Yemen National Vision 2019

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dliub ot dnah a dna tcetorp ot dnah A A hand to protect and a hand to build

Republic of Yemen

National Vision
For The Modern Yemeni State

“A hand for protection and a hand for building”

1 1

Republic of Yemen
Supreme Political Council

National Vision
For The Modern Yemeni State

“A hand for protection and a hand for


26 March 2019
In the Name of Allah,
the Beneficent, the
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

“Is he who goeth groping on his face more rightly guided, or he

who walketh upright on a straight road?
Surat Al-Mulk: V. 22

God Almighty has spoken the truth!

“At the conclusion of the third year of aggression and the
beginning of the fourth year of persevering resistance, we
announce launching of the project for building the Modern
State of Yemen and implanting institutional work, in parallel
with waging the battle against the aggression on Yemen in all
the different fronts. This vital project goes hand in hand with
the fighting in the fronts and both complement each other
with mutual support, as its title and slogan, “A hand for pro-
tection and a hand for building” clearly show. As we embark
on this project, we know that the road is long and beset with
challenges, especially with Yemen under an aggression and a
strangling siege. However as we have been capable as far in
confronting the challenge in the fighting fronts and we were
able to overcome and shatter the ambitions of the invaders
and occupiers, we shall be, God willing, able to take on the
challenge on the road to state-building. “

Martyr President

Saleh Ali Al-Sammad

In fulfillment of the aspirations of the great Yemeni people,
in recognition of their sacrifices and in dedication to the
martyr President, Saleh Al-Sammad, RIP. and all the martyrs,
the wounded, and the prisoners arising out of this War on
Yemen, we hereby launch the document of the National Vision
for building the Modern State of Yemen, as we conclude the
Fourth Year from the beginning of aggression on 26 March
2019 and the start of the Fifth Year of persevering resistance.
This inauguration comes under the slogan “A hand for
protection and a hand for building”. We promise our people
that we will be able to meet the challenges and accordingly,
God willing meet, the aspirations of the Yemeni people.

Current President

Mahdi Mohammed Al Mashat

President of the Supreme Political Council
A hand to protect and a hand to build

The Vision
A modern, democratic, stable and uni-
fied Yemen which rests on having
strong institutions, the realization of
justice, the pursuit of development and
a dignified life and standard of living for
Yemeni citizens, the protection of the
independence of the nation and seek-
ing world peace and appropriate equal
cooperation with the other countries of
the world.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Subject Page

Foreword by the President of the Supreme Political Council 12

A Preface by the Prime Ministe 15

Introduction 17

Part I: General Framework of The National Vision 19

General Principle 20

National Vision Methodology: 21

Main challenges: 25

Part II: The National Vision 29

A The Pillars of the National Vision 30


B Main National Vision Objectives 31

C National Vision Themes 33

Theme I: Comprehensive National Reconciliation And Political

Theme II: Governance System: 35
A. Foundations of State Building: 35
B. Good Governanc 36
C- Rights, Freedoms, Liberties And the Media 37
D. Local Government 39
E. Control and Oversight System 39
F. Society Participation 40

Theme III: Social Restructuring 41

A. Society Cohesion and Society Development 41
B. Social Justice 42
C. Identity and Culture 43
D. Population Policy 44
E. Combating Poverty 45
F. Humanitarian Response 46

Theme IV: The Economy 45

A. Overall Performance and Strengthened Confidence in
Economy 45
B. Productive Sectors 50
C. Service Sectors And Urban Development 52

Theme V Administrative Development 53

A. Administrative Reform and Institutional Restructuring: 53
B. Civil Service 55

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Subject Page

Theme VI: Justice And Rule of Law 57

A. Justice And Access To Justice 57
B. Legislative Reform 60
C. Rule of Law 61

Theme VII: Innovation, Creativity, Knowledge And Scientific

A. Innovation, Creativity And Knowledge
B. Scientific Research

Theme VIII: Education 64

Theme IX: Health 67

Theme X: Environment 70

Theme XI: Defense and security theme 71


A. Defense: 71
B. Security Services: 72

Theme XII: Foreign policy and National security theme 73

A. Foreign Policy 73
B. National Security 74

Part III: Implementing The National Vision 75

A. National Vision National Management: 76

B-Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism 77

A hand to protect and a hand to build

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Foreword by the President of the Supreme Po-

litical Council
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe. Peace and bless-
ings of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah and his good
and pure clan and may God be pleased with his selective
righteous companions.
On March 26, 2018, the martyr President Saleh Ali Al-Sammad
launched a project aptly titled “A hand for protection and a
hand for building” in order to work towards building the State
of Yemen and establishing the principle of institutional work.
This call was sincere and reflected awareness and recognized
the inevitability of achieving an awakening and overcoming the
challenges facing the Yemeni people. The Martyred President
realized the origins of the Yemeni problem and where the politi-
cal conflicts in Yemen center. He also realized that any solutions
to the political conflict and the cessation of regional ambitions in
”“The Martyred Presi-
Yemen that do not touch upon the building of the Yemeni state
are temporary solutions. He also asserted that temporary solu-
dent realized the origins tions neither build a state nor achieve stability, development or
of the Yemeni problem independence of sovereignty are meaningless. As such Yemen
and where the politi- will then remain subject to and hostage to regional and inter-
cal conflicts in Yemen national interference, and an avidity coveted by the forces of
center. He also realized hegemony and occupation.
that any solutions to the The project was launched on the basis of interaction with all
political conflict and the the loyalists among the Yemeni people and political factions with
cessation of regional a view to building a modern Yemeni Government resting on an
ambitions in Yemen that understanding of the approach envisioned by the slogan of the
do not touch upon the Martyr President in protecting and construction to be the stone
building of the Yemeni blocks for the achievement of the national unity of the Yemeni
state are temporary so- people. Such approach should implant foundations and consist-
lutions. He also asserted encies for maintaining security and stability, achieving develop-
that temporary solutions ment and progress, and maintaining the honor and dignity of
the Yemeni people. This can only come with the establishment
that do not build a state
of a strong and a just state. The past and facts of history have
or achieve stability, de- proven that achievement of the foregoing aims cannot be real-
velopment or independ- ized under a weak state, deprived of independence of decisions
ence. .of sovereignty are and in which decision-making is not participatory and based on
meaningless..” power sharing.
The Republic of Yemen has yet to enjoy having a stable state
that carries out the role, functions and values of a state under
duly recognized standards. Therefore, today, we are launching
this National Vision to lay out the terms for building the Govern-
ment. In other words, building of a nation based on founda-
tions, principles and serious national values. This would include
carrying out reforms and working for development of the coun-
try. We look forward to establishing a strong and unified Yemen
with just and capable institutions that can carry out its basic
functions of Government and provide services to citizens. With
a view to ensuring their human dignity and rights. This entails

A hand to protect and a hand to build

the prevalence of Law and ensure that Government duties are

”A Government with a to manage and coordinate efforts and resources, to overcome
framework of state insti- difficulties and to do what is not possible by individual personal
tutions will achieve justice initiative to achieve the maximum decent living for its citizens.
and security and provide The rule of law is the title of the modern state of Yemen and
political stability and de- the elements of this law are laid out in its content. The contents
velopment by means of are duly measured by the extent to which they safeguard hu-
the legislation and laws man rights and liberty. In this context, we the Supreme Political
and the seriousness of the Council confirm that our approach, God willing, will be the ap-
Government orientation plication of justice among the people and provide the highest
and faith in such orienta- ceilings of freedom and warrant that such approach will not be
tion. Such a government used against the homeland and will not work against the top in-
will be an environment terests of the country or work to serve the anxiously waiting en-
that embraces and guar- emies of Yemen. This is especially in this critical phase in which
we have been fighting the battle of our honor and dignity for
antees to achieve the
four years on various military fronts in defense of our land and
conditions for realizing human decency.
the renaissance through
appropriate institutions A Government with a framework of state institutions will
and legislation, the func- achieve justice and security and provide political stability and
tions of which will not be development by means of the legislation and laws and the seri-
ousness of the Government orientation and faith in such orienta-
affected by the peaceful
tion. Such a government will be an environment that embraces
transfer of authority or by
the change of rulers”
and guarantees to achieve the conditions for realizing the re-
naissance through appropriate institutions and legislation, the
functions of which will not be affected by the peaceful transfer
of authority or by the change of rulers. We are looking forward
strong and transparent institutions where the flow of information
is easy and smooth while ensuring their integration and insuring
their functions to achieve harmony and concord in performance.
”One of the priorities of One of the priorities of the modern Yemeni Government is
the modern Yemeni Gov- to preserve the independence, sovereignty and unity of Yemen
ernment is to preserve and protect it from any (foreign) hegemony, trusteeship, de-
the independence, sover- pendence or occupation, and to build balanced relations with
eignty and unity of Yem- Arab and Islamic countries and all other countries of the world
en and protect it from any based on mutual foundations, interests and benefits, while re-
(foreign) hegemony, trus- maining committed to all responsibilities towards our Arab and
teeship, dependence or Islamic nation and the world.
occupation, and to build The success of the National Vision of building the modern
balanced relations with Yemeni state is a challenge that will have its various battlefields
Arab and Islamic coun- at the popular, political, economic, administrative, service, social
tries and all other coun- and cultural levels, and this requires all of us to mobilize our own
tries of the world ” strengths with their vast horizons in order to fight the engage
in confronting the challenges for defending the building of the
Yemeni state and safeguarding Yemen’s sovereignty.
The state stability and development will not be flourished un-
less the corruption and terrorism combating become a top pri-
ority. Facing the aggression requires a great awareness of the
seriousness of corruption and the dangers posed by corrupters,
who have, over the past decades turned the institutions and au-

A hand to protect and a hand to build

thorities of Government into a stage for financial and adminis-

trative corruption. The peace and political settlement we seek
are based on partnership and consensus, and their reference to
the National Vision of a Modern Yemeni State. As we launch this
giant national project, we call on all political forces to put an
end to the conflict that is weakening the Yemeni state, and ask
them to come to a common word between us to unite in a real
project to build a modern and just Yemeni state that will assimi-
late the agreed outputs of the National dialogue and develop all
the requirements of building the modern Yemeni state. In order
to strengthen the credibility of our direction and the hope of
unifying the hands of the Yemenis, we call on all political forces
to achieve comprehensive national reconciliation, and to leave
”We call on all political all differences and political strife behind our backs, and to pro-
forces to put an end to ceed, with God›s help and blessing, hand in hand with all the
the conflict that is weak- loyalists to this nation and work together towards achieving the
ening the Yemeni state, interests of the nation and the future Yemeni generations.
and ask them to come As we put the first building blocks of this pilot national edi-
to a common word be- fice in honor of the blood of Martyr President Saleh Al-Sammad
tween us to unite in a and all the martyrs who fell as they defended their homeland,
real project to build a we consider this effort, which we present to the people as an
modern and just Yemeni approach, guidelines and a work program of action to the of-
state that will assimilate ficial entities and authorities accordingly. This National Vision
the agreed outputs of emanates from a sense of responsibility and duty to work to-
the National dialogue wards the implementation, improvement via the official relevant
and develop all the re- channels. By this project, we do not seek to exaggerate, but we
rather offer the Vision to serve the people and the progress of
quirements of build-
the homeland.
ing the modern Yemeni
state.” The call for a modern Yemeni state has been just slogans and
goals rose without turning into goals for a struggle and turning
to a reality on the ground. However, today there is a strong
political will firmly behind this project, which should be turned
into a reality in all official organs and institutions to be a shining
turning point towards the future attracting all Yemeni patriots.
The working according to this National Vision with a will and
determination puts Yemen on the right path towards a bright
future. This will guarantee the establishment of a stable and firm
foothold for Yemen in the area, the region, and among nations
of the world. Yes, this is our project for the future. We are pre-
senting this Vision being well aware of all the factors surround-
ing our reality and the mitigating challenges, on top of which is
the aggression and siege in all their forms and effects. So let›s
all join together in all the faithful efforts of this nation to start
the right foundation for building the modern state of Yemen.
With the blessing of God, we hereby launch together the first
building blocks of establishing the correct foundation to build
the modern Yemeni Government. A journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step.

Mahdi Mohammed Al Mashat

President of the Supreme Political Council

A hand to protect and a hand to build

A Preface by the Prime Minister

Praise be to God alone and peace and blessings be upon he who has no prophet after him, the
Prophet Muhammad PBBUH and his clan.
After the above:
Throughout the long history of humanity, since the hu-
man experience became documented through inscriptions,
writings and drawings on stones, timber and animal skins
through the times of successive ancient human civilizations
on this Earth, the concept of the (state) through the man-
agement of individuals, groups and nations has had a large
share of that documentation left to us by the first civiliza-
tions that prevailed and then left us that incredible legacy of
documented experiences.
The continuous cycle of life in its long journey from the
dawn of human history to the present day has been one of
the visible signs in the strict organization of the lives of peo-
ple, individuals and groups. That is, life, despite its temporal
and spatial dimension, has been going according to precise
regulations that dictated various walks of life at that time.
There is no evidence to say this with the ruins and the relics
that the earlier left for us to show Yemen an ancient man-
made heritage. A unique model of ancient culture were
the successive and long-standing Yemeni civilizations, which arose without rivers and freshwater
lakes, over which were built cities, buildings and castles, etc. However, only Yemeni civilization is
man-made. Thus it is a distinctive and exceptional civilization, where giant dams were built, and
terraces were perfectly built on the foothills of high mountains to grow trees and plant grains and
cereals, etc. Yemen was distinct from the other human civilizations like the Babylonian, Assyrian,
Pharaonic, Chinese, Greek, and Romanian civilizations, which are all civilizations built along the
banks of giant rivers, as well as the American civilizations (Mayan and Inca) eventually destroyed
by the invading Europeans and occupiers.
After this brief introduction to this subject, the Supreme Political Council, headed by Brother
Mahdi Mohammed Al-Mashat, President of the Council and with the spiritual blessings of the
Revolutionary Leader, Abdul-Malik ibn Badr-Eddine Al-Houthi, approved the initial draft (the Na-
tional Vision) and after extensive and thorough discussions within the Government and its various
institutions, with the active participation of civil society groups, organizations and political parties,
then having been discussed and approved by the Cabinet of the National Salvation Government
at the January 2019 session, I am pleased to share with my colleagues in the Supreme Political
Council the procedural, legal and national touches on this great strategic project which will be an
important document for building the next Yemeni state, God willing.
Adopting this strategic national document and distributing it worldwide is a major contribu-
tion of the Supreme Political Council, inspired by the heritage of the Yemeni national movement
in general, and leaned on the values and principles of the Yemeni Revolutions of 26 September
1962, 14 October 1963, 30 November 1967, 22 May 1990, and 21 of September 2014. It serves
as a practical and objective response to all media fabrications and political criticisms that create

A hand to protect and a hand to build

false illusions emanating from the daydream of some that, we are working to build a Monarchy
and return Yemen to the stage of a dynastic family rule.
Launching of such false accusations is only to justify and support the crimes of the aggressor
states that waged their dirty war against Yemeni cities and villages on the morning of Thursday, 26
March 2015 and against the Yemeni people.
This strategic national document, which combines the past data of the heritage of the great
Yemeni history with the principles and foundations of building modern governments is a strong
and sufficient response to the arrogance of the aggressor states. This aggression now enters
the fifth year, and has intensified the wounds of Yemenis and exacerbated their suffering until
the whole world started repeating and talking about Yemen and its steadfast and patient people,
who live the greatest human catastrophe in history since World War II, culminating in 19 million
Yemenis needing humanitarian assistance in its various forms.
The Supreme Political Council of the Republic of Yemen, as a leader at this critical juncture for all
State entities and institutions of the National Salvation Government, has presented a mature and
comprehensive National Vision for A Modern State, which was drafted during a time of continu-
ous aggression. We are still living the chapters and tragedies of this aggression. Nevertheless, at
the same time we are also living a great moment of resistance. The heroism and valiant fight put
up by the soldiers of the Yemeni Army troops, its general security and the Popular Committees,
we are witnessing moment by moment. Moreover, the document focused on the issue of Yemeni
national reconciliation and considered it as one of the foundations of the success of the next
peaceful political process, God willing.
This is a national qualitative contribution to the service of the present and the future of the
Yemeni people, and represents a great intellectual works that shall remain for the benefit of the
majority of the people, God says in the correct and accurate of the Holy Quran:

He sends down water from the sky, so that valleys flow according to their measure, and the flood
bore (on its surface) swelling foam - from that which they smelt in the fire in order to make orna-
ments and tools rise a foam like unto it - thus Allah coins the adage, and similarly does Allah coin
the true and the false. Then, as for the foam, it passes away as scum upon the banks, while, as for
that which is of use to mankind, it remains in the Earth. Thus Allah coins the adages.
Almighty Allah has spoken the truth.
And we are witnesses thereof until the Day of Judgment and Allah is more knowledgeable than
all of us
And there is a greater possessor of knowledge above all who have knowledge

