Ahmed Ali A Writer

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Ahmed Ali: A Progressive Writer

Article · March 2014


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Dr Jeevan Kumar
Government College (Autonomous), Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh


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The English Literature Journal
Vol. 1, No. 2 (2014): 56-61
Research Article
Open Access
ISSN: 2348-3288

Ahmed Ali: A Progressive Writer

Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar*

Assistant Professor of English, Government College (UG & PG), Ananthapuramu – 515 001. (A.P.) India

*Corresponding author: Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar; e-mail: [email protected]

Received: 13 March 2014 Accepted: 27 March 2014 Online: 29 March 2014

Syed Sajjad Zahir, Ahmed Ali, Rashidd Jehan, and Mahmuduz Zafar are some of the progressive writers in Urdu
literature whose contribution is not recognized much in the world of letters though they have written some of the
finest pieces of fiction and poetry in Urdu literature and English literature as well. In fact, they are ‘the trend-setters
for the coming generation of writers, and their role cannot be denigrated or denied.’ They possess not only literary
gifts but have also been the foremost social reformers of their times. Of all these Progressive writers Ahmed Ali
(1910-1994) occupies a prominent place. He is a socially committed progressive writer and a writer of avant-garde
who firmly believes in the betterment of social life. His literary achievement is more substantial in fiction and in
poetry as well. Being progressive, his writings receive and welcome the innovativeness from all directions so as to
give us a unified whole with myriad shades. His renderings of the literatures of South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the
Far East established links which were not yet known, and are remembered respectfully. His creative writings still
draw wide interest and are an enduring contribution to international letters. In the present paper a study is made
on the solid contribution made by Ahmed Ali to the world of letters through his fiction and poetry.

Keywords: Progressive Literature, Urdu literature, Ahmed Ali, avant-garde, innovativeness

INTRODUCTION Movement’ to spread a good measure of literary

Literature is an artistic expression of life through the consciousness among the people. It stirred the society
medium of language. Its purpose and the object is to with agitation. It was derisive and offensive in its
ennoble the emotional as well as the intellectual policies and approaches. It exhibited a wonderful
faculties and satisfy the aesthetic sense in the readers. novelty and variety in theme, form, medium, technique
It is an interpretation and criticism of life. It is a and purpose. The literature produced by such writers
treasure of knowledge in which writers have reflected who are involved in the progressive movement is
the contemporary society and its characteristic loosely named as ‘Progressive Literature.’
features. It is composed of written works, such as,
fiction, poetry, drama, and criticism, which are of great The Progressive writers thought that mere reflection of
human interest due to their subject matter and is things is not enough but think of positive solutions to
recognized as having important or permanent artistic problems and take refuge in socialism. They believed
value. So, it is highly essential for each and every that through their writings people must be roused and
individual as it transforms a man into a complete awakened, social evils should be wiped out and bring a
human being and makes him lead a better life. new social order in the society. They also opined that
Literature has a role to play in the shaping of the
But, if we briefly review the trends and development of society, and in its turn it should be shaped in such a
literature through the ages, it has undergone a sea way as to suit the urge of the hour and the need of the
change in the literary form and the theme is being common man. [Rao, 1947]
continuously enlarged. Instead of emotions common to
most of us themes like economic, political, social and They even felt that their writing is not for the future
biological problems, different urges and moods of the generation but primarily concerned with the needs of
age, sex manifestations have come to find a place. The the immediate present. They said that every
reason for this is that some writers who believed in the progressive writer must have a searching eye for the
term ‘progress’ always tried to embrace the change in bitter realities of the world. They were anti-
literature. There arose a kind of ‘Progressive Writers’ imperialistic and left-oriented, and sought to inspire

