ESLSCA Courses Description

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BUS513 Competitive Intelligence for Global Business


 "Competitive Intelligence" (CI) can be described as a systematic process of information retrieval and -analysis, in
which fragmented (raw) information on markets, competitors and technologies can be transformed into a vivid
understanding of the corporate environment for the decision-maker. CI topics are usually future-oriented
statements on competitive positioning, -intentions and -strategies. On the other hand, "Intelligence" is the final
result of the process: the required knowledge on markets and competition. Especially statements on the
expected effects on one's own firm and thereupon based recommendations are made. The course introduces
the CI, explaining where it fits into business and how. Traditional management information systems and
knowledge management systems tend to overwhelm decision makers with information. The evolution of the
web has made this problem worse because it provides managers with a flood of information. This has led to the
evolution of "intelligent" approaches which are concerned with efficient and effective. Overview for the
following will be covered: Methods of information gathering (both inside and outside the organization), which
focus on key information, “knowledge” and "intelligence" relevant to competitive decisions Techniques of
evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of that information in a focused "intelligent" manner; Methods for
communication of the interpretation and results to key decision makers and actors.

BUS536  Financial Derivatives


 "This course develops understanding of the basic derivative-related financial instruments (forwards, swaps,
futures, at-the-money European options, collars, and participation contracts), and their use in transforming and
managing risky investments and projects. Objectives:  1) to provide a basic understanding of derivatives practice
and use in financial markets. 2) To provide practical and simple investment and corporate financial management
strategies using derivatives. 3) To allow students to apply these concepts and skills to meet investment and
corporate finance objectives, using a series of examples that build to a final project."

BUS538  Advanced Asset & Liability Management


 This course is an advanced continuity for Banking assets and liability management course FIN641 

BUS501Contemporary Bank's Management


 The subject of bank and financial institution decision-making is approached from a risk perspective. The unit
objectives are: (i) To provide students with an understanding of the modern model of financial institutions and
the economic functions that they perform; (ii) Identify the main types of risk confronted by financial institutions;
(iii) Apply relevant techniques to measure and manage those risks; (iv) To provide students with the ability to
critically assess the effectiveness of the techniques used by banks to manage their risks(v) To provide students
with an understanding of international bank management and financial services.

BUS551  Contract Finance


 "The course covers the principles of contracting with the government as a prime or subcontractor. It covers the
information needed to understand government procurement from formation to contract completion. The
course introduces students to the analysis of key issues and their practical application in contracting. The course
compares commercial/public contracting methods and explains the types of contracts used by government and
the application of each type to the statement of work."
BUS532 Customer Focus

 This course focuses on what it takes to build the culture, the processes and the relationships that will lead to
long-term growth and financial sustainability. Customer-focused organization is grounded in the belief that long-
term success depends on a commitment to customer satisfaction throughout the entire organization. Leaders
are role models in planning, communication, and coaching and employee recognition. Their efforts result in
increased employee loyalty, greater innovation and improved customer satisfaction. The course covers customer
service management responsibilities, from the most fundamental tasks of hiring, training, coaching and
teambuilding to quality assurance and leadership skills. This challenging and highly participative programmer will
focus on creating and managing effective teams, dealing with difficult customers, understanding behavioral
styles and proven leadership strategies.

BUS502  Financial Accounting & Reporting System


 This course introduces you to concepts of financial accounting and helps you in learning technical skills required
for preparation and analysis of financial statements and disclosures. This course emphasizes on recording
business transactions within the accounting and double entry system. This course also provides an
understanding of both NZ and international financial reporting regulations, uses and limitation of financial
accounting information and current issues in reporting including the integrated reporting concept.

BUS539  Islamic Modes of Finance


 "The course presents current and best practice for retail/consumer credit quality assessment, retail/consumer
lending and Account Receivables (A/Rs) management, and collections policies and strategies for retail/
consumer credit portfolios. During the course, students are introduced to procedures for managing Account
Receivables (A/Rs) and collections, and establishing terms of sale, payment conditions, and payment deadlines.
The course addresses issues related to credit quality assessment, forecasting credit loss exposures and
evaluating credit granting decisions."

BIS632  Operation and Quality Management


 This course is to introduce you to concepts and techniques related to the design, planning, control, and
improvement of manufacturing and service operations. The course begins with a holistic view of operations,
where we stress the coordination of product development, process management, and supply chain
management. As the course progresses, we will investigate various aspects of each of these three tiers of
operations in detail. We will cover topics in the areas of process analysis, materials management, production
scheduling, quality improvement, and product design.

ACC526   Professional Auditing Ethics


 This course introduces students to professional codes of conduct and ethics adopted by professional
associations and state licensing boards for accountants, auditors, and fraud examiners. Topics include research
and discussion of selected historical and contemporary ethical cases and issues as they relate to accounting and
business. Upon completion, students should be able to apply codes, interpret facts and circumstances, as they
relate to accounting firms and business activities.
ACC525    Tax Accounting for Income Taxes

 The focus of this course is on the rules affecting timing of income and deductions for tax purposes. Cash and
accrual accounting methods are examined on an overall basis and with respect to individual items of income and
deductions. Rules for changing accounting methods and changing accounting periods are also examined as well
as issues pertaining to original issue discount. The course provides an introduction to, and overview of,
fundamental concepts of income tax law. Topics include Introduction to Taxation, including income tax, capital
gains tax, fringe benefits tax, and goods and services tax; Jurisdiction to Tax; Assessable Income, including
taxation of capital gains and losses; Non-Assessable Income; Deductions; Tax Accounting; Tax Treatment of Tax
Entities; Anti-avoidance; and Tax Administration.

DBA713   Dissertation

 Alongside the core modules, each student must write a proposal reflecting on their development as doctoral
practitioners and researchers. This proposal helps students to create doctoral-level professional knowledge and
develop the critical thinking skills needed for leading businesses and organizations in the midst of ambiguity.
Students complete their qualification with an original thesis based on a critical project undertaken in their
organization. Unlike a thesis for Ph.D. research, this thesis is designed to produce new, actionable knowledge for
immediate use. Progress to this stage is dependent upon satisfactory completion of the study modules. During
this stage, students will receive supervisory support from ESLSCA faculty members as well as external faculty
member when needed. To prepare an acceptable, doable dissertation proposal, students must draw creatively
and critically upon their academic studies to develop and apply a specific piece of research to an organizational
and/or professional discipline setting. In addition to incorporating the usual doctorate level critical literature and
methodological review, a student’s thesis should examine, evaluate and make recommendations relating to
current and possible future professional practice. In addition, it should demonstrate a contribution to the
development of new knowledge within the appropriate professional field. In writing a doctoral thesis, students
must show the crucial link between the previous taught content and the practicalities of doctoral research, they
should be ready for crafting a doctoral thesis and defend it. Students are also required to stay in touch with
supervisory teams, who aid them in synthesizing knowledge from previous modules, help them select
appropriate material from previous assessments to act as a basis for their doctoral thesis, assist in identifying
future research needs in the short, medium and long term, and, support them whilst you prepare a research

BUS545   Personal Selling (3CH)

 An extremely interesting subject exploring advertising concepts & principles, the various components of
integrated marketing communication, the role of advertising in marketing, advertising objectives & strategies,
various media strategies, tools & vehicles.

MGT644   Supply Chain Leadership (3CH)

 As a student of this course, you will develop an appreciation of the association between operational, tactical and
strategic elements that create differentiation for business through global Supply Chain Management. Core
elements of the course teaching have been aligned to the current challenges and needs of leading supply chain
operations. The course focuses on innovative practices and developments in the logistics, procurement,
transportation and supply chain sphere including: § Big data supply chain management § Circular economy – the
closed loop supply chain § Innovation in transportation § Procurement § Project management § Supply chain
criminality/fraud. Graduates from this course will have their professional aptitude that complements their
academic knowledge, as well as skills that are required by today’s logistics, procurement and supply chain
FIN641  Banking Assets and liability Management

 Banking Assets and Liability Management is concerned with strategic balance sheet management involving risks
caused by changes in interest rates, exchange rate, credit risk and the liquidity position of bank. Banking Assets
and Liability Management is the act of planning, acquiring, and directing the flow of funds through an

ACC527Advanced financial accounting


 Building on Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 and 2, students examine several complex topics and their effect
on financial reporting and disclosure. Topics include an introduction to international accounting and the
development of accounting standards; temporary and long-term investments in debt and equity securities;
business combinations; consolidation at acquisition; consolidation subsequent to acquisition; consolidation and
intercompany profit in inventory, land, and depreciable assets; foreign currency transactions; translation and
consolidation of international operations; and accounting for not-for-profit organizations including public sector

DBA709 Business Research Methods II


 Building on principles of Business Research Methods I, this module is designed to extend and deepen the
understanding of different research approaches and methodologies in order to prepare students for their own
dissertation project in their business discipline. This module will also assist students in identifying, discussing and
formulating research problem, in selecting and applying appropriate research approaches and methods of
inquiry, and in presenting their results. Successful completion of this course should be sufficient for students to
undertake a research project. Finally, the following topics will be covered throughout the module: research
design, data collection methods, measurements, sampling, hypotheses testing, and presenting insights and
findings. Emphasis will be placed on how to finalize and present a report covering the result and
recommendations of the research.