Prof. Abdul-Aziz Saleh Bin Habtoor

Prime Minister

A hand to protect and a hand to build

After one year passed since Martyr President Saleh Al-Sammad
launched the Yemeni State Building project under the slogan, “A hand
for protection and a hand for building”, the Supreme Political Council
approved the National Vision for Building the Modern State of Yemen
(hereinafter called the National Vision), which is an authentic Yemeni
vision that stems from the reality of the Yemeni situation and the needs
of society, expresses the aspirations of Yemenis and addresses issues
confronting Yemen. The National Vision is the fruit of a participatory
approach, undertaken with intensive consultations at the formal and
society levels, in which all groups have joined through by a national
mobilization effort, in order to take part in a responsible and construc-
tive interaction with discussions, critical readings and extensive enrich-
ment of the draft vision.
The National Vision is a strategy that is far from being a political tac-
tic, but a national requirement that belongs to all future generations of
Yemen. The National Vision inaugurates a new phase of construction
and lays down the foundations for the future of Yemen, which is the re-
sponsibility of all Yemeni people and factions, who should consider the
vision as their own and share all their experiences for its development
and implementation. The National Vision represents strategic guide-
lines for the various State institutions, a planning and implementation
approach that illustrates the executive mechanism for managing and
implementing the National Vision through clear government frame-
works and channels, and according to modern scientific principles that
ensure integration and quality and is subject to constructive periodic
monitoring and evaluation.
The core and end goal of the National Vision are the Yemeni citizens,
”The core and end as they represent Yemen’s greatest resource. The National Vision’s
goal of the Nation- aims to achieve the prosperity of Yemen and to link its present with its
future. Yes, the effort is expected to be affected by a number of issues
al Vision are the and variables, but it should be achieved in a spirit of cohesion and
Yemeni citizens, social collaboration supported by a capable state, while relying on the
as they represent long history of Yemen and national identity, Yemen’s advantages and
Yemen’s greatest strategic geographic and political position.
resource. The Na- To the extent that we acknowledge the importance and priority of
tional Vision’s aims achieving peace and stability, there is an equally urgent need to deal
to achieve the pros- with the changing variables, which the National Vision will confront
perity of Yemen and through its fundamental pillars, which rest on the existence of a strong,
to link its present unified, democratic, just and independent Yemen, enjoying a balanced
with its future...” and sustainable human development, which is concerned with the reli-
ance on knowledge, innovation and a diverse educational curricula.
The National Vision provides an enabling environment for economic
growth to ensure universal access to basic human needs in the first
phase, to be followed by achievement of stability until reaching the
desired progress and excellence in later stages.
The National Vision sets out the long-term pathways accorded to
achieving 25 main objectives to be pursued by 2030. The National
Vision will be affected through the implementation of national devel-
opment strategies in three phases (2-5-5 years respectively) through
which appropriate guidance will be available for short, medium and
long-term plans. Within the first phase (2019-2020), it will be essential
to work towards developing and updating the National Vision with a
view to achieve Yemen’s aspirations by 2030.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Everyone should work continuously on achievement of development, transparency, fighting cor-

ruption, instilling accountability, human development, reducing unemployment, eliminating illit-
eracy, poverty, reducing inflation, raising per capita gross domestic product (GDP), achieving a
high rate of annual economic growth and achieving good indicators of institutional efficiency and
public satisfaction of government services and the expansion of the spread of health insurance
amongst the population. The National Vision rests on the belief that the progress of Yemen is fea-
sible and not just a dream and believes that the Yemeni people can arrive to the desired change.
Proceeding from the foregoing, the National Vision is a roadmap to build the modern Yem-
eni Government. This includes the current period, which requires the activation, reform, and im-
provement of State institutions as well as the post-reconciliation and political agreement phase.
Through its 12 different themes, the National Vision includes political and developmental efforts
that will provide an improbable common denominator as the best interests of the nation dictates,
and regardless of the positions or names or the type of prevailing political power and the regime
governing Yemen, the National Vision is set for completion in 2030. The Yemeni people deserve
peace, harmony, and stability and for all to work to open the doors for a bright future. Accord-
ingly, the National Vision is a building project for the achievement of development and reaching
national salvation. The success of the National Vision is achieved by embracing the institutions
and powers set forth in the National Vision and translating the contents thereof into a visible logi-
cal reality.
Before concluding this introduction, we hereby clarify a number of concepts and terms that are
embodied in the National Vision, like what is meant by the concept of “modern”, which is used as
the desired characteristic of the State of Yemen. In other words, a Yemeni State that rests on re-
spect for the Constitution, Law, and the separation and balance of powers of the three branches of
Government: Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The National Vision seeks to modernize the role
and functions of the modern State of Yemen so as to enable the Government of Yemen to manage
the Government affairs and services, and inspires the achievement of scientific development and
to bank on successful international experiences and the utilization of modern techniques in plan-
ning and decision-making. The concept of “good governance “means to exercise political power
and management of the affairs of society and the development of the country’s resources based
on the application of standards of accountability, achievement of equality, fairness, efficiency, ef-
fectiveness, integrity and transparency, the rule of law, the broadening of participation and com-
bating corruption to ensure economic and social development,
which should be applicable to the constitutional institutions of the
State, as well filter down to civil society and the private sector. ”Through its 12 dif-
There are political issues that were not set out in the National ferent themes, the
Vision in their final form, because they are related to the outcome National Vision in-
of reconciliation and the political settlement, such as the nature cludes political and
of local government. The main objective at present is to move to- developmental ef-
wards building up the local authority and to provide local authori-
ties financial and administrative powers, which will enable them forts that will provide
to contribute to local development based on a fair and balanced an improbable com-
distribution of resources under a strong unified state to ensure mon denominator as
the smooth transition to local government. the best interests of
In conclusion, we can say that the National Vision is comprehen- the nation dictates,
sive, clear and sustainable. The main objective of the National and regardless of the
Vision is to serve the Yemeni people and it is intended as a ves- positions or names or
sel to unite all official and society efforts in a major workshop to the type of prevailing
achieve change and independence from any economic or political political power and
submissiveness and achieve a decent life for the Yemeni people
and eventually reaching self-sufficiency and food security in the the regime governing
food sector. Yemen ”

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Part one
General Framework of
the National Vision
A hand to protect and a hand to build

General Principles

The National Vision and the Modern State

of Yemen shall be based on the principles of
Islam and the teachings of Islamic law.

The identity of faith with their moral and humanitarian

values as embodied in the characteristics of the
Yemeni people represent the foundations upon
which the modern state of Yemen shall rest.

The system of government in Yemen is the

Republican system of Government with
adherence to the Constitution and to the
effective laws.

Achieve social justice, equal citizenship

and respect for rights and liberties without
prejudice to the religious consistencies and
national values.

Preserving the Yemeni family and enhancing

the place of the family in the society.

Peaceful transfer of state authorities through

free and fair elections shall be the practical
embodiment of the democratic approach in

The unity of the land and people of Yemen

is a fundamental principle for the Yemeni

A hand to protect and a hand to build

National Vision Methodology:

This National Vision was prepared on the basis of:

Organs and Women
Applying the participatory Authorities
approach in the develop-
ment of the National Vi-
sion contents, with the The Private Social
participation of: Sector Dignitaries

(The vision)

The Political Scholars


Civil society Intellectuals


B 1.Constitution of the Republic of Yemen.

Adopting Agreed 2. The Agreed Outcomes of the National Dialogue

Comprehensive Background Conference.
References Upon Which 3. Basic Laws and Legislations.
to Base Preparation of the
National Vision 4. Sectoral Strategic Plans and Previous Government

5. Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development


6. Successful International Experiences and


7. Proposals and Visions of Government Institutions.

8. Visions and Perceptions of Political Parties and

Political Factions.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Planning Levels And Vision Preparation:
Four levels of planning were set out to prepare
the National Vision as follows:

Overall National Vision: Goals:

It is reflected in the wording The overall strategies are
of a text that highlights the expressed at the sectoral
desired perception that level and the target areas,
society aspires to reach by including a text for each
2030. sector or area that sets out
the objective by 2030.

Objectives: Initiatives:
A set of strategic goals A set of translated
were developed for each initiatives were developed
objective with developed for each strategic objective
measured indicator in the National Vision
benchmarks. Matrix.

Framework for Preparation of the National Vision for Building the Modern Yemeni State

Drawing UP Orientations
Main Document and National Vision
and Approvals Technical team
General Matrix of National
(Supreme Political Council) Vision Project

General Strategic
Matrix and Interim Plans
Strategies Goal Government (Sectoral
(Government) General Annual Ministerial Committees)
Operations Plan

Implementation Operational Plans for Institutions

Initiatives (Institutional Teams)
(Institutions) Initiative Initiative
Annual Operations
Plans of Entities

Working Working
group group

Stage I Stage II Stage III

2019 -2020 2021 - 2025 2026 - 2030

A hand to protect and a hand to build
A hand to protect and a hand to build

Working team

Technical Team: Groups of Experts:

A group of experts and Specialized groups in
stakeholders directly under different themes of the
the President of the Republic National Vision. The task
(Head of the Supreme of each group is to provide
Political Council); responsible consultation and opinions
for designing and drafting the to improve the drafting of
National Vision methodology; strategic visions and plans,
revising national documents develop performance
and international visions, indicators, and participate
coordinating the participation in the management of
of the concerned parties and discussion sessions and
assimilation and inclusion workshops in each of the
of their remarks in the basic vision themes concerned.
document of the National

Planning Stages:

Preparation Phase:
To develop a plan and a work mechanism for the team to prepare
National Vision and to look at the national and sectoral plans and
strategies, review the international experiences and see the current
changes and the future regional and international prospects that could
affect the country to take into account in developing the National
Vision and come up with the most important challenges facing Yemen.

Drafting Stage of The Main Directions of National Vision:

During which the basic National Vision document was drafted, which
included drafting the text of the National Vision document and strategic
goals, setting objectives and a proposed list of priority initiatives.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Sub-Strategy Development Stage:

Following adopting the basic National Vision document, developing
the interim and sub-strategies will begin, including an in-depth analysis
of the current situation at the sectoral and theme levels, review
and developing initiatives to bridge the gap at each goal level, and
developing strategic and operations plans.

Implementation Stage:
Includes three phases:

Implementation of National Vision Strategy I: Steadfast Resistance

and Recovery 2019-2020.
Implementation of National Vision Strategy II: institutional structure,
reconstruction and strengthening the foundations of stability 2021-

Implementation phase of the third vision strategy: advancement

and excellence 2026-2030.

Preparation Phase Drafting Stage of Main Sub-Strategy Implementation

Directions of National Development Phase phase
Developing a plan and Developing the main Analyzing the cur-
Strategy I (2019-
a working mechanism orientations and Na- rent situation at the
for the National Vision tional Vision struc- sectoral and field
Strategy II (2021-
preparation team. ture. levels and identifies
Reviewing national plans Setting strategic vi- the gaps.
Strategy III (2026-
and current internation- sion and goals. Developing the nec-
al changes and future Drafting objectives essary initiatives to
expectations and list of urgent ini- bridge the gap at
Coming out with the tiatives. each goal level.
most important chal- Developing strate-
lenges facing Yemen. gic and operational

Main challenges:
In connection with what was mentioned earlier regarding the methodology of
preparing the National Vision, which was based on the Overall National Planning
Model as a general framework that reviewed the national, sectoral and institutional
strategic plans and identified the challenges of the actual situations and the global
changes that must be dealt with, the analysis process revealed a set of up to 39
challenges that have been categorized into areas, treatments have been developed
for these challenges during the planning process.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

1 Aggression, Siege, And Political Conflict.

An unstable political situation for decades, which has

Political Status turned into periodic rounds of conflict for decades.

A weak national consensus in light of polarization caused

by foreign and regional parties.

4 A dysfunctional and flawed governance system.

Widespread corruption and an inequitable division of


6 Disruption of the principle of peaceful transfer of power.

Governance Local authority that does not meet the aspirations of so-
7 ciety and the requirements of sustainable local develop-

Poor performance of control organs which are subject to

8 submission to political decisions with weak coordination
of control organs.

9 Division and deeply rooted social problems.

Increase of poverty and deprivation due to cessation of

domestic and external funding for the social safety net.

Personal loyalty is established as a criterion of national

Social Structure
12 Weak society participation.

13 Weak social justice and equal opportunity.

Targeting the identity and culture of Yemeni society, and

undermining values of tolerance among Yemenis.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

A deteriorated economy, vast unexploited human and

15 economic resources and absence of economic manage-

Fierce economic and global competition in the absence

of a vision to deal with them.

17 Total cessation of aid and grants.

18 Inflation of public debt.

19 Poor investment and a non-stimulating environment.

Economy 20
Imbalance in management and in developing public

A traditional agricultural sector, waste of fish wealth and

21 marine life sector, and over utilization of water resources,
despite their scarcity.

A weak and limited industrial sector and insufficient

energy sources.

Destruction due to aggression, poor infrastructure and

high cost of reconstruction.

24 Weak and faulty architectural development.

Weak Government performance and administrative sys-

tems and inflated employment

Complete absence of the principle of merit and integrity

Disorders in selection and appointment.

A complete lack of evaluation of institutional and em-

of the Public 27 ployment performance and weak accountability system
Administration and disregard for principle of reward and punishment.

Weak function of strategic planning, guidance, supervi-

sion, monitoring and evaluation.

Obsolete civil service and human resources legislation

29 and systems. Unfair wage policies and weak human

30 Faults in the judicial system.

Justice Weak legislative institutional structuring and poor legal

31 systems Poor legislative institutional structuring judicial
and legal legislative system, and ineffective self-audits.

32 Disruptions in the structure of the army.

Defense and
Weak performance of security institutions and provision
Security Services 33
of inefficient security services.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Lack of conformity with global trends in innovation,
34 knowledge and scientific research.
and scientific

Education system that does not meet the needs and

Education 35
requirements for development.

Public health systems and services that do not meet

Health 36
citizens’ needs and demands.

Environment 37 A neglected and vulnerable environment.

A defect in Yemen’s national security and protection

Foreign Relations 38
and National
External interference and attempt to impose trusteeship
Security of Yemen 39
on Yemen.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Part II
The National Vision

A hand to protect and a hand to build

A modern, democratic, stable and unified Yemen

which rests on having strong institutions, the

realization of justice, the pursuit of development
and a dignified life and standard of living for Yemeni
citizens, the protection of the independence of the
nation and seeking world peace and appropriate
equal cooperation with the other countries of the

A. The Pillars of the National Vision:

A unified, independent, strong,

democratic and just Yemeni state.

A cohesive and conscious Balanced and sustain-

society enjoying free and able human develop-
dignified life. ment that cares about

A hand to protect and a hand to build

B-Main National Vision Objectives:

Improving Yemen’s Improving the invest- Achieving an annual Reaching the top 100
sustainable develop- ment index to (130 real economic growth economies globally.
ment index from 45 of 190). rate of at least (5%).
to 60.

Rising Per Capita Placing Yemen in Increasing the rate of Reducing inflation to
Gross Domestic the International production of elec- less than (5%).
Product (GDP) up to Competitiveness tricity from multiple
above ($2,000 per Index (100) among sources at an annual
annum). the countries of the rate of not less than
world. 600 MW.

Reducing the unem- Rising the ranking of Accessing the rank of Achieving a position
ployment rate to less Yemen in the Human Yemen in the index of for Yemen within
than 10%. Development Index democracy and free- 70 countries in the
to rank (120) among dom and protection institutional efficiency
the countries of the of citizens ‘ rights to index.
world. (98).

Yemen’s corruption
perception index
(CPI) should reach
(100) among the
countries of the

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Achieving a qualita- Reducing the illit- 5 Yemeni universities Yemen’s International

tive level for Yemen eracy rate among the should be among the Justice index should
in the basic Educa- population to less best universities in reach 60 of the
tion Quality index to than 20%. the Arab world. world’s countries.
put Yemen in rank
(90) among the coun-
tries of the world.

Increasing the partici- The level of citizen Improving Yemen’s Raising the life rate at
pation rate of women satisfaction for level of innovation birth to 75 years.
in the labor force to government services to rank (95) among
(30%) of the total should be among the the countries of the
labor force. best (80) countries world.
at the end of the

Reducing the poverty The rate of health Improving the Increasing the
rate of the popula- insurance prevalence environmental average number
tion to less than among the popula- performance index of residential units
20 %. tion should reach to rank (80) among established annually
above (50%). the countries of the during the period to
world. (17500).

A hand to protect and a hand to build

C. National Vision Themes:

In accordance with the set of challenges previously developed, these challenges were
distributed to the main (12) themes, which will be worked on to ensure that they reflect
the National Vision, a goal was formulated for each of the twelve themes and then a set of
strategic goals were formulated that translate each goal, where the number of the strategic
goals reached (175) key goals. Each strategic goal is reflected through a number of initiatives
that will be developed and implemented by the concerned entities, the most important of
which will be addressed as a model in the framework of this document, with a total of (497)
initiatives, and a package of indicators was developed that measure the level of progress
in implementing the National Vision goals, about (408) indicators, the government will also
subsequently develop an integrated system for sustainable development and monitoring of
indicators. .