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people through their writings advocating equality and (Burning Coals) in 1932, a collection of nine short
attacking social injustice and backwardness. stories along with three other friends. The book proved
as one of the most historically important in South Asian
Syed Sajjad Zahir, Ahmed Ali, Rashidd Jehan, and Literature. He presented his paper “Art ka Taraqqi-
Mahmuduz Zafar were some of the progressive writers Pasand Nazariya” (A Progressive View of Art) in the
in Urdu literature whose contribution is not recognized historic meeting of All India Progressive Writers’
much in the world of letters though they have written Association in 1936. In the same year, he published his
some of the finest pieces of fiction and poetry in Urdu first solo collection of Urdu short stories Sholey (The
literature and English literature as well. In fact, they Flames).
were ‘the trend-setters for the coming generation of
writers, and their role cannot be denigrated or denied.’ At this time a rift started between Ali and the other
It may be noted that all of them possess not only members of the group based on personal differences
literary gifts but have also been the foremost social and a disagreement on the function of art and the artist
reformers of their times. in society. He, unwilling to define the word progressive
as “communist,” “proletarian,” or “socialist realist,”
Of all these Progressive writers Ahmed Ali (1910-1994) went his own way. But he viewed the term as a mean
occupies a prominent place. He is a socially committed trying for the betterment of our social life. In the
writer who firmly believes in the betterment of social summer of 1938 he visited Delhi and made preliminary
life. He is a prolific author of poems and world-class notes and sketches for his first novel Twilight in Delhi
novels, translator of the Koran and the ghazals of which was published by The Hogarth Press in London
Ghalib, and critic of poet T. S. Eliot. His association with in 1940.
Progressive Writers Movement has brought Marxist
and Freudian ideology and a modernist aesthetic to A pioneer of the modem Urdu short story, Ali’s other
Indian fiction. Writing in both Urdu and English, Ali has works include Hamari Gali (Our Lane; 1942) and Qaid
produced a number of innovative literary and scholarly Khana (The Prison House; 1944), two collections of
works which have received acclaim from critics in both Urdu short stories which display his ability to move
South Asia and the West. He holds an honored place as from social realism to Kafkaesque political parable.
novelist and chronicler of India's shift from an English Then he published Maut Se Pehle (Before Death; 1945),
colony to a free state. his fourth volume of fiction. In January 1947 Ali
accepted an appointment as British Council Visiting
The son of Syed Shujauddin (who worked in the civil Professor of English, National Central University of
administration) and Ahmad Kaniz Begam, Ahmed Ali China, Nanking, where, in addition to teaching English,
was born on 1st July 1910 in New Delhi. He was an he began his study of Chinese and, with poet Fang Ying-
Indian (later Pakistani after Partition) short-story Yang, started to translate an anthology of modern
writer, novelist, poet, critic, translator, teacher, scholar, Chinese poetry, which, to date, remains unpublished.
and diplomat. He started his formal education at the
age of five by learning Qur’anic recitation. While In 1949, Ali published The Flaming Earth: Poems from
studying at Aligarh Muslim University in 1926, Ali, by Indonesia (1949), possibly the first anthology of
chance, enrolled in an English poetry class with Eric C. modern Indonesian poetry in English translation, and
Dickinson, a minor Oxbridge poet, who then became Muslim China (1949), a study of China’s Muslim
the young man’s mentor. At this time he published his populations, an outgrowth of his interest in China. The
first poem in English in Aligarh Magazine. He then Falcon and the Hunted Bird, the first of four anthologies
published his first short story in English entitled “When of English translations of Urdu poetry appeared in
the Funeral was Crossing the Bridge” in the Lucknow 1950. Ali also edited the first anthology of Pakistani
University Journal in 1929. The following year he writing in English translation, the Pakistan E.N.
graduated first-class, standing first, in English Honours Miscellany, having founded the Pakistan E.N. with his
from Lucknow University, having achieved the highest long-time friend and fellow-poet-diplomat, Shahid
marks in English in the history of the university. He also Suhrawardy.
received the prestigious White Memorial Scholarship.
Ali continued his literary activities, publishing his first
Ali started his literary career at a young age as a short- volume of poetry, Purple Gold Mountain: Poems from
story writer in his native Urdu in 1931. In fact 1931 China (1960); the remaining anthologies of poetry
was an eventful year as he published his first Urdu translations, The Bulbul and the Rose (1960), Ghalib:
short story “Mahavaton ki ek Rat” (One Rainy Night of Selected Poems (1969), and The Golden Tradition
Winter), in Humayun and produced his English play (1973); and his second novel, Ocean of Night (1964).
Land of Twilight. The theme of this play reemerged in By 1980 he completed his acclaimed translation of the
his first novel Twilight in Delhi. In the same year, he Quran, which was published by Akrash Publishing,
received his M.A. in English Literature from Lucknow Karachi (1984) and by Princeton University Press
University, along with the Jhallawar Gold Medal, as well (1988). In the same year he translated an anthology of
as an appointment as Lecturer in English at his Alma Urdu literature Selected Pakistani Stories. According to
Mater. He then became the cofounder of All India Alamgir Hashmi (1994), ‘Translation to him was an
Progressive Writers’ Association and published Angare

