07 Chapter 2
07 Chapter 2
07 Chapter 2
- Benjamin Graham
Meditinos, D, I., Sevic, Z., & Theriou, N, G. (2007). Investors’ behaviour in the Athens Stock
Exchange. Studies in Economics and Finance, 24 (2): 32-50.
The present chapter discusses the cumulative returns on investments,
Securities market and its regulatory reforms. This chapter vividly narrates a
theoretical perspective on investors in financial market and also evaluates the
performance of Indian Securities Market.
2.2.1 Role of Securities Market in the Economy
Raising Capital for Business -The Stock Exchange provides companies with
the facility to raise capital for expansion through selling shares to the
investing public.
Mobilizing savings for investment - When people draw their savings and
invest in shares, it leads to a more rational allocation of resources because
funds which could have been consumed or kept in idle deposits with banks
are mobilized and redirected to promote business activity with benefits for
several economic sectors such as agriculture, commerce and industry,
resulting in stronger economic growth and higher productivity levels and
Facilitating Company Growth -Companies view acquisition as an
opportunity to expand product lines, increase distribution channels hedge
against volatility increase its market share or acquire other necessary
business assets. A take over bid or a merger agreement through the stock
market is one of the simplest and most common ways for a company to grow
by acquisition or fusion.
can subscribe for the issue, it is a public issue, if the issue is made available only
to a select group of people, it is known as private placement. There are two
major types of issuers of securities—corporate entities, who issue mainly debt
and equity instruments, and the government (central as well as state), which
issues debt securities (dated securities and treasury bills).
NSE and BSE have widened the investment horizon, enabling traders for
easy access to Stock market by providing options such as Dial and Trade, Online
Trading Software and Broker house. Moreover with the introduction of
Commodity trading, Gold ETF's that is investment on gold are various products
available for the investors.
The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE)
are the leading stock exchanges in India. While BSE has the distinction of being
the oldest stock exchange in Asia, NSE is the largest in the country.3
Comparison of BSE and NSE
Particulars BSE NSE
Established in 1875 1992
Main Index BSE Sensex S&P CNX Nifty
Location Mumbai, India Mumbai, India
Website www.bseindia.com www.nseindia.com
Largest stock exchange in
Oldest stock exchange in India in terms of daily
Claim to fame
Asia. turnover and number of
Geographical spread 417 cities 1,486 cities
Number of members
951 1427
(March 2015)
Number of listed
companies (March 5,749 1733
Ranking with
reference to Market
5th largest in the world 12th largest in the world
Top trading TCS, TATA Motors,
Motors, Infosys, Sun
companies in ONGC, Infosys, Coal
Pharma, HUL, ONGC, SBI,
volumes in main India, HDFC bank,
ICICI Bank, Bharathi
index (March 2015) Dr.Reddy’s, SBI.WIPRO.
Index value as on
26002 7909
31st December 2015
Source: Compiled from BSE and NSE websites
Stock market has taken a new turn reaching the nook and corner of India.
The individual investors are the major driving force that can broad base the
ownership of a securities market in developing countries.
2.2.3 Regulation of Securities Market
types of securities—equity, debt, and derivatives. Following its recognition as a
stock exchange under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 in April
1993, it commenced operations in the Wholesale Debt Market (WDM) segment
in June 1994, in the Capital Market (CM) segment in November 1994, and in the
Equity Derivatives segment in June 2000. The Exchange started providing
trading in retail debt of government securities in January 2003, and trading in
currency futures in August 2008. NSE started providing trading in currency
option in October 2010. Derivatives on global indices such as S & P 500, Dow
Jones Industrial Average and FTSE 100 have been introduced for trading on the
NSE. The future contracts for trading on Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
and futures and options contracts on S & P 500 were introduced on August 29,
2011. The futures and options contracts on FTSE 100 were introduced on May 3,
2012. The WDM segment provides the trading platform for the trading. 4S & P
CNX Nifty is owned and managed by India Index Services and Products Ltd
(IISL), which is a joint venture between NSE and CRISIL. The objectives of
NSE are:
“Indian Securities Market –A Review” 2014, ISMR Volume 17 accessed from
www.nseindia.com on 10.4.2015
in the markets. The SENSEX, in 1986 was calculated on “Market Capitalization-
Weighted Methodology” of 30 component stock representing large, well-
established and financially sound companies across key sectors.
