Stipulated Price Contract: Kal Tire # - New 7-Bay Automotive Service Facility Westgrove Common, Spruce Grove, AB
Stipulated Price Contract: Kal Tire # - New 7-Bay Automotive Service Facility Westgrove Common, Spruce Grove, AB
Stipulated Price Contract: Kal Tire # - New 7-Bay Automotive Service Facility Westgrove Common, Spruce Grove, AB
2 0 0 8
GC 2.1 Authority of the Consultant GC 12.1 Indemnification
GC 2.2 Role of the Consultant GC 12.2 Waiver of Claims
GC 2.3 Review and Inspection of the Work GC 12.3 Warranty
GC 2.4 Defective Work
The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) is a national joint
PART 3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK committee responsible for the development, production and review of standard
GC 3.1 Control of the Work Canadian construction contracts, forms and guides. Formed in 1974 the CCDC is
GC 3.2 Construction by Owner or Other Contractors made up of volunteer representatives from:
GC 3.3 Temporary Work
Public Sector Owners
GC 3.4 Document Review
Private Sector Owners
GC 3.5 Construction Schedule
Canadian Bar Association (Ex-Officio)
GC 3.6 Supervision
* The Association of Canadian Engineering Companies
GC 3.7 Subcontractors and Suppliers
* The Canadian Construction Association
GC 3.8 Labour and Products
* Construction Specifications Canada
GC 3.9 Documents at the Site
* The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
GC 3.10 Shop Drawings
GC 3.11 Use of the Work *Committee policy and procedures are directed and approved by the four constituent
GC 3.12 Cutting and Remedial Work national organizations.
GC 3.13 Cleanup
CCDC 2 is the product of a consensus-building process aimed at balancing the
interests of all parties on the construction project. It reflects recommended industry
practices. CCDC 2 can have important consequences. The CCDC and its
GC 4.1 Cash Allowances
constituent member organizations do not accept any responsibility or liability for
GC 4.2 Contingency Allowance
loss or damage which may be suffered as a result of the use or interpretation of
1.1 perform the Work required by the Contract Documents for _____________________________________________________
1.3 commence the Work by the 15 day of August in the year 2015 and, subject to adjustment in Contract
Time as provided for in the Contract Documents, attain Substantial Performance of the Work, by the 28 day
of February in the year 2016 . The dates listed in Article 1.3 are based on the Assumption that a Building
Permit is obtained no later than August 14, 2015. If the Building Permit is
NOT issued by August 14, 2015, the Construction Start will be delayed to
ARTICLE A-2 AGREEMENTS AND AMENDMENTS April 15, 2016 and completions date adjusted accordingly.
2.1 The Contract supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral, relating in any manner
to the Work, including the bidding documents that are not expressly listed in Article A-3 of the Agreement - CONTRACT
2.2 The Contract may be amended only as provided in the Contract Documents.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
3.1 The following are the Contract Documents referred to in Article A-1 of the Agreement - THE WORK:
Structural Drawings by Arrow Engineering Inc. dated June 6, 2015 (S101, S102, S103, S104, S105, S201, S202, S203,
S301, S302, S303, S401, S402)
Mechanical Drawings by by Arrow Engineering Inc. dated June 6, 2015 (M100, M200, M201, M202, M300, M400,
M500, M600)
Electrical Drawings by by Arrow Engineering Inc. dated June 6, 2015 (E101, E201, E202, E301 E302, E400)
Civil Drawings by WSP dated June 12, 2015 (C01, C02, C03)
-Kal Tire Image & Facilities Guide (July 2011 Release) c/w Kal Tire Confidentiallity Agreement
-Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. By Thurber Engineering Ltd. dated April 21, 2006 (File 19-3037-31)
-Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. By PHH ARC Environmental dated February 4, 2013(Project No.6273X-01)
-Phase II Environmental Site Assessment. By PHH ARC Environmental dated March 21, 2013(Project No.6273AA)
-Groundwater Sampling Program. By PHH ARC Environmental dated October 8, 2013(Project No.6273AF)
-Groundwater Sampling Program. (Letter of Reliance)- By PHH ARC Environmental dated
March 13, 2013(Project No.6273AF)
Note: The environmental reports listed above are available upon request.
* (Insert here, attaching additional pages if required, a list identifying all other Contract Documents e.g. supplementary
conditions; information documents; specifications, giving a list of contents with section numbers and titles, number of pages
and date; material finishing schedules; drawings, giving drawing number, title, date, revision date or mark; addenda, giving
title, number, date)
CCDC 2 – 2008 File 005213 2
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
4.1 The Contract Price, which excludes Value Added Taxes, is:
/100 dollars $
4.2 Value Added Taxes (of %) payable by the Owner to the Contractor are:
4.3 Total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor for the construction of the Work is:
/100 dollars $
4.4 These amounts shall be subject to adjustments as provided in the Contract Documents.
5.1 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, and in accordance with legislation and statutory regulations respecting
holdback percentages and, where such legislation or regulations do not exist or apply, subject to a holdback of
Ten percent ( 10.0 %), the Owner shall:
.1 make progress payments to the Contractor on account of the Contract Price when due in the amount certified by the
Consultant together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such payments, and
.2 upon Substantial Performance of the Work, pay to the Contractor the unpaid balance of the holdback amount when due
together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such payment, and
.3 upon the issuance of the final certificate for payment, pay to the Contractor the unpaid balance of the Contract Price
when due together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such payment.
5.2 In the event of loss or damage occurring where payment becomes due under the property and boiler insurance policies,
payments shall be made to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of GC 11.1 – INSURANCE.
5.3 Interest
.1 Should either party fail to make payments as they become due under the terms of the Contract or in an award by
arbitration or court, interest at the following rates on such unpaid amounts shall also become due and payable until
(1) 2% per annum above the prime rate for the first 60 days.
(2) 4% per annum above the prime rate after the first 60 days.