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important medium of reading cultures and he remained despite social barriers or death. Around this story is
engaged in this vast enterprise throughout his life’ (47). built a whole way of life – customs and ceremonies that
In 1981 Ali was awarded the Sitara-e Imtiyaz (Star of sustain a colorful though declining feudal culture,
Distinction) by the Government of Pakistan for including the father’s (Mir Nihal) pigeon-flying pastime,
exceptional service to the country. Four years later, his the zanana, and wedding rituals. In the outer circle,
third novel, Of Rats and Diplomats (1986), appeared. round the old house in a bylane of old Delhi, history is
Despite the onset of ill-health and the marked seen at work in the Great Durbar held by the King-
deterioration of both his sight and hearing, Ali Emperor in 1911, the public reactions to the First
remained busily engaged in new writing projects and World War, the influenza epidemic of 1919, the
revisions of older pieces as long as he was able. Just a Jallianwalla Bagh massacre of 1919 in Amritsar, and the
few months prior to his death, on 3 October 1993, he political turmoil of 1920 in Northern India. Ahmed Ali
received the degree of Doctor of Letters (honoris causa) thus uses the historical-cultural-symbolic complex as
from Karachi University. A complex man of wide- background, with the people of the mohallah in the
ranging intellectual and artistic interests and foreground and the family of Mir Nihal centre stage as
considerable personal charisma, Ali moved with equal the story of decline unfolds. Edwin Muir stated in his
ease review of the novel in The Listener (London):