Securities market is indeed a place to make huge profits, but one cannot
take the ' risk' tag away from it. When the prices of shares are high, the market is
referred to as being on a bull run, and investing becomes a dream for all the
investors and brokers. When the markets are down, the situation becomes vice-
versa and it is referred to as bearish. SENSEX, NIFTY are the parameters of the
Securities market. Millions of Investors are the backbone of Indian Securities
market. The Securities market is the market where shares of different kind and
characteristic are offered and traded. It needs to mention that government,
business, and individuals are the key participants in the investment process, and
each may act as a supplier or investor of funds. Depending upon personal
investment goals and objectives, individuals may place their savings in saving
accounts and place order to buy shares of a listed company or trade in the shares
of companies.
The following powers have been given to SEBI under the Securities
Contracts Regulation Act 1956.
i) Power to call for periodical returns from recognized stock exchanges.
ii) Power to call for any information or explanation from recognized stock
exchanges or its members.
vi) Power to invoke Section 17 of the Securities Contracts Act in any state
and to grant licences to dealers in securities.
xx) Power to make an enquiry in relation to the affairs of the Governing Body
of a stock exchange.
xxi) Power to direct the stock exchanges to submit their annual reports to
cost of the issue process in the primary market. One such measure introduced in
recent years is the process of subscription to initial public offering through the
Applications supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) facility. The investor
grievance redressal mechanism has been overhauled by enabling online access to
the redressal system to encourage retail investors to participate in the market. Dematerialisation
Online stock trading is an internet based stock trading facility where
investor can trade shares through a website without any manual intervention from
the broker. It also provides investors with rich, interactive information in real
time including market updates, investment research and robust analysis. The
affect of the Internet on trade has been stronger for poor countries than for rich
countries, and that there is little evidence that the Internet has reduced the impact
of distance on trade. Offline Trading is the trading carried out by the broker on
behalf of the customer. The stock broker places buy or sell order as per the
advice of the client.
a) Time: Customers can trade online in a real time basis as buying and selling
of shares happen with a press of button.
c) Standardized Procedure: Customer can easily expect the time when cash
will be credited to his account.
d) One stop shop: Bank statements and transaction statement can be viewed at
the click of a button.
e) Informed Research: Customers can directly see the stock analysis provided
by the broker. Research tips roll on to the clients mobile or customer alerts
are sent through internet.
f) Well- suited for Home Makers: Nowadays women have more knowledge
on the use of various information technology devices and it is a successful
tool in the hands of women to empower and enrich her family and the
future generations. Stock market trading is best suited for home makers
who have time to sit and watch the volatility in the stock market and
aware of the entry and exit level and trade as the market goes.
Moreover mobile penetration even among the lowest income group is
very high. The role of the securities market in connecting with the financially
excluded segment of population through the right technology is critical to the
encouragement and development of products in this area. Many mobile
applications are available at free of cost which can be downloaded in the smart
phone to track and analyse the market every moment. Investors before choosing a
stock, first of all look into the sector and the preference of the market participants
towards various sectors. A paradigm shift from the traditional techniques to
modern techniques enables high yields to the market participants. The trading
software and the various applications guide the investors by rolling in market
tips, tricks market alerts, impart the investors regarding the current position.
households and individual investors provide a pool of capital and a diversity of
decision making that creates liquidity in markets and makes it dynamic. The
investors buy the securities with a view to invest their saving in profitable income
earning securities. They generally retain the securities for a considerable length
of time or they may trade the stocks with a view to get profit. Individual
Securities markets are therefore, markets for minting money if invested wisely.
In the present economic scenario, the options available to them are different and
the factors motivating the investors to invest are governed by their socio –
economic profile including expected return and risk tolerance.
