YS - UDisk - AP User Manual

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User’s Manual

Rev. 1.0

1、Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 System Requirements .................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Multilingual Support...................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Suitable Sample ........................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Disk Partitioning ........................................................................................................... 3
1.41 Local Disk.............................................................................................................3
1.42 Removable Disk ...................................................................................................4
1.5 Note.............................................................................................................................. 4
2、Icon Descriptions of the YS_UDisk_AP Utility...................................................................... 5
2.1 The program starts and hardware detection ................................................................. 5
2.2 Introduction of Partition Manager ................................................................................. 5
2.3 Security Manager ......................................................................................................... 6
2.4 PC Lock Manager......................................................................................................... 6
3、YS_UDisk_AP Utility Operation manual............................................................................... 6
3.1 Introduction of Partition Manager ................................................................................. 6
3.11 Public Disk............................................................................................................7
3.12 CDROM................................................................................................................8
3.13 Public+CDROM..................................................................................................10
3.13 Public Disk+ Security Disk ................................................................................. 11
3.2 Instructions of Security Manager: ............................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Login to Security Area .......................................................................................13
3.2.2 Logout from Security Area.................................................................................15
3.3 Instructions of PC Lock Manager ............................................................................... 16

1.1 System Requirements
1、Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
2、USB 2.0 Host、USB HUB (Optional)

1.2 Multilingual Support

Simplified Chinese、Traditional Chinese、English

1.3 Disk Partitioning

YS_UDisk_AP Utility can be used to partition YS8231 sample into local disk and removable disk.
Removable disk can be used to partition YS8231 sample into 4 kinds of partitioning types. Please
read instructions below before partitioning.

1.31 Local Disk

“Partition” window will pop up right after selecting “local” as below.

User can modify the disk label.

The disk label or disk volume shows the disk name. User may enter or modify the disk label.
(Maximum is 11 bytes).
Execution by pressing “Start”

A warning message prompts user to backup all the data before partition.
Press “OK”.
Show format complete message when finished. Re-plug device is necessary after finish.

1.32 Removable Disk

1、Public Disk
Default setting is no security restrictions. User can use entire memory area as public disk.
The YS8231 sample all can be partitioned into CDROM which can burn ISO file.
3、Public Disk + Secret Disk
The YS8231 samples can be partitioned into 2 disks, Public disk and Security disk. All data
stored in Security disk is protected by password. However, the Public disk has no restrictions in

4、Normal Disk +CDROM

The YS8231 samples can be partitioned into 2 area, Public disk and CDROM.

1.4 Note
1、Please be aware that some utility functions will format the YS8231 sample after executing the
YS_UDisk_AP. Please backup all data in the YS8231 sample before executing the program.
2、User must login Vista system as administer.
3、“User control account ” window will pop up right after Double-click YS_UDisk_AP in Windows 7
system, then click ok.
4、To prevent data loss and fatal damage to the USB Flash Disk, please never remove it
from the USB port while data is being transferred. It is advised that user perform “Safety
Remove Hardware” by selecting “USB Mass Storage Device” before removing the Flash

2、Icon Descriptions of the YS_UDisk_AP Utility

2.1 The program starts and hardware detection
1、The Tool includes two files(two files must be used together), the YS_UDisk_AP of which is a
partition tool.

2、Double-click the tool of “YS_UDisk_AP” ,and we can get the prompt “It can’t find the hardware
device, please plug the device”, there will be a prompt after plugging the devices, as below.

The descriptions for each icon after plug in YS8231 sample and execute was list below.

2.2 Introduction of Partition Manager

The YS8231 sample could be partitioned into 4 kinds of partitioning types as below:
(1) Public disk
(3) Public disk + CDROM
(4) Public disk + security disk

2.3 Security Manager
1、The icon is able to Login security area after correct password key in and logout after data
access for protection.
2、User could modify password(maximum is 16 characters, Chinese characters can’t be inputted)

2.4 PC Lock Manager

Lock PC to prevent un-wanted operation during setting time after un-plug the 8231 sample. User
can define PC lock time and text/picture display they prefer during PC lock time. Then re-plug same
YS8231 samples to computer in any time to un-locking PC, than user can start using computer

3、YS_UDisk_AP Utility Operation manual

3.1 Introduction of Partition Manager
1、Double-click to open YS_UDisk_AP.exe, and click “Partition” on the YS_UDisk_AP Utility bar.

2、“Partition manager” window will pop up right after click as below. Select the way that you need
to partition the disk.

The removable disk could be partitioned into 4 kinds of partitioning types as below:
(1)A Disk: Public Disk
(2)A Disk: CDROM
(3)Two Disks: Public Disk+ CDROM
(4)Two Disks: Public Disk+ Security Disk
3.11 Public Disk
1、“Partition” window will pop up right after selecting the public disk as below.

2、The Public Disk has no restrictions in access. Double-click to open it and check the information.
3、When you select the public disk, only the disk label can be inputted, and the default remainder
is not available(Except < start > button).
4、The disk label shows the disk name. User may modify the disk label. (Maximum is 11 bytes).
5、“Question” window will pop up right after click start.

6、If the disk‘s information is important, user can click <cancel> , and make a copy of the disk, then
part ion.
7、Click <ok>,“Information” window will pop up right after the formatting completes.

8、Showing format complete message when finished. It means partition successfully.

9、According to the prompt, re-plug device is necessary after finish.

10、Then right click on the disk, select properties to check its capacity whether or not to meet the
3.12 CDROM
1、“Partition” window will pop up right as below When user select a single CDROM.

2、CDROM, the contents of which just be read, can not be modified.