BUS511Business Intelligence Technologies (Data Mining)


 Business Intelligence (BI) is the process of collecting and turning data resources into Business value. Many
organizations have a wealth of data residing in their database, and generate additional valuable data that is
often not captured. Data is a key source of intelligence and competitive advantage for business organizations.
With the explosion of electronic data available to organizations and the demand for better and faster decisions,
the role of data driven intelligence is becoming central in organizations. Topics will include: information
operations, knowledge management, information environment, design and management of intelligence system,
e-business issues, security issues, and the capture and dissemination of information and knowledge. (Course
titled Business Competitive Intelligence) This course focuses on two subjects simultaneously: 1) the essential
data mining and knowledge representation techniques used to extract intelligence from data and experts. Such
techniques include decision trees, association rule discovery, clustering, classification, neural networks, nearest
neighbor, link analysis, etc.2) Common problems from Marketing, Finance and Operations that demonstrate the
use of various techniques.
DBA704 Business Research Methods I 

 Business Research Methods module provides the theoretical and practical base for a business research project.
It covers the fundamentals of the research proposal, literature review, and qualitative and quantitative
methods. The ethical dimension of research will also be covered. The Module first emphasizes the research
process and the importance of the literature review. It then focuses upon the appropriateness of specific
research methods. Students are encouraged to critically evaluate different strategies and methods by identifying
both the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative methods. Overall, this module equips
students with the skills and expertise to develop and implement a business research project.

BUS512Competitive Strategies Analysis

 Competitive intelligence is the essence of strategic business analysis. CI must be both tactical and strategic; so a
broad environmental assessment is needed. An understanding of which strategy your organization follows is
critically important to understanding what you need to monitor in the competitive universe. One of the building
blocks for competitive intelligence is a thorough understanding of the respective industry. You need to map out
and understand the forces driving change within your organization. Through environmental mapping of direct
and indirect forces, a baseline is established for understanding of the critical concerns that competitive
intelligence must address. This course has a Psychology of Intelligence Analysis part.

COI511 Strategic Thinking for Entrepreneurs


 Concepts and Basics of innovation; Principles of innovation strategy; analyzing Competition; Building Sustainable
Competitive advantage ;strategic analysis ;strategic business units; environmental analysis; competition analysis;
positioning; case studies

BUS660Management and E-Business (3CH)

 Demonstrate the basic concepts and essential skills for any successful manager such as supervision, delegation,
negotiation, team building, leadership, and effective communication skills. In addition the course will provide
the basic background for the various disciplines of business such as marketing, finance and human resources.
The second part is designed to provide the fundamentals of E-commerce concepts and technologies. The course
includes the following topics among others; retailing in E-commerce, business models, company centric B2B, E-
marketplaces and B2B, intra-business and E-government and electronic payment systems.

MKT642 Marketing Research (3CH)

 Designed to give students experience in acquiring, analyzing, and presenting information for making decisions
about the marketing of goods and services. The topics include: methods for collection, analysis, and
interpretation of data, demand analysis, and forecasting. Ultimately, this course is not intended to make
participants market researchers, but rather good users of marketing information. A pilot market research study
is required.

FIN643 Islamic Finance (3CH)

 Enter this increasingly crucial area equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to carry out vital Islamic
financial operations. Many countries have recently seen a rise in demand for Islamic banking services, causing
the sector to experience international expansion. This program ensures you are up-to-date with the latest
changes and equipped for success in this rapidly developing field. You will cover essentials such as the
differences between Islamic and traditional banks, as well as how bank accounts work under Sharia principles.
On top of this, the syllabus explores the key activities of Islamic banks and trends in Islamic portfolio
management. Fundamental of Islamic Finance.
MGT642 Enterprise Risk Management

 Every profit and not-for-profit enterprise deals with four risk categories: strategic, operational, financial, and
insurance risks. Our current program and thus students concentrate on the latter two risk categories, whereas
the first two ones - strategic and operational - account for most of the enterprise volatility. In this course we
shall study the four risk categories, their numerous sub-categories, and quantification techniques. A number of
real-life cases will be analyzed. Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a significant advancement in the field of
risk management, and provides a process for companies to identify, measure, manage, and disclose all key risks
to increase value to stakeholders. In addition, ERM provides a better framework for fundamental risk-return
decision-making at the highest levels, elevating ERM to advancement in business management.

BUS552Accounting for Managers


 Examines the use and preparation of cost and management data for planning, decision-making, and control. It is
intended as an introduction for individuals who will make business decisions and evaluate the performance of
business units using accounting data. Topics covered include: cost allocation systems, cost for short-term and
long-term decision-making, customer profitability analysis, and planning and management control systems.

COI512 Funding an Entrepreneurial Venture (3CH)

 Explores the requirements, costs and benefits of various forms of financial options open to the entrepreneur.
Special emphasis will be placed on finance issues of particular relevance to the minority entrepreneur, as well as
funding sources for capital. The course also explores financing entrepreneurial companies at various phases of
the life cycle. Students will also gain an understanding of what is in the numbers and how they reflect a specific

DBA711 Independent Studies I (4CH)

 For students with well-defined goals and motivation, independent study provides a way to earn academic credit
while pursuing a topic or project of particular interest that is not offered as an organized class. This module (I &
II) is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to gain and enhance specific and specialized
knowledge and to explore an area of interest related to his/her research field. The subject of an independent
study may arise from a student's own experience and interests or may derive from a class. In some cases, the
independent study will involve frequent and regular meetings; in others, the student may meet with the faculty
supervisor only a few times during the semester. A course of independent study might comprise a research topic
culminating in one or several papers, a series of readings accompanied by short papers or an annotated
bibliography, artistic explorations in the visual arts or creative writing, or other academically appropriate

DBA712 Independent Studies II


 For students with well-defined goals and motivation, independent study provides a way to earn academic credit
while pursuing a topic or project of particular interest that is not offered as an organized class. This module (I &
II) is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to gain and enhance specific and specialized
knowledge and to explore an area of interest related to his/her research field. The subject of an independent
study may arise from a student's own experience and interests or may derive from a class. In some cases, the
independent study will involve frequent and regular meetings; in others, the student may meet with the faculty
supervisor only a few times during the semester. A course of independent study might comprise a research topic
culminating in one or several papers, a series of readings accompanied by short papers or an annotated
bibliography, artistic explorations in the visual arts or creative writing, or other academically appropriate
HRM521 Human Resources Management

 Human resource management belongs to all organizations. Its focal point is people; people are the lifeblood of
organizations. Without them, there is no need for computer systems, compensation plans, mission statements,
programs, or procedures. Because HRM involves people, its practices and activities must be finely tuned,
properly implemented, and continuously monitored to achieve desired outcomes. The uniqueness of HRM lies in
its emphasis on people in work settings and its concern for the well-being and comfort of the human resources
in an organization. This course focuses on :( 1) managers and leaders with the responsibility to optimize
performance and do what is ethically correct. (2) HRM specialists who advise, support, and aid managers and
non-managers in their work. (3) Employees who must do the work. Hence, this course is concerned with
applying the HRM concepts, procedures, models, tools, and techniques without exercising discrimination and
violating the laws and regulations.

BUS640International Human Resource Management


 Introduce students to the challenges facing managers to effectively manage the work force. In an effort to
accomplish that goal students are exposed to the various aspects of analysis and management of human
resources: job design, staffing, employee training and development, performance evaluation, compensation
system design, and employee relations. The course places a special emphasis on the analysis of HRM's strategic
role in international and cross-cultural settings.

GEN201 Field Project


 It is an empirical or field study to be conducted by the participant on a problem faced by his organization or
others applying techniques and tools studied in the research methods course. The topic will be assigned
according to the needs of the participant’s organization. During this course, participants will continue and
improve in group individual researches that will have been developed during the research methods course.

FIN105 Public Finance


 It provides the students with a basic understanding of public finance necessary to handle public sector
responsibilities and analyze financial and accounting aspects related to public issues. This course equipped
participants with basic knowledge to address financial and accounting issues at every level of governance
(government, public sector companies, decentralized and local administrations).

BUS534Total Quality Management (3CH)

 Knowledge and skills in implementing TQM in organization. The course provide an understanding to the
European TQM criteria- EFQM in terms of leadership, human resources, policy and strategy, partnership and
resources, processes, people result, customer result and society result. The course is providing a real case study
of the Egyptian organization as a Key performance result and as recognized by the EFQM.

MKT101 Marketing Management


 Marketing is a value-enhancing function that identifies opportunities, develops markets, and builds brands.
Consequently, good marketing enables companies to charge price premiums, sustain competitive advantage and
maintain long-run profitability. To this end, the course covers the following topics: understanding consumer and
corporate behavior, conducting customer and competitor analysis, developing new products, branding and
brand extension, pricing, designing distribution channels, and managing marketing-mix activities.
DBA706 International Business and Global Strategy

 Modern organizations confront an increasing array of choices regarding markets, locations for key activities,
outsourcing and ownership modes, and organization and processes for managing across borders. Therefore, this
module is designed to provide a deep understanding of international business practices and processes. It seeks
to help students in developing attitudes and skills necessary for dealing with the international business arena.
The main focus will be on the implementation of corporate international business strategy and policy for global
success in large multinational companies and in small and medium sized enterprise The module covers the
following: globalization of business; strategies (which include identifying market opportunity; entry modes and
localization strategies); international firm; organizing and control (which includes performance measurement);
international competitiveness; political risk; international operations; international functional strategies which
include marketing, finance, and human capital.

BAN582 Risk Management


 Now a days in banks the business, 'risk' can be defined as the probability that a credit, market or operational
decision or process could result in financial or reputational loss. So there is an increasing need to assess and
manage the operation risk. In this course the participant will learn the basics and the methodologies and the
approaches to optimize operation risk management and the role that has to be played within the financial

BUS642Cross-cultural Management and Communication


 Prepares students for work in an international business setting through an examination of cross-cultural
communication issues. Students examine how international managers build their knowledge of cultural
similarities and differences in business around the globe, how they understand the fundamentals of effective
cross-cultural communication, and how they develop a life-long working appreciation of the complexity of cross-
cultural management.