III Project Details: The credibility of the appraising institution or agency. The
stake of the appraising agency in the forthcoming issue.
VI Litigation: Pending litigations and their effect on the profitability of the
company. Default in the payment of dues to the banks and financial institutions.
VII Risk Factors: A careful study of the general and specific risk factors should
be carried out.
IX Statutory Clearance: Investor should find out whether all the required
statutory clearance has been obtained, if not, what the current status is. The
clearances used to have a bearing on the completion of the project.
The first step towards investing in Indian market is that the investor must
evaluate individual requirements for cash, competence to undertake involved
risks and the amount of returns that the investor is expecting. Investment has two
attributes namely time and risk. Present consumption is sacrificed to get a return
in the future. The sacrifice that has to be borne is certain but the return in the
future may be uncertain. This attribute of investment indicates the risk factor.
The risk is undertaken with a view to reap some return from the investment.
The main investment objectives are increasing the rate of return and
reducing the risk. Maximum gain at a minimal risk is the mantra of every
investor in Securities market. Other objectives like safety, liquidity and hedge
against inflation can be considered as subsidiary objectives.
http:/www.investopedia.com/ terms/a/assetallocation.asp
Information, related to the international affairs, national affairs, performance of
an industry, performance of a company and the stock market information, are
consolidated to decide about the investment. National stock exchange plays an
essential task in providing the valuable information which facilitates securities
market to decide about the liquidity, quality trading etc., Application of the
available information about the investment alternatives through different sources
facilitates the investor to construct a profitable portfolio.
2.3.7 Portfolio Allocation
2.3.8 Portfolio Management
Securities Market is the best game in the town to create wealth within the
four walls of their home only with regular monitoring and diversification.
Putting all the eggs in a single basket is not advisable, hence monitoring of stocks
is essential to be conducted in combination with all the other processes of
portfolio management. Monitoring implies periodic reconsideration of the
various phases. Investors must monitor their needs and the market conditions,
and evaluate the portfolio performance from time to time, compare it to
expectations, and modify the policy statement and/or the investment strategy if
they think it is necessary. Monitoring includes thus, performance analysis, and
assimilation of new information. Modified statements and strategies reflect the
adaptive behaviour of the traders. Anutosh Bose, Chief operating officer of LIC
Nomura Mutual Fund to the Business line interview, suggests “Keep in mind
three time horizons- short term, medium term and long term based on the goals.
Long term investment should be around seven to 10 years. Investors should
monitor their portfolio at least once on a monthly basis and profit should be
booked as soon as the intended target performance is achieved. Similarly non-
performing investments also need corrective measures based on the risk appetite.
The portfolio is reviewed and adjusted from time-to-time in tune with the market
conditions. Generally a structured 20% saving over an average work life will help
in accumulating a decent corpus”.6 Timing the market is very important. Crucial
decisions has to be taken by the trades while doing futures and options. Investing
or quitting from a stock at the right time at the right rate is a great task put forth
in front of the investor and trader. Successful investors time the market through
their experience and experts advice.
Anutosh Bose,(2014), “It’s best to keep your bird in hand”, Business Line, 28th April,p3
Indian Securities market is one of the oldest and the eighth largest in the
world. The first instance of organized trading of securities in India was started
with the trading of securities of East India Company in the 19th century. The
establishment of Bombay Stock Exchange was the first in India, which was
started early in 1875 gave momentum to the capital market operations in the
country. The rapid industrialization in the country since independence has given
vitality to the capital market. The market reforms initiated as part of liberalization
measures in the nineties like dematerialization of securities, screen based trading
and rolling settlement and establishment of Securities and Exchange Board of
India, National Stock Exchange and Depositories added vigor to the growth of
Indian securities market. There are 24 stock exchanges in the country. The
aggregate volume of trade, market capitalization and number of listed companies
of these stock exchanges are comparable to world standards. India’s population
is approximately 120 crores where in, the participants in securities market
contribute only 2.37 percent. There are 1400 registered intermediaries of
securities market in India.7 NSE is one of the few exchanges in the world trading
all types of securities on a single platform. Its operations are divided into three
Motilal Oswal Investors Meet held on 23rd August 2015.