Between West and East and has served as an important, The atmosphere in which the story passes . . . has a
though often unrecognized, intellectual bridge and striking resemblance to that of the French Romantics:
artistic link between these two polarities. Through his there is the same exaltation of feeling, the same
creative writings, scholarly publications, and resignation to the impulses of the heart, especially in
translations, Ahmed Ali brought Asia and some of its love, and the same readiness to embrace death, at least in
choicest literary works to the attention of the often contemplation, when the heart’s impulses are frustrated.
indifferent West. [Coppola, 1994, p.53] . . . But if we accept the sentiment, we become aware that
Mr. Ahmed Ali expresses it with a distinction and purity
Twilight in Delhi which was rated as a Classic in Asia of which a western writer would be quite incapable.
brought him an international fame. Ahmed Ali in an Every accident of life, pleasant or horrible, is touched by
it. The description of a horrible influenza epidemic in
Interview with Carlo Coppola said that “All the greatest
Delhi after the Great War is so deeply moving because of
living critics of England at that time wrote the finest, this union of horror and tenderness and something
most glowing reviews of it. They paid compliments to resembling romantic pity . . . the relations between the
my English, to the lucidity of my style, the depiction of various characters are exquisitely felt; the detail of life,
life which was so vivid” [Ahmed Ali, 1994, 20]. It deals wonderfully clear and yet quite strange. The writing
with the decline of Northern India’s Muslim élite at the produces a curiously pictorial effect, yet is itself as clear
turn of the century through the eyes of one family and as water. The end, where innocence is drowned by
its intimates. It addresses “India’s changing social, experience, is intensely moving.
political, and cultural climate following colonialism”
[Mehrotra, 2003, p.185]. It is destined to be The novel, due to its excellent subject matter and
“significant and influential in contributing to the fusion innovative style, received much critical attention from a
of two cultures. Western English culture, coloured number of prominent litterateurs. In a letter to Ahmed
strongly by post-Darwinian determinism and Ali, E.M. Forster stated that “It is beautifully written and
pessimism, is merged with the Eastern Muslim culture very moving. The detail is almost all of it new to me,
that combines a reverence for life with a sense of hope” and fascinating. It is a sort of poetical chronicle. At the
[Anderson, 1971, p.81]. It also aims, according to the end one has a poignant feeling that poetry and daily life
author, at depicting ‘a phase in our national life and the got parted, and will never come together again.” This
decay of a whole culture, a particular mode of thought comment was used as a blurb on a paper band around
and living, now dead and gone already right before our the book. Bonamy Dobree (1940), a noted Critic, called
eyes.’ In the words of M.K. Naik (2007), “Ahmed Ali’s the novel “poetic and brutal, delightful and callous.”
picture of the middle class Muslim family of Mir Nihal David Anderson (1971) stated that
and its relationship with other Muslim families in early
twentieth century Delhi is indeed drawn with It is a novel about people, about life, and about time; it
painstaking attention to detail” (174). makes pertinent, often profound comments about them;
and it makes them with grace and clarity. It effectively
narrows the gap between two alien cultures and it points
Twilight in Delhi is set in the great Indian centre of the way toward a further narrowing in the future. (86)
Muslim civilization, Delhi, and the plot revolves round a
simple love story of Asghar and Bilqeece. One day, Maurice Collis (1940), another critic, said that
when Asghar goes to his friend’s house he accidentally
falls in love with Bilqeece. But he feels that he cannot The book is so delicate and charged with such colour and
marry her because of his father’s strict notion of class emotion, that a bold statement of what it is about can
hierarchy. His father Mir Nihal, a man looking into the give no ideal of its equality … It may well be that we shall
twilight of his life, is a direct descendant of the Prophet not understand India until it is explained to us by Indian
Muhammad while Bilqeece’s father is a Mughal. Later novelists of the first ability, as it was that we understood
they go through the cyclical joys and difficulties of nothing of Russia before we read Tolstoi, Turgenev and
having their love accepted, formalized, and renewed