The first pillar The second pillar The third pillar

A unified, independ- Balanced and sustain-

A cohesive and con-
ent, strong, demo- able human develop-
scious society enjoying
cratic and fair Yemeni ment that cares about
free and dignified life.
state. knowledge

The governance system Comprehensive national Education

theme. reconciliation and political Health
Justice and rule of law. settlement. Innovation, creativity,
Management Develop- Social Construction. knowledge and scientific
ment. Economy. research.
The foreign policy and Environment.
national security.
Defense and security

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Theme I: Comprehensive National Reconciliation and Political


Objective: Comprehensive national reconciliation between political parties and factions

and different groups, on the basis of justice and reparations through a peaceful political
settlement to achieve peace based on respect for national sovereignty and the best
interests of the nation.

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Creating appropriate con- • Number of political • .Providing the necessary conditions to create condi-
ditions for dialogue and organizations, parties and tions for dialogue and reconciliation.
comprehensive national rec- factions that wish to • Stimulating national feelings, values, and human and
onciliation. participate in dialogue and Islamic brotherhood within the society and among po-
reconciliation. litical parties to move towards dialogue, reconciliation
and peace.

2. Achieving national reconcili- • Number of internal national • Internal reconciliation with various political forces at
ation at the internal level and reconciliations. home.
then at the external level. • Creating the right environment for the return of those
who are abroad and to find solutions to any problems
they may face and to arrange for their security and
freedom in the exercise of their activities that do not
conflict with the supreme national interest.

3- Seeking to resume the po- • Number of organizations, • Achieving a national vision of peace and peaceful po-
litical process and achieve a political parties and political litical settlement and unify the concepts about it.
just peace that preserves the leaders who have returned to • Forming national networks to support a just peace and
dignity, sovereignty, inde- their natural political role. to succeed the political negotiations that preserve
pendence and unity of Yem- Yemen’s sovereignty and independence.
eni people. • Activating the role of the national delegation in the
definition of the principles of peaceful political settle-
ment at the international level.

4- Achieving comprehensive • Signing the reconciliation • Implementing and conducting public amnesty and
national reconciliation based agreement. comprehensive national reconciliation measures at all
on comprehensive bases and levels.
references. • Developing media discourse towards reconciliation,
partnership and consensus.
• Establishing a comprehensive national political confer-
ence for all national political forces supporting the
state-building project, which recognizes the principles
of peaceful political settlement.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Theme II: Governance System:

Objective: A system of governance based on modern and democratic foundations,

which adopts the principle of the peaceful transfer of authority, providing political,
economic and social rights and freedoms, free and independent media that enhances
the role of the people and their contribution to development, a government that
invests autonomous resources to promote integration and equity in distributing wealth;
development at the local and central levels, building effective governance institutions
for citizens, implementing a good system of governance that combats corruption,
ensures the rule of law, transparency, accountability and active society participation, and
works to create the various elements necessary to ensure social and political stability to
achieve a stimulating environment for sustainable and inclusive development.

A.Foundations of State Building:

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Developing the foundations • A new constitution after put- • Adopting a new constitution in accordance with the
and constitutional principles ting it to a popular referen- agreed outcomes of the National Dialogue based on
to build the modern Yemeni dum. the building of modern institutions of governance, the
state. • A decree to establish the Su- separation of powers, the exercise of democracy, the
preme Constitutional Court. peaceful transfer of power, and the administration of
State institutions on the principles of good govern-
• Establishing a Supreme Constitutional Court to sup-
port the rule of law.

2. Restructuring the three • New legislation approved for • The gradual legislative and institutional development
institutions of the Higher the construction and develop- of the higher authority entities.
Government Authority to ing the three institutions.
perform their necessary role • Percentage of achievement
in building the modern Yem- in institutional building of the
eni state. three authorities.

3. Promoting the exercise of • Number of public electoral • Developing central and local public electoral systems
the principles of governance, cycles. in a manner that achieves democracy, transparency
to consolidate the values of • Number of party conferences. and free fair elections to achieve the peaceful transfer
democracy, political plural- • Number of shadow govern- of power and ensure political stability.
ism and the peaceful transfer ments. • Encouraging the activation of the role of the opposi-
of power through free and • Number of governments tion to support the performance of the ruling parties
fair elections. formed by partnership. and achieve balanced use of power in the best inter-
ests of Yemen.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

B. Good Governance:
Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Consolidating principles and • A decree to establish the na- • Establishing a national council for good governance.
foundations of good govern- tional council for good govern- • Developing a unified mechanism and principles for
ance and apply it in various ance. developing public administration in yemen based on
central and local state institu- • The size of the data stored in principles of good governance.
tions. the good governance database. • Developing and disseminating an integrated program
• Number of legislations devel- on the behavioral practices of the principles of good
oped in accordance with the governance for state employees, including: a guide to
mechanism developed for leg- the exercise of good governance for each level of em-
islative compatibility with the ployment, a code of conduct, a training program for
principles of good governance. managers and staff and an annual assessment system
for their good governance practices.
• Activating the consultative role of the shura council in
the tasks entrusted to it in accordance with the law of
its establishment and in accordance with the results of
the comprehensive national reconciliation and political
2. Developing the system and • Number of activities and society • Developing the internal by-laws of the house of rep-
mechanisms of the house of meetings between the mp and resentatives based on the highest parliamentary sys-
representatives to enhance its his constituents. tems/standards.
legislative and watchdog role • A decree to establish the center • Enhancing the transparency of parliamentary work, dis-
in accordance with the high- for parliamentary studies. semination and availability, including developing pro-
est parliamentary systems/ • The size of data and activities duction and dissemination of parliamentary reports,
standards. carried out through the e-par- the publication of the parliament magazine and peri-
liament system. odic and specialized publications of parliament.
• Number of annual publications • Developing mechanisms to connect the parliamentar-
of parliament. ians with the society, including receiving and dealing
with complaints and opinions of the society and citi-
zens to parliament.
• Establishing a center for parliamentary strategic stud-
ies, reporting to the house of representatives, special-
ized in the fields of the committees and the work of
the council.
• Developing a modern and comprehensive electronic
management system that supports parliamentary per-
formance both in the management of parliamentary
processes and in parliamentary documentation and
contributes to the shift towards the application of e-
parliament in the management of the activities of the

3. Supporting and strengthen- • Number of private sector insti- • Launching the civil society governance program.
ing the capacity of civil soci- tutions that are governed each • Enabling civil society to monitor and evaluate the ex-
ety, the private sector, and year. ercise of good governance by state and government
media institutions in govern- • Number of civil society organi- agencies.
ance. zations governed annually. • Adopting the private sector governance program.
• Number of evaluation reports • Encouraging media to adopt information programs
carried out annually by civil so- and activities in the area of governance.
ciety in the field of governance.
• Number of information pro-
grams and activities in the area
of governance.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

4. Improving the degree of • Integrity Index. • Developing Mechanisms For Budget Preparation And
integrity, transparency and • Number Of Officials Who Have Implementation Of Government Procurement In A
combating corruption. Been Held Accountable. Transparent Manner.
• Transparency Index. • Developing and Implementing Effective Accountabil-
• Anti-Corruption Index. ity Mechanisms For The Provision Of Public Services
Through Oversight Entities And Civil Society.
• Developing An Integrated Law For Accounting And
Accountability Of Senior State Officials To Facilitate
Their Accountability And Referral To The Judiciary.
• Issuing Financial Legislation That Regulates The Dis-
bursement Of Any Entitlements To Administrative
And Political Leaders, Financial Managers And Ac-
count Personnel In Such A Way As To Prevent Them
From Acquiring The Resources Of The Institutions
And The Entities Managing Them.
• Issuing Financial Legislation To Cancel The Appoint-
ment Of The Post Of General Director Of Financial
Affairs By The Ministry Of Finance And Make It A
Competitive Position And Developing A Mechanism
To Control The Ministry Of Finance On The Budget
Outside The Appointment Of Financial Staff In The
• Activating And Developing Anti-Money Laundering
Legislation And Procedures.
• Developing An Awareness-Raising Mechanism In The
Field Of Combating Government Corruption.

C. Rights, Freedoms, Liberties And the Media:

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Promoting political par- • Number of political organiza- • Strengthening the role of political parties and com-
ticipation and to provide a tions and parties that have ponents to hold conferences in accordance with their
democratic environment for held their conferences. internal regulations and uphold the values of brother-
political pluralism and party • Number of political alliances hood and unity through the role they play.
work in accordance with the against aggression. • Expanding political alliances and national fronts to
Constitution, laws and na- • Number of active society struc- counter aggression.
tional interest. tures. • Supporting the freedom of civil and society formations
and activating their developmental and legal roles.

2. Promoting values of citi- • Indicators of citizenship in the • A national program to consolidate the values of
zenship, culture of national society. citizenship, loyalty and equality among all citizens in
loyalty, principles of human • Number of media and cultural rights and duties without discrimination on the prin-
rights, the values of justice, activities and programs aimed ciple of good citizens better than the good person.
the rule of law, equality and at promoting loyalty and citi- • “Know your right” program to promote human rights
non-discrimination. zenship. principles, values of justice, rule of law, equality and

3. Enhancing the freedom of • Issuing modern information • Developing a modern law for the press and media of
the press, opinion, expres- law. all kinds.
sion and pluralism of the • Signing a code of honor for • Adopting a comprehensive code of honor for media
media, in line with the sound media professionals. professionals working in various governmental and
awareness, ethics and values • Number of detainees released private media institutions.
of good society and the su- for reasons of opinion.
preme national interest.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

4. Conveying the injustice of • Number of information pro- • Enhancing the role of the media in confronting ag-
Yemeni people to the world grams directed to detect gression and uncovering its crimes.
and to expose their suffering crimes of aggression. • Establishing a specialized human rights network at
and their rights to live and to • A decree to establish a special- home and abroad concerned with bringing the injus-
live a decent life as a result of ized human rights network at tice of Yemeni people to the world.
the aggression and the un- home and abroad.
just siege imposed on them. • Number of reports prepared
by the network.

5. Raising awareness of the • The number of people who • Awareness program for justice and security personnel.
principles and foundations have been sensitized in human • Human rights awareness program for the staff of the
of public and private rights rights awareness programs. administrative authorities of the State.
and liberties in the judicial,
security and administrative
entities of the State so as to
ensure their absorption in
the formulation of govern-
ment policies and plans.

6. Reviewing and revising na- • The number of laws and leg- • Developing human rights legislation in a manner con-
tional laws and harmonizing islations adopted in the field sistent with, and not in conflict with international hu-
them with the charters and of support for rights and free- man rights treaties and charters and does not affect
treaties relating to rights and doms, including the law of national sovereignty and independence.
freedoms in a way that does positive excellence.
not conflict with religious
and national constants.

7. Supporting and strength- • The rate of change in the num- • Encouraging civil society to launch a national program
ening national mechanisms ber of complaints concerning to strengthen institutional and public pressure mecha-
concerned, practices relating rights and freedoms by cat- nisms to protect the rights of women, children and
to rights and freedoms, and egory. special rights.
protection of the rights of
women, children and special

8. Enhancing the role of the • Number of official media in- • Developing an integrated national media strategy.
official media in building the stitutions that have been fully • Restructure the official government media and organ-
state, strengthening national structured. ize it according to an integrated study that enhances
identity and defending na- • Number of information pro- its role in development and solidifying citizenship val-
tional issues according to a grams designed to promote ues in all fields.
strategic vision of the nation- identity and defend national • Enhancing media performance in keeping with the
al media. issues. battle for the defense of the homeland and its sov-
ereignty and independence, and raising awareness of
the dangers of external intervention and the embodi-
ment of national identity and focus on Yemeni privacy
in form and content and the consolidation of national
unity and social cohesion.

9. Enhancing the role of non- • Number of development-ori- • Encouraging launching of new specialized non-gov-
formal media in the devel- ented information programs ernmental television channels and convert some of
opmental, cultural and social and activities in different areas. the existing official channels into specialized ones.
fields, and consolidating • Preparing and keeping pace with the role of the politi-
national values, unity, broth- cal leadership and the government in opening up to
erhood and social responsi- the outside world.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

‌D. Local Governance:

Strategic goals Indicators The most important initiatives

1. Structuring legislative • Number of new and developed • Developing the legislative system of local governance.
system, develop the insti- legislation adopted for the lo- • Developing an integrated system for the management
tutional structures and de- cal government system. and developing local financial resources.
velop the specific human • Growth rate of domestic re- • Establishing a local development and capacity build-
capacities; provide the nec- sources. ing center.
essary resources for the local • Institutional performance ef- • Developing and strengthening the institutional and
government system so it can ficiency index at the local level. human capacities of local communities for local de-
manage its resources and im- velopment.
prove its situation and raise • Establishing a local information and support center.
the standard of living of local • Completing the Local Government Information Sys-
communities to achieve sus- tem project.
tainable local development. • Completing the utilities restructuring of localities.

2. Implementing a modern lo- • Adopt the new administrative • Creating a modern administrative division based on
cal governance system based division law. objective criteria, contribute to the integration of
on administrative division • Adopting the Local Resources development performance of the localities, enhance
that promotes competitive- Act. their competitive advantages and support sustainable
ness and equitable distribu- • Number of local units whose development.
tion of resources to achieve capacity has been developed. • Developing the institutional capacity of local govern-
balanced and sustainable lo- ance units and maintain a competitive basis.
cal development in the gov-
ernorates and districts of the

3. Building and strengthening • Achievement rate in the imple- • Developing and establishing the foundations and prin-
the central, local and society mentation of the institutional ciples of the control and accountability of the central
control and accountability developing Local government authorities on Local government districts and activate
capacities on the local gov- districts. them.
ernment districts. • Issue a decree on the system • Establishing and strengthen specific and clear foun-
of control and accountability of dations and mechanisms for society accountability of
local government entities. Local government districts.

E.Control and Oversight System

Strategic goals Indicators The most important initiatives

1. Developing the policies and • Number of approved policies • Developing a system of national anti-corruption leg-
legislation of the regulatory and legislation developed. islation, including tax and customs laws, oil law and
system and enhance its inde- telecommunications law, and abolishing the immunity
pendence in accordance with of senior employees.
the principles and founda- • Developing legislation enabling the Central Organi-
tions of good governance. zation for Control and Auditing to access data and
information without reference to any security or ex-
ecutive party at any level that prevents it from carrying
out its oversight functions and to make any exception
through the parliament when any necessity arises to
exclude the monitoring functions of the authorities
related to the national security of Yemen.

Strategic goals Indicators The most important initiatives

A hand to protect and a hand to build

2. Activating the performance • The level of implementation of • Conducting institutional development and capacity-
of oversight entities and in- institutional developing regu- building for the Central Organization for Control,
stitutions, and enhance the latory entities. Auditing and automating its business governance in
level of integration and coor- • Number of deferred corruption accordance with the standards and guidelines issued
dination in their work, in or- cases decided. by the organization ALANTOCI .
der to achieve the efficiency • Establishing an urgent assessment mechanism and the
of the central and local state period to be completed for the investigation of cases
entities. of corruption to be submitted to the concerned au-
thorities in the judiciary.
• Integrated institutional developing the Anti-Corrup-
tion Commission to enhance its role in combating
corruption and strengthening governance in the state
• Coordination between the higher oversight entities
and institutions.

3. Developing and diversify • Number of evaluation reports • Adopting an integrated monitoring performance pro-
the role of the Control and for government policies and gram through a network system.
Oversight system in evaluat- procedures. • A Program to develop transparency promotion leg-
ing governmental adminis- • Number of policies developed islation.
trative policies and proce- • Enhancing the role of the Supreme Commission for
dures to ensure enhanced the Control of Tenders and Auctions with transpar-
transparency and perfor- ency in managing tenders and ensuring the good
mance improvement. specifications of goods and projects.
• Developing appropriate mechanisms to assess the
performance of the regulatory system.

4. Enhancing society control • Number of annual society ac- • Developing an effective mechanism to involve society
over the performance of tivities and reports in the area oversight, civil society organizations and media in the
state institutions and ser- of society control. fight against corruption.
vices through organized and
clear mechanisms.

F. Societal Participation
Strategic goals Indicators The most important initiatives

1. Developing improved leg- • Number of developed legisla- • Developing integrated legislation to promote society
islation and mechanisms tion that includes expanding participation.
for society participation in and protecting society partici- • An active society program to promote society partici-
various fields and for vari- pation. pation.
ous society actors, including • Number of approved plans,
women and youth. programs and mechanisms to
support society participation.

2. Enhancing the role of the • A decree to establish a fund to • Establishing a fund to finance society development
private sector in the soci- finance society development projects that adopts the principle of competition
ety contribution to develop- projects. among civil society organizations and contributes to
ment. • Number of mega development the private sector.
projects adopted by the pri- • Encouraging the private sector to adopt large and
vate sector. integrated development projects that have a positive
impact on development.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Theme III: Social Restructuring:

Objective: A modern, cohesive society that cherishes, sustains and safeguards its
identity, originality, civilization and humanity from destructive factors such as tribalism,
regionalism and the effects of past conflicts, achieving comprehensive, just and balanced
societal development that invests the energies and capacities of society, supported
by the development and integration of population policies conducive to social justice,
combating poverty, facilitating access to necessary services and improving the standard
of living for the society.