Such interest shall be compounded on a monthly basis. The prime rate shall be the rate of interest quoted by
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
6.1 Notices in Writing will be addressed to the recipient at the address set out below. The delivery of a Notice in Writing will be by
hand, by courier, by prepaid first class mail, or by facsimile or other form of electronic communication during the transmission
of which no indication of failure of receipt is communicated to the sender. A Notice in Writing delivered by one party in
accordance with this Contract will be deemed to have been received by the other party on the date of delivery if delivered by
hand or courier, or if sent by mail it shall be deemed to have been received five calendar days after the date on which it was
mailed, provided that if either such day is not a Working Day, then the Notice in Writing shall be deemed to have been received
on the Working Day next following such day. A Notice in Writing sent by facsimile or other form of electronic communication
shall be deemed to have been received on the date of its transmission provided that if such day is not a Working Day or if it is
received after the end of normal business hours on the date of its transmission at the place of receipt, then it shall be deemed to
have been received at the opening of business at the place of receipt on the first Working Day next following the transmission
thereof. An address for a party may be changed by Notice in Writing to the other party setting out the new address in accordance
with this Article.
name of Contractor*
7.1 When the Contract Documents are prepared in both the English and French languages, it is agreed that in the event of any
apparent discrepancy between the English and French versions, the English / French # language shall prevail.
# Complete this statement by striking out inapplicable term.
7.2 This Agreement is drawn in English at the request of the parties hereto. La présente convention est rédigée en anglais à la
demande des parties.
CCDC 2 – 2008 File 005213 4
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
8.1 The Contract shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, legal representatives,
successors, and assigns.
In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this Agreement by the hands of their duly authorized representatives.
signature signature
signature signature
name of Contractor
signature signature
signature signature
N.B. Where legal jurisdiction, local practice or Owner or Contractor requirement calls for:
(a) proof of authority to execute this document, attach such proof of authority in the form of a certified copy of a resolution
naming the representative(s) authorized to sign the Agreement for and on behalf of the corporation or partnership; or
(b) the affixing of a corporate seal, this Agreement should be properly sealed.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
Standard Construction Document CCDC 2 – 2008
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
15. Project
The Project means the total construction contemplated of which the Work may be the whole or a part.
16. Provide
Provide means to supply and install.
17. Shop Drawings
Shop Drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performance charts, brochures, Product data, and other data
which the Contractor provides to illustrate details of portions of the Work.
18. Specifications
The Specifications are that portion of the Contract Documents, wherever located and whenever issued, consisting of the written
requirements and standards for Products, systems, workmanship, quality, and the services necessary for the performance of the
19. Subcontractor
A Subcontractor is a person or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor to perform a part or parts of the Work at
the Place of the Work.
20. Substantial Performance of the Work
Substantial Performance of the Work is as defined in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work. If such
legislation is not in force or does not contain such definition, or if the Work is governed by the Civil Code of Quebec,
Substantial Performance of the Work shall have been reached when the Work is ready for use or is being used for the
purpose intended and is so certified by the Consultant.
21. Supplemental Instruction
A Supplemental Instruction is an instruction, not involving adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Time, in the form of
Specifications, Drawings, schedules, samples, models or written instructions, consistent with the intent of the Contract
Documents. It is to be issued by the Consultant to supplement the Contract Documents as required for the performance of
the Work.
22. Supplier
A Supplier is a person or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor to supply Products.
23. Temporary Work
Temporary Work means temporary supports, structures, facilities, services, and other temporary items, excluding Construction
Equipment, required for the execution of the Work but not incorporated into the Work.
24. Value Added Taxes
Value Added Taxes means such sum as shall be levied upon the Contract Price by the Federal or any Provincial or Territorial
Government and is computed as a percentage of the Contract Price and includes the Goods and Services Tax, the Quebec
Sales Tax, the Harmonized Sales Tax, and any similar tax, the collection and payment of which have been imposed on the
Contractor by the tax legislation.
25. Work
The Work means the total construction and related services required by the Contract Documents.
26. Working Day
Working Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday, statutory holiday, or statutory vacation day that is observed by the
construction industry in the area of the Place of the Work.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
Standard Construction Document CCDC 2 – 2008
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
1.4.1 Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract or a portion thereof without the written consent of the other, which
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
2.2.13 During the progress of the Work the Consultant will furnish Supplemental Instructions to the Contractor with reasonable
promptness or in accordance with a schedule for such instructions agreed to by the Consultant and the Contractor.
2.2.14 The Consultant will review and take appropriate action upon Shop Drawings, samples and other Contractor’s submittals, in
accordance with the Contract Documents.
2.2.15 The Consultant will prepare Change Orders and Change Directives as provided in GC 6.2 - CHANGE ORDER and GC 6.3
2.2.16 The Consultant will conduct reviews of the Work to determine the date of Substantial Performance of the Work as provided
2.2.17 All certificates issued by the Consultant will be to the best of the Consultant's knowledge, information and belief. By issuing
any certificate, the Consultant does not guarantee the Work is correct or complete.
2.2.18 The Consultant will receive and review written warranties and related documents required by the Contract and provided by
the Contractor and will forward such warranties and documents to the Owner for the Owner's acceptance.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
3.1.1 The Contractor shall have total control of the Work and shall effectively direct and supervise the Work so as to ensure
conformity with the Contract Documents.
3.1.2 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures and for
co-ordinating the various parts of the Work under the Contract.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
3.3.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of GC 3.1 - CONTROL OF THE WORK, paragraphs 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 or provisions to the
contrary elsewhere in the Contract Documents where such Contract Documents include designs for Temporary Work or
specify a method of construction in whole or in part, such designs or methods of construction shall be considered to be part
of the design of the Work and the Contractor shall not be held responsible for that part of the design or the specified method
of construction. The Contractor shall, however, be responsible for the execution of such design or specified method of
construction in the same manner as for the execution of the Work.
3.6.1 The Contractor shall provide all necessary supervision and appoint a competent representative who shall be in attendance at
the Place of the Work while work is being performed. The appointed representative shall not be changed except for valid
3.6.2 The appointed representative shall represent the Contractor at the Place of the Work. Information and instructions provided
by the Consultant to the Contractor’s appointed representative shall be deemed to have been received by the Contractor,
except with respect to Article A-6 of the Agreement – RECEIPT OF AND ADDRESSES FOR NOTICES IN WRITING.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
3.7.5 The Contractor shall not be required to employ as a Subcontractor or Supplier, a person or firm to which the Contractor may
reasonably object.