Papers, Certificate of Deposits, Corporate Debentures, State Government loans,
SLR and Non-SLR
SLR Bonds issued by Financial Institutions,
Institutions, Units of Mutual Funds
and Securitized debt by banks, financial institutions, corporate bodies, trusts and
India has a highly diversified and well regulated financial sector. The
Indian securities market is considered as one of the most promising emerging
markets among the top eight markets of the world. Thee number of registered
investors in India with demat account is 2, 85, 03,497 as on July 2015.
. https://www.cdslindia.com/abt_cdsl/cdsltoday.jsp 14/05/2011
https://www.deccanherald.com/content/103895/return-ipo-rush.html 14/05/20
securities-exchange- asia--pacific. 14/05/2011
https://www.mutualfundsindia.com/Assets%20_under%20_Management.asp 14/05/2011
market, which is one of the best in the world in terms of investment
opportunities. The total number of investor accounts was 139.5 lakh at NSDL
and 99.3 lakh at CDSL at the end of July 2015. In June 2015, the number of
investor accounts at NSDL and CDSL increased by 0.4 per cent and 0.9 per cent,
respectively, over the previous month. A comparison with June 2014 showed
there was an increase in the number of investor accounts to the extent of 5.4 per
cent at NSDL and 10.6 percent at CDSL. By the end of August 28th 2015 there
are 32 lakhs 64 thousand 132 registered members who carried out futures and
options whereas equity investments were carried out by 61 lakhs 28 thousand
185 registered investors . Net FII investment has increased which boosted
market sentiment in India.
India's GDP grew at 5.7 per cent in the first quarter of 2014-15 and
Mr.Adi Godrej, Chairman of Godrej Group too is confident about India's GDP
growth and expressed that the GDP growth will be much better than in the
previous years. Mr. Glenn Levine, Senior Economist of Moody's Analytics
predicts GDP growth to hit 7 per cent with some modest economic reforms.
Indian economy is now widely recognized as one of the fastest growing one in
the world. Sensex index has increased by 20 per cent so far in 2014 and has been
hovering around the 25000-level. Mr. Jayant Sinha, BJP Spokesperson has
expressed his view that Business confidence is back, investor confidence is back
and the capital markets are in a buoyant mood as one would expect them to be.13
Mobile penetration even among the lowest income group is very high. The role
of the securities market in connecting with the financially excluded segment of
population through the right technology is critical to the encouragement and
development of products in this area. The following table 2.2 depicts the picture
of securities market turnover from April 2015 to August 2015 which is in
www.nse.com and www.bse.com accessed on 15th Sep 2015.
Business Line, 2nd September, 2014.
Market capitilisation and Turnover of NSE and BSE
2014-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 change over
previous month
In tandem with upside in the markets, the monthly turnover of BSE (cash
segment) has increased from 60,370 crore in June 2015 to 70,254 crore in
July 2015 (16.4
16.4 per cent).
cent The monthly turnover of NSE (cash segment)
increased from 3,33,289 crore in June 2015 to 3,83,484 crore in July 2015
(15.1 per cent).The
.The gross turnover at the cash market segments at BSE and NSE
during April-July
July 2015 was 2,58,650 crore and 14,58,057 crore respectively.
Following table elaborates the turnover of NSE and BSE for 5 months in
the year 2015.
Turnover of NSE and BSE
April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015
in crores in crores in crores in crores in crores
2.4.3 Trading Value
alue of Different Market Segments
Equity was and will be one of the most wealth generating investment tool
and a live example of India’s Warrant Buffet is Mr. Rakesh Jhunjunwala. It is
the big wealth generating opportunity14.