A. Society Cohesion and Society Development:

Strategic goals Indicators The most important initiatives

1. Strengthening the founda- • Approving the content of en- • Education curricula should include contents that pro-
tions of for societal cohesion hanced curricula for social co- mote social cohesion in various levels.
and remove the effects of hesion. • Creating legislation that penalizes any practices that
past conflicts and fortify the • Number of policies adopted to affect social cohesion.
society of division factors. support social cohesion. • Media policy should include guidelines that promote
• Number of information pro- social cohesion.
grams targeted at social cohe- • Activating the role of religious institutions in promot-
sion. ing social cohesion.
• Number of programs of reli- • Launching long-term sports and social youth pro-
gious institutions in the field of grams that promote social cohesion.
promoting social cohesion. • Establishing a body for political development so that
• A decree to establish a political they have a role in guiding loyalty towards the country
development entity. rather than other narrow loyalties.

2. Taking advantage of cultural • Number of festivals, confer- • Encouraging the various provinces to activate their
diversity as a means of social ences and cultural events or- cultural diversity and Contribute to cultural develop-
cohesion based on the values ganized by the governorates. ment.
of coexistence, tolerance, • Number of local cultural ini-
acceptance of the other and tiatives and projects related to
respect for the heritage and coexistence and acceptance of
cultural components of local others.
communities and their devel-

3. Enhancing the necessary • Number of society awareness • Developing legislation and the special mechanisms
components for society de- programs. of the work of civil society organizations in order to
velopment that invests the • Number of national programs achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of its perfor-
energies and capabilities of implemented in the field of mance.
society. social protection against the • Developing policies and standards that support equi-
effects of negative external table distribution of services.
cultural extensions. • Developing and diversification of programs and pro-
• Number of programs imple- jects to combat poverty and the economic empower-
mented to support and deep- ment of lower - income groups including the promo-
en the bonds of family cohe- tion of projects of productive villages.
sion as the first pillar of society • Developing society awareness policies in executive
and its stability. programs that support the consolidation of the prin-
ciple of charity, values, principles, ethics and ideals
among the members of society.
• Launching a national initiative for social protection
from the impact of the spread of negative external
• Developing ongoing policies and programs to sup-
port and deepen the bonds of family cohesion as the
first pillar and stability of society.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

4.Protecting the endowments • Number of projects imple- • Investing endowment funds in the field of social econ-
and the work through an in- mented by Endowments. omy.
dependent body to revive • Number of endowments • Effective and efficient management and investment of
the role of endowments, (Awqaf) lands that were moni- land, taking into account the purposes of endowment
encourage and develop its tored and measured within a and preserving the rent property.
resources and disposal to modern mechanism to manag- • Establish a group of companies in labor intensive ac-
achieve the legitimate objec- ing them. tivities of endowment resources to employ the poor
tives of social and economic • Size of return of investments. and give them shares.
role in accordance with the
law, according to the quality
of endowment.

B. Social Justice:
Strategic goals Indicators The most important initiatives

1. Developing a system of • Inequality indicator. • Developing policies and programs that support re-
legislation and policies that • Income gap. ducing the differences between citizens in income so
guarantee equality, non- that they are determined according to criteria that are
discrimination and equal op- far from exploitation, injustice and socially acceptable.
portunities. • Achieving equality in employment, equal opportuni-
ties for employment and prevention of discrimination
and its negative consequences such as marginaliza-
tion, social exclusion and deprivation of some rights.

2. Developing effective poli- • Number of policies developed. • Reforming the wage structure and adopting the con-
cies that ensure equitable cept of income instead of wages or salaries, i.e., tak-
distribution of development ing into account the allowances, bonuses, benefits
returns. and not the basic salary.
• Achieve horizontal justice between sectors and “verti-
cal justice” in the structure of wages within a single
• Applying the philosophy of the multi-slide and up-
ward tax system.
• Adopting the Commodity Support and Remittances
System and support public services as public expendi-
ture directed at the poor, low-income and middle-
class to provide health and education to them, and to
provide a stable source of income for the poorest and

3.Expanding and improving • Coverage rate of social secu- • Developing the social security system based on the
the social protection net- rity net. basis of contributions and unemployment benefits,
work to provide a decent life • Social Security Efficiency In- and to lay the ground for social protection for the
for the citizen. dex. most vulnerable people and the protection of the
most favored groups.
• Supporting marginalized groups in society and pro-
vide them the basic needs and raise the level of edu-
cation in the poorest areas.

4.Consolidating the principles • Number of programs and ac- • Raising awareness on the importance of social justice
and values of social justice, tivities implemented. among family, friends, colleagues and the society
and to raise awareness of through direct dialogue, the use of media and social
legislation and policies regu- communication.
lating them.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

5.Promoting and activate the • Family cohesion index. • Developing the role of the National Commission for
role of women in the family, • Decisions to establish the Inde- Women to become an independent body for women.
society and public life. pendent National Commission • Launching a national program for family and child
for Women. care.

C. Identity and Culture:

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Preserving the unity of • Adopting the revised curricu- • Raising Awareness of the role played by early Yemeni
historical and cultural iden- lum that includes a content of merchants and scholars in the spread of Islam and its
tity of the Arab and Islamic identity. values and tolerance and diversity and coexistence
people of Yemen and what and access to Southeast Asia and represent this ap-
Yemen represents through proach as a model that reflects the true identity of
the stages of history. Yemen.
• Include the values expressed in the unity of historical
and cultural identity in school curricula and various
means of guidance as well as drama and media.

2. Consolidating the national • Adopting a National Vision of • Formulating an integrated national strategy that con-
identity which is comprehen- identity. solidates the national and comprehensive national
sive and includes all compo- identity and fulfills its requirements.
nents of society as a basis for
building the modern state of

3. Activating the use of cul- • Number of governmental and • Supporting the establishment and developing cultural
tural means in development, non-governmental cultural in- and artistic institutions and encouraging them to ex-
building peace and mobiliz- stitutions. pand their production aimed at promoting the culture
ing the capacities of society. • The size of artistic and cultural of society towards building, development, peace and
production. coexistence with each other.
• Adopting a national system of • Building and developing a national system of creativ-
creativity. ity.
• The number of creators of • Promoting cultural and artistic activities that promote
Yemeni artists, writers, poets the culture of the society and supports values of au-
and intellectuals who received thentic Yemeni cultural Divisions and contribute to the
external and internal awards. conservation, protection and dissemination of Yemeni
cultural heritage.
• Encouraging creative people of thought, culture, lit-
erature and arts to expand their intellectual, cultural
and artistic production and publish it globally.

4. Developing institutions ca- • Number of cultural activities • Activating the leading cultural role of universities and
pable of achieving cultural organized by Yemeni universi- educational institutions.
achievements that move ties and educational institu- • Adopting a national project that links culture, creativ-
culture from its traditional tions. ity and production with investment and attracting in-
interests on the margins of • Completing a national project vestors.
development to a motivating to link culture and creativity to
component. invest and determine the im-
pact of development in
the provinces.

5. Developing Arabic language • Issuing decrees to adopt De- • Preparing the necessary scenarios for Developing
curricula and strategies in veloping Arabic language Arabic language curricula, in order to preserve the
the basic education, as they curricula for the first grades, Arab identity in light of the deterioration of the level
represent a symbol of the na- including the foundations of of students in the Arabic language and the lack of due
tion’s identity and heritage. national culture and identity attention.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

6. Confronting the Yemeni • Rate of change in the number • Preparing a national program to enhance the devel-
tribal conflicts, and preserve of annual conflicts and reveng- opment role of the tribe.
tribal customs and values es. • Adopting the charter of the national tribal custom.
that are consistent with the • Developing Tribal Honor Document.
rule of law.

7.Protecting and exploit the • Number of areas introduced • Adopting an initiative Protecting and regulating the
historical and cultural monu- into the protection system. investment of historical areas.
ments of Yemen, including • Number of artifacts and docu- • Launching an initiative for the Protection and invest-
manuscripts, documenting ments retrieved to Yemen. ment of antiquities.
them and working to return • Number of archaeological sites • Encouraging the examining of manuscripts.
what was looted. ready for tourist visits. • Indexing non-indexed manuscripts.
• Number of new artifacts exhib-
ited in national museums.
• Indexed and non-indexed
manuscripts found in the hous-
es of manuscripts and libraries.

D.Population Policy:
Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Developing the population • Number of policies incorpo- • Program for the Development and Integration of Pri-
policy system necessary to rated annually. ority Population Policies.
achieve sustainable develop- • Number of population aware- • Population Awareness Program.
ment and balance between ness programs implemented • Encouraging investment in large and medium enter-
population growth and avail- annually. prises in rural areas to alleviate displacement to capi-
able resources. • Number of population re- tals.
search conducted annually.

2. Paying attention to young • The number of new establish- • Contributing with the private sector and society in
people, provide youth devel- ments and sports facilities. providing the infrastructure of sports.
opment and invest their crea- • The number of regional prizes • Encouraging the establishment of sports and scouting
tive and innovative energies. won by a Yemeni sports club or activities by international professional standards so as
player. to raise Yemeni sport for international competitions.
• Developing sports clubs to lead sports activity and
progress of regional and international competitions
and the strengthening of the permanent
sources of income for the advancement of the sport

3. Expanding policies and • Internal Migration Index • Developing rural stabilization policies and programs.
programs for rural develop-
ment, encourage stability in
rural areas and limit immigra-
tion to cities.

4. Providing modern residential • Number of housing units de- • Encouraging multi-source housing projects for low-
projects and cities for people livered annually to people with income people.
with limited income divisions limited income. • Encouraging the planning of modern cities and areas.
through diversified funding • Number of planned and deliv-
mechanisms. ered land for low income peo-

5. Developing national strategy • Approving the strategy of pop- • National strategy for population redistribution.
for the re - distribution of pop- ulation redistribution.
ulation supports a balanced • Number of new cities and
and sustainable developing residential areas rehabilitated
land resources and investing within the context of popula-
human energies with high ef- tion redistribution.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

E.Combating Poverty:
Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Poverty alleviation • Poverty index. • Launching a series of economic empowerment pro-

through economic empow- grams for the poor.
erment policies and pro- • Launching quality vocational rehabilitation pro-
grams for the poorest and grams for the labor market.
marginalized groups. • Empowering poor households by integrating them
into the labor market and providing them with facili-
ties in microfinance institutions.
• Adopting economic and developmental policies
that considers gender perspective and the needs of
poor women and bread winners, particularly in the
• Supporting small and medium women’s projects
through small credit programs and distribute them
in all the provinces.
• Encouraging programs of a targeted lending to
poor households headed by women and increase
social security benefits for these families.

2.. Developing effective and • The size of funds directed • Developing the tenets and institutional perfor-
efficient mechanisms for from Zakat funds towards mance to manage the 7 resources in their Shari’ah
the management of Zakat programs to support the expenses.
resources to contribute to poor. • Launching economic financing programs for the
the mitigation of poverty. • Number of companies and poor from Zakat resources.
projects of intensive work es- • Establishing a group of companies in labor-intensive
tablished of Zakat money. activities of Zakat resources to run the poor and give
• Number of beneficiaries of them shares.
Zakat finance programs.

3. Promoting care and social • Enrollment rate in basic edu- • Mandatory and free education for the children of
protection for the poor. cation in the first grades. the poor.
• Social Security Efficiency In- • Develop effective social protection programs for the
dex. poor, especially in the informal sector (health, water
• Number of social protection and sanitation, housing and transport).
programs for the poor.

4. Directing international aid • A policy of directing aid. • Developing a binding and concerted policy by the
and grants towards effec- government and civil society on the pathways of
tive programs to combat channeling aid and dealing with grants and assis-
poverty. tance.

5. Promoting food security • Number of food security pro- • Launching a short-term food security promotion
for the poor. grams targeted at the poor. package.
• Launching long-term food security programs.

6. Developing monitoring, • Data size in the anti-poverty • Establishing anti-poverty for information system.
evaluation and information information system
management mechanisms
in the area of poverty alle-

A hand to protect and a hand to build

F. Humanitarian Response:
Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Supporting the effective • The size of datum in the hu- • Building a central database and information and pro-
management of humanitar- manitarian response database. viding reports and maps on the affected society in all
ian response in Yemen. • Resolved a unified annual re- categories.
sponse plan in coordination • Preparing an annual consolidated response plan.
with the international society. • Developing channels for managing and coordinating
• Number of manuals on human- response programs.
itarian response work.
• Number of people trained in
the humanitarian response.

2. Diversifying humanitarian • Number of economic empow- • Developing a strategy to transfer part of Yemen’s
response programs to ensure erment projects established humanitarian support mechanism from food baskets
sustainability in the provision through international emer- and medicines to programs that support develop-
of living needs. gency and crisis funding. ment through microfinance and microenterprise and
prepare a plan.
• Providing a unified mechanism for dealing with inter-
national and local organizations and donors working
in humanitarian response.

3. Developing monitoring, • Actual support (in dollars) from

and evaluation mechanisms food humanitarian assistance
in dealing with humanitarian to economic empowerment • Program to strengthen monitoring and evaluation
response. projects. mechanisms in humanitarian response.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Theme IV: The Economy:

Objective: A diversified economy with high performance that accelerates recovery,

based on effective investment of natural and human resources, supports self-sufficiency
and stimulates development by focusing on the competitive advantages of Yemen and
striving for economic excellence at the regional level.

A. Overall Performance and Strengthened Confidence in Economy:

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Achieving sustainable eco- • Annual growth rate of GDP. • Developing policies to increase the contribution of in-
nomic stability that helps • Competitive growth rates for dustry and services to the economy.
raise confidence in the na- competitive sectors. • Developing policies to support the increase in non-oil
tional economy, leads to exports.
recovery and spur develop- • Develop policies to support and stimulate the produc-
ment and resilience. tive capacity of competitive sectors.

2. Developing an effective • A decree to establish the Eco- • Preparing a national policy to determine the role of
mechanism for managing nomic Policy Unit. the state and its role in supporting the desired eco-
economic policies that sup- • Number of annual outputs pro- nomic transformation.
port the achievement of vided by the Economic Policy • Establishing an economic policy unit that follows the
high economic growth and Unit. President of the Republic, comprising a national eco-
the transition to a diversified • Number of reports issued by nomic policy observatory, forum, economic informa-
economy. the Statistics Authority to the tion code, economic digital library and a platform for
developed system of national Developing computerized economic applications.
accounts. • A program to develop the national accounts prepara-
• Number of economic councils tion mechanism.
in the governorates. • Enhancing the efficiency of the management of gov-
• Number of relevant economic ernment institutions concerned with economic and
and financial leaders who have financial policies and services.
been rehabilitated. • Establishing social economic councils in the provinces
and at the central level to contribute to economic poli-
cy-making that stimulate economic activity and ration-
alize decisions, taking advantage of the experiences
of the councils active in this field globally.
• A training program and high qualification of financial
and economic staff in the financial and planning insti-
tutions and related entities

3. Creating a real partner- • Adopted a partnership strat- • Strategy for partnership with the private sector.
ship with the private sector egy with the private sector. • Establishing the Supreme Investment Council with the
through Establishing a high- • Number of economic decisions participation of the private sector.
er council for investment and issued by the Supreme Invest-
development representing ment Council represented by
the government, the private the private sector.
sector and the public sector.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

4. Attracting and stimulating • Issued a decree to implement a • Providing an effective mechanism for recording invest-
investments according to new mechanism for registering ments through a single window.
specific priorities that sup- investments through a single • Launching a national initiative to attract expatriate in-
port performance enhance- unified window. vestments.
ment and high growth. • Number of transactions com- • Enhancing the role of embassies and commercial at-
pleted in accordance with the tachés to serve the national economy.
new mechanism and the time- • Launching the Yemeni Stock Exchange.
frame set for them. • Encourage Establishing specialized institutions for
• Growth rate of investment. economic information in civil society and the private
• Growth rate of investment in- sector.
flows. • Launching 7 high education programs in the economic
• Number of new institutions and business administration 5 in public universities
specializing in economic me- and 2 in private universities vary from high diploma to
dia. master and doctorate.
• Number of graduates per year • Preparing a guide to investment in more than one lan-
in master’s and doctorate pro- guage that includes a list of investment opportunities
grams in economics and man- and investment incentives.
agement from Yemeni universi- • Developing a mechanism for bridging the outputs of
ties. scientific research in universities, research centers,
• Issued a decree to approve studies and economic development needs under the
the publication of the Invest- supervision of the National Center for Decision Sup-
ment Guide in both Arabic and port.
English. • Launching a national business environment initiative.
• Number of new scientific re- • Encouraging investment in the implementation of in-
searches applied by govern- frastructure for the industrial sector.
ment agencies. • Encouraging direct investment in industrial areas that
• International Business Environ- are serviced by infrastructure.
ment Index. • Developing new legislation to attract and protect do-
• Number of projects in private mestic and foreign investments, including moderniza-
sector infrastructure. tion of mining, oil and gas investment laws.
• Establishing an investment bank for insurance and ex-

5. Increasing the competitive- • Growth rate of substitution of • Developing policies and mechanisms that encourage
ness of national goods and goods. production to be sufficient.
services with comparative • Growth rate of exports. • Developing policies and mechanisms that encourage
advantage and ensuring the export production.
reduction of imports. • Developing and implement a policy that encourages
importation from the country of origin.

