.1 This test method is intended for testing dry and wet
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 abrasion resistance of manufactured fiber yarns. This test
D123 Terminology Relating to Textiles method is especially useful for ropes intended for use in the
D1776 Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles marine environment. The test method has been used with yarns
D2904 Practice for Interlaboratory Testing of a Textile Test having linear densities ranging from 70 to 300 tex, but may be
Method that Produces Normally Distributed Data (With- used with yarns outside these ranges.
drawn 2008)3
D3412 Test Method for Coefficient of Friction, Yarn to Yarn 5.2 Yarn to yarn friction is known to have a significant
D6477 Terminology Relating to Tire Cord, Bead Wire, Hose influence on abrasion resistance. To determine the coefficient
Reinforcing Wire, and Fabrics of friction, use Test Method D3412.
5.3 Limited interlaboratory correlation testing has been
3. Terminology conducted to date. Single-laboratory testing, in accordance
3.1 The following terms are relevant to this standard: with ASTM practices, has now been conducted. Test results
abrasion, apex angle, applied tension, cycles to failure (CTF), should be used with caution.
dry, rope, wet. 5.4 This test method is intended to provide additional data
for specific applications such as mentioned in 5.1 and is not
intended for quality control or test reports.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D13 on Textiles
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.19 on Industrial Fibers and
5.5 If there are differences of practical significance between
Metallic Reinforcements. reported test results for two or more laboratories, comparative
Current edition approved July 1, 2016. Published August 2016. Originally tests should be performed to determine if there is a statistical
approved in 2000. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as D6611–00 (2007) bias between them, using competent statistical assistance. As a
which was withdrawn Jan. 2016 and reinstated in July 2016. DOI: 10.1520/D6611-
16. minimum the test samples used should be as homogeneous as
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or possible, be drawn from the material from which the disparate
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM test results were obtained, and be randomly assigned in equal
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
numbers to each laboratory for testing. Other materials with
the ASTM website.
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on established test values may be used for this purpose. The test
www.astm.org. results from the two or more laboratories should be compared

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D6611 − 16
using a statistical test for unpaired data, at a probability level The crank is offset by 25 6 2 mm from the drive motor shaft
chosen prior to testing. If a bias is found, either its cause must to create a yarn stroke of 50 6 4 mm. The gear motor drives
be found and corrected, or future test results must be adjusted the crank at between 60 and 70 revolutions/min. Other drive
in consideration of the known bias. arrangements, which accomplish the specified stroke and drive
5.6 This test method is conducted at one or several applied speed may alternatively be used.
tensions that may depend upon the yarn material and size. The 6.6 Multi-Station Tester—Several test stations may be ar-
number and magnitudes of applied tensions and the number of ranged on a support frame and driven by the same motor.
eight specimen sets generally are agreed upon in a material 6.7 Cycle Counter Arrangement—A means of counting the
specification or contract order. Guidance on determining the number of yarn abrasion strokes to failure is provided. This
appropriate number and magnitudes of applied tensions is may be a counter directly connected to the drive motor or a
given in Annex A2. counter, which is indexed by each revolution of the crank or
directly by each stroke of the yarn. This counter is arranged to
6. Apparatus stop counting when the yarn breaks and to retain a count of the
6.1 The Yarn-on-Yarn Abrasion Test Apparatus is shown number of strokes until it is reset. For multistation testers, such
schematically in Fig. 1 and consists of the following: a counter is provided for each yarn station.
6.2 Yarn Guide Pulleys—Three pulleys are arranged on a 6.8 Yarn Twist Control—If the yarn has pronounced twist, or
vertical frame with the centerline spacing indicated. All of the if the yarn tends to twist or untwist during testing, a means
pulleys have the same diameter. The pulleys have low-friction should be provided to control yarn twist, such as an extension
bearings. arm on the applied weight which follows a guide.
6.3 Arrangement of Guide Pulleys—The upper pulley cen- 7. Sampling and Test Specimens
terlines are separated by 140 6 2 mm. The lower pulley
7.1 Primary Sampling Unit—Consider spools or beams to
centerline is 254 6 2 mm below a line connecting the upper
be the primary sampling unit.
pulley centerlines. This arrangement produces an apex angle of
10.8 radians (34°). Other spacings may be used which produce 7.2 Laboratory Sampling Unit—As a laboratory sampling
the same apex angle, when analyzed by the procedure given in unit take from the primary sampling unit a total length of yarn
Annex A1. that will provide eight test specimens for each of the applied
tensions as determined in Annex A2.
6.4 Wet Testing Arrangement—For wet testing, the lower 7.2.1 Determine the specimen length sufficient to accommo-
pulley is placed on a bar extending down from a support frame, date the distance needed to secure the yarn to the test apparatus
such that a beaker of water can be placed around it to immerse motor crank, through the pulley arrangement and to the applied
the interwrapped portion of the yarn. The lower pulley has a weight, allowing for movement of the crank and weight during
bushing-type bearing suitable for prolonged service immersed the test. Add to this a suitable allowance for the length needed
in water. to attach the yarn to the crank and to the weight.
6.5 Drive Motor—An eccentric crank driven by a gear 7.2.2 Determine the number and magnitudes of applied
motor is arranged in alignment with one of the upper pulleys. tensions as directed in Annex A2.