3.7.6 The Owner, through the Consultant, may provide to a Subcontractor or Supplier information as to the percentage of the
Subcontractor's or Supplier's work which has been certified for payment.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
3.11.1 The Contractor shall confine Construction Equipment, Temporary Work, storage of Products, waste products and debris, and
operations of employees and Subcontractors to limits indicated by laws, ordinances, permits, or the Contract Documents and
shall not unreasonably encumber the Place of the Work.
3.11.2 The Contractor shall not load or permit to be loaded any part of the Work with a weight or force that will endanger the safety
of the Work.
3.13.1 The Contractor shall maintain the Work in a safe and tidy condition and free from the accumulation of waste products and
debris, other than that caused by the Owner, other contractors or their employees.
3.13.2 Before applying for Substantial Performance of the Work as provided in GC 5.4 – SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF
THE WORK, the Contractor shall remove waste products and debris, other than that resulting from the work of the Owner,
other contractors or their employees, and shall leave the Place of the Work clean and suitable for use or occupancy by the
Owner. The Contractor shall remove products, tools, Construction Equipment, and Temporary Work not required for the
performance of the remaining work.
3.13.3 Prior to application for the final payment, the Contractor shall remove any remaining products, tools, Construction
Equipment, Temporary Work, and waste products and debris, other than those resulting from the work of the Owner, other
contractors or their employees.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
4.2.1 The Contract Price includes the contingency allowance, if any, stated in the Contract Documents.
4.2.2 The contingency allowance includes the Contractor's overhead and profit in connection with such contingency allowance.
4.2.3 Expenditures under the contingency allowance shall be authorized and valued as provided in GC 6.1 – OWNER’S RIGHT
4.2.4 The Contract Price shall be adjusted by Change Order to provide for any difference between the expenditures authorized
under paragraph 4.2.3 and the contingency allowance.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
5.4.1 When the Contractor considers that the Work is substantially performed, or if permitted by the lien legislation applicable to
the Place of the Work a designated portion thereof which the Owner agrees to accept separately is substantially performed,
the Contractor shall, within one Working Day, deliver to the Consultant and to the Owner a comprehensive list of items to be
completed or corrected, together with a written application for a review by the Consultant to establish Substantial
Performance of the Work or substantial performance of the designated portion of the Work. Failure to include an item on the
list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete the Contract.
5.4.2 The Consultant will review the Work to verify the validity of the application and shall promptly, and in any event, no later
than 20 calendar days after receipt of the Contractor's list and application:
.1 advise the Contractor in writing that the Work or the designated portion of the Work is not substantially performed and
give reasons why, or
.2 state the date of Substantial Performance of the Work or a designated portion of the Work in a certificate and issue a
copy of that certificate to each of the Owner and the Contractor.
5.4.3 Immediately following the issuance of the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work, the Contractor, in consultation
with the Consultant, shall establish a reasonable date for finishing the Work.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
5.6.2 In the Province of Quebec, where, upon application by the Contractor, the Consultant has certified that the work of a
Subcontractor or Supplier has been performed prior to Substantial Performance of the Work, the Owner shall pay the
Contractor the holdback amount retained for such subcontract work, or the Products supplied by such Supplier, no later than
30 calendar days after such certification by the Consultant. The Owner may retain out of the holdback amount any sums
required to satisfy any legal hypothecs that have been taken, or could be taken, against the Work or other third party
monetary claims against the Contractor which are enforceable against the Owner.
5.6.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, and notwithstanding the wording of such certificates, the
Contractor shall ensure that such subcontract work or Products are protected pending the issuance of a final certificate for
payment and be responsible for the correction of defects or work not performed regardless of whether or not such was
apparent when such certificates were issued.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
6.3.1 If the Owner requires the Contractor to proceed with a change in the Work prior to the Owner and the Contractor agreeing
upon the corresponding adjustment in Contract Price and Contract Time, the Owner, through the Consultant, shall issue a
Change Directive.
6.3.2 A Change Directive shall only be used to direct a change in the Work which is within the general scope of the Contract
6.3.3 A Change Directive shall not be used to direct a change in the Contract Time only.
6.3.4 Upon receipt of a Change Directive, the Contractor shall proceed promptly with the change in the Work.
6.3.5 For the purpose of valuing Change Directives, changes in the Work that are not substitutions or otherwise related to each
other shall not be grouped together in the same Change Directive.
6.3.6 The adjustment in the Contract Price for a change carried out by way of a Change Directive shall be determined on the basis
of the cost of the Contractor’s actual expenditures and savings attributable to the Change Directive, valued in accordance
with paragraph 6.3.7 and as follows:
.1 If the change results in a net increase in the Contractor’s cost, the Contract Price shall be increased by the amount of the
net increase in the Contractor’s cost, plus the Contractor’s percentage fee on such net increase.
.2 If the change results in a net decrease in the Contractor’s cost, the Contract Price shall be decreased by the amount of
the net decrease in the Contractor’s cost, without adjustment for the Contractor’s percentage fee.
.3 The Contractor’s fee shall be as specified in the Contract Documents or as otherwise agreed by the parties.
6.3.7 The cost of performing the work attributable to the Change Directive shall be limited to the actual cost of the following:
.1 salaries, wages and benefits paid to personnel in the direct employ of the Contractor under a salary or wage schedule
agreed upon by the Owner and the Contractor, or in the absence of such a schedule, actual salaries, wages and benefits
paid under applicable bargaining agreement, and in the absence of a salary or wage schedule and bargaining agreement,
actual salaries, wages and benefits paid by the Contractor, for personnel
(1) stationed at the Contractor’s field office, in whatever capacity employed;
(2) engaged in expediting the production or transportation of material or equipment, at shops or on the road;
(3) engaged in the preparation or review of Shop Drawings, fabrication drawings, and coordination drawings; or
(4) engaged in the processing of changes in the Work.