6. Increasing the participation • Women’s participation in the • Launching a national program for women›s economic
of women in the workforce labor force. empowerment and participation in the labor force.
and their contribution to the

7. Raising the absorptive ca- • Grant absorption rate. • Activating the role of the grant absorption system.
pacity of grants and external • Percentage of funds directed • Adopt a clear policy to channel donor funding (grants
loans and raising the contri- towards economic develop- and assistance) towards economic development and
bution of allocation and use ment and capacity building of capacity building in the labor market.
in line with national priori- the labor market.
ties. • Number of experience houses
with which the partnership was
developed and signed.

8. Achieving the sustainabil- • Growth rate of sustainable • Improving mechanisms for the development and im-
ity of public finances by ex- feedstock. plementation of the general budget.
panding and improving the • The rate of growth in the size of • Enhancing and improve public debt management.
efficiency of collection, al- public revenues. • Developing the performance of funds and economic
location and use of public • The rate of tax collection ef- units.
resources. ficiency. • Enhancing the financial, human and knowledge ca-
pacities of public finance staff.
• Promoting and develop the use of technology in pub-
lic finance management.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

9. Encouraging banks to con- • Number of approved legisla- • Improving the legal and judicial environment in which
tribute to economic recovery tions related to Developing the banks operate to include developing legislation and
and support development by banking environment. litigation mechanisms.
focusing on SMEs. • Ratio of lending to develop- • Strengthening financial centers of banks and raise
ment projects. their minimum capital to an acceptable level.
• Number of banks whose capi- • The comprehensive application of laws and legislation
tal has been raised. relating to the effective control of money laundering
• Growth rate in microcredit and the financing of illegal acts and constantly updat-
lending and productive house- ing them in accordance with international best prac-
holds. tices.
• Growth rate of credit. • Encouraging bank lending to small businesses and
productive households.

10. Overcoming the liquidity • The rate of electronic trading • Expanding the geographical coverage of the different
crisis of the local currency of money through electronic economic and social sectors using modern technolo-
through various measures. banking and banking among gies in the field of financial and banking services.
the public.

11. Reorganizing the exchange • A new regulation is to be is- • Issuing a regulation organizing the exchange market.
sector to ensure that it plays sued to regulate the exchange
a positive role in the financial market.
and banking market and in
the economy as a whole.

12. Developing sustainable • Rate of growth in the exchange • Developing an effective exchange rate management
solutions to reduce the de- rate. mechanism.
terioration of the exchange
rate of the national currency.

13. Developing reliable and • The decree to form the joint • Launching a competition to prepare research and
successful alternatives to financial academy. studies on appropriate alternatives to the monetary
the current monetary policy- • Number of alternatives ap- policy approach.
making approach, in order to proved according to estab- • Establishing a joint financial academy between official
combat inflation, maintain lished studies. entities and banks to sponsor developing available
the price of the national cur- alternatives.
rency and achieve economic

14. Reducing the unemploy- • Unemployment rate • Launching professional vocational training programs
ment rate to a minimum. for the labor market in various fields for small indus-
tries, crafts and other professions, and income-gen-
erating and labor-generating enterprises in coordina-
tion with the Skills Fund and international donors.
• Encourage the spread of labor-intensive small-scale
enterprises and establish complexes in areas that sup-
port self-sufficiency and employment.

15. Rural development and • Level of coverage of rural basic • Expanding coverage of rural basic services.
expansion of village projects services. • Producing neighborhoods and villages program.
and productive neighbor- • Number of village projects and • Professional capacity-building program directed at
hoods to limit internal migra- producing neighborhoods im- productive communities.
tion to cities. plemented.
• Number of technical and voca-
tional training centers estab-
lished in rural areas.

16. Developing a package of • Number of policies aimed at • Developing policies to encourage social economy.
programs geared towards promoting the social economy. • Launching a package of programs aimed at the social
the social economy. • Number of social economic economy.
programs implemented.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

‌B. Productive Sectors:

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Achieving sustainable eco- • Annual growth rate ( GDP). • Developing policies to increase the contribution of
nomic stability that helps • Competitive growth rates of industry and services to the economy.
raise confidence in the na- competitive sectors. • Developing policies to support the increase in non-oil
tional economy, leads to exports.
recovery and spur develop- • Developing policies to support and stimulate the pro-
ment and resilience. ductive capacity of competitive sectors.

2. Enhancing the role of the • Number of new IPO companies • Encouraging Establishing industrial companies, in-
industrial sector to lead the registered. cluding public subscription companies, in areas of
national economy by focus- • Industrial production growth self-sufficiency and reduction of imports, relying on
ing on competitive industries rate. local raw materials or limited inputs of imported raw
at the regional level. • Growth rates in the number of materials.
large, small and medium indus- • Stimulating local industries in order to reduce the im-
trial enterprises per year. portation of a well-studied package of goods, while
• Number of foreign industrial ensuring quality levels in keeping with the commodity
companies registered in Yem- targeted at substitution.
en. • Encouraging the establishment of large and medium-
• Number of campaign reports sized industries that rely on their own resources and
(made in Yemen). achieve excellence at the regional level (such as con-
• Number of new small-scale in- struction, quarrying, marine life, etc.) through a vari-
dustrial complexes operating. ety of sources including partnership with the banking
• Launching “Made in Yemen” initiative for three years.
• Launching a national initiative to promote the spread
of small and medium-sized industries with establishing
integrated micro- industrial complexes.
• Preparing a national plan for developing mining in-
dustries, including special incentives for investment
projects in developing mining industries.
• Establishing specialized industrial zones (pharmaceuti-
cal, heavy industries, iron, steel, etc.), drawing on the
experience of other countries in stable areas.
• Operating major economic and development projects
through financing through Islamic bonds and devel-
oping the Islamic bonds Unit in the Central Bank in
order to make maximum use of the deposits of Yemeni
Islamic banks.
• Launching donor programs to support and finance
small and micro industries.
• Developing joint mechanisms between government,
banks and the private sector to support and reactivate
private sector projects damaged by the war.

3-Expanding oil, gas and min- • Number of new explorations. • Encouraging foreign companies, specifically the Brix
eral exploration and develop • Annual Production of oil and Group, to invest in the exploration of oil and gas in the
existing sectors. gas. governorates of Al-Jauf, Hodeida and other Governo-
rates through concession agreements.
• Activating the role of the Petroleum Exploration
Corporation and enhance its role in the alliance and
partnership with oil and international companies with
a good reputation for investment in the promising
• Developing a technical data system for the promis-
ing sectors of oil and gas in the eastern and western
coasts of our country.

4. Securing the local market • Reduced Number of oil and • Developing a stable and effective mechanism with the
needs of oil and gas deriva- gas crisis per year. private sector to achieve effective and stable flow of
tives. oil and gas derivatives.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

5. Raising the productivity of • Growth rate in agricultural sec- • Developing and implement food self-sufficiency poli-
the agricultural sector to- tor production. cies and programs.
wards increasing self-suffi- • Self-sufficiency ratio of food • Encouraging investment and expansion in the agri-
ciency. commodities. cultural sector, especially in crops (non-qat cash), and
• Decrease in pesticide use. supporting cereal production.
• Encouraging investment in livestock breeding to
achieve self-sufficiency.
• Developing agricultural research capacities and con-
tributions to improve productivity in the agricultural
• Implementing a strict mechanism to combat the mis-
use of pesticides that affect the quality of the agri-
cultural product and affect the public health of the
• Establishing and activating agricultural extension
centers, and promoting the use of technology in their
work, to be co-sponsored by the government and ag-
ricultural associations

6. Enhancing the efficiency of • Growth in marine resources. • Building and develop a national control system for the
the management and devel- • Number of violations in fishing management of marine resources and the regulation
oping the national fisheries operations. of fishing operations.
and marine resources and
their optimal and sustainable

7 Increasing the contribution • Growth rate of fisheries ex- • Encouraging production activities for exports in the
of the fish and marine sector ports. fisheries and marine life sector through a studied
to GDP and exports to boost package of investment projects to be launched an-
the economy in foreign ex- nually.

8. Encouraging the expansion • Production of quarries. • Developing investment promotion policies in the min-
of investment in quarries. erals and quarries sector.

9. Increasing quantities of ex- • Annual agricultural production • Promoting the production and export of a well-stud-
ports of agricultural products rate. ied list of agricultural commodities to foreign markets
with comparative advantage • Growth rate of agricultural ex- while targeting new markets.
in the world markets so as ports. • Encouraging the establishment and development of
not to affect ground water. agricultural marketing services through establishing
groups of marketing companies established under the
subscription system.
• Supporting developing well-thought- partnerships
with business sectors in a number of countries that
have a demand for agricultural products produced
in Yemen for export (which does not affect the local

10. Reducing the expansion of • Cultivated area of qat replaced • National program to reduce qat cultivation.
qat cultivation, rationalize by other crops.
the use of water and raise • The rate of change in the an-
awareness of the dangers of nual production of qat.
pesticide use on soil and hu-
man health.

11. Encouraging agricultural • Number of agricultural re- • A Program to encourage the use of modern technol-
research and expand the use search carried out. ogy in agriculture.
of modern technologies in • The percentage of modern • Agricultural Research Support Program.
the field of water and irriga- technological coverage in the
tion and the management agricultural sector.
and reclamation of agricul-
tural land and livestock.

12. Protecting and investing • Increasing n available natural • Launching initiative to protect and invest natural re-
natural resources from water, resources. sources and expand and preserve nature reserves.
forests, vegetation, agricul- •Risk assessment reports on nat-
tural land and livestock (and ural resources.
natural preserves).

A hand to protect and a hand to build

C. Service Sectors And Urban Development:

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1.Developing the energy sec- • Energy produced from renew- • Developing policies to expand investment in energy
tor and encouraging the ex- able sources. production from renewable sources.
pansion of renewable energy

2. Increasing the size of elec- • Growth in electricity output. • A Program for the establishment and developing vari-
tricity production based on • Contribution of renewable en- ous power stations.
diverse sources to cover the ergy sources to total electricity • Encouraging the private sector to invest in electric
increasing needs of the econ- generation. power for economic purposes.
omy and society.

3. Promoting the tourism sec- • Annual growth rate in tourism • Program for Developing suspended national tourist
tor in order to enhance its sector. facilities.
role in supporting the na- • Encouraging investment in the tourism sector.
tional economy and contrib-
ute to the advancement of

4. Managing and organizing • Urban plans for cities and in- • A Program to improve technical and planning perfor-
Government lands with a vestments. mance of land and real estate.
view towards attracting in-

5. Providing modern infra- • Infrastructure Index for tel- • Developing Communications infrastructure Program.
structure and services in the ecommunications. • Developing supportive policies for the private sector
telecommunication and IT • Use of information technology. to invest in the telecommunications sector.
sector and strengthen op- • Contribution of approved sec-
portunities to benefit from tors of the research and knowl-
the information sectors. edge in the national product.

6. Developing a system of • Approved policies and legisla- • Finding and developing modern legislation regulating
modern legislations in the tion. communications and IT in accordance with the legisla-
telecommunication and IT tive and judicial directives of cyberspace.
sector that meets the needs • Develop communication and information technology
of internal development policies that stimulate investment and use of IT ser-
and keeps pace with global vices.
developments and require-

7. Rehabilitating other in- • National report on war dam- • Damage inventory project resulting from the war.
frastructure, including the age to infrastructure. • National Reconstruction Program.
transport sector and the re- • Reconstruction rate of dam- • Transport infrastructure development program.
construction of destroyed aged infrastructure annually.
infrastructure by the war in • Reconstruction rate for gov-
such a way as to achieve so- ernment facilities destroyed by
cial stability and a decent life the war.
for the citizen. • Growth rate of strategic road
and bridge infrastructure.
• Investment in the infrastruc-
ture of the ports and airports

8. Reconstructing and rehabili- • Number of facilities recon- A Reconstruction program for the government facility.
tating war-damaged govern- structed.
ment infrastructure.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

9. Developing and improve • Increase in road networks per • National plan for the rehabilitation and expansion of
the main and secondary road year (km) the road network
network between provinces
and districts.

10. Developing urban devel- • Legislations developed. • Urban Development Project.

opment legislation.

11. Diversifying and develop- • Number of funding sources • Developing policies that stimulate diversification of
ing the financing mecha- available for financing urban development finance.
nisms of urban development. development.

12. Preparing urban plans at • Number of completed plans • Preparing of Urban plans and Program.
the national and local levels
and develop the activation
of the Urban Planning Law.

13. Issuing and apply the Land/ • Data in the national Census • Real Estate Registry Development Program.
Real Estate Object Registra- system. • Develop a National Real Estate Number Information
tion Law to ensure the stabil- • Reduced number of commer- System.
ity of real estate transactions cial and civil real estate dispute
and maintain public and pri- cases.
vate real estate properties

Theme V: Administrative Development:

Objective: A qualified, efficient, professional and transparent administrative authority

responsive to providing adequate public services for citizens, meets and keeps pace
with the requirements of change and development with high flexibility, subject to
accountability, based on modern administrative foundations in policymaking, service
delivery and public administration, capable of achieving administrative development,
implements comprehensive development goals supported by a modern and effective
civil service system that contributes to improving institutional performance.

A. Administrative Reform and Institutional Restructuring:

Strategic goals Indicators The most important initiatives

1. Capacity Building of higher • Report on the level of comple- • Capacity building and developing the structures, sys-
state institutions to enable tion of the annual restructuring tems, mechanisms and work procedures of the tar-
them to fulfill their roles in of higher institutions. geted institutions to meet the nature of the roles and
supervising, directing, policy • Outputs of decision-making tasks required.
making and decision mak- support center provided to •Capacity Building of leaders and staff working in spe-
ing, and to make a strategic sectoral decision-makers. cial rehabilitation programs and training to raise quali-
change in public administra- tative skills and practical abilities.
tion to serve the objectives • Establish a national decision support center.
of Government reform and
developing state institutions
and improving performance.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

2. Defining the role of the • Decree to implement the re- • Reviewing and developing the previous study of re-
state, rebuild and structure structuring of state authorities. construction and restructuring and address and re-
government agencies, and • Improvement in the annual in- move all the imbalances that appear on the current
complete the legislative stitutional efficiency index. state of the organizational structure of the state.
and regulatory building of
• Number of services re-engi- • Issue the law regulating the administrative authorities
ministries, state institutions
and entities that have not neered. of the state and the public and mixed sectors.
promulgated the regulations • Rationalize, coordinate and re-engineer services and
governing their work, and basic functions of the State.
review laws and regulations
with a view to eliminating
repetition, overlapping and
duplication of responsibili-
ties and functions.

3. Evaluating the institutional • Adopted a comprehensive and • Establishing an institutional performance assessment
performance of the public modern system for assessing system based on measurable rules and standards.
service units according to sci- institutional performance. • Evaluating the performance of public service units and
entific standards and bases, • Number of institutional per- verify that they provide their services efficiently and
linking productivity indica-
formance evaluation reports in effectively and abide by the regulations and proce-
tors with their budgets and
operating expenses, and accordance with the new insti- dures adopted to achieve their purpose.
verifying that they provide tutional performance appraisal
their services efficiently and system.
effectively to achieve their
goal and the level of asset
management, maintenance
and investment.

4. Adopting the principle of • New appointments according • Developing a system of nomination, selection and
merit and integrity in the se- to the merit principle. appointment to fill the functions of management and
lection and appointment of • Reduced number of cases of ir- higher authority, and the rules and procedures of eval-
the officers carrying out of regularities in the appointment uation and accounting.
the senior functions of man- of relatives of senior officials.
agement and the higher au-
thority, and strengthen their
abilities, and the application
of the principle of account-

5. Improving the implemen- • Improvement in the absence of • Establishing a new and integrated mechanism for
tation of the budget/fiscal waste index. financial controls related to the implementation of
and financial management • Number of entities that have budgets at the level of public service units to achieve
systems and procedures in implemented the new transac- transparency and unity of procedures and prevent cor-
all public service units to tion mechanism. ruption and nepotism and stop the prevailing nega-
ensure optimal use of funds tive phenomena.
and clarity and transparency
of the application of financial

6. Supporting the shift to- • Number of automated govern- • Studying the level of applications of existing electronic
wards the implementation ment services available to the systems in all public service units and the level of their
of Electronic-Government public via the E-Government uses and areas of development in the provision of ser-
Networking to support and website. vices and decision-making.
streamline government ser- • Number of monthly transac- • Developing data transmission network infrastructure
vices to all concerned par- tions carried out through e- to accommodate e-government requirements.
ties, serve and rationalize services on the E-Government • Building the necessary skills to activate e-government
management decisions, and website. and raise the efficiency and technical culture of staff.
increase the efficiency and • Developing internal systems and service systems for
effectiveness of government the public.
action. • Providing government information and services elec-
tronically to the largest number of citizens and inter-
acting with them.
• Issuing legislation encourage the use of modern tech-

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

7. Improving the performance • The rate of growth in profits for • Subjecting economic sector units to annual evalua-
of the economic sector units the units of the economic sec- tions, including measuring efficiency and effective-
and to correct their situation tor annually. ness of performance: and presentation of results to
and management systems in • Growth in the size of activities the House of Representatives and the Cabinet for
order to enhance their role of economic units. discussions.
and work on developing • Reviewing the procedures for forming boards of di-
their resources and rational- rectors, evaluating their decisions and holding them
izing their expenditures. accountable.

