Pfsense - A Guide To NAT, Firewall Rules and Some Networking 101

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12/7/2018 pfSense: A Guide to NAT, Firewall Rules and some Networking 101 - Muffin's Lab

Just a boy and his toys;






How to pfSense.

So, you’ve decided to ditch that POS ISP provided router, or just literally anything marketed
towards consumers and have installed pfSense, so.. what now?

The following will be a guide on how to create, manage and understand both rewall rules
and NAT in pfSense. I get asked a lot of questions daily and I thought this should be useful
for those that are either new to pfSense or want to understand what they’re doing when
they create rules.

This guide is not just for pfSense, it’s just what I use and is extremely popular so I’m doing a
post about it. A lot of the fundamentals and methodology will carry over to many other

In this post, I will try and explain why these steps are being taken and add some networking
101 into the mix as well.

This post will be split up into several sections underneath NAT and rewall rules. 1/28
12/7/2018 pfSense: A Guide to NAT, Firewall Rules and some Networking 101 - Muffin's Lab


The Fuck is NAT?

Port Forwarding
Outbound NAT
Static Port
1:1 NAT
NAT Re ection


Rule Placement
Basic Rules
Advanced Options
Basic Traf c Shaping
Floating Rules


The Fuck is NAT?

NAT (Network Address Translation) is pretty much the only reason the internet is around
in the capacity it is today, it’s the only reason IPv4 actually worked and managed to expand
the internet like it did. I know a lot of you know what NAT is so I’m not going to go into
detail, but for those of you not quite sure here’s the low down:

Your network has utilises RFC 1918 addresses, that is, a local network address that
are not routable on the internet, ever. These addresses are,, You’ve seen these before and know what I’m talking about. When you talk
about internal networks 99.8% of the time you’re talking about IPs in these ranges.

So, the elders of the internet assigned these for private networks, but why? And does
everyone use them? Yes (99.9% of the time). The point is that your private address
is translated by your router and masked behind your public routable IP address. This is
why all traf c from your network appears to come from one single IP, regardless of the
device behind that router, and regardless of that device’s private IP. This is done using a
randomly generated source port so that many requests can be made from the same IP.

This is how it works, in extremely basic terms: 2/28
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Client: “Hi router, I want to get to blog.monstermuf”

Router: “Okay, you’re coming from with a source port of 12345 to on port 443”
Router: “I’m going to send out this packet to from IP on port
Server: “I have received a packet from from port 12345 to 443, I am going to
send this webpage back to to port 12345 from ”
Router: “I have received a packet from on port 12345, this must be for, I will send this packet there”

NAT. This is happening constantly on your routers forwarding table, it’s remembering all
those ports so it knows where to send what. This is why you can visit the same website
from multiple devices from within your network, because they use different
outbound ports.

Quick Note:

Originally, the above said ‘routeing table’ to make this easier to understand however it was
pointed out to me that this is just wrong, and I agree. This NAT information is stored in a
routers forwarding table which is different to the routeing table.
The routeing table is responsible for nding a  suitable path for a packet from the sender to
destination whereas the forwarding table is responsible for sending the packet toward the
destination based on routing information.

Port Forwarding:

Port forwarding is extremely easy in pfSense and is useful for exposing services in your
local network, but why do you need to do it in the rst place?

You run a webserver on your network and host a website, awesome. HTTP runs on port 80,
so you can access your website by going to that servers local IP address from any other
LAN device and it works, but what about externally? If you try and put in your public IP
nothing will happen.

Without a valid port forward rule the rewall will not know where packets destined for a
port are supposed to go, and the packet will be dropped.

By adding a port forward, you are telling pfSense “Hey, if you get a packet destined for port
80, pass it to this IP”.

