S A H A S: Training Report
S A H A S: Training Report
S A H A S: Training Report
(Strengthening and
Activating District Health
System for Project officer &
a Nepal Public
Health Foundation
September, 2016
Table of Contents
1. Background ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Pre- Disaster Context .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Post- Disaster Context......................................................................................................................... 3
2. Rationale ................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Aim of the project ..................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Programme Session and Discussion ......................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Opening session: Inauguration, Introduction, Project concept, Welcome remarks........................... 4
4.2 Session: Structure of National Health System .................................................................................... 6
4.3 Session: Overview of the project ........................................................................................................ 6
4.4 Session: Communication Skill ............................................................................................................. 7
4.5 Session: Roles and Responsibilities/ Planning .................................................................................... 8
4.6 Session: GATHER ................................................................................................................................. 9
4.7 Session: Introduction to District Health System ............................................................................... 10
4.8 Session: Mother's group ................................................................................................................... 10
Simulation session............................................................................................................................... 11
4.9 Session: IEC materials ....................................................................................................................... 12
4.10 Health Facility Operation management Committee ....................................................................... 12
Simulation session............................................................................................................................... 12
4.11 Session: Appreciative Inquiry .......................................................................................................... 13
4.12 Session: School Health program ..................................................................................................... 14
4.13 Session: Advocacy / Planning process ............................................................................................ 14
4.14 Session: Monitoring and Evaluation ............................................................................................... 16
5 Programme Output and Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 18
Annex 1 – Lists of Participants .................................................................................................................... 19
Annex – 2 Program Schedule ...................................................................................................................... 22
List of Figures:
Figure 1: Role of Mothers Group.................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 2: Key MNCH Indicators .................................................................................................................. 3
Figure 3: Inaugural session ........................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 4: Opening Session ............................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 5: Presentation on FCHV ................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 6: Overview of the project ................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 7: Socio-ecological model ................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 8: Explaining about C4D ................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 9: Presenting roles and responsibilities ............................................................................................. 8
Figure 10: Emphasizing in rapport building ................................................................................................. 9
Figure 11: Word cloud: Recommendation .................................................................................................. 10
Figure 12: Explaining the structure of District Health System ................................................................... 10
Figure 13: Explaining about Mother's group .............................................................................................. 11
Figure 14: Score card evaluation ................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 15: IEC corner ................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 16: Roleplay - HFoMC meeting ...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 17: Appreciative Inquiry Session .................................................................................................... 13
Figure 18: SHP topics ................................................................................................................................. 14
List of Tables:
Table 1: Name list of SM with their working VDC .................................................................................... 15
1. Background
Nepal has made remarkable achievement in health in few decades. Even within the given socio-
cultural structure, low literacy rate of women, deep rooted poverty and conflict, the achievement
in maternal and child sector has been exemplified widely.The wide arrangement of low cost health
intervention such as community mobilization through FCHVs at the community and local
ownership has been instrumental in achieving these gains. Beyond wide network of health
facilities, FCHVs has been key factors in reaching the public health programme to the community.
In the organogram of health system, every VDC has at least one health institution. Each health
facility is managed by the health facility management committee. The management committee is
expected to be chaired by the VDC chairperson and includes the health facility in charge (as
member secretary), FCHV and other community members such as school teachers, representative
from underserved communities, community development workers).HFoMC expected to meet
monthly to discuss the health needs, problems and develop plans. However, in the recent years the
HFoMC are not regular due to the absence of elected representative at local level, over loaded
VDC secretary. This has affected the regulation, monitoring of the public health programme at the
local level.
FCHVs have proved themselves as the backbone of health system. Their primary focus is health
promotion and providing health education. The information is shared in monthly mothers group
meeting, door-to-door visit, and community outreach programme. Beyond providing health
education, over the years, number of public health programmes such as counselling and providing
the family planning contraceptives, distribution of Vitamin A, zinc, iron/folate deworming,
treatment of pneumonia has been added to the FCHVs work list. In addition to these nationwide
programme, some of programme such as chlorahexadine (CHx), use of misoprostol, balvita multi-
micronutrient supplement, operational on different districts but yet to be nationally scaled up, also
use the FCHVs.
