Behaviorism-Antecedent Influences
Behaviorism-Antecedent Influences
Behaviorism-Antecedent Influences
• Watson: “Behaviorism is a direct outgrowth of studies in animal behavior during the 1st
decade of the 20th century.
• Animal Psychology grew out of evolutionary theory and led attempts to demonstrate:
1. Existence of mind in lower organisms
2. Continuity between the animal and the human mind
• Jacques Loeb
o German physiologist and zoologist
o Significant step towards greater objectivity in animal psychology is credited to
o Developed a theory of animal behavior based on TROPISM: an involuntary forced
An animal’s reaction to a stimulus in direct and automatic, thus forced by
a stimulus and does not require explanation of the alleged consciousness.
o Although his work represented the most objective approach to animal
psychology, Loeb did not reject consciousness in animals that were high on the
evolutionary scale, such as humans.
Animal consciousness was revealed by ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY: animals
had learned to react to certain stimuli in a desirable way (e.g.: animal
responds to sound when it means getting food--- shows mental
o Connection: Watson took courses with Loeb at the University of Chicago, showed
curiosity about Loeb’s mechanistic views, but was somehow stopped by Angell
and HH Donaldson, a neurologist.
• Life
o Received all of his education in the U.S. (significant that this was possible)
o Interest was awakened when he read James’ “The Principles of Psychology”
(later studied under James in Harvard University)
o Planned to conduct research on children, but was forbidden, so he chose chicks
instead (difficulty housing his chicks, helped by James)
o Did not complete his study in Harvard, continued at Columbia University under
o 1898: “Animal Intelligence: An Experimental Study of the Associative Processes
of Animals” (1st doctoral dissertation to use animal subjects)
o Became an instructor in psychology in Teachers College in Columbia University
(worked with human subjects on learning, children, and young people)
o Educational Psychology and Mental Testing
o 1910: founded the Journal of Educational Psychology
o 1912: president of APA
o 1924: annual income of 70,000
o 50 years in Columbia University-most productive in the history of psychology=
507 items listed on his biography.
o Retired in 1939
• Connectionism
o Connection between situations and responses
o Varying strength between:
Situations, elements of situations, and compounds of situations
Responses, readiness to respond, facilitation, inhibitions, and directions of
o Learning is connecting. The mind is man’s connection system. (Direct extension
of the older philosophical notion of association, only that Thorndike was dealing
with connections between verifiable situations and responses).
o Continued to invoke mental processes: annoyance, discomfort, satisfaction
o In spite of a mentalistic tinge, Thorndike’s approach was indeed mechanistic=
stimulus-response units.
• Laws of Learning
o Law of Effect
Act that produces satisfaction becomes associated with the situation
Act that produces discomfort becomes disassociated with the situation, so
that if the situation recurs, the act is less likely to occur.
o Law of Exercise or the Law of Use and Disuse
The more the response is used in the situation, the more strongly it
becomes associated with it.
Prolonged disuse of the response tends to weaken the association.
o Further researches persuaded Thorndike that satisfactory results (rewards) of
the response are more effective than merely repeating the response.
o Upon reexamination of the law of effect, Thorndike’s results revealed that:
Rewarding a response indeed strengthen it but
Punishing a response did not produce a comparable negative effect
(greater emphasis on rewards than punishment).
• Comment
o Contributions
Objective spirit=important contribution to behaviorism
One of Psychology’s Most influential figures: signaled a shift from
speculation to experimentation
• Life
o Central Russia, eldest among 11- early sense of responsibility and drive to work
o Entered theological seminary but changed his mind after reading Darwin
o Attended St. Petersburg to study animal psychology, a several hundred miles far.
o “Intelligentsia” (too intelligent for peasantry, but too poor and common for
o Degree- 1875 and pursued physiological research
o Not distracted by salary, clothing, or living conditions (1890, child died due to
o Kept no money for him, but spent the funds for dogs in his laboratory.
o 1897-1936---150 researches worked under his supervision and direction,
producing 500 scientific papers (whole lab like a mechanism of the clock)
o Pavlov’s temper (no gunfires, insults, congratulate both assistants and dogs), but
was treated like a royalty by his students
o Dogs: unfortunate fate but unavoidable in scientific research (statue of a dog)
o Relationship with the Soviet Union was difficult—wrote protest letters to Stalin,
the tyrannical dictator who killed and exiled millions. Even so, the government
was generous to him.
o Remained a scientist to the last—Self-observation whenever he was ill (My brain
is not working well, obsessive feelings and involuntary movements appear,
mortification may be setting in. It is time to get up! Help me, I must dress!”)
Psychic Reflexes
• Mentalistic experiences
• Reaction formed because other stimuli (footsteps and mere sight of
the attendant) were so often associated with feeding
• Credit to Rene Descartes 300 years ago
• Dog Situation
o When food is placed on its mouth, salivating is a reflex of the
digestive system (innate or unconditional reflex)
o Salivating at the sight of the food is not reflexive but must be
learned, dependent on the dog’s association (conditional
o “conditioned reflex” by WH Gantt
o Thorough method- equipment to collect the saliva (limits
o A Conditioning Experiment
An unconditioned stimulus-food
Conditioned stimulus-light
Animal will salivate with the light alone, given that marami ang times na
nasundan ng pagkain ang ilaw (reinforcement).
Reinforcement: something that increases the likelihood of a response
• Comment on Pavlov
o Basic element of “behavior”—a workable unit
o Greater objectivity in subject matter and method and reinforced the trend
toward practical and functional applications.
o Referred to himself as an experimental psychologist (a turn point from his old
psychology as a pure science stand).
• Other Influences
o E.B. Twitmeyer (Edwin Burket Twitmeyer)-Knee-jerk reflex (research findings
o Alois Kreil- goldfish
o Vladimir M. Bekhterev (1857-1927)
Summoned to examine the dictator Stalin- paranoia
Associated Reflexes- elicited not only by unconditioned stimuli but also by
stimuli that was associated with the unconditioned stimuli (ex: buzzer—
shock---buzzer---withdrawal of finger)