Trading Value of Different Market Segments
2010 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
in crores in crores in crores in crores in crores
Futures &
2,92,48,221 3,13,49,732 3,15,33,004 3,82,11,408 5,56,06,453
Source: NSE Fact Book 2015
Most of them are driven by the quick money option. The above table
gives us a clear picture that the market participants are increasing and the
pumping of money in to this money market is also in an increasing trend. It is
concluded that most of them prefer trading in comparison with investing in
India is one of the vibrant markets for exchange traded equity derivatives
in the world. The trading volumes in the equity derivative market surpassed that
of the cash segment turnover by 15.5 times in July 2015. The monthly total
turnover in equity derivative market at NSE increased by 3.8 per cent to
57,05,573 crore in July2015 from 54,98,521 crore in June 2015. The index
options segment has been the clear leader in the product
wise turnover of the
futures and options segment in the NSE. In July 2015, the turnover in the index
options category was 74.8 percent of the total turnover in the F & O segment of
the NSE. During July 2015, except for index futures and call options on index,
remaining products witnessed and increase in turnover over the previous month.
The open interest in value terms in equity derivative segment of NSE incr
by 3.0 per cent to 1,81,914 crore as on July 31, 2015 from 1,77,908 crore as
on June 30, 2015. The monthly total turnover in equity derivative segment of
BSE increased by 110.6 percent to 13,27,202 crore in July 2015 from
6,30,200 crore in June 2015. While index options comprised 98.6 per cent of
BSE’s equity derivative turnover, stock options constituted 1.3 percent. In July
2015, NSE had 81.1 per cent share in total equity derivatives turnover in India
while BSE’s share was 18.9 per cent.
The total net investment in the secondary market by mutual funds was
34,936 crore in July 2015 compared to 64,980 crore in the previous month.
They invested 5,442 crore in equity in July 2015 compared to 10,326 crore in
June 2015. In the debt segment, mutual funds invested 29,494 crore in July
2015 as against 54,655 crore in June 2015. During 2015-16
16 (April-July)
(April the
total net investment by mutual fund
funds was 1,53,375 crore of which 29,188
crore was in debt and 1,24,187 crore in equity.As on July 31, 2015 there were a
total of 2,158 mutual fund schemes.
NSE Fact Book 2015
2.4.7 Trends in Portfolio Management Services
From the above table, it can be perceived that Registered clients number
had gone up to 68 lakhs in the year 2013
2013-14 . Internet trading value has increased
from 7 lakhs 65 thousands in the year 2010-11 to 1 crore and more in the year
2014-15. Hence it is implied that most of the participants of Indian securities
market are technologically driven updated and the youthful demography can be
termed as tech savvy.
Securities market in India is very vibrant and the second largest in Asia.
With vast potential, it attracts huge investments from many individual investors,
traders, institutional investors, FDI and so on. A common perception is that
investment in the securities market, particularly equities is largely an urban
phenomenon, essentially a metro show.16 With the advancement of Information
& communication after 2005, stock market investment surges to new high. The
City -wise
wise turnover of NSE in the cash market segment is given in table 2.6
City -wise Turnover
urnover of NSE in the Cash Market Segment
egment (%)
City 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
” Business
.Yegya Narayanam R (2012)” Investment Style: Each City has its Own Preference”
Line, 20th May,p13
City 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
In the table 2.6, the cites have been arranged in alphabetical order and it
depicts the fact that Mumbai occupies the top slot with 57.1 per cent of turnover
in the year 2014-2015 17 followed by Delhi with 10.7 per cent of turnover
respectively. Mumbai occupies the top slot and the people in metropolitan cities
are well versed in on line trading and the field of finance is a fascinating one for
them. Hence it can be concluded that the words of R. Yegya Narayanam comes
true as the above table reveals the fact that the investment in securities market is
pumped mainly by the participants from metropolitan cities.
The table 2.7 depicts the city- wise active demat account holders for the
years 2006, 2010 and 2014. The period 2006 is taken in to consideration marking
as before recession, the year 2010 is taken, considering it as post-recession period
and the year 2014 being the scenario of the new government taking charge.