FCHVs are nominated by local mothers group and they assume the responsibility of secretary of
mothers group.
Role of Health
Utilize the FCHV fund in Get the information about
Mothers Group
case of emergency pregnancy, family planning,
postpartum care, neonatal
care, diarrhea or pneumonia
etc., and adapt healthy
Review the work of FCHVs
annually and inform the local Invite the resource persons in
health facility Divide the responsibility to the meeting and discuss on
deliver the knowledge and the new health topics
skills received in the meeting
1.2 Post- Disaster Context
Two major earthquakes, one on 25th April and the other on 12th May, 2015, affected the whole
country. Thirty- one out of 75 districts have been severely affectedand approximately 8 million
lives about one third of total population, were affected. Fourteen districts, which were harshly hit,
were declared as ‘Crisis hit’ districts.
FP ANC ANC 4 Iron Inst. PNC measles Mother FCHV
group Reporting
The above figure clearly depicts the key MNCH status of 13 earthquake hit districts compared
with national average. Although 12 districts fall in the central development regions comparatively
more accessible and developed districts, but the MNCH status of none of districts stands above the
national average. It is significant to note that this situation existed before the earthquake,
furthermore with colossal loss due to quake, the scenario is exacerbated.
Though Nepal made a lot of achievement in the health sector, there were multiple challenges in
terms of availability of human resource, medical supplies, equipments and delivery of quality
health service. The quake has posed additional challenges in health system. The health system of
earthquake hit districts are completely distorted which even after the nine month of disasters are
not completely functional.
2. Rationale
Conduction of health mothers group meeting on monthly basis comes under the primary
responsibility of FCHVs. Although the health management information system (HMIS) shows that
80 percent of mother group meeting are being conducted as planned but the survey shows
otherwise. The recent FCHV survey shows that only 46 percent of FCHVs reported conducting
the health mothers group meeting. Moreover, it is still not revealed how often and actually the
health education takes place as the meeting conducted only for saving and credit purpose also is
called as mother’s group meeting. Some of the reported problems for irregularities of health
mothers groups meeting such as lack of allowance for tea-snacks, lack of appropriate place to
conduct meeting, lack of innovative methods for providing health education materials such as
audio-visual aid. Experts are of view that one of the factors behind irregular mother’s group
meeting is insufficient monitoring and supervision of FCHVs from their immediate supervisor.
This might also have led to the sharp decrease proportion of mother group meeting from 85 per
cent over the last eight years.
Following the earthquake, the relevance of mother group meeting and regular meeting of HFoMC
has increased. Mother group meeting is vital, not only to create more awareness and to increase
the demand for service, but also to prevent the delinking of community and health system.
Likewise, the substantial improvement in the community health is not possible with the weak local
governance. Thus to strengthen the community mobilization and local governance, the mothers
group meeting needs to be invigorated and health facility management committee needs to be
Re-activation of non-functional Mother’s Group (MG) and Health Facility Operation Management
Committee (HFOMC) and strengthen the existing functional MG and HFOMC in 74 VDCs of 9
Establish advocacy group for the advocacy and sustainability of MG and HFOMC.
meeting during the aftermath and the need for its activation and strengthening to solidify District
Health System. He shared the objectives, activities and role of different organization involved in
this project. Then after, Dr. Hendrikus Raaijimakers gave his remarks, during which he highlighted
the synergy of VDC selection of Prefab and SAHaS Project. Mr. Ghanashyam Pokharel from FHD,
gave his remarks which focused the present situation of the MG and HFoMC and its importance
for healthy society.
The session was concluded with the remarksfrom Dr. Mahesh Maskey, Executive Director, NPHF.
He stressed that NPHF always there to support the programs of government and hopes of get
support from government too. Pointing towards the difficulties that may arise during field work,
he requested all the participants to keep their commitment and determination, as success always
follows the hardworking.
framework under which he further explained about refreshment cost for MG and HFoMC meeting,
social mapping, reward for 3 ANC visit women and communication cost for FCHVs.