So now we shall setup port forwarding, and it really couldn’t be easier. 3/28
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1. Go to Firewall > NAT. You will be in the ‘port forward’ section. Click add to add a rule,
either at the top or the bottom, it doesn’t really matter. If you added two rules for the
same port the top-most one will be the one active.
2. Use the following settings for your port forward:
Disabled: Ticking this box will disable the rule, so leave it unchecked.
No RDR: Leave unchecked.
Interface: WAN
Protocol: The protocol of the expected traf c, likely TCP and or UDP.
Source: Leave the defaults.
Destination: WAN address.
Destination Port Range: What port will the traf c come in on? This can be a range
of ports if you wish. You may also use the drop-down service selector which will
select the appropriate port.
Redirect target IP: The end device to be forwarded to.
Redirect Target Port: The port on the device receiving the traf c. Usually the same
as the destination port, and if the destination port is a range, use the start of said
Description: A description of the rule for your interface.
No XMLRPC Sync: Leave unchecked.
NAT re ection: Use system default.
Filter rule association: Add an associated lter rule.
The following is an example of how I would port forward a web server with a simple
WAN setup:

Note, as you can see in the screenshot you can enter the port manually or use pfSense’s
drop-down which has common ports listed, here you can see I used ‘HTTP’ for port 80. 4/28
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Once this is done you will see the following rule has been added to the NAT tab:

And this will be at the top of the page, click it to apply the rule and add it into the routeing

Heading over to Firewall > Rules > WAN you will see the rule there as well. You have
successfully created a port forward in pfSense. Do this as many times as needed for as
many services as you need, but always be careful exposing services to the outside world.

Outbound NAT: 5/28
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Outbound NAT is what allows the rewall to translate your local IPs to your public one.
pfSense has pre-con gured rules for outbound NAT allowing you to translate your LAN
networks. To have a look at these, head over to Firewall > NAT > Outbound.

At the top you will see the following options:

Automatic Outbound NAT: This setting is the default. pfSense will add outbound NAT
rules itself when required, and the defaults will allow for traf c to be translated, you
cannot edit anything in this mode.
Hybrid Outbound NAT: This setting keeps the automatic rules, uneditable, but allows
you to add your own outbound NAT rules to the table.
Manual Outbound NAT: The automatic rules are added, but you are able to
edit//add//remove as you want.
Disable Outbound NAT: As the name suggests, disables outbound NAT rules, not
recommended unless you know what you’re doing.

As you can see I have mine set to ‘Manual’ and I will try and explain one of the reasons why.

I tunnel all of my traf c through a VPN provider (I have a guide here), and to do this I need
outbound NAT rules. What I have done is add an outbound NAT rule allowing my ‘LAN’ to
be translated with my VPN IP address, allowing my LAN to browse the internet behind my
VPN IP. This is simply allowing my LAN to do so, not forcing it to, that comes under rewall
rules which I cover later. The rule is as follows: 6/28
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I have done this for all my VLANs, you can, also, do one rule with a summarization. So
instead of specifying each of my VLANs with a rule, I can just say “translate via
VPNAC address”. As long as this covers all my VLANs, it will work and only requires one

I also have the following rule from the automatic rule, but have disabled it:

By disabling this rule, I have stopped leakage of internet data from my LAN when my VPN
may be down. Because pfSense now has no rules telling it to translate LAN traf c with my
WAN address, if my VPN goes down devices cannot carry on like normal unmasked, which
is what I want.

As you add VPN servers to your pfSense machine you will see more and more rules get
added automatically to allow for your new subnets to get to the internet.

Another interesting thing to mention here, which I have not dabbled in myself yet, is
address pools. Address pools allow you to NAT using different WAN IPs. If you have 7/28
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multiple WAN IPs con gured on your rewall, you can tell pfSense to NAT using all of the
IPs using a number of pool options, such as a round robin. This is all con gured under the
outbound NAT rules.

Static Port:

One of the more interesting things that pfSense does is the way it handles NAT. Remember
when I said that packets come from a random port on a client machine, and NAT forwards
this into the internet behind the WAN IP? Well, it does do that, but it scrambles the source

Your machine could request a website from source port 13523, but pfSense will change
that when NAT’ing to mask this. This is a security feature. When the packet returns it
knows what it scrambled it to, so it knows which source to put back on the packet and
sends it back to the client.

Awesome, right? Well, kind of… This source port rewriting can break some applications,
this is especially true for some online game services I have found. There is, however, a x
which I will show you.