.2 contributions, assessments or taxes incurred for such items as employment insurance, provincial or territorial health
insurance, workers' compensation, and Canada or Quebec Pension Plan, insofar as such cost is based on wages, salaries
or other remuneration paid to employees of the Contractor and included in the cost of the Work as provided in paragraph;
.3 travel and subsistence expenses of the Contractor's personnel described in paragraph;
.4 all Products including cost of transportation thereof;
.5 materials, supplies, Construction Equipment, Temporary Work, and hand tools not owned by the workers, including
transportation and maintenance thereof, which are consumed in the performance of the Work; and cost less salvage value
on such items used but not consumed, which remain the property of the Contractor;
.6 all tools and Construction Equipment, exclusive of hand tools used in the performance of the Work, whether rented from
or provided by the Contractor or others, including installation, minor repairs and replacements, dismantling, removal,
transportation, and delivery cost thereof;
.7 all equipment and services required for the Contractor’s field office;
.8 deposits lost;
.9 the amounts of all subcontracts;
.10 quality assurance such as independent inspection and testing services;
.11 charges levied by authorities having jurisdiction at the Place of the Work;
.12 royalties, patent licence fees and damages for infringement of patents and cost of defending suits therefor subject always
to the Contractor's obligations to indemnify the Owner as provided in paragraph 10.3.1 of GC 10.3 - PATENT FEES;
.13 any adjustment in premiums for all bonds and insurance which the Contractor is required, by the Contract Documents,
to purchase and maintain;
.14 any adjustment in taxes, other than Value Added Taxes, and duties for which the Contractor is liable;
.15 charges for long distance telephone and facsimile communications, courier services, expressage, and petty cash items
incurred in relation to the performance of the Work;
.16 removal and disposal of waste products and debris; and
.17 safety measures and requirements.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
6.3.8 Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in the General Conditions of the Contract, it is the intention of the parties
that the cost of any item under any cost element referred to in paragraph 6.3.7 shall cover and include any and all costs or
liabilities attributable to the Change Directive other than those which are the result of or occasioned by any failure on the
part of the Contractor to exercise reasonable care and diligence in the Contractor’s attention to the Work. Any cost due to
failure on the part of the Contractor to exercise reasonable care and diligence in the Contractor’s attention to the Work shall
be borne by the Contractor.
6.3.9 The Contractor shall keep full and detailed accounts and records necessary for the documentation of the cost of performing
the Work attributable to the Change Directive and shall provide the Consultant with copies thereof when requested.
6.3.10 For the purpose of valuing Change Directives, the Owner shall be afforded reasonable access to all of the Contractor’s
pertinent documents related to the cost of performing the Work attributable to the Change Directive.
6.3.11 Pending determination of the final amount of a Change Directive, the undisputed value of the Work performed as the result
of a Change Directive is eligible to be included in progress payments.
6.3.12 If the Owner and the Contractor do not agree on the proposed adjustment in the Contract Time attributable to the change in
the Work, or the method of determining it, the adjustment shall be referred to the Consultant for determination.
6.3.13 When the Owner and the Contractor reach agreement on the adjustment to the Contract Price and to the Contract Time, this
agreement shall be recorded in a Change Order.
6.5.1 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by an action or omission of the Owner, Consultant or anyone
employed or engaged by them directly or indirectly, contrary to the provisions of the Contract Documents, then the Contract
Time shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor. The
Contractor shall be reimbursed by the Owner for reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor as the result of such delay.
6.5.2 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by a stop work order issued by a court or other public authority
and providing that such order was not issued as the result of an act or fault of the Contractor or any person employed or
engaged by the Contractor directly or indirectly, then the Contract Time shall be extended for such reasonable time as the
Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor. The Contractor shall be reimbursed by the Owner for
reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor as the result of such delay.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
6.5.3 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by:
.1 labour disputes, strikes, lock-outs (including lock-outs decreed or recommended for its members by a recognized
contractors' association, of which the Contractor is a member or to which the Contractor is otherwise bound),
.2 fire, unusual delay by common carriers or unavoidable casualties,
.3 abnormally adverse weather conditions, or
.4 any cause beyond the Contractor's control other than one resulting from a default or breach of Contract by the
then the Contract Time shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with
the Contractor. The extension of time shall not be less than the time lost as the result of the event causing the delay, unless
the Contractor agrees to a shorter extension. The Contractor shall not be entitled to payment for costs incurred by such
delays unless such delays result from actions by the Owner, Consultant or anyone employed or engaged by them directly or
6.5.4 No extension shall be made for delay unless Notice in Writing of the cause of delay is given to the Consultant not later than
10 Working Days after the commencement of the delay. In the case of a continuing cause of delay only one Notice in
Writing shall be necessary.
6.5.5 If no schedule is made under paragraph 2.2.13 of GC 2.2 - ROLE OF THE CONSULTANT, then no request for extension
shall be made because of failure of the Consultant to furnish instructions until 10 Working Days after demand for such
instructions has been made.
7.1.1 If the Contractor is adjudged bankrupt, or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors because of the
Contractor's insolvency, or if a receiver is appointed because of the Contractor's insolvency, the Owner may, without
prejudice to any other right or remedy the Owner may have, terminate the Contractor’s right to continue with the Work, by
giving the Contractor or receiver or trustee in bankruptcy Notice in Writing to that effect.
7.1.2 If the Contractor neglects to prosecute the Work properly or otherwise fails to comply with the requirements of the Contract
to a substantial degree and if the Consultant has given a written statement to the Owner and Contractor that sufficient cause
exists to justify such action, the Owner may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Owner may have, give the
Contractor Notice in Writing that the Contractor is in default of the Contractor's contractual obligations and instruct the
Contractor to correct the default in the 5 Working Days immediately following the receipt of such Notice in Writing.
CCDC 2 – 2008 File 007213 20
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contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
7.1.3 If the default cannot be corrected in the 5 Working Days specified or in such other time period as may be subsequently
agreed in writing by the parties, the Contractor shall be in compliance with the Owner's instructions if the Contractor:
.1 commences the correction of the default within the specified time, and
.2 provides the Owner with an acceptable schedule for such correction, and
.3 corrects the default in accordance with the Contract terms and with such schedule.
7.1.4 If the Contractor fails to correct the default in the time specified or in such other time period as may be subsequently agreed
in writing by the parties, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Owner may have, the Owner may:
.1 correct such default and deduct the cost thereof from any payment then or thereafter due the Contractor provided the
Consultant has certified such cost to the Owner and the Contractor, or
.2 terminate the Contractor's right to continue with the Work in whole or in part or terminate the Contract.