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the others. Ahmed Ali may be the vanguard of such a It is divided into three parts namely “Preludes,” “The
literary movement. Flowery Middle Kingdom,” and “Exile.” In the first
Ocean of Night is the poetic romance of a courtesan section, there are ten poems which are mostly
with an aristocrat and evokes the Persian and Urdu quatrains in imitation of Persian rubai. But the themes
mystic poetry Ali loved. It deals with life between the which he treats in the next two sections are familiar to
two World Wars and explores the possibility of the readers of both Urdu and Chinese poetry. They address
modern spirit within a feudal structure. It also themselves to views about evanescence of life and the
examines the cultural rift in India that preceded the ravages which time visits upon men. They are also
creation of India and Pakistan in 1947. The novel is set
in the other great Muslim center, Lucknow. The mood is The corollaries to these sentiments: the loss of old
somewhat subdued, the atmosphere one of repose and friends, either because of death or through a lack of
contemplation amidst a celebration dance and Muslim caring; warm memories of old loves recalled in the
ideas of love, peace and friendshi The Nawab’s mistress chilling light of present harsh realities; a sense that one
is a fine courtesan, and the young lawyer in love with has not achieved all that one had set out to do in one’s
her cannot overcome the class barrier to find life time, or having achieved fame, the realization is one’s
old age that its pursuits was worthless. [Coppola, 1980,
fulfillment. The intellectual and mystical elements in p.66]
the Muslim tradition are related to the political
degeneration of the Muslim civilization and both “On the Departing Seasons” is a short poem but
ordinary feelings and the more delicate emotions are effectively portrays Ali’s feelings towards his lost
seen as atrophied or sacrificed to the remaining friends. He says
oligarchy’s reckless lifestyle and idle, indiscriminate
social pursuits. The autumn wind blows
The summer beyond recall;
Of Rats and Diplomats, Ahmed Ali’s third novel, is a The leaves hurry along the road
post-colonial novel. It deals with general decay in the The flowers of the spring has trod.
world, in which representatives of the “newly-freed Who knows the sorrows of the lonely heart?
fourth world” find analogs of their own decay and One by one all old time friends have gone. [Purple Gold
depravity prevalent on a universal scale. It is a satirical Mountain, p.16]
novel about Sourirada Soutanna, a twice-divorced
soldier-turned-dishwasher-turned-diplomat whose In these lines one can easily find that the poet is
ratlike tail is the physical manifestation of his moral experiencing the loneliness and lamenting on his lost
dissolution. The ratty business has taken its moral toll, friends. The lines are also ambiguous that they cannot
whose evidence is biological and (un)aesthetic. The be explained whether the poet’s friends have departed
narrative aspires to the moral status of a fable. from his life because of death or for any other reason
Through the account of diplomat, the author comments (may be abandonment due to Partition).
on the world of politics, high-powered multinationals
and international intrigue. “Being Lonely I Remember my Old Friends and
Write this Poem in their Memory” is another poem that
Apart from the fiction, Ahmed Ali’s poetry too has conveys a similar sense of loss, loneliness and
drawn much critical appreciation in the world of expectations. In his own words,
letters. In fact, his trip to China had a profound and far-
reaching effect on his poetry. In the words of Ahmed I sit and contemplate the rooks on the wall
My heart heavy with the burden of thought
Ali “It was only in 1947, in China, that I discovered the Remembering the peonies of old. [Purple Gold Mountain,
right mode of communicating intimate and personal p.37]
emotions which could stand as poetry. His method of
impersonalizing personal experience is suggestive of “Youth and Old Age” and “Having Lost Both Youth and
Eliot’s notion of the ‘objective correlative” [Coppola, Age I am Sad” are equally powerful, perhaps the best, in
1980, p.65]. His poems reflect the influences imbibed the entire collection. In these poems, the poet takes up
from the Chinese lyric, English Romantic, Urdu, and the themes of lost youth and loneliness of old age. He
Persian traditions. Often written in a deliberately very artistically juxtaposes the two conditions like
antiquated style, they achieve a certain distance and when young, a person pretends to the older in order to
impersonality while dealing with personal details of impress his beloved while in old age, drinking too
human, moral, and metaphysical themes. They also much, he pretends to be young to woo his beloved. He
lend themselves “both to personal and political says,
allegories” [Hashmi, 1995, p.11]. The theme of loss and
loneliness, the theme of exile, the dilemma between When I was young I feigned
politics and art, between public life and private life of a Old age to win my loved one’s heart …
poet occupy a prominent place in his poetry. All these And now in ripe old age
issues are very well conveyed through images and I laugh and drain cup after cup of Mau-t’ai wine,
effective phrases. I boast climbing Swallow Cliff in one breath
Purple Gold Mountain: Poem from China (1960), the first Of swimming across the Yangtze in a hundred strokes.
volume of Ahmed Ali’s poetry, consists of sixty poems. She dries a tear from my drunken eye.
Pulls out a white hair from my beard.