8. Human capacity building • A decree to adopt a human re- • Developing a national human resource development
and development of profes- source development strategy and rehabilitation strategy to upgrade its perfor-
sional, technical and func- for the labor market. mance and efficiency to meet the needs of the local
tional skills to meet actual • Number of beneficiaries of labor market and its competitiveness for regional em-
needs. training programs targeted at ployment opportunities.
the labor market.

9. Developing partnership • Number of family businesses • Activating the institutional frameworks supporting the
with the private sector and that have been converted into private sector and continue to involve it in the discus-
civil society institutions for joint stock companies or have sion and approval of economic plans, programs and
developing plans, policies been governed. policies.
and development programs. • Encouraging and support the private sector in devel-
oping a self-regulatory frameworks by encouraging
the conversion of private and individual companies
and institutions into joint stock companies and institu-

B. Civil Service
Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Developing and updating • Number of new and developed • Reviewing and developing Civil Service Law and its
laws, rules, regulations and laws and regulations. executive Procedures.
procedures of civil service • Number of institutions that • Preparing performance appraisal system and models
and human resources man- have implemented the Em- and procedures for implementation, and follow up the
agement systems to achieve ployee performance evalua- results and effects of the application.
simplicity, transparency and tions annually and issued per-
cost economy in line with formance appraisal reports.
best practices and successful

2. Developing the wage and • Application of the new wage • Reviewing the current status of wage policies, salaries,
salary scale system in line system. benefits and incentives granted and stop all illegal im-
with the economic variables • Number of service units cov- balances.
and respond to the nature ered by regular payroll. • Developing and adopting a comprehensive vision to
and type of jobs and outputs address the problem of the cut-off of salaries in light
of the job description sys- of the aggression.
tem, with a views to attract
the best human competen-

3. Reforming and adjusting the • Adopting a modern and inte- • Establishing a comprehensive system of employment
procedures for attracting hu- grated employment system. based on transparency and achieve the principle of
man resources in accordance • Number of employees recruit- justice and equal opportunities and merit in all public
with the principles of equal ed through the system. service units at the central and local levels.
opportunities, merit and
transparency, and on the ba-
sis of actual need, and ensure
optimal economic operation
of human resources.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

4. Contribute to Developing • Number of agencies imple- • Evaluate and measure the performance of employees
systems and methods of menting the new government in the government authorities, in accordance with ob-
work, and to identify and service provision manual. jective principles and standards that help in the proper
simplify the delivery of gov- • Number of new senior admin- application of the principle of reward and punishment.
ernment services at all levels, istrative leaders appointed in • Raise the efficiency of government agencies through
so as to facilitate the access accordance with the new nomi- formulating procedures and use technology to simpli-
of citizens to services. nation, selection and appoint- fy and accelerate the completion of controls for com-
ment system based on merit. bating financial and administrative corruption.
• Number of those who have •Enhance the integration between ministries and gov-
been held accountable by the ernment departments and raise the level of coordina-
leaders of the state who have tion between them and standardize infrastructure and
been corrupt in the use of systems as possible.

5. Improving and developing • Percentage of staff whose data • Developing the database and the information network
the use of information tech- have been updated for the for the state employees to meet their objectives and
nology in completing the new web-based database. the requirements of the general policy of the state and
construction of the database • A decree to adopt the needs work to modernize and sustain them.
of civil servants, managing plan every three years. • Preparing training needs plan.
the human resources system, • Number of staff members en-
and encouraging the expan- rolled in training programs in
sion of its use and linking it accordance with the phased
at the ministry level, public requirements plans.
service units and administra-
tive units.

6. Developing the National • Approval of the study and the • Evaluating the feasibility of the Institute’s existing role
Institute of Administrative development plan of the Insti- and develop options for transition to an institute of
Sciences to become a na- tute. public administration and define its role to achieve its
tional center specialized in • The level of satisfaction of goal.
the preparation and devel- public service units with the • Developing the role of the National Institute and pro-
oping senior and middle ad- new training services of the vide it with a group of cadres with scientific compe-
ministrative leadership, and institute. tence and practical experience in order to meet the
building the capacity of the desired role.
state’s professional staff, and
deepen its research and advi-
sory capacity.

7. Achieving effective control • Issue a decree to adopt the • Developing and implement the evaluation and moni-
of the level of implementa- Central Evaluation and Over- toring plan for the level of implementation of civil ser-
tion of civil service legisla- sight Plan. vice legislation at the central level as a first stage.
tion and remove all func- • Number of annual reports on
tional imbalances in all public the level of implementation of
service units and assess the civil service legislation.
level of implementation of
civil service legislation and
contribute to the evaluation
of their performance on a
regular basis.

8. Developing the manage- • Issuing a decree adopting the • Preparing a long-term Vision for Developing the So-
ment of the social security vision for developing the social cial Security System in accordance with advanced leg-
and pension system; update security system. islation to ensure the success of its performance and
legislation and ensure the • Annual reports on showing invest pension funds as a contributor to the national
most efficient ways to man- progress in the social security economy.
age and invest the pension system.
funds. • Growth rate of return on in-
vestments of the social secu-
rity/pension system.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Theme VI: Justice and Rule of Law

Objective: A just and independent judiciary that works to achieve justice and protect
the rights and freedoms/liberties of all citizens effectively and impartially in accordance
with swift and accessible procedures by fully and conscientiously invoking the provisions
of the Law while ensuring effective self-supervision.

A. Justice And Access To Justice:

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Completing and improving • Legislative survey includes a • Preparing and implement a legislative survey of all
the system of legislation re- matrix of new legislation and judicial legislations to determine the shortcomings of
lated to judicial work. areas of development in exist- the legislation.
ing legislation. • Preparing and issue the draft Law of the Judiciary, in
accordance with principles that guarantee the inde-
• The issuance of the Judicial
pendence of the judiciary and achieve justice and re-
Authority Law and the Arbitra-
flect the principle of the rule of law.
tion Law. • Reviewing and developing the basic laws so as to
• Number of violations commit- strengthen promote the realization of justice, remove
ted by the judiciary. imbalances and cope with changes and imbalances
• Number of new or developed that have been demonstrated by the facts of the ap-
laws. plication of such laws include the General Code of
Criminal Penalties Procedures, the Military Law, the
Law of General Criminal Penalties, the Civil Litiga-
tion and Implementation Procedures Code, Forensic
Evidence Act, the Arbitration Act, and the Companies
• Real Estate Property Ownership Law, Contract Docu-
mentation registration, Real Estate Registration, Real
Estate Insurance, Foreclosure, Bail, Common Owner-
ship and Improve Inheritance Law.
• Preparing and issuing Procedures for the Supreme Ju-
dicial Council.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

2. Developing the institutional • Number of new legislation ap- • Completing the legislations related to the subordina-
and organizational structure proved for the organization of tion of some auxiliary entities to the Ministry of Justice
of the authorities of the ju- the judiciary. (integration of the land registry with the documenta-
dicial authority and enhanc- • Issuing the regulations and tion sector, the judicial police) and to examine the
possibility of transferring the subordination of the
ing the role of the Judicial regulations concerning the
rehabilitation and reform department to the Public
Inspection Authority. work of the Judicial Inspection
Authority. • Establishing the Office of the Attorney-General of
• Number of reports of the in- the Public Prosecution of Public Funds and Anti-
spection body and the number Corruption within the organizational structure of the
of targeted courts. Judiciary so that it is independent of the Office of the
• Issuance of the job descrip- Attorney-General of the Republic.
tion system for the functions of • Establishing the commercial and investment judiciary
courts and prosecutors. as a judicial body independent of the ordinary judi-
ciary and developing its legislations in line with local
• Number of approved regula-
and international legislations, laws and agreements.
tions needed to improve judi-
• Preparing and issue the Procedures for Judicial In-
cial performance. spection Authority, draft forms for inspection proce-
• Issuing the regulations of the dures, criteria for assessing judges ‘work, preparation
Institute. of performance evaluation reports, system for receiv-
• Issued a decision on the struc- ing investigating and ruling on public complaints.
ture of the appellate and pri- • Activating and improve the role and instruments of
mary courts. the Judicial Inspection Authority; and provide them
• Number of administrative with competent and experienced staff; introduce
management evaluation component for the secretar-
courts that have been estab-
ies and court clerks in the evaluation of the judicial
inspection tasks.
• Number of offices that have • Implementing and activate job description system for
been established. court and prosecution functions/positions.
• Preparing and implement a comprehensive plan to
end all delayed court cases, including public finance
cases referred to by Audit and Oversight organs and
anticorruption cases, within a specific tenor.
• Preparing and issue regulations for each of: Ministry of
Justice, the General Secretariat of the Supreme Judi-
cial Council, the Office of the Attorney General (Public
Prosecution), review and improve the restructuring of
Appellate Courts and Primary Courts, the Regulations
Financial Statements for the judiciary, the list of sup-
porting the judiciary Fund, the Financial Regulations
for confiscations and fines.
• Establishing strengthened additional administrative
courts with stronger roles and better competent staff-
• Establishing public service offices in the Primary and
Appellate Courts in the main governorates and pro-
vide them with the necessary resources.
• Facilitating, simplifying and speeding up litigation
procedures, with time limits set for completion adju-
dicate cases and deal with them in the courts from the
beginning of their presentation until the final stages,
in order to achieve justice for citizens, ease the litiga-
tion burdens of litigation and facilitate and streamline
procedures and computerize Court System.
• Preparing a study to establish the Judicial Research
Center within the structure of the Supreme Judicial
• Monitoring to adopting a draft resolution establishing
the Forensic Medicine Center.
Developing and implement a comprehensive plan for
the completion of all outstanding cases before the
courts and prosecutions, including cases referred by

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

3. Developing judicial and ad- • Number of graduates holding • Upgrading and improving human, administrative
ministrative human capaci- MA and PhD in the legal and and technical capacities of judges and prosecutors,
ties of the judicial authority judicial disciplines of the judi- and provide sufficient numbers at each court level
and meeting the needs of cial authority. throughout the Republic of Yemen in accordance with
competent judicial person- • Annual percentage increase in the standards and specifications required by the rel-
nel. number of graduates from the evant staff positions.
Higher Judicial Institute. Developing the Higher Institute of the Judiciary and its
related institutions and to its scientific methodology in
the judicial field, in line with the latest scholastic cur-
ricula specialized in the judiciary.

4. Developing and modernize • Modernized Information and • Completing, updating and develop (Judicial) informa-
judicial administration ac- Technology center. tion technology center.
cording to modern scientific • Number of computerized • Implementing judicial system completing the comput-
basis that will contribute to courts. erization of the work of courts, appellate and primary
improving judicial work and • Number of courts and pros- courts through a unified electronic system.
improving the level of judi- ecutions operating in the file • Improving the work of the Supreme Court to achieve
cial services provided. processing/flow system the simplification of procedures to accelerate the
• The level of modernization of process of achieving and realizing the principle of in-
courts and prosecutions. tegrity, transparency and activate the Court’s role in
monitoring the rulings of judges.
• Activating the role of the Accountability Council and
apply the principle of reward and punishment to judg-
es, prosecutors and judicial agents.
• Documenting and promoting interest precedents and
judicial rules
• Creating financial management units in Primary
Courts and Prosecutions to control the stability of the
financial aspects.
• Creating a control and oversight system on all finan-
cial aspects in all the Primary Appellate Courts, Pros-
ecutions, especially with regard to the arrangement of
the trust accounts, apprehended assets, guarantees,
guarantees, etc.
• Activating the control/supervisory role at all the judi-
cial authorities in terms of administrative aspects and
the number of staff allocated and the extent of func-
tional discipline and non-leakage.
Developing and applying rules and standards that link
the size of the allocations and the working staff to the
amount of work and achievement at all levels in the
courts and prosecutions.

5. Providing and rehabilitate • Number of judicial complexes • Establishing the judicial buildings and complexes in
the infrastructure of the ju- buildings that have been built. accordance with the need and priority plan, and com-
diciary. • The number of buildings that plete the implementation of projects that have
have been completed. stopped because of the aggression, and the rehabili-
• Number of buildings that were tation and restoration, equipping and furnishing com-
commissioned and opened for plexes and judicial courts, which have been damaged
work. because of the aggression.

6. Addressing all outstand- • Percentage of completion in • Establishing an effective mechanism for dealing with
ing cases before the courts, late cases per month. cases of corruption and urgent scheduling of cases
prosecutions and relative • Number of legislated commer- pending before the judiciary or still in the process of
concerned entities according cial judiciary legislation. the system of monitoring and prosecution, within a
to a timely implementation • Number of courts and prose- specific time frame for completion and decision.
plan. cutions established specialized
in commercial jurisdiction.
• - Issued amendments to the
Companies Law.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

7. Promoting access to justice, • The number of women and vul- • Establishing an appropriate mechanism to allow wom-
especially for women, chil- nerable groups cases that have en, children and vulnerable groups to submit com-
dren and vulnerable groups reached the relevant courts of plaints to the judicial authorities without causing them
in society. jurisdictions. any harm.
• Providing legal aid and legal advice to women, under-
standing the specificity of women›s needs, and speed-
ing up trials.
• Establishing family reconciliation unit in the courts to
reconcile families in the cases of family disputes.
• Establishing rules and mechanisms to ensure direct
treatment of women in obtaining compensation and

B.Legislative Reform
Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Reviewing and update laws • Number of legislative and • Reviewing the legal texts that detract from national
and legislations to keep legislative amendments sovereignty by making unjustified concessions and
abreast of developments, developed and approved in subordination and yielding to external pressures
remove the legislative accordance with the study through states, institutions and international
imbalances hindering the of Developing the legislative organizations.
achievement of justice, and system. • Reforming the Law of the Government Cases of State
address the legal gaps that • Adopted the vision for Authority to ensure that it solely grants the right to
are exploited by corrupt developing the legislative legal representation in the State’s cases, in order to
practices in different forms. system. ensure the building of a qualified legal staff to defend
• Adopted new amendments in the State’s issues and to provide the required material
the Law of the Cases of State resources and compulsory representation in land
Authority. disputes to protect state property.

2. Adopting fundamental • Number of laws that have been • Developing a framework for the most important areas
reforms in the basic rules adopted to implement the of reforms required for existing legislation in light of
and guidelines to achieve required reforms. the proposals of legal entities and experts.
social justice and implant
values of equality among all
groups of society.

3. Developing institutional • Issued decree to approve the • Reviewing and develop the institutional restructuring
restructuring and building report on completion of the and information systems of the legal system.
legal information systems, application of restructuring of • Capacity building for the legal staff to enable the
and capacity building of the legal system. desired development and reform of the legislative
human staff in the field of system.
legislation for the concerned • Implementing awareness programs to raise legal
entities in the legal system. awareness of society.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

C. Rule of Law
Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Applying the rule of law •*Rule of law indicator. • Developing a conscientious implementation plan for
in different institutions in public actions and procedures that will ensure the
a clear and transparent assessment of the level of commitment of state in-
manner that guarantees stitutions to implement the laws in force, reveal any
equality and justice in all violations, and determine the procedures and rules
its procedures. of accounting and the type and level of penalties to
be meted out accordingly.
• Setting in transparent controls and procedures
transparent that reveal the cases of abuse of the
laws as they occur by the top responsible senior of-
ficial in any public service unit, regardless of justifica-
• Reforming and develop the judicial, legal and ad-
ministrative mechanisms necessary to enforce the
management commitment to the rule of law in the
work it undertakes and to respect the hierarchy in
the proposed or promulgated legislation regulating
the work thereof.

2. Enabling the state •*Rule of law indicator. • Subjecting institutions to ongoing evaluations that
institutions, especially reveals cases of any excess or shortcomings in ap-
the justice and security plying the rule of law at any level, and develop sup-
agencies, to impose the port and accountability mechanisms of.
rule of law according
to a clear vision and
procedures to ensure the
level of implementation.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Theme VII: Innovation, Creativity, Knowledge and Scientific


Objective: Innovative and creative generations seeking cognitive development,

producing knowledge and technology to serve their society, and supporting the
development and growth of the state.

A.Innovation, Creativity And Knowledge:

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Expanding society access to • Knowledge Index. • Expanding the introduction of technology in educa-
knowledge. tion at all levels.
• Encouraging the creation of intellectual production
platforms and digital public offices.
• Launching a national library.
• Launching a national translation initiative in accord-
ance with development priorities.

2. Establishing a national sys- • Index of creativity and innova- • Developing effective policies for innovation and crea-
tem of creativity and innova- tion. tivity.
tion. • Developing formal national and society institutional
mechanisms to discover and nurture talented people.
• Establishing an annual prize for innovations and inven-
• Encouraging the establishment of creative schools
under the auspices of multi-government and private
• Establishing a national society fund (government / pri-
vate sector / society) for gifted and talented people.

3. Developing intellectual • Number of approved legisla- • Completing and develop the necessary legislation for
property protection legisla- tion. the protection of intellectual property.

4. Promoting and disseminate • Technical and knowledge out- • Encouraging society initiatives for digital transforma-
production of Yemeni intel- put indicator. tion.
lectual output locally and • Encouraging individuals and institutions to dissemi-
nate their knowledge.
• Enhancing the role of the non-university publishing
sector in supporting intellectual production in non-
academic professional fields.
• Developing a national initiative to document, print
and disseminate Yemeni heritage.
• Encouraging investment in Yemeni intellectual output
and dissemination.

