Curriculum Review - Principles

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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

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(Amalgamation of MUST

Curriculum Review
The Guiding Principles
Ruth G. Cabahug, DTE
Chancellor, USTP CDO
November 13, 2017
Malberry Suites
The Guiding Principles
I. Contributions from and Collaboration
among Industries and Faculty Members
II. Evidence informed
III. Focus on Student Learning
IV. Program-level Perspective
V. Continuous Improvement
The Guiding Principles
I. Contributions from and Collaboration among Industries and
Faculty Members
Curriculum review is a collaborative examination of an
academic program for the purpose of optimizing the learning
outcomes of that program
Broad participation in the review will yield a more robust
review than if a single individual carries out the mapping and
review process
Participating in analyzing data and developing action plan foster
valuable discussions about curriculum and improving the
learning experience for students
The Guiding Principles

II. Evidence informed

Valuable data sources for any curriculum review include output
from curriculum maps, student data and enrollment statistics
Input from industries (employers feedback and competencies
PRC Performance; Performance in Academic Competitions, etc
Instructor surveys/feedback or focus group discussions
Feedback from alumni
The Guiding Principles

III. Focus on Student Learning

Curriculum reviews are a formative component of
the overall quality assurance strategy and are
focused on the continuing development of students
learning experiences.
Central purpose of the review is to enhance student
The Guiding Principles

IV. Program-level Perspective

Instead of looking at courses or subjects as discrete units of
instruction, curriculum review examines the program as a whole and
the learning experience of students throughout the program
Courses or subjects are examined in the context of how they
contribute to student learning over the duration of the program in
terms of: (1) sequence of courses or subjects; (2) scope of each course
or subject and how expectations of students build throughout the
program; (3) teaching and learning activities and student assessments
in each course or subject; and (4) how the diversity contributes to a
well rounded, valuable learning experience for students.
The Guiding Principles

V. Continuous Improvement
At the USTP CDO the curriculum review process is
proposed to be conducted every 5 years
The goal is to make the curriculum review part of
the normal practice of colleges and departments
with the end in view of enhancing the teaching and
learning process

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