1. The rst thing you need to do is ensure that the machine you want to use a static port
con guration has a static IP. Either assign it on the device itself or uses a static lease. I
add all my game consoles into a static lease in Windows DHCP for this.
2. Add a rule to the top of the outbound NAT rules. The rule must be placed on top. This is
because pfSense must match this rule  rst before matching the other rule that allows
devices to be NAT’ed to the internet.
3. Con gure the rule as follows:
Disabled: Ticking this box will disable the rule, so leave it unchecked.
Do not NAT: Leave unchecked.
Interface: WAN
Protocol: Any
Source: Network – Your device IP goes here /32
Destination: Any
Address: Interface Address
Port or Range: Blank – Click on Static Port
Description: Enter a description for this rule as a reference. 8/28
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Once done, save the rule and click apply at the top. To ensure that this change takes effect, I
like to purge the states table and let it rebuild with our new rule, to do this go to
Diagnostics > States > Reset States and click reset. You will lose the WebGUI for a few
seconds as all connection states are dropped, this is ne.

1:1 NAT:

1:1 NAT is extremely simple to understand and is heavily used in many enterprise networks
for various reasons. You may see this being called a MIP or a VIP with other vendors, it’s
the same thing.

All a 1:1 NAT does is bind a public IP address to a private IP address.  This can be useful if
you have multiple IP addresses and want to expose an entire server to the internet, many
companies do this for servers in a DMZ. One of the bene ts of this is what the server 9/28
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has complete access to the internet whilst still maintaining a presence in the LAN via its
private IP. 

NAT Re ection:

NAT re ection can be a confusing topic, so I’ll try and keep it simple. NAT re ection is also
known as NAT Loopback and NAT Hairpinning. The bottom line of this is that it allows you
to access local services via your WAN address without leaving your LAN. This means that
if you’re hosting a website called monstermuf on, and want to access it
from, you can do that using its public IP instead of its LAN IP.

If your WAN address is, and your client machine requests a service on,
pfSense is smart enough, thanks to NAT re ection, to say
“I don’t need to send this packet out to the internet, I know that this packet is destined for
this interface so I will instead send it to the port it requested.”
So as long as you have a port forward for that service, pfSense will forward the packet
locally to the webserver, as if it came from the WAN.

Have a crudely drawn diagram that I put together quickly:


Rule Placement: 10/28
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So let’s move onto some rewall stuff. First thing is rst, let’s take a look at the rewall tabs
and how the placement of rules work. Navigating to Firewall > Rules is where we will do
our work.

These tabs are your interfaces, be it virtual or physical. Under here is where you place your
rewall rules to allow or restrict traf c from that interface.

A good way to remember where to put rewall rules is the following, place rules where the
traf c originates from. 

You need to block a weird IP that keeps pinging you, that ping is coming from the
internet so you would place the block rule in the WAN.
You want to block your IP camera from accessing the internet, the IP camera lives in
your LAN, so this is where you would place that rule.

The placement of the rules is also paramount to success with rewall rules. Firewalls, like
pfSense, will attempt to match a rule from the top to the bottom, one by one. Once traf c
matches a lter any rule beneath it will not apply to that traf c.

One rule you are likely to see a lot is an “allow all” rule, which looks something like this in
pfSense: 11/28
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What this is saying is, allow anything [protocol], from anywhere [source], from any

port [port], to go anywhere [destination], to any port [port], via default gateway.

This rule is normally there to allow traf c out to anywhere it needs to go, if you need to add
blocks you can do this above this rule, so that you don’t have to specify what each and
every IP can and can’t do. This is why allow-alls are normally at the bottom, as any speci c
rewall rules will be matched before this rule is applied.

So, the lesson to be learnt here, more speci c rules should be above more broad rules.

Basic Rules:

So now that you understand rule placement we can move onto con guring more basic
rewall rules. Firewall rules, for the most part, are pretty straight forward and self-
explanatory. 12/28
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To create a basic rewall rule to allow traf c from one subnet//VLAN//interface to another,
we go to Firewall > Rules > {Your interface}


Aliases are awesome. They allow you to prede ne a set of IPs, a range or just a single IP to
an alias to be used in rewall rules. This is especially useful when blocking multiple random
IPs, or routeing IPs. Aliases can be used not only for IPs, but also for ports and URLs.

