1 Brahma Purana
1 Brahma Purana
1 Brahma Purana
1 Lord Brahma
This chapter contains 9 sections:
all the four Yugas). Vedas also teach us that everything is destructible, only the truth can
not be destroyed. Hence in the carnation of destructible body, never forget the
indestructible, eternal, almighty Paramatma because every other thing in the world is
bound to be destroyed one day.
2 Goddess Sarasvati
This chapter contains 3 sections:
their bruteness, knowledge of literature and music is must for them. Hence, Goddess Saraswati is
shown with a book and Veena the symbols of literature and music respectively.
3 Lord Vishnu
This chapter contains 11 sections:
Despite having all kinds of wealth and luxuries people are devoid of peace. Hence, all the worshippers
who want peace, must first reflect the peaceful appearance of Lord Vishnu.
3.6 Why does Vishnu stay in the Sea of Milk?
Before attempting to solve the problems, let us first give a thought to the oceans also. All the oceans,
as we know are huge bodies of Saline water. How is then the sea of milk? A couplet of Chanakyaneeti
explains it thus :
Meaning: If God Hari Vishnu is known as VISHVAMBHAR (feeder of the world) I need not worry for
anything in the world. If he were not there, where the milk would come from in the breast of a mother
before child's birth. So God filled the breast of a new mother with complete food that is milk.
It is clear from the above example that Lord Vishnu assumes different forms just to feed all the
creatures in the world, of these different forms of the God, the milk is one. Acording to another
principle of scriptures, God is present in every grain. Hence he is also present in the milk also. It is
also the supreme duty of the humankind to maintain the original pure form of the milk, because the
milk is prone to damage quickly. Similarily, all these desirious of Salvation, must follow Vaishnava
religion, otherwise any deviation in it may damage all of their penance.
4 Goddess Laxmi
This chapter contains 3 sections:
4.1 Why Goddess Laxmi presses the feet of God?
Goddess Lakshmi presents an example of an ideal spouse before the world.The supreme duty of a
woman is described in the service of her husband. Second aspect of the message is for the people
who want to get rich, that if they want the wealth, they must develop a devotion for the feet of
Narayana, for Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth) is to be found there and no where else.
It also implies that at places where black-money is main, Lakshmi rides an owl. Such a wealth can't
be put in the service of nation, people religion etc, or in any worthy task, instead it is squandered in
abhorant deeds. Since owl is a bird that sees in the darkness alone, and darkness sumbolizes
ignorance. Because of ignorance, money is generated in wrong ways and spent in wrong deeds. Thus
owl is a symbol of black money and misdeeds.