NSE Fact Book 2015
City -wise Active Demat Account Holders
S.No City 2006 2010 2014
1. Mumbai 9,34,760 (12.11%) 11,13,927 (9.84%) 11,76,332(8.83%)
2. Ahmedabad 3,98,968 (5.17%) 4,88,087(4031%) 4,81,083 (3.61%)
3. Delhi 54,032 (0.70%) 85,631 (0.76%) 1,00,029 (0.75%)
4. Hyderabad 30,328 (0.39%) 45,187 (0.40%) 53,116 (0.40%)
5. Kolkata 12,978 (0.71%) 28,903 (0.26%) 39,802 (0.30%)
6. Bangalore 24,689 (0.32%) 32,298 (0.29% 35,369 (0.27%)
7. Chennai 11,093 (0.41%) 14,926 (0.13%) 18,159 (0.14%)
8. Pune 5,492 (0.07%) 9,414 (0.08%) 12,477 (0.09%)
9. Jaipur 5,687 (0.07%) 8,990 (0.08%) 9,783 (0.07%)
10. Kochi 3,349 (0.04%) 5,168 (0.05%) 6,810 (0.05%)
11. Lucknow 466 (0.01%) 707 (0.01%) 1,048 (0.01%)
12. Indore 692 (0.01%) 1,016 (0.01%) 1,032 (0.01 %)
Source: www.livemint.com/t/LiveMint/Period1/2014/09/11/web_graphic_city_turnover.jpg
From the table 2.7 it is evident that active demat account holders in all
cities have increased. In Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi, the active demat
account holders are increasing to large number when compared to other cities.
Overall it can be concluded that people of metropolitan cities are aware of
investing in securities market and they are active market participants.The
recession and government change has its impact on active demat account holders.
Shareholding pattern at the end of March 2015 for companies listed at NSE
Bodies Corporate
Foreign Venture
/ Central Govt /
Funds including
Venture Capital
Capital Funds
Mutual Funds
State Govt /
Any other
Banks 10.9% 19.3% 5.1% 0.1% 3.0% 9.0% 1.5%
Media and
0.3% 14.7% 2.8% 0.0% 6.6% 9.9% 6.1%
8.8% 14.4% 1.3% 0.0% 3.4% 8.7% 8.6%
From the table 2.8, it is found that 12.4 per cent of the shares are held by
foreign institutional investors followed by individuals contributing 12.2 per cent.
The individual investors prefer IT sector on the other hand Institutional investors
prefer banking sector. Foreign institutional investors prefer financial services
sector. Common perception among the Indian investors is that Bank,
Pharmaceuticals, FMCG are the safer sectors. In every bull market, a new set of
stocks performs well and comes on top. For example, around 2000, information
technology (IT) stocks were everyone's favourite. Between 1 February 1999 and
13 December 2000, the IT index rose 94 per cent on a yearly basis, as against 15
per cent returns given by the Sensex. This period was followed by the era of
infrastructure stocks in 2004-08. While in 2007-08 FMCG stocks did worse than
the market. It is noteworthy that only certain sectors are darling of investors for
the certain period of time.
During July 2015, the benchmark indices, BSE Sensex and CNX Nifty
gained by 1.2 and 0.8 per cent to close at 28114.6 and 8532.9 respectively on July
31,2015. Sensex and Nifty touched their respective intraday highs of 28578.3
and 8654.8 on July23, 2015. S ensex touched intraday low of 27416.4 on July 28,
2015 and Nifty at 8315.4 on July 10, 2015.18 During the concerned period the
market has felt remarkable changes in total market capitalisation, turnover and
trading activities which resulted in market volatality and the movement of the
market indicators named Sensex and Nifty is illustrated in the figure 2.1
Movement of Sensex and Nifty
32000 9500
30000 9000
22000 6500
20000 6000
SEBI Bulletin August 2015, Vol 13 (8)
Reflecting the uptrend in market movements, the market capitalisation of BSE
and NSE increased by 3.3 per cent and 3.2 per cent on comparing July 2015 with June
2015 records. At the end of June 2015 market capitalization was recorded as
1,01,43,511 crore and 98,49,076 crore for BSE and NSE respectively, whereas it
has increased to 1,04,79,396 crore aand 1,01,68,561 crore, respectively at the end of
July 2015.
