07 Affin - Home - Invest I - ENG - v4 7 (1) (090819) Amended PDF
07 Affin - Home - Invest I - ENG - v4 7 (1) (090819) Amended PDF
07 Affin - Home - Invest I - ENG - v4 7 (1) (090819) Amended PDF
AFFIN Home Invest-i is a new financing product based on Musharakah Mutanaqisah (MM) or
Diminishing Musharakah.
i. Acquisition of Residential Property (Under construction and Completed)
ii. Refinancing (Completed Only)
iii. Subsale
Property Value : Minimum RM200,000-00
Under the Shariah principle of Musharakah Mutanaqisah, the Bank and Customer shall jointly purchase
the rights, interests and benefits in an identified property (“Property”) whereby the Customer shall
contribute a sum equivalent to the initial acquisition payment (“Customer’s Initial Acquisition Payment”)
and the Bank shall contribute towards the purchase of the Property a sum equivalent to the Bank’s
commitment amount (“Bank’s Initial Acquisition Payment”).
The Bank then leases its share in the Property to the Customer on the basis of Ijarah Mawsufah Fi Zimmah
(Forward Leasing) during construction of the Property and Ijarah (Lease) upon completion of the Property.
The Customer shall gradually acquire the Bank’s Ownership, rights and benefits in the Property by making
monthly payments (“Monthly Payments”) to the Bank, which partially contributes towards increasing the
Customer’s share in the Property and decreasing the Bank’s share in the Property in accordance with the
terms of the Facility (“Acquisition Payment”) until the Customer shall wholly and fully own the Property.
As a result of the Acquisition Payments made under the Facility, the Customer’s ownership, rights and
benefit in the Property will increase and the Bank’s ownership, rights and benefits will decrease
At the end of the ijarah term and upon full payment, the Customer will acquire all the Bank’s Ownership,
rights and benefits in the Property.
For property under construction, if the Property cannot be occupied due to the abandonment of the
construction of the Property which cannot be revived, the advance rental as duly paid by the Customer,
will be refunded to the Customer in the manner as determined by the Bank.
The Base Rate (BR) we offer for the retail floating rate financing is made up of two parts, our benchmark Cost
of Funds (COF) and the Statutory Reserve Requirement (SRR) cost imposed by Bank Negara Malaysia.
The BR can rise or fall due to changes in monetary policy of Bank Negara Malaysia such as the Overnight Policy
Rate (OPR) as decided by the Monetary Policy Committee of Bank Negara Malaysia, as well as other factors
such as changes in funding conditions.
5. Historical benchmark Cost of Fund (COF) for the past three years:
Ceiling Rate It refers to the maximum Ijarah Rate chargeable to the Customer throughout the
financing tenure. Despite any increase in the BR; the Ijarah Rate will halt at the
specified maximum ceiling rate stated during the signing of the facility agreement
(“Ceiling Ijarah Rate”).
Maximum Ijarah Rate : 10.00% p.a.
Commitment Maximum margin of financing is 90%. The Customer’s contribution to the
Amount partnership is 10% while the Bank is 90%.
(Margin of Actual Margin of Finance will be determined by the credit approving officer based
Financing (MOF) on the type of property, location, and payment capacity of the applicant.
1. At anytime upon full disbursement during the Ijarah tenure, the Customer may
offer to sell and transfer any part of the Customer’s share of ownership in the
Property to the Bank for the purpose of redrawing of the Facility. Any subsequent
sale or transfer of the Customer’s ownership, rights and benefits in the Property
during the co-ownership period to the Bank shall be effected in the manner as the
Bank shall deems fit.
Redrawing of the Facility can be under prepayment and/or advance payment.
a) In the event you have made a lump sum equity partial prepayment
(reduction in principal) other than the Monthly Payment, you may request
for redraw subject to the Bank’s approval and Terms and Conditions.
b) The redraw is subject to further credit checking by the Bank.
c) The said redraw amount is subject to annual straight line limit reduction.
d) Application for redraw must be made at a branch by completing the Redraw
Application Form.
(a) In the event that you have made payment of the Facility in an amount which
is in excess of your Monthly Payment amount, you may make request at a
branch, subject to the Bank’s approval and Terms and Conditions, to
withdraw the amount which is in excess of your monthly installment.
(b) The minimum advance amount in your financing account must be
Redraw Facility RM5,000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Five Thousand) with minimum balance
available for next payment due after redraw to qualify for redraw of Advance
Payment application.
4. Redraw under prepayment and advance payment is only available upon full
disbursement of the facility.
5. The approved redraw amount shall be credited to your Current or Saving account
maintain with the Bank or such other account under your name maintained with
another financial institution, and provided to the Bank.
6. In the case of joint Customers, any application for redraw must be submitted by
the joint Customers and if successful, the amount shall be credited to the Current
or Saving account of the joint Customers.
8. A processing fee of RM25.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Twenty Five Only) shall be charged
for each successful application for redraw. The fees shall be debited from your
Current or Saving account where the redraw amount is credited.