BAN545 Marketing Financial Services


 Provides a thorough immersion in marketing concepts and activities related to the special requirements of the
marketing of financial services. It is a how-to guide that takes a marketer from the basic understanding of
marketing through the steps necessary to integrate and grow marketing within a bank's organizational structure.
The course is heavy on examples and provides clear explanations of such vital topics as marketing research and
marketing information systems, developing situation analyses, segmenting markets, evaluating the return on
investment for marketing (ROI and ROMI), creating and implementing promotion strategies, complying with
laws and regulations, and much, much more.
BUS514Advanced Competitive Intelligence 

 Recent global and technology developments and consolidation of global industry giants are rapidly changing the
business landscape. These factors impact every aspect of competitive strategy- from target market focus to
value/supply chain management. Outperforming competitors in serving changing customer needs requires a
winning competitive strategy built on consistently understanding and predicting industry trends and competitive
conditions. Throughout a compilation of articles and real case studies, this course will help lay the foundation to
gain competitive advantage and help develop a hands-on understanding of the competitive implications of
marketing strategies. Students will use information delivered in the class to conduct a competitive analysis and
develop a competitive marketing strategy. The course provides an opportunity for students to apply the
knowledge and skills they have learned throughout their studies with their business experiences from a
multidisciplinary perspective. Advanced Competitive Intelligence and Prevention Strategy represent the full set
of CI strategies, methods and technique planning, and action required for a firm to develop competitive business
plan and execute the plan to achieve strategic intelligence.

HRM651 Human Capital Development


 Recently, many organizations have realized that it is their “Human Capital” that will ultimately have the most
impact on their ability to create and maintain a Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA). As human capital
becomes increasingly important to business success, organization leaders must be skillful at competing for talent
and building and deploying talent resources. Organization leaders must also connect the investments in Human
Capital Development (HCD) to the critical axis points that affect the organization’s strategic success. They must
learn to achieve organizational success by skillfully using the leverage provided by HCD. Therefore, this course
will links human capital knowledge with the strategic business activities of the organization from both
theoretical and pragmatic perspectives. The course is also designed to explore the essential practices of human
capital, and how those practices affect organizational performance. In addition, the course will review a variety
of approaches to developing Human Capital in organizations. A special emphasis will be placed on the design,
delivery, and evaluation of HR programs related the HCD process.

ACC522Financial Accounting and Reporting


 Review accounting concepts, theory and practice, financial statements, and other financial reporting
requirements for nonprofit and for-profit organizations and governmental agencies. Understand the required
accounting treatment regarding inventory, fixed assets, monetary assets, investments (including derivative
instruments and hedging activities), current liabilities, long-term liabilities, accrued taxes, ratios and
stockholders' equity. Study topics such as accounting treatment and reporting of business combinations,
consolidations and eliminations, foreign currency translations, and standard financial reporting statement
presentation and disclosures, including SEC reporting requirements and statements of cash flow.

BUS530Quality Concept and Integrated Management System


 Students are introduced to all quality concepts and principles; definitions and vocabulary; recognize the
importance of implementing quality in management systems. Full understanding to the different processes and
procedures of quality management and how Integrated Management System are best implemented to maximize
business operations efficiency through exploring the disciplines of quality control, quality assurance, quality
improvement and quality planning, in addition to the activities required and related to quality control and
quality assurance. The course will introduce different quality management system standard and their
BUS535Continual Improvement

 Students in this course will acquire the knowledge, techniques and tools in the application of a continual
improvement system and the different approaches as the (8) quality principles approach for implementing
continual improvement process in their organizations. The course includes statistical techniques as a tool for a
quality improvement and the applications of such techniques. The course also explores the cost of failure –cost
of poor quality, and introduces the Cause and Effects diagram, and explains Quality control charts, or charts and
on, p charts.

FIN590 Financial Fraud and Market Surveillance (3CH)

 Students will gain an appreciation of the magnitude and impact of financial fraud and its consequences; an
overview of common fraud schemes and their linkages to various business functions and processes; the relevant
legal, regulatory and accounting standards; and controls to deter and detect fraud: auditing; investigation; and
remediation. The course will cover fraud schemes involving revenue recognition, overstatement of assets and
understatement of liabilities, concealment through off-balance sheet transactions and entities, internal and
external misappropriation of assets, misconduct by senior management, as well as fraud unrelated to financial

MGT651 Logistics Management  (3CH)

 Supply Chain Logistics is the basic logistics class in the business curriculum. Student attention is directed to the
logistical mission confronted by various types of business organizations. Logistics is positioned as a value-adding
process that achieves time and place synchronization of demand with operational fulfillment. Emphasis will be
placed on challenges related to providing logistical support for procurement, manufacturing, and marketing-
distribution. This course will focus on supply chain strategy, logistics information systems, segmental positioning,
order management and fulfillment, inventory, forecasting and collaborative planning. In addition, we will focus
on more operational issues relating to transportation, third party logistics, warehousing, materials handling,
international logistics, and facility network design.

BUS558Operation & Supply Chain Management (3CH)

 "Supply chains play a strategic role for a company and it’s no longer a battle between individual companies or
about innovative products, but it’s a new competitive battle between entire supply chains. Numerous materials
and products are supplied externally and even distributed externally. Our core competency will be in future
more and more in integration and management of the overall global supply chain processes. In order to enhance
the knowledge about underlying concepts and methods as well as to understand the important personal role
within such a chain, is offering a supply chain management basics training course for a broad audience
to:•Upgrade the own knowledge about basic supply chain principles

•Understand the context of these principles and concepts, and

•To be in a position to apply some of the key learning’s directly to daily business."

MGT652 Change Management


 The course examines the issues involved in the implementation and management of change. Participants
analyze the triggers for change, explore ways to pro-actively prepare their organizations to benefit from external
change; learn to understand the dynamics that cause internal resistance to change and explore methodologies
for dealing with such resistance. Actual case studies are analyzed to achieve a thorough understanding of
possible organizational behaviors in a change intensive environment. The course also shed light on the pressures
and complex factors that may exist in organizations facing change and the importance of the skill.
BUS522Training and Development

 "The course focuses on understanding and managing the training function inside the HR context of the
organization. The course will provide you with a systematic framework for understanding the role of training and
development inside the organization. Accordingly, the course emphasizes the following: • the concept of high-
leverage strategic training

• The principles of Instructional System Design (ISD)

• The Foundation of task analysis and competency framework

• The practices of training programs design and development • the concept of high-leverage strategic training"

BUS524Career coaching counseling (3CH)

 "The course focuses on understanding the concept of career management as one of the advanced functions of
HRM in modern organizations. The course will provide you with a systematic framework that will help you
integrating the career management with the other HRM functions. Accordingly, the course emphasizes the
following: • the concept of career management (Coaching and Counseling)

• The principles of self-awareness and assessment

• The foundation of job search techniques

• The practices of sketching and building career portfolio"

MCI511Fundamentals of Competitive Intelligence (3CH)

 The course introduces participants to the main issues and challenges related to Competitive Intelligence and
demonstrate how CI has become critical for organizations to achieve strategic objectives in the global economy
context, which has drastically increased competition. Through this course, attendees will be familiarized with
essential concepts and tools of CI.

BUS540Organizational Behavior (3CH)

 The course introduces students to the central topics related to the behavior of managers as well as individual
employees in organized settings. Students examine organizational behavior at the macro level; how organization
impacts the employee (i.e., organizational design, conflict and politics) as well as micro topics, or how managers
and employees impact the organization (i.e., job design, motivation). The course relates existing theory and
research in the social sciences to organizational performance at both levels with an integrated approach.

BUS681Marketing Strategy

 "The course is aimed at helping students look at the entire marketing mix in light of the strategy of the firm. It is
most helpful to students pursuing careers in which they need to look at the firm as a whole. Examples include
consultants, investment analysts, entrepreneurs, and product managers.


1. Identify, evaluate, and develop marketing strategies.

2. Evaluate a firm’s opportunities.

3. Anticipate competitive dynamics.

4. Evaluate the sustainability of competitive advantages."

MKT652 Service Marketing

 The course is designed to address issues related to marketing and managing services and delivering quality
service to customers. The course focuses on how to attract, retain and build strong customer relationships
through quality service and services. The methods and concepts presented during the course are applicable to
every organization whose core product is service (e.g., banks, hospitals, educational institutions, etc.) and to
organizations that depend on service excellence for competitive advantage (high technology manufacturers,
industrial products, etc.).

BUS670Advertising and Promotion (3CH)

 The course is designed to develop the skills necessary to effectively plan, implement and evaluate advertising
and promotional programs. Consequently, an understanding of the overall marketing process, consumer's
behavior, communications theory and the media of advertising and promotion is included in the course to
enable the student to acquire these skills. As a result, the various factors that must be considered in planning,
developing, and implementing advertising and promotional campaigns and programs will be examined.
Attention will also be given to the diverse environment in which advertising and promotion operates and
promotional decisions are made. Finally, the regulatory, social and economic factors that influence, and are in
turn influenced by an organization's advertising and promotional program will be examined.

MKT643 Integrated Marketing Communication (3CH)

 The course is designed to develop the skills necessary to effectively plan, implement and evaluate advertising
and promotional programs. Consequently, an understanding of the overall marketing process, consumer's
behavior, communications theory and the media of advertising and promotion is included in the course to
enable the student to acquire these skills. As a result, the various factors that must be considered in planning,
developing, and implementing advertising and promotional campaigns and programs will be examined.
Attention will also be given to the diverse environment in which advertising and promotion operates and
promotional decisions are made. Finally, the regulatory, social and economic factors that influence, and are in
turn influenced by an organization's advertising and promotional program will be examined.