Aliases are con gured under Firewall > Aliases.

Here is an example of an IP alias that I use. This alias has 2 of my domain controllers IPs in it
so I can easily create rules as you will see.

Now with this setup, I can do the following via rewall rules: 13/28
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These rules are in my GuestVLAN. Since I have almost all traf c blocked in that VLAN I
need to specify everywhere clients are allowed to go. Here I have created 2 rules, these
allow the devices on the GuestVLAN to access my domain controllers for DHCP requests
and DNS requests. I could have simpli ed it even further by creating an alias for those ports
and just create the one rule, but this is ne.

Aliases can be used any number of times, anywhere interchangeably.

Advanced Options:

Firewall rules have hidden advanced options that can be revealed by clicking the “show
advanced” when creating or editing a rewall rule.

Pretty much all of these options will not be required, especially not in this basics tutorial,
however, we will cover two options you may use, “Gateway” and “In/Out Pipe”. 14/28
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“In/Out Pipe” will be explained in the next section so we will talk about gateways. I covered
how this can be used here, when tunnelling traf c over a VPN. This option allows you to set
a speci c gateway for traf c to use bypassing the default, this is useful when you have
multiple IPs, or a VPN tunnel.

The following rule shows that I am forcing any traf c that is not local traf c via my VPN
gateway. 15/28
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Now excuse the stupid long screenshot but I wanted to show you the actual page instead of

As you can see here I have used a negate rule, which we looked at earlier, to tell pfSense the
Any traf c not going to (WAN traf c) must leave via VPNAC gateway.
This is effectively forcing my WAN traf c on the LAN interface to go out my VPN, which is
what I want for privacy reasons.

Basic Traf c Shaping:

So here I will show you how to do some very basic static speed traf c shaping, or more,
traf c throttling.

pfSense can utilise static throttling per client, which may be useful to you. I use these on my
GuestVLANs to ensure that guests on my network cannot eat all my bandwidth.

What I mean by static is that you are setting a limiter on a subnet/client that will cap
upload/download at the set rate, this is regardless of what else is going on, there is no
adaptive intelligence in this method.

To get started with this head over to Firewall > Traf c Shaper
Now if we go to Limters > Add New Limiter

Here we can create a new static limiter which will be used for either upload or download,
let’s create one for 10Mb. This is what that would look like: 17/28
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Create another one for your upload/download if desired and save. Now you will have a list
of basic limiters that can be used.

Next head over to Firewall > LAN (or whatever you want to slow down, be it a client or
entire subnet). For this example I will create a rule just for my MacBook however you can
do this for an entire network simply by adding it into a general rule.

The following rule will limit my Macbook to the speeds you can see in the limiter settings,
as you can see I have set 5Mb/10Mb, this will cap my upload at 5 megabits and my
download at 10 megabits, this will only apply to my MacBook as I have speci ed that IP
address under source, and have placed this rule at the top. 18/28
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Note that the cog on the left side of the rule shows that there are limiters applied.

Once this is applied and I go and do a speedtest I get the following: 20/28
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Whilst the limiter isn’t an exact art, you can clearly see here it has done what I intended and
hard capped the connection. This is extremely useful for Guest networks applied to
the ALLOW ALL rule.

Note that limiters will not work on layer 2 traf c, that is to say, limiters are only applied
when routeing is taking place, therefore only traf c destined for outside the speci ed
network can be throttled in this way.

Floating Rules:

Floating rules are interesting and will probably not need to be used by most people.

Floating rules are located in Firewall > Rules > Floating

Floating rules allow you to create rules that apply to multiple interfaces at once, lter
outbound traf c amongst other things.

There is little need to use them in most deployments, I have for testing and to apply rules to
the rewall itself but beyond that can be quite an in-depth topic, I just thought I would
mention them in case you wanted to dig further.


Now, the last part of this post, logging.

Logging is invaluable and I apply logging rules to almost all of my rewall rules. Logging is
extremely simple and very powerful in pfSense. Firstly, go to one of your rewall rules, an 21/28
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allow all rule is probably best for this to test it out.