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And goes out of the room. [Purple Gold Mountain, For having no hatred and being serene. [Purple Gold
p.41] Mountain, p.30]
Even in “Having Lost Both Youth and Age I am Sad,” the Selected Poems: Ahmed Ali (1988) is another collection
poet is concerned not only about his lost youth, but also of poems edited by Klaus Stuckert and published by
about the uncertainty of the future in his old age. He JIWE Publication, Gulbarga, India. The poems in this
asks the Purple Gold Mountain, a symbol of the ultimate collection are authentic, genuine, and at the same time
earthly beauty and a powerful image for contemplation, original. In these poems, Ali employs his theory of
what he should do: making personal experience impersonal with universal
relevance. “Entrapped by War in a Foreign Country I
Magnolia buds unfold Think of my Native Land” is a poem that deals with the
Their cups at white gold; theme of exile. In the poem Ali’s reminiscence of his
The red of Ch’ahua blossoms native land as well as his present chaotic state as an
Is precious like parted love
employee is very well brought out. He begins the poem
O Purple Gold Mountain,
Where lies my way?
with the description of spring season and the call of the
Between the cream white and the crimson red ‘cuckoo bird,’ ‘across the country of foreign lords.’ He
I stand with empty hand alone. develops the poem by comparing his varied roles with
And when the winter comes, the changing season. He concludes the poem by
Where shall I go? [Purple Gold Mountain, p.45] lamenting that he is caught between the gain and the
loss and his suffering is crushed under foreign feet to
Here the poet presents a dilemma symbolized by the unknown dust. The concluding lines run thus:
flowers. The white of the magnolias suggests
asceticism and the pursuit of oblivion in the best Caught between the gain and the loss
Buddhist tradition, the red of the ch’ahua represents I must suffer and be crushed
sensuality and the reaffirmation of the life of the sense. Under foreign feet to unknown dust. [Selected Poems,
Such a dilemma in middle age prompts such question
as Where lies my way? …. Where shall I go? However,
as the poet looks to old age, “In Exile I Remember my People and Feel Sad” is
another powerful poem with a title having a direct
These questions will be answered, for the ageing process bearing on the theme of exile. Here Ahmed Ali is
inexorably leads one to accepting the path symbolized by haunted by the memories of his native land but alas! He
the magnolia buds. In old age, here symbolized as has no freedom, as he is chained and bound. The poem
winter, there are no flowers of any kind; other types of clearly shows the cold and indifferent attitude of the
questions and situations with uncertain answers and foreigners; the state of humiliation and suffering; hope
indeterminate results emerge. It is about these which to reunite with the people of native land is well brought
the poet worries as well. [Coppola, 1980, p.68] out. “I Meet Lee San in the Nether World and Talk of
Home” is a beautiful poem that clearly exhibits the
Apart from the theme of loneliness one may also find poet’s genuine sentiments, his homesickness, his
the theme of politics in some poems in the collection of yearning and long to talk about home.
Purple Gold Mountain. In fact, they are the testimony to
Ali’s maturation process as far as the relationship of art “Having Spent the Last Penny I Had I Feel Happy” is a
and politics is concerned. “The Chess Player,” “The distinguished poem in which the author glorifies
Bourgeois,” “The Same,” “On being asked by a kind Lady charity, the divine virtue which gives a blissful joy. The
about my Native Place” are some of the poems where title of the poem tells us about the noble act of the poet,
politics is much talked about. They clearly demonstrate followed by a sense of contentment, in turn making him
what the poet means by the method of impersonalizing feel himself a ‘noble being.’ The background for this
personal experience into poetry with a universal poem is purely Chinese culture, climate and civilization.
appeal. “Having Been Attacked for Speaking Truth, My After narrating the Chinese life, he turns to the
Heart was Filled with Sorrow and I wrote this Poem” is fundamental quality of man through which he can
the finest of all poems throwing light on the achieve unbounded pleasure and joy. Charity – this
relationship of politics and art as well as the dilemma divine quality – occupies an important place not only in
between public life and private life. It is the Islamic principles but in almost all religions. His
objectifications of the emotions which the poet felt experience is not only his but related and concerned to
when he was retired from government service by all the human beings.
general Ayub Khan because he would not support the
dictator’s policies. In the poem, Ali says thus: Thus, Ahmed Ali’s poetry dealing with such themes as
art, dilemma between exile and loneliness, humane and
In Autumn the war began moral values and search for meaning in life marches
Men went out, but they did not return

towards the goal of higher perception and purpose of
I say under the Purple Gold Mountain, life and the intense realization of man’s destiny. He has
Contemplating the Lotus Lake and peaceful scene, enriched English poetry by bringing east and west
I belong neither to this warring lord not that, together.
Only a poet in search of peace
Yet the Soldiers beat me all the same