The session started with general view from the participants regarding the communication. During
the presentation, Mr. Joon focused that communication is process, must be delivered in the clear
and organized manner reaching many people at a same time. He focused in the correct
communication, to diagnose and address the society need in an efficient way. He then, explained
about the importance of communication for development and gave board overview of socio-
ecological model. This project hits in the above the individual and interpersonal level which
includes organizational, community upto policy level.
Policy (national,
state, local news) Advocacy
(relations between
organizations) Community mobilization
& Social Change Communication
(organizations and
social institutions) Advocacy
& Social mobilization
(family, friends, Behaviour Change Communication
social network) & Social Change Communication
In addition, he explained about the interpersonal skill, health promotion and showed the steps of
behavior change and its acceptance process. Lastly, the session was concluded with a note that
behavior change is not easy, it takes time but it is not impossible either. We have to try many times
to find out the cause and the way to tackle it.
4.6 Session: GATHER
Theme: Rapport Building,
Moderator: Ms. SantoshiGiri, Country Director- GARP,
Nepal Public Health Foundation
Method used: Power point presentation, Group Work
Materials used: Power point slide
Participants: 3
Situation: Family planning Counselling Roleplay -
Rapport Building Balanced conversation
managementCorrect informationFocused
Discussion Body language
The session was moderated by Mr. Janak Thapa. First of all, he introduced about the district health
system. He focused on the coordination
among the district and VDC level
stakeholders and explained about the
safemotherhood and child health program.Co-
ordination in peripheral and grass root level
was provided in a clear view among the
project officer and social mobilizers for a
quality output throughout the project.
The UNICEF District Health Officer shared
about their respective district situation and
also added the prefab construction phase in
their working VDCs. They also shared the
picture of prefab (type I and II)
Materials used: Power point slide, Handout
The session was started with a brief description of FCHV. Mr. Sangroula showed the rationale of
formation of mother's group and explained the roles of mother's group. He also focused in FCHV
role towards mother's group. He shared that our main program aims lies here and emphasized to
find out the inactive or non-functional mother's group and re-active them. He stressed that re-
activation is our main aim and the ways to do it. In case of active mother's group, our work would
be strengthening them. He clarified about the members of mothers group and made clear that
FCHV are their member secretary.
Within this context, he also added that there are many mother's group in a community organized
by different sector but he focused that here we are clearly talking about the health mother's group
where FCHV is a member secretary and we will be dealing with this group only.
Not satisfactory
Simulation session
Participants - 10
Situation:A mother's group meeting where FCHV is explaining about danger sign of pregnancy
Mr. Bhattarai explained about the HFoMC, its history, formation process and its composition. He
also focused in the role and responsibility of HFoMC member towards their VDC.
Simulation session
Participants - 10
Situation: HFoMC meeting conduction by Health-post In-charge
4.12 Session: School Health program
Theme: Introduction, Uses, Conduction
Moderator: Ms. Chandana Rajopadhyaya, Program Officer, Nepal Public Health Foundation
Method used: Power point presentation, Demonstration
Materials used: Power point slide, Handout
Ms. Rajopadhyaya started the session with the introduction to the school health program. She
showed the ways of conduction of the school health program. She also highlighted that our project
will focus on the WASH and Oral hygiene topic to the school students. She covered the WASH
and oral hygiene topic so as to have the clear understanding of it to the participants. She added
personal hygiene, 5 critical times of handwashing and demonstrated the handwashing and brushing
techniques to the participants.
Oral Hygiene
Figure 18: SHP topics
The advocacy session was conducted by Mr. Janak Thapa. He explained the government 14 steps
for planning. He highlighted the whole session that the advocacy group will be formed in the
district and VDC level for the sustainability of the program.
VDC level Advocacy Group District level Advocacy Group
Secretary LDO
Social PO WASH
Later on, the 74 VDCs were divided to the 30 social mobilizers through group discussion with
the respective UNICEF District Health Officer and Project Officer.
