Engineering Terminology - PDF Version 1 PDF

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1 I Load I on a machine or atmaratus is the Dower which it delivers.

2 Power is the time rate of transferring or transfonning energy.
3 Energy of a system is measured by the amount of mechanical work which the system
is capable of doing.
4 Demand of an installation or system is the load at the receiving tenninals averaged

5 Maximum is the greatest of all demands which have occurred during a given period of
demand time.
6 Base load is the minimum load over a given period of time.
7 Connected load of a system is the sum of the continuous ratings of the load-consuming
apparatus connected to the system.
8 Load diversity is the difference between the sum of the peaks of two or more individual
9 Load of a system is the reciprocal of its load diversity.
is the maximum load consumed or produced by a unit or group of units in a
Peak load stated period of time. It may be the maximum instantaneous load or the
maximum average load over a designated interval of time.
Load factor is the ratio of the average load over a designated period of time to the peak
load occurring in that period.
Plant factor is the ratio of the average load on the plant for the period of time considered.
to the aggregate rating of all the equipment installed in the plant.
Capacity factor is the ratio of the average load on the machine or equipment for the period of
time considered, to the rating of the machine or equipment
is the ratio of the actual energy output, in the period of time considered, to
Output factor the energy output which would have occurred if the machine or equipment
had been operating at its full rating throughout its actual hours of service
during the period.
is the ratio of the maximum demand of a system, or part of a system, to the
Demand factor total connected load of the system, or part of the system, under

Dump power
is the ratio of the maximum demand of a system, or part of a system to the
rated c a ~ a c i t vof the svstem. or art of the svstem. under consideration.
is the hydro power (in excess of load requirements ) made available by
18 Firm power is power intended always to be available even under emergency conditions.

20 Cold reserve is reserve-generating capacity that is available for service but not in
21 Hot reserve is reserve-generating capacity that is in operation but not in service.
22 Spinning reserve is reserve-generating capacity that is connected to the bus and ready to take
23 Run-of-river is a hydroelectric generating station that utilizes the stream flow without
station storage.
24 Stream flow is the quantity rate of water passing a given point.
Good Luck! COD Bless You...!
Common Welding Terms
1 ~ x1 1
- -- ~-
Tcnn Definitions
1 Fillet Weld Tnc Faces of plate are joined together at right ansles.
2 Biltt\\'eld Tw-P Faccs of plate are joined toeether at 180 degrees (end-to-end)
3 SIot Weld Two flat plates are joined \vith their edges overlapping A slot in the top p l a v I

I I I \iirft s minimum width of h ~ i c the

e thicknrss Q£ the .isfilled nith n.dd I
1 Plug Weld S i d a r - t o a s l a ucld but uses 3 round h o k u f a t least lu.~ceIhe thickness ofthe
m-dkine weMed.
5 EQge Weld ( T \ ~ ~ f lplates-parallel
at to and toucling~eachother are i\:eMed along-their&&%.
6 Corner Weld j o h n - o plates-to er at ri~fitmgicsand is placed un tbe nutsirfem m . i
/ 7 1 Langitudinal A n d d along the longitudinal seam of a qlindrical vessel or pipe. I
1 Wdd I 1
S ( Circunlferential I X u d d around the circunlference of a qlindncal vessel or pipe. 1
9 The disrance a piece of metal can he stretched before i~ breaks.
10 The meral on which the weld is dcposiied.
Parent Metal
11 The rncial deposited by the eleruode
Weld Metal J
12 P h r Pxepantion I
17x xszy in n-hi& +es are p~cparcdM a e nelding.
13 MGap The e p bet nee^ Ike prepared phles ofa-bun n d d .
11 Rootfax RteKht ;i~eai?kdor groundon-thesharped3 of Ihe \=prepamtion. Its
p n r e z is to make the fie-llncker ~~~
the weld commerrccs.
15 ( \Veld Face ( The o s s ~ d face
e of the s e i d deposit.
16 ] Penemtion I
In a h n - w e l d it is the \\eld metal that Dous through the root gap.
17 1 Root of Weld I The min~ where the plates meet or are closest.
18 1 Fusion Face 1 !%her s the weld metal joins the parent metal.
19 / Le2 Len3& The i a 1
- a of the fusion face in a fillet weld. Leg lengtll is uscd lo denote the
size e f t h e fillet weld.
I 21 'I
Nominal Tllroat ) TIE XLULI
Thickness /
&stance fromdie root of LIE fillst weld to a l i ~ d r a ~b\ n
22 ( FgletGa~ge % f e dgauging 1001 used 10 measure #e 5ir.e of a I5llet iwM. f
23 I Toe of Weld i V n m the x d d face joins the parem metal. {
24 1 Reinforcement Ln a 5-21weld. it is the metal on the face ofrhe ~ e l that
d is higher rllanthe
1 1 surrocnding p a r a t metal. 1
/ 25 ( Fusion Zone ( The paint at which the weld metal and the parent metal intermingle during 1
I 1 ( de~si~jon. !
1 76 / Heat .Xected 1 111sL i \ v n as zone of thermal disturbance. it is of the metal affected by the heat 1

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