FIG. 1 General Arrangement of the Yarn-on-Yarn Abrasion Test Apparatus

D6611 − 16
7.2.3 Remove sufficient yarn from the primary sample prior 9.2 Mounting Specimen on Test Machine—Attach one end
to taking the laboratory sample to assure the test yarn has not of the specimen to the drive motor crank or to an extension
been exposed to light, handling abuse, or other outside influ- tether attached to the crank. Place the specimen over the first
ences. upper guide pulley, around the opposite side of the lower guide
7.2.4 Handle the test specimens carefully to avoid altering pulley, under that lower pulley, and across itself and over the
its natural state, including twist level. second upper guide pulley. This preliminary crossed-yarn
7.2.5 If testing is not conducted immediately, wind a suffi- position is shown at the left in Fig. 2.
cient length of yarn on a small spool or bobbin and place in a
NOTE 2—This position in which the yarn touches itself at the cross-over
moisture proof container or package, and store in a dark area point but does not yet wrap around itself is referred to as the zero wrap
not exposed to direct sunlight or other strong light sources. position.
7.3 Test Specimens—From each laboratory sampling unit, 9.3 Mounting of Weight—Attach weights of sufficient mass
cut individual specimens to a length as determined in 7.2. to produce the prescribed applied tension to the other end of the
7.3.1 Securely tie knots at each end of the specimen to specimen.
prevent untwisting. For convenience, a small hook, suitable for
engaging the drive attachment and the applied tension, can be 9.4 Application of Yarn Interwraps—Place the fingers of a
attached to each end of the specimen by means of a knot. hand or a suitable support object within the bight formed by the
yarn passing under the lower pulley and temporarily remove
8. Conditioning the yarn from that pulley. Twist the hand or support object to
apply three wraps to the yarn. Replace the yarn around the
8.1 Preconditioning for Dry Testing—In preparation for dry
lower pulley. The resulting yarn interwrap region should
testing, precondition each specimen as specified in Practice
appear as shown at the right in Fig. 2.
8.2 Preconditioning for Wet Testing—In preparation for wet NOTE 3—The yarn should have three complete wraps producing an
interwrap angle of 1080° (3 × 360°). The yarn should pass out of the
testing, precondition each specimen in a fresh tap water bath at interwrapped region continuing in the same direction as it entered into the
a temperature of 20 6 5°C (68 6 10°F) for 60 6 5 min. This region.
may be done either by soaking the yarn in a separate bath prior NOTE 4—The yarn test specification may give a different number of
to mounting it on the test machine or by soaking the yarn interwraps for testing a particular yarn category, with agreement of the
mounted on the test machine prior to beginning testing. If a interested parties.
separate bath is used, care must be taken to avoid damaging the 9.4.1 Relation of Direction of Twist to Direction of
yarn while mounting the yarn for testing. Interwrap—If the yarn has a pronounced twist, the interwrap
NOTE 1—The yarn test specification may give a different soak time for should be applied in the same direction as the twist, unless the
testing, with agreement of the interested parties. The yarn should not be yarn test specification gives different instructions.
soaked for more than the specified time, as the abrasion resistance
properties of some yarns is sensitive to the length of soak. 9.5 Dry Testing—For dry testing, conduct the test in an
atmosphere with a relative humidity of 65 6 10 % and a
9. Procedure temperature of 20 6 5°C (68 6 10°F).
9.1 Handle the test specimen carefully to avoid altering the 9.6 Wet Testing—For wet testing, place a beaker of fresh tap
natural state of the yarn, including the level of twist. water at a temperature of between 20 6 5°C (68 6 10°F)

FIG. 2 Correct Method of Counting Number of Yarn Interwraps for Yarn-on-Yarn Abrasion Test Method