Table 1: Name list of SM with their working VDC
Ramechhap Sunita Gautam Manthali , Namdi
A brief description on monitoring and its importance was made in session, with main focus on the
quality of data. Monitoring plan, reporting process from the districts to the central office was
disseminated. Ms. Sharma explained the recording and reporting tools for social mobilizers
emphasizing the quality output in terms of the maximum number of the mother's group meeting.
Reporting process
•Record each activities
•Recieve Monthly
•Compile and monthly reporting •Collect monthly report format
to PO report •Bi- monthly
•Compile Narrative report
Monitoring Flow Mechanism
5 Programme Output and Conclusion
The three days residential training was successfully completed achieving the desired objectives.
Following are the major outcome of the program:
1. Participants were trained on IPC skill and had good knowledge about the mother's group
and Health Facility Operation Management Committee
2. Participants got familiarized with recording and reporting tools, and developed the capacity
to smoothly run, strengthen the MG, HFoMC and Advocacy meeting.
3. A detailed roles and responsibilities of project officers and social mobilizer was developed.
Annex 1 – Lists of Participants
18. Ms. Sunita Bhandari NPHF Program officer [email protected]
Local Non-Governmental Organization
19. Mr. ShyamTimilsina ICD, Nepal , Kavre Secreatary [email protected]
20. Mr. Dharma Raj Thapalia CIRDS, Dhading Social Mobilizer [email protected]
21. Mr. Niraj Bhattarai CIRDS, Dhading District Coordinator [email protected]
Social Mobilizers
22. Ms. Pratima Thapa NPHF Social Mobilizer 9803826404
23. Ms. Aruna Dangol ICD Social Mobilizer 9808705867, 9841184674
24. Ms. Ramila Kumari Thapa ICD Social Mobilizer 9849093141
25. Mr. Rishi Ram Baidhya ICD Social Mobilizer 9841300865, 9841733063
26. Ms. Jhuma Bhattarai NPHF Social Mobilizer 9841110822
27. Ms. Sarita Parajuli NPHF Social Mobilizer 9843790651
28. Ms. Sabina Rayamajhi CIRDS Social Mobilizer 9860452164
29. Ms. Ranjana Burlakoti CIRDS Social Mobilizer 9843866120
30. Ms. Karuna KC CIRDS Social Mobilizer 9843115259
31. Ms. Sita Poudel NPHF Social Mobilizer 9847216002
32. Ms. Sushila Shrestha NPHF Social Mobilizer 9846520169
33. Ms. Laxmi Shrestha NPHF Social Mobilizer 9846474417, 9846491716
34. Ms. Ram kumari Pariyar NPHF Social Mobilizer 9846100112
35. Mr. Narayan Prasad Bhattarai NPHF Social Mobilizer 9821145390, 9860619358
36. Ms. Gyanu Jirel NPHF Social Mobilizer 9842138622, 9804394654
37. Ms. Sabina Jirel NPHF Social Mobilizer 9844399744, 9741145874
38. Ms. Asmita Rayamajhi NPHF Social Mobilizer 9807510127
39. Mr. Krishna Gahatraj NPHF Social Mobilizer 9808947813
40. Mr. Prayas Baral NPHF Social Mobilizer 9845896202, 9801616410
41. Ms. Sunita Gautam NPHF Social Mobilizer 9844226000
42. Ms. Kanchhiputi Tamang NPHF Social Mobilizer 9843047474, 9818254827
43. Mr. Prajwal Uprety NPHF Social Mobilizer 9844204440
44. Ms. Kalpana Karki NPHF Social Mobilizer 9845531549
45. Ms. Tara Waiba NPHF Social Mobilizer 9843529222
46. Mr. Shankar Bist NPHF Social Mobilizer 9848442065, 9808053999
47. Ms. Sima Yadav NPHF Social Mobilizer 9801503288
48. Mr. Tikaram B.K NPHF Social Mobilizer 9842897143
49. Mr. Durga Prasad Gorathokee NPHF Social Mobilizer 9860377787, 9851232033
50. Mr. Bhupendra Rana Magar NPHF Social Mobilizer 9841598963
51. Mr. Dharmaraj Darlami NPHF Social Mobilizer 9849757685
Annex – 2 Program Schedule
10:50 – 11:30 Remarks:
1. Mr. Ghanashyam Pokharel (FHD)
