Assignments 1

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Core Java Assignments

Java Basics
Objective: At the end of the assignments, participants will be able to create classes and
write programs using objects, arrays, command-line arguments, Strings.

Java - Class, Object and Methods using Conditional statements and Loops

Estimated time: 1.5 Hour

1. Write a program to list all even numbers less than or equal to the number n. Take
the value of n as input from user.
2. Define a class Rectangle with its length and breadth.

Provide appropriate constructor(s), which gives facilty of constructing rectangle

object with default values of length pf breadth as 0 or passing value of length and
breadth externally to constructor.

Provide appropriate accessor & mutator methods to Rectangle class.

Provide methods to calculate area & to display all information of Rectangle.

Design different class TestRectangle class in separate source file, which will
contain main function. From this main function, create 5 Rectangle objects by
taking all necessary information from the user.

3. Create a class Book which describes its Book_title and Book_price. Use getter
and setter methods to get & set the Books description.

Implement createBooks and showBooks methods to create n objects of Book in an

array. Display the books along with its description as follows:-

Book Title Price

Java Programming Rs.350.50
Let Us C Rs.200.00

Note: createBooks & showBooks should not be member functions of Book class.

4. Modify the program which is created in assignment 2 as follows

The class has attributes length and width, each of which defaults to 1. It should
have member functions that calculate the perimeter and area of the rectangle. It
should have set and get functions for both length and width. The set functions
should verify that length and width are each floating-point numbers larger than
0.0 and less than 20.0

5. Create a class Date for manipulating dates. Provide a constructor that enables an
object of this class to be initialized when it is declared (You can select any default
values for the day, month & year, e.g. your birth date). Provide the necessary
functionality to perform error checking on the initializer values for data members
day, month, and year. Also, provide a member function to add an integer in a date
to obtain a new date.

Design separate class Employee which will have following information.

Employee Number Number

Employee Name Text

Joining Date Date

Provide appropriate constructor(s) & methods to this class. Provide main function
which will create 5 objects of Employee class.

Estimated time: 1.5 Hour

6. Write a program that takes a String through Command Line argument and display
the length of the string. Also display the string into uppercase and check whether
it is a palindrome or not. (Refer Java API Documentation)
7. Write a program that accepts two numbers from the Command Line and prints
them out. Then use a for loop to print the next 13 numbers in the sequence where
each number is the sum of the previous two. For example:

input> java prob2 1 3

output> 1 3 4 7 11 18 29 47 76 123 322 521 843 1364

8. Write a program that accepts two numbers in the range from 1 to 40 from the
Command Line. It then compares these numbers against a single dimension array
of five integer elements ranging in value from 1 to 40. The program displays the
message BINGO if the two inputted values are found in the array element. For

input>java prob3 3 29
output>Your first number was 3
Your second number was 29
Its Bingo! // this message if 3 and 29 is found in the array
Not Found! // this message if 3 and 29 is not found in the
The array was 7 25 5 19 30

9. Write a program that allows you to create an integer array of 18 elements with the
following values: int A[]={3,2,4,5,6,4,5,7,3,2,3,4,7,1,2,0,0,0}. The program
computes the sum of element 0 to 14 and stores it at element 15, computes the
average and stores it at element 16 and identifies the smallest value from the array
and stores it at element 17.

Passing objects to methods

Estimated time: 1 Hour

10. Create a class Matrix. Internal representation of this class will be a two
dimensional array of size 10 by 10. In addition, the class should have following
data members and member functions:

Data members:-
int rows
int columns
Constructors -
The default constructor
Matrix() - This should set each of the array element to zero.

Overloaded constructor
Matrix(int, int) - This constructor should call the default constructor first. It
should then assign the value of first parameter to variable rows,
and the value of the second parameter to variable columns. You
can assume that the values of both the parameters will be less
than or equal to 10.

Member functions -
void setElement(int r, int c, int value) - This function should set the array
element at row r and column c to the value val. This assignment
should be done only if val is positive r and c are valid else the
element should be set to zero.

Matrix transpose () – This function should transpose the matrix. Transpose of a

matrix is another matrix where the elements in rows of the
first matrix become elements of the corresponding columns
in the new matrix.

Provide a function to print a Matrix object.

10.Create a class called complex for performing arithmetic operations with complex
numbers. Use floating point variables to represent the private data of the class.
Provide a default constructor that initializes the object with some default values.
Provide public member functions for each of the following

 Addition of two complex numbers: It returns the result obtained by adding

the respective real parts and the imaginary parts of the two complex numbers.

 Subtraction of two complex numbers: It returns the result obtained by

subtracting the respective real parts and the imaginary parts of the two
complex numbers.

 display() – It displays the complex number in a+bi format.

The output should be displayed as follows:-

Sum of a1+b1 i & a2+b2 i is : a3+b3 i

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