FIN101 Financial Management (3CH)

 The course is designed to provide students with an introduction to finance and a general understanding of
financial management basic concepts and practices; synthesizing current principles of managerial finance,
investment and financial markets. The course is structured to cover an overview of managerial finance, working
capital management, capital budgeting, cost of capital and dividend policy and financing strategies. The course
will introduce participants to financial management issues faced by the Public Sector and challenges raised by
the reform of the public financial management.

FIN654 Contract & Trade Finance


 The course is divided in two parts: the first part addresses issues related to trade finance and the second part is
devoted to contract finance. The first part is designed as an introduction to the world of trade finance,
comprising faces of international trade, instruments used for assessment of sovereign risk and trade promotion.
The second part of this course covers the principles of contracting with the government as a prime or
subcontractor. It covers the information needed to understand government procurement from formation to
contract completion. The course introduces students to the analysis of key issues and their practical application
in contracting. The course compares commercial/public contracting methods and explains the types of contracts
used by government and the application of each type to the statement of work.
BAN548 Retail Credit Risk Management

 The course presents current and best practice for retail/consumer credit quality assessment, retail/consumer
lending and Account Receivables (A/RS) management, and collections policies and strategies for retail/
consumer credit portfolios. During the course, students are introduced to procedures for managing Account
Receivables (A/Rs) and collections, and establishing terms of sale, payment conditions, and payment deadlines.
The course addresses issues related to credit quality assessment, forecasting credit loss exposures and
evaluating credit granting decisions.

BUS533Implementing, Applying and Auditing QMS

 The course provide full understanding of the terms and definitions related to QMS, quality activities and auditing
system. It introduces the know- how of auditing steps for QMS through practical and scientific presentation of
the methods of implementing QMS based on International Standards related to QMS and the required plan to
comply with QMS ISO 9001/2008. In addition, the methods and procedures of auditing will be in-depth explored
including the audit types, plans, checklist, process and reports.

FIN642 Investment & Portfolio Management


 The course provides a rigorous, empirical approach to modern topics in Investment Management such as Asset
Allocation, Investment Instruments, Capital Markets and Global Investments. The course aims to provide
participants with the theoretical as well as practical knowledge needed for investment expertise. This course
complements the course “Financial Markets and Institutions” to properly equip participants with tools needed
to develop a proper investment decision. The course introduces students to different types of securities,
markets, transaction costs, and security regulations. The basic techniques for analyzing the potential returns and
risk of individual securities, and for combining them efficiently into portfolios, are also studied. In addition, this
course explores the practical aspects of investment analysis relevant to bond and stock valuation, portfolio
analysis, performance evaluation, and the formulation of investment policies and strategies. The points of view
of both individual and institutional investors are considered, but primary emphasis is placed on the individual
investor. New trends in investments such as e-trade and online investments would also be presented.

AAU520 Forensic Accounting and Auditing


 The course provides a solid foundation for building skills in forensic accounting techniques, including gathering,
interpreting, and documenting evidence. In this course we examine the investigative techniques used by
accountants to conduct forensic examinations as well as the common schemes and techniques used to commit
fraud. The skills acquired will enable you to assist businesses in detecting, investigating, documenting, and
preventing fraud. The course also introduces you to the many professional opportunities available to forensic

MGT532 Strategic Management


 The course provides students with the theoretical and practical insights necessary for understanding the
problems and issues of strategy formulation and implementation regarding the firm's international operations.
Students explore firms' motivations for international expansion as well as the choices of entering foreign
markets. Students also analyze the international environment by studying the special economic, social, and
political issues raised by globalization of firm. Fundamental and current major topics in international business
are also examined.
BUS301Introduction to Competitive Intelligence

 The course will develop a framework for understanding the importance of Competitive Intelligence in
formulating both business level strategy and in choosing competitive tactics. Class assignments will give students
hands on experience analyzing an industry and the competitors in the industry. Students will choose a business
or product line and then study key competitors using both firm's internal data and on competitors and publicly
available data. This course can be attended either in ESLSCA's premises in Paris or in Cairo.

BUS101:  Introduction to Competitive Intelligence


 The course will develop a framework for understanding the importance of Competitive Intelligence in
formulating both business level strategy and in choosing competitive tactics. Class assignments will give students
hands on experience analyzing an industry and the competitors in the industry. Students will choose a business
or product line and then study key competitors using both firm's internal data and on competitors and publicly
available data. This course can be attended either in ESLSCA's premises in Paris or in Cairo.

BAN541 Economics for Financial Service Providers


 The Economics for Financial Services Providers

 gives an introduction to economic principles with a focus on how those principles relate to the financial services
industry. It provides students with an understanding of the economic principles necessary to interpret economic
news, apply economic principles to their work, and appreciate the many ways economics affects their lives.

 BUS507 Entrepreneurship

 The emphasis of this course is on the aspect of nurturing entrepreneurship culture among learners so they can
appreciate the value of entrepreneurship in their daily lives. Learners will be introduced to the fundamental of
entrepreneurship: its historical perspective, concept and theory, and the individual entrepreneurial
development. Learners will also be exposed to creative and innovative development that will enhance their
abilities in identifying business opportunities. Emphasis will also be made on the various studies which
determine the feasibility of any new venture such as the market survey, the cost of operations and the financial

MGT641 Entrepreneurship and SME’s


 The emphasis of this course is on the aspect of nurturing entrepreneurship culture among learners so they can
appreciate the value of entrepreneurship in their daily lives. Learners will be introduced to the fundamental of
entrepreneurship: its historical perspective, concept and theory, and the individual entrepreneurial
development. Learners will also be exposed to creative and innovative development that will enhance their
abilities in identifying business opportunities. Emphasis will also be made on the various studies which
determine the feasibility of any new venture such as the market survey, the cost of operations and the financial
evaluation. Participants will learn to apply the key principles of successful SME banking to different real life
situations and adopt an action plan for their own institutions. The course will use real life case studies and
examples to develop delegates’ understanding of all aspects of SME banking, client management and credit risk
BUS662Banking and Financial Institutions

 The first part of the course covers the "economic theory" with special emphasis on the creation of money and
the determination of interest rates. The course will also cover commercial banks' management with special
emphasis on credit analysis. The second part analyzes financial markets, conceptually and theoretically focusing
on the role, structure and activities of financial intermediaries. Furthermore, the management of the major
financial institutions other than banks will be presented.

BUS661Research Methodology

 The first part of this course provides a comprehensive theoretical and practical framework for business research.
It introduces the processes for developing a research provided by the different research designs and approaches
together with sufficient statistical methods for data analysis and interpretation. The second part of the course
furnishes the students with the qualities of how to write a report out of the research findings in addition to how
to present this information using computer technologies and other presentation aids.

 BUS553 Research Methods for Managers


 The first part of this course provides a comprehensive theoretical and practical framework for business research.
It introduces the processes for developing a research provided by the different research designs and approaches
together with sufficient statistical methods for data analysis and interpretation. The second part of the course
furnishes the students with the qualities of how to write a report out of the research findings in addition to how
to present this information using computer technologies and other presentation aids.

GEN103 Business Research Methods


 First part of this course provides a comprehensive theoretical and practical framework for business research. It
introduces the processes for developing a research provided by the different research designs and approaches
together with sufficient statistical methods for data analysis and interpretation. The second part of the course
furnishes the students with the qualities of how to write a report out of the research findings in addition to how
to represent this information using computer technologies and other presentation aids.

BUS519Business Research Methods for Managers


 The first part of this course provides a comprehensive theoretical and practical framework for business research.
It introduces the processes for developing a research provided by the different research designs and approaches
together with sufficient statistical methods for data analysis and interpretation. The second part of the course
furnishes the students with the qualities of how to write a report out of the research findings in addition to how
to represent this information using computer technologies and other presentation aids.

 MKT651 International Marketing


 The objective of this course is to assist the student in gaining an understanding of the nature of international
marketing and the impact of macro-environmental factors on international marketing. In addition to gaining an
insight into the strategic considerations that play a role in formulating international marketing programs.
DBA705 Organizational Theory and Development

 The purpose of this module is to review and evaluate different theories, perspectives and developments that
relate to understanding organizations, including both macro and micro theories, beginning with the classical
engineering perspectives and moving to more contemporary post-modern approaches. This module also
provides a balance between theoretical and conceptual clarification and practice by examining perspectives on
leadership and management, and their location within Organization Theory (OT). It mainly focuses on the theory
and practice of leading teams and departments effectively, strategically managing the interrelationships among
teams and departments to create High Performance Work Systems (HPWS), and thoughtfully leading people and
organizations in the context of diverse cultures. Focus areas include leadership development, and shared
leadership. The learning organization and the relationship between leadership and facilitating learning within
the organization are also examined.

 DBA703 Strategic Human Resources Management (4CH)

 The Strategic Human Resource Management module provides students with a critical understanding of the
theories, principles, historical trends, current issues and practices relevant to human resource management
strategy in organizations. This will support the development of subject specific and key transferable skills
necessary for employment in roles which require the effective management of both human and knowledge
capital within the organization, therefore extending beyond purely human resource management roles. By
exploring the shifting of roles from process manager or administrator to strategic business advisor and partner,
students will understand the unique strategic positioning of contemporary human resource management and
the subsequent demands placed on professionals working in this area. The module will serve as an intellectual
platform to proceed to further modules of study.

DBA710 Change Management Models (4CH)

 The success of any organization is dependent upon its ability to manage change effectively and handle crises
while also creating value for its stakeholders. Therefore, this module prepares students to lead change initiatives
within a variety of organizational settings, encouraging them to analyze and evaluate several models for change
management, and to consider their application in practice. Students will also apply coaching skills to create
interactive dialogue and deeper understanding, and will be able to analyze the role of leadership in crisis
situations. An important feature of this module is that sessions will consider both the content of existing studies
and the way these were designed and implemented.

