Pump Baseplate Design and Installation PDF
Pump Baseplate Design and Installation PDF
Pump Baseplate Design and Installation PDF
II "
1,000 L __ _J_.L_J__-'-._J__L_.L_.J._~l-J...-'---'---'---'--'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 15 20 30
Pipe size, inches
corn)-;iq: chemicals from thr. stuffing box or seal and pipe
them w ~l dispt,sal system before t'-ley can reach the pump
frame or baseplate and cause c:;rrosion.
• If leakage is not corrosive, a larger pan extending under
the entire pump, including the suction and discharge flanges
will sen·e the purpose ~md take care of bearing and repair
leakage as well (Fig. 7).
c"' • Vertical in-line pumps rend to have a natural collector
.· i
g_ formed by the casing cm·er (fig. 2). HoweYer. it is necessary
~: § to prm·ide a tapped opening to allow for piping leakage away.
This an·angement, howe\·er, does not contain leakage from
most pump repair actinty.
• Sealless pump~ ciii:::nate the problem of stuffing box or
seal leakage. Hc1\\·enT. pump repair will still contribute to
occasional problems.
Mechanical protection. \\·here horizontal pumps-drivers
are supported on a common structural basepbte. it should be
10 20 30 40 50
designed to extend beyond all extremities of the pump and
0 '
2.5 driver. On the pump end it should extend beyond the pump
Oeflect1on, 0.001 inches
flanges as \vell as the end of the outboard bearing housing
(Fig. 7). Similarly, the baseplate should extend beyond the
Fig. 8- Baseplate pedestal deflection. back end of the motor, and if practical C\·en the electrical
conduit box. Turbine dri\·es and gears also should be similarly
Vertical in-line pumps also should have protecti\"C ~truc
tures surrounding them. or pos,iblv a concrete pad under the
pump which extends bC\·ond the pump flanges.
Noise and vibration. A properk designed centrifugal pump
\\·ill naturally emit a reasonable amount of noise and ,-ibra-
tion. The role of the baseplate is to pt-e\-cnt transmission of
such noise and Yibration to the surrounding air and structure.
Airborne noise is sometimes emitted from resonam 1·ibration
of drain pans that are built into baseplates to collect leakage.
Grout beneath such pans will help eliminate noi,;c, and for
Fig. 9-lnertia block baseplate support. pans not supported by grout, stiffeners will raise natural
frequencies to aYoid resonance.
support flange and the pedestal. If do\1·el pins are used for Structure-borne noise and \·ibration can be minimized by
location of the casing, they will probably be distorted due to a\·oiding direct structural support of pumps b1· steel melllbers
the high expansion force. in the building structure. If a pump baseplate is bolted to a
On the other hand, pedestals designed for much less rigidit\· floor steel beam, the chance of noise transmission is incn·asccl.
will not withstand the piping forces and maintain good To minimize this ellect, inenia blocks and isolation pach (Fig.
coupling alignment. If we assume an 8 in. discharge pump 9) are very effective.
with 12 in. suction is used, the sum of the side to side forces
Conclusion. The variety of pump designs and applications
on the pump, Fz = 850 + 1,500 = 2,350 pounds. Assuming
prohibits general conclusions about baseplate designs. Ho1,·-
one half of the force is resisted by each pedestal, this will result
e1·er, the following comments may be helpful:
in a deflection of 0.0025 in. This is acceptable to API, but
demonstrates that a delicate balance in pedestal stiffness is • \\'hen practical, a rigid baseplate without foundation
required. If the pedestal is too stiff, the casing is not free to bolting or grout should seriously be considered
expand. If the pedestal is too flexible it will not withstand the • Consider close coupled or vertical in-line designs
pipe forces.
Several alternatives to the conventional baseplate design • Avoid the use of unrestrained expansion joints.
exist and they are the same as in the previous section on piping
forces: Rigid baseplates without foundation bolting or grout, 1 :...leyermn, ~. L.. ··~Iounting and Grouting for Pumps ... Thr P!p:r;g,Phanbmg Engintt'T
vertical in-line designs and universal joint couplings.
Seal and casing leakage. Leakage from most pumps The author
comes primarily from the stuffing box packing or mechanical
John H. Doolin, director of technology for Dresser
seal. In addition, oil leakage from bearings is common, and Pump Division, Dresser Industries Inc., Liberty Cor-
pump repair also contributes occasionally when pumps are ner, Ne-w Jersey, has 40 years of pump design
dismantled or removed from the piping system. When pump- experience. He holds several patents for pump
.' ing liquids other than water, such leakage will usually not design and has written 16 technical papers or
articles. He has been active in pump standards
·~ evaporate readily and must be collected and possibly piped activity including ANSI-B-73, API-610 and the Hy-
'.1 away to a disposal system. Drain collectors are common, and draulic Institute. Mr. Doolin received BS and MS
·' following are some of the design~ that are used. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Newark
College of Engineering, now NJIT.
;:,: • Stuffing box drip collectors are designed to collect
62 Hydrocarbon Processing, July 1990