Ascended Master Teachings Rays
Ascended Master Teachings Rays
Ascended Master Teachings Rays
The study of the rays has been undertaken by many – Alice Bailey and Elizabeth Prophet spring to
mind – both providing contradictory information. There is a plethora of information available on the
internet, again all contradictory and for the most part supporting either Bailey or Prophet. Among all
this confusion, we here at the Ascended Masters portal because of the Masters work with the rays, have
undertaken an empirical study of the rays. We have also been assisted in understanding what we see, by
the Masters themselves, but most comforting of all the evidence of our own eyes and studies. We are
becoming aware of the enormity of this topic. So here we present a little of what we have discovered
through personal observation and from the Masters teachings.
These are the energy manifestations of the attributes of God, individualised and focused within the
universe and within every person. It is commonly believed there are seven rays of incarnation, but we
have seen there are really eight rays of incarnation.
When we incarnate into each life, we are born with five of these rays. We see them in people’s auras.
These five rays help manifest the life and spiritual lessons we are here to learn to attain within that ray.
The Masters have taught those of us here at their portal in New Zealand, where to look in the aura for
these five rays and how to identify them in the various energy bodies.
• The First ray – the blue, red and silver ray – the ray of personal power vs god’s power, god’s
will over the personal will, focus, direction, the masculine energy of the universe, the divinity
of the god energy. The ray of the blue flame.
• The Second ray – the yellow ray – the ray of Wisdom, Joy, Lightness of Being. The ray of the
yellow flame.
• The Third ray – the pink ray – the ray of unconditional love, compassion, faith and trust. The
ray of the pink flame.
• The Fourth ray – the white ray – the ray of harmony, harmony through conflict, inner harmony,
harmony with self and others, the nexus for change. The ray of the white flame.
• The Fifth ray – the green and orange ray – the ray of healing, teaching, truth, inner truth, the
journey within to know self, the ultimate realisation that Self is the only teacher, and the
journey is internal not external. To honour the truth of others as well as our own. The ray of the
green flame.
• The Sixth ray – the purple, ruby and gold ray – the ray of devotion and of the goddess. The
feminine energy of the universe, the divinity of the goddess. Ultimately to live in devotion to
our own Higher Self and Christ Light and the HS and Christ Light of others. The ray of the ruby
• The Seventh ray – the violet ray – the ray of change, transformation and transmutation, magic,
the inner change and transformation versus external change. The ray of the violet flame.
• The Eighth ray – the rainbow ray – the ray is all the rays combined and shown as a rainbow
Of all these eight rays – we incarnate with five of them each life time. The major ray we incarnate on is
our ascension ray, more commonly known as the soul ray. This is also the ray of our Ascension teacher,
an Ascended Master. Not only do we incarnate on a soul ray, but we also incarnate on four other rays as
well - and these govern our personality. The next most important ray is our Life ray (aka Personality
ray), this is the ray that influences the life we have come to live. From here there are three lesser rays
that support the life ray – the mental, emotional and physical body rays.
1) Our Ascension ray, also know as the soul ray (this is the ray also of our Ascension Master
teacher and the most important ray)
2) Life or Personality ray (this is also the ray of our Life Teacher, for many the Master they are
closest to).
So in effect every single person on the planet is working on five rays each life time in a bid for Mastery
of the rays, whether it is conscious or not. Most of humanity are not consciously ascending nor are they
striving to leave the cycle of rebirth, they continue to incarnate life after life.
Each of these five rays is also linked to a specific ray Master according to the specific shade of the ray
colour. So all of humanity at this time is energetically linked to five Ascended Masters.
The rays and the Masters with them then have variations of colour. These colours can be seen in, The
Masters and the Ray colours.
Some of the placements of the Archangels, Elohim, Ascended Masters, Cosmic Masters and ray colours
will differ to other publications. Here at the Ascended Masters portal the Masters say, you will know us
by our colours. The placement is based on the colours we see with each being. Some of the ray colours
will differ as well. These we have been shown and taught by the Masters, now at the 7th initiation we
see the colours clearly and seek to clarify past errors.
The First ray
Attributes - the ray of personal power vs god’s power, god’s will over the personal will, focus, balance,
purpose, direction, the masculine energy of the universe, the divinity of the god energy
Colour – blue (divine masculine) red (divine feminine) and silver (divinity of the ray)
Flame - Blue
Archangel – Archangel Michael. The next two are different to other sites, we place them here because
of their ray colours - Archeia Charity (her aura colours are blue and silver) Archangel Uzziel (his ray
colours are many shades of blue)
Elohim – Hercules and Amazonia
Ascended Masters - El Morya, Melchizedek, Moses, St John the Baptist, Thomas Merton, Chananda,
Cosmic Masters - Metatron, Osiris, Sitatapatra, Vishnu and Mahakala