BAN553 Bank Simulation & Seminar (3CH)

 ny financial organizations, and bank training institutes worldwide The widely-used Bank Exec course-the
centerpiece of the system-simulates the activities of a mid-sized commercial bank through exercises in
asset/liability management/capital planning/gap analysis/accounting and taxes/marketing and resource
allocation/forecasting and planning economics/pricing bank services/strategic planning/policy formation and
analysis ... organizational structure/and much more. Bank Exec helps you put together the bigger picture of
banking by working with a team to:

• Get involved in the real-life process of management decision-making by ""running your own"" simulated bank, set up
by the computer to closely approximate the data on an actual institution

• Try out various strategies, in response to the computer simulation, before implementing them in your own bank

• Learn about the practical aspects of loans, securities investments, deposits, funding sources and capital

• See how your decisions and operations influence other bank activities

• Actually ""learn by doing"" through all phases of the decision-making process."

FIN589 Financial Markets and investment

 This course aims to develop students understanding of the basic principles of financial markets and provides an
introduction how assets are valued and traded in those markets. The course considers stock market prices and
returns; stock market risk and the influence of risk on the pricing of shares. It also considers exchange rates,
interest rates and the pricing of bonds; and the characteristics and pricing of financial futures and options. But
the most important contribution of this course to your future career is how to use the latest academic insights
to better assess risks and returns, and the tradeoff between the two in your future decision making. 

FIN644 Credit and Retail Risk Analysis


 This course covers credit risk arising from failure by borrowers or counterparties to perform their payment,
guarantee and/or other obligations, or failure by a sovereign to honor its domestic, cross border and/or foreign
currency obligations, or to allow local customers to make foreign currency payments. FSA, lending rationale,
cash flow, and industry analysis and credit structure will be covered to well assess the credit risk inherent in
each and every case to reach full awareness and acquainted with the risks related to the credit. Risk rating is a
significant part of the Basel agreement to evaluate the risk of the credit. Students will have full lecture and
methodology used with different approaches with relation to provisions.

ECO511Economics for Managers


 This course covers microeconomic concepts relevant to managerial decision-making. Students develop an
understanding of the economic environment in which the firm operates and learn to think strategically within it.
Topics include: demand and supply analysis, consumer demand theory, production theory, price administration,
perfect competition, externalities and public goods, rudimentary game theory, oligopoly, transaction cost
economics, hidden information, and market signaling.

FIN521 Financial Management


 This course covers the foundations of corporate finance and investments. Students use these foundations to
analyze financial decisions. Topics covered include: the valuation of fixed-income securities and stocks, capital
budgeting and the choice of investment projects, the optimal capital structure of the firm, and the notion of
market efficiency.

FIN653 Derivative Market


 "This course develops understanding of the basic derivative-related financial instruments (forwards, swaps,
futures, at-the-money European options, collars, and participation contracts), and their use in transforming and
managing risky investments and projects. Objectives:  1) to provide a basic understanding of derivatives practice
and use in financial markets. 2) To provide practical and simple investment and corporate financial management
strategies using derivatives. 3) To allow students to apply these concepts and skills to meet investment and
corporate finance objectives, using a series of examples that build to a final project."
BUS531Process Performance Excellence

 This course enhances understanding of analysis concepts and tools, implementing 4 Q concepts for
improvements and the implementation of process of performance excellence. Students are introduced to world
class manufacturing WCM, and will cover the description of statistical 7 tools and problem solving. Students will
be designated to develop and implement project planning basics and effective meeting, and quality performance
measurement through with the necessary information on quality performance measurement tool (FPY)Students
get acknowledge of how can these tools and techniques will contribute to better solving problems and result
organization improvement.

BUS517Management Accounting and Control


 "This course examines management accounting and related analytical methodologies for decision making and
control in profit-directed organizations. It also defines product costing, budgetary control systems, and
performance evaluation systems for planning, coordinating, and monitoring the performance of a business. This
course defines principles of measurement and develops framework for assessing behavioral dimensions of
control systems; impact of different managerial styles on motivation and performance in an organization. To
enable potential managers to make informed decisions about costs and cost management; organizational plans
and budgets; and the evaluation of business and managerial performance within a framework value creation
and the effective and efficient use of organizational resources.

Learning Outcomes

-The ability to analyze and critically discuss the reasons to and consequences of management accounting and control

-The ability to analyze and critically discuss the relationship between strategy development and the design, and use, of
management accounting and control

-Obtaining knowledge and understanding of models and methods in management accounting and control

-Obtaining the ability to apply a range of models and methods in different contexts and in order to analyse an
organization’s activities

-To identify and analyze problems and solutions in real-life situations

-Being able to communicate findings"

COI102 Principles of Entrepreneurship


 This course explores the concept and practice of entrepreneurship and its relationship to progress, with a focus
on creating and growing global ventures. It analyses the determinants of innovation and develops the skills
change managers need to analyze opportunities and stimulate more entrepreneurship, innovation, enterprise,
and initiative from their employees. It also helps students to understand concepts of going to market and
competitive sustainability.

MGT102 Human Resources Management


 This course focuses on (1) managers and leaders with the responsibility to optimize performance and do what is
ethically correct; (2) HRM specialists who advise, support, and aid managers and non-managers in their work;
and (3) employees who must do the work. Hence, this course is concerned with applying the HRM concepts,
procedures, models, tools, and techniques without exercising discrimination and violating the laws and
HRM653 Motivational Theory

 This course focuses on a range of management techniques. The student will discover the main skills and
competencies of effective leaders, and how to distinguish between management and leadership. The course will
cover team dynamics, how to build effective relationships, key motivation theories, and how to use
communication to best effect. This course forms part of a specialization designed to help developing and
building the essential business, academic, and cultural skills necessary to succeed in international business, or in
further study.

BUS506Cross Cultural Communication and Negotiation


 This course focuses on issues, aspects and difficulties of doing business negotiations in Cross-Cultural
communication settings. Specifically, it examines the negotiating types, processes and games. It good emphasis
on the interactions of variables related to ultra-language, religion, values, attitudes, social organization,
education and political environment in the context of (transnational / international business. Special emphasis
will also be laid on the personality traits in the negotiating processes

MGT108 Principles of Governance


 This course helps students develop an understanding of some of the common and different elements that shape
leadership in the public, voluntary and private sectors, and the implications that these have for interactions
among the three sectors on public policy issues. Students become exposed to different models from the private
sector and how they can apply that to the governmental one. This course will also help students learn about the
basic ideas and debates on the nature of leadership in each sector, and how institutions and processes of
management and governance shape the development of leaders and their roles.


 This course includes a consideration of the role of the auditor, the organization of the accounting profession,
and the current audit environment. It introduces the student to generally accepted auditing standards,
professional ethics, and legal liability. A conceptual theory of auditing is discussed and practical examples of
auditing techniques and work programs are used to illustrate the application of the theory. The course also
covers the auditor's reporting standards and uses case studies and professional journal articles as bases for
discussion and analysis.

FIN656 SME Banking


 This course introduce participants to methods and skills for building a relationship-centric sales approach,
engage business customers to better understand their needs and appropriate solutions, handle objections, plan
and execute the perfect sales call, and manage relationships post-sale. Participants will learn to apply the key
principles of successful SME banking to different real life situations and adopt an action plan for their own
institutions. The course will use real life case studies and examples to develop delegates’ understanding of all
aspects of SME banking, client management and credit risk issues.
MCI514Competitive Intelligence Defensive Strategies

 This course introduces attendees to risks raised by the globalization context and the development of information
technologies and networks. It enables participants to identify and develop strategies to secure their information
systems and implement methods and structures to protect their immaterial and informational assets. Through
this course, learners will be familiarized with the dimensions of the protection process as well as crisis
management methods and practices. At the end of the course, participants will be fully equipped to detect and
assess potential threats and aggressive influence strategies potentially damageable for their companies’
reputation/image and properly react to them.

BUS505Quantitative Business Analysis


 This course introduces fundamental concepts and techniques for analyzing risk and formulating sound decisions
in uncertain environments. The study of decision theory is enriched by game theory, competitive analysis, and
multi criteria decision-making. The queuing theory and inventory management are also examined. The course
combines mathematical concepts and the use of software in an integrated way. Students will gain an
understanding of modeling and rational approaches to decision making and their contribution to organizational

BUS550Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions


 This course introduces fundamental concepts and techniques for analyzing risk and formulating sound decisions
in uncertain environments. The study of decision theory is enriched by game theory, competitive analysis, and
multi criteria decision-making. The queuing theory and inventory management are also examined. The course
combines mathematical concepts and the use of software in an integrated way. Students will gain an
understanding of modeling and rational approaches to decision making and their contribution to organizational

GEN102 Quantitative Business Analysis


 This course introduces fundamental concepts and techniques for analyzing risk and formulating sound decisions
in uncertain environments. The study of decision theory is enriched by game theory, competitive analysis, and
multi-criteria decision-making. The queuing theory and inventory management are also examined. The course
combines mathematical concepts and the use of software in an integrated way. Students will gain an
understanding of modeling and rational approaches to decision making and their contribution to organizational

MCI516Competitive Intelligence Management


 This course introduces learners to the specific characteristics of the management of competitive intelligence
organizations and projects. For this purpose, participants will be primarily familiarized with essential concepts
and methods of decision-making, strategic planning and project management. Through the course, they will
learn how to adapt these methods and tools to the specificities of CI project management.