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CONCLUSION To conclude, one may easily say that Ahmed Ali was a
Ahmed Ali, as a socially committed progressive writer great man and a towering literary personality of merit
and as a writer of avant-garde, comes before the world and achievement.
readers as a significant writer who firmly believes in
the betterment of social life. His literary achievement is REFERENCES
1. Ali, Ahmed. Purple Gold Mountain. London: Keepsake Press,
more substantial in fiction and in poetry as well. Being
1960. Subsequent page references appear in the text are to
progressive, his writings receive and welcome the this edition.
innovativeness from all directions so as to give us a 2. Ali, Ahmed. Selected Poems: Ahmed Ali. Edited by Klaus
unified whole with myriad shades. His renderings of Stuckert. Gulbarga: JIWE Publication, 1988. Subsequent page
references appear in the text are to this edition.
the literatures of South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the
3. Anderson, David D. Ahmed Ali and Twilight in Delhi.
Far East established links which were not yet known, Mahfil/Journal of South Asian Literature, 7, 1-2, 1971: 81.
and are remembered respectfully. His creative writings 4. Coppola, Carlo. The Poetry of Ahmed Ali. The Journal of
still draw wide interest and are an enduring Indian Writing in English, 8, Jan-July, 1980: 65-66.
5. Coppola, Carlo. Ahmed Ali in Conversation: An Excerpt from
contribution to international letters. As he wrote in
an Interview with Carlo Coppola. The Annual of Urdu Studies,
1985 (“Afterword,” The Prison-House): 9, 1994: 20.
6. Coppola, Carlo. Ahmed Ali: Bridges and Links East and West.
I am still a progressive, and try to face the actualities of The Annual of Urdu Studies, 9, 1994: 53.
7. Collis, Maurice. Twilight in Delhi. Review. Time and Tide, 30
life, and look at it with unclouded eyes, untrammelled
November, 1940.
with baseless conservatism or ideality, or the 8. Dobree, Bonamy. Twilight in Delhi. Review. The Spectator, 8
shibboleths of our own making, the tin gods who sit in November, 1940,
judgment over our freedom of thought and expression, 9. Hashmi, Alamgir. Ahmed Ali. The Journal of Indian Writing
and restrain us from growth and progress and in English, 23, 1 & 2, Jan-July, 11, 1995.
10. Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna. A History of Indian Literature in
emancipation from the shackles of blind orthodoxy that English. New Delhi: C. Hurst and Co. Publishers, 2003. 185.
hold us back from marching towards the goal of higher 11. Muir, Edwin. Twilight in India, London: The Listener, 1940.
perception and purpose of life, the intense realisation 12. Naik, M.K.. A History of Indian English Literature. New Delhi:
Sahitya Akademi, 2007. 174.
of man’s destiny for which he was ordained from the
13. Rao, D.V. Rama. Progressive Literature. Triveni: India’s
beginning of creation. (168-69) Literary and Cultural Quarterly, August, 1947.
Zeno (1995), a reputed Critic who made some eaug 47.htm>
14. Zeno. Professor Ahmed Ali and the Progressive United
contribution on Ahmed Ali, rightly remarks thus:
Movement. The Journal of Indian Writing in English, 23, 122,
Firstly, in the formal aspect of his fiction, we find him a June-July, 1995: 119.
strict realist who is concerned above all with the social
reality of his group. Secondly, in terms of content we © 2014; AIZEON Publishers; All Rights Reserved
find in him a sharp satirical critical of the life of his This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of
society and at the same time a positive upholder of the the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits
cause of social change. Both these characteristics unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
endure throughout in his writing, indeed till the very provided the original work is properly cited.
end. (41)


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