2. Dr. Asha Pun, MNH Specialist, Health Section UNICEF
3. Dr. Dr. Hendrikus Raaijimakers, Chief guest
4. Dr. Mahesh K. Maskey, Chair
12:10 – 12:20 To orient the - Structure of Power point PPT slides Dr. Asha Pun
participants National Health Presentation Projector
about the System
existing - FCHVs &
national health Mother Group
12:20- 12:30 Pre-Test Ms. Chandana
12: 30 – 12:45 Overview of To familiarize - Objective of Power point PPT slides Mr. Janak Thapa
Project - the participants Project Presentation Projector
about the - Proposed Handout
Project activities (activities)
- Timeline
12:45 – 01 :00 To orient the - Roles and Power point PPT slides Mr. Navaraj Bhattarai
Social responsibilit Presentation Projector
mobilizers and ies of Social Handout
Project Officers Mobilizers (ToR)
about their and Project
roles and Officer
responsibilities - Job
Day II ( 15 August, 2016) Moderator: Mr. Hyung Joon Kim
Time Session Objectives Content Method Material Responsibility
09:00 – 09: 15 Revision of Day I Review of previous day Explore Participants
Moderator: Ms.
Santoshi Giri
09: 15– 10:30 Introduction to district To orient the - Structure of District Group UNICEF,
health system participants about the Health system. Discussion District Health
existing district health - Coordination among Officer
system district level
To familiarize each - Safe mother hood
other and district programme
issues - Child health
10:30 – 01:00 Mothers Group – To orient the - Introduction Power point PPT slides Mr. Navaraj
Overview participants about - FCHVs Presentation, Projector Bhattarai,
Mothers Group - Formation Group Mr. Raj Kumar
- Role of Mothers Discussion Sangroula,
- Issues discussed in
Mothers Group
- Issues discussed in
Mothers Group
- Reactivation
- Score card
- Coping strategy
- "GharvawatiBhet"
Lunch Break (1 hour)
02:00 - 02:30 IEC Materials To familiarize the - Introduction Demonstration Facilitator: Ms.
participants with the - Uses/ Utilization of different IEC materials Santoshi Giri
IEC materials - Importance in types of IEC
mothers group materials
02: 30 – 03:30 Simulation session To provide hands on - Simulation Role play IEC materials Facilitator: Mr.
experience on Navaraj
conducting Mothers Bhattarai,
Group Meeting Mr. Raj Kumar
3:30 – 4:30 AI Session - Critical thinking Lecture Mr. Sudan
- Understand more Gyawali
about your
- Personal Change
4:30 – 05:30 HFOMC – An To orient the - Introduction Power point PPT slides Mr. Janak Thapa
introduction participants about - Compositions Presentation Projector Mr. Navaraj
HFOMC - Functions / roles/ Bhattarai,
responsibilities of Mr. Raj Kumar
HFOMC Sangroula
- Reactivation of
- Coping Strategy
5:30- 6:30 Simulation session To provide hands on - Simulation - Role play Mr. Navaraj
experience on - Group Bhattarai,
conducting HFOMC Discussion Mr. Raj Kumar
meeting Sangroula
Day III( 16 August, 2016) Moderator: Mr. Hyung Joon Kim
Time Session Objectives Content Method Material Responsibility
Lunch (1 hour )
2:00- 2:30 Bi-monthly Review To orient about the - Importance Power point PPT slides Facilitator: Mr.
Meeting review meetings - Conduction Presentation Projector Janak Thapa
- Identification of
and challenges
- Target Vs
- Possible Field
02:30– 04:30 Admin Rules To orient about admin - Disbursement of Power point PPT slides Facilitator: Ms.
and finance rules of budget for Presentation Projector Ami Maharjan/
NPHF refreshment Mr. Baburam
- Referral fund Tandon
- Incentives of SM
- Leave
- Rules and
regulations of
Closing session Participants,
Team, Partner
and invitees