9. Any monies withdrawn from the Employee Provident Fund shall be deemed as
Prepayment and shall not be available for redraw.
During the period where the property is under construction, the Customer is required to pay advance ijarah
which will commensurate with the amount disbursed during the tenure period. The, Customer is required to
pay the full installment amount upon completion of the construction of the property.
Example :
Tenure : 30 years
Customer has to serve advance ijarah during construction period for a property under construction. The
BR shown in this disclosure sheet is subject to changes.
Important: Your monthly installment and total payment amount will vary if BR changes.
All calculations and information above are for illustration purposes only.
*Note: Total payment amount may vary subject to BR changes. Effective 10 May 2019, the revised BR is 3.95%
i. We will communicate to you at least 21 calendar days prior to the effective date of implementation if
there are any changes in fees and charges that applicable to your financing facility.
ii. As per all other terms and conditions in the Letter of Offer.
10. What if I fail to fulfill my obligations?
If you have problem meeting your financing obligation, contact us early to discuss payment alternatives.
Delay on your part could lead to the following consequences :
1 In the event your facility is in default for three (3) months or ninety (90) whichever is earlier on:
Ijarah Rate
the Bank shall provide written advance notice of not less than 7 days, revised the Ijarah and/or
Effective Profit Rate in the letter of offer to BR + 4.35% p.a calculated on the outstanding principal
or such other rate or basis of calculation of the rate based on regulatory requirements. The Bank
shall revert the Ijarah and/or Effective Profit Rate as per the Letter of Offer when months in arrears
fall below three (3) months or ninety (90) days or below, whichever is earlier.
When the Facility is classified as impaired, the Bank shall provide a written notice of not less than 7
days, revised the Ijarah and/or Effective Profit Rate in the letter of offer to BR + 6.35% p.a.
calculated on the outstanding principal or such other rate or basis of calculation of the rate based
on regulatory requirements. The Bank shall revert the Ijarah and/or Effective Profit Rate as per the
2. The above revised Ijarah Rate is subject to not exceeding the Ceiling Ijarah Rate.
If you have problem meeting your financing obligation, contact us early to discuss payment alternatives.
Delay on your part could lead to the following consequences :
i. With prior notice, we have the right to set-off any credit balance in any of your accounts maintained
with us against any outstanding balance in this financing account.
ii. We shall exercise our right to invoke your purchase undertaking to purchase our share in the Property.
iii. We may proceed with legal action if you fail to respond to our reminder notices. Your property may be
foreclosed. You will have to bear all costs and expenses related to foreclosure. In the event that there
is a shortfall between the sale price of the property and the amount in arrears after your property is
sold, you are responsible to settle the shortfall (if any).
iv. Legal action against you may affect your credit rating leading to credit being more difficult or
expensive to you.
It shall commence from the date when payment was first defaulted to the date of actual payment even
when the Facility is terminated for any reason whatsoever.
The compensation at the aforesaid rate shall be payable by you after as well as before any judgment or
order of court.
Notwithstanding the amount of late payment charges charged, it is expressly acknowledged and agreed that
the said amount of late payment charges shall not be further compounded.
Please refer to other obligations stated in the Bank’s Letter of Offer.
The Ijarah Rate on this financing is floating and it is pegged to BR. Ijarah Rate may change according to
changes in the reference rates. An increase in Ijarah Rate may result in higher monthly payment/ extend
financing tenure.
It is important that you inform us of any change in your contact details to ensure that all correspondences
reach you in a timely manner.
In accordance with AFFIN Islamic Bank’s policy/guidelines and per standard security documents, any
change of contact details has to be in writing and duly signed off by the Customer(s) and addressed to Affin
Islamic Bank Berhad
If you have difficulties in making payments, you should contact us earliest possible to discuss payment
Consumer Loan Supervision & Asset Management
2nd and 9th Floor, Menara Serba Dinamik
No. P3.4, Persiaran Perbandaran
Section 14, 40000 Shah Alam
Tel: 03-82302828
Fax: 03-55110453/ 03-55110454 (Level 2) & 03-55110457 (Level 9)
If you wish to complaint on the products or services provided by us, you may contact us at:
Customer Care and Quality
17 Floor, Menara Affin
80, Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur Tel : 03-20559000
Fax : 03-20261104
Email :[email protected]
Alternatively, you may seek the services of Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK), an agency
established by Bank Negara Malaysia to provide free services on money management, credit counseling,
financial education and debt restructuring for individuals. You can contact AKPK at:
8 Floor, Maju Junction Mall
1001, Jalan Sultan Ismail,
50250 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : 03-26167766
Email : [email protected]
If your query or complaint is not satisfactorily resolved by us, you may contact Bank Negara Malaysia LINK
Block D, Bank Negara Malaysia
Jalan Dato’ Onn,
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : 1-300-88-5465
Fax : 03-21741515
Please visit the nearest AFFIN ISLAMIC / AFFINBANK branch or call our Contact Centre 03-8230 2222 or visit
our website www.affinislamic.com.my / www.affinonline.com for further details.