7.1.5 If the Owner terminates the Contractor's right to continue with the Work as provided in paragraphs 7.1.1 and 7.1.4, the
Owner shall be entitled to:
.1 take possession of the Work and Products at the Place of the Work; subject to the rights of third parties, utilize the
Construction Equipment at the Place of the Work; finish the Work by whatever method the Owner may consider
expedient, but without undue delay or expense, and
.2 withhold further payment to the Contractor until a final certificate for payment is issued, and
.3 charge the Contractor the amount by which the full cost of finishing the Work as certified by the Consultant, including
compensation to the Consultant for the Consultant's additional services and a reasonable allowance as determined by the
Consultant to cover the cost of corrections to work performed by the Contractor that may be required under GC 12.3 -
WARRANTY, exceeds the unpaid balance of the Contract Price; however, if such cost of finishing the Work is less than
the unpaid balance of the Contract Price, the Owner shall pay the Contractor the difference, and
.4 on expiry of the warranty period, charge the Contractor the amount by which the cost of corrections to the Contractor's
work under GC 12.3 - WARRANTY exceeds the allowance provided for such corrections, or if the cost of such
corrections is less than the allowance, pay the Contractor the difference.
7.1.6 The Contractor's obligation under the Contract as to quality, correction and warranty of the work performed by the
Contractor up to the time of termination shall continue after such termination of the Contract.
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contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
8.2.8 If neither party, by Notice in Writing, given within 10 Working Days of the date of Notice in Writing requesting arbitration in
paragraph 8.2.6, requires that a dispute be arbitrated immediately, all disputes referred to arbitration as provided in
paragraph 8.2.6 shall be
.1 held in abeyance until
(1) Substantial Performance of the Work,
(2) the Contract has been terminated, or
(3) the Contractor has abandoned the Work,
whichever is earlier; and
.2 consolidated into a single arbitration under the rules governing the arbitration under paragraph 8.2.6.
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contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
9.2.5 If the Contractor
.1 encounters toxic or hazardous substances at the Place of the Work, or
.2 has reasonable grounds to believe that toxic or hazardous substances are present at the Place of the Work,
which were not brought to the Place of the Work by the Contractor or anyone for whom the Contractor is responsible and
which were not disclosed by the Owner or which were disclosed but have not been dealt with as required under paragraph
9.2.4, the Contractor shall
.3 take all reasonable steps, including stopping the Work, to ensure that no person’s exposure to any toxic or hazardous
substances exceeds any applicable time weighted levels prescribed by applicable legislation at the Place of the Work,
.4 immediately report the circumstances to the Consultant and the Owner in writing.
9.2.6 If the Owner and Contractor do not agree on the existence, significance of, or whether the toxic or hazardous substances were
brought onto the Place of the Work by the Contractor or anyone for whom the Contractor is responsible, the Owner shall retain
and pay for an independent qualified expert to investigate and determine such matters. The expert’s report shall be delivered to
the Owner and the Contractor.
9.2.7 If the Owner and Contractor agree or if the expert referred to in paragraph 9.2.6 determines that the toxic or hazardous
substances were not brought onto the place of the Work by the Contractor or anyone for whom the Contractor is responsible, the
Owner shall promptly at the Owner’s own expense:
.1 take all steps as required under paragraph 9.2.4;
.2 reimburse the Contractor for the costs of all steps taken pursuant to paragraph 9.2.5;
.3 extend the Contract time for such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor
and the expert referred to in 9.2.6 and reimburse the Contractor for reasonable costs incurred as a result of the delay; and
.4 indemnify the Contractor as required by GC 12.1 - INDEMNIFICATION.
9.2.8 If the Owner and Contractor agree or if the expert referred to in paragraph 9.2.6 determines that the toxic or hazardous
substances were brought onto the place of the Work by the Contractor or anyone for whom the Contractor is responsible, the
Contractor shall promptly at the Contractor’s own expense:
.1 take all necessary steps, in accordance with applicable legislation in force at the Place of the Work, to safely remove and
dispose the toxic or hazardous substances;
.2 make good any damage to the Work, the Owner’s property or property adjacent to the place of the Work as provided in
paragraph 9.1.3 of GC 9.1 – PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY;
.3 reimburse the Owner for reasonable costs incurred under paragraph 9.2.6; and
.4 indemnify the Owner as required by GC 12.1 - INDEMNIFICATION.
9.2.9 If either party does not accept the expert’s findings under paragraph 9.2.6, the disagreement shall be settled in accordance with
Part 8 of the General Conditions - Dispute Resolution. If such disagreement is not resolved promptly, the parties shall act
immediately in accordance with the expert’s determination and take the steps required by paragraph 9.2.7 or 9.2.8 it being
understood that by so doing, neither party will jeopardize any claim that party may have to be reimbursed as provided by GC 9.2
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contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
9.5.1 If the Contractor or Owner observes or reasonably suspects the presence of mould at the Place of the Work, the remediation of
which is not expressly part of the Work,
.1 the observing party shall promptly report the circumstances to the other party in writing, and
.2 the Contractor shall promptly take all reasonable steps, including stopping the Work if necessary, to ensure that no person
suffers injury, sickness or death and that no property is damaged as a result of exposure to or the presence of the mould, and
.3 if the Owner and Contractor do not agree on the existence, significance or cause of the mould or as to what steps need be
taken to deal with it, the Owner shall retain and pay for an independent qualified expert to investigate and determine such
matters. The expert’s report shall be delivered to the Owner and Contractor.
9.5.2 If the Owner and Contractor agree, or if the expert referred to in paragraph determines that the presence of mould was
caused by the Contractor’s operations under the Contract, the Contractor shall promptly, at the Contractor’s own expense:
.1 take all reasonable and necessary steps to safely remediate or dispose of the mould, and
.2 make good any damage to the Work, the Owner’s property or property adjacent to the Place of the Work as provided in
paragraph 9.1.3 of GC 9.1 - PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY, and
.3 reimburse the Owner for reasonable costs incurred under paragraph, and
.4 indemnify the Owner as required by GC 12.1 - INDEMNIFICATION.