5. Increasing the contribution • Contribution of intellectual • Adopting legislation to encourage investment in intel-
of the intellectual economy output economy. lectual output economy.
to the gross national prod- • Develop the education system to enhance outputs
that meet the requirements of the labor market in the
field of knowledge economy.

6. Developing a national digi- • Amount of government digital • Launching a national program for Developing Yemeni
tal content management content. digital content.
system. •Size of non-governmental digi- • Encouraging private and society contributions to digi-
tal content.
tal content.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

7. Increasing the number of • Registered patents for Yemenis • Developing modern institutional mechanisms in the
patents registered locally annually, locally and interna- area of patent registration that facilitate the process
and internationally. tionally. of local registration.
• Establishing incubators providing opportunities for
creative and innovative youth and sponsor them to
achieve scientific and technical resurgence in the
• Providing annual budgets from the government to
support competition for patent registration that can
be registered internationally.

8. Encouraging the use of • Technology usage indicators. • Developing mechanisms to evaluate and promote the
modern technology in soci- use of technology in society through national compe-
ety. titions.
• Encouraging universities to develop applied techni-
cal systems through graduation projects according
to well-considered priorities and provide them with
motivating prices to the society and the private sector.

‌B. Scientific Research

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Establishing an integrated • A decree to adopt a national • Developing a national policy for scientific and techno-
national system for scientific policy for scientific research. logical research.
research and technology. • A decree to establish a scien- • Strengthening the institutional structure in the field of
tific research fund. scientific research.
• Number of research funded by • Developing and stimulate human capacities in the
the Scientific Research Support field of scientific research.
Fund. • Launching a National Fund For Scientific Research and
• Opening of the National Li- linking the budget to performance and scientific pro-
brary. duction.
• Number of beneficiaries of Na- • Completing the creation of a major digital library to
tional Library services. help researchers obtain the best references and the
latest modern international publications.

2. Supporting and encourage • Amount of funds allocated for • Establishing a national science and technology obser-
scientific research by raising scientific research. vatory.
the share of scientific research • Established an observatory. • Facilitating access to databases and research knowl-
from GDP and form scientific • Number of databases available edge resources.
research support funds. to researchers. • Launching national programs to promote competition
• Number of research conducted in scientific research.
annually. • Establishing a coordinating council between govern-
ment research centers.
• Caring for young researchers, innovators and creative.
• Establishing institutions that support the scientific re-
search, publication and distribution of scientific pro-
• Enhancing the role of universities and research cent-
ers in accordance with a strategic plan for scientific
research and scientific production.

3. Providing and develop the • A decree to issue a unified • Issuing a unified standard in the management and
infrastructure related to scien- standards policy for the man- evaluation of scientific research centers and institu-
tific research. agement of scientific research tions.
centers and institutions.

4. Establishing a bridge be- • Number of researches used • Establishing a bridge between the outputs of scientific
tween the outputs of the in- and applied in different sec- research and development requirements.
stitutions of scientific research tors.
and development.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Theme VIII: Education

Objective: High quality education for all members of the society, based on the acquisition
of knowledge and skills, instilling values and ethics, meeting the needs of development
and keeping pace with scientific and technological progress.

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Expanding the coverage of • Growth rate of enrollment of • Providing pre-primary education for a wide range of
pre-primary education ac- children in pre-primary educa- children in the 3-5 years end of vision implementation.
cording to a developed sci- tion (3-5 years). • Improving quality and quality of pre-primary educa-
entific approach. tion.

2. Reducing the illiteracy rate • Reduced illiteracy among the • Reducing the illiteracy rate in Yemen to less than 10%
among the society to lowest population. end of the implementation of the vision.
levels. • Improving the quality of programs offered in anti-illit-
eracy and basic literacy centers.

3. Providing high quality gen- • Enrollment rate in basic educa- • Spreading of basic education by the end of the imple-
eral education (primary and tion for the target age group. mentation of National Vision.
secondary) for all target age • The actual rate of enrollment in • Increasing the effective enrollment rates for general
groups. secondary education. secondary education for the age group (15-17) years.
• Quality index of the education • Achieving the principle of equal educational opportu-
system. nities for all population groups.
• Improving and develop the quality of basic and sec-
ondary education.
• Developing basic and secondary education curricula
and make students the center of the educational pro-
• Activating the e-learning system.
• Provide teachers’ salaries.

4. Expanding and develop • Percentage of students en- • Expanding technical education and vocational train-
technical and vocational rolled in technical and voca- ing to accommodate 40% of the outputs of basic and
education services to attract tional education. secondary education.
graduates of basic and sec- • Number of curricula developed • Achieving equal opportunities for those who wish to
ondary education to support in accordance with internation- receive technical and vocational education in different
the needs of the renewable al standards. stages of their academic life and the process of imple-
labor market. • Number of new workshops in menting the vision.
line with international norma- • Upgrading the quality of technical education and vo-
tive approaches. cational training.
• A system in place that allows • Updating and develop programs, curricula and con-
the enrollment of technical and tinuous training programs according to the changes
vocational education students and requirements of the labor market and involving
in specialized institutes and the private sector in preparing them.
universities up to bachelor’s, • Improving and develop integrated technical ap-
master’s and doctorate de- proaches and programs to achieve quality according
grees. to international standards.
• Number of graduate students • Developing the course of technical education until the
from technical and vocational master’s and doctorate stage and providing the infra-
institutes enrolled in similar structure according to scientific disciplines.
programs in bachelor’s, mas-
ter’s and doctoral degrees.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

5. Providing higher education • Enrollment in higher educa- • Increasing the proportion of the enrollment in higher
services according to qual- tion. education from the age group (19-23).
ity standards and academic • Reduced enrollment gap be- • Promoting equal opportunities in higher education
accreditation to achieve the tween males and females in between males, females, urban and rural.
requirements of the labor higher education. • Enhancing the efficiency and adequacy of the man-
market. • Accreditation of state universi- agement and funding of the higher education sector
ties by quality assurance insti- in providing educational services.
tutions every seven years. • Improving the quality of higher education and its in-
• Five Yemeni universities among stitutions.
the top 700 international uni- • Establishing a unified national system for school-
versities. based development with society participation, based
on criteria and indicators of quality and school ac-

6. Enhancing the efficiency of • The share of autonomous con- • Reengineering education to link it to local and region-
the management and financ- tribution to finance public uni- al labor market needs.
ing of education and re-engi- versities
neering to meet the require- • Labor market absorption rate
ments of the labor market. of education output.

7. Developing pre-qualifica- • Number of ongoing teacher • Updating the programs of preparing and rehabilitat-
tion programs for teachers training programs. ing teachers in the faculties of education so they are
to meet the needs of public • Number of teachers enrolled responsive to the qualifications required for teachers
education. in continuing education pro- in different stages and levels of general education
grams. (educators, classroom teachers, teachers of subjects,
• Issued decree every 3 years specialist teacher).
on coordination mechanism • Developing frameworks for coordination between the
between output and planned Ministry of Education and teacher training institutions,
needs. thus contributing to enhancing the quality of teachers
• Number of female graduates in accordance with the needs of basic and secondary
of kindergarten teachers from education and early childhood.
Yemeni universities. • Expanding the opening of childcare departments in
public universities.
• Updating and adopt laws to promote the principle of
equal opportunity and equal citizenship in accordance
with educational needs and international standards,
while taking into account in the new draft laws, the
quality of inputs, processes and outputs with a view to
upgrade the levels of Yemeni people.
• Developing financial system in direction of having
the system of preparing approval and disbursement
of government education expenditures according to
programs to facilitate the process of monitoring and

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

8. Completing and developing • Growth in institutional equip- • Completing projects of damaged buildings, mainte-
infrastructure and technolo- ment. nance of existing buildings, expansion of buildings
gy for education of all kinds. • Number of laboratories in and provision of furniture and equipment.
schools, institutes and univer- • Providing technical infrastructure: networking and
sities. information and communication technology equip-
• Number of technical education ment, within educational institutions, and between
networks. local scientific and research institutions with interna-
tional educational and research institutions.
• Developing a comprehensive program for the treat-
ment of damages (for partially damaged schools) and
reconstruction (for completely destroyed schools)
through survey of damages according to an updated
database and prepare the national reconstruction
strategy based on survey results and indicators.

9. Enabling people with special • Number of institutions that ac- • Facilitating the enrollment of females, rural children,
needs, talented and creative commodate the needs of peo- people with special needs, gifted children, children
to access educational servic- ple with special needs. with low incomes and disadvantaged groups in basic
es adapted to their abilities and secondary education.
and ensure their participa-
tion in the development and
developing society.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Theme IX: Health

Objective: A modern health system that responds to and interacts with the needs of the
society, based on individual and collective responsibility that supports the achievement
of sustainable development

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Developing systems and • Health Sector Performance • Strengthening the role of the Ministry of Public Health
mechanisms for the manage- Index. in the management of the health system, Set up moni-
ment and coordination of toring mechanisms; supervise, review, develop legisla-
health services control the tion for restructuring of the Ministry of Health and the
effectiveness and quality at health institutions.
all levels, and stimulate par- • Improving the level of decentralization in the health
ticipation of Society in man- system.
agement and control. • Activating and organize the participation of the so-
ciety and other sectors in the support, delivery and
management of health services, and control their re-
sources in order to improve health services and stimu-
late the staff of medical and technical facilities.
• Coordinating the input of international and local or-
ganizations and entities supporting the health sector
to ensure optimal utilization of support in improving
health services, including infrastructure support.
• Developing the health facilities infrastructure map
system and apply uniform national standards for the
establishment, processing and operation of facilities
in accordance with standards that are fair in the distri-
bution of services.
• Establishing a system of selection rules and regula-
tions for the appointment of health management staff
at all health facilities.

2.Expanding, strengthen • Rate of operations of govern- • Activating rural hospitals to provide direct services
health services for all citizens ment health institutions. to the rural population, which is the majority of the
and support emergency ser- • Rate of growth in the number Yemeni people, including diagnostic, therapeutic and
vices to accommodate the of beneficiaries of the services surgical services.
nature and circumstances of of governmental health institu- • Enhancing the continuity of central hospitals and
the current period and work tions. provincial hospitals by providing their services to the
for its developments. • Number of new dialysis centers urban population to cope with the large population
and facilities annually. growth.
• Growth rate of the number of • Paying attention to the wounded, the disabled and
volunteers in health services in the families of the martyrs and the troops.
rural government facilities. • Expanding dialysis centers, increasing the capacity of
• Rate of growth in government existing centers, paying attention to cancer treatment
spending on the public health centers and working on non-interruption of essential
sector. drugs for cancer patients.
• Number of centers specialized • Strengthening and expand emergency and ambulance
in infectious diseases and epi- services and provide new ambulances instead of out
demics (tuberculosis, cancer, of service.
liver, cholera, etc.) • Coming up with innovative solutions to address the
population’s poor coverage of health services by en-
couraging and supervising society volunteer initiatives
to ensure the success of this initiative.
• Rehabilitating and operating the out of service health
facilities due to the aggression.
• Working to raise the budget of the Ministry of Public
Health and Population in a gradual manner commen-
surate with the expansion of services.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

3.Strengthening primary • Epidemic prevalence rates • Establishing national laboratories to examine and
health care, disease control have been controlled among control vaccines produced locally or imported from
and epidemiological surveil- the population.
lance; maintain a high level • Prevalence of malnutrition
among the population. • Developing plans to meet the health needs of refugee
of immunization of children
and mothers to prevent • Number of registered cancer camps and emergency situations, wherever they are.
epidemics of immunized cases per year. • Coordinating with international organizations to ex-
diseases and reduce the ag- pand support in the nutrition system.
gravation of the problem of • Issuing the Cancer Fund Act.
• Implementing epidemiological surveillance programs.
• Issuing a law for the Supreme Authority for the Control
of Drugs and Medical Supplies, stipulating independ-
ence of Authority and regulating its work.

4. Achieving adequacy and ef- • Issuance of the Rural Service • Issuing and implement the Rural Service Law because
ficiency of health sector staff Law. of its importance for the equitable distribution of
and improve the organiza- • Rate of increase in the number medical personnel in deprived areas.
tion of his profession.
of health staff in rural and dis- • Paying attention to intermediate and senior training
advantaged areas. and rehabilitation of local medical and health staff to
• Growth in the number of wom- develop staff abilities and skills; support institutions
en enrolled in government and training programs, and strengthen the “Yemeni
medical jobs. Board” program as a national certificate and encour-
• Number of qualified doctors age the enrollment of Yemeni graduates of human
and health staff in Yemen is medicine colleges.
100% qualified. • Encouraging and support research and health studies,
• Number of medical research stimulate research staff, and benefit from improved
produced in research centers services and health care.
and Yemeni universities. • Setting up clear classification of health and medical
professions, redrafting of job descriptions, perfor-
mance evaluation of employees in health institutions
and application of the principle of reward and punish-
• Studying the dual career status of medical and health
professionals between the public and private sectors
and develop solutions.

5. Encouraging investment • Coverage of locally produced • Controlling the importation and classification of drugs
in the health sector and the medicines and medical prod- locally and deal with them and advertise them.
pharmaceutical industry to ucts. • Monitoring and legitimize investment in the health
support the availability of
• Number of new pharmaceuti- sector in the treatment of diseases that patients go
health services and medi-
cines to citizens at sufficient cal, vaccine and medical prod- overseas to treat.
levels and quality to achieve ucts established annually. • Encouraging investment in the pharmaceutical, medi-
satisfaction of people. • Number of hospitals and cal, health and equipment industries and ensure the
specialized medical centers provision of essential, effective, safe and quality medi-
opened in partnership with ex- cines, controlling prices and preventing monopoly.
ternal investors. • Supporting and promote drug self-sufficiency, encour-
age local and external marketing of Yemeni medicines
and encourage the provision of raw materials for
medicines locally.
• Promoting medical manufacturing (vaccines and medi-
cal devices) and spare parts and maintain them locally
without the need for outside.
• Encouraging the manufacture of diagnostic tools and
laboratory supplies without the need to send samples
for examination abroad.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

6. Developing and strength- • Amount of data exchanged in • Developing a network information system to auto-
en the role of the national the Government Internet Infor- mate the Ministry and the concerned authorities.
health information system mation System. • Developing an automation system for the activities
and adopt modern methods
•Introduction of automation in and services of various government hospitals, centers
and applications of informa-
tion management at the level health institutions annually. and units.
of institutions and health fa- • Issued a decree to adopt the • Mainstreaming the automation of private and civil
cilities, thus enhancing the Standard Health Data Prepara- health institutions for their work.
management of the health tion Manual. • Unifying and disseminating health information indica-
• Reports issued annually ac- tors and reports at various levels of the health system,
cording to the National Health make maximum use of donor support and guide the
Data Preparation Manual. methodology of regional and international organiza-
tions in the field of health information systems (the
Standard Health Data Preparation Manual).

7. Working to promote the ap- • Number of approved health • Developing various health insurance legislation need-
plication of health insurance insurance legislation. ed to build a modern and integrated health insurance
systems for the entire popu- • Growth rate in the number of system.
people enrolled in compulsory
health insurance in various sec-

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Theme X: Environment

Objective: A protected environment that is being invested as an important national

resource to achieve sustainable development.

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Providing the necessary leg- • Number of new and devel- • Developing the necessary legislation and institutional
islative and institutional ele- oped environmental legisla- capacity for the General Authority for Environmental
ments for the management, tion. Protection to fulfill its role in safeguarding the environ-
protection and investment • Percentage achievement in the ment, natural balance, development and sustainability
of environmental resources Environmental institutional de- of its natural resources and its vital diversity.
in accordance with the prin- velopment of the Environmen- • Developing a national environmental monitoring and
ciples of sustainable devel- tal Protection Agency and its early warning system.
opment and green develop- branches. • Launching a green development project package.
ment trends. • A decree to establish an envi- • Enhancing society participation in environmental con-
ronmental national monitoring servation and activate the role of local communities
and warning system. in the protection, conservation and development of
• International support for the their own natural environmental resources.
environment. • Strengthening relations with external parties from
• Number of licensed projects countries and organizations concerned with protect-
for which an EIA was prepared. ing the environment and take advantage of their ex-
• Adoption of the national report pertise and support in achieving protection and devel-
to monitor the environmental oping Yemeni environmental resources.
impact of the war. • Developing effective environmental impact assess-
• Number of projects produced ment policies for any project prior to its establishment.
in green development. • Preparing an assessment of the damage caused to the
Yemeni environment as a result of the aggression and
siege and develop the appropriate remedies accord-

2. Achieving effective invest- • A decree to adopt the National • Developing a national policy for the protection, invest-
ment of the rich and varied Policy Document for Environ- ment and development of environmental resources.
environmental resources mental Resources Protection, • Developing protected areas for investment and devel-
that characterize Yemen. Investment and Development. opment in accordance with the principles of sustain-
• Number of protected areas de- able development.
veloped. • Encouraging the private sector, expatriates and ex-
• Number of private sector in- ternal investors to utilize and invest in environmental
vestment projects in environ- resources (natural and marine) in accordance with
mental resources. regulations that support the protection, preservation
• Number of villages and pro- and development of the environment.
ductive neighborhoods devel- • Encouraging local communities to adopt projects that
oped and adopted projects invest their environmental resources and develop
that invest their environmental them to serve local development.
resources and develop them to
serve local development.