Many traders have taken the recent periods of low volatility and low volume to
believe that they could easily make money by trading straddles or strangles. The
volatility of individual stocks rremains
emains high. It could be because trading in options has
become a primary driver of the market, and therefore option players regulate large moves
to ensure sellers don’t lose too much. Again, that doesn’t make enough sense because
options have always been big
big in western markets, and they haven’t also seen large
volatility in 2008.
The stock market has shown number of times ups and downs. The bench
mark index of Indian Stock market is SENSEX. SENSEX comprises basket of
top company securities. The following table depicts the performance of SENSEX
over the past 35 years.
Performance of SENSEX for the Past 35 Years (1979-2015)
Performance of SENSEX for the past 35 years (1979-2015)
(1979 2015)
Source: Naanaya Vikadan, 6th September 2015
64 65
44 44 45 44
27 24 28 30
16 14 14 11 9
Source: Compiled from BSE website
Nifty has touched new high 72 times in the year 2000 and 104 times in the
year 2008. After the global financial crisis. Indian securities market has revived
slowly and there is an expectation among the investors that Nifty will touch a
new high in the year 2016. Because of the stable government and moreover FII’s
are attracted towards Indian Stock market. Investors can rely upon the stock
market indices, as these provide authentic and unbiased information on the
performance of the market.
Modi’s digital India has given a new hope to Indian stock market.
Mr.Vaibhav Sanghvi, Managing director, Ambit Investment Advisors says
Europe and Japan are not doing well and China is slowing and the main
constituents of the present rally will be different from the current scenario. The
movement of a few of the selected world indices is presented in Table 2.10.
TABLE 2.10
Movement of Select Indices on Indian and International Markets
Changes in Percentage
March March March Sep
Region Index
Sep -
2013 2014 2014
China Hang Seng 20555.58 22299.63 22151.06 22932.98 8.5% -0.7% 3.5%
South Korea Kospi 2014.04 2004.89 1985.61 2020.09 -0.5% -1.0% 1.7%
The table 2.10, brings out the trends witnessed in the Indian and foreign
markets during 2012–13 and 2013–14. A global comparison of these selected
indices indicates that in 2012–13, these indices depicted varied kinds of
performance, with most of the indices (except Kospi) closing in green and
showing returns in the range of 5-12 percent (except Nikkei) which gave returns
of 23 percent. However, in 2013-14, in addition to Kospi, Hang Seng also closed
in red. Most of the indices recorded returns in the range of 2.5-20 percent,
barring Nasdaq which witnessed maximum returns of 28.5 percent.
Encouragingly, all the select indices managed to close in green during the period
April-September 2014. The CNX Nifty gained 18.8 percent, posting the second
highest returns during the aforementioned period.
Moreover, BRIC countries which are a composition of Brazil, Russia,
India and China are considered as economically emerging countries. The
performance of the securities market among BRIC countires is also compared in
the figure 2.4.
Indices for BRIC Countries
5000 80000
4500 70000
1500 20000
1000 10000
Brazil Bovespa (RHS)
Source: https://www.msci.com/resources/factsheets/index_fact_sheet/msci-bric-index.pdf
From the figure 2.4 it can be proved that among the emerging market
indices for BRIC countries, CNX Nifty of India roused to higher per cent during
July 2015. On the other hand, Shanghai SE Composite IX of China continued to
decline and fell by 14.34 per cent, followed by Russia (7.95 per cent). As regards
the major emerging markets, market capitalisation of Shanghai Stock Exchange
plummeted by 18.6 per cent during July 2015 after declining by more than 8% in
previous month, followed by Brazil (-12.8 per cent) and Colombia (-10.0 per
cent). Among BRICS, only Indian market showed some resilience, closing in
positive in July 2015. Among the emerging market that attracts FII’s lot, it is
found that Indian stock market is promising.
The study of stock market cycle will provide an opportunity for the
investors to allocate their savings with an intention of obtaining high rate of
return, hence the performance of SENSEX is presented in a table and it clearly
depicts the scenario that there will be a boom after every eight years.