3、If you select the “CDROM”, only two options which include “CDROM” and “select the path” are
available, and the other are unavailable.( except the button of “start”)
4、“Prompt” window will pop up right as below if you do not select ISO file.

5、If you wouldn't like to burn ISO file , then click <YES> ,or else click <NO> ,and re-select the ISO
6、“Question” window will pop up right after clicking <start> as below .

7、If the disk ‘s information is important, user can click <cancel> , and make a copy of the disk,
then part ion.
8、Click <ok>,“Information” window will pop up right after the formatting completes.

9、Showing format complete message when finished. It means partition successfully.
10、According to the prompt, re-plug device is necessary after finish.

11、If CDROM can’t pop out automatically , The computer’s setting may be unsupported. And we
can double-click the CDROM to open it.

3.13 Public+CDROM
“Partition” window will pop up right as below when user select ‘’Public+CDROM ‘’.

1、Only three options which consist of “Public Disk”、” CDROM ‘s capacity” and “select the path”
are available, and the other are unavailable.
2、The disk label or disk volume shows the disk name. User may enter or modify the disk label.
(Maximum is 11 bytes, and you could input 11 Chinese characters, but only 5 characters could be
3、The capacity of public disk is not able to change just by adjusting the CDROM 's capacity.

4、Public disk ‘s capacity can not be less than 5MB, and CDROM's capacity must be more than 0.

5、If you don’t select ISO file, click “Start” directly, and the “prompt” window will pop up.

6、If you wouldn't like to burn ISO file , then click <YES> ,or else click <NO> ,and re-select the ISO
7、“Question” window will pop up right after clicking <start> as below.

8、If the disk ‘s information is important, user can click <cancel> , and make a copy of the disk,
then part ion.
9、Click <ok>,“Information” window will pop up right after the formatting completes.

10、Showing format complete message when finished. It means partition successfully.

11、According to the prompt, re-plug device is necessary after finish.
12、If CDROM can’t pop out automatically , The computer’s setting may be unsupported. And we
can double-click the CDROM to open it.
3.13 Public Disk+ Security Disk
1、“Partition” window will pop up right as below when user select ‘’public disk +security disk ‘’.

2、Only four options which consist of “Public Disk’s capacity”、” CDROM ‘s capacity” 、“select the
path” and “the label of disk ”are unavailable, and the other are available.
3、User can adjust the capacity of public disk by inputting the capacity of secret disk or using
mouse. and public disk ‘s capacity can’t be less than 5MB.
4、User can set the password .(password can be up to 16 bytes, does not support Chinese
5、The password prompt is used to prompt user.if user forget password, user can click “change
password” to retrieve password. As below.

6、The disk label or disk volume shows the disk name. User may enter or modify the disk label.
(Maximum is 11 bytes, and you could input 11 Chinese characters, but only 5 characters could be
7、Click “Start”.

8、If the disk ‘s information is important, user can click <cancel> , and make a copy of the disk,
then part ion.
9、Click “OK”.

10、Showing format complete message when finished. It means partition successfully.

11、Showing format complete message when finished. Re-plug device is necessary after finish.

3.2 Instructions of Security Manager:

3.2.1 Login to Security Area
1、Click “Security Manager” on the YS_UDisk_AP Utility bar.

2、“Login/out” window will pop up right after click as below.

3、Input the correct password to log into security area.

4、Figure 1, Figure 2(Double-click Figure 2 can log out the security disk) and removable disk
window will pops up right after successful login.

5、user can click "change password " to change password.
6、“Login/out” window will pop up right after click as below.

7、Click “retrieve password” to recall the password, if the password was set but forget.
8、“Information” window will pop up right as below. Current status, Logout, will show on window. (If
user wants to use "retrieve password ", user must have the answer of the password ‘s prompt).

9、Click “OK” , close “log in/out” interface, Click “Security Manager” in YS_UDisk_AP utility bar,
Then you could log in without password.
10、If user want to change password, user can modify the password by entering the old password,
new password and confirming the password.
11、If revising is successful, a “prompt” window pops up. Current status, Login, will
show up on window.

12、If you input a error password, “error” window will pop up right as below.

13、If you input wrong password for three times , “Warining” window will pop up right as below.

14、User just re-plug device, entering the password again.

3.2.2 Logout from Security Area

1、 Double click on the icon bar; a “Login/out” window pops up.

2、 Click “Logout”.
3、“Information” window will pop up right after click as below. Current status, Logged out, will show
on window.

4、When user successfully logged out secret disk, We will only be able to read the information of
public disk.

5、Choosing to right-click , as below.

6、Choosing < log out >, User will only be able to read the information of public disk.
7、Choosing < exit >, User will still be able to read the information of public disk.

3.3 Instructions of PC Lock Manager

1、Double-click , then click <PC Lock Manager>.

2、“PC Lock” window will pop up right after click as below.

3、Select time from “Lock Interval” reel: PC Lock Manager will start screen saver according to
users setting time.
4、User can click “Execute and shut down” after selecting lock interval time. Then the computer will
Shut down and lock PC. (Computer will lock PC when re-starting)
5、User can select the wallpaper of screen saver from text or pictures display.
6、User can select the font of text.
7、Must indicate the location of folder that picture storage. The picture must be JPG, GIF or BMP
8、User can select location of wallpaper at center or stretch to the screen size.
9、User can set the speed of wallpaper change.
10、After setting and pressing <Start>, PC will be locked immediately when you un-plug the
sample of YS8231.
11、Please well keep the sample of YS8231 after executing PC Lock Manager.
12、Re-plug the homologous sample of YS8231 to computer in any time to un-locking PC, than
user can start using computer again.


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