3. Providing an infrastructure • Percentage of treated and re- • Utilization of industrial technology to recycle waste
for waste management, cycled waste. and transform it into an essential part of development.
treatment and recycling.

4. Providing water and sani- • Coverage of the population for • Adopting a package of water saving programs and ex-
tation services to meet the supply of safe drinking water. pand sewage networks according to various sources
growing needs of the popu- • Growth rate in sewerage. net- of funding.
lation. works.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Theme XI: Defense and Security:

Objective: A strong national army built on modern foundations and national standards,
which is the property of the people that protects the homeland, national sovereignty
and independence, and modern security institutions that provide effective security
services that safeguard rights and freedoms/liberties, protect citizens and provide the
necessary climate for stability and development.

Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Building a national army • Percentage of success in re- • Building and organize armed forces on modern foun-
based on modern scientific structuring of the Army. dations so that they are an independent and impartial
foundations and standards, • The percentage of achieve- national institution.
with a military doctrine and ment in Developing military • Adopting modern scientific and cognitive research
loyalty to God and the home- curricula on a modern basis. methods in the rehabilitation and education of mem-
land, capable of protecting bers of the armed forces, security and intelligence in
national sovereignty and de- their institutes and colleges.
fending Yemen’s independ-

2. Developing appropriate leg- • Number of developed and new • Developing existing legislation for the armed forces,
islation to keep pace with the military legislation approved. security and intelligence and implement the recom-
restructuring and protection mendations of the outputs of the national dialogue of
of the state and to ensure legislation to keep pace with state building.
the strength and independ-
ence of the army and neutral-
ity in political conflicts.

3. Developing the human, • Military readiness rate. • Rehabilitating and training of the army in accordance
institutional and technical • The percentage of military fa- with the best methods to be able to protect the home-
capacities of the Army at all cilities and installations that land and deter anyone who seeks to compromise his
levels to ensure its readiness were rebuilt by the army and security and stability.
and contribution to develop- its available resources. • Training and rehabilitating of the army in the areas of
ment. • The growth rate of the mili- development and reconstruction.
tary’s own economic resources. • Reconstructing of the war-damaged infrastructure of
the army and security.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

B.Security Services:
Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1.Developing the security and *Rule of law indicator. • Implementing a national program for the develop-
police organs, update the • Number of joint programs be- ment and restructuring of the security services in a
system of legislation related tween security institutions, po- way that strengthens the rule of law.
to their work, develop em- lice and citizens. • Promoting the principle of respect for the law com-
ployees’ capabilities and en- mitment to the law by the security services to be per-
sure its comprehensiveness formed as a model to be followed by the citizens.
and quality. • Launching a national program to expand and improve
security services and police to achieve security and
stability and maintain public tranquility.
• Strengthening trust between security institutions, po-
lice and citizens.
• Developing the immigration and passport system ac-
cording to national security standards.
• Establishing a joint coordination mechanism between
the different security services to complement their
• Completing establishing police units to protect wom-
en’s security and prevent violence, especially gender-
based violence at the governorate level.
• Implementing the monitoring and reporting mecha-
nism in the entities and units protecting persons af-
fected by gender-based violence.
• Improving traffic and civil defense services.

2. Implementing the civil reg- • Percentage of citizens regis- • Developing and approve a graduated plan for Estab-
istration system and adopt tered in the new Civil Register lishing a civil register and national number.
the national number in all system that were given a new
transactions procedures ac- card.
cording to a chronic plan
aimed at providing a unified
national database.

3. Applying declared and • Number of appointments ac- • Preparing a strategy for selecting security personnel.
transparent criteria for ap- cording to new recruitment
pointment to work in securi- criteria.
ty and police positions at the
central and local levels.

4. Developing a standard sys- • Establish the normative system • Preparing a standard system for monitoring, follow-
tem to monitor, follow and for monitoring and evaluation ing up and evaluating the performance of the security
evaluate the performance of of security and police services. services and employees.
the security services and the • Number of evaluation reports
police and respective staff. for the performance of security
agencies in accordance with
established standards.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

Theme XII: Foreign Policy and National/Home Security:

Objective: A national security system that protects the interests of Yemen and
guarantees the sovereignty and decision making independence, within effective
external relations that serve the best interests of the nation and based on the principles
of equality, mutual respect and common interests.

A. Foreign Policy:
Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Upgrading and manage the • Issue a decree to establish a • Activating and strengthen the role of Yemeni diplo-
foreign policy of the Repub- national council for foreign macy to overcome the isolation of Yemen.
lic of Yemen in accordance policy. • Developing a strategy for external relations and a
with effective institutional • A Decree to adopt a strategy mechanism that preserves the dignity and human
mechanisms to serve the su- for external relations. rights of Yemenis in the Diaspora or other countries.
preme national interest. • Funds and investments flowing • Developing the work of embassies to attract funds for
into the country through coor- reconstruction, development and exports.
dination of Yemeni embassies.

2. Developing and strengthen • Adopt the mechanism of diplo- • Developing an effective mechanism for the diplomatic
the relations of the Republic matic representation. representation of Yemen based on common interests
of Yemen internationally and • Evaluation reports for external and work to provide means of protecting them.
regionally based on common relations.
interests and work to pro-
vide ways to protect them.

3. Taking care of the rights and • Number of cases processed for • Developing a mechanism for coordinating and manag-
interests of Yemeni citizens citizens. ing services for Yemeni expatriates abroad.
overseas and strengthen • Number of projects funded by • Building up and implement an information system for
their solidarity and national expatriates at home. expatriates.
belonging and protect them • The size of expatriate remit- • Establishing an information institution for expatri-
from harmful factors and in- tances. ates concerned with educating expatriates and their
tellectual influences. • Number of information pro- children overseas to reduce harmful intellectual influ-
grams for expatriates. ences and link them to their homeland.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

B.National Security:
Strategic Goals Indicators Most Important Initiatives

1. Developing a national secu- • Adopting the national security • Preparing and implement a strategy for Yemen’s na-
rity strategy that will serve strategy. tional security.
Yemen's supreme interests at • Number of established strate- • Establish strategic study centers to study and analyze
home and abroad, and pro- gic studies centers. the local, regional and international situation and their
mote the concept of strate- • Number of approved emer- implications for national security and develop plans to
gic partnership and positive gency plans. protect national security and ensure human, food and
interaction with all local and • A Decree to establish a na- water security.
international organizations tional system for monitoring • Adopting strategies and policies to address external
and harness them to serve and early warning of disasters threats, internal challenges; establishing a national
this purpose. and crises. monitoring and early warning system, managing dis-
asters and crises, and identifying threats to national

2. Linking the strategic geo- • Number of cities and coastal • Initiating the planning of cities and industrial parks,
graphical location of the areas planned and rehabili- trade and tourism on the coasts and Bab al-Mandeb
Republic of Yemen and its tated. and the Yemeni islands.
islands, coasts and wealth to • Number of completed eco- • Preparing studies for developing local and interna-
development and national nomic studies and developing
tional maritime services.
interests. marine services.
• Preparing the necessary projects to benefit from
• Number of strategic coastal
projects implemented with in- the maritime sites and marine resources available to
ternational partners. Yemen.

3. Developing and secure in- • Issuing the policy for the insur- • Developing effective policies and standards to secure
frastructure for vital and na- ance of vital facilities. national vital facilities.
tional facilities. • Number of qualified personnel • Developing human capacity for security management
in the security administration of national vital facilities.
of national vital facilities.
• Using appropriate technologies to enhance the secu-
• Number of technical applica-
rity and protection of national infrastructure.
tions used to secure vital facili-

4. Preparing a vision to com- • Approval of the vision docu- • Developing a vision to combat and eradicate the peni-
bat and eradicate the peni- ment. tential ideology that is the product of foreign terror-
tential (takfiri) ideology that ism in Yemeni society.
imports foreign terrorism to • Working to drain the sources of environment that in-
Yemeni society because of
cubates, nurtures and supports the penitential (takfiri)
the danger it poses to the na-
ideology with multiple patterns.
tional security of the country.
• Supporting Yemen’s foreign policy to work to achieve
the fairness of international laws and conventions and
not to employ or harness them to serve the interests
of some of the dominant countries.

Part III:
Implementing the National Vision
A hand to protect and a hand to build

A. National Vision Implementation Management:

To ensure consistent, efficient and effective management of the implementation of the National
Vision, an executive National Vision mechanism is established by a decree issued by the President of
the Republic (the Supreme Political Council) outlining the various foundations, rules, roles, respon-
sibilities and tasks in accordance with international standards for the management of National Vi-
sions including monitoring, follow-up, and evaluation which include the institutional implementation
frameworks as follows:
1.The President of the Republic (The Supreme Political Council) He is the main custodian of the
National Vision and is concerned with the adoption of interim strategic plans, budgets, and
monitoring and evaluation reports on the National Vision. The following teams will be working
under his supervision:
A. Advisory Team: An Advisory Group of Experts reporting to the President of the Republic
(the Supreme Political Council) and under his supervision. The AT shall provide consultations,
study and analysis of monitoring and evaluation reports, relevant documents and make ap-
propriate recommendations to the President of the Republic (The Supreme Political Council)
and follow-up action on the National Vision, and the AT should receive copies of the reports
and information it needs to provide consultations at various levels concerned with implemen-
tation, monitoring, and evaluation.
B. The Comprehensive National Reconciliation and Political Settlement Team: Reports to
the President of the Republic (the Supreme Political Council). In view of the specificity of its
functions, the team is concerned with various aspects related to the implementation of the
objectives of the overall national reconciliation and political settlement theme.
C. The Technical Monitoring and Evaluation Team: Under the Office of the Presidency of the
Republic, which is composed from the competent departments of the Office of the Presiden-
cy and the relevant entities concerned with monitoring and evaluation of the implementation
of the National Vision.
2. Supreme Government National Vision Steering Committee: It is the highest supervisory
framework at the governmental level to manage the implementation of the National Vision,
chaired by the Prime Minister, and with the membership of the Deputy Prime Ministers and a
number of relevant ministers, as well as representatives of the private sector, political parties,
civil society and women, the Secretary-General of the Cabinet, and the Head of the Executive
Office of the National Vision.
3. Ministerial Sectoral Committees: These are the Committees emanating from the Cabinet,
which shall assume supervisory and coordinating roles within the framework of implementing
the National Vision, as determined by the executive mechanism of the National Vision.
4. Executive Office of Managing the National Vision: It is the technical body to manage the
implementation of the National Vision in the Government, operates under the supervision of
the Supreme Government National Vision Steering Committee and is formed from a group of
competent administrative personnel selected according to accurate criteria of selection and as-
signment from various ministries and relevant authorities.
5. The executive units in the supreme authorities, entities and organs: they are the officials and
specialists in the authorities and under the supervision of the head of the respective entity, and
are concerned with the process of planning and implementation with respect to the entity
within the framework of National Vision.
6. The executive units of National Vision at the level of the entities: they are officials and special-
ists in the entities and under the supervision of the head of the authority, and are concerned
with the process of planning and implementation in relation to the authority within the frame-
work of National Vision.
7. The Coordination Unit at the Ministry of Local Administration: it is formed from the officials
and specialists within the Ministry under the supervision of the Minister to manage, guide and
coordinate the planning and implementation processes at the local level.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

B-Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism:

The National Vision for building the Modern Yemeni State gives great importance to estab-
lishing a qualitative and effective
- Monitoring
mechanism for monitoring and and evaluation - Evaluation tools
evaluating the course of action for mechanisms to be
its implementation. So there will
be more than one mechanism on
this side, starting with the crea-
tion of a Monitoring and Evalua- - Types of
- Types of
tion Technical Unit for monitoring monitoring,
to perform
work in the
and evaluation, which will report follow-up, and
evaluation reports
to the Office of the President of of vision

the Republic. The team shall work

through activating the roles of the
concerned entities of monitoring
to achieve independent external - Types of inTypes -Types of
oversight. The team also moni- of indicators indicators
needed for the necessary for
tors and examines the results and evaluation process the evaluation
implications of implementation to process

know the trends of public opinion

about the public satisfaction of so-
ciety regarding the achievement of the National Vision, a part of which will be attributed to
civil society, media and study centers.

1. Objectives of monitoring and evaluation to implement the National


Ensure consistency of operational plans

with National Vision, goals and objectives.

Ensure the flow of data and information

necessary to know the progress of the
implementation of the National Vision through
an effective database.
Make sure the process to implement the National
Vision is going as planned.

To know how much progress is being made in the different

themes of the National Vision.

Measure the results and impact of the implementation of

the initiatives.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

2. Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to be pursued:

A.To form a technical unit following the Office of the President of the Republic to carry
out the following:
• Ensure that executive plans at the sectoral level and with institutional teams are
consistent with the National Vision goals and strategic objectives.
• Apply an integrated electronic system of National Vision data and use it in follow-
ing-up, monitoring, and evaluation.
• Review and analysis of data, indicators and reports received from the executive
• Review the overall policies in order to achieve the compatibility of these policies
or to develop policies to fill the existing gap.
• Preparing technical reports on following-up the implementation processes and
submit them to the President of the Republic (Supreme Political Council) and his
advisory team.
B. Monitoring and evaluation through the relevant regulatory bodies: activating the role
of oversight bodies such as the House of Representatives, the Central Organization
for Control and Auditing, the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Supreme Com-
mittee for the supervision of tenders and bids in the performance control of the im-
plementation of the vision and its outputs.
C. Monitoring and Community assessment (media-civil society): Empowering civil soci-
ety to monitor and evaluate the level of implementation of the vision and interact with
the results of those evaluations and summaries of the publication of the results of its
evaluations via the website of the vision.
D. Citizen oversight: Through the use of the hotline, the website of the vision and its
social pages and the communication of the opinion of citizens by various means to
the concerned.

3. Types of monitoring and evaluation reports:

A.Periodic Monitoring Report at least every two months for each theme on the tasks
B. At least quarterly periodic reports varied in light of the different levels of monitoring
and evaluation that include:
• A report on the consistency of objectives and programs with the executive plans
with the National Vision, goals and objectives.
• A report on progress in implementing programs, executive plans and implementa-
tion constraints.
• A report on the progress achieved in reaching the targets (monitored results) at
the goals level.
• Quarterly reports on the evaluation of the results of the work in each program and
the extent of society satisfaction and proposed treatments.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

4. Types of indicators needed for the evaluation process:

To ensure effective results and a good assessment, the National Vision has adopted a
specific structure of indicators on the basis of which the assessment process is carried
out and the extent to which the goals and objectives of the National Vision are achieved;
therefore, the structure of the National Vision indicators includes the following:
A. General indicators of National Vision: a package of aggregate indicators and com-
parative international indicators to place Yemen in a range of different international
B. Goals› indicators: These are the indicators that measure the achievement of the stra-
tegic objectives of the National Vision and each goal indicator or more by measuring
the level of implementation of the goal and can be fragmented through indicators of
progress or through indicators of translated initiatives.
C. Indicators of Initiatives: Measurement indicators of National Vision achievement are
developed that translate strategic objectives.
D. Implementation performance indicators: they are the financial and procedural indica-
tors that reflect the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the Nation-
al Vision and measure the progress of the actors in the performance of their tasks and
the progress of the implementation process at the overall, theme and institutional
levels, as well as the measurement of the level of expenditure and its relationship to
the extent of achievement, and finally measure the satisfaction of the Society and the
targets of the results achieved, the technical office in coordination with the Executive
Office of National Vision develop and improve these indicators in accordance with
the implementation phases of the National Vision.
5. Types of performance evaluation to use in the implementation of
National Vision:

Assessment of indicators: by knowing the level of achievement reached for the

targeted indicators.

Performance evaluation (administrative, technical, financial): The performance

appraisal reports should cover three dimensions: the administrative dimension of the
National Vision processes and their level of achievement, the evaluation of technical
aspects according to the specificity of each sector, the financial evaluation in terms of
the efficiency of the expenditure and the usefulness of any expenditure on objectives,
initiative, program or project. Thus relying on financial performance indicators.

Evaluation of results: pre-positioning of pre-targeted results in specific operational

plans of action with tracking of any other results not taken into account, and then
evaluation according to those results

Impact Assessment: The importance of tracking impact in the evaluation and not
only the evaluation of results and outcomes, but also knowledge of the effects of the
National Vision and its implications on the citizen and Society and the performance
of the State in its positive and negative dimensions over time.

Society Satisfaction Assessment: focus on measuring the society›s satisfaction with

the results of the implementation of the National Vision in different areas by involving
the society concerned (the beneficiaries in the society) in each area.

A hand to protect and a hand to build

6.Evaluation tools:
A. Desktop Assessment Tools (model Technical Evaluation reports): Standard Desk-
top assessment models will be applied based on performance reports from the pro-
gram constituencies and, in general, those models will be applied wherever possible
through the use of the National Vision database, which will report Regular monitoring
and evaluation.
B. Field assessment tools (questionnaires, field visits, interviews, focus groups): It
is important to diversify control and field assessment methods by adopting codified
methods and applying them accurately to produce realistic evaluation results, the
most important of which are: questionnaires, field visits, interviews, focus groups.


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