 This course introduces participants to basic knowledge of macroeconomics relevant to the public sector. It
familiarizes participants with all the economic issues related to welfare state programs and taxation issues.It
highlights the specific role of the Public Sector in economy and how it influences markets and competition. This
course equips participants with economic concepts and tools necessary to understand Public Finance.

MCI515Competitive Intelligence Offensive Strategies


 This course introduces participants to the all the dimension of influence strategies and informational warfare.
Through this course, attendees will be fully equipped to elaborate and implement successful offensive CI
strategies and will master all the concepts of tools to be a pro-active actor in the global informational warfare
(influence strategies, cultural and geographical intelligence, perception management, lobbying, negotiation,

MCI512Knowledge Management

 This course introduces participants to the essential concepts and tools of Knowledge Management and
Information Systems Management. Through the course, attendees will learn to identify and assess information
needs of an organization and be familiarized with monitoring tools and systems. The course will develop
learners’ capabilities to implement and manage knowledge production systems to support decision-making

 BUS510 Knowledge Management RI


 This course introduces participants to the essential concepts and tools of Knowledge Management and
Information Systems Management. Through the course, attendees will learn to identify and assess information
needs of an organization and be familiarized with monitoring tools and systems. The course will develop
learners’ capabilities to implement and manage knowledge production systems to support decision-making

MCI517Corporate Warfare

 This course introduces participants to the multiple dimensions of corporate warfare and highlights its links with
competitiveness. Through this course, learners will be familiarized with the fundamentals of strategic analysis
and management and will learn how to manage corporate warfare tools and methods to build a competitive
strategy (perception management, marketing warfare, and influence, communication strategy, lobbying and

 MCI513 Environmental Scanning and International Competition


 This course introduces participants to the new dimensions and patterns of International competition. Since the
end of the Cold War, international competition has increased and has become more complex. Therefore, to scan
and analyze their environment to define new competitive strategies, managers must adopt multiple-level and
Trans- dimensional analytical approaches. This course equips participants with new methods and concepts
requested by the complexity of the global environment. It gives them all the keys to build efficient and
operational CI capabilities and therefore, enhances their capacities to forecast changes.
BUS523Performance Management and Strategic Reward Systems

 This course introduces students to performance management and appraisal as well as reward systems. The main
topics covered include: performance appraisal process and methods, performance management, pay-plans,
incentives plans and benefits programs.

BUS526Strategic Career Planning


 This course introduces students to recruitment and career planning methods and concepts. The following topics
are covered during the course: personnel planning and forecasting, recruiting job candidates, techniques for
candidates’ selection and interview.

 BUS583 Strategic Human Resources


 This course introduces students to strategic issues of the HR management and explains how managers human
resource strategies for their companies in a competitive market. Students are introduced to specific dimensions
of the market (international/local).Main topics of the course include: strategic management process, strategic
human resource management, human resource metrics and analysis, building high-performance work systems,
global and SME HR aspects.

FIN588 Advanced Corporate Finance


 This course introduces students to the academic research in corporate finance. Corporate finance theory deals
with the roles of corporate in the capital market and the interactions between investors, managers, regulators
and other stakeholders. The objectives of this course are to learn the theories of corporate finance, analyze the
research questions, and critically evaluate the academic papers. This course focuses on selected classic and
contemporary theoretical and empirical academic papers and provides students with an advanced and rigorous
background in mainstream issues in modern corporate finance research. At the end of the seminar, it is
expected that the students have developed an appreciation of the role of theory in corporate finance research,
an in-depth knowledge of the research methods and philosophies employed in researching a wide range of
corporate finance problems and issues, and an ability to critically analyze, and evaluate the literature in
corporate finance.

MKT641 Consumer Behavior


 This course introduces students to the complex and constantly changing consumer behavior. Gaining a deep
understanding of consumers' needs and their decision-making process is pertinent for marketers to develop
strategic marketing mixes that appeal to their target markets.

BUS625Customer Behavior

 This course introduces students to the complex and constantly changing customer behavior. Gaining a deep
understanding of consumers' needs and their decision-making process is pertinent for marketers to develop
strategic marketing mixes that appeal to their target markets.
BUS503Operation Management


 "This course introduces students to the concepts underlying effective operation and control of manufacturing
and service businesses. Approaches to production control, inventory policy, facilities planning, methods
improvement and technological assessment are studied. Upon successful completion of this course, the student
will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

1. Identify and articulate how operations management contributes to the achievement of an organization’s strategic

2. Critically evaluate the operations function in manufacturing and service production settings.

3. Appraise and apply forecasting methods as the basis of management’s planning and control activity.

4. Assess and formulate decision making strategies to address operating issues that have short, intermediate or long
lead times.

5. Evaluate approaches to problem solving and process improvement in production settings.

6. Synthesize the depth and breadth of knowledge, knowledge of methodologies, application of knowledge, and
communication skills."

FIN645 International Finance


 This course introduces students to the international monetary environment and capital markets. Topics covered
include: foreign exchange rate determination; foreign currency options and futures; sources of global equity and
debt; multinational capital budgeting; and foreign direct investment.

ACC530Auditing Assurance

 This course introduces students to the principles of external auditing and other assurance services. Both
theoretical and practical aspects of the audit process will be considered including recent developments in the
organization of the profession, the regulatory framework governing practitioners and factors affecting the future
evolution of the practice of auditing and other assurance services. The aim of this course is to introduce students
who have passed accounting and finance or principles of accounting to the principles of external auditing and
other assurance services. The course provides students with an understanding of the nature of the function of
auditing and other assurance services and the principles of the related processes.

MGT645 Organizational Communication and Negotiations


 This course is an introduction to negotiation and resolution of conflict as organizational communication

processes vital to managers, professionals and entrepreneurs. Emphasis on preparation, motivation, process and
outcomes of negotiation. Students build competencies in communicating their interests in light of bounded
understanding of the interests of others while developing written, oral, and non-verbal communication skills.
The course examines conflict theories and approaches, negotiation processes, and third party intervention
through the study of strategies and tactics, interaction processes, phases and stages of negotiation development
and conflict framing. The course examines strategies and tactics used in exchange of offers and counteroffers,
salary negotiations, buying and selling of products, team bargaining, and multiparty negotiations.
MKT521 Marketing Management (3CH)

 This course is an introductory course in marketing management. It exposes students to the marketing process,
the analytical tools required to make the process work, and related managerial issues. The first part of the
course focuses on the analytical tools that marketers must use to build effective programs, while the second
part of the semester focuses on applying these tools to developing the marketing mix: product, price,
placement, and promotion.

BUS691Research Project (3CH)

 This course is an organized, systematic, data-based, critical, objective, scientific inquiry or investigation into a
practical problem, undertaken with the purpose of finding answers or solutions to it. The information provided
could be the result of a careful analysis of data gathered firsthand or of data that is already available (in the
company, industry, archives, etc.). Data can be quantitative (as generally gathered through structured questions)
or qualitative (as generated from the broad answers to specific questions in interviews, or from responses to
open-ended questions in a questionnaire or through observation, or from already available information
gathered from various sources). The student is required to prepare and present a final report.

BUS662Banking and Financial Institutions (3CH)

 "This course is designed to develop an understanding of financial institutions and financial markets and their
relationship to public policies and management policies. It includes studies of market structure, profit strategies,
relationship of commercial banks and other financial institutions, problems of asset and liability management,
and theory of interest and asset prices

Course Objectives: at the end of the course, the student should be able to: 

1.        Understand and explain the workings of banks and other financial institutions with regards to the profitability,
liquidity and solvency 

2.        Appreciate the workings of banking institutions and other financial intermediaries that are equipped with honesty
and integrity

3.        Develop appropriate values such as respect/politeness to clients

4.        Practice what they have learned in school when they become employees of banks"

ACC524Accounting Information Systems (3CH)

 "This course is designed to present an understanding of accounting information systems and their role in the
accounting environment. Particular attention is paid to transaction cycles and internal control structure. Topics
to be covered include the software development life cycle, contemporary technology and applications, control
concepts and procedures, auditing of information systems, internets, intranets, electronic commerce, and the
role of information systems in a business enterprise. This course will cover accounting information systems—
both computerized and non-computerized—with particular emphasis on internal controls. Upon successful
completion of this course, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

1. Explain the role and purpose of an Accounting Information System (AIS)

2. Describe and compare components of a computer-based AIS
3. Discuss the role of fraud, ethics, governance related to AIS

4. Analyze the risk factors and essential elements of internal controls of a business process

5. Describe the audit of computer-based AIS

6. Illustrate the Systems Development Life Cycle"


 This course is designed to provide students with a theory- and research-based, integrative, hands-on, and
practical view of leadership. The many debates and controversies within the field of leadership are presented
with an emphasis on integration of the concepts and distilling useful and practical concepts from each theory
while taking a cross-cultural perspective. The topics include defining leadership, early and contemporary
concepts of leadership, leading teams, leading change, and developing leaders. Ultimately, this course
encourages students to apply what they learn to their own development and into their current organizations.
The course will also integrate the main functions of the effective leader such as planning, control and

MGT106 Leadership

 This course is designed to provide students with a theory- and research-based, integrative, hands-on, and
practical view of leadership. The many debates and controversies within the field of leadership are presented
with an emphasis on integration of the concepts and distilling useful and practical concepts from each theory
while taking a cross-cultural perspective. The topics include defining leadership, early and contemporary
concepts of leadership, leading teams, leading change, and developing leaders. Ultimately, this course
encourages students to apply what they learn to their own development and into their current organizations.
The course will also integrate the main functions of the effective leader such as planning, control and

HRM644 Leadership and Team Building


 This course is designed to provide students with a theory- and research-based, integrative, hands-on, and
practical view of leadership. The many debates and controversies within the field of leadership are presented
with an emphasis on integration of the concepts and distilling useful and practical concepts from each theory
while taking a cross-cultural perspective. The topics include defining leadership, early and contemporary
concepts of leadership, leading teams, leading change, and developing leaders. Ultimately, this course
encourages students to apply what they learn to their own development and into their current organizations.
The course will also integrate the main functions of the effective leader such as planning, control and

HRM652 Employee Coaching


 This course is designed to take a practical approach in exploring individual and organizational strategies
designed to stimulate learning and personal growth in organizations. In addition, the course is aimed at
facilitating understanding of individual development from both leader and individual contributor perspectives. In
short, the course has been designed to accomplish two major objectives. First, students will learn some
theoretical foundations, behavioral applications and practical challenges involved in employee training and
development in the business environment. Second, this course will focus on personal development; the goal
being to obtain greater self-awareness to help make you a more effective leader, teammate and person.
Integrating these perspectives will enable students to experience how both personal and organizational
development needs can lead to individual satisfaction and well-being, while impacting organizational learning
and effectiveness.