9.5.3 If the Owner and Contractor agree, or if the expert referred to in paragraph determines that the presence of mould was
not caused by the Contractor’s operations under the Contract, the Owner shall promptly, at the Owner’s own expense:
.1 take all reasonable and necessary steps to safely remediate or dispose of the mould, and
.2 reimburse the Contractor for the cost of taking the steps under paragraph and making good any damage to the Work
as provided in paragraph 9.1.4 of GC 9.1 - PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY, and
.3 extend the Contract Time for such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor
and the expert referred to in paragraph and reimburse the Contractor for reasonable costs incurred as a result of the
delay, and
.4 indemnify the Contractor as required by GC 12.1 - INDEMNIFICATION.
9.5.4 If either party does not accept the expert’s finding under paragraph, the disagreement shall be settled in accordance with
Part 8 of the General Conditions - DISPUTE RESOLUTION. If such desagreement is not resolved promptly, the parties shall
act immediately in accordance with the expert’s determination and take the steps required by paragraphs 9.5.2 or 9.5.3, it being
understood that by so doing neither party will jeopardize any claim the party may have to be reimbursed as provided by GC 9.5 -
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contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
10.2.5 The Contractor shall not be responsible for verifying that the Contract Documents are in compliance with the applicable laws,
ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes relating to the Work. If the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, or if,
subsequent to the time of bid closing, changes are made to the applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes which
require modification to the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall advise the Consultant in writing requesting direction
immediately upon such variance or change becoming known. The Consultant will make the changes required to the Contract
Documents as provided in GC 6.1 - OWNER’S RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES, GC 6.2 - CHANGE ORDER and GC 6.3 -
10.2.6 If the Contractor fails to advise the Consultant in writing; and fails to obtain direction as required in paragraph 10.2.5; and
performs work knowing it to be contrary to any laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes; the Contractor shall be
responsible for and shall correct the violations thereof; and shall bear the costs, expenses and damages attributable to the
failure to comply with the provisions of such laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes.
10.2.7 If, subsequent to the time of bid closing, changes are made to applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes of
authorities having jurisdiction which affect the cost of the Work, either party may submit a claim in accordance with the
11.1.1 Without restricting the generality of GC 12.1 - INDEMNIFICATION, the Contractor shall provide, maintain and pay for the
following insurance coverages, the minimum requirements of which are specified in CCDC 41 – CCDC Insurance Requirements
in effect at the time of bid closing except as hereinafter provided:
.1 General liability insurance in the name of the Contractor and include, or in the case of a single, blanket policy, be
endorsed to name, the Owner and the Consultant as insureds but only with respect to liability, other than legal liability
arising out of their sole negligence, arising out of the operations of the Contractor with regard to the Work. General
liability insurance shall be maintained from the date of commencement of the Work until one year from the date of
Substantial Performance of the Work. Liability coverage shall be provided for completed operations hazards from the
date of Substantial Performance of the Work, as set out in the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work, on an
ongoing basis for a period of 6 years following Substantial Performance of the Work.
.2 Automobile Liability Insurance from the date of commencement of the Work until one year after the date of Substantial
Performance of the Work.
.3 Aircraft or Watercraft Liability Insurance when owned or non-owned aircraft or watercraft are used directly or indirectly
in the performance of the Work
.4 "Broad form" property insurance in the joint names of the Contractor, the Owner and the Consultant. The policy shall
include as insureds all Subcontractors. The “Broad form” property insurance shall be provided from the date of
commencement of the Work until the earliest of:
(1) 10 calendar days after the date of Substantial Performance of the Work;
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contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
(2) on the commencement of use or occupancy of any part or section of the Work unless such use or occupancy is for
construction purposes, habitational, office, banking, convenience store under 465 square metres in area, or parking
purposes, or for the installation, testing and commissioning of equipment forming part of the Work;
(3) when left unattended for more than 30 consecutive calendar days or when construction activity has ceased for more
than 30 consecutive calendar days.
.5 Boiler and machinery insurance in the joint names of the Contractor, the Owner and the Consultant. The policy shall
include as insureds all Subcontractors. The coverage shall be maintained continuously from commencement of use or
operation of the boiler and machinery objects insured by the policy and until 10 calendar days after the date of
Substantial Performance of the Work.
.6 The “Broad form” property and boiler and machinery policies shall provide that, in the case of a loss or damage,
payment shall be made to the Owner and the Contractor as their respective interests may appear. In the event of loss or
(1) the Contractor shall act on behalf of the Owner for the purpose of adjusting the amount of such loss or damage
payment with the insurers. When the extent of the loss or damage is determined, the Contractor shall proceed to
restore the Work. Loss or damage shall not affect the rights and obligations of either party under the Contract
except that the Contractor shall be entitled to such reasonable extension of Contract Time relative to the extent of
the loss or damage as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor;
(2) the Contractor shall be entitled to receive from the Owner, in addition to the amount due under the Contract, the
amount which the Owner's interest in restoration of the Work has been appraised, such amount to be paid as the
restoration of the Work proceeds in accordance with the progress payment provisions. In addition the Contractor
shall be entitled to receive from the payments made by the insurer the amount of the Contractor's interest in the
restoration of the Work; and
(3) to the Work arising from the work of the Owner, the Owner's own forces or another contractor, the Owner shall, in
accordance with the Owner's obligations under the provisions relating to construction by Owner or other
contractors, pay the Contractor the cost of restoring the Work as the restoration of the Work proceeds and as in
accordance with the progress payment provisions.
.7 Contractors' Equipment Insurance from the date of commencement of the Work until one year after the date of
Substantial Performance of the Work.
11.1.2 Prior to commencement of the Work and upon the placement, renewal, amendment, or extension of all or any part of the
insurance, the Contractor shall promptly provide the Owner with confirmation of coverage and, if required, a certified true copy
of the policies certified by an authorized representative of the insurer together with copies of any amending endorsements
applicable to the Work.
11.1.3 The parties shall pay their share of the deductible amounts in direct proportion to their responsibility in regards to any loss for
which the above policies are required to pay, except where such amounts may be excluded by the terms of the Contract.
11.1.4 If the Contractor fails to provide or maintain insurance as required by the Contract Documents, then the Owner shall have the
right to provide and maintain such insurance and give evidence to the Contractor and the Consultant. The Contractor shall pay
the cost thereof to the Owner on demand or the Owner may deduct the cost from the amount which is due or may become due to
the Contractor.