Edit the rule and check the “Log packets that are handled by this rule” checkbox. Now save
the rule.

You will now see that in the rules overview there are 3 bars on the left-hand side, this tells
you that logging is enabled for that rule.

Heading over to Status > System Logs > Firewall is where we can keep track of these logs.

Everything handled by all logging rules will show up here and is invaluable for debugging
issues, I would highly recommend applying logging to all rewall rules. I would also apply
this to all the blocking rules as you can then see intrusion attempts in this view too.

Filtering is pretty easy using the lter button and you can specify anything you like, here is
me ltering source traf c from my MacBook’s IP. 22/28
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The following shows me this:

Clicking on the green tick (or red cross) will show you exactly what rule has allowed or
blocked the traf c.
As you can see, this is extremely powerful and becomes even more powerful once you start
shipping these logs off to a logging server and doing analysis of the data, but that’s a post
for another time.

And that’s it for this time folks, I sincerely hope you’ve learnt something from this rambling, I
am planning on doing a more in-depth post about the more complex things pfSense can do,
so look out for that.

Thanks for reading! ~~Muf n

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 Posted in Tutorial, Networking

 Tagged Networking 101, Firewall, how to, PfSense

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9 thoughts on “pfSense: A Guide to NAT, Firewall

Rules and some Networking 101 19 min read ”

That’s so weird. I was on the web looking to learn more about pfSense rewall
rules and I didn’t come across a link to this post. Then afterwards I thought I’d
check out your blog to see if there was any new content in general and what
luck! A new post published today about pfSense. Amazing. I haven’t read it all yet,
but I really appreciate the effort you put into your guides. You present the information in a
way that’s easy to read and digest.


[…] [toread] pfSense: A Guide to NAT, Firewall Rules and some Networking 101 – Muf n’s
Lab – How to pfSense. So, you’ve decided to ditch that POS ISP provided router, or just
literally anything marketed towards consumers and have installed pfSense, so..… […] 24/28
12/7/2018 pfSense: A Guide to NAT, Firewall Rules and some Networking 101 - Muffin's Lab


What a well-written, accessible, accurate description of how these rules work!

Not mere abstractions: you know how to use examples for every precept.
Compliments! I wish you would write their documentation.

 PHIL  NOVEMBER 20, 2017  REPLY

Very good article, I was looking for a clear description of NAT and Firewall on
pfsense (I’m currently working on removing my ISP provider ber modem-
router -Orange in France-). I managed to connect the pfsense on internet and tv
network (this ISP is using VLAN traf c 832 (net) , 838 + 840 (tv) to communicate to
the customer), but still have issues … decreased internet speed (but have IP on 832), and tv
not working (just got IP from ISP on 838), I was currently looking in the Firewall and NAT to
correctly route and lter paquets to my tv subnet and my LAN, Thanks !


This was just what I was looking for. Thanks for taking the time to write and
publish this.


May I request a tutorial on OpenVPN Server on Centos 7 and how to connect

two OpenVPN Server together. Thank you.


Thank you for this. Im a PFSence noob, and this was most helpful.

 CAREY  MAY 16, 2018  REPLY 25/28
12/7/2018 pfSense: A Guide to NAT, Firewall Rules and some Networking 101 - Muffin's Lab

I add vpn client. Nat sip port to lan pbx server but remote extension has one
way audio. I change out band vpn client interface change to static. but no luck.
What is the Redirect Host? Is this problem?

root@IncrediblePBX:~/ws $ ping

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=684 ms
From icmp_seq=2 Redirect Host(New nexthop:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=62 time=703 ms
From icmp_seq=3 Redirect Host(New nexthop:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=62 time=622 ms
From icmp_seq=5 Redirect Host(New nexthop:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=62 time=693 ms
From icmp_seq=8 Redirect Host(New nexthop:
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=62 time=696 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=62 time=706 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=62 time=648 ms

 SHETU  JUNE 3, 2018  REPLY

Thanks for your effort in creating such an awesome article, de nitely useful for
pfsense noob like me


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