BUS631International Negotiation  (3CH)

 This course is designed to train students in the skills necessary to become successful negotiators. Through a
combination of lecture, discussion, reading, simulations and role-plays, students learn basic theories behind
negotiation processes, strategies and tactics. Experiential exercises expose students to different aspects of
negotiation; help them experiment with various techniques in order to determine what is most effective in
developing their own personal negotiation style, and build tangible skills in a variety of situations.

FIN652 Behavioral Finance (3CH)

 This course is intended to complement other finance courses that are mainly based on the traditional paradigm
which assumes that investors and managers are generally rational. Specifically, this course has three main
objectives. First, we aim to examine how the insights of behavioral finance theories shed light on the behavior of
individual investors and finance professionals in investment decision-making and corporate financial decision-
making. Second, we explore the possibility to improve investment performance and corporate performance by
recognizing the cognitive biases and applying appropriate 'debasing' techniques. Finally, we investigate the
implications of behavioral finance for the construction of good corporate governance mechanisms.

MGT646 Crisis Management (3CH)

 This course on crisis management offers students the basics in identifying, preventing, and controlling crisis
situations. Crisis management basics, from preparation to training and compliance are discussed, as are various
stages of a crisis, and the need to establish a crisis management team. Clearly identifying the roles and functions
of each crisis management team member is essential for the ultimate success of contingency planning, which is
also discussed. Crisis management also depends on developing, assessing and determining consequences of
contingency plans, and helps students identify the most common weaknesses found in many crisis management
plans. Finally, the course concludes with guidance regarding damage control, the restoration of confidence in a
business, company or entity, and offers students a basic checklist that may be utilized as a jumping off point for
a crisis management team in a variety of business environments.

BUS555Business Law

 This course prepares students for business dealings in international law. The lectures cover in detail the
fundamental concepts, principles, and rules of law that apply to business transactions. Topics include how
market infrastructure (contracts, commercial laws, intellectual property) affect business strategy, with special
emphasis on legal differences between countries.

BUS560International Business Law


 This course prepares students for business dealings in international law. The lectures cover in detail the
fundamental concepts, principles, and rules of law that apply to international business transactions. Topics
include how market infrastructure (contracts, commercial laws, intellectual property) affect business strategy,
with special emphasis on legal differences between countries.

BAN543 Corporate Finance


 This course provides a basic knowledge of international finance and shows how international financial
environment affects giant multinationals as well as other firms that involve in international trade and
transactions. It will also cover issues related to international financial markets, and international financial
management. The course is targeted primarily to second-year MBA students who are specializing in Finance by
way of the Corporate Financial Management and the Investment Management Majors.
BAN528 Bank Management 

 This course provides a comprehensive approach about Commercial banking industry environment, essence of
performance evaluation and key indicators. The course is quite depending on practical simulating workshop and
can be fairly considered as a core curriculum for MBA with specialty in Banking and Risk Management. Develop
analytical skills needed to interpret banks key performance indicators (KPI) that provide a platform for setting
managerial objectives and formulating strategic course of action running bank's assets and liabilities in
consideration to industry prevailing trend analysis and environmental scanning.

FIN655 Financial Markets & Institutions


 This course provides A comprehensive approach to fundamental basics of financial markets and institutions,
how it operate, instruments and main players, The course aims to provide participants with comprehensive basic
knowledge about financial markets, its main fields of activities and terminology used. Along with the course
“Investment and Portfolio Management” the course equips participants with tools needed to develop a proper
Investment decision within market indicators and trend analysis.

MGT104 Strategic Management (3CH)

 This course provides a concise overview of how to do a strategic plan, by Examining strategic planning processes
and how strategic goals can be implemented in public sector organizations by providing students with skills to
develop a vision for the organization and implement it by understanding the current situation and in turn allows
management to plan for the future. Strategic planning topics include stakeholder analysis; developing mission,
value and vision statements; environmental scanning; transforming strategic plans into policies and programs;
management tactics; and assessing organizational performance. It also provides students with skills such as
communication, as strategic plans communicate the intentions of management. Implementation topics include:
deploying resources; quality control; strategic communication; budgeting; team building; problem solving;
progress assessment; completion; and evaluation.

HRM642 Employment Relations (Labor Law) (3CH)

 This course provides an overview of the various methods and concepts, which make up and affect labor relations
in Egypt. Through case studies, collective bargaining simulations and by examining collective agreements, the
student will gain an understanding of the collective bargaining process as well as its application to the workplace
and factors that affect employee-employer relations, such as mediation, and conflict management. The course
also enables students to evaluate HR policies against principles of employment law. Students learn about
Egyptian Labor laws and policies designed to protect equal employment opportunities (e.g., civil rights,
disabilities, and family leave) and to compensate employees for occupational injuries and illnesses. Students also
learn legal principles affecting employee rights to privacy, restricting employment-at-will policies, and
restraining an organization's right to screen employees for drugs and alcohol.

MGT101 Contemporary Management


 This course provides participants with an introduction to public management. The course demonstrates the
basic concepts and essential skills for any successful public manager such as supervision, delegation, negotiation,
team building, leadership, and effective communication skills. It also gives an introduction to the conceptual
framework of public sector organization behavior which focuses on the individuals within organization as the
relevant unit of analysis in addition to study of nature and relationship among groups and departments that
make up those organizations.

 "This course provides students with an overview of the technologies and risks fundamental to transactional e-
commerce. Topics include website information gathering, using SQL, common Web vulnerabilities, and vendor
management of an outsourced e-Banking function. Hands-on exercises include evaluating a Web-site,
vulnerability testing, and attacking a mock e-Banking Web-site. Mitigating controls such as web-application
testing and the FFIEC's strong authentication guidance are also covered. 

Course Objectives: After completing the course, the participant, at a minimum, will be able to demonstrate the following

• Explain fundamental concepts behind modern e-commerce technologies 

• Explain why e-commerce systems and technologies are important to examiners 

• Describe the functionality and characteristics of component technologies, for example the Web Server (Apache and IIS
are reviewed), the database (Microsoft SQL Server is used), and the presentation layer (Microsoft ASP) 

• Explain the role e-commerce systems play in Internet banking and other banking activities 

• List some of the fundamental risks and controls pertaining to the use of e-commerce technologies in banks 

• Describe current tools used to automate the discovery of web-application weaknesses"

ACC101Accounting for Managers


 This course provides the students with a comprehensive introduction to the basic concepts, procedures and
techniques of managerial accounting. Students will be able to use the financial information to take different
managerial decisions.

BUS504Financial Decision Making

 "This course provides you with the key knowledge and skills required for financial management linking together
strategic decision making concepts with day-to-day management decisions. The course equips the student with
techniques and skills that enable the student to objectively analyze and evaluate alternatives from a solid
theoretical base. This course embraces the three key decisions confronting business: The Investment Decision,
The Financing Decision and The Working Capital Decision. On successful completion of this course you will be
able to:

1. Demonstrate a broad, critical and practical understanding of financial decision making theories and practices in the
real world

2. Identify valuation models and use them for equity, debt instruments and the firm as a whole

3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly used methods of investment evaluation

4. Differentiate between the various costs of capital and calculate these costs

5. Recognize the significance of capital structure and examine its importance in decision making

6. Recognize the impact of dividend policy as it applies to firms"

BUS516Managerial Accounting

 This course teaches students how to extract and modify costs in order to make informed managerial decisions.
Planning is covered by topics including activity-based costing, budgeting, flexible budgeting, cost-volume-profit
analysis, cost estimating, and the costs of outsourcing. Control is covered by topics including standard costing,
variance analysis, responsibility accounting, and performance evaluation. Emphasis is placed on cost
terminology (the wide variety of costs), cost behavior, cost systems, and the limitations concerning the use of
average costs. Also,Managerial accounting is the practice of accumulating, interpreting and preparing the
financial data of a company. This data is presented to the company's management team, who use it to make
financial decisions that are beneficial to the company. Managerial accounting, which supplies data exclusively
for use by company management, is not to be confused with financial accounting, which involves providing data
to shareholders, regulatory bodies and other outside parties.

MCI518Seminar in CI

 This course will be consisted in a mix of research methods for CI and the application to a real case study. Each
student will demonstrate his ability to manage a project related to Competitive Intelligence from the conception
step to implementation and evaluation steps.

BUS529Strategic Marketing

 This course will enable students to learn about the latest marketing tools and concepts including key
components of strategic marketing planning and how to develop, evaluate and implement successful marketing
strategies. The course focuses on how to put marketing principles into practice, employing strategies relevant to
today's business world. It covers strategic marketing, branding, communication and customer experience in
particular. Using cutting edge knowledge from world leaders in their fields, plus a mixture of seminars, group
discussions, case studies and practical exercises, this course will give you fresh and innovative ways to define
and implement marketing strategies in your organization.