TABLE 2.11
Performance of SENSEX
Year Open High Low Close
1992 4,546.58 2,615.37
1993 2,617.78 3,459.07 3,346.06
1994 3,436.87 4,643.31 3,926.90
1995 3,910.16 3,943.66 3,110.49
1996 3,114.08 4,131.22 2,713.12 3,085.20
1997 3,096.65 4,605.41 3,096.65 3,658.98
1998 3,658.34 4,322.00 2,741.22 3,055.41
1999 3,064.95 5,150.99 3,042.25 5,005.82
2000 5,209.54 6,150.69 3,491.55 3,972.12
2001 3,990.65 4,462.11 2,594.87 3,262.33
2002 3,262.01 3,758.27 2,828.48 3,377.28
2003 3,383.85 5,920.76 2,904.44 5,838.96
2004 5,872.48 6,617.15 4,227.50 6,602.69
2005 6,626.49 9,442.98 6,069.33 9,397.93
Year Open High Low Close
2006 9,422.49 14,035.30 8,799.01 13,786.91
2007 13,827.77 20,498.11 12,316.10 20,286.99
2008 20,325.27 21,206.77 7,697.39 9,647.31
2009 9,720.55 17,530.94 8,047.17 17,464.81
2010 17,473.45 21,108.64 15,651.99 20,509.09
2011 20,621.61 20,664.80 15,135.86 15,454.92
2012 15,534.67 19,612.18 15,358.02 19,426.71
2013 19,513.45 21,483.74 17,448.71 21,170.68
2014 21,222.19 28,822.37 19,963.12 27,499.42
2015 27,485.77 30,024.74 24,833.54 25,530.11
Source: https://www.bseindia.com/indices/IndexArchiveData.aspx
TABLE 2.12
Stock Market Cycle
1992 2000 2008 2016
1993 2001 2009 2017
1994 2002 2010 2018
1995 2003 2011 2019
1996 2004 2012 2020
1997 2005 2013 2021
1998 2006 2014 2022
1999 2007 2015 2023
Source: Calculated Table
The bench mark index of Indian Stock market is SENSEX and it reached
a new high of 3887.72 points in the year 1992. After Harshad Mehta scam due to
unabated selling SENSEX, ended in red and touched a low of 2168.7 in 1993. In
the year 1997, the markets showed signs of revival and SENSEX rose to 4605.41
points. As the BJP Government came to power in the year 1999 SENSEX
crossed 5000 with all the indices closing in Green. In the year 2000 markets
touched a new high of 6150.69 points and it hovered around 6600 level only up
to the year 2004. SENSEX kissed 20000 levels and Nifty crossed 6000 level in
October 2007, a new high. The Bull market started from the year 2005 itself and
has reached a new high in 2007. After the global financial turmoil in 2008,
Indian stock markets too has been caught in the clutches of the Bear. In 2013, the
stock market again began to revive and it is expected to touch a new high in 2016
as the Bull Run has started from 2013 itself. There are bumpy rides that will burn
the hands of the investors but the majority of the retail investors did not conduct
any research before investing in the stock market. They simply follow the
institutional investors or the investment tips rolled in to them by the stock
brokers. So, it is better to invest in the stock market, after analysing sector wise
stocks, revise the portfolio and invest on stocks which will be fruitful. In Bear
market, intelligent investors will buy in dips where in, he is assured of profits in
the long run.
The present chapter deals with the movement of securities market indices
namely Sensex and Nifty and the study reveals that Indian Securities market is
an emerging market, The upward revival of the Indian stock market indices after
the global financial turmoil ensures that Indian securities market is a promising
market with assured returns. Unlike most asset classes, like FDs or property,
income from dividends in equities are tax-free. Securities market are known for
tax-free returns, an effortless easy entry into the stock market, any time liquidity
and higher returns than any other investments and moreover, there is boom bust
cycle after every eight years and the next boom in the Indian Securities market is
expected in the current year 2016. No wonder investment in Indian Securities
market is wise when compared to other global markets as it attracts FII
investments. So 360o analysis of the Indian securities market by investors is
essential for assured returns.