D6611 − 16
around the yarn such that the interwrapped region of the yarn 11.2 Report the following information for the laboratory
is completely immersed. sampling unit and for the lot as applicable to a material
9.7 Start of Test—Reset the counter(s) to zero. Start the specification or contract order:
drive motor. 11.2.1 Description of specimens, that is, yarn material, type,
source, size, and parameters as required in relevant standards
9.8 Conduct of Test—Carry out the test until the yarn(s) fails for tensile testing.
due to interyarn abrasion at the applied tension. 11.2.2 Condition of Specimens, wet or dry, including soak
9.9 Conclusion of Test—After the yarn(s) fails, shut off the time.
drive motor. Record the number(s) of Cycles to Failure (CTF) 11.2.3 Applied tension, in mN/tex (g/denier).
for each specimen. 11.2.4 Mean cycles to failure, M at each applied tension.
11.2.5 Log standard deviation of cycles to failure.
9.10 Test eight yarn specimens as directed in this section for
each designated applied tension and for each set of test 11.3 If testing was conducted at more than two applied
conditions. tensions, plot and report the following information:
11.3.1 Plot the geometric mean cycles to failure (log (M)
10. Calculation against applied tension on the normal scale (semi-log graph).
11.3.2 Plot the lower and upper limit of the geometrical
10.1 Geometric Mean Cycles to Failure—Calculate the mean (Eq 3) for each applied tension on the same semi-log
geometric mean cycles to failure as follows: graph.
1 n 11.4 Further guidance on presenting the results is given in
log~ M ! 5 (
· log~ CTF i !
n i51 Annex A2.
M 5 10log~ M ! (1)
12. Precision and Bias
12.1 Two synthetic fiber yarns were tested in accordance
M = Geometric mean cycles to failure, with Practice D2904 under conditions shown in Table 1. The
CTFi = Cycles to failure for ith specimen, testing was performed by a single operator on two multi-station
n = Number of specimens,
yarn-on-yarn abrasion machines in a single laboratory. A
10.2 The Logarithm of the Standard Deviation of CTF— number of series of eight-specimen tests were run under each
Calculate the logarithm of the standard deviation, (log(s)) of set of test conditions to obtain estimates of within-laboratory
the number of cycles to failure by the following equation. variability.

log~ s ! 5 Œ 1 n

n 2 1 i51 (
· ~ log ~ CTF i ! 2 log ~ M !! 2
12.2 Variance component analysis on log (CTF) gave the
results provided in Table 2.
s 5 10log~ s ! (2) 12.3 The variance of log(M) is given by var[log(series)] +
{var[log(specimen)]/8}. The square root of that value can be
where: considered the repeatability standard deviation for the test
s = the geometric standard deviation. method, sr, where the calculations are performed on log(CTF).
10.3 Upper Bound/Lower Bound in CTF—Calculate upper Those values are given in the “Std. Dev. log(M)” column of
and lower bound by the following equations. The 95 % Table 3.
confidence intervals: 12.4 Method repeatability is defined as the “maximum
t α⁄2,n21 ·log~ s ! t α⁄2,n21 ·log~ s ! difference” that can “reasonably” be expected between two test
log~ M ! 2 ,log~ µ M ! ,log~ M ! 1 (3) results obtained on the same material when the test results are
=n =n obtained in the same laboratory. Those values for log(M) are
where: shown in Table 4. Method reproducibility is defined as the
log(µM) = the geometrical mean of the population, “maximum difference” that can “reasonably” be expected
tα/2, n–1) = depends on the number of observations and the between two test results obtained on the same material when
level of significance α. Commonly, α is set to 0.05
two-sided. The value for t can be found in various TABLE 1 Examples
tables. Applied Applied
Code Material Tension Tension Condition Number of
Example with n=8, (%) (N) Series
t α⁄2,n21 ·log~ s ! 2.36·log~ s ! 1 Enka nylon 140JRT 1400 2 2.35 Dry 4
5 5 0.84·log~ s ! (4) dtex
=n =8 2 Diolen polyester 855T 110 2 1.8 Dry 2
10.4 Present the results against applied tension. 3 Diolen 855T polyester 110 2 1.8 Wet 2
4 Diolen polyester 855T 110 6 5.5 Dry 8
11. Report dtex
5 Diolen polyester 855 T110 6 5.5 Wet 6
11.1 Report that the yarn-on-yarn abrasion resistance was dtex
determined as directed in Test Method D6611.