11.1.5 All required insurance policies shall be with insurers licensed to underwrite insurance in the jurisdiction of the Place of the
11.1.6 If a revised version of CCDC 41 – INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS is published, which specifies reduced insurance
requirements, the parties shall address such reduction, prior to the Contractor’s insurance policy becoming due for renewal, and
record any agreement in a Change Order.
11.1.7 If a revised version of CCDC 41 – INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS is published, which specifies increased insurance
requirements, the Owner may request the increased coverage from the Contractor by way of a Change Order.
11.1.8 A Change Directive shall not be used to direct a change in the insurance requirements in response to the revision of CCDC 41 –
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contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
11.2.2 If the Contract Documents require surety bonds to be provided, such bonds shall be issued by a duly licensed surety
company authorized to transact the business of suretyship in the province or territory of the Place of the Work and shall be
maintained in good standing until the fulfillment of the Contract. The form of such bonds shall be in accordance with the
latest edition of the CCDC approved bond forms.
12.1.1 Without restricting the parties’ obligation to indemnify as described in paragraphs 12.1.4 and 12.1.5, the Owner and the
Contractor shall each indemnify and hold harmless the other from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages,
actions, suits, or proceedings whether in respect to losses suffered by them or in respect to claims by third parties that arise out
of, or are attributable in any respect to their involvement as parties to this Contract, provided such claims are:
.1 caused by:
(1) the negligent acts or omissions of the party from whom indemnification is sought or anyone for whose acts or
omissions that party is liable, or
(2) a failure of the party to the Contract from whom indemnification is sought to fulfill its terms or conditions; and
.2 made by Notice in Writing within a period of 6 years from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work as set out in the
certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work issued pursuant to paragraph of GC 5.4 – SUBSTANTIAL
PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK or within such shorter period as may be prescribed by any limitation statute of the
province or territory of the Place of the Work.
The parties expressly waive the right to indemnity for claims other than those provided for in this Contract.
12.1.2 The obligation of either party to indemnify as set forth in paragraph 12.1.1 shall be limited as follows:
.1 In respect to losses suffered by the Owner and the Contractor for which insurance is to be provided by either party pursuant
to GC 11.1 – INSURANCE, the general liability insurance limit for one occurrence as referred to in CCDC 41 in effect at
the time of bid closing.
.2 In respect to losses suffered by the Owner and the Contractor for which insurance is not required to be provided by either
party in accordance with GC 11.1 – INSURANCE, the greater of the Contract Price as recorded in Article A-4 –
CONTRACT PRICE or $2,000,000, but in no event shall the sum be greater than $20,000,000.
.3 In respect to claims by third parties for direct loss resulting from bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or
destruction of tangible property, the obligation to indemnify is without limit. In respect to all other claims for indemnity as a
result of claims advanced by third parties, the limits of indemnity set forth in paragraphs and shall apply.
12.1.3 The obligation of either party to indemnify the other as set forth in paragraphs 12.1.1 and 12.1.2 shall be inclusive of interest and
all legal costs.
12.1.4 The Owner and the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the other from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs,
damages, actions, suits, or proceedings arising out of their obligations described in GC 9.2 – TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS
12.1.5 The Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages,
actions, suits, or proceedings:
.1 as described in paragraph 10.3.2 of GC 10.3 – PATENT FEES, and
.2 arising out of the Contractor's performance of the Contract which are attributable to a lack of or defect in title or an alleged
lack of or defect in title to the Place of the Work.
12.1.6 In respect to any claim for indemnity or to be held harmless by the Owner or the Contractor:
.1 Notice in Writing of such claim shall be given within a reasonable time after the facts upon which such claim is based
became known;
.2 should any party be required as a result of its obligation to indemnify another to pay or satisfy a final order, judgment or
award made against the party entitled by this contract to be indemnified, then the indemnifying party upon assuming all
liability for any costs that might result shall have the right to appeal in the name of the party against whom such final
order or judgment has been made until such rights of appeal have been exhausted.
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contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
12.2.1 Subject to any lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work, as of the fifth calendar day before the expiry of the lien
period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work, the Contractor waives and releases the Owner from
all claims which the Contractor has or reasonably ought to have knowledge of that could be advanced by the Contractor against
the Owner arising from the Contractor’s involvement in the Work, including, without limitation, those arising from negligence
or breach of contract in respect to which the cause of action is based upon acts or omissions which occurred prior to or on the
date of Substantial Performance of the Work, except as follows:
.1 claims arising prior to or on the date of Substantial Performance of the Work for which Notice in Writing of claim has been
received by the Owner from the Contractor no later than the sixth calendar day before the expiry of the lien period provided
by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work;
.2 indemnification for claims advanced against the Contractor by third parties for which a right of indemnification may be
asserted by the Contractor against the Owner pursuant to the provisions of this Contract;
.3 claims for which a right of indemnity could be asserted by the Contractor pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 12.1.4 or
12.1.5 of GC 12.1 – INDEMNIFICATION; and
.4 claims resulting from acts or omissions which occur after the date of Substantial Performance of the Work.
12.2.2 The Contractor waives and releases the Owner from all claims referenced in paragraph except for those referred in
paragraphs and and claims for which Notice in Writing of claim has been received by the Owner from the
Contractor within 395 calendar days following the date of Substantial Performance of the Work.
12.2.3 Subject to any lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work, as of the fifth calendar day before the expiry of the lien
period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work, the Owner waives and releases the Contractor from
all claims which the Owner has or reasonably ought to have knowledge of that could be advanced by the Owner against the
Contractor arising from the Owner’s involvement in the Work, including, without limitation, those arising from negligence or
breach of contract in respect to which the cause of action is based upon acts or omissions which occurred prior to or on the date
of Substantial Performance of the Work, except as follows:
.1 claims arising prior to or on the date of Substantial Performance of the Work for which Notice in Writing of claim has been
received by the Contractor from the Owner no later than the sixth calendar day before the expiry of the lien period provided
by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work;
.2 indemnification for claims advanced against the Owner by third parties for which a right of indemnification may be asserted
by the Owner against the Contractor pursuant to the provisions of this Contract;
.3 claims for which a right of indemnity could be asserted by the Owner against the Contractor pursuant to the provisions of
paragraph 12.1.4 of GC 12.1 - INDEMNIFICATION;
.4 damages arising from the Contractor’s actions which result in substantial defects or deficiencies in the Work. “Substantial
defects or deficiencies” mean those defects or deficiencies in the Work which affect the Work to such an extent or in such a
manner that a significant part or the whole of the Work is unfit for the purpose intended by the Contract Documents;
.5 claims arising pursuant to GC 12.3 - WARRANTY; and
.6 claims arising from acts or omissions which occur after the date of Substantial Performance of the Work.
