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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 118 No. 24 2018

ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


C.Aravinth*, M.V.Ram Pradeep,
D.Vinodh and Dr. D.Vijayaganapathy
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Saveetha School of Engineering,
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences,

April 28, 2018

The Steering Knuckle component is the most important
part of vehicle which is connected to front wheel with the
help of suspension system, wheel hub and these are also
connected to steering system and brake to the chassis. The
Steering Knuckle component provides motion to desire di-
rections with the help of steering system. It undergoes var-
ious types of varying load under different conditions. In
Automobile industry low fuel consumption and light weight
are the two main demands for the vehicle because the lighter
steering knuckle resulting greater power and less vibration
because of inertia is less. In this Paper we have done static
analysis of steering knuckle component. The design of Steer-
ing Knuckle component is done with the help of Computer
Aided Engineering. Steering Knuckle model is preparing
in solid works and the static analysis is done in ANSYS
15.0 by constraining the steering knuckle and applying load
on steering knuckle due to calliper mounting, longitudinal
reaction, vertical reaction, vehicle weight and steering reac-
tion. In this we have focused on the material for the steering

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

knuckle component made from AL 7075 which is suggested

Key Words:Steering knuckle component, Static Anal-
ysis, and ANSYS 15.0.

Steering knuckle is the critical component of the vehicle which is
linked with suspension system. It allows steering arm to turn the
front wheel and it also supports the vertical weight of the vehicle.
The steering knuckle is the connection between stub axle, tie rod
and axle housing with the help of using king pin, and these are also
connected to the suspension system [6]. In this, wheel hub is fixed
with steering knuckle with the help of bearing. The main function
of steering knuckle is to convert linear motion of the tie rod into
the angular motion of the stub axle [5]. In the automobile industry,
the requirement of properties of steering knuckle is that it must be
strong, inflexible and light as well as possible. When steering is
turn by drivers, half portion of the steering knuckle component
is subjected to tensile load and another half portion of steering
knuckle component is subjected to compressive load and due to
this rotation of wheel, steering knuckle is subjected to torsional
The part of steering knuckle component are given below:

1. Suspension Mounting Upper Arm/Strut Mount

2. Tie Rod Mounting / Steering Arm

3. Lower Ball Joint /Suspension Mounting Lower Arm

4. Ball Bearing Location / Stub Hole

5. Brake Caliper Mounting

The shape and size of steering knuckle component depends upon

the vehicle weight because vertical load of the vehicle is directly act
on it and hence the steering knuckle component subjected to power
thrust from tie rod to the stub axle and hence it must be strong
and inflexible in nature. The steering knuckle in the automobile

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

industry can be made either by forging or from casting. How-

ever, castings have blown-holes which are injurious from fatigue
and durability points of view. The fact that forgings produce blow-
hole free and good parts give them an advantage over cast parts.
Due to large volume production of steering knuckle component, it is
only logical that optimization of the steering knuckle for its volume
or weight should be result in large-scale saving. The reduction of
inertia load, torsional load, vehicle weight will improve the vehicle
performance and fuel economy.

This study has been followed in two parts. First part of this study
includes modelling of steering knuckles component and analysis of
stresses under actual load conditions. CAD models of steering
knuckle were developed in 3D modelling software, such as Solid
works. While the second part is of the models were then obtained
and compared using finite element analysis (FEA) via ANSYS soft-

CAD model of steering knuckle component was made in 3D mod-
elling software Solid works. It consists of Stub Hole Brake Calliper
mounting points, steering tie-rod mounting, Suspension upper arm
mounting and Suspension lower arm mounting. Steering knuckle
component design mainly depends on suspension system geome-
try and steering geometry. The design processes were started with
preliminary study on the current steering knuckle component used
for the previous including investigating the existing knuckle design
especially from the published design of Formula Society of Auto-
motive Engineering (SAE) [4]. The design also needs to follow the
criteria and regulations, which the size should be mainly depends
on suspension system. The steering knuckle was made by AL 7075
(yield strength 250MPa) and the mass is about 3.7kg. In general,
a steering knuckle has three connections on the body part; con-
nection to the tie rod, suspension upper arm and suspension lower
arm. Therefore, the design needs to be stressed on these three

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

connections, as well as one side of connectors where brake calliper

mounting is attached.

The steering knuckle is made by different type of materials such
as Cast iron, Mild steel and Aluminium. AL 7075 have a good
strength but it contributes more weight to the vehicle. Forged
steels are the most demanding materials for the steering knuckle
in future. Due to the low weight of the materials fuel consumption
can be stretch to the optimum level [1]. In this paper Al 7075 is
used as it offers a better strength and lightweight for the steering
knuckle component. Al materials are generally used where high
tensile strength and toughness is required thus the Al materials are
suited for the steering knuckle component. Due to this low weight
of materials, it can decrease the fuel consumption and it have low
density and sufficient yield strength. The mechanical physical and
chemical properties of AL 7075 materials are given below:

The analysis of steering knuckle component is done in ANSYS 15.0.
There is various force act on this such as braking force, moment,
lateral force, steering force as well as loads on knuckle hub in X, Y
and Z direction. The various analysis results are shown in figures
which are given below:

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 1: Elastic strain in steering knuckle using AL07075

Figure 2: Maximum principal stress in steering knuckle using AL


Figure 3: Total Deformation in steering knuckle using AL7075

Figure 4: Von misses Stress in steering knuckle using AL7075


The mass reduction for the steering knuckle component was found
5.64%. The steering knuckle component has been modelled using
Solid works and analysed using ANSYS 15.0. The various parame-
ters such as total deformation, directional deformation, Maximum
principal stress, And Maximum Shear Stress are completely anal-
ysed. This paper represents that the areas where the stress concen-
tration is maximum due to the applied load. The study of steering
knuckle component gives the small change in directional deforma-
tion and reduced the overall weight of vehicles due to decrease in

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

weight of steering knuckle component as well as save the materials

and cost and improved the vehicles performance and fuel economy.

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[6] Sharad Kumar Chandrakar, Dheeraj Lal Soni and Shohel Gar-
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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

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