PPSC Assistant Architect Question Paper 2016
PPSC Assistant Architect Question Paper 2016
PPSC Assistant Architect Question Paper 2016
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1. A low value of ‘U’ in glass indicates:
a) Bad Thermal performance of the Building envelope
b) Heat loss from any building component
c) Good insulation of the Building envelope
d) Heat absorption by the Building envelope
2. The art of building rests on three foundations of Utilitas, Firmatas and venustas- was given by:
a) Marcus Vitruvius
b) Le-Corbusier
c) Ebenezer Howard
d) FL Wright
3. Normally, the angle of roof truss, with asbestos sheet should not be less than:
a) 26.50
b) 300
c) 350
d) 450
4. The water content of soil which represents the boundary between plastic state and liquid state
a) Liquid limit
b) Plastic limit
c) Shrinkage limit
d) Plasticity index
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9. Parliament Library Building, New Delhi is designed by:
a) Raj Rewal
b) Herbert Baker
c) B V Doshi
d) Louis Kahn
10. Angles measured clockwise from any meridian, usually north is called:
a) Altitude
b) Azimuth
c) Latitude
d) Meridian angle
11. The first Planner who developed the Gridiron Plan was:
a) Marcus Vitruvius Pollo
b) Hipodamus of Miletus
c) Mesopotamians
d) Daniel Burnham
12. Basalt which is used as a building material in Building belongs to the category of:
a) Sedimentary Rocks
b) Dolomite
c) Metamorphic Rocks
d) Igneous Rocks
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17. A general term for any vertical line of soil, waste and vent pipe:
a) Branch
b) Stack
c) House Drain
d) Vent Pipe
18. The depression on the top face of a brick made with the object of forming a key for the mortar:
a) Bat
b) Closer
c) Frog
d) Quoins
19. Rajiv Awas Yojana Ministry of Housing, Government of India addresses housing for:
a) Middle Income Group
b) High Income Group
c) Low Income Group
d) Slum Dwellers
23. A slab supported on all its edges with ratio of longer side to shorter side greater or equal to 2.0
is designed as:
a) One way slab
b) Two way slab
c) Flat slab
d) Coffered Slab
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25. Town planned for ‘Motor Age’ refers to:
a) Toronto, Ontario
b) Nassan Shores, Long Island
c) Radburn, New Jersey
d) Green Belt, Maryland
26. The minimum road curb length required for parking 10 cars perpendicular to the road is:
a) 15m
b) 25m
c) 35m
d) 40m
29. Maximum horizontal angle from the speaker in a seating area of a lecture theatre should be:
a) 70o
b) 90o
c) 120o
d) 140o
30. Match the eminent personalities in Group I with their books and statements in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Kevin Lynch 1. The Fountainhead
Q. Ayn Rand 2. Small is Beautiful
R. Paul D. Spreiregen 3. Site Planning
S. E. F. Schumacher 4. Urban Design: Architecture of Towns and Cities
5. Design of Cities
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31. Match the urban forms listed in Group I with the towns listed in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Grid Iron 1. New Delhi
Q. Radial 2. Washington D.C.
R. Linear 3. Copenhagen
S. Finger plan 4. Mumbai
5. Canberra
a) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3
b) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-5
c) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2
d) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-5
33. In water logged area, by draining the soil, bearing capacity of the soil:
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Remains unchanged
d) None of the above
34. The foundation in which a beam is provided to join two footings is known as:
a) Strip footing
b) Strap footing
c) Combined footing
d) Raft footing
36. Which among the following is not an Aga Khan Award recipient?
a) Vidhan Bhawan, Bhopal
b) Petronas Tower, Kuala Lampur
c) SOS Children’s Village, Jordan
d) Museum of Islamic Arts, Doha
37. In a singly reinforced beam, if the permissible stress in the steel reaches earlier than that of the
concrete, the beam section is called:
a) Under reinforced section
b) Over reinforced section
c) Balanced section
d) Critical section
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38. Side face reinforcement is provided when the depth of the beam exceeds:
a) 250 mm
b) 345 mm
c) 750 mm
d) 550 mm
39. The form work from the underside of slabs having span upto 3 meter, can be removed only
a) 1 day
b) 4 days
c) 7 days
d) 14 days
40. Arches in the form of masonry arcs struck from more than four centres, are called:
a) Two curved arches
b) Gothic arches
c) Ogee arches
d) Drop gothic arches
41. Colour harmony that is equidistant to each other on the colour wheel:
a) Analogous
b) Complementary
c) Split Complementary
d) Triad
43. One of the Principles of Composition which is also known as “Formal Architecture”:
a) Scale
b) Balance
c) Proportion
d) Unity
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46. The difference between Wet Bulb Temperature and Dry Bulb Temperature is called:
a) Dry bulb depression
b) Wet bulb depression
c) Variable depression
d) Atmospheric depression
49. A room measuring 5 m x 3.5 m enclosed by brick wall has a ceiling at 3m height. The room has a
door and a window opening of 1 m x 2 m and 1m x 1 m respectively. The quantity of plastering
required for interior walls (in sqm) is:
a) 46.5
b) 48
c) 51
d) 68.5
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54. The World famous hanging gardens were built on:
a) Flood Plains of Tigris
b) Flood Plains of Euphrates
c) The slopes of Median hills
d) The coast line of Persian gulf
55. Architectural Projects designed by Laurie Baker are generally characterized by:
a) Appropriate Technology
b) Human scale
c) Use of Shell Structure
d) Use of locally available materials
56. The project HABITAT 67, Montreal, designed by Moshie Safdie is an example of:
a) High rise apartments
b) Low rise detached dwellings
c) Organic architecture
d) Prefabricated housing
57. Huge monoliths square on plan and tapering at the summit, erected in the Egyptian Architecture
are known as:
a) Pyramid
b) Sarcophagus
c) Obelisk
d) Sphinx
58. Match the building construction components in Group I with their application areas in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Bracket Plate 1. Steel Column
Q. Kick Plate 2. Curtain Wall
R. Pressure Plate 3. Rolling Shutter
S. Base Plate 4. Stone Wall
5. Toilet Door
a) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
b) P-2, Q-5, R-1, S-4
c) P-2, Q-5, R-3, S-5
d) P-3, Q-5, R-2, S-1
59. Match the historical building in Group I with their styles in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Pantheon, Rome 1. Baroque
Q. St. Paul’s Cathedral, London 2. Roman
R. St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome 3. Romanesque
S. Notre Dame, Paris 4. Renaissance
5. Gothic
a) P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-4
b) P-2, Q-5, R-3, S-1
c) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-5
d) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1
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60. Match the terms in Group I with their descriptions in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Quoin 1. Geometric representation of the universe
Q. Stucco 2. Small dome
R. Mandala 3. Triangular form above an opening
S. Cupola 4. Corner stone at the angle of buildings
5. Plaster
61. The partial factor of safety for concrete as per IS: 456-2000 is:
a) 1.5
b) 1.15
c) 0.87
d) 0.446
62. The maximum area of tension reinforcement in beams shall not exceed:
a) 2% of total cross sectional area
b) 4% of total cross sectional area
c) 3% of total cross sectional area
d) 6% of total cross sectional area
64. In a pitched truss the two vertical web members set at equal distances from the apex are called:
a) Joggle post
b) Queen post
c) King post
d) Jack post
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67. To ensure uniform pressure distribution, the thickness of the foundation, is:
a) Kept uniform throughout
b) Increased gradually towards the edge
c) Decreased gradually towards the edge
d) Kept zero at the edge
68. In a singly reinforced beam, the effective depth is measured from its compression edge to:
a) Tensile edge
b) Tensile reinforcement
c) Neutral axis of the beam
d) Longitudinal central axis
70. The exterior angle between outer face of walls, is known as:
a) Quion
b) Junction
c) Turn
d) All of the above
74. Which Plan form is the NOT suitable for the building located in the Earthquake zone?
a) Rectangular
b) L Shaped
c) Circular
d) Square
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75. Bahai Temple in Delhi is a:
a) Shell structure
b) Tent structure
c) Pneumatic structure
d) Tensile structure
77. The Empire State Building, Manhattan, New York has how many floors:
a) 88
b) 45
c) 178
d) 102
78. A site in a map drawn to scale of 1:16000 measures 75 sq cm. The actual area of the site in
hectares is:
a) 120
b) 192
c) 162
d) 256
79. The unending sequence of numbers where the first two numbers are 1 and 1 each succeeding
term is the sum of the 2 immediately preceding:
a) Fibonacci series
b) Harmonic progression
c) Harmonic series
d) Geometric progression
81. The Neo-classical movement in the 18th century began as a reaction against:
a) Baroque style
b) Renaissance style
c) Gothic style
d) Romanesque style
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83. Match the following Architectural styles:
84. The term coined by Paolo Soleri that combines ecology with Architecture and deals with
habitats maintaining as extremely high population density is:
a) Archaeology
b) Proxemics
c) Arcology
d) Utopia
89. In case of residential apartments, the effective floor area available for use within an apartment,
is known as:
a) Carpet Area
b) Built-up Area
c) Plinth Area
d) Super Built-up Area
90. Beam or lowest division of the entablature which extends from column to column, is known as:
a) Arabesque
b) Arcade
c) Architrave
d) Arbour
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91. Travel behaviour characteristics of an urban area can be derived from:
a) Parking Survey
b) Demographic Survey
c) Socio Economic Survey
d) Origin & Destination Survey
92. Match the projects in Group I with their architects in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Milwaukee Art Museum, Wisconsin 1. Bernard Tschumi
Q. Kimbell Art Museum, Fortworth 2. Richard Meier
R. Getty Centre, Los Angeles 3. Daniel Libeskind
S. Freedom Tower, New York 4. Louis Kahn
5. Santiago Calatrava
a) P-5, Q-4, R-2, S-3
b) P-5, Q-1, R-2, S-4
c) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3
d) P-2, Q-5, R-4, S-3
94. Match the locations in Group I with the corresponding traps in Group II
Group I Group II
P. Inspection chamber 1. N-Trap
Q. Wash basin 2. Gully Trap
R. Bathing space 3. S-Trap
S. European water closet 4. Bottle Trap
5. Floor Trap
a) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-2
b) P-4, Q-5, R-2, S-3
c) P-2, Q-4, R-5, S-3
d) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
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95. The member which is placed horizontally on rafter to support roof covering is called as:
a) Purlin
b) Cleat
c) Batten
d) Strut
96. While designing a stair, the product of rise and going is approximately kept equal to:
a) 350
b) 420
c) 450
d) 500
98. As per National Building code 2005, the minimum size of a habitable room in m2 is:
a) 9.5
b) 10.5
c) 8.0
d) 12.5
99. ‘Urushringa’ is the design component used for one of the following temples:
a) Buddhist temple
b) Khajuraho
c) Dravidian
d) Deccan
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