D6611 − 16
TABLE 2 Variance Component Analysis TABLE 4 Repeatability
Code Average Var (series) Var Var (total) Code sr Repeatability
(specimen) 1 0.054 0.148
1 4.10 0.0056 0.0117 0.0145 2 0.031 0.087
2 4.39 0.0000 0.0181 0.0181 3 0.034 0.096
3 4.43 0.0008 0.0153 0.0161 4 0.225 1.621
4 3.19 0.0699 0.3696 0.4395 5 0.149 0.413
5 3.69 0.0443 0.0556 0.0999

TABLE 3 Variance
Code % Var (series) % Var Var [log(M)] Std Dev log(M)
total standard deviation, sR, formed by taking the square root of
1 38 62 0.007 0.054
the sum of intralaboratory and interlaboratory laboratory vari-
2 0 100 0.002 0.031 ance components, cannot be determined from these data.
3 5 95 0.003 0.034
4 16 84 0.116 0.225 12.5 Repeatability of other yarns at other applied tensions
5 44 56 0.051 0.149
may differ.

13. Keywords
the test results are obtained from different laboratories.4 The
13.1 abrasion; rope; yarn
John Mandel and Theodore W. Lashof, 1987, The Nature of Repeatability and
Reproducibility. Jour, Quality Technology, 19 (1).


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Introduction —It is very difficult to accurately mea- A1.2 Terminology—Fig. A1.1 illustrates the general ar-
sure the angle between the interwrapped yarns on the yarn-on- rangement of the interwrapped yarn on the test machine.
yarn abrasion test machines. It is relatively easy to measure the
distance between pulley centers. This attachment describes a A1.3 Derivation of Equations—Symmetry is assumed, that
method of calculating the yarn angle from the pulley center is, the yarn wrap is on a vertical line projecting from the center
distances and discusses the importance of correctly determin- of the lower pulley and the two apex angles are equal. Also it
ing this angle. is assumed that all pulley diameters are the same.

FIG. A1.1 General Arrangement of the Interwrapped Yarn on the Test Machine

D6611 − 16
A1.3.1 The solution proceeds as follows: The apex angle then is:
V 5 L 1 · cos ~ α ! 1L 2 · cos ~ α ! 1W 5 ~ L 1 1L 2 ! ·cos~ α ! 1W
β 5 2·arctan S H
V2W D (A1.4)

V2W A1.3.2 Note that the apex angle β is independent of the

cos α 5
L 1 1L 2 pulley radius R, assuming all pulleys have the same radius.

and: A1.4 It is very difficult to accurately measure the yarn apex

angle directly. Angle errors are very hard to detect. Some
L 2· sin~ α ! 5 r 2 r· cos ~ α! (A1.2)
people overlook an error of 5°, and few people detect an error
H 5 L 1 · sin ~ α ! 1r 2 r· cos ~ α ! 5 ~ L 1 1L 2 ! ·sin~ α ! of 2°. Greater accuracy can be achieved by determining the
yarn apex angle by the above formula instead of directly
H measuring this angle.
sin α 5
L 1 1L 2
A1.5 This attention to accuracy in defining the yarn apex
thus: angle might seem to be unwarranted; however, a small varia-
sin ~ α ! H tion in this angle can sometimes produce a significant variation
tan α 5 5 (A1.3)
cos ~ α ! V 2 W in the yarn-on-yarn abrasion test results.


A2.1 Introduction —Selecting the applied tensions to be TABLE A2.1 Suggested Ranges of Applied Tension Values for
used in the yarn-to-yarn abrasion resistance test should be done Various Fiber Materials
with consideration of the intended purpose of the test. The test Applied Tension Range
Material Lowest Tension, Highest Tension,
is generally intended for determining the abrasion resistance
% Breaking Tenacity % Breaking Tenacity
properties of manufactured yarns to be used in ropes, espe- Nylon, dry 2 6
cially for marine applications. An extensive program might be Nylon, wet 1 5
carried out in which several alternative yarns are tested at a Polyester 2 6
Aramid 1 3
number of different applied tensions so that their properties can UHMWPE 1 5
be compared. A single test with one applied tension might be
carried out to verify that the abrasion resistance of a yarn
shipment matches that characteristic property of the specified
yarn type.
A2.4 For characterization purposes, it may be necessary to
A2.2 For some comparison purposes, it is preferable to set conduct the yarn-on-yarn abrasion test at many applied
the applied tensions on the basis of percentages of the tensions.
tenacities of the various fibers. Suggested ranges of applied
tension values for various fiber materials are given in Table
A2.1. These are based on past testing of such materials.
A2.3 For other purposes, it is preferable to set the applied
tensions on the basis of yarn size, for example, mN/tex (g/den).
The suggested applied tensions are 25, 40 and 60 mN/tex, all
65 mN/tex.

D6611 − 16
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