BUS547Risk Management (Market, Operation, BASIL)


 This course will examine the way in which business and society make an assessment of, control and transfer risk.
It is designed for the student with no previous knowledge of risk management. The goal of this course is to
engage students in active discovery of risk management principles. Students will be prepared to function in a
business environment, developing an awareness of the challenges, the tools, and the process of designing and
implementing a risk management program. This course focuses on the ways in which businesses and society
assess, control, and transfer risk. This process, known as the risk management process, is becoming an
increasingly important tool in the management of business and personal financial health. An effective and
efficient corporate risk management program leads to knowledge and control of costs and an improved bottom
line. The risk management process involves identification of risks and associated potential costs, analysis of the
causes of risk of financial loss, determination of various strategies to treat risk, selection of strategies
appropriate to the goals and objectives of the business, implementation of the selected strategies, management
and monitoring of results. Making adjustments, adapting to external and internal forces and crisis or disaster
management are incorporated in the corporate risk management process. An effective risk management
program will reduce losses, and improve financial performance and employee morale.
BUS527International Business Management

 This course will familiarize students with the core theories, frameworks and issues in international business at
the level of both the country and the firm and how these influence public policy and managerial decision-making
in organizations. Apply international business frameworks to solve practical real life problems confronted by
global business managers and public policy makers.

MGT103 Project Management


 This course will introduce students to the many phases of a project's life cycle and how to address them through
knowledge and understanding of Project Management principles and how to manage them effectively using
Project Management techniques by monitoring and maintaining control of scope, time, and costs within a

MGT643 Project Management


 This course will introduce students to the many phases of a project's life cycle and how to address them through
knowledge and understanding of Project Management principles and how to manage them effectively using
Project Management techniques by monitoring and maintaining control of scope, time, and costs within a

INF102 Management Information systems


 This is a basic course demonstrates the concepts, techniques and different types of MIS with their applications in
different sectors of organizations. It also gives an introduction to the conceptual framework of techniques of
analysis and design of MIS to provide managers with required reports and proper and timely information about
the actual status of the organization, inventories, sales, internal and external environment and measures for
organization efficiency and effectiveness.

MGT511 Contemporary Management


 This is a generic course, which demonstrates the basic concepts and essential skills for any successful manager
such as supervision, delegation, negotiation, team building, leadership, and effective communication skills. It
also gives an introduction to the conceptual framework of organization behavior which focuses on the
individuals within organization as the relevant unit of analysis in addition to study of nature and relationship
among groups and departments that make up those organizations.

ACC529Accounting information and decision making


 This is a graduate level course in cost management with a strategic cost emphasis. The course presents an in-
depth study of contemporary management techniques used by managers in a contemporary business
environment. The balanced scorecard, critical success factors, and strategic analysis are emphasized and
integrated with other decision making techniques in this accounting course. Foundational to the degree of
Master of Business Administration is a thorough understanding and wise application of cost management and
contemporary management techniques. No manager can consistently manage effectively or efficiently produce
long-run success in a business organization without this knowledge and ability. Cost management information
provides the information the manager needs to develop and implement strategies crucial to the long-run
competitive success of the firm.
BUS613Seminar in Global Finance

 This is the capstone course of the program and is taken after completion of 45 credit hours. It covers advanced
readings in the students’ track of choice. The student is required to prepare a research (either a conceptual or a
field study) and present it in an intelligent and professional manner.

BUS614Seminar in Global Management


 This is the capstone course of the program and is taken after completion of 45 credit hours. It covers advanced
readings in the students’ track of choice. The student is required to prepare a research (either a conceptual or a
field study) and present it in an intelligent and professional manner.

BUS612Seminar in Global Marketing


 This is the capstone course of the program and is taken after completion of 45 credit hours. It covers advanced
readings in the students’ track of choice. The student is required to prepare a research (either a conceptual or a
field study) and present it in an intelligent and professional manner.

FIN657 Seminar in Finance and Competitive Intelligence


 This is the capstone course of the program and is taken after completion of 45 credit hours. It covers advanced
readings in the students’ track of choice. The student is required to prepare a research (either a conceptual or a
field study) and present it in an intelligent and professional manner. The course will develop a framework for
understanding the importance of Competitive Intelligence in formulating both business level strategy and in
choosing competitive tactics. Class assignments will give students hands on experience analyzing an industry and
the competitors in the industry. Students will choose a business or product line and then study key competitors
using both firm's internal data and on competitors and publicly available data. This course can be attended
either in ESLSCA's premises in Paris or in Cairo.

MKT653 Seminar in Marketing and Competitive Intelligence (3CH)

 This is the capstone course of the program and is taken after completion of 45 credit hours. It covers advanced
readings in the students’ track of choice. The student is required to prepare a research (either a conceptual or a
field study) and present it in an intelligent and professional manner. The course will develop a framework for
understanding the importance of Competitive Intelligence in formulating both business level strategy and in
choosing competitive tactics. Class assignments will give students hands on experience analyzing an industry and
the competitors in the industry. Students will choose a business or product line and then study key competitors
using both firm's internal data and on competitors and publicly available data. This course can be attended
either in ESLSCA's premises in Paris or in Cairo.

MGT654 Seminar in Global Management and competitive Intelligence (3CH)

 This is the capstone course of the program and is taken after completion of 45 credit hours. It covers advanced
readings in the students’ track of choice. The student is required to prepare a research (either a conceptual or a
field study) and present it in an intelligent and professional manner. The course will develop a framework for
understanding the importance of Competitive Intelligence in formulating both business level strategy and in
choosing competitive tactics. Class assignments will give students hands on experience analyzing an industry and
the competitors in the industry. Students will choose a business or product line and then study key competitors
using both firm's internal data and on competitors and publicly available data. This course can be attended
either in ESLSCA's premises in Paris or in Cairo.
DBA707 Accounting Information for Business Decisions

 This module is aimed at developing students’ skills to understand, evaluate and use financial information by
managers and external stakeholders. The use of accounting information for planning and control is emphasized.
The module will be founded on relevant international accounting standards rather than individual country
practices. Many topics will be covered such as: advanced conceptual basis for accounting financial analysis; costs
and their classification; cost behavior; volume profit analysis; planning and control (designing, implementing and
operating an effective control system for different organizational contexts); control through variance analysis
and the decision making process using accounting information. In addition, the role of accounting information
and systems to support decision making, control and monitoring in organizations will be discussed and reviewed.

DBA708 Information and Intelligence for Competitiveness


 This module is designed explore the meaning and implications of Competitive Intelligence (CI) for modern
organizations. Competitive Intelligence has undergone a raising interest in recent years as a result of the
information explosion and the sharpness of information technologies. Competitive Intelligence deals with the
collection, selection and interpretation of publicly-held information that emphasize competitor’s position,
performance, capabilities and intentions. Competitive intelligence is also the analytical process that transforms
scattered information about competitors and customers into relevant, accurate and usable strategic knowledge
on market evolution, business opportunities and threats. This module also focuses on exploring methods of
using public sources to locate and develop information on competition and competitors, information later used
as references, benchmarks or any other basis for strategic analysis.

DBA701 Contemporary Issues in Marketing Management (4CH)

 This module is designed to enhance the understanding of the role of the marketing dynamics in stimulating
innovative decision making in order to be better prepared to meet the global challenges. Furthermore, it creates
awareness of key functions and value added activities performed by the marketing manager. The module will
emphasize the following key elements: market analysis; marketing planning; marketing research; product
development; branding decisions; integrated marketing communication; distribution channels, and pricing
strategies. It will also address issues related to service marketing, electronic marketing, strategic marketing
models and implementation programs. Finally, contemporary trends and new developments in marketing will be

BUS525Organizational Behavior and Corporate Governance (3CH)

 This module provides an introduction to corporate governance and corporate social responsibilities. This
involves exploring the role of moral values, external institutions, internal structures, incentive systems and
organizational culture as important means to guide managerial behavior. As part of this module, participants will
have the opportunity to become familiar with both empirical research and current debates in the field of
corporate governance. After participating in this module, students should be in a position to: (1) understand and
critically discuss key concepts in the area of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility, (2)
understand and critically discuss state-of-the-art research papers in the field of corporate governance, (3)
engage in key debates that shape field of corporate governance. THE FIELD OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR is
oriented toward developing a better understanding of human behavior and using that knowledge to help people
be more productive and satisfied in organizational settings. The primary values characterizing this field include
(1) an emphasis on establishing cause-and-effect relationships, (2) a commitment to change, (3) a humanistic
concern for people, (4) a concern for organizational effectiveness, and (5) a reliance on empirical research and
the scientific method.
BAN542 Statistics for Decision Making

 This unit introduces data analysis and decision making tools used in business. During the course, students will be
introduced to methods for identifying situations in which quantitative analysis is necessary to support problem
solving and decision-making. The course will also enhance students’ capacities to apply data and decision
analysis techniques in real life contexts. Being ‘hands-on’, students will become confident in using software
(Excel) to present and analyze data.

HRM641 Performance appraisal & Compensation


 To survive and to succeed in the market, the business organizations should produce quality goods, offer services
that delight the customers and operate at minimal costs. For making all these possible an organization should
possess human resources that could function efficiently and effectively. Human resources are valuable resources
for any enterprise. The measure of company’s success is as much a function of the way it manages its employees
as it is a function of its structure and financial resources. Appraising human potential and compensating them in
a scientific and systematic manner paves way for enhanced corporate performance. The course addresses
theory, principles and practices linking effective performance management and compensation and benefit
systems in organizational settings.

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