Component Creation: Quartus Tool Tip: Answer

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University of Florida EEL 3701 Drs. Eric M.

Schwartz & Karl Gugel

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 11-Mar-10
Page 1/2 Revision 0

Component Creation: Quartus Tool Tip

Question: How do I create a component from a previously designed schematic (BDF file), so that I
can place it into a new schematic (BDF file)?
Answer: After successfully compiling the project, select the graphics editor window (BDF file) and
then choose File | Create / Update | Create Symbol Files for Current File. This will
create a file with the extension bsf in the same directory. This symbol can now be used in
a new schematic.

Question: How do I create a component from previously designed VHDL code, so that I can place it
into a new schematic (BDF file)?
Answer: After successfully compiling the project, select the VHDL file and then choose
File | Create / Update | Create Symbol Files for Current File. This will create a file with
the extension bsf in the same folder. This symbol can now be used in a new schematic.
The below example will demonstrate the technique.

We would like to create a graphical component out of the MUX_41a VHDL code shown below
(MUX41a.vhd) and use it graphically in another design. (Alternatively, you could create this same
MUX with several ANDs, ORs and NOTs using schematic entry in a BDF file.)

University of Florida EEL 3701 Drs. Eric M. Schwartz & Karl Gugel
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 11-Mar-10
Page 2/2 Revision 0

Component Creation: Quartus Tool Tip

The steps to create a graphical component for MUX_41a.vhd (or a bdf file):
1. In Quartus, create a new project called LabX. I made
the project LabX in folder comp_creation (for
component creation). Create a vhd (or bdf file)
calledMUX_41a.vhd. Set this file as your “Top-Level
Entity”, i.e., Project | Set as Top-Level Entity) and then
2. After compilation, select the design file
(MUX_41a.vhd). Create a new symbol as by selecting
File | Create / Update | Create Symbol Files for
Current File. A symbol file (MUX_41a.bsf) has been
created in that same folder.
3. Create a new schematic entry (bdf) file in the same
folder. This is the file in which you want to place your
newly created VHDL (or schematic entry) component
symbol. Now double-click the left mouse button to
enter a symbol and select the symbol you just created
(MUX_41a), as shown in this figure. Save this
schematic entry file as Labx.bdf.
4. You should see the symbol that you have created from
your VHDL file now on your schematic. It is
illustrated in the figure below.
5. You can now add wires & I/O to the input
and output ports of the component as you would any
other component selected out of Altera’s libraries,
as shown in the figure below.

University of Florida EEL 3701 Drs. Eric M. Schwartz & Karl Gugel
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 11-Mar-10
Page 3/2 Revision 0

Component Creation: Quartus Tool Tip

Special Note: It is best not to name the VHDL component and BDF file the same name. Use different
names for each.

Example application:
The logic equations for an ASM controller can be easily specified using VHDL (much easier than
graphically entering the gates in a bdf schematic entry file). More importantly, they can be changed
easily during the debugging phase without having to redraw and connect the gates every time. Using the
graphical symbol, the equations can then be integrated with the rest of the ASM.

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