12.2.4 The Owner waives and releases the Contractor from all claims referred to in paragraph except claims for which Notice
in Writing of claim has been received by the Contractor from the Owner within a period of six years from the date of Substantial
Performance of the Work should any limitation statute of the Province or Territory of the Place of the Work permit such
agreement. If the applicable limitation statute does not permit such agreement, within such shorter period as may be prescribed
.1 any limitation statute of the Province or Territory of the Place of the Work; or
.2 if the Place of the Work is the Province of Quebec, then Article 2118 of the Civil Code of Quebec.
12.2.5 The Owner waives and releases the Contractor from all claims referenced in paragraph except for those referred in
paragraph, and those arising under GC 12.3 – WARRANTY and claims for which Notice in Writing has been
received by the Contractor from the Owner within 395 calendar days following the date of Substantial Performance of the Work.
12.2.6 “Notice in Writing of claim” as provided for in GC 12.2 – WAIVER OF CLAIMS to preserve a claim or right of action which
would otherwise, by the provisions of GC 12.2 – WAIVER OF CLAIMS, be deemed to be waived, must include the following:
.1 a clear and unequivocal statement of the intention to claim;
.2 a statement as to the nature of the claim and the grounds upon which the claim is based; and
.3 a statement of the estimated quantum of the claim.
12.2.7 The party giving “Notice in Writing of claim” as provided for in GC 12.2 – WAIVER OF CLAIMS shall submit within a
reasonable time a detailed account of the amount claimed.
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contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
12.2.8 Where the event or series of events giving rise to a claim made under paragraphs 12.2.1 or 12.2.3 has a continuing effect, the
detailed account submitted under paragraph 12.2.7 shall be considered to be an interim account and the party making the claim
shall submit further interim accounts, at reasonable intervals, giving the accumulated amount of the claim and any further
grounds upon which it is based. The party making the claim shall submit a final account after the end of the effects resulting
from the event or series of events.
12.2.9 If a Notice in Writing of claim pursuant to paragraph is received on the seventh or sixth calendar day before the expiry
of the lien period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work, the period within which Notice in Writing
of claim shall be received pursuant to paragraph shall be extended to two calendar days before the expiry of the lien
period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work.
12.2.10 If a Notice in Writing of claim pursuant to paragraph is received on the seventh or sixth calendar day before the expiry
of the lien period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work, the period within which Notice in Writing
of claim shall be received pursuant to paragraph12.2.1.1 shall be extended to two calendar days before the expiry of the lien
period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work.
12.3.1 Except for extended warranties as described in paragraph 12.3.6, the warranty period under the Contract is one year from the
date of Substantial Performance of the Work.
12.3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper performance of the Work to the extent that the design and Contract
Documents permit such performance.
12.3.3 The Owner, through the Consultant, shall promptly give the Contractor Notice in Writing of observed defects and
deficiencies which occur during the one year warranty period.
12.3.4 Subject to paragraph 12.3.2, the Contractor shall correct promptly, at the Contractor's expense, defects or deficiencies in the
Work which appear prior to and during the one year warranty period.
12.3.5 The Contractor shall correct or pay for damage resulting from corrections made under the requirements of paragraph 12.3.4.
12.3.6 Any extended warranties required beyond the one year warranty period as described in paragraph 12.3.1, shall be as
specified in the Contract Documents. Extended warranties shall be issued by the warrantor to the benefit of the Owner. The
Contractor’s responsibility with respect to extended warranties shall be limited to obtaining any such extended warranties
from the warrantor. The obligations under such extended warranties are solely the responsibilities of the warrantor.
Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this
contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of
CCDC 2 – 2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions.
75 Albert Street
Suite 400
Ottawa, Ont. K1P 5E7
2. Automobile liability insurance in respect of vehicles that are required by law to be insured under a
contract by a Motor Vehicle Liability Policy, shall have limits of not less than $5,000,000 inclusive
per occurrence for bodily injury, death and damage to property, covering all vehicles owned or
leased by the Contractor. Where the policy has been issued pursuant to a government-operated
automobile insurance system, the Contractor shall provide the Owner with confirmation of
automobile insurance coverage for all automobiles registered in the name of the Contractor.
3. Aircraft and watercraft liability insurance with respect to owned or non-owned aircraft and
watercraft (if used directly or indirectly in the performance of the Work), including use of additional
premises, shall have limits of not less than $5,000,000 inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury,
death and damage to property including loss of use thereof and limits of not less than $5,000,000 for
aircraft passenger hazard. Such insurance shall be in a form acceptable to the Owner.
4. "Broad form" property insurance shall have limits of not less than the sum of 1.1 times Contract
Price and the full value, as stated in the Contract, of Products and design services that are specified
to be provided by the Owner for incorporation into the Work, with a deductible not exceeding
$5,000. The insurance coverage shall not be less than the insurance provided by IBC Forms 4042
and 4047 (excluding flood and earthquake) or their equivalent replacement. Subject to satisfactory
proof of financial capability by the Contractor, the Owner may agree to increase the deductible
of Canadian amounts.
Companies 5. Boiler and machinery insurance shall have limits of not less than the replacement value of the
permanent or temporary boilers and pressure vessels, and other insurable objects forming part of the
Work. The insurance coverage shall not be less than the insurance provided by a comprehensive
boiler and machinery policy.
Canadian 6. "Broad form" contractors' equipment insurance coverage covering Construction Equipment used by
Construction the Contractor for the performance of the Work, shall be in a form acceptable to the Owner and shall
not allow subrogation claims by the insurer against the Owner. Subject to satisfactory proof of
financial capability by the Contractor for self-insurance, the Owner may agree to waive the
equipment insurance requirement.